Thin bodies. Human subtle energy bodies Human subtle body

All subtle bodies of a Human and their full description

The subtle bodies of a person are energy accumulators, accumulators of the necessary energy, keepers of many abilities and energy systems of a person. In addition, subtle bodies ensure the functioning of the physical parts of the body and human organs.

Subtle bodies - you need to know and develop, because the overall success and state of happiness of a person depends on their health and development!

Subtle human bodies - full description

Any esoteric or yogi knows perfectly well that a Human, in addition to the physical body, also has 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that along with the physical body, the human soul has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of the human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, like the Soul, part (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable, with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine the energy strength of a person, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another chakra. And all together, Subtle bodies form a multi-colored Aura of a Human. Let's consider everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle bodies of a Human. Definitions, structure, etc.

The subtle bodies of a Human are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective chakras and designed to hold free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form in the Subtle World, etc.

There are errors in the drawings, they are approximate to create a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

  1. Etheric (Svadhisthana chakra)
  2. Astral (Manipura Chakra)
  3. Mental (Anahata chakra)
  4. Karmic (Vishudha)
  5. Buddhic (Ajna)
  6. Spiritual (Sahasrara)
  7. Absolute (Atman)

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is physical, it is controlled by the Muladhara chakra.

Each subtle body accumulates and retains the energy of its level, which is necessary for a person for life, development and activity.

Etheric body - accumulates ethereal energy, Astral body - astral, Mental - mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Etheric - retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy - is needed for protection and fighting, it is the energy of strength. Mental - for mental work, to think, control thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which is different for different people. In energetically developed people, subtle bodies are large, pumped up with energy, then they say - “Big Man” :) If a person is exhausted, subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, then one physical body can barely move.

What gives the development of the Human Subtle Bodies?

Each subtle body is a set of its capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

The development of the etheric body is the control of the circulatory system, it makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not to die from heat in summer, and many others. others

The development of the astral body - gives a person invulnerability from the negative emotions of other people, the ability to influence their energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically, with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, when a person realizes the aspirations and principles of these chakras. For example if a person is engaged in mental work, then his mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a purposeful collection of the corresponding energy on the Subtle body, with the help of special esoteric techniques of energy collection. Regularly filling his Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they increase and grow all the time, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through the right way of life - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When there is everything important in life - sports, hardening, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. This person either does it himself, if he has the ability and authority for this (in meditation, for example), or it helps to do the Spiritual Healer

In the following article, we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of a Human.

The experience of the physical body is available to an ordinary person, the experience of the subtle body is available to an ordinary yogi, the enlightened yogi gains the experience of the Divine. God is one in everything and everything resides in him, so the physical body of a person, of which there are many, but for a simplified understanding, we conditionally divide them into 7-9 subtle bodies.

1. Physical body serves as an adaptation to existence in the conditions of a given planet and habitat. It serves as a tool and a means of acquiring life experience, for performing the necessary actions in space when a person fulfills his personal, earthly and cosmic program on the physical plane. Physical the human body is a biological organism, which is the totality of all its constituent organs with different functions. These functions enable the soul to express itself on the physical plane, as part of a larger organism. The physical body is nourished by nine dominant chakras.

2. etheric body is the carrier and conductor of the vital force (Prana). Vital tone, endurance, resistance of the physical body to infections are determined by the energy level of the etheric body. Hunger, thirst, satiety, drowsiness, fatigue, cheerfulness are the influence and manifestation of the energies of the etheric body.

The etheric body has one main purpose: to revitalize and energize the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. This is a bundle of energy flows, lines of power and Light. Cosmic forces flow along these energy lines, just as blood flows through veins and arteries. Such a constant individual - human, planetary and solar - circulation of vital forces through the etheric bodies of forms is the basis of all manifested life and an expression of the essential indissolubility of universal life. The etheric body completely repeats the physical, sometimes it is called the etheric double of a person. It is believed that the etheric body also dies on the 9th day after the death of a person.

3. astral body. The area of ​​vibrations of this body is convincingly manifested in the energies of passions, emotions, desires. The astral or desire body (sometimes also called the emotional body) is the result of the interaction between desire and the central self, the result of which is manifested as emotion. The right hemisphere coordinates the activity of the emotional body of a person, forming the energy of the emotional body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the left half of the body. the astral body dies only on the 40th day. In the occult this is called the second death.

In the etheric and astral bodies, according to the ancient and modern spirit-seers, ninety percent of the causes and ill health of a person are hidden.

4. Mental body- this is the body of thoughts, logic and knowledge of a person in the process. There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms. Heraclitus told us that “the power of thinking is outside the body”, that is, that thinking is by no means based on the physiological functions of the protein bodily organization, although, as an information process that takes place in the body, it is associated with a function. The direct material structure, the functioning of which generates thought as an informational image, is the field formation of the biosystem. Complex thin bodies not only provides all the work of the body at the physiological and mental levels, not only serves as a repository of information, but is also a tool for thinking. The brain is a reading device that allows you to draw information from the human biofield system and the information field of the Universe. It only reflects the development of a mental act that takes place in a different dimensional area: the brain does not think, because the mental process is taken out of this organ. Remember!!! The brain is not an organ of thought, feelings, consciousness and memory, but it is that which links consciousness, feelings, thoughts and memory with real life, makes it listen to real needs and makes them capable of useful action.

The brain has nothing to do with consciousness. He perceives information from the sphere of consciousness and forms it into a sequence of influences on the nerve centers, and they - on the muscles of one or another organ of the physical body. What we today call instinct is the basic set of functions of the human brain. The sphere of consciousness carries out all the intellectual and emotional processes in the human being. and decision-making are carried out outside our brain, outside our physical body, they are carried out in a different dimension - in the sphere of consciousness, and work out only a consequence of the thinking process - its result.

The human brain is a control system of the physical body and a channel of communication between the physical body and the human consciousness.

The left hemisphere coordinates the activity of the human mental body, forming the energy of the human mental body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the right half of the body. This body perishes after the death of a person on the 90th day.

Considered three subtle human bodies along with the physical body belong to our material world, are born and die together with man.

5. Causal body or causal (karmic) . This is the body of our actions, ideas and perceptions, it is expressed in our intellect. It is this body that is our own “caretaker”, which is engaged in the “education” of a person in accordance with the requirements of the Higher powers.

Since the causal body is located in close proximity to the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, it has full possibility, beliefs and real actions. And, noticing violations, take measures to correct our erroneous emotions or beliefs. The emotional (astral) and mental bodies, interacting with each other, form the energy of the next body - the causal or causal body.

6. Buddhic body or intuitive - the spiritual principle or the body of consciousness (soul), which expresses itself in the insight of a person.

This intuitive energy body concentrates the higher unconscious processes. It is also called the “body of values” of a person, a body that is the result of the interaction of the astral-mental body of a person with the astral-mental body of the area. It is not for nothing that many nations have a belief that a person must live and die where he was born. The buddhic body and the energy of the locality prescribe to a person the fulfillment of a certain task that is necessary for the given locality.

7. Atmanic body - the body of ideals, the divine principle, the spark of God or the body of the Spirit.

The Earth, due to its role in the solar system, the asymmetry of the structure, global climatic and tectonic processes, also has its own astral-mental charge. The interaction of this charge with the astral-mental field of a person forms the 7th body based on the interaction of all channels and extrameridial points.

This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there.

8. Solar body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the solar system. It is most fully studied by astrology and it is astrological patterns, with the exception of the influence of stars and constellations, that determine the interaction of human energy with planets. It is the planets, their influence at birth, their location in the sky, that form the energy of the eighth body, as well as the energy potentials of the corresponding human organs.

9. galactic body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the Galaxy.

The eighth and ninth bodies have the highest structure of subtle bodies and human fields.

As already mentioned, matter manifests itself in a person in the energies of various vibration ranges: from a more “gross”, visible physical body to more “subtle” and completely “refined” vibrations of the invisible higher Triad of a person.

Each of the bodies has its own reserve of power - energy of a certain quality and level of "density", "subtlety" of vibrations. A person must be able to keep the physical and subtle bodies in harmony, in unity and purity. All subtle bodies permeate the physical body just as water soaks a sponge. Possessing their own reserve of strength (energy), they can function independently of the physical body and are not mechanically connected with it.

The average person does not function well subtle bodies only for the reason that we do not feed them properly. Eating only rough food, we litter and ruin all our bodies. Nutrition with subtle energies contributes to the growth of the functioning of not only subtle bodies, but the whole person as a whole. To achieve success on the path of spiritual growth, it is very important to eat only that food, which is the totality of human bodies.

A warning to all: and remember that the intangible world of thought controls and governs the physical world.

You must have heard that each of us, in addition to the physical body, has other bodies? This is true. They are called the seven subtle human bodies and six of them cannot be seen. Where are the 7 human bodies located? What is the function and role of the 7 subtle bodies of a person? In this article you will find answers to your questions.

There are 7 human bodies located around the physical body, including the physical body itself, which create an aura. Some people believe that the 7 subtle bodies of a person are similar to the structure of an onion - under one layer there is another. However, this is a bit of an erroneous opinion and with the seven bodies of a person, everything is different. Moving from one layer of the aura, you never lose touch with the previous one. The truth is that there are bodies that are easier to feel, and there are bodies that are very hidden, and one has to practice a lot to “make friends” with them.

To deal with the 7 subtle human bodies in more detail, you can divide them as follows. There are three bodies of the physical type, three bodies of the spiritual type and the astral body which is the bridge between these two groups. The lower three subtle bodies work with energy in the physical plane, while the higher three take care of the spiritual realms.

Each of the 7 human bodies differs in the frequency of its vibration. The higher the vibration, the farther it is from the physical shell. Also, each of the 7 human bodies has its own shape, structure, color, density and location relative to other shells.

So, below are 7 subtle human bodies

First layer. Physical body

Our physical body is considered the most primitive among the 7 subtle human bodies. However, without it, our existence would be impossible, and we would not be able to take lessons on this planet without a physical shell. Why is the physical body considered a subtle body? - you ask. Because it also has its own level of vibrations. Because the same sacred, inexplicable things happen in it, as well as at higher levels. The work of the human brain cannot be called the process of the “material world”.

The etheric body is the lowest vibrational body, located as close as possible to the physical shell. It has a great influence on the physical body and is responsible for the flow of energies in it. From the etheric body of a person depends on his health, longevity, the amount of vitality and enthusiasm.

Through the etheric body, a person communicates with the invisible forces of the universe. The etheric body is a bridge that connects the gross material "skin" with the external transcendental world. In addition, he leads a person to higher frequency etheric bodies, of which he has 5 more.

Second layer. etheric body

Why was the human ethereal body named that way? Because the ether is a transitional state from matter to energy and vice versa. The etheric body of a person is an electromagnetic layer located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the physical body. Electromagnetic devices capture it as a bluish or light gray layer of "loose" and flickering energy. In ancient writings, the etheric body of a person is often referred to as a vehicle for qi or prana energy. Wise men of different schools wrote about the same thing in different words.

Speaking in the words of modern science, the ethereal body can be called the human matrix, which consists of network communication channels through which energy circulates, just as current or information flows through electric wires. This is a very complex scheme, because it stores all the data about the human body, from the work of its organs to the chemical composition of the blood. The etheric body can safely be called a person's medical card.

The etheric body repeats its form after the physical body, so if a person has illnesses, injuries, blocks or any other ailments, the etheric body will definitely display them on itself. As mentioned earlier, the etheric body is a connector and conductor between the visible and the invisible, therefore, a sufficient amount of cosmic energy enters a healthy body, but not an unhealthy (physically or mentally) one, because the blocks do not allow energy to flow in the right direction.

Third layer. Astral or emotional body

We want to dispel a little these stereotypes about the astral and the human astral body. The good news is that astral travel is much closer than you think. And the key to it is your third subtle body, the human astral body. Everyone and everyone has it, the only difference is that someone has an astral body that is activated and functions at 100%, while someone else has not been able to set it up in the right way.

The first mention of the human astral body is found in the Indian Upanishads. Helena Blavatsky frequently referred to the human astral body in her writings, sometimes referring to it as the emotional body. It so happened that over time, the concepts of the astral body, the body of desire and the emotional body of a person became synonymous. We can say that this is true.

The astral body of a person is located at a distance of 10-100 cm from the physical body. Unlike the etheric body of a person, which is responsible for the connection of the physical body with its surrounding energies and is the basic conductor, the astral body of a person is responsible for energy exchange with other people, entities, phenomena, events , emotions, desires. The astral body of a person is a tool with which a person translates all his plans into reality. That is why the astral body is sometimes called the emotional body.

The astral body of a person is considered his aura, and it can have color. The color varies depending on the psycho-emotional state of a person, and its spectrum starts from black (negative emotions) and ends with white (complete inner harmony). The color of the astral body can be different - in the region of Anahata, for example, green, and in the region of Manipura - red at the same time. Devices have already been invented that can take pictures of the astral body of a person and specialists will be able to decipher what this or that color means. As a rule, pastel colors always symbolize calmness, while bright or too dark colors symbolize aggression or negativity. The color of the astral body can change throughout the day depending on the mood.

The activation of the astral body directly depends on the emotional state of a person and his desires and dreams. If a person is purposeful, he has set himself clear tasks, both everyday and grandiosely large, his astral body works actively. It receives energy from space, it interacts with other people, as a rule, as purposeful as he is, and suggests how to act in a given situation. If a person does not know or does not want to know what to do, his astral body "goes out" and the energies of other sources do not penetrate to him. Selfish, destructive desires have a negative impact on the astral body of a person, since they cause great harm to the environment and its energy. People with a negative point of thinking have a bad effect on the astral body of a person. Excessive experiences or prolonged use of narcotic, alcoholic substances that destroy the nervous system at the physical level also have a bad effect.

In order to set up the wrong functioning of the astral body of a person, it is necessary to begin with the desire to be useful to others. Service is like a healing balm for the astral body. The energy exchange between people is activated and a person who does good to others receives even more from them than he gives. This is one of the most powerful practices for activating the astral body.

Secondly, it will be useful to perform regular meditation aimed at monitoring the internal emotions that are projected onto the astral body. Harmonization, calming, normalization of certain desires or emotions will balance the work of the astral body and give you peace and tranquility throughout the day.

For those people who have no problems with the astral body and feel that it is working correctly, it is recommended to perform practices during dreams - astral travel. When the physical body is asleep, the human soul has the opportunity to leave it, enter the astral body and go to other layers of the universe. Some people prefer to perform these practices with the help of hallucinogenic substances, but do not forget that they can do much more harm than good.

All shamans of the world have the ability to see and connect both to their own and to someone else's astral body. Without this skill, they would not be able to heal people, since access to the "information field" of a person lies through his astral body, aura. Professionalism, the phenomenon of shamans lies in the fact that they are able to see and penetrate into the astral body without harming it. In addition, they perfectly control their astral body, not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness. Therefore, one can often hear stories that the same human shaman was seen in different places. There is nothing surprising - he used his astral body to move through space.

Psychic blocks are most often located in or in the Nadi channels. There are three Nadi channels - Pingala (right channel), Ida (left channel) and Sushumna (central channel). All three pass through the seven chakras of man, from Muladhara to Sahasrara. If Nadis and chakras are clear, then the etheric body of a person conducts cosmic energy along the entire length of these channels and centers, as a result of which a person feels healthy, strong, cheerful, happy, full of strength and desire to live and create. Such people can be seen from afar, neither electrical appliances nor clairvoyant people are needed for this. Those whose energy flows through the etheric body correctly spread their rays to everything around them.

However, most people have fears, bad memories, mental disorders, unresolved resentments, psychosomatic illnesses, and a host of other "anchors" that keep them at their lowest frequencies. Blocks can also appear if a person is not doing his own thing, when he is not satisfied with the events taking place in his life, when he deliberately wishes harm to others or engages in destructive activities. The etheric body immediately displays all this data and, as a conductor, does not work correctly.

What should be done to bring the etheric body to the correct work? This requires careful work on yourself and your inner self. First of all, you need to find those problems that worry you. These may be the most secret, secret and inexplicable facts, or they may be banal fears of society. When you figure out what is preventing you from living, you will be able to find a way to solve these problems and set up the etheric body in the right way. Listen to the etheric body - it will tell you how to act. Roughly speaking, if you even just make a request to the Universe, then the ethereal body will transmit its answer to you by any means. Be careful.

Next, you need to realize that working with the inner self requires specific actions. For some, it will be weight loss, for someone - reconciliation with relatives. Someone will need to give up a hated job, and someone, on the contrary, will finally get a job somewhere. The etheric body is not an ephemeral shell that unusual people talk about. This is just a reflection of a person’s life, and the more holistic and purposeful a person is, the stronger and clearer his etheric body is and the more benefits it brings him.

Do not forget that you will have to do self-education. The etheric body requires a person to understand its structure, and the more information-savvy a person is, the easier he will cope with his problems. It doesn't matter what sources you start your education with - from Hindu, Slavic or Chinese teachings, all will equally smoothly lead you to your path of self-realization.

When you start working with the etheric body of a person, be prepared for the fact that your nervous system may “fail”. Mood swings, tantrums, emotional burnout or an inexplicable high are signs that you have activated your Nadi channels and prana energy has flowed through them through the etheric body. Be patient and do not bring mental harm to others.

Fourth layer. Mental body or intellectual

At the level of the astral body, emotions arise in a person, and thoughts arise at the level of the mental body. Any thought processes, learning, subconscious and conscious, is first born in the mental body of a person, and then reaches the physical. Moreover, absolutely any information remains in the mental body forever. Thought forms, which are already a secondary product of the thinking process, are associated with the three subtle bodies of a person: the astral body, the mental body and the karmic body. They are inseparable and fully responsible for human behavior in society. At the astral level, an emotion arises, at the mental level, a thought is born from it, and at the level of the karmic body, the thought takes shape and is fulfilled by a person.

The mental body of a person can be cleansed by controlling food and sleep patterns. The simpler, healthier and lighter your diet is, the more active your brain will work, the more information you will be able to perceive and process. The mental body will fill up faster. Proper sleep in sufficient quantities, regular physical activity will also increase the tone of the body and there will be more strength to fill the mental body with new information and clear rooted stereotypes.

Do not forget that the higher the vibrations of your mental body, the finer and better knowledge will come to you from outside. Get ready for new teachings, new incredible knowledge, for adventures that did not happen to you until you began to work with your mental body.

Fifth layer. Causal or karmic body

We have already written earlier on our website that all actions, emotions and thoughts of a person are stored in his energy field. Each action has its own layer. There is an astral body for emotions and feelings, a mental body for thoughts and information storage, and a causal body for performing an action and storing this action in the memory of the Universe. Every human action, even inaction, has some reason and purpose. Moreover, each action is followed by the result and cause of the following incidents. That is, anything from a simple walk to the construction of a ship has a reason, meaning, purpose. Where do people get these or those desires to act in one way or another? How to explain that some succeed in making their dreams come true, while others fail? Why are some of us born into rich families and others into poor ones?

The answers to these and other questions have a karmic body of a person or a causal body of a person. It, like a real information field, retains the memory of all the actions of a given soul in all its rebirths. That is why this body is called the human karmic body. The ancient Indian scriptures paid much attention to the concept of karma. Karma is the totality of all the done deeds of the soul and the result of what he receives in return. Karma is the universal law of cause and effect, exceptionally fair, according to which all living beings get what they deserve and according to which the energy balance of the world or Samsara is maintained. The karmic body of a person can tell about who the person was in a past life or five lives before it. The karmic body of a person remembers all his good and bad deeds, the causal body can tell why this person was born in such conditions and even knows what awaits him ahead. The karmic or causal body of a person is not at all a magic ball for predictions, it can simply calculate what a person deserves for his efforts.

Unlike the astral, for example, the karmic body of a person does not have clear boundaries and there are no electrical appliances in the world that can capture its shape and size. The color of the karmic body is also unknown. However, they say that it is the karmic body that the soul takes with it after death and carries it through the centuries throughout its worldly existence. The ancient yogis set themselves the goal of burning karma - that is, getting rid of the karmic body. To do this, they performed serious austerities, meditated for months, led a monastic lifestyle. They believed that if they could get rid of karma, they would forever leave Samsara (the circle of death and rebirth) and fall into Nirvana, the Absolute, Brahman, etc.

A person can work with his physical, ethereal, astral, mental bodies, performing certain practices, but as for the karmic body, things are different here. All a person can do to "improve" their karmic body is to start following the Dharma. Dharma is the personal duty of each individual, intended only for him and due to be performed in order to maintain the universal balance. It is believed that those who live according to the Dharma burn their negative karma and accumulate positive ones. Positive karma makes it possible to be born in the next life in more favorable conditions, on divine planets, possessing various siddhis. One who does not observe the Dharma will be born in the next life in the body of an animal, plant, or an even lower evolutionary being to go through all the lessons anew.

It is believed that the karma of the family is stored in the karmic or causal body of a person. In many religious movements, it is repeatedly mentioned that the karma of one person is passed on to his descendants in several generations and, for example, grandchildren or great-grandchildren may be responsible for a serious crime. To learn about such curses, you need to learn to see the karmic body of a person, connect to it, read information from it and know how to correct certain other people's sins. Be careful and avoid charlatans, who may connect to your karmic body, however, can cause even more harm. The best thing is to find your teacher and understand that learning takes time.

If you realize your Dharma, live righteously and do not commit sins, your karmic body will begin to be cleansed of the memory of past negative deeds. You will discover the knowledge of how to recover from diseases that have been tormenting you for a long time, and if you manage to get rid of them, you will gain access to how to heal other people.

Sixth layer. Buddhic or intuitive body

Man is the most complex creation of the Universe, if we consider it on the energy plane. It seems to us that we consist only of bones and blood, but in reality there are at least 7 thin planes, 7 shells, on each of which the most important processes of our life activity take place.

Each of the seven subtle human bodies has its own vibration frequency, and the farther the shell is located from the body, the higher its vibration. The penultimate of the subtlest human bodies is the buddhic body, also called the intuitive human body. Previous bodies, for example, the mental or karmic bodies are responsible for very real events in life - for thoughts, actions, deeds. They store information about the activities of the soul and go on further journeys with it after the death of the body shell. However, at the level of the buddhic body of a person, flashes of intuition, forebodings, instincts, the so-called "sixth sense" occur. Information exclusively here and now. Science is used to giving the phenomenon of intuition a subconscious origin, considering it the result of brain activity. However, people who have at least some relation to spiritual teachings are accustomed to interpreting the emergence of intuition differently. They believe that it originates in the buddhic body, in the intuitive body of man.

The very name "buddhic" comes from the Sanskrit term "buddhi", which means the inner mind, an organ that allows you to comprehend God, comprehend the ideas and thoughts of a living being. Unlike other subtle bodies, the buddhic body of a person or the intuitive body of a person allows him to completely go beyond his physical shell and mind, and get into the information field of the Universe. It is often referred to as the Akashic Records.

The buddhic or intuitive body of a person is considered to be that invisible layer where brilliant ideas and thoughts are born, big problems are solved and insights come. Clairvoyants work through the intuitive body. The better a person's buddhic body is tuned to receive information, the better a person orients himself in life, the more ideas and goals he has, the better his interests are, the more truth he knows and sees.

It is believed that one who wants to know his true destiny must discard all conventions and turn to his buddhic body. It is the buddhic or intuitive body of a person that will tell him what to do and what profession to choose, whether to be near a particular person or leave him, build a house in this place or go in search of another refuge. Intuition is an information wave, it is always active, it all depends on how buddhic or intuitive the human body is tuned to receive.

Intuition is very important for people who are engaged in creative activities. Any artist, writer or musician will tell you that there are times when the "muse" comes and it's easy, fast and pleasant to create. Most likely, at such moments, the buddhic body is activated, it enters into resonance with the information of the environment and projects it onto the person and his activity. In order to develop intuition and increase the activity of the buddhic or intuitive body of a person, it is necessary to perform some simple practices. One of these practices is the rejection of the constant desire to give everything a logical explanation. Turn off your mind and try to look at the situation through the eyes of a child devoid of stereotypes. Your intuitive body will tell you what happened. Be prepared for the fact that completely inexplicable things will begin to happen to you. This is fine.

Next, learn to trust your own hunches and listen to your inner voice. If you are haunted by an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, this may be the voice of a person’s intuitive body. If everyone around you keeps telling you the same thing, and you stubbornly do your own, knowing that you are right, this means that you, in a good sense of the word, follow the lead of your buddhic body and intuition, which comes from the universal information field. The buddhic or intuitive human body gives commands and clues in the form of dreams. In the people it is called prophetic dreams. In order not to miss a single detail, just start a small diary for yourself, in which write down everything that you dreamed about, saw, seemed unusual. All events will be intertwined later in one inseparable thread, just trust the buddhic body.

The Ajna chakra or the third eye is the symbol of the buddhic or intuitive body of man. If the pineal gland is activated, if a person skillfully uses the information stored in the information field, if he knows and uses the fact that the material visible world is just a drop in the great ocean of the Universe, he becomes friendly with his buddhic body and it begins to supply the person truly sacred knowledge, which he will later be able to pass on as teachings to the next generations. A person with an activated buddhic body is capable of leading thousands of people.

If you have managed to awaken your buddhic body and tune it in the right way, the quality of your life will noticeably increase: those issues that previously required you to take a long time to think will now be resolved in a matter of seconds. Through interaction with your buddhic or intuitive body, you will get rid of the concept of "risk", because now you will inextricably connect every moment of your existence with the manifestation of Divine Energy.

Seventh layer. Atmanic body

There is critically little information in the public domain about the human atmic body: who first spoke about it, who was the first to mention it in their writings, and so on. Modern scholars of Hinduism agreed that the Vedas and Upanishads note the existence of seven subtle human bodies. Each of them has its own clear location and function. The human atmic body is the highest, most powerful, subtlest of the seven bodies. In this article, we have collected useful information about the human atmic body, collected from many different sources.

As you know, each of the seven subtle bodies of a person has its own specific function and connects the soul, and then the body with one or another level of vibrations. For example, the etheric body contains information about a person's health, about his mental state, and the karmic body remembers all the actions of the soul and tells what awaits him ahead, according to his actions. The Atmic body of a person stands above all other bodies and connects the previous six with the Absolute, with God. Many names can be given to this boundless expanse, which is all that exists.

The name of the human atmic body comes from the Sanskrit term "atma". This is a complex concept that requires a long explanation, but if you try to fit it in a few words, then atma is a state of the soul that has realized itself. Atma is the merging of the being with the Absolute, enlightenment. The atmic body of a person received such a name, because it is with the help of it that a person acquires full awareness, peace, with the atmic body he cognizes God.

According to many spiritual currents, the self-realization of the individual consists in the destruction of the ego, in the burning of karma and in union with the Absolute. To do this, people perform various practices, do yoga, worship various deities, perform austerities and, in general, build their lifestyle according to this great goal. The Atmic body of a person is the key to the door of God, and in order to reach it, you need to know your own Self, which includes seven subtle bodies.

The atmic body of a person translates the appeal of the soul to God and vice versa. The purer the other six bodies, the faster the transfer of this information in both directions. When a person prays, turns to God, meditates on him or performs selfless deeds, sacrificing himself, it is the atmic body that transfers his blessings to the higher layers of space. As a rule, the reward, although it is not the meaning of the activity of such a person, is not long in coming. There is an energy exchange and through the atmic body a person receives goodness a hundred times stronger than he gives.

Only a few can maintain the constant active activity of the atmic body. This requires constant concentration, being in the state of here and now, inner peace and ultimate awareness. Meditation allows you to increase concentration, both during the process itself and throughout the day after practice. The atmic body of a person tunes in to receive energy, and at such moments many people notice an inexplicable surge of strength, unreasonable joy and inspiration. When the atmic body is at its most active, a person can experience ecstasy, visions, hallucinations, and see prophecies.

In most people, the atmic body is in a state of sleep. Blocks are present at the physical level, in the etheric body, in the astral, which no longer allows the atmic body to function correctly. A person has seven chakras and three subtle Nadi channels through which energy flows. If there are blocks in some area in the form of fears, unpleasant memories, attachments, the influence of the ego, and so on, the energy circulates incorrectly, which is displayed on the physical shell in the form of diseases. A person remains at the level of solving his everyday needs and needs, and there can be no talk about the development of the atmic body.

Therefore, in order to gain access to your own atmic body and learn how to work with it, you must start from the very first body - from the physical. The advice here is extremely simple: work on your own weaknesses and bad habits, normalize sleep, work and rest, proper communication, nutrition and living conditions. Education plays a very important role.

After the physical body is “adjusted”, you can move on to the next stage and work with your own emotions. Remember that the activation of the atmic body and work with it can take not only many months, but even years. Monks, wise elders and shamans, who achieved wisdom only after decades of hard efforts, can serve as an example.

When a person has managed to set up the work of the physical, etheric, astral bodies, he proceeds to practices aimed at specific cases, the mental and karmic bodies are responsible for them. The practice at these stages is to mentally work on your knowledge and behavior. Purity of thoughts and deeds is the basis for advancing further, to the atmic body of a person.

The two highest, thinnest layers - the buddhic and atmic bodies will be available to those who have learned the previous lessons and passed them with dignity. The human buddhic body is responsible for intuition, creativity, unconditional discoveries and ideas. At this level, a person draws his inspiration for life and work. When he realized that everything that surrounds him is God, he creates and creates in his name, he gives every second of his existence to him and is grateful for it. It is then that the atmic body of a person opens. God sees that a person has realized and comprehended his secrets and begins to endow him with the joy of being.

Staying here and now is the basis for the proper functioning of the atmic body.

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The experience of the physical body is available to an ordinary person, the experience of the subtle body is available to an ordinary yogi, the enlightened yogi gains the experience of the Divine. God is one in everything and everything resides in him, so the physical body of a person is permeated with subtle bodies, of which there are many, but for a simplified understanding, we conditionally divide them into 7-9 subtle bodies.

1. Physical body serves as an adaptation to existence in the conditions of a given planet and habitat. It serves as a tool and a means of acquiring life experience, for performing the necessary actions in space when a person fulfills his personal, earthly and cosmic program on the physical plane. Physical the human body is a biological organism, which is the totality of all its constituent organs with different functions. These functions enable the soul to express itself on the physical plane, as part of a larger organism. The physical body is nourished by nine dominant chakras.

2. etheric body is the carrier and conductor of the vital force (Prana). Vital tone, endurance, resistance of the physical body to infections are determined by the energy level of the etheric body. Hunger, thirst, satiety, drowsiness, fatigue, cheerfulness are the influence and manifestation of the energies of the etheric body.

The etheric body has one main purpose: to revitalize and energize the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. This is a bundle of energy flows, lines of power and Light. Cosmic forces flow along these energy lines, just as blood flows through veins and arteries. Such a constant individual - human, planetary and solar - circulation of vital forces through the etheric bodies of forms is the basis of all manifested life and an expression of the essential indissolubility of universal life. The etheric body completely repeats the physical, sometimes it is called the etheric double of a person. It is believed that the etheric body also dies on the 9th day after the death of a person.

3. Astral body. The area of ​​vibrations of this body is convincingly manifested in the energies of passions, emotions, desires. The astral or desire body (sometimes also called the emotional body) is the result of the interaction between desire and the central self, the result of which is manifested as emotion. The right hemisphere coordinates the activity of the emotional body of a person, forming the energy of the emotional body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the left half of the body. After the death of the physical body, the astral body dies only on the 40th day. In the occult this is called the second death.

In the etheric and astral bodies, according to ancient and modern visionaries, ninety percent of the causes of physical illness and ill health of a person are hidden.

4. Mental body- this is the body of thoughts, logic and knowledge of a person in the process of knowing the World. There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms. Heraclitus told us that “the power of thinking is outside the body”, that is, that thinking is by no means based on the physiological functions of the protein bodily organization, although, as an information process that takes place in the body, it is associated with a function. The direct material structure, the functioning of which generates thought as an informational image, is the field formation of the biosystem. Complex thin bodies not only provides all the work of the body at the physiological and mental levels, not only serves as a repository of information, but is also a tool for thinking. The brain is a reading device that allows you to draw information from the human biofield system and the information field of the Universe. It only reflects the development of a mental act that takes place in a different dimensional area: the brain does not think, because the mental process is taken out of this organ. Remember!!! The brain is not an organ of thought, feelings, consciousness and memory, but it is that which links consciousness, feelings, thoughts and memory with real life, makes it listen to real needs and makes them capable of useful action.

The brain has nothing to do with consciousness. He perceives information from the sphere of consciousness and forms it into a sequence of influences on the nerve centers, and they - on the muscles of one or another organ of the physical body. What we today call instinct is the basic set of functions of the human brain. The sphere of consciousness carries out all the intellectual and emotional processes in the human being. The processes of thinking and decision-making are carried out outside our brain, outside our physical body, they are carried out in a different dimension - in the sphere of consciousness, and our brain works out only the consequence of the thinking process - its result.

The human brain is a control system of the physical body and a channel of communication between the physical body and the human consciousness.

The left hemisphere coordinates the activity of the human mental body, forming the energy of the human mental body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the right half of the body. This body perishes after the death of a person on the 90th day.

Considered three subtle human bodies along with the physical body belong to our material world, are born and die together with man.

5. Causal body or causal (karmic). This is the body of our actions, ideas and perceptions, it is expressed in our intellect. It is this body that is our own “caretaker”, which is engaged in the “education” of a person in accordance with the requirements of the Higher powers.

Since the causal body is located in close proximity to the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, it has the full ability to control our thoughts, beliefs and real actions. And, noticing violations, take measures to correct our erroneous emotions or beliefs. The emotional (astral) and mental bodies, interacting with each other, form the energy of the next body - the causal or causal body.

6. Buddhic body or intuitive- the spiritual principle or the body of consciousness (soul), which expresses itself in the insight of a person.

This intuitive energy body concentrates the higher unconscious processes. It is also called the “body of values” of a person, a body that is the result of the interaction of the astral-mental body of a person with the astral-mental body of the area. It is not for nothing that many nations have a belief that a person must live and die where he was born. The buddhic body and the energy of the locality prescribe to a person the fulfillment of a certain task that is necessary for the given locality.

7. Atmanic body- the body of ideals, the divine principle, the spark of God or the body of the Spirit.

The Earth, due to its role in the solar system, the asymmetry of the structure, global climatic and tectonic processes, also has its own astral-mental charge. The interaction of this charge with the astral-mental field of a person forms the 7th body based on the interaction of all channels and extrameridial points.

This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there.

8. Solar body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the solar system. It is most fully studied by astrology and it is astrological patterns, with the exception of the influence of stars and constellations, that determine the interaction of human energy with planets. It is the planets, their influence at birth, their location in the sky, that form the energy of the eighth body, as well as the energy potentials of the corresponding human organs.

9. Galactic body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the Galaxy.

The eighth and ninth bodies have the highest structure of subtle bodies and human fields.

As already mentioned, matter manifests itself in a person in the energies of various vibration ranges: from a more “gross”, visible physical body to more “subtle” and completely “refined” vibrations of the invisible higher Triad of a person.

Each of the bodies has its own reserve of power - energy of a certain quality and level of "density", "subtlety" of vibrations. A person must be able to keep the physical and subtle bodies in harmony, in unity and purity. All subtle bodies permeate the physical body just as water soaks a sponge. Possessing their own reserve of strength (energy), they can function independently of the physical body and are not mechanically connected with it.

The average person does not function well subtle bodies only for the reason that we do not feed them properly. Eating only rough food, we litter and ruin all our bodies. Nutrition with subtle energies contributes to the growth of the functioning of not only subtle bodies, but the whole person as a whole. To achieve success on the path of spiritual growth, it is very important to eat only the food that helps to increase the vibrations of the entire body of a person.

A warning to all: keep your thoughts pure and remember that the intangible world of thought controls and governs the physical world.

It may be counterintuitive, but what we fear most is what happens most often. Do you know that the blackest witches for their children are their own mothers? In general, astral representations are higher in women than in men. If a child goes out alone to take a walk in the yard, his mother begins to worry about him and be afraid: no harm would happen to him, because he is so defenseless, he doesn’t know life yet, he will get lost, get lost, disappear, he won’t return home, because my mother’s heart feels ! This is not felt by the heart, but a bad head creates a thought form for this situation. This situation, created by a mother who is worried about her child, destroys the true situation, and the mother's forecast comes true. Always be sure that everything is fine with your child - and everything will be fine.

Practical guide for:

Hi all! Today I will talk about the subtle bodies of a person, their properties, as well as how they are felt. At least how I feel about them. Today I feel 4 bodies, sometimes 5. So, there are 7 subtle bodies of a person generally accepted for our understanding (in some sources 9).

The subtle bodies of a person are energy systems that are designed to maintain the full functioning of a person as a multidimensional model.

  1. Physical body

Of course, you can’t call it thin, but it is included in the general family of bodies of our existence in this world. It is it that helps us gain life experience and realize the plans of God. It is thanks to him that we learn to understand this world and interact with it.

Our task is to maintain the health of the physical body. Keeping the physical body in good shape helps us to better understand this world and get the maximum experience. In addition, we can and should become co-creators of God and help him. Do not ask like slaves, God forbid, but help him create in this world. A big mistake of many people engaged in spiritual practices is the neglect of their physical body. The body must serve the soul, help it live in this world, and it must be healthy.

  1. etheric body

It carries life force (prana) and repeats the shape of the human body. Our endurance, the health of the physical body depends on the etheric body. Fatigue or drowsiness is also dependent on our ether.

Many do not know, but the etheric body of a person is in 2 projections. First, is located close to the physical body and repeats its shape (see image). When you bring the palm of your hand to your own or someone else's body, you will feel elasticity at a distance of 1-3 cm from the physical body. This is the etheric body.

But there is and another projection of the etheric body. It, depending on the strength and pumping up, can be several meters or even tens of meters. It is dense and feels good enough. The outer shell is easy to scale up and down. For a few meters, I move it quite easily. I feel it like a grayish haze. The outer ether no longer repeats the shape of the physical body, but looks like a cocoon, naturally growing in nature and shrinking indoors.

The main task of the etheric body is to saturate the physical body with energy. After the death of the physical body, the etheric is destroyed on the 9th day.

  1. astral body

This is the body of emotions and desires, feelings and experiences. It has a finer structure compared to ethereal. The astral world is on a different frequency and passes through the physical and ethereal worlds. The astral body is shaped like an egg. The physical body depends on it very much. We can say that our physics is formed under the influence of the astral body.

That is why, in esotericism, so much time is devoted to astral corrections, without taking into account that the karmic influences the astral body, and incorrect actions with the astral can not only not help, but even aggravate the situation. Most often it is the latter that occurs.

After the death of the physical body, the astral disintegrates on the 40th day.

  1. mental body

It is the body of the mind and thoughts. It reflects our beliefs, and has a higher frequency structure than the astral. All religions are also in this body. It is in the mental dimension. The brain does not generate thoughts, it simply processes information from the mental dimension. It is accepted that the mental body disintegrates on the 90th day after the death of the physical.

The etheric, astral and mental bodies die together with the physical and constitute the lower triad of the human soul, which is not transmitted to the next incarnations.

  1. Causal (causal, karmic) body

This body forms the consciousness of the soul on the basis of actions, thoughts, emotions of a person. Here the experience of all incarnations, everything experienced and experienced is collected. The karmic body affects our thoughts and actions. It helps to know this world through logical thinking and reasoning.

Practical guide for:
development of the brain, sensitivity to energies, solving problems related to health, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods for changing fate.

All information and experience after the death of the physical body, the casual body passes on. This information forms desires and aspirations.

At times I manage to feel this body as a need for some action. Intuition is closely related to this projection.

  1. Buddhic (spiritual) body

This is the body of consciousness or the intuitive body. Here is information about world outlook, views, values. A person with a strong buddhic body takes difficult life situations calmly. He simply feels any situations from the inside, and understands the whole game of what is happening.

I really like being in this dimension, when nothing affects you and you feel harmony and freedom.

  1. Atmanic body

This is the higher "I" or the main goal of human life. If a person has a developed atmanic body, he feels the spark of God in himself. In other words, he feels a clear connection with the Creator.

There are also sunny and galactic body, but at this stage I see no reason to write about it. It is necessary to understand and feel the first 7 subtle bodies of a person. You can write a lot, but will it be true?


Often 7 thin bodies of a person are depicted with such a picture.

When I learned to feel subtle bodies in such a picture, I did not understand why I could not feel anything except the ether. Only then I realized that this is a conditional image. In fact, it's not like that. Each structure has its own dimension. And if we take, for example, the mental body (see the picture above), it is in 4th place, but not as drawn, but in 4th place in terms of increasing frequency. Those. the densest body is the physical, less dense and higher frequency - ethereal, even less dense and high frequency - astral, etc.

The mental body is not the same as in the picture in the form of an oval. It changes with thoughts and can be of any size, for example, with our planet or solar system.

The etheric body may be larger than the astral body, but in frequency it is in 2nd place after the physical.

It's enough for today. I think the general structure and purpose of human subtle bodies is clear.

Good luck and be reasonable! Sincerely, .