Neck tattoos for women. Men's neck tattoos. Varieties

Neck tattoos undoubtedly look great on both men and girls. Women's tattoos with inscriptions on the neck look tender and romantic. Such tattoos carry a special meaning. Before choosing an inscription for your tattoo, you should determine exactly the phrase itself; if you want to make the inscription not in your native language, then you should find a person who will make you a high-quality translation. The last step will be the selection of a suitable tattoo parlor and the choice of a professional, experienced artist who will make your dream come true.

There are many reasons why you should choose your neck to bear the tattoo of your choice.
Firstly, you can easily hide tattoos on your neck with hair, which most girls have of medium length or even long.
Secondly, tattoos on the neck will add touching, romantic, and femininity to your image.
Such tattoos certainly attract attention, forcing passersby to pay attention to you.

Girls often get tattoos on their necks with a small image - stars, a cat, a bee, a butterfly. Tattoos with inscriptions are especially popular today. You must approach the choice of such a tattoo responsibly, clearly understanding the meaning of the tattoo. Any tattoo influences the life and destiny of a person, so the tattoo should reflect your inner world. Tattoos on the neck with inscriptions can be varied. Choose a caption that suits you, even if others will never understand what it means.

What themes do girls usually choose when choosing a tattoo with an inscription on their neck?
1. The most popular inscriptions are philosophical sayings written in a foreign language. The language for such an inscription can be absolutely any, but Latin, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese are especially popular. When choosing such an inscription, you should be careful, because without knowing its true translation, without being one hundred percent sure of the meaning of the tattoo, you risk getting a tattoo that is not the one you wanted.
2. Tattoos with names, nicknames, and nicknames are popular today. Girls usually choose their name or the name of their lover as a tattoo. It is also worth noting the popularity of names of relatives, for example, mother.
3. Also, many girls get memorial tattoos, inking the names of deceased loved ones. Such tattoos carry a special meaning; it is worth paying tribute to the people who decide to get such a tattoo.
4. Believers also often paint individual passages from sacred religious books. Many religions do not welcome such an expression of their faith, but people who apply such a tattoo are sure of the opposite.

Popular inscriptions for tattoos on the neck.
Of course, it’s worth giving an example of some particularly popular inscriptions that girls put on their necks as tattoos.
1. B Latin exists huge amount quotes that are firmly in fashion today. Such inscriptions look stylish, original, and attract attention.
Meliora spero – this inscription translates very simply as “I hope for the best.” Undoubtedly, it will suit many girls. Such an inscription will look neat on the neck, because it is miniature and laconic.
Citius, altius, fortius - this inscription is suitable for strong, athletic men and women who want to achieve high results in their activities. The translation is simply “Faster, higher, stronger.” In the same style is the phrase once uttered by Julius Caesar, “Veni, vidi vici”, it is translated as “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
Another inscription in Latin “Per aspera ad astra” sounds very beautiful, which is also translated laconically and beautifully – “Through thorns to the stars.”
There are many Latin inscriptions that will decorate a girl’s neck. If you want to choose an inscription that will not be too long, but will be short, concise and at the same time carry a certain philosophical meaning, then Latin inscriptions will suit you.
2. French lettering also looks beautiful and sounds great! Such inscriptions are also popular with girls, especially if you choose a beautiful French expression.
For example, here is the inscription “L’espoir fait vivre”, which translates as “Hope sustains life.”
Another popular phrase among girls is “Pour etre belle il faut souffrir,” or “Beauty requires sacrifice.”
3. Spanish inscriptions are always very romantic, most of them are about love. If you decide to dedicate your tattoo to your lover, then perhaps you will like the inscriptions of just such a plan.
“Eres la luz de mi sonrisa” - this inscription translates very beautifully - “you are the light of my smile.”

Tattoos with inscriptions on the neck look amazing on girls. If you want to choose a modest, stylish and beautiful tattoo, then tattoos with inscriptions on the neck will suit you!

One of the main traditions in the history of tattoos was drawings of names, slogans and mottos. The lettering style of these tattoos ranges from classic and traditional to creative and iconic. Choosing a script for a tattoo may not be an easy task. When choosing an image, you must be confident in the professionalism of the artist.

Lettering tattoos are a kind of creative direction in tattoo art, because it includes calligraphy and typography. For this reason, some craftsmen are more skilled in writing than others. It is also important to decide where exactly you would like to see the inscription on your body and find out the meaning if it is not written in your native language.

Beautiful tattoo lettering on the arm

Today, many people prefer to do. Girls are characterized by inscriptions on their wrists, hands and fingers. For guys - on inside arm or along its length next to the elbow.

Since in modern world English is international; most often the inscription is chosen in this language. Usually this famous quotes, which describe state of mind, phrases from a Shakespeare song or poem, a declaration of love or the name of a loved one.

Hand lettering is also one of the favorite options for paired tattoos. The most popular phrases:

  • English “Follow me * I’ll follow you” - Russian. "Follow me, I will follow you";
  • English “Together for the rest of our lives” - Russian. "Together until the end of our days";
  • English “One Life One Love” - russian. "One life, one love."

Popular tattoo lettering on the leg

Inscriptions that describe life aspirations, feelings, and something close to the soul are usually tattooed on the hands. But tattoos of inscriptions on the leg are no less popular. People who love dancing and the beach are usually inclined to make this choice. Places where you can have a good rest and have fun during the most fun time of the year. After all, it is in the summer that the legs are exposed to show.

Most often it is done on the ankle or closer to the fingers, and the inscription is carefully drawn out. After all, it is important to create an aesthetically beautiful tattoo to complement your summer outfit.

Many perform in the form of the title of a popular song. Being inspired by it and adding something of your own, you get a short and original inscription, complemented by an ideological sign, such as a feather or flying birds. Fans of the “indie” and “rock” cultures have tattoos of the name of their favorite band or artist on their legs.

Lettering tattoo on back and neck

Another good place for a tattoo is the neck and back. More often the inscription is placed on the back of the neck and between the shoulder blades. First of all, this is a convenient space for the master. Secondly, this is one of the places where the pain threshold is quite low.

Such tattoos look good on both guys and girls. When it comes to tattoos on the neck, girls win in this regard, as the inscriptions in this area emphasize attractiveness and femininity.

Among the male options, tattoos with inscriptions in Latin and English are popular:

  • lat. "Capio Omnia" - Russian. “I understand everything”;
  • English “Only God Can Judge Me” – Russian. "Only God can judge me";
  • English “Where words fail music speaks” - Russian. “Where there are no words, music speaks.”

Lettering tattoos on the stomach

Any tattoos on the stomach were considered ancient form art that has been present since time immemorial. Today, girls prefer to get inscription tattoos on their stomachs, as it looks sexy and attractive, especially if the girl is a belly dancer or looks good in a swimsuit.

If a man decides to get this type of tattoo, then the inscription is made large and applied in the lower abdomen. Girls choose a more elegant tattoo design near the navel or closer to the sides.

Men's tattoo lettering

Since men are rational individuals, they always look for meaning and explanation for their actions. The same law applies to tattoos. Regardless of age and chosen design style, men's tattoo lettering has always been something serious.

Favorite places for men to get tattoos:

  • forearm and shoulders;
  • back, shoulder blades;
  • breast;
  • hands.

Singers and actresses. The tattoo was made in 2011.

By the way, butterfly is a Greek word and means soul. The colorful insect is also associated with grace, freedom, lightness, and rebirth.

Among some peoples, a butterfly is considered a sign of luck and. However, the rainbow insect is far from the only option. neck tattoo.

Rihanna has it there, and Victoria Beckham has an inscription in Hebrew. About the meaning of them and others, in today's material.

The meaning of a tattoo on the neck

About the meaning neck tattoo says, first of all, the location of the picture. It characterizes a person.

If the image is in the back of the head, the person is introverted and focused on himself. Such people prefer to be closed to others.

Drawings are done more for oneself and loved ones than for the general public. Therefore, it is chosen back neck tattoo, which can be covered, for example, with hair.

Drawings on the front of the neck are rare. Such patterns are chosen by shocking personalities and extroverts.

This concept means people who are attuned to others, who are in dire need of society.

U neck tattoo meaning depends on what exactly is depicted. But, regardless of the picture, a person’s psychology is also revealed by the specific area allocated for the pattern.

A tattoo on the throat is a challenge, especially for women. Firstly, because the areas next to the face are traditionally considered masculine.

Secondly, because it is difficult to hide, especially if it continues on the chin or neckline.

The part of the neck is most often determined by the pattern by creative people, lovers of everything elegant and refined.

For singers, actors, and artists, a body pattern is a support for their image, while for a manager, a pattern can become an obstacle in their career and a reason for condemnation.

Darkening on the side plane visually lengthens the neck. Such an image is difficult to hide, so people choose it without prejudice.

Neck tattoos for men

Neck tattoos for men These are anatomical variations. Women choose them only in isolated cases.

By anatomical we mean drawings that copy the subcutaneous structure of a person. For example, the veins and arteries located underneath are drawn.

Often made into cuts. The master draws damage that reveals the internal systems of the body.

Such images look aggressive, intimidating, defiant, in the spirit of many representatives of the stronger sex.

Men of a calm, conservative disposition love meaningful ones. These include.

They reflect thoughts, not emotions. So, on David Beckham’s neck is written: “My woman belongs to me, and I belong to her.”

The message is written in Hebrew and is evidence of the football player’s views on the family and reflects his worldview.

By the way, on Victoria Beckham’s neck there is a similar one: “My man belongs to me, and I belong to my man.”

Representatives of the stronger sex often print patterns and other ethnic images.

They are aesthetic, and at the same time, the meaning is often understandable only to the bearer and a narrow circle of people who understand the culture of authentic tribes.

More often than women, men choose religious motifs, for example, and images of saints.

Neck tattoos for girls

Among girls neck tattoos photos only the last couple of decades. Before this, ladies did not place patterns on their necks, leaving this privilege to men.

The trend changed when androgyny came into fashion. This is the manifestation in one person of both masculine and feminine, and in equal measure.

The trend was introduced in the early 2000s by Hedi Slimane, a cult designer and photographer. The Frenchman was the creative director of "", which says a lot about the level of his skill. It was Slimane who created the close-fitting male silhouette in a suit.

Designers who filled the catwalks with androgynous models also offered neck designs for women.

For shows they were painted with ink or henna. But, away from the catwalks, the ladies quickly switched to permanent, indelible designs.

Now, Christina Aguilera, Mina Suvari, Britney Spears and others boast about them. Girls generally choose not aggressive symbols– butterflies, , .

Neck tattoo for girls They also often appear in the form of inscriptions, imitation.

Representatives of the fairer sex, unlike gentlemen, often resort to imitation themselves.

For this lady I use accessories made of thin fishing line woven into fancy patterns. called choker tattoo on neck.

Externally it resembles a collar. It stretches when put on, then contracts again, fitting tightly to the skin. The accessory looks like a pattern on the skin, not.

The most popular neck tattoo designs

Skulls, military paraphernalia, animals and mythical creatures open the top of the most popular sketches of men's underwear drawings.

Representatives of the stronger sex allow themselves larger-scale plots than women.

Men's tattoos on the neck today will surprise few people. They can be seen like famous people, movie stars, and ordinary guys. We will explain in this article why they choose this particular place for a drawing or inscription.

It is believed that people marked take on the role of host. It is difficult to say whether their owners know this. But it is quite possible to draw a conclusion about their courage and openness. After all, the attitude towards tattoos is still ambiguous in society, and many try to get them in places that are easy to hide (for example, on the back, arm, leg, and so on). For men, this is a kind of self-expression and making a statement about themselves to others. Depending on the image present on the neck, one can draw a conclusion about the character of its owner.


Men's neck tattoos (photos of which are presented in this article) can have absolutely any shape and meaning. More often you can find:

I would like to include in a separate group the phrases that men imprint on their necks. Since there is not much space on this part of the body, the inscriptions can be made in small font, but voluminous, or in medium font and small. They can be located both on the inside of the neck (in the Adam’s apple area) and on the outside. Sometimes men's neck tattoos continue lower, that is, on the chest, arm or back, as well as at the temple, in the ear area. What do representatives of the stronger sex prefer to write on themselves? In fact, it is the same as on other parts of the body, such as the back. These can be your own phrases and sayings, which have become some kind of quotes from your favorite and memorable literary works, expressions of a loved one and loved one, his name or date of birth. Inscriptions indicating that the man served in the army or special forces are also popular. In memory of this, representatives of the stronger sex indicate on their necks the period of service, the name of the unit, the name of the troops, and so on. And don’t be surprised if the inscription is not in Russian. After all, sometimes something secret and intimate is hidden in it, and everyone doesn’t need to know it.

Men's neck tattoos are a universal way to express yourself in modern society, show others your importance and your vision of personality. People with tattoos are not always fully understood, but this does not stop them; on the contrary, it even encourages them. Making a drawing or an inscription in a visible place is a desperate and courageous act, even for the stronger sex.