What was in the beginning. Gray cardinal

O F C Yu
Demigods and humans


Like other nations Ancient East, in India, myths about the origin of the world constitute the earliest layer. For centuries in different parts The huge peninsula pulsated and beat human thought in search of answers to the questions: where does all this splendor surrounding us come from; where are we from? Other peoples have thought about these questions, but in terms of the diversity and richness of their mythological solutions, India has no rivals.

In Indian myths about the origin of the world, two groups of legends are clearly distinguished: the actual creation of the world and the protection of the newborn world from monsters ready to devour it and plunge it into primordial chaos. At this second stage, the creator gods are replaced by the dragon-slaying gods, already familiar to us under other names from other mythologies.

In the beginning there was neither existence nor non-existence. There was no airspace, no sky above it. There was neither death nor immortality. There was no day and night. But there was something that breathed without disturbing the air. And there was nothing but him. The world was hidden in darkness. Everything was an indistinguishable abyss, a void generated by the power of heat. First came desire, the seed of thought. Then the gods appeared. But did they create the world? Where did this creation come from? Didn't it create itself? The one who oversees the world in a worn-out world may or may not know about this 1 ..

The waters arose before all other creations. They created fire. The Golden Egg was born within them by fire. It is unknown how many years it floated in the vast and* bottomless ocean. From the Golden embryo in the egg the Progenitor Brahma arose. He cracked the egg. The upper part of the shell became the sky, the lower part became the earth, and between them Brahma placed the air space. On the earth, floating among the waters, he determined the countries of the world, laid the beginning of time. This is how Universe 2 was created.

Looking around, Brahma saw that he was alone. And he became scared. Therefore, with the power of thought, he gave birth to six sons from his eyes, his mouth, his right and left ear, and from his nostrils. From them came gods, demons, people, birds and snakes, giants and monsters, priests and cows and many other creatures inhabiting all three worlds.

Having transferred power to the gods and demons, Brahma went to rest in the shade, under the branches of a mulberry tree 3. Brahma’s rest, his “day,” will last for billions of years until the “night of Brahma” comes and the world he created again becomes a huge mass of water, which will have to wait in the wings, the birth of a new world egg and the appearance of a new creator Brahma.

At first there was nothing living except the first man, the thousand-headed, thousand-eyed, thousand-legged giant Purusha. He lay there, covering the ground with his huge body, and still towered ten fingers above it. After all, Purusha is the universe that was and that will be. Such is its size and greatness. The gods approached Purusha, tied him up like an animal during a sacrifice, doused him with oil and divided him into parts 4 . His mouth became a brahmana 5 , his hands became a kshatriya 6 , his hips became a vaishya 7 , and from the soles of his feet a sudra 8 arose. The moon was born from his soul, from the eyes - the sun, from the lips - Indra and Agni, from the breath the wind was born, from the navel - the air space, from the head - the sky, from the feet - the soil, from the ear - the cardinal points. Thus the worlds arose from the first man.

1 This is the most early description the creation of the world, given in the Vedas, is at the same time the most abstract. No god or other is mentioned mythological character. The author of this hymn disclaims any firm judgment. Thus, the popular belief that abstractions are alien to primitive thinking is refuted by this text.

2 The idea of ​​a world egg from which the universe arose is inherent in many mythologies. Let us remember the Egyptian myth about the origin of the world from an egg laid by the “great Gogotun”. Hence the role of the egg in the burial rites of the Etruscans (on funeral frescoes the deceased was depicted with an egg in his hand), as well as the place of the egg in fertility festivals among the Eastern Slavs.

3 The mulberry tree under which Brahma rested is the world tree present in all cosmogonic myths, which occupied a central position in the world. In Chinese myth it is also a mulberry.

4 This passage from the Rigveda hymn shows that this option the creation of the world from the body of a cosmic giant is nothing more than a description human sacrifice the first man from whom all the constituent elements of the world arose. When sacrificed, the Purusha is dismembered into parts, from which elements of a cosmic and at the same time social organization arise.

5 Brahmins are priests.

6 Kshatriyas or Rajanyas are warriors.

7 Vaishyas are farmers, cattle breeders, traders.

8 Shudras are the lowest class in Indian society, engaged in unskilled labor.

9 The navel played a special place in other mythologies, being considered as the axis of the world or the central world mountain. The navel of Purusha is the navel of the earth. But none of the mythologies knows the emergence of the sky from this center.

They say that man's task is to serve God. Who's speaking? Yes, you can’t remember everyone. So it’s simple, they say.

Has anyone told you what God’s task is? And in general, what God does for a person, provided that the person did something for him. If you didn’t, we know what will happen, but in the opposite case? Although: even if a person is not grateful “for everything,” is God really so touchy?

After reading spiritual literature, you will not find explanations why God is needed. They talk a lot about why it was once needed or why it will be needed, but not a word about what use it is now.

Each religion gives its own interpretation of “everything that is”, based on a simple thesis: God is incomprehensible to the weak human mind. It is impossible to understand it completely, and if so, then there is no need to worry.

As one programmer friend said, God is a variable that is referred to when there is no exact data. Unknown quantity. Pandora's Box.

God - for most people, plays the role of a “roof”, which, if something happens, will “cover”, “cover up”, “protect”.

For example, do you know why you need to take care of parents and children? This is what God commanded, and if you do not obey, it will be bad for you.

Do you know why you need to be patient? Because God endured and commanded you. Compared to his worldly sorrow, all your life’s suffering is a mere trifle. Be patient, my child...

We, modern people, have moved far from the ancients in our worldview, but we have inherited part of their culture. God, for example, is an attitude, a variable to which many rules of our life refer. From such references, this variable becomes something that really exists, you just can’t touch it. So you don't have to touch it. Believe me and that's it. And if you don’t believe, he will get angry. (Elegantly, you will agree, explained).

The myth created by the ancients still lives in exactly the form in which they created it. The form is this - there is someone somewhere who controls everything. You have to be good, and then he will help. This myth is also present in your “head”. It’s not as bright as a hundred years ago, when hundreds of churches were built, but it’s still there.

Mythological consciousness, that is, thinking that operates with ideas about God, hell and heaven, is inherent in most, if not all, modern people. And here we come to a very simple idea: if something exists, then it is needed for some reason. Right? What is unnecessary would have disappeared long ago. An example of this is the gods Ancient Greece. There are no those who need them, so what? Where is Zeus? Where is Aphrodite? What are they doing now, I wonder?

So, describe your god as if you were describing a person. Tell us about his character. About how he treats you. What do you need to do to earn his favor? In general, figure out how your personal relationship with God works.

Here are some questions to help you:

1. What is he like, my God? How do I imagine him?
2. What does it do for me?
3. Why is he doing this?
4. Why is he doing this?
5. What do I do for him?
6. What do I do to make him treat me better?
7. How will I know how he feels about me?
8. How will I know whether I am living the right life or not from his point of view?
9. What in our interaction gives me strength? How do I become stronger when I have God?
10. How does this connection disempower me? Why do I become weaker when I have a god?

If you remove God, who will judge man? And let him judge and punish himself. That's the solution.
On " doomsday" Not god will come, and do not hope for this meeting (by the way, the more “terrible” the trial, the more you depend on all sorts of “intermediaries”: priests, pastors and other benefactors who hooked you...). You will judge and punish yourself. We already punish and judge ourselves every day. It turns out that there is no need to carry out the Last Judgment at any specific moment. He is always there. And there is no god on it, but its function is fulfilled.

And here another conclusion arises: if something (someone) performs his functions, does that mean he is a god? We need to find what (who) performs its functions. This will be God.
Is the hint clear? Not yet?

There are two ways to become a god:
1. Become an immortal work of art. It doesn't matter at all which one. (The Way of Art).
2. Become a rule of life for many people. (The ideological path).

God is an idea that directs interacting ideas from a certain level of the system (or the entire system). However, if there is no system, there will be no God.

So WHAT came in the beginning: God or the system (the universe, microbes, man)?

Parting words of Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy, professor, addressed to seminarians on the day of memory of St. Nestor the Chronicler, patron of the Kyiv theological schools.

– The Gospel of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian begins with the phrase: “In the beginning was the Word...” This is known to almost every more or less educated person. But what Word are we talking about?

The Evangelist John calls the Word of the Son of God, the Second Person Holy Trinity, that is, brought to life, Bringer of Light and the Truth of the God-Man.

Originally in ancient Greek this passage The word Logos sounds three times: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

The Greek word logos means not only "word" in direct meaning, but also “thought”, “mind”, as well as “basis”, “statement”, “understanding”, “meaning”, “evidence”.

The word Logos occupied a special place in ancient philosophy, which was widespread and popular at the time. Evangelist John, apparently taking into account the then fashion for the teachings of the Stoics in the educated community, used the word Logos, which personified the incomprehensible world mind.

Key words

The Holy Apostle Paul teaches us: “...Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

Consequently, reading and studying Scripture should become the main occupation of a Christian, especially seminarians and future clergy.

The greatest gain is to let the Word of God pass through your life, to let it in at every moment. It is important that the words of the Gospel are not a phantasmagoria or a fairy tale, but an embodied reality.

The Lord expects from each of us the main words that transform this world - words of truth and love, justice and compassion, mercy and hope. The future and history depend on our words. We form them with spoken words, fill life with meaning or make it meaningless.

You need to learn to watch your words. Avoid words that destroy your soul and the fragile peace of your loved ones, learn to control your thoughts and statements, measure them with what is said in the Gospel. Let the word Holy Scripture will become your golden measure, your barometer and conscience.

Remember that it is to you from the pages of the Bible that the Lord Himself turns, it is to you that He tells His parables, it is to you that He speaks and awaits the response of your soul and call.

Any word must be supported by deeds. If we speak beautiful and competent words, but they do not reflect our own life, then we will not bring any benefit to ourselves or others.

No one will believe such shepherds.

“We must first learn to control ourselves to those who want to control others, to correct ourselves to those who want to correct others, to teach ourselves to those who want to teach others,” teaches St. Tikhon of Zadonsk.

The Lord will give the strength that is so necessary for everyone who wants to recreate the image of God in themselves, accept the Word and bring It to life.

Do you have today unique opportunity become participants in a genuine spiritual education. It is to you today that the words of the Holy Scripture are addressed: “Apply your heart to learning and your ears to clever words” (Prov. 23:12).

Let us pray to St. Nestor the Chronicler, patron and defender of our Kyiv theological schools, that through his prayers the Almighty will give you the strength to carry His Word and strengthen yourself in Him.

Recorded by Natalya Goroshkova

Returning home and going to work, I realized that I would have to give up university. Almost everyone who met me asked the same questions. Including students. Popularity, it turns out, is a very difficult thing.

I agreed with the head of the department that I would only appear at the university to sign protocols for the defense of diploma projects and master’s theses. I have already read my lecture course. To all the students who went to class, and after information about my abduction spread through all Ukrainian channels, all the students came. I gave them “deserved” grades and never met with them again.

I have come to the conclusion that it is time to retire. I informed management of my decision. The management was not very pleased and suggested that if I change my mind before starting a new academic year, then I will always be accepted to my previous position.
In the second half of June, my son came to me and suggested that the whole family go on vacation to Sharm El-Sheikh. I didn't mind. Only my wife was against it. She said that such a drastic climate change was not good for her health. But she had no objections to me going.

Instead of his mother, the son invited his mother-in-law on the trip. So, the five of us flew to Sharm El-Sheikh. We stayed at the Reef Oasis Hotel. My mother-in-law stayed in a separate room with her grandson, my son shared a room with his wife, and I stayed in a separate room all alone.

At six in the morning I was already at sea. At half past seven my relatives arrived and we went to breakfast. Everything was included. True, the alcoholic drinks included were locally produced, warm and disgusting in taste. But we came here not to drink, but to relax.

I was one of the first to arrive at the beach. Then the Italians appeared. Many Italians vacationed in this hotel. We greeted each other. I already knew Italian.
On the fifth day, arriving at the beach, I saw unknown man, which is located near the entrance to the beach. I walked further, closer to the pontoon bridge. It was possible to swim normally only with it. From the shore to the corals, the depth was waist-deep, and only during high tide.

The man came up to me.
- Good morning, Mister Dallan. My name is Peter Sergeevich. I represent the interests of the Black Stream organization.
I should have gotten used to the various surprises that happen to me by now. But I didn't expect this. I was silent for a while, collecting my thoughts.
- As far as I know, the code name “Black Stream” was invented by the CIA and is especially secret.

Absolutely right. But there are our people there and they told us about it. We decided not to change it. The point is not in the name, but in the goal we want to achieve.
- And what is your goal? - I asked.
- We do not strive for world domination. As the CIA suggests. We are not going to interfere in the internal affairs of states. It is important for us that governments agree to certain economic cooperation with representatives of our organization. Naturally, on mutually beneficial terms.

If necessary, we will invest in the economies of countries and develop certain sectors in industry and agriculture.
- In other words, to live under your dictation.
- Well, at least that way. What's wrong with that if it benefits the country and its people.
While we were talking, people began to arrive on the beach. Italian acquaintances appeared.

I'll go take a swim. - I said. - Otherwise, it’s already starting to get hot.
- Do you mind if I keep you company? – asked Pyotr Sergeevich.
- I don’t mind.
We slowly walked along the pontoon bridge.
- How are you going to deliver the right people at the head of state?
- In principle, Slavinsky has already explained our approach to you. First, amateurs or dictators come to power. When people's dissatisfaction reaches its limit, our man appears who quickly brings everything back to normal. Not without our help, of course.

After swimming I asked:
- Slavinsky is your man?
- No. We receive information from higher officials of this organization.
- Did Pustovoitov act on your instructions? Based on your concept, in Ukraine now there is just such a situation that can lead to popular indignation.

Pustovoitov, how can I put it, is not strong enough to become a member of our organization. But he was prompted to contact you.
- And do you already have a person ready who will replace the existing government?
- Yes.
-Are you from Russia yourself?
- Yes.

How does Black Stream assess the situation in Russia?
- Russia is a big country. A different scenario is being developed for her. There we will have to apply several stages to bring the person we need to power. Just like in the USA.
-Can you name me the members of the Black Stream?
- No. It's pretty famous people. They don't come into contact with anyone. For these purposes, there are members of the organization like me. We analyze situations, select the people we need and implement our plans.

As I understand it, you are something of a gray eminence of the organization.
- You can say so. By the way, your kidnapping was not planned. When we collected the necessary information about you, one of the organization members took the initiative without consulting us. But he is no longer with us. His yacht sank during a strong storm along with him.
- The yacht sank without your help?

No. We try to avoid extreme measures. Rather, it is the forces that have tried that you serve.
- What do you want from me?
- We want you to comply magic ritual to bring a certain person to power in one country.
- What kind of country is this?
- This is a country in Latin America.

Yes you, what? To fly so far. After all, the ritual will need to be performed directly in this country.
- But you flew even further. To New Zealand.
- Then they provided me with the president’s plane with all the amenities. And here, you will have to fly, most likely, under the guise of a tourist.

You will fly as part of a scientific group of scientists who will explore caves. There are many unexplored caves in this country. The caves contain traces of ancient people who are said to have lived before the flood. Therefore, their study is very important for science. Fly in business class.

And in what capacity will I be in this scientific group?
- As a consultant on various types of rituals. I think this will be interesting to you too.
On site, you will meet the right person, complete the ritual and, if desired, you can return home at any time convenient for you. Or explore caves.

I cannot immediately respond to your proposal. I need to think.
- I understand. Here's my phone number. – With these words, Pyotr Sergeevich handed me a card with a phone number. – You can call this number for free from any phone and from any country. There is no need to report it to the CIA. I will become aware of this and the number will be cancelled.

While we were talking, there were more people on the beach. Mine would soon arrive too. Already saying goodbye, Pyotr Sergeevich asked:
- Tell me, do the Forerunners really exist?
- I see you read mine too. literary notes. Yes, they do exist. But they are no longer on Earth. They left her and now we are left to our own devices.
- Why did they leave Earth?
- Don't know. They didn't report to me.

Pyotr Sergeevich said goodbye and left. Mine soon arrived too. We took a swim and went to have breakfast.
The next day, in the evening, I decided to watch TV. Flipping through the channels, I stopped at a Russian news channel. The news reported that one of the passengers on the Cairo-Moscow flight died during the flight. They showed him a photograph. It was Pyotr Sergeevich.