Secret prediction fortune telling. Mysterious prediction

Any person at least once in his life dreamed of finding out what life had in store for him in the future. This is quite simple to justify logically, because if you know about upcoming problems, you can have time to prepare for them and there will be more opportunities to achieve success. Is it possible to predict fate? Sometimes it is very possible and necessary.

The easiest way to get a fortune prediction and find out what exactly awaits us next life's turn- tell fortunes. True, many people are quite skeptical about fortune telling (especially those online), they say this is not fortune telling, but either quackery or just child’s play. But it all depends on the attitude, the mood and the desire to think a little with your own mind: what exactly the fortune-telling instrument is telling you. He very often does not express himself directly.

In ancient times, people listened to fortune telling and believed in the forecast of fate much more willingly, but today, despite all technical progress, people began to fear everything inexplicable more than a few centuries ago.

But if you think and speculate a little again, you can understand that fortune telling is not a one hundred percent irrevocable prediction, because even if you already know your destiny, then in any case, a quarter of it consists of freedom of choice. This means that each person already holds a rather large percentage of his own life in his own hands. And from this point of view free fortune telling online seem less fatalistic.

Most often, predictions and fortune telling are used to determine what certain actions in a person’s life can lead to. It is clear that you should not scatter cards, toss a coin or swing a pendulum every time you go to the store to buy clothes or food.

But if you, for example, want to know what your future spouse will be like, or whether it is worth starting cooperation with a new business partner, or simply doubt whether it makes sense to make this or that major purchase, then free fortune telling will help. Some also turn to numerology, trying to predict fate by date of birth, but this is a topic for a separate conversation. The future can be revealed:

  • Tarot cards;
  • ordinary cards;
  • gypsy solitaire;
  • runes;
  • dice;
  • coin;
  • pendulum;
  • and many other fortune telling.

A few words about fortune telling on coffee grounds

Perhaps this is the most popular of all fortune-telling techniques, and one of the most ancient, allowing you to find out your destiny. The most surprising thing is that this technique does not give a 100% answer about what exactly you will get if you do something. But it gives you hints, tips and cheat sheets. If you learn to correctly guess from the coffee grounds, you can find out about changes long before they come, plus you will develop imagination and associative thinking, if you had any, but have not used them before.

So, what do you need for fortune telling with coffee grounds? Turk, coffee, a small special cup, or even better, a porcelain saucer. We won’t teach you how to make coffee; there are many wonderful recipes online for every taste, the main thing is that after such coffee there is grounds left at the bottom, that is, instant coffee is clearly not suitable.

If you are going to tell fortunes after drinking the drink in order to see your fate, then you should drink coffee without sugar, although some fortune tellers make a concession and add a cube/one spoon for taste.

The drinking procedure itself involves a process of pacification, relaxation, and a mood to receive clear and precise perception of signals. Finally, when only liquid grounds remain at the bottom, take the cup into left hand, shake it with several circular movements in the sun, and place the cup on the saucer, moving away from you.

You need to place the cup so that one edge of it rests on the bottom of the saucer, and the other on its edge. That is, the cup needs to be placed at an angle so that the grounds can drain and a pattern can be created on the saucer and walls. You should hold the cup in this state for about a minute, and then turn it over again with your left hand and read the picture.

Fortune telling using mirrors

Fortune telling by coffee is far from the only technique; you can also take mirrors of different sizes and place them opposite each other. For fortune telling itself, in addition to mirrors, you will need two candles that should illuminate the glass.

Most best option- this is when you hold a small mirror opposite a large wall mirror, illuminated by candlelight. As a result, a corridor should form in the wall mirror, all illuminated by lights. It will turn out very beautiful and mysterious.

Before starting the ritual, the fortuneteller should remove all animals from the room - cats, birds, dogs.

Everyone who will be present in the room except the fortuneteller (usually it is women who do this) must remain silent. At the end of the corridor of candles in large mirror, in theory, the one who the fortuneteller will subsequently marry should appear. Married women can see excerpts from their own future in the mirror, like in a movie. It really takes a long time to watch. And it’s not a fact that it’s the betrothed one who will actually appear in the mirrors. But even this option does not scare away potential predictors of the future.

Is there any point in predictions?

Having received a prediction, whether from coffee, from mirrors, from cards, solitaire, runes or hundreds of other fortune-telling, you will probably ask the question: what next? If the forecast was generally favorable, there is nothing to worry about: you are doing everything right, stick to your chosen strategy and continue.

If the prediction was ominous, there may be two likely scenarios. The first of them is more often realized in the lives of suspicious people who are easily suggestible. Having received an unfavorable prognosis, such a person will only wait for failure, and of course it will happen. How can we not remember the scientist who calculated the exact day of death using various methods. On the appointed day he felt great, there was no sign of trouble. The day passed, the scientist was alive and well. And a few minutes before midnight, he hanged himself in his office so that his destiny would come true.

The second option is more optimistic. A person interprets a prediction as a warning, changes something in his behavior, does not get into trouble, and ultimately does not allow the emergence of facts that could lead to the fulfillment of the forecast.

Which of these options is implemented depends entirely on you. Fate is changeable, the future is multivariate, like a picture in a kaleidoscope. And it is within your power to avoid any predicted danger.

Video: Fortune Telling

Do you believe in predictions, know how to guess and correctly interpret the signs of fate? You know real stories about predictions that came true? Write to us about it.

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My grandmother loved to tell me about her youth, and about life in general. One day before Christmas she told me how she and her girlfriends attended their betrothed on this holiday. At that time, we were told at school that there is no God, although my grandmother believed and read prayers at night. There was no church nearby, which she greatly regretted.

And so in the winter, just on Christmas Eve, I retold my grandmother’s story to my friends, and for the sake of laughter they decided to do it for themselves. We waited until my friend’s parents went to visit, put a mirror on the table, lit a candle and began to repeat the spells, albeit in my own words, since I didn’t remember well what my grandmother said.

The day before yesterday I buried my father. He was not sick for long, but he developed such a bouquet of illnesses that he suffered for the entire 10 days he spent in the hospital. Heart attack, pneumonia, acute kidney failure. As a result, he died in the arms of a doctor.

He died on Sunday, and on the night from Wednesday to Thursday at about five in the morning there was a strong knock on the window of the room where my mother was sleeping. Mom was not sleeping at that time, she heard the knocking clearly, but she did not go to the window and did not leave the house to look. She had heard before that sometimes death comes into the house and... So she crossed herself, prayed and stayed in bed.

I read on this site signs about wedding rings and I remembered this story.

At school, I sat with my friend at the same desk. Let's call her Raya. She was a fashionista, all her fingers were in rings. One day during class she began to cream her hands, having first removed all the rings. I became interested. I haven’t worn rings in my life, but here’s a whole collection. I chose one and pulled it on my finger to try it on. Suddenly Raya hisses, saying you can’t put on other people’s rings, you’ll take the fate of their owner for yourself. I apologized. She immediately took off the ring.

Time passes. We are standing in the hallway during recess when Raika suddenly announces that she is breaking up with her boyfriend. I'm shocked. She and her boyfriend had been together for 5 years, they planned to get married after graduation, and then this happened.

One day I decided to think about how a person can help himself. I had the same question. I thought about it and began to go through all the types of fortune telling - the methods that people have invented. Why, for example, did Vanga need a piece of sugar or eat, that they use salt for treatment. The answer is simple - they have special physical properties.

I am not a physicist, but I have an idea about the structure of a molecular lattice. Water, due to its properties, is still generally inaccessible to the understanding of scientists. So my point is that there is such a method available to everyone. You don’t need to go to anyone, you just need to drink coffee and all the information will be laid out to you. Your cup will contain everything you want to know. The problem is different - how to see the drawing and read it. And you can learn this if you want.

This is a very dangerous fortune telling for a person. It's so risky. It is believed that sensible people have long rejected such incomprehensible and dubious “phenomena” as predictions, fortune telling, omens, signs and everything related to magic.

Of course, this is not entirely true. Fortune telling is a kind of art that was widely developed in Ancient Greece, Rome, as well as Assyria, Babylon and Egypt. Today, in the 21st century, interest has not waned at all. IN modern man Skepticism and natural curiosity often struggle - “What will happen to me tomorrow?” “Foresight of the future should be based not on predictions and omens, but on wisdom,” said Marcus Tullius Cicero. Predicting a mysterious future is the desire of those who want to win victory over time. This is impossible. Time will never be under man's control.

New residents have recently arrived in our house. Everything is as usual for everyone, only dad, the head of the family, remains most of time working away from home.

They only live for two months, but they have a lot of worries. They have a very restless child. I can hear all the sounds through the wall, because... the walls are thin. I just can’t understand what could bother a nine-month-old girl so much. At this age, children, as a rule, love to play, exploring toys and the entire environment in general, crawling, sticking their noses everywhere, etc. Things are different for them.

For the first time I meet a child who is not interested in anything other than asking to be held, and even hiding under his arm. I watched and talked with my mother and grandmother a lot, only complaints from them that they didn’t want anything. She has everything - a bunch of toys, a walker, even a car to ride, but no, she just sits under her arm like a bundle. They tortured her, since she cannot even sit like a human being in her arms, like all children. He is capricious and whining constantly, and at night he is a nightmare. He wakes up every hour and cries.

It so happened that I lost my job, or rather I didn’t lose it, but left because it was impossible career growth. My search took a long time and, despite wonderful reviews and extensive experience, it was not easy to find something worthwhile.

The time came when no offers were received at all, and I was terribly desperate. It was so sad that I decided to take a walk and go to church. I prayed, thanking God for everything and regretting that I did not always remember his name in moments of joy or sadness. I was a little ashamed to realize that a person goes to church only when something bad happens or something doesn’t work out. I thought that I could not promise God to change or not sin, having found good job, but at the same time, if God gives me a sign to show his kindness, I will definitely do it.

Fortune telling on cards has been common practice for a long time. And it’s not surprising - with their help, the most accurate, fateful predictions are obtained. If you like to spend, choose different ones. In this case, you will never get bored of guessing, and the cards will tell the truth.

Eat interesting fortune telling on old solitaire, which at all times has been called mysterious and mysterious, because it allows you to reveal the secrets of even the distant future. It is interesting not so much for its layout as for its interpretation. If you use, then most likely such a broad interpretation will not work. So, let's move from reasoning to action.

What you need for solitaire

You need a deck of 32 cards. It is shuffled, after which a certain area of ​​interest is guessed, and three cards are pulled out. They are placed open on the table. Then we begin the interpretation.

Interpreter of the layout


  • Ace - in mature age you have to fall in love with young man which will bring a lot of suffering. But later you will give up love in favor of a cheerful society.
  • King - you prefer a quiet life, but your enemies, knowing this, will try to involve you in a dark matter.
  • Lady - get help from a respectable widow. She will dispel your doubts and misconceptions.
  • Jack - there will be great joy in the family, a loved one will return. Through the efforts of this person, two enemies can be reconciled.
  • Ten - you can undermine your health due to excessive caution. This will manifest itself in insufficient sleep and subsequent fatigue. Discretion will help you get out of trouble.
  • Nine – timidity, embarrassment prevents you from finding happiness. Be more enterprising, don't be afraid of problems. Luck won't keep you waiting then. At first it will be difficult in terms of money, but gradually everything will get better, as profitable cooperation will appear.
  • Eight - you are an insightful person, so you will easily be able to remove obstacles on the path to well-being; work will also contribute to this. The desired will be achieved within the next year.
  • Seven - you need to beware of a woman with black hair - sweet and friendly. There will be a lot of conversations with her. Your judgments will force her to change and guide her on the right path. And this woman will then help you get benefits.


  • Ace - you are experiencing troubles, in a constant desire to make money more money. In the coming year, everything will lead to prosperity, there will be no need, money will be in abundance. It is possible to receive an inheritance.
  • King - a person will appear who will announce the possibility of receiving an inheritance. The intrigues will begin, in the end you will be able to get yours, thanks to the help of experienced people.
  • Lady - unexpected help will come from a woman. She will advise you to do what should have been done a long time ago, but you were previously on the wrong path. You will become wiser, learn to accept life correctly.
  • Jack - there will be depression due to the departure of a loved one. But when he returns soon, he will make you happy and tell you about the trip. Because of the hardships he has endured, the love for him will only intensify.
  • Ten - you will get easy money and spend some of it recklessly. However, then you will understand that you don’t need to do this and invest your money in the right business. As a result, you will gain financial independence.
  • Nine - little money will come. You will help an ungrateful and embittered person who will forever change his attitude towards you. better side.
  • Eight - deeds will bring good luck, wishes will be fulfilled, a reasonable mind will benefit you.
  • Seven - a black-haired girl will bring problems. You will be more careful in the future. Your honesty and openness will bring respect and recognition over time.


  • Ace - a letter will come from a woman who will report difficulties. You will be concerned, you will help her, she will be grateful. As a result, this woman will become true friend.
  • King - meeting with a lady from a village or village. You will get what you were striving for, you will find happiness.
  • Lady - a woman can quarrel between you and people who are valuable and respected to you. Correct behavior will disprove you bad opinion, created by this lady. As a result, they will respect you and ignore her.
  • Jack - the return of close relatives. Your mood will rise, you will become happy man.
  • Ten - there is a trip to the countryside, an interesting business will arise there with a successful outcome. There will be difficulties at first, but diligence will bring success.
  • Nine - things are moving forward with difficulty, but there will be success. The plan you made was very successful. Whatever happens, don't give up what you started.
  • Eight - a middle-aged man with black hair will propose marriage to you. He has good character and good looks.
  • Seven - you love to deceive people of the opposite sex. And because of this you feel vanity. As a result, if you fall in love with a person who will take revenge for all those deceived, you will suffer.


  • Ace - you will seek pleasure in a cheerful company. At parties you will get involved in an intrigue that will remain in your memory forever. And also the attacker will cause you trouble, but you will forgive him.
  • King - an elderly man with light eyes and hair will help you in one matter. He will provide money to help solve the problem.
  • Lady - a young lady will do you a favor. You will be touched by the concern, you will begin to appreciate this girl.
  • Jack - you have to act as an assistant at the wedding. After which you will be very grateful. The newlyweds will become you best friends.
  • Ten - your best friend will offer a business that will be very profitable. However, ill-wishers will try to interfere. You will overcome obstacles.
  • Nine - you will be in a cheerful society where you will be amused. Meet a rich person who will give you a gift.
  • Eight - litigation awaits, the possibility of emerging victorious is small. They are trying to connect you with a person for whom you already feel sympathy.
  • Seven - a fair-haired girl will provide considerable help. By helping you, she will meet and marry a dark-haired man. This couple will be your best friends until old age.