Subtle human bodies, their shape and structure, and connection with health. Subtle bodies of a Human – full description Influence on the subtle bodies of a human

There are many hypotheses about the structure of a person, his soul, aura, chakras. Many believe that a person, in addition to his body, has 6 more. These are subtle bodies. They cannot be seen. What is this matter? What are they needed for? How to develop subtle bodies? What gives their development? How they protect and protect a person, this article will tell.

If we consider Christianity, then it is assumed that people consist of a body, spirit and soul. In the East, esotericists speak of the presence of 7 "thin" bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell, pierce it through. These forms create an aura. Energy bodies are located one after another, but, moving deeper, the connection between them is not lost. To know oneself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conventionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

  • physical (3);
  • spiritual (3);
  • astral (1).

It is believed that the astral is a link with the previous types. The physical ones are responsible for the energy in the physical plane, and the spiritual ones are about higher spiritual matters.

They are characterized by their frequency of vibration, the stronger - the farther from the material essence. The shells have their purpose, color, density, are located in a certain place.

Physical body

The simplest in structure and function is considered to be our physical essence. But without it, it would be impossible to live on planet Earth and learn new things. The physical is also a subtle body, because it vibrates like the rest of the invisible shells. Complex processes take place in it, for example, the brain functions, thoughts mature, this cannot be explained and attributed to ordinary processes.

The second body is the etheric

Ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, therefore the second subtle body of a person is called ethereal. It is assumed that it is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic circuit. The etheric body is blue or grey. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmits qi energy.

This is the next body after the physical. It is very closely related to the first body. The main thing for which the ethereal shell is responsible is the energy flowing inside us. The state of the etheric body determines the general state of a person's vitality, health.

Through the ethereal shell, a person interacts with the universe. It cannot be seen, the threads of connection are not visible. The second is a kind of bridge that connects the earthly essence with the invisible forces of the outside world. It is also a link with other subtle bodies.

From the point of view of science, the ethereal is a matrix in which energy moves through communication channels, just as a stream of electrons is transmitted through wires. This network is very complex, it contains all the data about the physical body, the work of all organs, the chemical composition of the blood.

The ethereal shell is a medical database of a person. In form, this shell is exactly the same as the physical body. All injuries, illnesses are displayed in it. If a person is physically healthy, then he receives the maximum energy of the universe, in the event that there are illnesses and ailments, the flow is blocked. And energy is limited.

As a rule, blocks are located in the human chakras or in the Nadi channels. Three channels of Nadia are known:

  • Pingala (right channel);
  • Ida (left channel);
  • Sushumna (central channel).

They pass through all 7 chakras of a person. If the chakras and channels are clean, then the cosmic energy easily penetrates the ethereal shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result of this, a person is cheerful, full of energy, glows from the inside and spreads his positive vibes to those around him.

Chakras and their location

  • 7 chakra (sahasrara) - in the region of the crown;
  • 6-chakra (ajna) - on the forehead, between the eyebrows;
  • 5 chakra (vishuddha) - throat area (thyroid gland);
  • 4 chakra (anahata) - near the heart, along the central line;
  • 3 chakra (manipura) - in the navel;
  • 2 chakra (svadhisthana) - in the pubic area;
  • 1 chakra (muladhara) - perineum area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive insults, accumulates negative emotions, his etheric body does not absorb energy and is at the most impoverished level of its functionality. In the event that a person is not happy with what he is doing, is not engaged in his work, this also negatively affects the ethereal shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. For effective activity, careful work on oneself, one's inner self is needed.

Find in yourself grievances and problems that oppress, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe and it will help you find the right path through the ethereal sheath. The main thing is to learn to understand its signals. The ethereal link is a reflection of a person’s life, you can’t stand still, become isolated in your problems and negative emotions. You need to fight with yourself, it is difficult, but it is quite possible. Be patient and learn to understand yourself, and the energy of prana through the channels of Nadi will not keep you waiting.

The third body is emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of exit to the astral plane. It is present in all people living on the planet. But it does not work for everyone, only people who have known themselves and learned to control their minds turn to their astral and interact with it. This essence was first discovered by the Indian sages. After a while, scientists proved that the astral and emotional are one and the same, like the shell of desires.

The astral sphere is located 10-100 cm relative to the first one. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, emotions. The astral body helps a person to realize his desires and aspirations. It is an aura and has color. This is a whole gamut from black - negative, to white - positive. The color of the aura changes depending on the psychological state of the person. Different parts of the body are highlighted in different shades.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can take a photo of a person's astral body and decipher it. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and peace, bright - aggression, dark - depression, oppression. Depending on the mood, the colors of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, a day.

The activity of the astral depends on the person, his aspirations, tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and a person is set to win, to achieve it, the astral shell opens up to 100 percent. She receives the maximum of cosmic energy, actively interacts with others, the same purposeful people, helps to choose the right direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, no additional energy gets into it. If a person's desires are negative, aimed only at satisfying their own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others, harming others, this has a bad effect on the astral plane. Alcohol and drugs have a very bad effect on the emotional shell, as they harm the physical body of a person.

In order for the astral to function properly and receive maximum positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, and radiate positive emotions. After all, doing good to others, a person receives in response much more affirmative impulses. To activate people should meditate, learn to control their emotions, desires, needs. This will invigorate the spirit and energize for the whole day. Many have learned to properly interact with their third shell and are in perfect harmony with it. It will be useful for them to make astral travel during sleep. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul passes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyants, prophets have long learned to address both their own astral and someone else's. This ability helps them to find the causes of pain, discomfort in other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, gaining access to the astral plane of another person, only take the necessary information without causing damage. They also develop their ability to move through the layers of the universe thanks to the astral.

The fourth body is mental (intellectual)

It is located 10–20 cm from the previous one. And completely repeats the contour of the physical. It has a rich yellow color, it starts from the head and spreads throughout the body. In moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process, small bundles of energy are distinguished in the intellectual shell - thought forms, they show the thoughts, beliefs of a person.

If there is only a conclusion without emotions, then the energy of thought forms consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when the presence of emotions takes place, then the energy consists of both the mental and emotional bodies. The more clearly a person imagines his ideas and thoughts and is clearly convinced that he is right, the brighter the outline of his thought forms is. In case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

The mental, astral and ethereal are born together with the physical and disappear in the event of its death. Relate to the material world.

The fifth body is karmic (casual)

This is a complex structure that carries all the information about actions and transmits it into space. Everything that a person does can be justified. Even the absence of action is not without reason. Casual contains information about the possible movements of a person in the future. It is a multi-colored cloud of various lumps of energy. It is located 20-30 cm from the physical. Energy clots are not pronounced and do not have a clear outline compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic body does not die, it reincarnates along with other bodies.

To improve their karma, they comprehend the teachings of the Dharma and follow it. This is an individual goal for each person, which is comprehended in the process of life. If you exist according to the laws of Dharma, negative energy is destroyed, only positive energy enters. A person who violates the Dharma will be reborn in the next life in the body of another lower evolutionary organism in order to go through all the stages from scratch.

The sixth body is buddhic (intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes. Scientists call it the defining etheric field. This is a complex structure along which the second body is organized. In the case when the connections in the ethereal shell are broken, the data for restoration are taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the shape of an oval and is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the material.

The buddhic body contains a gap within itself, which exactly repeats the etheric one. And it organizes the ego shape and size. Responsible for the birth of brilliant thoughts, insights. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the Universe will tell you what to do. Chakra Ajna, or the third eye is a symbol. It does not disappear with the death of a person, but transfers the accumulated energy into space.

The seventh body is atmanic

The most complex human body. Little is known about him. But it is considered to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when it has been able to know itself. Atmanic transmits messages from the human soul to God and receives answers. With harmonious development, internal coherence and complete peace are achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, one develops the first, material. Then the next, that is, to learn to master all the previous bodies. Atmanic has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. On the surface of the egg there is a film that does not allow the impact of bad energy.

Solar and Galactic bodies

Solar - is formed as a result of the circulation of the astral fields of a person to the astral of the solar system. This is the eighth link. It is studied by astrologers. Solar carries information about a person's birthday. How were the stars and planets arranged?
Galactic - consists of the work of the astral field of a person with the astral plane of the Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. They have a strong influence on the formation of a person's destiny, his path. Thinking about the good, a person is charged with positive emotions, receives the energy of the Universe, which spreads through all layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person falls into the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, goodness, the world around him reciprocates.

If we consider Christianity, then it is assumed that people consist of a body, spirit and soul. In the East, esotericists speak of the presence of 7 "thin" bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell, pierce it through. These forms create an aura. Energy bodies are located one after another, but, moving deeper, the connection between them is not lost. To know oneself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conventionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

physical (3);

spiritual (3);

astral (1).

It is believed that the astral is a link with the previous types. The physical ones are responsible for the energy in the physical plane, and the spiritual ones are responsible for the higher spiritual matters.

They are characterized by their frequency of vibration, the stronger - the farther from the material essence. The shells have their purpose, color, density, are located in a certain place.

Subtle bodies, their characteristics

Physical body

The simplest in structure and function is considered to be our physical essence. But without it, it would be impossible to live on planet Earth and learn new things. The physical is also a subtle body, because it vibrates like the rest of the invisible shells. Complex processes take place in it, for example, the brain functions, thoughts mature.

Second body - ethereal

Ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, therefore the second subtle body of a person was called ethereal. It is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic circuit. The etheric body is blue or grey. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmits qi energy.

Through the ethereal shell, a person interacts with the universe. This cannot be seen, the threads of connection are invisible, this is a kind of bridge that connects the earthly essence with the invisible forces of the outside world. It is also a link with other subtle bodies.

From the point of view of science, the ethereal body is a matrix in which energy moves through communication channels, just as a stream of electrons is transmitted through wires. This network is very complex, it contains all the data about the physical body, the work of all organs, the chemical composition of the blood.

The ethereal shell is a medical database of a person. In form, this shell is exactly the same as the physical body. All injuries, illnesses are displayed in it. If a person is physically healthy, then he receives the maximum energy of the universe, in the event that there are illnesses and ailments, the flow is blocked. And energy is limited.

As a rule, blocks are located in the human chakras or in the Nadi channels. Three channels of Nadia are known:

Pingala (right channel);

Ida (left channel);

Sushumna (central channel).

They pass through all 7 chakras of a person. If the chakras and channels are clean, then the cosmic energy easily penetrates the ethereal shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result of this, a person is cheerful, full of energy, glows from the inside and spreads his positive vibes to those around him.

Chakras and their location

7 chakra (sahasrara) - in the region of the crown;

6-chakra (ajna) - on the forehead, between the eyebrows;

5 chakra (vishuddha) - throat area (thyroid gland);

4th chakra (anahata) - near the heart, along the central line;

3 chakra (manipura) - in the navel;

2 chakra (svadhisthana) - in the pubic area;

1 chakra (muladhara) - perineum area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive insults, accumulates negative emotions, his etheric body does not absorb energy and is at the lowest level of its functionality. In the event that a person is not happy with what he is doing, is not engaged in his work, this also negatively affects the ethereal shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. For effective activity, careful work on oneself, one's inner self is needed.

Find in yourself grievances and problems that oppress, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe and it will help you find the right path through the ethereal sheath. The main thing is to learn to understand its signals. The ethereal link is a reflection of a person's life, one cannot stand still, become isolated in one's problems and negative emotions. You need to fight with yourself, it is difficult, but it is quite possible. Be patient and learn to understand yourself, and the energy of prana through the channels of Nadi will not keep you waiting.

The third body is emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of exit to the astral plane. It is present in all people living on the planet. But it does not work for everyone, only people who have known themselves and learned to control their minds turn to their astral and interact with it. This essence was first discovered by the Indian sages. After a while, scientists proved that the astral and emotional are one and the same.

The astral sphere is located 10-100 cm relative to the first one. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, emotions. The astral body helps a person to realize his desires and aspirations. It is an aura and has color. This is a whole gamut from black - negative, to white - positive. The color of the aura changes depending on the psychological state of the person. Different parts of the body are highlighted in different shades.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can take a photo of a person's astral body and decipher it. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and peace, bright - aggression, dark - depression, oppression. Depending on the mood, the colors of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, a day.

The activity of the astral depends on the person, his aspirations, tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and a person is set to win, to achieve it, the astral shell opens up to 100 percent. She receives the maximum of cosmic energy, actively interacts with others, the same purposeful people, helps to choose the right direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, no additional energy gets into it. If a person's desires are negative, aimed only at satisfying their own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others, harming others, this has a bad effect on the astral plane.

In order for the astral to function properly and receive maximum positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, and radiate positive emotions. After all, doing good to others, a person receives in response much more affirmative impulses. To activate people should meditate, learn to control their emotions, desires, needs. This will invigorate the spirit and energize for the whole day. Many have learned to properly interact with their third shell and are in perfect harmony with it. It will be useful for them to make astral travel during sleep. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul passes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyants, prophets have long learned to address both their own astral and someone else's. This ability helps them to find the causes of pain, discomfort in other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, gaining access to the astral plane of another person, only take the necessary information without causing damage. They also develop their ability to move through the layers of the universe thanks to the astral.

Fourth body - mental (intellectual)

This is a field that contains thoughts, knowledge of a person. It is well developed among representatives of science, scientists, inventors, teachers - all those who spend most of their time doing mental work. It is less productive for those who are engaged in physical labor.

It is located 10-20 cm from the previous one. And completely repeats the contour of the physical. It has a rich yellow color, it starts from the head and spreads throughout the body. In moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process, small bundles of energy are distinguished in the intellectual shell - thought forms, they show the thoughts, beliefs of a person.

If there is only a conclusion without emotions, then the energy of thought forms consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when the presence of emotions takes place, then the energy consists of both the mental and emotional bodies. The more clearly a person imagines his ideas and thoughts and is clearly convinced that he is right, the brighter the outline of his thought forms is. In case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

The mental, astral and ethereal are born together with the physical and disappear in the event of its death. Relate to the material world.

Fifth body - karmic (casual)

This is a complex structure that carries all the information about actions and transmits it into space. Everything that a person does can be justified. Even the absence of action is not without reason. Casual contains information about the possible movements of a person in the future. It is a multi-colored cloud of various lumps of energy. It is located 20-30 cm from the physical. Energy clots are not pronounced and do not have a clear outline compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic body does not die, it reincarnates along with other bodies.

The sixth body is buddhic (intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes. Scientists call it the defining etheric field. This is a complex structure along which the second body is organized. In the case when the connections in the ethereal shell are broken, the data for restoration are taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the shape of an oval and is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the material.

The buddhic body contains a gap within itself, which exactly repeats the etheric one. And it organizes its shape and size. Responsible for the birth of brilliant thoughts, insights. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the Universe will tell you what to do. Chakra Ajna, or the third eye is a symbol. It does not disappear with the death of a person, but transfers the accumulated energy into space.

The seventh body is atmanic

The most complex human body. Little is known about him. But it is considered to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when it has been able to know itself. Atmanic transmits messages from the human soul to God and receives answers. With harmonious development, internal coherence and complete peace are achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, one develops the first, material. Then the next, that is, to learn to master all the previous bodies. Atmanic has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. On the surface of the egg there is a film that does not allow the impact of bad energy.

Solar and Galactic bodies

Solar - is formed as a result of the circulation of the astral fields of a person to the astral of the solar system. This is the eighth link. It is studied by astrologers. Solar carries information about a person's birthday. How were the stars and planets arranged?

Galactic - consists of the work of the astral field of a person with the astral of the Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. They have a strong influence on the formation of a person's destiny, his path. Thinking about the good, a person is charged with positive emotions, receives the energy of the Universe, which spreads through all layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person falls into the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, goodness, the world around him reciprocates.

In addition to his physical body, there are also 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that together with the physical body, a person has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of the human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, as well as, part (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable, with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine the energy strength of a person, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another. And all together, Subtle bodies form a multi-colored Aura of a Human. Let's consider everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle bodies of a Human. Definitions, structure, etc.

The subtle bodies of a Human are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective ones and designed to hold free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form in, etc.

There are errors in the drawings, they are approximate to create a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is the physical one, it controls it.

Each subtle body accumulates and retains the energy of its level, which is necessary for a person for life, development and activity.

Etheric body accumulates ethereal energy, Astral body - astral, Mental - mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Etheric - retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy is needed for protection and fighting, it is the energy of strength. Mental - for mental work, to think, control thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which is different for different people. In energetically developed people, subtle bodies are large, pumped up with energy, then they say - “Big Man” :) If a person is exhausted, subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, then one physical body can barely move.

What gives the development of the Human Subtle Bodies?

Each subtle body is a set of its capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

The development of the etheric body is the control of the circulatory system, it makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not to die from heat in summer, and many others. others

The development of the astral body - gives a person invulnerability from the negative emotions of other people, the ability to influence their energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically, with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, when a person realizes the aspirations and principles of these chakras. for example if a person is engaged in mental work, then his mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a purposeful collection of the corresponding energy on the Subtle body, with the help of special esoteric techniques of energy collection. Regularly filling his Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they increase and grow all the time, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through the right way of life - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When there is everything important in life - sports, hardening, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. A person either does this himself, if he has the abilities and powers for this (in meditation, for example), or it helps to do it (individual work with a professional).

In the following article, we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of a Human.

There is a need to work with, clean the Subtle bodies, etc. - write to.

All subtle bodies of a Human and their full description

The subtle bodies of a person are energy accumulators, accumulators of the necessary energy, keepers of many abilities and energy systems of a person. In addition, subtle bodies ensure the functioning of the physical parts of the body and human organs.

Subtle bodies - you need to know and develop, because the overall success and state of happiness of a person depends on their health and development!

Subtle human bodies - full description

Any esoteric or yogi knows perfectly well that a Human, in addition to the physical body, also has 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that along with the physical body, the human soul has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of the human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, like the Soul, part (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable, with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine the energy strength of a person, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another chakra. And all together, Subtle bodies form a multi-colored Aura of a Human. Let's consider everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle bodies of a Human. Definitions, structure, etc.

The subtle bodies of a Human are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective chakras and designed to hold free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form in the Subtle World, etc.

There are errors in the drawings, they are approximate to create a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

  1. Etheric (Svadhisthana chakra)
  2. Astral (Manipura Chakra)
  3. Mental (Anahata chakra)
  4. Karmic (Vishudha)
  5. Buddhic (Ajna)
  6. Spiritual (Sahasrara)
  7. Absolute (Atman)

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is physical, it is controlled by the Muladhara chakra.

Each subtle body accumulates and retains the energy of its level, which is necessary for a person for life, development and activity.

Etheric body - accumulates ethereal energy, Astral body - astral, Mental - mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Etheric - retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy - is needed for protection and fighting, it is the energy of strength. Mental - for mental work, to think, control thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which is different for different people. In energetically developed people, subtle bodies are large, pumped up with energy, then they say - “Big Man” :) If a person is exhausted, subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, then one physical body can barely move.

What gives the development of the Human Subtle Bodies?

Each subtle body is a set of its capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

The development of the etheric body is the control of the circulatory system, it makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not to die from heat in summer, and many others. others

The development of the astral body - gives a person invulnerability from the negative emotions of other people, the ability to influence their energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically, with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, when a person realizes the aspirations and principles of these chakras. for example if a person is engaged in mental work, then his mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a purposeful collection of the corresponding energy on the Subtle body, with the help of special esoteric techniques of energy collection. Regularly filling his Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they increase and grow all the time, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through the right way of life - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When there is everything important in life - sports, hardening, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. This person either does it himself, if he has the ability and authority for this (in meditation, for example), or it helps to do the Spiritual Healer

In the following article, we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of a Human.

Thin bodies

It is believed that a person, in addition to the usual, physical body, has several more invisible (under normal conditions) bodies. There are many such theories. Even in the classical Christian interpretation, a person consists of a body, spirit and soul. In Eastern esoteric schools, with various variations, the existence of seven or more "subtle" human bodies is affirmed. This implies that all these bodies, or fields, permeate the physical, material body - as in the example above, water soaks a piece of sugar, and so on..

The most important point is that in addition to the physical there are also subtle bodies. There is no consensus on the number of these bodies, or shells, yet, and the terminology is rather arbitrary. Therefore, we will give here their description according to B. Brennan, which is most fully consistent with almost any system of esoteric knowledge, on the one hand, and is confirmed by separate scientific data, on the other.

All subtle bodies are located both inside and around our physical body. They penetrate it like water soaks a sponge.

1 - ethereal body. It is located in four-dimensional space, completely repeats the physical body and goes beyond its contours by 2-3 cm. This is the body of life and health, the physical body depends on its state. With a clear manifestation of aggressiveness, fears, the development of animal instincts, the body is deformed, and with it the work of the first chakra is disrupted. It is a repository of information accumulated in this life.

2 - astral body . Located in a five-dimensional space, repeats the contour of the physical and goes beyond its limits by 5-10 cm. The body of feelings, desires, emotions and passions. His condition is directly dependent on the desires of man. With an excess of negative emotions, the body is deformed, which disrupts the work of the second chakra. It is a repository of information accumulated in this life.

3 - mental body . It is located in six-dimensional space. In general, it follows the contours of a person. It goes beyond the limits of the physical body by 10-20 cm. This is the body of thought and will. With an overabundance of negative thoughts, the body is deformed, the work of the third chakra is disrupted. It is a repository of information accumulated in this life.

4 - karmic or causal body . It is located in seven-dimensional space. body of cause and effect. It collects information for further incarnations. It goes beyond the limits of the physical body by 20-30 cm. This body controls our thoughts, desires and actions.

5 - the body of the monad, individuality . It is located in eight-dimensional space. It has an oval shape and goes beyond the limits of the physical body by 50-60 cm. Inside this oval there is a void that completely coincides with our ethereal body. That is, the ethereal (first) body fills this void, and thus its shape and dimensions are determined.

6 - the body of the Absolute, God or, atmic body . It is the thinnest and purest body. Has an oval shape. Located in nine-dimensional space. It goes to a distance of 80-100 cm beyond the limits of the physical body. In people with high energy, it can be even more. Outwardly, it looks like a golden egg, containing all the previous human bodies. The outer surface of the egg has a protective film 1-2 centimeters thick. This film is strong, elastic and prevents the penetration of external influences on a person. This body provides a person with a connection with the Creator, with the Higher Forces.


In the classical understanding of the essence of the aura today, the following main points can be distinguished. It is generally accepted that the main condition for successful mental activity of a person is a healthy and well-developed aura. It has a positive effect on the personal qualities of a person and their development, but, on the other hand, the stronger a person becomes spiritually, the more his aura becomes stronger. In addition, it is she who is the most effective barrier to any harmful external influences. Thus, a sufficiently powerful aura is capable of in itself, to a certain extent, influencing the course of events. At the same time, in real life, the power of a powerful and developed spiritual aura can extend very far beyond the physical presence of the person who possesses it.

However, to complete the picture, it is necessary to add to the above the concept of the energy structure of the human body, which is generally accepted in esoteric knowledge systems.

As a matter of fact, today there is no doubt that a person has not only a physical body accessible to our direct perception, but also several more “thin” bodies - this is recognized even by the “academic” bodies, their structure, functions, etc. but these are already questions of terminology or author's interpretations.

Nevertheless, the main conclusion that can be drawn from this model of human structure is clear. If we really consist not only of various substances (matter, ether, etc.), but also of various subtle bodies, each of which can be considered as part of a separate world (physical, astral, etc.), then a person represents is, in fact, the most complex system of interpenetrating worlds.


Using figurative thinking, we can imagine a relatively visual model of such a system. For clarification, you can take a regular piece of sugar. This is a crystalline structure. Sugar is impregnated with liquid (it is interesting to note that, according to modern concepts, individual liquids can be considered as liquid crystals). Any liquid can be saturated with gas. Further, both liquid and gas can be ionized using radiation. This gives another level of interpenetration. As a result, we have four interpenetrating environments simultaneously and in one subject. To an outside observer, they exist in each other; in this case, areas of inhomogeneity may appear. It depends on the degree of saturation and penetration, as well as on the unevenness of the structures in terms of density and energy concentration.

As already mentioned, it is practically generally accepted that the totality of intangible, subtle, energy - they are also called differently, but the essence is the same - human bodies and together form his aura. And to date, a special photography technique has been developed that allows you to see the human aura. Note, however, that in such images a single structure is fixed, that is, all bodies or shells are fixed as something integral.

This is consistent with the biofield theory, which tries to explain everything from the standpoint of classical physics. For biology as a science of living matter, the concept of a biological field is as fundamental as the concept of a gravitational field for physics. Today there is a theory of the biofield, which, trying to explore the features of the energy structure and the corresponding structures of a person, considers all the actual material as lying either in the sphere of bodily sensations, or as manifestations of fluctuations in the general psychophysiological tone of the body, in contrast to the views of esoteric science. Supporters of this theory, as a rule, in every possible way avoid appealing to various kinds of "otherworldly" forces and entities, but strive to explain everything by objective biophysical processes; this system, unlike the esoteric one, does not oppose itself to the usual picture of the world, but tries to organically link itself with it. Performing in relation to biological objects, in fact, the same function that a hypothetical gravitational field performs in relation to physical objects, the biological field seems to be something no less real.


We are talking about the subtle bodies of a person, or his energy shells. First of all, it should be noted that the human energy fields are heterogeneous and highly variable. The roughest fields can be felt by almost anyone, and even without any training. These energy media have their own channels in the physical body. They practically correspond to those "meridians" that are used in traditional oriental reflexology. The needles are inserted into separate points along the meridians. These channels flow on the verge of contact between muscles, ligaments and bones, in many places deepening significantly into the body.

It is more difficult to feel (let alone see) fields that are much more subtle. Nevertheless, we have many descriptions compiled by psychics - people who, due to their special susceptibility, have access to a special, "energy" vision. Below is one such description.

Energies form more or less even concentric spheres around the physical body. In a healthy person, normally, energy originates in the region of the crown, spilling like a solid fountain in all directions; then, in the perineal region, the current is reversed for a new rise to the source. A person, just as the heart sets the blood flow in motion, carries out the movement of planes and volumes of energy around his body. The reverse and cyclic movement of energies occurs, apparently, because their structures are comparable with the structures of the earth's gravity. The energies of the most spiritually developed representatives of humanity have the ability to “emerge” in the rough, heavier energy layers of the physical plane and therefore can arbitrarily change the direction of movement, depending on the will of their owner. Being in such a spiritual field. a person feels lightness and freedom. By the state of the fields, one can judge the state of a person or his environment. So, for example, in a perfectly healthy person, the field has evenly marked surfaces with deep and juicy coloring. Any thought colors these spheres in a somewhat new way.

With a systematic leakage of energy, the fields acquire a pear-shaped shape, with the wide side facing down. Due to the fact that the fields themselves, as one of the components of a person, are very heterogeneous, their energy diversity is ordered by the structure of subtle bodies.

Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection.

All human bodies from the physical to the body of the Absolute are interconnected and influence each other. Human health and destiny are also interconnected and depend on the state of subtle bodies. For example, thoughts about good things give rise to positive energy in a person at the level of the mental body, which causes similar vibrations at the level of emotions and desires (astral body). Further, this positive energy fills the physical body, and the person begins to feel a surge of strength, energy, joy and happiness. Consequently, he has no health problems, in terms of fate he feels like a “creator” and is firmly moving towards the intended and intended goal. This example clearly shows how a person, consciously improving thoughts, emotions and desires, improves his life in general. Being in a positive stream of vibration, a person becomes inaccessible to negative energies, fewer black stripes remain in his life. Such a person attracts and radiates only positive energy into the world around him. And the world responds to such a person in the same way - a person's health improves, he finds a better-paid job, relations with relatives and friends are harmonized, the family becomes stronger and happier.

etheric body

The first subtle body is the etheric or energy body of a person. This body is a copy of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, going beyond its limits by 3-5 cm. The etheric body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs. It consists of a special kind of matter called aether. The ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter of which our world consists, and even more subtle than ethereal types of matter. The bodies of many entities are composed of ether, the mention of which we meet in mystical literature. Any person, if desired, can see a bluish haze of the etheric body around his fingers, if he looks at them with a dispersed gaze on a white background. In addition, the well-known Kirlian effect makes it possible to photograph the etheric body. The color of the etheric body, as psychics describe it, changes from light blue to gray. In a sensitive person, it has a bluish tint; in an athletic, physically strong person, gray tones predominate in the etheric body. The etheric body forms the so-called "energy matrix" of the human body, which corresponds to the organs of the physical body. Distortions that occur in the human energy body lead first to disorder, and then to the rebirth of the organs of the physical body (their diseases). Most psychics feel with their hands the distortions of just the energy body, and make corrections to it. In the case of correct influence, after the correction of the energy body, the healing of the physical organ occurs. In the same body, there are various energy flows, including energy meridians, which are affected by acupuncture and acupressure. Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical, it is sometimes called the etheric double of a person. After the death of a person, the etheric body dies on the 9th day.

astral body

Otherwise, the body of emotions. It already consists of a finer matter than the ethereal. This body extends 5-10 cm beyond the limits of the physical body and does not have such a clearly defined form as the ethereal one. It is a continuously iridescent colored blobs of energy. In an unemotional person, this body is quite uniform and discharged. In a very emotional person, these multi-colored clots are thicker and denser - flashes of negative emotions appear as clots of energies of “heavy”, dark colors: crimson, red, brown, gray, black, etc. If a person is emotional, but outgoing, then clots of negative energies in the emotional body are relatively quickly absorbed. In the presence of lingering negative emotions (resentment, aggressiveness, etc.), clots of negative emotional energy arise, which can remain practically unchanged for a very long time. Such formations can adversely affect human health. By the colors of the astral body, one can determine which emotions are more inherent in a given person. Astral energies create a whole so-called "astral plane", where many entities live, of which the most important are egregors (they can arise from subtle energies not only of the astral, but also of the next, mental plane). In addition, all entities created by people in dreams live on the astral plane. The more vivid the dream, the longer its objects can persist on the astral plane. The astral plane has several levels (or floors), and we can safely say that the lower floors of the astral plane are the lower floors of the Subtle World. The entire astral plane occupies 6 floors in the Subtle World. A person has the opportunity to consciously get into this plane in the astral body and observe what is happening there. After the death of a person, his astral body dies on the 40th day. Other, more subtle bodies can remain on the astral plane much longer when this is due to karmic interactions.

mental body

The third human body is called the mental body. It is the body of man's thoughts and knowledge. It is highly developed among scientists, researchers, and people in general whose life is determined primarily by mental work, and much less so among people who are mostly engaged in physical labor. The mental body goes beyond the physical by 10-20 cm and generally repeats its contours. It consists of even more subtle energy of the mental plane, which occupies the 7th-8th floors of the Subtle World. The mental body has a bright yellow color emanating from the head of a person and extending to his entire body. When a person thinks intensely, the mental body expands and becomes brighter. In the mental body, one can discern clumps of energies that reflect our beliefs and stable thoughts - they are called thought forms.

Thought forms can only consist of the energy of the mental body if our beliefs are not accompanied by emotions. And if beliefs are connected with emotions, then the thought-form is formed by the energies of the mental and emotional planes. The more stable the thoughts and beliefs of a person, the more clearly outlined are the thought forms of his mental body. After the death of a person, his mental body dies on the 90th day.

The next section is devoted to a more detailed description of thought forms.

The three subtle bodies discussed above belong to our material world, are born and die together with a person. The next, fourth body already belongs to its immortal component and goes through an endless series of reincarnations in the process of reincarnations.

Karmic body

Otherwise, it is called the causal body of a person. This is the body of the soul, which contains the causes of all human actions and information about his future possible actions. The karmic body looks like a cloud of multi-colored clots of subtle energy, which protrudes 20-30 cm beyond the physical body of a person. These clots are much more diffuse than those seen on the emotional body, and lighter tones predominate in their coloration. After the death of a person, his karmic body does not die, but. is included in the endless process of further reincarnations along with other, even more subtle bodies.

Intuitive Body

The fifth human body has different names from different authors, but they are all similar in defining its main characteristics: it is a subtle energy body that concentrates higher unconscious processes. According to the terminology of B. Brennan, it should be called the defining etheric body. This is the matrix on which the first (etheric) body is built. In those cases when any failure occurs at the level of the first etheric body, it is restored according to the pattern that is laid down in the fifth body of a person. It looks like a dark blue oval, extending 50-60 cm beyond the limits of the physical body. Within the intuitive body there is a gap which coincides exactly with the first etheric body which fills it. This is what determines both its shape and size. However, the fifth body is capable of not only restoring, but also distorting the etheric body, if certain prerequisites for this arise.

Heavenly body

The next, the sixth body, was called the celestial body. It extends 60-80 cm beyond our physical body. Clairvoyants see it as multi-colored rays of flame emanating from the physical body of a person. It is at the level of this body that a person is able to experience the highest feelings - spiritual ecstasy experienced in the process of prayer or meditation.

Keter body

The seventh body of a person is the highest, its name comes from the Kabbalistic term "Keter" - the crown. It goes 80-100 cm beyond the limits of the physical body. For people with high energy, this distance can be even greater. The keter body looks like a golden egg, in which all other human bodies are enclosed. The outer surface of this "egg" has a protective film 1-2 cm thick. This film is elastic, but strong, and prevents the penetration of negative external influences. Inside the golden egg, people endowed with the gift of clairvoyance can observe the main energy flow connecting its poles and passing through the human spine. Colored hoops of light are sometimes visible on the surface of the keteric body - they correspond to bright events in a person's previous life. This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transmits back the necessary information.

A Brief Note on the Cosmic Plan

Above the seventh layer of the aura, i.e., the keteric body, sometimes the eighth and ninth are also distinguished. Each of them, respectively, is associated with the eighth and ninth chakras, located above the head and not mentioned in all sources. Supporters of this concept believe that these layers, or, as they are also called, levels, are characterized by very subtle vibrations and, in accordance with the general rule of alternation of substance and form, have a crystalline structure. The eighth level is composed predominantly of liquid substance, while the ninth is a crystalline structure - the template for all forms below it. Very little information about these layers can be found in the literature, but it would be wrong not to mention them at all.

Now let's take a closer look at these energy centers, their location, functions in terms of health and destiny.

Center No. 1 - (MULADHAR chakra) . The chakra is located at the base of the spine. Survival Center, gives energy and psychological stability in life. Governs the skeletal system, legs, large intestine. Violation of the work of this chakra is manifested in rapid fatigue, irritability, weakness. The following diseases appear: obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, problems with the prostate.

The color of energy is RED.
The number of petals is 4.
The geometric symbol is a square.
The taste is sweet.
The smell is rose.
Note - TO.
Mantra - LAM.
Element - EARTH.
Feeling - SMELL.
Desire - Physical contact.
Challenge - Think before you act.
The key word is MATERIAL.
Crystals - red garnet, smoky quartz, ruby.
Chakra Blocking Fear - Fear for your life force.
Sensation on palms - hot tingling.
The endocrine glands are the prostate.

Chakra number 2 - SWADHISTANA . The chakra is located in the pelvis, above the pubic bone. Chakra of intimate feelings and emotionality. Governs the genitourinary system. Violations of the chakra lead to problems in sex, procreation, family creation and diseases of the genitourinary system. If this chakra is damaged, it can be argued that there can be no family happiness.

The energy color is ORANGE.
The number of petals is 6.
Geometric symbol - crescent moon.
The taste is astringent.
The smell is chamomile.
Note - RE.
Mantra - YOU.
Element - WATER.
Feeling - TASTE.
The key word is PUBLIC.
Chakra Blocking Fear - Fear for your sexuality.
The feeling on the palms is hot.
Endocrine glands - adrenal glands, liver, spleen.

Chakra number 3 - MANIPURA . The chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus. It is the storehouse of energy needed for life in this world. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for will, luck in business and other matters, power, success, intelligence. Controls the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas. If the chakra works well, then the person has a strong will and high intelligence. If the 3rd chakra is damaged, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas occur.

The color of energy is YELLOW.
The number of petals is 10.
The geometric symbol is a triangle.
Taste is pepper.
The smell is mint.
Note - MI.
Mantra - RAM.
Element - FIRE.
Feeling - SIGHT.
The key word is INTELLIGENCE.
Chakra Blocking Fear - Fear of an angry, caustic, envious, overbearing person or situation.
The feeling on the palms is warm.
Endocrine glands - liver, pancreas.

Center No. 4 - (ANAHATA chakra) . The chakra is located in the center of the chest. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for love, family happiness, support, and protection. In terms of health, it is responsible for the lungs, heart, hands and thymus gland. Malfunctioning of the chakra leads to bronchial asthma, hypertension or hypotension, dystonia, heart and lung diseases.

The color of energy is GREEN.
The number of petals is 12.
The geometric symbol is a hexagon.
Taste is lemon.
The smell is geranium.
Note - FA.
Mantra - AM.
Element - AIR.
Feeling - TOUCH.
The key word is EMOTIONS.
Fear blocking the chakra - FEAR OF LOSSING A LOVED ONE.
The feeling on the palms is neutral.
Endocrine glands - thymus.

Chakra number 5 - VISHUDHA . The throat chakra is located at the base of the neck, controls communication, creative activity - sociability, self-realization, speech. The ability to telepathy. In terms of health, it is responsible for the upper lungs, the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Consequences of malfunctioning: sore throats, runny nose, chest diseases, stuttering, other speech disorders, mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.

The color of energy is BLUE.
The number of petals is 16.
The taste is bitter.
The smell is wormwood.
Note - SALT.
Mantra - HAM.
The element is AKASHA.
The goal is to RISK.
The key word is IDEAS.
Chakra Blocking Fear - Fear of communication.
Feeling on the palms - coolness.
Endocrine glands - thyroid gland.

In addition to the listed energy centers, a person has 2 more chakras that are responsible for the supernatural abilities of a person and his connection with the cosmos.

Chakra number 6 - AJNAor third eye. The chakra is located in the area between the eyebrows. With the active work of this energy center, a person opens supernatural abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairvoyance. The sphere of influence of the chakra is the middle and diencephalon, the pineal gland.

The color of energy is BLUE.
The number of petals is 2.
Geometric symbol - circle.
Taste is not.
Smell - no.
Note - LA.
Mantra - OM.
Feeling - INTUITION.
The task is to REALIZE DREAMS.
The key word is INTUITION.
Chakra blocking fear - Fear of responsibility.
The feeling on the palms is cold.
Endocrine glands - pituitary gland.

Chakra number 7 - SAHASRARA . The chakra is at the crown. This center is responsible for spirituality, religiosity, connection with the Higher Forces.

The energy color is PURPLE.
The number of petals is 960.
Geometric symbol - no.
Taste is not.
Smell - no.
Note - SI.
Mantra - AUM.
Element - ABSOLUTE.
The key word is SPIRITUALITY.
Crystals - ROCK CRYSTAL.
Chakra Blocking Fear - Fear of trusting yourself.
The feeling on the palms is a cold tingling.
Endocrine glands - epiphysis.