The witcher 3 how to defeat the evil witch. Completing the quest a long time ago - blood and wine

1. Go to the children's room.
Run to the mark on the radar.

2. Search the children's room and understand what happened to Sianna.
Upon entering the room, take and read the red book. There will be notes from Isabelle de Roquefort, the court governess from the time when the sisters were children. After reading this book, it will become clear that Syanna is in an illusion and Geralt needs to find a way to get there.

3. Find the “Land of a Thousand Tales”.
To get into a fairy tale, you need to find the book “The Land of a Thousand Tales” and read the spell. The book lies in the closet, and the key to it is on the wall behind the picture.

4. Walk along the yellow brick road.
Once in the illusion, run along the path until you meet Syanna and the evil witch. Sianna is her own in this tale, and therefore the local inhabitants will not attack her. But Geralt is a stranger, so he will have to fight the witch.

5. Defeat the evil witch.
In this video I show how to defeat the evil witch. After the battle, Geralt and Syanna find out that in order to get out of the fairy tale they need to find three magic beans. The boy who constantly cries wolf-wolf might know where they are. Also at this moment you can ask Sianna about her fate - be sure to do this to get a good ending.

6. [Optional] Ride the white unicorn.
To complete the additional task, sit on the white unicorn, and Syanna will ride on the pink one.

7. Find Oska.
Oska not only constantly cries wolf-wolf, but in general always answers any question in the opposite way. When you ask him where the red bean is, he will say: “Surely no one swallowed it” - this means that the gray wolf from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” ate it. About the blue bean he will say: “I heard, it seems to be lying in an open field. And no one is guarding him, three times no one!” In fact, this bean is in the house of the three little pigs. About the yellow bean he will say “Hmm.. It’s somewhere very, well, just very deep. Almost completely underground!” In reality, it is located in Rapunzel's very tall house, which can be seen in the screenshot below.

8. Talk to the girl with the matches.
You won't find a bob from her, but you will need to buy a ribbon from her for Sianna. This is necessary for a good ending.

9. Visit Grandma's house.
You will find a wolf near your grandmother's house. He will say that he is here to play in a fairy tale, but Little Red Riding Hood lies at the bottom of the well. Together with the hunter. Sianna will say that she can play the role of a girl, but to do this, Geralt needs to catch a red riding hood from the bottom of the well.

10. Find Little Red Riding Hood.
Jump into the well, at the bottom there will be the thing you need.

11. Find a way to get out of the well.
Once you get ashore, a cutscene will begin in which Sianna will wear a hat outfit.

12. Defeat the Bad Wolf.
Now all that remains is to kill the wolf and take the red bean from his ripped open belly.

13. Go to the Three Little Pigs.
Approach the house and destroy it with the Aard sign.

14. Defeat the three little pigs.
Kill three level 47 pigs.

15. Search for the magic bean in the stone house.
The blue bean will be in a saucer on the table in the house.

16. Talk to Rapunzel.
Now you need to go up into the building, which is visible from almost anywhere in this illusion.

17. Defeat Rapunzel's ghost.
Upon entering the room where Rapunzel should be, you will see that she did not wait for the prince and hanged herself. Now Geralt will have to kill her spirit.

18. Search the tower.
You will find the last bean on the bed in Rapunzel's room. Now you can go down. Once you go down, you will again have the opportunity to ask about Syanna’s motives. Do this to get the good ending.

19. Plant magic beans.
The place where you need to plant the beans will be guarded by about 20 gnomes. Kill them and plant beans.

20. Defeat the giant.
There is one last test left before leaving the illusion. You must kill the giant.

21. Follow Syanna.
They fought the wolf, killed the witch, saved the goose from the robbers, let the piglets eat meat, defeated the spirit of Rapunzel - now you can rest. Here you will have the opportunity to sleep with Sianna. I took advantage of this opportunity.

22. Jump into the well.
Jumping into the well you will be teleported back to Beauclair, where Regis will be waiting for you. After a short cutscene, the next task will begin.

Next task.

Method No. 1

The very first and probably the most banal way is to simply burn the Witch. This method is popular among beginners, but we cannot say that it is only for them. There are situations when there is nothing suitable other than fire.
What to burn with? Doesn't matter. Both a Molotov and a canister will do. Particularly cunning players, having no fire, deliberately aggro the Witch and lead her into some fire nearby. A risky move, but the result is worth it.

Method No. 2

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to every Witch Inquisitor's favorite:

His Majesty shotgun. Perhaps the most important argument against this clawed pile of bones. What did he do to deserve such fame? It's very simple. The Shotgun allows you to kill the Witch with just one shot to the head. Applicable to both pump-action and automatic shotguns. The only difference is their speed. The auto shotgun is useful because it is automatic. If you didn’t manage to hit the head right away, you can send a few more bursts of shot, and then our friend will definitely go crazy. It's more difficult with a pump pump. Since there is no talk of any kind of automation here, you need to aim EXACTLY at the head. If it deviates even slightly from the trajectory, part of the shot goes into the neck, then the Witch will remain alive. On Expert this can lead to instant death, so be careful.
How to kill? Nothing complicated, just needs a little practice. To begin with, we come close to the Witch. It’s close, you can’t leave a single step between you. It is recommended to go in head-on, but you can also go in from behind (here it will be a little more difficult, because her head will be half a turn). And this is where opinions differ. Real masters don't wait for the witch to get up. They just sit down next to her and shoot her in the chin. But you need to remember that the boost only works in a head-to-head meeting. If you come from behind, you need to wait until she stands up to her full height, and only then shoot. In general, this can be applied from the front, but to each their own (as you are used to).

Method No. 3

This is also a fairly common method. Especially often used in versus. It happens that there are no shotguns, but there is a sniper rifle. How to be here? The thing is that a shot from a sniper can shock the Witch for some time if shot directly in the head. For about 5 seconds she will simply reel back, and these 5 seconds should not be lost under any circumstances. There are two ways:

The first is if the whole team has sniper rifles. In this case, everything is simpler than steamed turnips. One of the team shoots the Witch in the head. While she is staggering, the others join in and simply shoot her from afar. 4 snipers are powerful enough to prevent the Witch from waking up.

The second is if only one person has a sniper rifle. In this case, it is necessary for someone to have a melee weapon. The sniper also shoots in the head. The second one at this moment runs up and begins to kill the Witch according to the “Butt - Blow” principle, i.e. First we hit with the butt, and only then we attack. And so on until the end. Constant blows with the butt will not allow the Witch to wake up, and each melee attack removes about 250 HP (the Witch has 1000 HP in total). Considering that she also has a bullet in her forehead, the murder will not take much time.

In general, you can kill the Witch with a sniper rifle alone, just be careful about your accuracy. A couple of shots miss and you will have to help the others.

Method number 4

This method is not for everyday use, because... it is unique and everything depends on luck.
What's the point - the "Director" has a habit of making jokes sometimes. Spawns mobs in a shelter, a Tank on fire, etc. It also happens that the Witch sits right next to the abyss. It’s easy to guess that if you throw it there, the problem is solved. A sniper can also help here. But what if there is no sniper, no shotgun, or even fire? Balloon. Gas cylinder. Quite often in locations with abysses you can find gas cylinders (as if by chance, yeah). When meeting the Witch, we throw the balloon under our feet and explode it. The same concussion for a few seconds, but the main thing here is that the blast wave carries the Witch exactly to the abyss. Some, to celebrate, can throw a balloon right in front of the Witch, and then she will simply be carried back, and not into the abyss. As a result, a fresh cylinder and a first aid kit. Do you need it?
By the way, you can throw off tanks in the same way, but that's another story.


This guide is intended to help beginners who have not yet really gotten used to this wonderful cooperative shooter. If someone is bursting with generosity and kindness, you can correct it: what’s wrong, you can add or remove something. If you know anything else about the Inquisition of Witches, please comment. That's all. Thank you for your attention.

I firmly did not believe in the evil eye, damage, witches and other evil spirits until I was twenty-eight years old. Until a woman came to work in our department alone, completely harmless in appearance. One could even call her sweet, though with a stretch.

She worked for us for a year. During this period, each of us, four employees of one department, was faced with problems, one worse than the other. In addition to the fact that our bank almost went bankrupt, and we all suffered a little financially, our boss’s brother, a drug addict, hanged himself, Leonidovna’s son was seriously injured in an accident, Lenka’s mother was diagnosed with advanced intestinal cancer and there was no guarantee that she would survive. In general, the whole department cried one by one. And all this is accompanied by additional minor misfortunes like broken favorite cups or torn blouses, which our new employee managed to compliment.

Of course, my grandmother, who grew up in a remote Ukrainian village, told a lot of all sorts of folklore tales, but I attributed her stories to the paranoid schizophrenia from which she suffered. However, according to all the canons of grandmother's stories, our new arrival was looking like a titled witch - judging by the avalanche of troubles that happened to the people around her.

When asked about the reason for her dismissal from her previous job, she answered that there was a change in boss, who wanted to see in front of him not the “old schmuck,” as she called herself, but two young twenty-five-year-old beauties whom he took in her place. This would be true if, by chance, at one official event I had not met a woman who had just taken her place at her previous job. She was not a twenty-five-year-old beauty, but a “scumbag” older than ours. She hesitated about why her predecessor was fired and answered: “Because she brings nothing but misfortune. Our new boss is Latino and he believes in these things. As soon as I saw her, I started fiddling with my amulet and whispering, “She’s a bruja, she’s a bruja, fire her immediately!” So they fired her (officially for being late), but he didn’t go to work until she took all her things from the office. And he even performed a purification ceremony, as is customary among the indigenous Indians. His subordinates were already prepared to call the psychiatric hospital, if anything happened, but he turned out to be a normal person, after his appearance their office simply blossomed. (After his arrival or her departure? – I thought).

Soon our new employee herself confirmed that she brings troubles with her and knows how to stare and spoil everything that is in front of her eyes, when she told us over tea that her grandmother was a real witch: the whole village was afraid of her, and she caused damage and the evil eye with just one glance, and there was no need to whisper. She earned her living from this “gift”, and made a good profit from her craft. And when she died, the door and window shutters were “sealed”, and for several hours, while she howled there with a brutal voice and there was an incredible roar in the house, people could not enter her house. They couldn’t open the doors and windows, that’s all—they already wanted to dismantle the roof. And when the sounds died down, the doors were easily opened and they saw that all the furniture was overturned, and the witch was frozen in a painful pose between the wall and the oak cabinet, which four strong men barely put back in place. How could she move this cabinet herself?..

We, of course, asked why this grandmother was so cringed, to which the new employee replied: “It was the devils who came for her, so they chased her all over the hut until they shook the soul out of her and took her with them. And if the grandmother was smart, then in order to die peacefully, she had to find a successor in advance and pass on her gift to her. It’s a pity I wasn’t around: now I’d be working as a fortune teller instead of drinking tea with you here. I received only part of her gift from my grandmother by genes.” It is not surprising that after this tea party we each had diarrhea. Except for her, of course.

Then I started having little troubles: one day I brought a photograph of my child to the office, and she, taking it in her hands, suddenly said: “Oh, your apartment is okay: it’s poor, but tasteful. I especially like the chandelier!” I smiled: I always smile, even if they say bad things to me, it’s just easier for me when I smile. (As I later found out, the best way to prevent damage or the evil eye is not to roll around in your pocket, and to sincerely smile in the face of your enemy, and then he will get his negativity).

I returned home that day, and in the room, the photograph of which our malicious employee was looking at, there was a smell of sulfur. Just like in medieval treatises: before the devil appears, there is always first
It smells like sulfur. Well, I sniffed everything I could. My husband came and also started sniffing the sockets, the TV, the computer, the walls where the wiring was located - nothing! And the smell in the middle of the room intensifies, and it’s unclear what to do with it! And then suddenly that same “chandelier” that the employee liked went boom! It exploded right at the very base, and our entire white, newly repaired ceiling was covered with streaks of black soot!!! I stood at the switch - I immediately turned off the electricity, and my husband started jumping up and down in surprise and yelling, “They’ve jinxed us, they’ve jinxed us”! Later I asked why he got it, and he said that he didn’t remember saying those stupid words at all, and that I was making it all up.
Literally a day later, a malicious employee suddenly says to me, looking at how I dress to go out: “You’ll catch a cold, you’re not wearing a hat!” I say: “It’s the end of April, what kind of hat?” That same evening I came down with a runny nose.

It happened like this: she came up to me and suddenly began stroking my hair with her hand, saying how thick and beautiful it was. I smile again and say thank you (although I can’t stand it when people touch me unnecessarily). And then she says: “But if my grandmother did that, then all your hair would fall out within a week.” Well, here I actually laughed. And a week later, this “shmaga”’s hair began to come out in bunches. The whole office was covered with her hair, and a bald spot on the top of her head began to show through.

Finally, another strange circumstance simply shocked me. There was a yoga instructor hanging around our offices, a tea drinker, and half Persian. When he started telling us about the laws of the universe, we sent him away: the boss couldn’t stand such talk. And she was very happy that with the advent of a new employee, for some reason he stopped coming to us for tea altogether. On the contrary, I was very surprised. I met him once in the elevator and asked when to expect him to come to us. And he answered: “I won’t come to you anymore, you hired a witch for yourself. I don’t want to pollute my karma.” His words left me speechless for a while.
It was then that I realized that too many terrible things had happened in our department over the past year. And now it’s my turn, or what?.. It was not my plan for me or my loved ones to suffer. After all, even a lifeless chandelier was a pity.

Then I turned the entire Internet upside down and found out that the influence of a witch can be muffled by driving a nail into the doorway - right in the middle where a horseshoe is usually hung for good luck. And when the witch crosses the threshold, you need to give her a mental message: don’t stare, otherwise everything will come back to her. I laughed, but I took the hammer and nails with me to work. Knowing that a new employee is always late, I nevertheless arrived at work not at nine, but at eight in the morning. To drive the nail in properly without surprising anyone with noise.

I fiddled with the office door longer than usual: the lock was sticking more and more each time, and no amount of repairs could fix it. Our business manager Vasil Vasilich installed other locks twice, but within a few months they failed and also began to jam. Three times that year I ran to stamp keys for the entire department.

Having opened the door, without taking off my shoes, I grabbed a hammer, jumped up on a stool and began to quietly hammer a nail into the doorway, mentally saying: “This is for your boss’s brother, this is for Lenka’s mother, this is for Leonidovna’s son, and this is for my chandelier! And this is for all your sins!” With these words, I hear someone inserting a key into the lock to open the door. I’m shocked: it’s eight o’clock in the morning, who needs to break into the office at such an early hour??? Everyone is crawling towards half past ten with difficulty!!!

While someone behind the door is struggling with the jamming lock, I jump off the stool and cling to the nail with my sleeve. The nail falls to the floor and rolls away in an unknown direction. The sleeve is torn. In a state of shock due to the failure of my idea, I manage to hide the hammer in my bag, and then the door opens and... our witch steps across the threshold!

I don’t remember what I told her to justify why I came to work even earlier than she did - she also somehow vaguely tried to explain why on that day she wanted to start a new life without being late. I explained the sound of the hammer as a picture that supposedly fell from the wall, which I seemed to have nailed back with office scissors... My disappointment that the witch could not be restrained with a nail was impossible to describe. But I was determined to see it through to the end no matter what.

At lunchtime, everyone went to the dining room, and I was left alone in the office. She grabbed the hammer again and began nailing down her “charmed” nail, which she found on the floor. Once again I remembered our witch all her sins, and then decided to go to the end and exclaimed in her hearts: “It would be better if you died altogether! Then your family – your husband and son, whom you are torturing, would live like human beings!” After that, I sat down to wait for the witch to cross the threshold. Everyone came back from lunch, but she was gone and gone. It turns out that she decided to go outside for a walk - it will take another two hours. And my stomach is rumbling from hunger: I haven’t had lunch. Then I gave up on my idea and, together with my co-workers, accepted an invitation to go to a cafe and celebrate the birth of the granddaughter of an employee from a neighboring department.

We returned satisfied after a glass of wine, but the office door did not open! Everyone tries to open it with their own key, but it doesn’t work. “Has our new one still not returned from her walk?” - the boss buzzes angrily, - “if she thinks that she can come at eight in the morning and then sneak out of work in the middle of the day - she’s mistaken!!!” Then the door opened, and in the office... all the cabinets were moved, everything was turned upside down, as if a tornado had swept through... in the middle of a pile of papers, with a distorted face, our witch lies, eyes at the ceiling, foam at the mouth...

Well, that's it. The story was hard for me. It was as if she had confessed to murder.

Geralt decided to try to solve the problem with Detlaff peacefully. All that remains is to get out yourself and pull Siana out of the fairy-tale world, which was created especially for young princesses.

We look around the area and move along the path to the buildings visible in the distance.

We meet Siana, who is trying to open the oven and get Jack out with the magic beans. However, the evil witch is against this. She instantly jumps on her broom and begins to pour acidic poison from her cauldron onto Geralt. While the witch is in a soap bubble, she is invulnerable, however, when the boiler turns on, the bubble disappears and at that moment it is enough to hit Ardom and the witch will fall to the ground, in a few approaches we will knock out the beast.

We find out that the main exit from the fairy tale is closed, and the spare one lies in Jack’s magic beans, which are scattered throughout the land of fairy tales, which Anna Henrietta took care of. We go after Oska, a boy who always lies, he must know where the beans are. Along the way you will meet evil gnomes, because Geralt is an unwanted guest in this world.

We sit on the unicorn and ride to the place where Oska should be. Along the way, Siana will tell you a lot about her life.

We save Oska from the wolves, of course he is a liar, but you can also extract the truth from his words. 5 possible points appear on the map where you can get three magic beans, we go around them all.

1. In the cave with Masha and 3 bears
you won't find anything, but if you take a plate of food, bears will attack you.

2. Gray wolf is hiding something, but refuses to tell. You can play a fairy tale with him, but Shapka has been feeding fish for a long time, just like the worm hunter. But no problem.

We jump into the well and find the remains of the red riding hood, take the cape and swim out of the cave, on the opposite bank we see the Bremen Town Musicians, to whom you can climb, but they will not please you for long.

Then we start playing a fairy tale with the wolf, chop it into cabbage, and take the magic bean. At the same time we search his hut.

3. We go to the house of the 3 little pigs, we hit the house with Aard, it falls apart. We kill wild boars. The magic bean lies on a stand in the corner of the house.

4. Girl with matches. While communicating with a young huckster, Siana notices her magic ribbon, which should protect her from evil. You have a choice:
1. Buy/win Add a magic ribbon to the card for Siana.
2. Just leave.
Your choice will directly affect the ending of the game.
- took the ribbon, she saves Siana from being hit by Dettlaff and survives.
- they didn’t take it, Detlaff kills Siana. Geralt ends up in prison. The princess mourns her sister.

Additional task Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha... To activate it, look at the notice board, which is located opposite the girl with matches. There you will find a request for help from the goose that lays the golden eggs.

We go to the goose’s house, find traces of a struggle, as well as feathers exactly indicating the path to the goose. Let's follow the trail.

In the forest you will find a camp of bandits who put the geese in a cage so that she would lay eggs for them. Kill them, one of them will have the key to the cage with the goose.

In gratitude, Geralt will receive a weighty golden egg.

5. Rapunzel's Tower. We climb into the dilapidated tower, in the upper room you will find the hanged Rapunzel and her wild ghost, who yells: “What’s taking so long?” We kill the ghost and take the magic bean from the pillow on the bed. Let's return to Xiana.

We go to the field, cut out all the gnomes and plant magic beans.

The existence of witches was believed in ancient times. Basically, they were treated negatively and at some time they even announced a hunt for women flying on a broom. True witches receive their powers by inheritance. They can be both good and evil. To prevent the latter from harming or killing, you need to know the means of how to get rid of it. Many people believe that in the modern world there are a large number of women with magical powers.

How to kill a witch?

In general, there are two ways to get rid of witches:

  • deprive her of magical powers;
  • kill in any way, since the witch is a person.

There is also an opinion that if a witch did not have time to pass on her gift before her death, then her soul will not be able to leave the world and will suffer for a long time. In order to deprive her of her powers, it is necessary to destroy her amulets and other objects. It is worth taking away from the witch her magical animal, for example, a rat, an owl or a cat. You can defeat a witch using good forces, as this takes away her energy. In ancient times, representatives of dark forces were burned at the stake, because they believed that in this way, through torture, her powers would also disappear. Witches also had their heads cut off or their hearts torn out. The thing is that they can come to life over time and return to their magic.

To protect yourself from the negative influence of a witch, it is recommended to use special ones. It’s worth making them yourself on St. George’s Day. You can attach resin crosses to the door or scatter poppies around the house. It is recommended to sprinkle stables and other buildings with grains. Witches love poppy seeds and, while collecting seeds, forget about the need to harm. Another effective method of protection is to place an iron knife or just a piece of metal under the rug.

It will also be interesting to know what it means to defeat a witch in a dream. Such night vision is a positive sign, prophesying an improvement in life and getting rid of problems and adversity.