Good luck in feng shui. Heavenly and Earthly Feng Shui luck

Anna Zakharova

Do you know the situation when you seem to be exhausted, but you feel that there is no return in business? Persistent efforts in work and even optimism do not help you to achieve your cherished goal in full?

Do you get the same idea that something is missing from your personal formula for success? Perhaps some tips on how to attract luck and money into your life will help you.

Regardless of how skeptical you are against various sacred actions, the meaning of which you may not understand, simple and effective rituals for attracting good luck in money help thousands of people set foot on the strip of success and prosperity.

Home improvement: energy of wealth according to feng shui

The traditional Chinese art of interior design ascribes the ability to influence such areas of human life as work, health, patronage and financial success in the special arrangement of rooms and furniture. Feng Shui ritual objects at a symbolic level attract wealth and money to their owner.

What attracts money and good luck in Feng Shui?

To activate the sector responsible for wealth, one or more water symbols should be placed in the southern rooms:

  • a figurine of a water frog in black or dark blue;
  • aquarium with live fish;
  • a painting depicting a waterfall, stream, river, etc .;
  • indoor fountain;
  • a figurine of Hottei - the deity of money and good luck;
  • “Wind chime” - 4, 7 or 9 bells with hieroglyphs for water, wealth and success.

It is better to store savings and jewelry in the northern rooms - the energy of money and wealth is multiplied in this sector.

Place here a piggy bank, a box of family jewelry and important papers related to family income - all this will naturally multiply thanks to the growth energy circulating in this sector.

The so-called money tree - ficus fatty will also help to increase income. The leaves of this plant are round and symbolize the coins "growing" in the house. You can put a few coins of different denominations in the pan of the flower pot so that the plant attracts their monetary power to you.

How to handle money to increase it

Not only Eastern, but also Western traditions tell you how to increase the flow of money to you. It is believed that a special attitude to banknotes - banknotes and coins - can increase wealth.

How to attract good luck in money:

  • carry money in a wallet in red, black or gold, without scratches, protruding threads and faulty fasteners. To receive a salary or interest on a transaction, prepare a special "profitable" wallet and always put the earned money into it, but you cannot spend money from it, it is better to transfer money for purchases to another place. For a particularly large amount of money, you can generally buy a new wallet - it will become your talisman, charging money with energy for growth;
  • carry a napkin scented with mint essential oil in your wallet - this aroma attracts money;
  • buy a Chinese coin with a square slot and a red silk thread with a special knot, wear the talisman in the coin compartment - it can attract small but pleasant amounts of money for you;
  • put the largest bill in the closed compartment of your wallet, you can have a dollar or a euro, which you can afford, and do not change it as long as possible - such a bill will eventually become an amulet for good luck and wealth;
  • « hypnotize»The largest bill and imagine how you get more and more income. It is believed that money is loved when the owner admires them, and by themselves they are drawn to such a person. "Hypnosis" of money can be carried out on payday, but it is better if this ritual is combined in the phase of the moon - you need, of course, a growing one.

Good luck in money matters favors those who are good at calculating money. Remember, the best magic for money is neatness. Money loves the account, so you should always know exactly your cash amount, the amount of savings, and all items of expenditure to the nearest penny. The exception is the piggy bank, the contents of which cannot be counted until it is full.

Home witchcraft for prosperity

Hundreds of years ago, a set of household instructions and rituals was called domestic witchcraft, and every Slavic woman with its help kept the well-being of her home and family. Valuable knowledge about the subtle essence of luck and money now exists in the form of omens and is considered more superstition than reasonable rules, but is this so?

Perhaps you are negatively opposed to various superstitions and do not like to notice bad omens. Note, however, that most so-called omens do not exist to unexpectedly upset you.

In fact, these are recommendations based on the principle of the opposite. Behind each "no" is "how to do it right", and if you comprehend the information of the ancients in this way, you will receive a practical guide for a prosperous life.

The following tips help prosperity and good luck in money matters:

  • get rid of unnecessary things and garbage in the morning. Litter carried out at night makes you financially vulnerable;
  • postpone the conversation about money, payments and debts until the morning or afternoon, in the evening such a discussion can bring unreasonable decisions;
  • use one broom or broom around the house. If you have a separate broom for your yard or staircase, keep it in your back room - closet, closet, balcony;
  • be a zealous housewife, do not throw away food and leftovers that animals can eat, collect bread crumbs in a jar from which you feed the birds (preferably on Saturdays - this day of the week is dedicated to charity);
  • giving clothes for a while or as a gift, wash them beforehand, and your luck will remain with you;
  • make sure that the tables in your home are clean, beautiful tablecloths, utensils or items for work; teach children and pets to sit in the right places - a person or an animal sitting on the table in your house drives away luck.

"Who gets up early, God gives him"

To attract good luck, it is very important to adjust your daily routine to the biorhythms of the planet. The sun patronizes good luck and well-being in all matters, so its energy must be accumulated daily. Morning time is perfect for this, as it instills confidence and helps a person to successfully coordinate among themselves household, personal affairs and work.

The doctrine of harmonizing space to improve life includes many different nuances, and it simply cannot be covered in one article in its entirety.

Today we will talk about feng shui for happiness and wealth and learn how to properly equip your home to realize your dream of abundance in everything.

We will consider the sector of the home, which is responsible for wealth, as well as the symbols that can and should be placed in this part of your home.

Wealth sector

As you know, the main emphasis in the teachings of Feng Shui is placed on the definition of zones in the room corresponding to different cardinal points. Each zone has its own meaning, and with the help of various items and symbols, you can activate it so that it works for you.

In Feng Shui, the southeastern part of the dwelling must be activated for happiness and wealth. It is this side of the world that is responsible for financial well-being and abundance. The spontaneous belonging of the southeastern sector is Water, which means that it needs to be filled with “water” accessories.

If we talk about the color scheme, in the southeast of an apartment or house, blue, blue or blue-green colors should prevail. All these shades are associated with the water element, which means they will be able to attract financial luck to you.

Any images of water will be appropriate here, for example, paintings, photo wallpaper or embroidery with lakes, streams, the ocean, a water mill. But pay attention to the plot of the picture: water should cause you peace and pleasant emotions, so the image of a swamp or storm at sea will not work to activate wealth.

In addition to water motifs in the wealth and prosperity sector, you can also place live plants in pots or tubs, for example, a lemon or money tree, any species of ficus and any spreading flowers. Some advise to put a palm tree here, but according to Feng Shui it is considered not the most successful tree, therefore it is better to avoid its appearance in the apartment altogether.

The Wealth Zone will work better if you place any of the Eastern symbols of prosperity in it, which we will talk about below.

Wealth symbols in feng shui

In the Eastern teachings, there are a huge variety of different symbols that attract material wealth to the dwelling, help to achieve career success and turn the house into a full bowl of abundance. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Money toad

A money toad or three-legged frog sitting on a stand of coins is perhaps the most common amulet of wealth. There are such toads with a special slot in the mouth - you need to put a real coin in it so that the frog knows exactly what benefits it should attract into the house.

The most suitable color for a money toad is gold, because it is he who is associated with finance and gold.

It is best to plant such a frog in the living room, and it is considered doubly successful if this room is located in the southeast of the apartment. Cash flow will surely pour into such a house.

You can plant a “gold-bearing” toad in a decorative fountain, because the element of wealth is water, and thus we enhance the effect of abundance. The main thing is that the figurine should sit with its face in the house, and not outward - then it will "jump" into the dwelling with finances, and not "take" wealth out of the family.

It is not recommended to "settle" a money toad in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom. These places are not very suitable for the energy of wealth, because being in these rooms we do not think about work, but simply relax, eat and bring beauty.

In Feng Shui, one frog is enough for happiness and wealth, but if you have special sympathy for them or have received several such talismans as a gift, you can equip them in the southeastern sector of each room, but the main thing is that the toads differ in size.


Fish are directly related to the water element, which means they can also become wonderful talismans that bring good luck. In this case, we are talking not only about fish figurines, but also about living creatures. So, for example, an aquarium with goldfish, especially in the southeast of the apartment, will bring to the house not only material wealth, but also harmony in family life.

However, fish figurines can be placed not only in the wealth sector, but also in the career zone (in the north) and in the part of the apartment that is responsible for harmony in relationships (southwest). Especially in the marriage zone, paired fish are good.

Decorative fountains

Since Feng Shui associates wealth with water, why not put a small decorative fountain in your apartment? This will not only decorate your home, but also attract good luck to your home. It is important that the water in the fountain rushes upwards - then your financial affairs will always go uphill.

Today there are a huge number of decorative fountains of different designs, and you can choose from absolutely any of them. But remember that the best place for such a mascot is in the southeast sector in the living room or study. Do not put fountains in the bedroom - so in a dream you will constantly think about work and money, and this is contraindicated for a harmonious state of mind.

Bowl of wealth

A special feng shui talisman for the happiness and wealth of the family is a special vase of abundance. We have already talked about its creation in a separate article.

Recall that it must be stored as far away from prying eyes as possible, so the most suitable place for a vase of wealth would be a secluded corner of the bedroom.

Ship of wealth

Material wealth can be brought to your home by a ship of wealth - this is a strong and powerful talisman that promises its owner an increase in income and business success. It looks like a sailboat loaded with various treasures: gold coins, precious and semi-precious stones, jewelry.

Such a talisman can be placed both at home and in the office. The main thing is that its nose is turned inward, since only a ship arriving in the house brings wealth to your "pier". The best place for him is a table or shelf by the front door.

Chinese coins

Three Chinese coins held together with a red thread are a very popular money talisman. The thread can be braided into a special mystical knot - then the energy of the amulet becomes even stronger.

These coins can be carried in a wallet or pocket. But remember that it is worth accepting them as a gift only when they are in an unopened package. It is believed that a talisman that has already been in someone's hands will "work" only in the hands of its first owner.

You can buy coins separately and independently tie them with a red thread in three pieces - such a self-made amulet will have great power. Coins can be hung in the wealth area, placed under the rug by the front door, or placed on your desk.

Cash envelopes

Special red cash envelopes can also be used to bring financial success into your home. Several of these envelopes filled with large bills can be placed in all sectors of the house so that money comes to you from all over the world.


If the figurine of an elephant with a lowered trunk in Feng Shui is used to conceive and give birth to a child, then an elephant with a raised trunk is a sign of financial stability and success. Such a talisman must be placed on the windowsill facing the street - then it will attract prosperity and abundance to your home.

Money Tree

A beautiful statuette depicting a tree, instead of the leaves of which coins or precious stones grow, is an excellent talisman of wealth and prosperity.

This is a traditional symbol for the southeastern part of the house, bringing not only financial success, but also health to household members.

Double happiness feng shui

Feng Shui women's happiness can be attracted with the help of a special mystical sign - the so-called "double happiness". Such a sign can be painted on the wall, furniture, or embroidered on bedding or clothing.

It is believed that this symbol promises prosperity in any area. So, for example, if you place it in the wealth zone, it will work to attract finance, if in the love zone, it will attract personal happiness to you and give you harmony in relationships, if in the creativity zone, it will send creative ideas and interesting ideas, and in the health zone will protect the well-being of household members.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of different symbols of success in Feng Shui, you should not rush to extremes and completely fill the house with them. One or three elements in the southeastern sector of the apartment are enough and one or two in other places, if, for example, your living room is not located in this area.

Be sure to keep living plants in the house, as their energy helps to activate all sectors of the home, including the wealth zone. If you don't like figurines, plant one money tree. It will simultaneously work in two directions: it will clean the energy of the house and open a channel for financial flow.

Pay attention to the mirror in the hallway - it should not be located opposite the front door, otherwise the material wealth entering the house will reflect on its surface and go back.

Feng Shui for happiness and wealth also advises putting a little money in the hallway under the rug - this will attract financial success to you. And never keep cracked dishes in the house - this is a very negative symbol that negates the positive energy of the entire home.

At the start of each Lunar New Year, Hong Kong businessmen who follow the principles of Feng Shui conduct detailed consultations with an expert to learn about ...

Businessmen know that the spatial dimensions of Feng Shui are complemented by the temporal dimension. Time calculations take into account complex formulas that offer numerological clues to the state of luck of buildings, as well as the orientation to the cardinal points and the location of these buildings. If you are in business, you might want to track down a practicing expert who knows the wandering stars of Feng Shui to calculate the luck time for your building, office, shop or home for the next twelve months.

You just need to familiarize yourself with the gua tables to understand: circumstances can turn out to be unfavorable for you if your office, desk or front door are located in a specific sector where the stars portending failure are located. This is comprehensive information you may need and can be found in a general introductory book like this one. For more detailed calculations of wandering stars in the natal chart of your office, you will either have to refer to my book on wandering stars ("Chinese Numerology in Feng Shui"), or use the services of an expert who can draw a natal chart of your office or store building.

Bringing business luck

An easier method of using Feng Shui to attract business success is to follow standard instructional guidelines. Developed by practicing artisans, these guidelines have proven their effectiveness over many years of work with many thousands of clients. Feng Shui improvement techniques are usually based on symbolism and the application of the concept of the five elements. Good Feng Shui in any business starts with good Feng Shui for the boss. Who is the boss? This is the owner of a private company or the chief executive officer (president) of a joint stock company. The position and orientation of the boss's personal space, the placement of his / her desk, and the direction he / she sits in at work are three ingredients to success.

Knowledge of Feng Shui should be treated as an additional control tool. This has been my approach throughout many years of corporate work. I almost always worked to create the most favorable Feng Shui for all my employees in the given conditions, especially when I worked in a Hong Kong bank.

Try to arrange so that everyone who works for you and your company sits in their own personal favorable directions. Just remember: adherence to all three basic principles is not at all necessary for every employee. But if every member of your team receives help from at least one basic principle of Feng Shui, your entire team will benefit from the overall harmonious interaction of energies.

Other aspects to consider, such as the position of your office and desk, were covered in detail in Part 3.

Awakening the energy of money luck

The presence of water in the form of miniature fountains and goldfish aquariums is a typical feature of the offices of Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Self-employed entrepreneurs, especially in Hong Kong, practice Feng Shui seriously. Most of them carefully follow the advice they received from the Feng Shui masters, especially advice related to material success.

Chinese businessmen prioritize commercial and material success on the list of human values. Because of this, fish and decorative water features are considered invaluable additions to office décor. There are several guidelines when it comes to water. Some people advise placing the water so that it is visible from the side of the main entrance to the office, arguing that it is the sight of the water that attracts money luck to the office. Therefore, there are offices in which fish aquariums are located in the reception area, directly opposite the entrance. Goldfish are extremely popular in Hong Kong, especially lionheads, which supposedly symbolize protection and prosperity. In Malaysia and Singapore, sea coral fish are more popular, which are found in huge quantities off the Malay coast.

Another popular fish commonly referred to as the “fish of wealth” is the expensive and highly regarded Arrowana. Anyone who wants to use this Feng Shui fish as a bearer of great business luck should look for it in the markets of the Far East. These fish are expensive, but you only need to buy one. Arrowana alone is effective enough. Note that the tail fin is not forked, and the shape of the fish is like a sword. It is said that this sword crushes all the setbacks and obstacles that come your way. Please note that for a businessman, Arrowana is a Feng Shui tool. If you are not in business, you do not need this fish. There are easier ways to attract money luck!

Water placement

The Chinese school of natural philosophy, when it comes to where to place water, is guided by the theory of the five elements, according to which water should be in the north (north is this angle representing the element of water). It is believed that water works most favorably when placed in the wooden corners of the east and southeast, as water generates wood in the creative cycle of the elements. Since in Feng Shui it is customary to consider the southeast as a “money” angle, the placement of water here, and especially in those cases when this place is located in the foreground of an office or store, is perceived as a really very lucky sign.

Maintain a sense of proportion. Don't assume that the more water and the larger the tank, the better. When the water becomes unbalanced, when there is too much of it, then it is said that the water overflows the banks, which turns good Feng Shui into bad. An element of danger involuntarily arises. This is exactly what happened to one of my acquaintances. He was the CEO of a large company, and when told about the wonderful possibilities of aquatic feng shui, he set up a giant freshwater aquarium in his office. The aquarium completely dominated its entire floor, and it is not surprising that just three months later, he lost the battle for voting rights on the board of directors and was kicked out. Therefore, never let the water line dominate the space. Excessive amounts of water will simply drown you and / or your company!

Awakening money luck with coins

I have recommended the coin method to so many people that I lost count. Each of those who initially rather skeptically followed one or another of the three business luck-oriented recommendations that I am talking about here, have managed to greatly improve their situation and become an ardent fan of Feng Shui. The Chinese have been talking about the extraordinary luck that these ancient Chinese coins bring to their home and company for so long that they have already become a custom in many families.

For many years, I have put three Chinese coins in the bottom of my rice urn and honestly replaced them on the eve of each Lunar New Year, because once upon a time my mother said that it brings colossal luck to the whole family. Such coins are not difficult to find in the Far East and in most of the Chinatowns of the West. You need to make sure you have coins that have both Yang and Yin sides. On the Yang side there are four hieroglyphs, and on the in side there are only two.

These coins are very thin and round. There is a square hole in the center. The combination of round and square shapes personifies the favorable union of heaven and earth. It is not at all necessary that these coins were ancient, although those of them that have come down to us since the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the last Qin dynasty are highly valued, since this time is considered the most favorable in the entire Manchu period.

You need to tie three coins together, yang side up, using red braid or red ribbon. This will activate the “welfare” potential that coins have. There is no specific method for tying coins. Just make sure all three coins are Yang side up, making them extremely effective Feng Shui tools.

Taped coins on office folders

Glue three of these coins, yang side up, on all your important contract folders and ledgers to boost your turnover and sales. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to awaken the energy of business luck that these coins possess. Distribute such coins to your sales and marketing employees, thus awakening their commercial good fortune. You can stick these coins on all important folders with contracts that “generate” income (profit). Glue them on the end as shown in the illustration on the left. This will ensure that the coins are visible. The same method applies to money boxes and safes, which symbolically increase the amount of cash contained within. Not only that, I highly recommend every retail establishment to introduce this element into their Feng Shui practice. The result can be quite overwhelming, because before your very eyes, the business of your company will take off. You can also glue these coins to the front doors of stores or in the store itself above the door.

Some Feng Shui experts recommend placing these coins under the front door rug inside shops and homes to attract good fortune in wealth. I know of a very thriving and huge British department store and supermarket chain, in which these coins are hidden under the floor on each of the trading floors. I put them in my rice urn, glue them to all the important folders, hang them on the lock of the front door and hide them under my Chinese god of wealth.

Renowned feng shui expert Lillian Tu continues his story about ways to attract business success. How to locate the cashier in the store? What are the Arrowana fish famous for? What is the reason for the success of Singapore and the Philippines?

Location of the cash register in retail outlets

In retail stores, the most important corner is the one with the cash register. First, take note of the areas where the cash register should not be placed:

never place it directly under an exposed ceiling beam or directly in front of a raised corner or sharp junction of two walls. The placement of the cash register needs as much care and attention as the placement of the front door;

do not put the cash register in front of the door, since the table should not be the first object that the visitor sees when entering the room;

Do not put it in front of a toilet, stairs, sharp corner of the display shelf on which the product is displayed. To awaken the Feng Shui energy of the cash register:

hang a wall mirror next to it, which has the effect of doubling the store's daily turnover;

Hang a pair of hollow bamboo sticks tied with red ribbons over the cash register. This generates beneficial energies due to the principle of the passage of qi energy. If there is a beam above the cash register, these two bamboo sticks can deflect bad energy away from the machine. Some experts are adopting bamboo flutes and air bells. These are also auspicious objects, and they work admirably. But don't overdo it. Decide which method is closest to you and use only that method for a period of time. Remember that in Feng Shui you cannot grab onto everything at once and “overfulfill” the recommendations received.

Good Feng Shui for the Philippines and Singapore

Several years ago, a high-ranking friend in Hong Kong informed me that Philippine President Ramos, determined to stem the tide of setbacks that swept his country during the reign of his predecessor, Corey Aquino, consulted with a Hong Kong master of Feng Shui. The Master told Ramos to do three things that would lead to the prosperity of the Philippines.

First, Ramos had to get rid of three menacing trees in front of Malakanang Palace. The trees blocked the president's success, and if they were cut down, nothing would stand in the way of the president's success.

Secondly, Ramos should have exchanged five hundred peso notes in the Philippines. There were too many unlucky symbols on these banknotes.

Third, Ramos had to change the symbolism of the presidential seal, as it also had too many unlucky elements, including a sea lion with a curved tail.

We all know that Ramos' presidency has proven extremely favorable for the country. Was this due to feng shui? Who knows?

An even more interesting story from Singapore

A very influential person lives on the island of Singapore. He is educated and intelligent, and has great respect for Chinese traditional roots and culture. They also say that he has a special relationship with Feng Shui, so he solemnly transfers the beginning of any important event to a special day and a certain time of the day. During important ceremonies, this person wears clothes of a particular color, etc. he had a Feng Shui mentor in the person of a famous monk, exceptionally venerable, who had recently passed away. Before making any important decision, the person in question would go to the Honorable for advice.

So, around the time when the construction of the Mass Railway Transit railway was underway on the island, a one-dollar coin entered circulation. Apparently, the Venerable One told our pundit that the construction of the MRI tunnels created bad Feng Shui on the island and the economic prosperity of the island could end. Determined to push this project through at all costs, the pundit asked if there was any way to “cheat” bad Feng Shui.

"There is," replied the Honorable, "but it cannot be done." Nothing was impossible for our hero, so he said to the Honorable. "Anyway, be so kind as to tell." Then the Honorable told that in every house on the island there should be a Bagua symbol, which is a regular octagon, well known to all who practice Feng Shui. Oh no, the pundit argued, racial unrest will surely begin!

How can the residents of all houses be forced to buy Bagua?

“Hehe,” the sage replied. “I can make everyone want to buy as much Bagua as they can.” This is how the Singapore one dollar coin appeared. For those of you, dear readers who are not from Singapore, ask someone to bring you the one dollar coin there, and you will see that it looks like Bagua.

This story has a sequel

As many of you should be aware, the recovery of the country's economy did not actually take place and the situation did not fully improve as expected, even after the introduction of the one dollar coin (remember the economic recession of 1985-1986), so I had to apply again for advice to the Honorable.

This time the Honorable spoke that while the one dollar coin does indeed symbolize Bagua, it does not have the desired effect, since people carry such coins in their pockets. And since Bagua is not on the outside, how can she counteract the bad qi generated by all this tunneling? So a new idea was born - to shape the Bagua of the road tax sign!

Before this sign was round, now it has become octagonal, but as before, it is displayed by all citizens throughout the island. Does this simple trick explain the many years of Singapore's flourishing economy?

Naturally, all the crashes and crashes associated with fluctuations in the currency and stock exchange, which shake the region, cannot but affect Singapore. The Venerable is no more. What will be next?

To answer this question, it is enough to look at the Singapore fifty dollar bill. It shows the President Shirza Bridge over the mouth of the Singapore River. I was told that when this bridge was being built, the mouth and upper reaches of the Singapore Merlion River suffered, thereby provoking colossal disasters for the place. It was then, as the story tells, that the Venerable gave his last advice. This was a legacy he left for the people of Singapore, for what he recommended should keep Singapore wealthy for years to come.

The Honorable told his old friend to enter the dragon image in the upper right corner of the fifty dollar bill. The dragon will balance all the damage done by the river mouth and bring eternal prosperity to the people of the island. Indeed, if you search, you will see a dragon on every fifty dollar bill. The dragon spread over the entire territory of the island, promising prosperity and success.

The dragon is also considered a protective symbol. It protects against loss and poverty. I am not too surprised that Singaporeans are coping with the stock turmoil fairly calmly and will prosper in the future. That's what Feng Shui is!

Arrowans and I

I had five of these wonderful fish living in a huge aquarium that was in my living room. I kept them on a special diet so that they quickly grow in length and acquire golden and pink scales, which are said to attract immense wealth. At that time, I had just acquired a stake in the Dragon Seed department store chain in Hong Kong and became the chairman of the board of directors of that company. I needed success at any cost. And my Arrowans did not let me down.

Within 18 months, my partners and I successfully repaid the money in the course of a deal to buy out a controlling stake through a loan, which allowed me to retire. I was planning to return home to Malaysia and was offered a fortune for my five Arrowans. I turned down all offers to sell my precious fish and released all of them, already 45 si long and fabulously beautiful, into Stanley Reservoir in appreciation for all the monetary luck they brought me.

Lillian Tu
"Feng Shui Basics"

Often, the advice of experts in feng shui seems too simple and therefore frivolous. Really, we think, the money will increase if you get a roomy red wallet? And how can ordinary photography attract true love?

But the practical recommendations of feng shui are just the tip of the iceberg, which is this ancient Chinese teaching. It takes years to comprehend it, but in order to improve your life right now, it is enough to use his advice! After all, you see, it is not at all necessary to know how a power plant works in order to light a light bulb.

In addition, feng shui works not only on the energy level, but also on the subconscious. A red wallet makes us pay more attention to finances, avoid unnecessary spending, and a photo of a happy married couple sets up a harmonious relationship. So away skepticism! For every difficult problem, Feng Shui has a simple and effective solution.

Fish have always been highly revered in China because the Chinese word yu has two meanings: fish and abundance. To activate the Wealth Zone, a goldfish is suitable, symbolizing success in financial affairs.

However, in order for the fish in the aquarium to bring prosperity to your home, there are some rules to follow, as Feng Shui recommends.

Ideally, there should be three fish in the aquarium, another number is possible, as long as it is a multiple of three. The best dimensions for an aquarium (according to feng shui) are 26x26x38 centimeters, and the shape of the aquarium should only be correct: a circle, rectangle, octagon or square.

According to feng shui, under no circumstances should an aquarium be installed in the bedroom, in the kitchen, or in the southern part of the room. An aquarium installed to the left of the door will bring positive energy to life, but if you put an aquarium in the southeast of the living room, then material well-being and success will await you.

Friends have long jumped out to get married, and you have to while away the evenings alone and answer uncomfortable questions from your relatives: "Well, when?" To remove the "celibacy crown" and meet the betrothed, feng shui experts recommend keeping pair items in the house: candlesticks with two "horns", figures of swans or "yin-yang" vases inserted into one another.

But! If your apartment looks too feminine (with an abundance of sentimental figurines), masculine energy may leave it - in this case, the second half will appear very soon! What to do? Get a pair of men's slippers! Do not hide them too far - let them stand in a conspicuous place by the front door. You will be surprised how quickly they will have a permanent owner!

They say that behind the dark stripe, the light always comes. "But when will this already happen?" you exclaim in your hearts. You can, of course, continue to wait for mercy from fate, or you can "draw" a light strip yourself.

To do this, take an ordinary pocket flashlight (preferably a small one so that it can fit in your purse) and first walk with it through all the dark corners of the apartment .. Look behind the cabinets, into the closet, on the mezzanine. Drive the darkness out of your life! And now the most important thing - every morning, leaving the house, use a flashlight to light up the first few steps for yourself: the way from the apartment to the entrance door or from the house to the gate. Imagine at the same time that you are walking along a bright strip, and nothing can lead you astray! To enhance the magic, let more sun into your home: wash the windows and replace heavy curtains with light curtains. In this, feng shui experts and psychologists are unanimous: bright light, like a battery, charges with energy and positiveness.

Feng Shui Career Sector - north, element - Water, color - black, blue, light blue, shape - wavy, number 1. Activated by water and metal.

The activation of this sector will help to climb the career ladder, increase earnings, get the desired job, and change the profession. Talismans to revitalize the career sector:

A sailboat is an excellent business mascot. It symbolizes the coming good luck. This symbol arose a long time ago, when merchant ships from different countries came to the shores of China, bringing various goods and money.

When you place a sailboat in an apartment or office, it is worth considering the rule: the sailboat must "float" into the room, bringing you wealth. In addition to models of sailing ships, you can use paintings, symbolic objects.

The best location is in the northern sector; you can also set up a sailboat near the entrance.

In a word, do not wait for the good fairy godmother - do magic with your own hands!

How to attract luck and money into your life at home? How we all sometimes lack a little luck! And it seems that the whole point is in her. It is from the benevolence of the capricious lady of luck that our success and well-being depend. At different times and in different countries, people tried to win over their fortune. Their efforts resulted in various rituals, conspiracies and even teachings, which people trust in our time.

First of all, in order to attract good luck and luck into your life, you need to program yourself for well-being. Thoughts materialize - everyone knows about it. And you need to use this property 100%. This is called "thought form". Imagine what you are dreaming of more often. Only very carefully.

For example: one of my acquaintances was very unhappy with the inattention and unromanticity of her husband. And she repeatedly drew the following picture for herself: she was lying in bed, and her husband brought her breakfast to bed. Romantic, isn't it?

But her thoughts soon materialized in a slightly different way - she broke her leg, was forced to lie in bed for a month. Naturally, the husband had no choice but to carry her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Therefore, the main law of thought-form is to think carefully before making any predictions. It is impossible to influence a person with the power of thought alone; you can only influence the circumstances. If your goal, for example, is interesting, money-making work in a good team, then this task is just for thought forms.

Rules for attracting good luck and luck

In order to get the desired result, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

Feng Shui techniques to attract good luck

Certain feng shui techniques will help to improve the situation in a particular sphere of life. With the help of small manipulations in the apartment, the energy of good luck will flow into your house like a river.

There should be no accumulations of unnecessary things in the apartment. Clear your house of trash. old or unloved clothes and shoes that you don't wear, expired cosmetics and creams, piles of old magazines and newspapers, uninteresting photographs, jars and containers for food without a lid, broken children's toys, unnecessary gifts and other things that nobody are beneficial. Don't try to throw everything away in one day. Litter your house a little, for example, you can devote only half an hour to this, but every weekend.

Amulets to attract good luck in feng shui

Feng Shui invites us to place some symbolic objects in the apartment in certain areas. bringing good luck and accumulating well-being in the house. Divide your apartment mentally into 8 zones, respectively, to the cardinal points. Each side will be responsible for a specific area of ​​your life. To revive a particular sphere, place several lucky charms in the corresponding zone.

For example, if you are in financial difficulties. place a "money" tree in the southeast of your apartment. a small aquarium with goldfish or indoor fountain. as well as any valuable items: an expensive vase, figurines, rare coins, antiques.

Just do not overdo it with talismans, otherwise the effect will turn out to be exactly the opposite: too large a fountain (not the size of the room) can "wash away" your money, and the zone overloaded with symbols will simply stop passing energy through itself.

In the southwest, in the zone of love and marriage, in no case should there be portraits and photographs of deceased people, as well as lonely objects. Candlesticks, lamps - there should be two in total, and dolls and other figures must be male and female.

For the well-being in the family and the health of people close to you, it is enough to "revive" the eastern part of your apartment with flowers, you just need to carefully look after them. One very important rule. do not rearrange all zones at once. Make updates at least with a daily break.

There are also various magical rituals and conspiracies to attract success. They often combine the laws of feng shui and thought forms, and often acquire a religious connotation.

It is believed that with your desires you have to go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - he not only patronizes sailors and travelers, but also helps to fulfill the cherished dream. You can, by the way, ask for help in attracting good luck to St. Nicholas at home: for this, in front of the icon of the Wonderworker, light a candle and, after reading a prayer, repeat your wish forty times. Only desire (remembering thought forms) should contain the final result: if you want to get married, say so, “I want to get married,” and not “I want a handsome groom”.

Magic rituals and rituals for fulfilling dreams

Another magical ritual for making dreams come true and attracting good luck is “magnetized desire”.

  • Take two small candles (green - for a wish associated with money, red - for love, blue - for the fulfillment of another dream), a red silk ribbon, a white sheet of paper.
  • Light the candles, write your wish on paper. Wrap a magnet in a leaf with a wish and tie it with a silk ribbon.
  • Try to do everything without rushing, thinking over each step well, clearly presenting your dream - during this time the candles should burn out.
  • A magnet with the desire to always carry with you until the fulfillment of the plan.

If you want to improve your financial situation and attract luck in money matters, resort to the following current method.

  • Put a handful of peas (beans or lentils), tea, coffee beans in equal proportions in a jar. Stir everything and put an iron coin (2.5 or 10 rubles) in the middle of the mixture.
  • Say mentally or aloud: “I gratefully accept prosperity and prosperity from the Universe. I attract money and luck like a magnet. "
  • Then close the jar with a lid and place it in a secluded spot in the southeast of your apartment.

Of course, none of the listed methods and rituals will make the money start up in your wallet by itself, and your loved one suddenly made a marriage proposal.

But after the ritual to raise money, you may suddenly get a good offer for a new job or new clients will appear. After guessing "for love", who knows, maybe you will unexpectedly receive an invitation to a holiday, where you will meet your betrothed (if you go, of course). Consider that fate is giving you a lottery ticket, and it is up to you to erase the protective layer from it or not.

Mantras to attract luck and good fortune

A mantra is a special combination of sounds that, when pronounced, can help a person in any aspect of his life. The set of mantras, or, as they are also called the Vedas, represent the revelations of God and are used for the spiritual development of a person. The use of mantras is very effective in attracting luck and good fortune in business.

There are many mantras that help in various aspects of a person's life. These include: strong mantras for attracting money, wealth, love, success, luck, etc. For the best effect, they are chanted aloud, or chanted. In order to learn how to chant mantras correctly, you can listen to them on the Internet in someone else's performance. But remember, in order for the miraculous power of the mantras to begin to work for you, it is you who must enter into resonance with the forces of the Universe, and this will require your voice.

How to correctly recite powerful mantras to quickly attract money

The mantras should be recited at sunrise in a quiet, calm place. Buddhist mantras to attract money, wealth and material well-being must be recited according to the lunar calendar, when the moon is growing 108 times. In order not to be distracted when counting, a rosary with 180 beads is used.

Before reading the mantra, you need to meditate, reflect on how you will dispose of what you received, what opportunities you may have and how your life will change with the advent of material well-being. You can listen to how to correctly recite mantras to attract money on the Internet, in various versions. Choose the option that works best for you.

In order to attract more money, you can charge water with the help of the mantra. If you drink such charged water, it absorbs into your body and transfers its energy to you. For the ritual, you need to memorize a mantra, open the window, turn your hands palms up towards the moon and quietly chant the mantra aloud. Place a decanter of water nearby so that the light from the moon falls on both you and him. Feel the moonlight penetrating and nourishing you. The duration of the ritual is 5-10 minutes.

Texts of the most powerful mantras for attracting money, luck and luck in your life

  1. The mantra of wealth, money, success, luck and luck, pacification and fulfillment of desires.
  2. Mantra of Ganesha.
  3. The mantra for success in any business.
  4. Mantra for cleansing karma, good luck and protection from all kinds of adversity.
  5. The main mantra.
  6. A universal mantra for attracting money.
  7. Mantra for obtaining and maintaining wealth.
  8. Mantras for well-being, prosperity and good luck in business.

Prayers for Luck and Good Luck

Since ancient times, prayers have helped a person find peace and tranquility. The one who prays, through an appeal to the Higher Power, as it were, shifts the problems and responsibility for them onto stronger shoulders. Indeed, as a result, many difficult issues are resolved on their own, and problems become less acute.

How it works

Prayer plots for good luck like this are designed in such a way that they act as a lever that switches you from bad luck to success. It is important after reading to be absolutely sure that now everything will turn out in the best way for you. This method of attracting good luck works flawlessly, and even the most difficult situations are gradually resolved by themselves.

Applying these prayers day after day, you change the world around you and attract good luck, luck and success in business into your life and the lives of people close to you. You yourself can decide whether to say the prayer out loud or silently, the main thing is to be sure that everything will work out. We wish you good luck around the clock and good luck every day.

Morning prayer for good luck

It has long been accepted among the people that as you meet a new day, you will spend it. Effective morning prayer will help attract good luck and cheer you up for 24 hours. Indeed, in fact, many are familiar with the popular observation: with what mood you wake up, the whole day will pass.

There are many reasons why we may feel bad, and emotional attitudes also bring disharmony into our plans until the evening. But still, we ourselves build our lives, and sometimes even a few phrases can change the mood and attract success.

Prayer for good luck for morning reading is one of those magic wands that work wonders and make us happier every day. Applying it every day, you will feel a surge of energy, and a smile on your face will appear more and more often.

Immediately after you wake up, read this prayer. You can pray aloud or silently, you can do as it is convenient for you.

To begin with, smile, put your palms together and say the prayer text: “Most Holy Mother of God, thank you for the new day. You are the Mother of God, please, protect me from evil and every misfortune, from people who are mean and envious. And guide me on the true path, the path of joy and happiness. Help me in all my endeavors, through people who are kind and pure. Send me your love and blessing. Amen".

This prayer should be repeated three times before leaving the house or even taking up your morning chores.

Features of the prayer for attracting good luck

This prayer takes effect from the first day. The most important condition is the following: you need to sincerely believe in what you are saying. If you read the prayer mechanically, as many say, "for show", then nothing will work.

During reading, you must completely surrender to the process and listen only to your body and inner voice. If you think that you will be late because of this reading or what things you need to do in time for the day, then again nothing will work. Be in the moment here and now.

The Mother of God helps only those who really want it and ask for help with all their hearts. After all, it will not be pleasant for you either when, during communication, the interlocutor only pretends to listen, and he himself thinks about something of his own. So in communication with the highest patrons, there should be complete concentration on the action itself and the words.

At its core, prayers are like affirmations in action. These are the same statements, only directed to the Higher Forces. Affirmations, on the other hand, work more for our subconscious mind, but they are also one of the most effective ways to make life more successful. Therefore, believing in God, do not stop believing in yourself. Love yourself, trust the Universe and luck will accompany you.

Video: Strong prayer for good luck, success and prosperity

Prayers for good luck every day

Tired of the gray days? Tired of nothing happening in your life? We will tell you about daily prayers that will help make your days more successful and happier.

Our whole life consists of a series of accidents. Oddly enough, our mood and success sometimes depend on little things that we sometimes don't even know about. For example, let's say you're trying to impress your boss, but instead he makes you a comment about a gel pen stain on your blouse. Such minor troubles tend to accumulate and cause us great inconvenience.

Prayer for success in the upcoming business

If you have a difficult business ahead of you, or a serious deal is about to take place at work, such a prayer will help you attract good luck to your side. You need to read her text three times before an important meeting:

“Hear me, my patron angel. Your kindness and concern have accompanied me throughout my life. And now I need your help. Please help me…. (further voice your request). As you soar in Heaven, and I live on earth, my business develops smoothly and well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for good luck and luck in small things for every day

There are people in whom everything is arguing in their hands: things get done, they do everything in time, luck and luck in all matters accompany them, everything turns out fine for them. And someone is constantly late, forgets their things on public transport or is sad over a burnt dinner. But you never know what can spoil the mood during the whole day?

If your day went wrong in the morning, go to the mirror and, looking into your eyes, say the following: “A shepherd with a ram lives across the ocean-sea. He plays the accordion and takes all my troubles. I become happy, I share my joy with everyone! Amen"

These words must be repeated seven times without interrupting eye contact. After you finish, be sure to smile at your reflection. This is a very effective method of attracting good luck in business every day.