Success and financial well-being. Creative energy of money


So, there are 7 main secrets of financial success. First of all, it is having a goal and 100% faith in your own strength. To become financially independent, you need to carefully consider your next steps. Set goals that will lead you to your cherished dream and, most importantly, believe. You must be completely confident in yourself and that you will definitely achieve financial success.

Persistence and performance. There is not a single successful figure who achieved financial independence without action. Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison and many others - they all made many attempts, were persistent and did not lose the fuse of energy, which ultimately led them to the Olympus of Glory. Successful people work much more, but get tired quite less, because they have a goal. The goal, like an engine, makes you work, work, and work hard again.

Self-hypnosis. To do this, start with auto-training. Program your consciousness that everything will work out for you. You can also use visualization techniques, imagining yourself achieving your goal today. Try to imagine yourself as successful and in detail as possible. Practice self-hypnosis daily, especially when waking up. Act as if you have already achieved success. This will attract good luck to you.

Planning your life and managing your finances wisely. When you plan your life 5 years in advance, it is as if you are tuning into the right radio wave. Most people make the huge mistake of just going with the flow, which makes their life feel like “existence”. Proper management of finances includes the ability to spend money and save for a deposit. Try to adhere to the “earn and save” rule.

Having multiple sources of income. Adhere to the principle of “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” An alternative source of income will insure you in case of failure. In addition, it will bring you additional profit.

Healthy lifestyle. Take care of yourself! After all, you can’t buy health, and without it you can hardly achieve anything. Review your lifestyle: nutrition, bad habits, sleep, proper rest and sleep.

Continuous learning. A stop in its development leads to stagnation. Therefore, always engage in self-development, keep abreast of all the innovations in your field of activity and keep up with the times. Remember: your training is your best investment. And the larger your investment, the higher your income. At the same time, it is important that you develop and study exactly in the area where you want to become the best specialist, and not in 10 different areas at once. Rely on these and everything will work out for you. Go towards your dream and don't give up!

  1. Buy only things you really need
    Awareness of your real needs and the ability to live in harmony with them is an invaluable skill for every person. Although this characteristic is rather not financial, but philosophical.
  2. Spend less than you earn
    It may be banal and boring, but no one has canceled the law of conservation of energy. Nothing comes from nowhere, nothing disappears without a trace.
  3. Make sure you can pay for your purchases
    Surprisingly, poor people are sometimes much more wasteful than wealthy people. Only those people who are never threatened with wealth can afford to buy the latest model smartphone or a car on credit, spend their last money on a fashionable new item or vacation abroad.
  4. Have patience
    As soon as your efforts begin to bring the first results, and your bank account begins to accumulate zeros, you will immediately have a desire to reward yourself and go to great lengths. Have patience and remember that rolling down is always easier and faster than climbing a mountain.
  5. Use automatic savings programs
    You can't spend what you don't already have. You will not be able to forget to make another deposit to your account if it has already been done for you. Therefore, try to use a special service available in many banks, which independently puts a certain percentage of your salary into a savings account.
  6. Pay off your credit card debt as quickly as possible
    It is very convenient to be able to buy a little more than you can afford at the moment. But this opportunity corrupts your brain, instilling confidence in the limitlessness of your wallet. You gradually get used to living in debt, and a happy bank charges you its interest.
  7. Use time to your advantage
    The sooner you start saving, the better. If you make a down payment at 20 or 30 years old, then already in the middle of your life's journey you will have a solid financial cushion that protects you from shocks.
  8. Understand that money can't buy happiness
    At the start, you must first of all correctly determine. If you want to become rich in order to win love, recognition and happiness, then a surprise may await you. Truly important things don't have price tags.
  9. Be prepared for the unexpected
    Life is amazing and full of surprises, sometimes unpleasant. Now you are full of strength, health and making plans for the future, and somewhere around the corner Annushka is already buying sunflower oil in the store. A financial nest egg made in time will allow you not to slip, and if you fall, you will quickly get up.
  10. Determine the actual size of your salary
    If you have a decent salary, but at the same time you pay interest on it, then you need to base your planning on exactly the amount that remains after all deductions. Sometimes it turns out that a person with a huge salary is actually poorer than a modest lower-level worker who does not have any debt.
  11. Work hard
    If you are accustomed to relying only on your own strengths, if you are accustomed to overcoming obstacles, then no troubles or life circumstances will be able to stand in your way.
  12. Find a second job
    This will not only allow you to quickly accumulate the required amount, but will also prevent you from making unnecessary expenses. You simply won’t have the time and energy for all sorts of stupid things.
  13. Don't be afraid to set big goals for yourself
    Most people do not set big goals for themselves and do not strive to go beyond their current capabilities. Try to look a little ahead and set goals not for tomorrow, but for the much more distant future. Big goals provide a great incentive for growth.
  14. Improve your financial literacy
    Today you can often meet people who are brilliant specialists in their chosen profession, but absolute laymen in finance. Don’t be lazy to set aside special time to get at least minimal information about all these rates, interest, deposits and loans. This could give you a huge amount of money in the future.
  15. Do what you like
    If you work with pleasure, and not just for the purpose of saving, then your life will be much happier and richer. It’s a paradox, but in this case financial goals are also achieved more easily.
  16. Determine your price
    You will constantly face the fact that people around you will underestimate your value. Some do this in order to buy you more profitably, others simply for the sake of self-affirmation. Your job in this regard is to know exactly how much you're worth and not make any concessions.
  17. Make money work
    Simply saving a penny every day and hoping to become a millionaire after a while is hardly reasonable. Your money should also generate income.
  18. Invest in yourself
    Without constant education and self-development, you will never stand out from the crowd and will not be able to achieve anything. Every coin spent on your education will bring you the biggest dividends in the future.
  19. There is a way out of any situation, most often even several.
    Be flexible and creative. Most barriers are only a creation of our consciousness and crumble into small pieces as soon as we get closer to them.

These are the basic rules of financial well-being that you will need in life. Of course, doing them does not guarantee that you will become a millionaire. But, on the other hand, you can accurately predict that neglecting them will prevent you from becoming a rich person. So it’s better to read it and remember it.

Everyone wants to get rich, but only a few succeed. To achieve prosperity, it is important to know the five secrets of financial success. This is the key to financial freedom and the ability to achieve your dreams.

If you are sure that it is impossible to gain wealth from scratch, then we have good news for you - you are wrong. Anyone can change their life for the better, even without the support of rich parents or an inheritance left by a wealthy relative. Prosperity and poverty are not innate qualities. You have the power to choose for yourself what kind of person to be - rich or poor, and this is not optimism, but reality.

Iron principles of wealth

The basis of any success is always thoughts. It is what we think about, and, most importantly, how we think about it, that shapes us, our life and luck. Having understood such a simple truth, you will notice how the psychology of a rich person differs from the psychology of the poor. Wealth is determined not by the amount of money, but by the time spent on work - any successful person will tell you this. To become a financially independent person, we need different amounts in our wallet, but the time for everyone is limited. Is it wise to waste precious minutes on a job you hate so passionately? Understand that activities that do not bring you satisfaction take away all your time, vitality and desire to grow.

Material prosperity is a consequence not so much of luck as of a specific way of thinking. By changing your thoughts, you will take a confident step in the right direction. But to become a money tycoon, you need something more. It’s not enough to just change your thoughts, even if for a person raised in an environment of virus programs, this is a colossal breakthrough. But thinking does not mean acting. You also need to transform your behavior.

Every successful person has his own personal recipe for financial success, which may not suit you specifically. However, almost all people who achieved material triumph consciously adhered to certain forms of behavior, which were called the habits of rich people. A person who has achieved success as an individual will not think like the majority: where others are confused, he will always have an ace up his sleeve - his own non-trivial move, which will make him successful. Anyone with a positive mindset and a creative approach always wins. The secret of wealth lies on the surface; the main thing is to be able to use it, based on personal characteristics and hidden talents. You can realize yourself and your potential absolutely anywhere. Therefore, the first secret of financial success is to find something you love, so that later you don’t devote all your energy to work you don’t like.

5 secrets of financial success

These practices that you will discover will help you get rich. If you want to achieve prosperity, then you should take into account the five main secrets of success that all rich people start with. And remember that greed blocks the path to the pinnacle of material independence. To receive, learn to give, and this is not about charity - you will have to part with the psychology of poverty, stereotypes and negative programs.

The first secret. Having decided to gain wealth, come to terms with the fact that now you will begin to live a different life, with a different way of thinking, which cuts off all the ways back. Now you must spend your time profitably, and every new step will be your ladder upward. At this stage, you should forget about all complaints about fate. Learn to look for the reasons for failures in yourself, and not in the world around you. Everything, including your well-being, depends only on you. Be prepared: you will need to learn from your own mistakes and take a personal lesson from each defeat. Self-sufficient people often think about their plans, victories and defeats. You have become one of them, which means you have already launched the levers of constant movement forward. Don't stop, visualize your dreams, and everything will work out. You have already become much richer than the average person.

The second secret. Now you will need to look for a mentor in your environment or outside your comfort zone - a person who will help you overcome the typical mistakes of a “beginner”. Moving towards a goal alone is a chivalrous and commendable task, but at times it is long and grueling. Behind every outstanding personality is a coach, whose example began his personal path to prosperity. You should find one for yourself. It is not necessary to contact him personally: you can simply track the life of a person who is authoritative for you. Find out how he started, how he lived and what he strived for. Write down what motivates you to win in your mentor's lifestyle and try to act like him. This will help you smooth out many rough edges. This will allow you to invest your free time in your education.

The third secret. Create a new environment for yourself. Start interacting with people who are better than you, stronger, more successful and more interesting. By changing your social circle, you will change yourself. It’s not for nothing that they say: “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.” This way you will turn into a free person by communicating with like-minded people. Those who, at every opportunity, try to discuss an unfair life with you, automatically drag you down. Learn to fight off negative people now, otherwise in the future they will deprive you of not only promising opportunities, but also all the money you have earned.

The fourth secret. Invest. If at this stage you do not have free money, then personal time is the best resource for your first deposit. As stated earlier, invest a portion of your time in knowledge that will help you achieve material success in the future. This is how, without having anything, you will gain everything - including financial freedom. And having earned your first capital, use it correctly, again relying on your acquired knowledge, hidden talents or experience of a successful person.

Secret five. Remember that “everything at once” does not happen, calm down your ambitions. Learn to distribute your vitality, energy and financial resources expediently. But continue to look forward with confidence, move towards new goals and dream of something more than what you have now. The road to wealth is not an easy thing, and many, having started the path, do not reach the end. Therefore, only 3% out of a hundred get what they want.

Now you know that you can gain financial independence from scratch. Becoming rich is a feasible task for everyone. You just need to put a little effort into it and spend the right amount of time on yourself and your dream. Remember that the most important thing is your thinking and behavior. Learn to think correctly by practicing wealth psychology. This will help you achieve everything you want. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

It will probably be very difficult now to find at least one adequate person who, a couple of times in his adult life, has not thought about how exactly one can achieve financial independence and well-being. Many people never stop thinking about this, but not everyone achieves the expected effect. It is impossible to say that achieving financial independence is easy, otherwise every second person on earth would already be a billionaire. Nevertheless, nothing is impossible, the main thing is to set a specific goal and go towards it. But to do this, you will have to adopt several basic rules, following which will definitely help to achieve positive results.

1. No matter how trivial it may sound, but first a person needs to set himself up for the right “ wave" That is, you have to direct all your thoughts in the right direction, while forgetting about fear and the fact that achieving success means difficult task. Positive thinking and faith in one’s own capabilities are the foundation on which a person will be based.
2. Naturally, to become a successful person, you need know what to want from life. Simply put, you need to decide on specific goals, towards which you will have to work hard. Moreover, it is best to write down all your goals so that you can always have them before your eyes. For example, a good goal might be to purchase your own home, if you don’t already have one. Having achieved one goal, you should never stop and relax, otherwise you will hardly be able to achieve financial well-being.
3. Until a person learns to manage his capital, he will not be able to become financially independent. Therefore, teaching the basics, namely the ability to competently manage your profits and expenses, as well as the ability to save and save - this is the main step towards independence. At the same time, it is very important to understand that, even despite high earnings, if a person does not learn to manage his finances, he will never be able to become a financially prosperous citizen. Therefore, it will be necessary to completely review your monetary policy, eliminate all unnecessary expenses and ensure that profits always exceed expenses. Moreover, you will have to abandon all “ harmful» habits that cost money monthly (for example, dining out or going to the movies frequently). Thus, regardless of the amount of profit, you will have to learn to save at least twenty percent of the amount of income received every month.

4. To increase your profit, you need to think about either changing jobs or taking on all kinds of part-time jobs at home. The main thing is to understand that work should bring not only money, but also moral satisfaction. Otherwise, by doing an unloved or, even worse, hated business, a person drives himself into a dead end, and this will not bring him happiness, even taking into account the fact that he will receive greater profits. The main thing here is to find your balance, and even better if the work is not only profitable, but also loved. In this case, a person will be able to achieve financial success and independence faster. Don't be afraid to change something in your life, especially for the better. If you stand still and are afraid of everything, you will never be able to achieve well-being.

5. To become a happy and financially prosperous person, you have to eliminate from your life such concepts as “ loans», « debts" And " loans" That is, you have to learn to live independently, according to your own means and capabilities, avoiding even a hint of the slightest financial help from outside.

6. As already written above, the presence of reserve capital, so to speak, an untouchable cash “stash” is the main step towards financial independence. After all, how often do situations happen in life when you suddenly need a sum of money for unexpected expenses. And how good it is when there is a similar amount in reserve - in this case there is no need to bother and think about where exactly to get the required amount, while getting into endless debt.

7. In addition, the free capital that a person has accumulated can be easily invested in profitable projects. Moreover, this option is ideal for a person to be able to consistently receive additional income. As for investment options, today there are a huge number of them, so the main thing is to choose the most suitable investment instrument. At the same time, it is important that a person has a good understanding of what he plans to invest his money in. Ignorance and misunderstanding of the basics and principles of investing will only bring losses. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve your knowledge and engage in something in which a person is well versed. In any case, money should never just sit in a stash; it should “work” and generate passive income. Only in this case will a person have a real chance to achieve financial independence over time.

8. It must also be said that in order to succeed, a person will need to be patient. In addition, you have to constantly study self-study, so to speak, improving one’s own knowledge and skills. And for this there is no need to obtain higher education or attend courses. Nowadays there is enough information on the Internet, e-books, etc., with the help of which you can easily reach a new level.

9. Having achieved positive results once, you should never stop there. You always need to move forward and strive for more. At the same time, you should never be afraid and look for new promising investment projects. The main thing is that the risk is justified and calculated. Acting at random, relying on luck and luck alone, is a direct path to collapse. Perseverance, patience and determination - these are the qualities that they possess.

As you can see, there are no special “secrets” for achieving material and financial well-being in your life. It all depends only on the person himself and his views on life.

I can do everything! Positive thinking according to the Louise Hay method Mogilevskaya Angelina Pavlovna

Success and financial well-being

If we turn to traditional ideas about life, we will find that it is precisely in these outdated attitudes that lie the reasons why so few people in our country are truly successful. After all, the keywords for this approach are: have And do.

A new perception of life proclaims: “Be!” Who and what do I want to be? What should I do to be... what? Being someone does not mean “doing something professionally.” Previously, we strived to have more or do something so that we could have what we need. And the attitude towards each other was most often assessed by precisely these parameters: what you have and what you do. Only then can you (or cannot) be a respected person. This does not mean that we should not have everything we need to function naturally in life, and beyond, or do anything in our lives. But first of all we must be, and then we will do only what we love and have only what we really want.

How often do we consider the reason for our failure to be the influence of external forces and circumstances: “If I were the son of the president... If I had an education... I want to have money and a good husband... I want to receive...” We seem to be swimming against the tide and are very tired without receiving what we dream about, and because of this we feel fear. But the real problem lies in the negative structures of our consciousness, in the programs embedded in us in childhood. Even if it seems that we have a strong desire to achieve success in life, on a subconscious level we still believe that wealth is evil and fame cannot be achieved except through dirt and meanness, because these thoughts have been instilled in us since childhood.


Divide the paper into four parts, and then title and fill out each part - as in the table below.

When replacing models of failure in the structures of consciousness with models of success, rely on resources (resource emotions) from the future: imagine yourself in 3–5 years. What will you do at that time?

Don’t be afraid that this may not come true: you can just dream. Don’t evaluate your dreams, don’t think: “Where will this come from?” or “Nothing will really work out for me!” Don't let negative doubts stop you, imagine yourself successful, feel like that and remember those feelings.

Modeling the image of a successful self is one of the most important techniques for creating a person’s success. We are not good at this, since most often people live with their past failures and fears of new failures. Or another option - people live in the future: “When I get married, when I retire, etc.” Learn to associate yourself in the present, taking resources from the past and future for this.

The future quickly turns into the past, and living only in the past or future, a person does not live a full life. It is advisable to learn to capture pleasures in the present, relying on the positive past and future.


Learn to draw or make collages. What it is? Take a piece of paper and some advertising magazines. Find photographs in magazines of what reflects your dream - an expensive foreign car that you would like to drive, a country house or the interior of an apartment in which you dream of living, etc. Cut out these images. If you see yourself as a stage star, insert your photo on the magazine page instead of some Madonna or Zhanna Friske. Glue all the clippings onto a piece of paper and paste the words “TREASURE MAP” on top. Keep this collage before your eyes. For example, hang it in your bedroom and, as soon as you wake up, look at it with love, faith and hope.

Whatever we look at with admiration and pleasure will have an impact on us throughout our lives - even if we think we will forget about it the next day.

People who are naturally gifted psychologically intuitively follow the feedback structure and the success structure, which expands their capabilities, and success in their lives manifests itself much more often than others. By the way, there are no real victories in life either - there is only feedback. If victory is the ultimate goal of a person, then, having won, he experiences a feeling of fading energy and decline, and, consequently, defeat. But through feedback he goes to new victories.

We can do many things very well, but we still cannot do everything, which means we have the opportunity to move forward and grow.

People with a rigid, uncontested form of thinking obviously received severe psychological trauma in childhood, which draws on the current energy of their life and grows due to this. It is difficult for them to change their ideas about the world. Be careful: such people not only do not use the laws of attraction of success themselves, they can also kill your dream by laughing at your “kindergarten applications”. It’s better not to tell them about the exercises you do to create a wealth consciousness and don’t show them your Treasure Map.

Using positive statements (affirmations) for twenty-one days, you can change any rule hammered into your head and develop a new habit. There is no defeat, there is only feedback, and after three weeks the rule becomes a habit. Simulating success and luck are exercises that you do for twenty-one days. When you really want something, it comes. Change your habit of being a loser or “like everyone else” to the habit of being a successful person.

The strength of personality lies in self-awareness. Let's repeat:

I understand that I am not God, but I have room to move and develop, and now I have something to respect and even love myself for.

I LOVE MYSELF NOW for who I am!

I'm much better than I think I am.

I'm much more talented than I think.

I'm much more capable than I think I am.

My dears!

Who supplies all of us, and me in particular, with our daily bread?

My publisher? My clients? My family?


Regardless of the apparent source of my supply, the only true and lasting source of it is God. If I understand this and accept it with all my heart and mind, I will never again worry or doubt about my prosperity and provision. Supply, or “our daily bread,” is not just food, money, and the things that money can buy. No, it includes everything we need to feel happy: love, health, intelligence, peace, beauty, strength and wisdom.

God is a thriving Presence, the most good thing I can need or desire. My expectation of happiness comes from Him. I express my gratitude to Him daily for the abundance of His blessings that fill me and all of humanity. I am willing and able to fulfill all my obligations to God. With God I am financially and emotionally secure. I claim Him as my source of provision and I prosper.

We have a beautiful, strong country, whose main wealth is its people. All residents of our country deserve to live a decent life, excuse the tautology. Why do some of them live and prosper, while others barely eke out their existence? One reason is that they simply do not know many spiritual laws.

You need to realize the hidden psychological aspects of your rejection of wealth.

In this chapter I will try to tell everyone how to use the spiritual and psychological principle of “cultivating money” to enrich our lives.

Scientists have explored the world with powerful telescopes and microscopes. And in all their searches and studies, they discovered energy everywhere, from the most distant star in a distant galaxy to the infinitesimal particle of an atom. Energy fills the Universe and is constantly renewed.

Reasoning logically, one can come to the conclusion that there is also a spiritual energy that flows through every human being, and this will not surprise anyone. This spiritual energy enters our consciousness formless and flows out from there, bearing the imprint of the state of our consciousness.

The spiritual energy that flows through your consciousness will flow into the image that you have imagined, and since all energy works in a chain, then it will then bring back to you a copy, a duplicate of your thoughts, words and emotions along this invisible chain. Imagine yourself as weavers. There is a loom in front of you, and the threads from which you create the fabric of the Universe are your thoughts. As you think, so is the fabric that comes out of the machine. Perhaps, for some purposes, sometimes you will need a rough, indefinite color of fabric. But, for the most part, we prefer delicate silk or cambric. Now you are the artists of your life. What design will you apply, what colors will you decorate this fabric with?

If you imprint on the spiritual energy that flows through your consciousness a lack of goodness towards you, that lack will return to you.

If you imprint the disease, the disease will return to you.

If debts and need are imprinted on the fabric of your spiritual energy, debts and need will return to you.

If instead you decorate the fabric of your spiritual energy with the flowers of happiness, happiness will return to you.

If ever-renewing life and joy are imprinted on the canvas of your spiritual energy, all these wonderful things will also generously return to you.

Do you think nuclear energy is omnipotent? You're right. She is huge, simply huge. But, believe me, compared to the spiritual energy that constantly flows through your consciousness, nuclear energy is a weak and helpless baby in the hands of a powerful giant.

Spiritual energy is God's means of transforming thoughts into experiences for humanity. This law is very accurately expressed by the well-known saying: “You set an intention, and it will come true for you.”

Spiritual energy is your servant. She can work for you every second of your life, follow your every command and bring you blessings, health, ever-new life, prosperity and an overflowing abundance of all the good things of life, including deep happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Every day my confidence in life grows, and this makes me happy.

I have everything to live for!

All is going well in my joyful world!

The principle of “growing money,” the law of a tenfold harvest, is the way to receive those “loaves and fishes” that are spoken of in the Bible. These are all the necessary material things in life, “because the Gentiles seek all these things, and because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things” (Matthew 6:32). But never lose sight of the fact that things are only part of your soul's journey. It is true that, in essence, all truth is simple, but at the same time it is never easy.

To receive, have, enjoy and share - all these things are both your spiritual right by virtue of your birth on Earth, and your responsibility for the same reason.

When you were born, the first thing the doctor did was lift you up by your legs and slap your little butt. You screamed and thus began to breathe. Breathing itself is both giving and receiving. And this is the guarantee of your life, because if you stop inhaling or exhaling, you cannot live.

Do we think about this all the time? We would probably go crazy if we had only two thoughts to ensure our life: “Inhale-exhale.” Therefore, we begin to think about air, which is priceless for us, only when we lack it. And then we have to do something: open the window, turn on the fan or air conditioner, go outside...

If you want to turn on a light, you turn on a switch, which completes an electrical circuit and electrical current begins to flow through the wires. The entire Universe is a series of energy circuits - from the Earth and other planets in their orbits to particles of atoms. Cut off this flow somewhere along the line and the result will be nothingness.

The simple and obvious truth is that you must first give and only then can you begin to receive. Some people don't include giving as part of their practice. Their letters invariably reveal serious reasons why they are having difficulty not only in tithing practices, but also in achieving their desires in this life.

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First day of the seminar “Success in life. Success in the profession. How are they achieved together?” It’s both fun and exciting at the same time. It’s like I’m in a hurry to go on a date, and not to a serious seminar. I'm going to meet the Master who breathed life into the brilliant method of family constellations. Bert

From the book Guide to Growing Capital author Stern Valentin

Chapter 7. Secrets of managing destiny: well-being, success, wealth Constantly check your thoughts to ensure they correspond to your desired goals. As we think, so we live - this idea underlies Joseph Murphy’s system. It is our thoughts, as well as attitudes and

From the book Instructions for my use author Burkhaev Denis

What does financial inequality lead to? Why is this topic raised? In order to show with examples, well, not even mine, but examples of my male clients. That is, what do these tough life positions lead to, masculine principles that are written in the men themselves, what