Work philosophy of zoology wrote. Selected works

(1962) - Gnostic activist, publicist, writing in the genre of "ideological pornography".

In 1979 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. He was expelled from the 2nd year for poor progress. In 1999 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute.

In 2000, he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the North Caucasian Scientific Center of the Higher School of the Southern Federal University (SFU) (Rostov-on-Don) "Evolution of the paradigmatic foundations of science." This dissertation in the specialty "philosophy of science" is an excellent example of pseudoscience.

Doctor of Political Sciences, dissertation "Transformation of political structures and institutions in the process of modernization of traditional societies", SFedU, 2004 Doctor of sociological sciences, dissertation "Transformation social structure society in the context of the sociology of imagination”, SFedU, 2011

In 1980, he met the "Yuzhinsky Circle" of the writer Yuri Mamleev (he emigrated from the USSR in 1974), was a member of the "Black Order SS" group of the "traditionalist" occultist Yevgeny Golovin. In the "order" there was a hierarchy that copied the SS, where, for example, the title of Reichsfuehrer was Golovin.

In 1988, on the advice of E. Golovin, together with the future ideologist of Islamism, Heydar Dzhemal, joined the National Patriotic Front "Memory" of Dmitry Vasiliev. At the end of 1988 - beginning of 1989. was for several months a member of the Central Council of "Memory". Excluded from "Memory" together with G. Dzhemal for contacts with representatives of emigrant dissident circles of the occult-satanic persuasion.

In 1989, he was a member of the Movement of Intellectual Conservatives group, a well-known representative of the counterculture, Igor Dudinsky. Then he met A. Prokhanov thanks to the instructions of Y. Mamleev:

“Do you know, Sasha, that Prokhanov is “ours”…”

“How is it “ours”?” I wondered. It seemed to me that he was on the other side of the barricades, that he was a cadre, a man who dutifully and meekly served the rotting System. And this in my eyes at that time was a complete disqualification.

“No, you are mistaken,” Mamleev continued to assure me, “it is still “ours”, “secret”, “isolated” ...

I believed Yuri Vitalievich and went to the magazine "Soviet Literature" to Prokhanov.

Published in the journal "Soviet Literature" (chief editor - A. Prokhanov).

It imposes contacts with the European "new right", in particular, with neo-pagans from the Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilization européenne (GRECE).

Ch. editor of the "historical and philosophical" publishing center "EON" (1988-1991). In 1991 - Chairman of the "historical and religious" association "Arktogeya". Arctogea publishes books by leading occultists, "mystical Nazis" and neo-pagans of the 20th century: Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Hermann Wirth, Mircea Eliade, Alain de Benoist, Jean Thiriart, Karl Haushofer, etc.

In 1991, he joined the editorial board of A. Prokhanov's newspaper The Day (since 1993, Zavtra) and was one of its main authors. Ch. editor of the almanac "Dear Angel", magazine "Elements".

He lectures on occult geopolitics at the Military Academy of the General Staff (since 1992): I was invited by the generals whom I met in the course of patriotic activities. Begins cooperation with the head of the department of strategy of the Military Academy of the General Staff N.P. Klokotov.

From 1993 to 1995, he was a publicist for the tabloid pornographic newspaper Novy Vzglyad.

Limonov, Letov and Dugin at the party meeting of the NBP

At the beginning of 1993, he tried to create a New Right Movement on the basis of a group of fans of the Elements magazine. On May 1, 1993, together with E. Limonov, he signed an "order" on the creation of the "National Bolshevik Front" (since November 1994 - the National Bolshevik Party). Dugin becomes the ideologist of the NBP, one of the main authors of the NBP newspaper Limonka.

In the autumn of 1993, he gained all-Russian fame thanks to the demonstration on the ORT television channel of the cycle of programs “Secrets of the Century” (together with Yuri Vorobyevsky).

In 1995, he ran for the State Duma in the North-Western District of St. Petersburg with the support of Yegor Letov and Sergey Kuryokhin. He lost the election, receiving 0.87% of the vote (14th place).

In 1996-1997 presents weekly radio performances "Finis mundi" on FM "Radio 101". The performances are dedicated to Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Haushofer, Lautreamont, Gustav Meyrink, Jean Parvulesco, Hermann Wirth, Rene Guénon, Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Guy Debord, Nikolai Klyuev and others.

From the end of 1997, he became interested in "Orthodox" modernism and the Old Believers. Joined fellow believers.

V. Karpets, Dugin and M. Tyurenkov like co-religionists

Published an appendix to the newspaper "Tomorrow" "Invasion. Territory of National Bolshevism. In the spring of 1998, he left the NBP.

In 1998, he organized a conference in Kazan "Pan-Eurasian nationalism". He meets the former colonel of the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) Pyotr Suslov, with whom he later creates the Eurasia movement. Initially, "Eurasia" served the administration of the President of the Russian Federation as a platform for negotiations with Chechen gangs, in particular, with Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev.

Nukhaev is really a barbarian, he is an enemy of the state and even the very idea of ​​civilization. His extremist version of Islam is clearly fueled by a gangster worldview.(Pavel Khlebnikov). Nukhaev in the summer of 2001 participates in a conference on "Eurasianism" organized by A.D., and is a member of the leadership of "Eurasia". Nukhaev's "philosophical" texts still appear on the websites of Dugin's organizations.

In November 1999, he took the initiative to create the Templars of the Proletariat party. From 1998 to 2003 A.D. He was an adviser to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Gennady Seleznev. In 1999 - Chairman of the "Center for Geopolitical Expertise" section of the Expert Advisory Council on National Security Issues under the Chairman of the State Duma. In 2000, he was involved in the creation of an all-Russian left-wing democratic political social movement"Russia" by Gennady Seleznev. At the founding conference he was elected to the Coordinating Council. He was the author of the manifesto of "Russia".

Since 2000 he has been teaching the course "Philosophy of Politics" at the Moscow Independent University of Ecology and Political Science. Honorary member of the "Economic and Philosophical Assembly" at the Center for Public Relations of Moscow State University.

"Rector" of the lecture hall under the loud name "New University" (1998-1999). He read a course of lectures "Traditionalism as a language." Yu. Mamleev, E. Golovin, G. Dzhemal participate in the work of the lecture hall.

At the beginning of 2000, he came up with a proposal to move the capital of Russia to Kazan.

In con. 2000 - beginning. 2001 organizes the movement "Eurasia" together with P. Suslov: Now my money is completely different, it cannot be compared with those that were given for "Russia" and the Seleznev elections. According to the explanations of the assistant A.D. Pavel Zarifullin, there was no money at all, and then, oddly enough, Marat Gelman helped - he just gave 45,000 dollars, the money was not bad at that time. Lived on this for a while.

On April 21, 2001, at the founding congress of the Eurasia movement, he was elected chairman of the political council of the movement. Stated: Putin's rule was a real victory for Eurasian ideas... We support the president totally, radically. The leadership of the movement included P.E. Suslov, N.P. Klokotov, Mufti T. Tadzhuddin, head of the Israeli International Hyperzionist Movement "Bead Arzeinu" Avrom Shmulevich (former Leningrad Zionist Nikita Demin), Mufti from Tatarstan Farid Hazrat Salman, etc.

In conclusion of my report, I want to say words of gratitude to my associates, who made great efforts to ensure that our founding congress took place ... the Federation of Jewish Organizations of Russia and personally to Chief Rabbi Berl Lazar for the all-round assistance and support provided by all of them in the creation of "Eurasia" (A. D. Speech at the founding congress of "Eurasia").

In Paris in January 2011 with Avigdor Eskin, Leo Getz and Mordechai Kriki

Participates as a leading expert in the Expert Council of the Directorate of Channel One.

In 2002, the Eurasia movement was transformed into a political party of the same name. Chairman of the political council of the party. Expelled from the party by P. Suslov.

In September 2003, Eurasia participated in the creation of Dmitry Rogozin's Rodina electoral bloc. Left Rodina, naming it dull right-wing rabble, since Dugin and his "Eurasians" did not appear on the federal list of Rodina, which the bloc registered to participate in the elections.

Creates the so-called "International Eurasian Movement" (MED). Established on November 20, 2003 in Moscow. Leader of the MED and Chairman of the "Eurasian Committee". A.P. was included in the Supreme Council of MED. Torshin, A.A. Aslakhanov, M.V. Margelov, T. Tadzhuddin, E.M. Sagalaev, N.M. Vitrenko, Jean Parvulesco, M.L. Khazin, as well as Ukrainian fascist Dmitry Korchinsky.

Honorary Professor of the Eurasian National University. L. Gumilyova (Astana, Kazakhstan). Author of the book "Eurasian mission of Nursultan Nazarbayev":

In the midst of the chaos and collapse of the 90s, the President of the newly created republic, the largest after Russia, among the CIS countries, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev proclaimed the Concept of the "Eurasian Union" ... This was a turning point in the history of our idea. Projects began to take shape, a system of intuitions, generalizations and philosophical theories began to take shape in real life.

There is a youth wing under the MED, officially registered as the All-Russian Youth Public Movement "Eurasian Youth Union" (ECM) on September 21, 2005. In turn, in 2006 the ECM establishes the "Youth Anti-Orange Front" of the CIS. Among the participants were activists of the Union of Bashkir Youth, which declared itself a branch of the Turkish terrorist organization Gray Wolves, the Brotherhood party of D. Korchinsky, the Tatar Youth Union Azatlyk (Freedom), etc.

Since 2005, he has been the host of the weekly analytical program "Milestones" on the Orthodox TV channel SPAS. The head of the channel is Ivan Demidov, later head of the ideological department of the United Russia political department, deputy. head of the department for domestic politics Administration of the President on issues of public and religious organizations.

Activities of A.D. on the SPAS channel provoked protests. Yes, oh Maxim Kozlov characterized his views as unacceptable from the point of view of Orthodox ecclesiology and doubtful in terms of compliance with the Fundamentals of social concept Russian Orthodox Church from a socio-political point of view. O. Maxim Kozlov stated that the association of the figure of Alexander Dugin with an Orthodox TV channel is a temptation for many potential viewers of the latter.

In 2007, by order of the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he wrote the textbook "Social Science for the Citizens of New Russia". At the same time, in an interview with the Eurasia information portal, Ivan Demidov admitted: Undoubtedly, the decisive factor, a kind of turning point, was the appearance in my life of Alexander Gelievich Dugin in the sense that it was a very strange appearance, because I understood that I and my circle of friends lacked their ideologist ... mass consciousness already ripe for the perception of ideas, as Alexander Dugin designates them - a radical center.

He teaches the course "Post-Philosophy" at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.

He hosts the weekly program "Russian Thing" on the radio "Russian News Service".

In 2008 he became a professor at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. Establishes the Center for Conservative Research (CRC) at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, Chairman of the CRC. Such "conservatives" as Alain de Benois, Sergey Kurginyan, Maxim Shevchenko, Mikhail Tyurenkov, Vladimir Karpets, Geydar Dzhemal, Alexander Tsipko, Israel Shamir, Avigdor Eskin take part in the work of the Central Committee of the Institute.

Ch. editor of the Russian Time magazine.

And about. head Department of Sociology of International Relations, Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University. Dismissed on June 27, 2014. Continues to work at the Faculty of Sociology at the non-budgetary rate of a professor.

In 2011, he became one of the founders of the Florian Geyer Philosophical Club in Moscow, named after the SS division. The official "president and initiator" of the club is Heydar Dzhemal, head of the Islamic Committee of Russia and "philosopher-occultist". Co-founder - Maxim Shevchenko, presenter of analytical TV programs on Channel One, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Since March 2012 A.D. is a member of the Expert Advisory Council under the Chairman of the State Duma of Russia S.E. Naryshkin.

Dugin, Alexander G. views

Through E. Golovin, he perceived the rhetoric of the occult "traditionalism" of Rene Guénon, the occult geopolitics of Haushofer, the "conservative revolution": i.e. National Socialism and Fascism.

At the same time, he positions himself as an indefinite "radical", regardless of left or right. His "radicalism" is predominantly ornamental countercultural in nature.

Dugin, Alexander G. Influence

As part of the Eurasian Youth Forum "Dombai-2012" Dugin conducts a business game for representatives of the Salafi youth North Caucasus, within the framework of which the scenes of the dialogue of radical Salafis with the Eurasian Tsar, the liberal president and the nationalist dictator were played out.

Among the pets of A.D. we can distinguish I.I. Demidov, "red-brown Zionist", and now a member of the Russian Orthodox Church A. Mahler, anti-Christian V. Golyshev, former NBP activist V. Korovin, M. Tyurenkov, V. Karpets, French "new right" Christian Boucher.


Today's canonization of Nicholas II is not traditionalism, it is a parody. It would be better to canonize Lenin.

I have a positive attitude towards religious Zionism, towards Jewish socialist tendencies. I really like such figures as Trumpeldor or Zhabotinsky. In addition, I studied materials on the spiritual and mystical traditions of Judaism with great interest.

[Regarding the election of Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister of Israel:] Our, polar, solar Jews won... I am very glad. I sincerely congratulate the Israelis on true choice. By making it, you have helped us tremendously… step boldly on the Temple Mount like Ariel Sharon… I congratulate Ariel Sharon on this great success. I see it as signs of the times.

And the dumb soldiers that died so uselessly
Set on a throne of ice two-headed skeleton
Shining Himmler will rise from the mossy grave
And the fog of the eye sockets will surround the Absolute dawn

(from the poem "Absolute Dawn").

see also

Boyko, Mikhail; Senchin, Roman. Dr. Dugin // Literary Russia. No. 15 (13.04.2007)

Golovin, Evgeny. "Russian Thing" by Alexander Dugin as a Confrontation between Sea and Land: An Essay on an Essay // NG Ex libris (24.07.2003)

Nekhoroshev, Grigory. Business - Eurasia // Business Chronicle (05.06.2002)

Nilogov, Alexander. Alexander Dugin: A short path to absolute knowledge. Bibliography as a biography // Who makes philosophy in Russia today. M., 2007

The CIS Youth Anti-Orange Front is being created: the youth of the empire // Eurasia (25.04.2006)

Stroev, Sergei. The experience of "Arktogea": the total sin of fornication // FORUM.msk (05.02.2006)

Umland A. Post-Soviet right-wing extremist counter-elites and their influence in modern Russia// Emergency ration. 2008. No. 1 (57)

Khlebnikov, Pavel. Conversation with the barbarian. Moscow: Detective-Press, 2003

Chelnokov, Alexey. "Three heroes" in the form of the Waffen-SS: A well-known TV presenter, Islamic figure and professor at Moscow State University created a club of "intellectuals" in Moscow, which was given the name of the Nazi SS division // Top Secret (July 2012)

Chudinova, Elena About some conservatives // Expert Online (27.08.2009)

Alexandre Douguine l'Oriental // PAROUSIA (26.11.2011)

Griffin, Roger. A fascist century. Palgrave, 2008

Ingram, Alan. Alexander Dugin: Geopolitics and NeoFascism in Post-Soviet Russia // Political Geography. 2001. V. 20. No. 8. PP. 1029–1051

Shekhovtsov A.; Umland A. Is Alexander Dugin a Traditionalist? "Neo-Eurasianism" and Perennial Philosophy // The Russian Review. 2009. V. 68. No. 4. PP. 662-678

World fascism: a historical encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO, 2006

Dugin Alexander Gelievich - Russian sociologist and philosopher, founder of the idea of ​​new Eurasianism. Born in 1962 (January 7). His father served in the intelligence department of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, his mother worked as a doctor. Alexander became interested in politics, philosophy and sociology in his youth. Since then, his views have repeatedly changed.

Early views

During Soviet times, Alexander Dugin professed radical anti-Soviet views. He was an ardent anti-communist and conservative. He wanted to replace the Soviet regime with a conservative one. He cannot name the system of political structure yet. According to Alexander himself, he even took his son to spit on the monument to Lenin, to such an extent his views were radical at that time. He was fond of occultism and Satanism, for which he was expelled from the national-patriotic front "Memory". There is evidence of his association with dissident writers.

With Dugin, Alexander changed his view of the Soviet model of governance. He also meets a well-known musician, the soloist of the Civil Defense group, Yegor Letov (who was also in opposition to Soviet leadership in the 80s). Together with them he organizes the National Bolshevik Party. During the coup in Moscow, he defended the Supreme Council.

At this time, his ideology begins to form, which is the "fourth" way. Several books are published in which he sets out his position: The Templars of the Proletariat, The Conservative Revolution, The Mysteries of Eurasia, and others. Alexander criticizes liberalism and "Americanism", is in strong opposition to Yeltsin. He believes that humanity has reached an ideological dead end, that all political courses of the 20th century (fascism, communism, liberalism) have exhausted themselves. Therefore, he offers his own path - Eurasianism. That is, a kind of symbiosis of leftist totalitarian ideas with the base of the “new right”. The National Bolshevik Party is gaining great amount adherents, especially among radical youth. In 1998, he left the NBP due to disagreements with Limonov.

In the early 2000s, Dugin almost completely formed his political worldview, in which form he is known now. Since then, the nickname "Eurasian" has stuck with the philosopher. In several of his writings, he details his idea of ​​a "fourth way". The essence of Eurasianism is the unification of all Slavic lands and former territory USSR into a single state. The political system will be the quintessence of Stalinism and neoconservatism. This idea has gained wide support in many countries. European philosophers and political activists have repeatedly come to Moscow to hold joint events with Dugin.

The new Eurasianism is characterized by anti-liberalism and a radical rejection of Americanism. The attitude towards the Soviet past is positive. In particular, to the period of Stalin's rule and partly Brezhnev's. At the same time, society, according to Dugin, should also stand for traditionalism, but rejecting xenophobic sentiments.

Dugin Alexander Gelievich is a parishioner of one of the Byzantine symphonies (the work of secular and spiritual authorities, autonomous from each other), considers an ideal example of the position of religion in society. He considers Russia to be the center that unites all Slavs.

Dugin Alexander has repeatedly criticized the Russian authorities for the lack of a clear ideological line. He believes that such a situation will necessarily lead to an inevitable crisis, up to the destruction of Russian statehood.

Alexander Dugin: books

Since the 1990s, Dugin has been actively published in various publications. His articles are often found in newspapers and magazines. He published many books that gained popularity even outside of Russia. For example, the book "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" has been translated into 7 languages. The monograph "Postphilosophy" is popular among philosophical theorists. The course of lectures that formed the basis of the book, Dugin read to students of Moscow State University.

The acquisition of popularity and intellectual influence on the territory of Europe caused a wide discussion of Alexander's personality among socio-political researchers and philosophers. For example, American politician Glen Beck called Dugin "the most dangerous person on Earth." Radical nationalists criticize Dugin's works, seeing in them Marxist internationalism. And some left-wing critics call the idea of ​​Eurasianism a new fascism.

Russian Philosopher (Ph.D. philosophical sciences; founder of the ideological trend "neo-Eurasianism"), political scientist (Doctor of Political Science), publicist, rector of the "New University", Leader of the "International Eurasian Movement" (MED); speaks 9 languages, Orthodox (co-religionist - Old Believer consent accepting the priesthood of the Moscow Patriarchate). He stood at the origins of the NBP (together with Eduard Limonov and Yegor Letov).

Born in 1962 in Moscow. Father - Geliy Alexandrovich Dugin (1935-1998) - candidate of legal sciences, lieutenant general of the GRU General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR, mother - Galina Viktorovna Dugin (1937-2000) - doctor, candidate medical sciences. In 1979 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). In 1980, he joined Yuzhinsky Circle of Yuri Mamleev. He was a member of a number of esoteric societies, one of which was the mystical traditionalist circle "Black Order SS".

In 1988, together with Heydar Dzhemal, he joined the National Patriotic Front "Memory" of Dmitry Vasiliev. In the period from 1990 to 1992, he worked with the declassified archives of the KGB, on the basis of which he prepared a number of newspaper, magazine articles, books, and the television program "Secrets of the Century", broadcast on Channel One.

* From 1988 to 1991 - Chief Editor Publishing Center "EON".
* Since 1990 - editor-in-chief of the almanac "Dear Angel".
* Since 1991 - editor-in-chief of the magazine "Elements".
* Since 1991 - Chairman of the Historical and Religious Association "Arktogeya".
* From 1993 to April 1998 - an ideologue and one of the leaders of the NBP.
* From 1996 to 1997 - author and host of the radio program "FINIS MUNDI" (Radio 101-FM).
* From 1997 to 1999 - author and host of the Geopolitical Review program (Radio Free Russia).
* Since 1998 - Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev
* Since 1999 - Chairman of the "Center for Geopolitical Expertise" section of the Expert Advisory Council on National Security Issues under the Chairman of the State Duma.
* In 2000 - reads the course "Philosophy of Politics" at the International Independent Ecological and Political University.
* Since 2001 - Chairman of the Political Council (leader) of the All-Russian Socio-Political Movement "Eurasia".
* From 2002 to November 2003 - Chairman of the Political Council of the Eurasia Party.
* Since November 2003 - leader of the International Eurasian Movement.
* Since March 2008, he has been the unofficial ideologist of the United Russia party, according to information on the official website of the MED.

Lives in Moscow. He was married to Evgenia Debryanskaya. AT this moment married to Natalia Viktorovna Melentyeva - philosopher, candidate of philosophical sciences, publicist, director of the Arktogeya publishing house, teacher of philosophy at MNEPU.
Son: Arthur (baptized Dimitry) Aleksandrovich Dugin, born in 1985, Muscovite, graduated from the Moscow Linguistic University, web designer, musician.
Daughter: Daria Alexandrovna Dugina, born in 1992, student of the gymnasium, flutist.

Chairman of the Eurasian Committee of the International "Eurasian Movement" (MED), poet, amateur esoteric philosopher

Born January 7, 1962 in Moscow, in the family of a GRU officer (later a general), Russian. Father, Geliy Alexandrovich Dugin, left the family when his son was three years old. Mother - Galina Viktorovna Dugina (nee Anufrienko), was born in Arkhangelsk. Was close friend mother Valeria Novodvorskaya.

In 1979 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). At the institute he played in a student rock band, composed lyrics for it. Was expelled from the 3rd course. According to one version - for anti-Soviet poetry; according to another, coming from Dugin himself, for decorating the assembly hall where the concert was held with a poster: "F..ts to the damned Soviet!"

But there is also an oral version that Dugin and his friends participated in a series of robberies of academic dachas, friends were imprisoned for this, and Dugin himself was saved by his father from troubles under a "psychic" article (and even this option: allegedly received 4 years, left 2 years ahead of schedule for good behaviour).

Thanks to a short stay in a psychiatric hospital, he dropped out of the army.

He worked as a janitor and as a private teacher of English and French, which he studied on his own (he knows a total of 9 languages, including Latin, ancient Greek and Hebrew).

In 1980, he appeared in the "Yuzhinsky circle" of the writer Yuri Mamleev, and after the emigration of Yu. Mamleev, he was a member of the underground group "Black Order SS" of Evgeny Golovin, the first Russian "new rightist", whom he considers his teacher.

In 1988, on the advice of E. Golovin, he joined together with Heydar Dzhemal in the National Patriotic Front (NPF) "Memory" of Dmitry Vasiliev; in late 1988 - early 1989 he was a member of the Central Council of the NPF "Memory" for several months. He was expelled from "Memory" (along with G. Dzhemal) on suspicion of Satanism and for anti-Soviet statements.

In 1989, he was a member of the Movement of Intellectual Conservatives (DIK) group of Igor Dudinsky.

He organized the "Historical and Philosophical Center" EON ", on the basis of which the Arktogeya Association and the publishing house of the same name were later created.

In 1990-1992, he worked in the secret archives of the KGB, access to which was arranged for him by his father. Allegedly, he discovered unique documents there - part of the archive of "Ahnenerbe" (Institute of "Heritage of the Ancestors" of the SS), according to which in 1993, together with journalist Yuri Vorobyevsky, he made a series of programs for television.

In August 1991, he sympathized with the State Emergency Committee and came to the deputy Viktor Alksnis, demanding weapons for himself (unsuccessfully).

In 1991, he joined the editorial board of the newspaper The Day (after the closing of The Day - Zavtra) and was one of its main authors.

In 1991, he published 1 issue of the Hyperborean magazine and the almanac "Dear Angel" (in 1995, No. 2 was published, in 1998, in the form of a 700-page book.

In July 1992, he founded the magazine of the "new right" "Elements".

Established ties with the sect of Satanists "Order of the Oriental Templars" Aleister Crowley ("Great Beast"), received in Moscow the head of the French branch of the Order of Christian Boucher.

At the beginning of 1993, he tried to create a New Right Movement based on a group of fans of the Elements magazine. On May 1, 1993, together with the "new leftist" leader of the dwarf National Radical Party (CHP), Eduard Limonov, he signed an "order" on the creation of the "National Bolshevik Front" (NFB). On July 1, 1993, the Front for National Revolutionary Action (FNRD) of the national Satanist Ilya Lazarenko joined the NSF. By the fall of 1993, the NBF had changed its name to the National Bolshevik Party (NBP). He had a party card of the NBP No. 2 (No. 1 - Limonov).

In the autumn of 1993 he came out of obscurity thanks to the sensational show on the 1st and 4th channels of the cycle of programs "Secrets of the Century" (A. Dugin and Yu. Vorobyevsky).

In 1994, together with Limonov, he participated in an unsuccessful attempt to create a united front of the left and right opposition with the participation of Viktor Anpilov's Labor Russia and Alexander Barkashov's Russian National Unity (RNU).

On December 17, 1995, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the North-Western District No. 210 (St. Petersburg) with the support of Sergei Kuryokhin. Dugin was assisted in the campaign by the radical left group Rabochaya Struggle and the left-right extremist Yuri Nersesov. He lost the election, receiving 0.87% of the vote (14th place).

In 1996, he traveled to Libya for an international seminar of anti-American forces hosted by Muammar Gaddafi.

Since the end of 1997, he became interested in the Old Believers. Subsequently, and formally, he joined the "universal agreement" - this Old Believer sense, preserving the ancient rites, recognizes the administrative jurisdiction of the ROC MP).

In the spring of 1998, he broke up with E. Limonov, left Limonka and the NBP, taking with him a group of personal admirers (Alexey Tsvetkov, Arkady Mahler , Mikhail Verbitsky and etc.). Published the newspaper "Invasion. Territory of National Bolshevism" (came out as an insert in the newspaper "Tomorrow", as well as on the Internet). In July 1998 he released the first issue of an independent publication called "Eurasian Invasion" (the second issue was published in the spring of 1999).

In November 1999, he came up with the initiative to create the Templars of the Proletarian party, which went unnoticed.

Doctor of Political Sciences.

He wrote for General Viktor Kazantsev his Ph.D. thesis "Interethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus in the context of geopolitical realities", which Kazantsev successfully defended in 2000.

In early 2000, he proposed to move the capitals of Russia to Kazan.

In the spring of 2000, he joined the Rossiya movement, which was created by the speaker of the State Duma, Gennady Seleznev. At the founding conference of the Left-Democratic Movement "Russia" on July 15, 2000, he was elected to the Coordinating Council. He was the author of the manifesto of the movement "Russia", but by the beginning of 2001. moved away from the movement.

In late 2000 - early 2001, together with Peter Suslov (Public Foundation for the Promotion of Peace and Cooperation in the Caucasus "Unity") and with the support of the Mufti of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and the European CIS countries (TsDUM) Talgat Tadzhuddin began to create the Eurasia movement.

April 21, 2001 at the founding congress of the All-Russian political public movement "Eurasia" was elected chairman of the political council of the movement (P. Suslov - chairman of the executive committee). The purpose of the movement was declared "cooperation with the leadership of the country in order to help the fateful phenomenon, which is the Eurasian reforms of Vladimir Putin." On behalf of the Eurasia movement, he declared: "Putin's rule has become a real victory for Eurasian ideas ... We support the president totally, radically." The political council of the Eurasia movement included T. Tajuddin and the head of the Israeli International Hyperzionist Movement Motherland") Avrom Shmulevich (former Leningrad Zionist Nikita Demin).

In April 2002, he transformed the Eurasia movement into a party of the same name (Dugin - chairman of the political council; Suslov - chairman of the executive committee).

In November 2003, P. Suslov expelled Dugin from the party (in December 2004, Suslov renamed the Eurasia party into the Eurasian Union party).

The group of Dugin's supporters became known as the International "Eurasian Movement" (MED). Since the beginning of 2004 - member of the "Eurasian Council" and head of the "Eurasian Committee" MED. The "Eurasian Council" includes a number of Russian deputies and ministers, as well as a Ukrainian fascist Dmitry Korchinsky and leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) Natalia Vitrenko.

In February 2005, he created from his young supporters the "Eurasian Youth Union" (ESM; leaders - members of the "Eurasian Committee" Pavel Zarifullin and Valery Korovin).

He believes in the occult conspiracy of the mondialists-Atlantists against Eurasianism. I am convinced that "... world history is nothing more than an open and secret struggle between two secret orders - the "minstrels of Morvan" (Atlantist-mondialists) and the "minstrels of Murcia" (Eurasians), admirers of the Egyptian Set, the Red Donkey and admirers of the northern polar Apollo, the killer of the Serpent Python." Martin Borman and General Alexander Poskrebyshev - conductors of Germanophile ideas at the courts of Hitler and Stalin. Hitler and Stalin are Eurasians, Khrushchev is a secret agent of the Atlanticists.

In the 90s, he did not hide his sympathies for fascism (see, for example: Conservative Revolution. The Third Way.).

Author of the books "Ways of the Absolute", "Conspiracy Theory", "Hyperborean Theory", "Conservative Revolution", "Goals and Tasks of Our Revolution", "Templars of the Proletariat", "Geopolitics of Russia", "Mystery of Eurasia", "Metaphysics of the Good News", "Absolute Motherland", as well as a number of books in European languages.

A talented poet, writes under the pseudonym Alexander Sternberg. In the verses "Absolute Dawn" (became the words of the song of the punk band "Gang of Four"), he sang of Himmler ("... and the dumb soldiers who died so uselessly / Will install a two-headed skeleton on a throne of ice / Shining Himmler will rise from a mossy grave / And the fog of the eye sockets will embrace the Absolute Dawn").

The Russians invented the wheel that doesn't roll and the furnace that rolls.

All instruments break when measuring a Russian person.

Russians measure everything by their own measure, which is infinite.

He was married to Evgenia Debryanskaya, who later became the founder of the lesbian movement in Russia and the leader of the Association of Sexual Minorities (she also participated in the creation of the Democratic Union (DS), the Russian branch of the Transnational Radical Party (TRP) and the Libertarian Party (LP)).