Find out if there is a karmic debt. What is karma, how to find out, define karma, calculate your karmic debt? How to define bad karma? Measures to get rid of karmic debts

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed actions), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many eastern teachings(Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as occultism. Using numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from past life.

Calculate karmic debt By date of birth it’s not difficult - any adult can do it. Our website has convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand for which actions you will bear the greatest responsibility and how best to work off them.

Let's say you were born on July 17, 1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you succeed two-digit number(more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And again, to the natural: 1+1=2. It is two that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. The karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions before the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you were able to atone for and close negative actions at the moment.

Deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only towards oneself. Therefore, today’s duty of karma is simple - you should help those dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, to loved ones: best friends, children, loved one. If you ignore help, you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others without special reasons are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth in this case associates karmic debt with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad things and devote all your efforts to reconciling the warring parties. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of huge amount actions negative character. Many of the latest problems and questions have been living with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is “young” and not heavy. Most likely, it is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in its person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all your obligations, since according to all teachings this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol of karmic problems, the root of which is based in your relationship to the Universe. Luck, which always eludes you, indicates that the Universe is trying to return the “favor” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that did not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. Calculation of karmic debt by date of birth considers seven the most favorable number of all. Exactly what you want is happening in the world and fate favors you in all your endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too much upheaval in life. If troubles do happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of the perfect bad deed, which left its mark on subsequent events. The problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime the only way fortunately - acceptance of yourself and your problems.

Nowadays, people quite often use the words karma, karmic debt without even having a clear idea of ​​the meaning of these concepts. So, first, let’s figure out what karma is in general and specifically focus on the concept of karmic debt by date of birth.

What is karma?

Many perceive this concept only as a burden of sins and vices from a past life weighing down on a person.

But in fact, in the mental-astral dimension, karma is the totality of all human deeds and actions, voluntary and involuntary. Karma is the essence of a person with a long trail of all his merits and misdeeds.

Karma can be both dark and light, both heavy and light.. But it tends to change depending on what life path chosen by its owner. You can either improve it through good deeds or spoil it by doing bad things to others.

Karma helps us understand why everything is this way and not otherwise, it establishes cause-and-effect relationships and retribution. It is the key to understanding life. Karma defines favorable and unfavorable conditions of life, and shows what a person has to go through and what he must realize in his life.

Also, karma knows better than anyone what prevents a person from being happy, how a past life can affect his present and what awaits him in the future. Karma is not some kind of punishment - it only reflects what a person deserves by his actions. If some difficulties come into a person’s life, then this is only a consequence of old offenses committed by the person himself.

Man creates his own destiny:

  • in your own words,
  • thoughts,
  • actions.

Nothing happens in our lives just like that. Karma tells us that everything in the world is natural. Nothing happens by chance - everything happens for a reason.

This means that we must develop spiritually. If a person does not strive for self-development, life will present him with more and more unpleasant surprises and challenges.

What is karmic debt?

Karmic debt appears as a result of non-return of the borrowed energy, as well as an unfulfilled obligation to the Higher Powers, which automatically makes a person a debtor (sinner) and is fraught with restrictions and tests of karma.

Here are examples of some sins that entail the largest karmic debts:

  1. Taking and failure to fulfill obligations, promises of a person to people and Higher Powers. Don't forget! Every promise matters, and the one who does not keep his word will become the biggest debtor.
  2. Failure to realize your purpose, refusal to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives.
  3. Illegal appropriation of someone else's.
  4. The debt of karma to one's own Soul, refusal of self-development.
  5. Human irresponsibility.

All of the above examples are specific situations, but they can all be generalized and grouped into the following main reasons for the occurrence of karmic debt:

  • breaking God's Ten Commandments;
  • violation of the Rituals of Zoroaster;
  • violation Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ;
  • violation life principles Genesis;
  • violation of the values ​​of holy monuments;
  • violation of the value of prayers;
  • impaired memory of parents;
  • impaired memory of children.

Karmic debt can be of several types, depending on the way it appears:

  • own, earned by a person in present life;
  • own, earned in a previous life or lives;
  • acquired, inherited by family.

The debt of karma will inevitably accompany you throughout your life and cause a lot of trouble. These will be trials and obstacles that sometimes seem completely impossible for you to overcome. Therefore, it is very important to find out whether you have your own karmic debt.

How to find out if you have karmic debt?

The first sign that you have a karmic debt is failures, following one after another; frequent illnesses; constant quarrels with family and friends. If you have something in mind and make a lot of effort to achieve a result, but nothing works out; If you often conflict with someone for no particularly important reasons, or various illnesses have already overcome you, most likely you have an unfulfilled karmic debt.

Also, the debt of karma can manifest itself in any way - when calculating the number of the name, soul, life path, date of birth, etc. In this article we will help you calculate karmic debt by date of birth.

The numbers of karmic debt can be noticeable simply in the date itself. They may also appear in intermediate results.

In order to find out the presence of karmic debt by date of birth, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations. Take your date of birth. For example, 04/26/1984. Add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth one by one:

If you receive a two-digit number in any result, you need to sum the digits of this number. For us this number is 22.

Now we add all the results together:

Below are the numbers that karmic debt numerology considers to be karmic debt numbers.

If during the calculation process or in the original version the numbers coincide with these numbers, you should think about it and reconsider your life path up to this point and draw conclusions.

Numerology of karmic debt

According to karmic debt numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are 13,14,16, and 19.

Let's consider the actions that could lead to the appearance of these person's debts:

  • karmic debt number 13 provoked by a reluctance to work in a past life, the habit of shirking and shifting one’s responsibilities to others.
  • karmic debt number 14 caused by sitting in one place. Being quite a free man, You gave all of yourself to one thing, without developing your other talents. But the reason for the appearance of this debt could also be the opposite behavior - due to your unlimited freedom, you completely devoted your life to satisfying only your needs and weaknesses, such as gluttony and carnal pleasures. You used other people to do your hard work without even thanking them for it.
  • karmic debt number 16 owes its appearance to excessive human egoism. This debt appears if in a past life you satisfied only your love needs and preferences, neglected and trampled on the feelings of other people, broke up families and people’s lives.
  • karmic debt number 19 typical for overly ambitious people. Such people can never get enough of power and feel more omnipotent every day. At the same time, they absolutely do not care about other people and their feelings. The most important thing for such a person is that everyone obeys him unquestioningly. If such people need help, they will never say so, but will try to solve the problem on their own or rely on the fact that someone should unselfishly help them simply because they are so majestic.

Working off karmic debts

To close your karmic debt you need to:

  • understand the root causes
  • find out from the Forces of Karma what needs to be done;
  • work on yourself, apologize, try to correct the situation, etc.
  • turn to a Spiritual Healer for an esoteric ritual of liberation from karmic debt.

The very first step to working off karmic debt is awareness of its essence. There is no need to delve too far into our previous lives - all our sins are almost always in full view and in the present.

You can pay off your karmic debt in two ways: either repent or suffer. The choice is yours - you can realize and fix everything, or you can compensate for everything with torment and suffering.

Therefore, if you have been offended by someone, do not rush to offend in return. Stop and think, maybe this situation has already taken place in your life, but it was you who acted as the offender. Realizing and repenting means that you have completed this lesson.

IN Christian religion millions of believers are given the chance to confess and forgive their sins, but this does not relieve these people of their debts. They consciously share their sins with the clergy, but having received forgiveness from them, they leave the church and again think about doing what they just repented of. This means that they have not realized that this is wrong.

If a person has realized, he doesn’t want it anymore and won’t do it.

And then we will consider what needs to be done to get rid of karmic debts according to their numbers

To correct the karmic debt of the number 13 it is necessary work tirelessly. The more you work, the more your debt decreases. Learn to enjoy the work you do. Almost all of your problems can be solved by increasing the amount of effort you put in. Don't be lazy and everything will work out for you. True, it is worth warning that the path to working out will be long and thorny. Not everything will come out right away and easily.

You also need to learn to concentrate on what is most important and throw all your strength there. Keep your life in order. Clutter and chaos can confuse you and significantly increase the distance between you and your target.

The karmic debt of the number 14 can be worked off by learning control yourself in any situation, do not pay attention and do not give in to your physical needs. You need to set yourself a fairly serious goal and make every effort to achieve it. Only then will you achieve inner harmony and achieve your integrity.

It is possible to redeem the karmic debt of the number 16 absolutely eradication of human selfishness. It is necessary to think about the feelings and experiences of other people. Be modest and humble.

In this situation, there is one big obstacle: having an analytical mind, the owner of this debt quite easily finds shortcomings in other people and in his eyes they automatically fall below his level. Thus, such a person is doomed to eternal loneliness.

The karmic debt of the number 19 will help you work off your favor towards people. Treat them the way you would like to be treated- with respect and understanding. Learn to share all the capabilities of those in power. It will become easier for you if you put your pride into the background and openly demonstrate your love, friendship, and affection. Then you will be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

Any karmic debt can be worked off, previous mistakes can be corrected and new ones can be prevented. Do what is required, live according to humane rules. Fill your life with kindness and responsiveness and this will definitely have a positive effect on your karma.

Karmic debt is an obstacle that prevents you from realizing your dreams and choosing a profession. By giving it away, you will be able to correct not physical defects, but moral ones, which carry important problems. The number of Karmic Debt is easy to calculate by date of birth - this means determining the type, understanding where and when it arose and how to get rid of it, how to behave in everyday life, treat close people.
In most cases, the number of karmic debt is calculated - there is no number. But this does not mean that the life of a person born on this date will be sinless and will not cause karmic debts in the next incarnation.

Find out your Karmic Debt Number

In order to find out the Number of Karmic Debt and its numerology meaning online, enter your date of birth in the form.

Karmic Debt Number

Karmic debt numbers, or karmic numbers, are the burden that a person carries from past incarnations. Unlike the number of karmic lessons, the number of karmic debt is a heavier burden that requires working out. The number of karmic debt can be located anywhere in the numerological chart, in the date of birth itself or in additional numbers.

The desire not only to know one’s destiny, but also to correct it if necessary, is present in any person. And if a few decades ago, although it existed, it was carefully hidden by people for fear of being ridiculed or hearing the reproach of others, now many turn to knowledgeable grandmothers or astrologers for help of this kind. Their services are becoming more and more in demand every day.

Is it possible to change your own destiny?

For such purposes it is not at all necessary to look for “experts”, most of whom are actually ordinary people, who know little, but offer help in this delicate matter for the sake of profit, and also because of the desire to make easy money from people’s problems and misfortunes.

It will not be difficult at all to independently obtain all the information you are interested in; you just need to pay attention to such a science as numerology and learn how to make the correct calculations. Thanks to it, you can find out what the number of karmic debt means. Calculating it will also not be a problem.

Numerology - what kind of science?

This long-recognized esoteric science can provide a lot of information about a particular person. All you have to do is do necessary calculations by date of birth, and you can easily obtain information about literally any individual such as the abilities and talents programmed in him by nature, the advantages and disadvantages present in his character.

And such a thing as karmic debt is very easy to calculate by date of birth. And this, in the opinion of very large quantity knowledgeable people will help correct all the shortcomings inherited by a person from birth. But it should be understood that in this case we are not talking about physical impairment that a person receives as a past life, but about moral deviations that carry big problems not only to a certain person, but also to the majority of people around him.

It is not for nothing that every person is born on a certain date, which often does not coincide at all with the predictions of doctors. This happens because of plans from above, designed to allow you to experience all the consequences of your negative actions, thoughts and feelings of your past incarnation. Having felt all this for yourself, you can not only repent, but also correct them, opening the way to new incarnations that will not be burdened by anything.

Karma and its role in human life

So what is karma and how do you know your karmic debt? This question is of interest to many, so it is worth finding out before starting any calculations. The very concept of “karma” means the sins of past incarnations, which fate is destined to correct at the current birth.

Any person is believed to live several lives, each of which is given to him in order to correct personality shortcomings and bring his soul to perfection. But along the path of life there are always sinful temptations, which are often impossible to avoid. The numbers of karmic debt will tell you that you have done something reprehensible in the past.

Why and how should such debts be paid?

By succumbing to any momentary desire that can cause even slight harm to another person, a person burdens his karma. In the event that she cannot correct her mistake in the current incarnation, she will be destined to be punished for this in next life to cleanse your soul. In order to find out, you should calculate your karmic debt.

That is, if in this life you did not deny any methods, even dishonest ones, to enrich yourself, in the next incarnation you will be given poverty, which is designed to free you from the sin called greed. And you will bear this karmic (coming from a previous incarnation) punishment until you realize it. This is the answer to the questions about what karmic debt means and how to correct it.

Arithmetic of fate, or Karmic numerology - the accessible secret of numbers

This process has absolutely nothing to do with mathematics, which we have studied since childhood. Here we are talking about the fact that if a person has a karmic debt, anyone can calculate the cause of its occurrence based on the date of birth, as well as determine ways to correct it. And from that here you only need the ability to add

Thanks to such simple arithmetic operations Anyone has an excellent opportunity not only to find out how to determine karmic debt, or rather its type, which accompanies a person throughout the current incarnation, but also, knowing how this debt obligation to the universe arose in him, to make every effort to eradicate it. And also not to create similar situations in the current incarnation, so that subsequent ones do not drag behind them a “tail” of unpaid debts.

What types of karmic debts are there and how do they arise?

All debts acquired by a person to the universe can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Own ones that a person has managed to develop already in this life.
  2. Our own, but earned in past incarnations.
  3. Inherited, that is, a family “gift”.

How and in what cases can karmic debts arise? This occurs when a person knowingly or unknowingly violates the Existence, the values ​​of holy monuments and prayers, as well as the memory of parents and children.

So it turns out that karmic debts are not so difficult to calculate and understand. And thanks to this, there is a chance to make the necessary adjustments to your destiny, as well as to build your life in such a way that this problem will not affect you in your next incarnations, and you will have the opportunity to start a new existence from scratch.

Numbers indicating the presence of debt to the universe due to karma

Debts that arose due to mistakes of past lives are indicated by 4 numbers - these are 13, 14, 16, 19. But they are not a death sentence for a person, but, most likely, a pointer to what should be done to correct the mistakes of the past and prevent their recurrence.

In order to understand this more precisely, we should consider the values specified numbers. Then you will not only answer the question “How to work off a karmic debt?”, but you will also gain the opportunity to painlessly solve many of the problems that accompany your current existence. In addition, correcting past mistakes will help you avoid doing the same in this incarnation.

How are numerological calculations made?

It is very easy to calculate karmic debt by date of birth. All you need to do is write down the digital code of your date of birth on a piece of paper. For example, for a person born on March 4, nineteen seventy-two, it will look like this: 431972. Have you been discharged? Now add all the numbers together and write down the resulting number. In our example it turned out to be 26.

We don’t reduce anything else, but look to see if the resulting number falls under the karmic number. As we already know, in this section of numerology there are 4 - 13, 14, 16 and 19. And in the case when one of these numbers turned out during the calculations or is the date of birth, we can talk about a debt to karma that should be corrected .

In the example described, the person does not have unprocessed sins of the past. But this does not mean that he, with a fate unencumbered by the past, will be able to live through his current incarnation sinlessly, insuring himself against the appearance of a karmic debt number in his next life.

Thirteen - laziness is punishable

Having figured out what karmic numerology is, you can take a closer look at the meaning of each number on this cautionary list. They are necessary for everyone who has decided to correct their destiny with the help of karmic debt. They must be known in order to correct their destiny in the correct way.

The first number is 13. To the one who has it in his numeric code, one must pay for the selfishness and ineffectiveness of the previous incarnation, when he preferred to shift all the hardest work onto the shoulders of others. In his current existence, he will encounter multiple obstacles in situations that go smoothly for everyone else.

Such punishment should help a person learn concentration and the ability to complete the chosen task to the end, not only accepting help from others, but also without shifting the blame for what happened to someone else in case of an error.

Burying talents in the ground is also a sin

Another debt obligation to the universe is borne by a person by the number 14. The karmic debt according to the date of birth that it gives is that once, in his past incarnations, a person, instead of using the talents given to him from birth for the benefit of himself and to those around him, he preferred relaxation with escapism from reality.

Now it's time to pay off your debts. To eradicate negative impact of this date, it is necessary to exclude such methods of escaping from the surrounding reality as alcohol and drugs, all kinds of excesses both in food and in feelings.

In this incarnation, a person is required to become restrained and not put it off until tomorrow, but to abstain today. It is worth using moderation to restore order in your life and maintain clarity of mind.

Base passions in the past - problems in the present

The number 16 also means a lot. Its owner is given a karmic debt by date of birth for indulging in sensual pleasures and abusing love in past lives. The negativity of this number also occurs due to the fact that in past incarnations he found himself, quite often, involved in adventures unacceptable to society, and thereby brought suffering to other people.

In this same life, a person with a karmic debt number of 16 very often has to find himself in situations where he requires complete concentration on his beloved self, his personal interests, as a result of which he loses a lot in relationships with the people around him.

The keys to success with this number include humility and modesty. A person must avoid all manifestations of his own selfishness, learn to put the interests of people close to him above his own.

Loneliness among people - what is the punishment for?

The number 19 is also not sugar. People who have it in their numerical debt by date of birth are given for abuse of their power and authority in past incarnations. Therefore, in their present life, because of past sins, they have to lead a lonely existence, when there is no one to rely on and rely on.

For the negativity of this number to completely go away, a person needs to learn to care for others. The life lesson of number 19 is to provide selfless help to people in cases where it is truly needed.

Wheel of Fortune, or Good Karma

But in such a fascinating and useful esoteric science as numerology, karmic debt is not only a punishment. It also contains a number responsible for nice view karma. A person born with it has already paid all his debts and can begin to build his destiny from scratch.

This opportunity is given by the number 10, otherwise called the Wheel of Fortune. The numbers included in its composition can be deciphered as follows: one is the beginning of everything new, and zero in numerology not only carries energy, but also speaks of something promising that awaits in the new cycle.

The lucky ones who have the number 10 in their birth code may not think about how to determine karmic debts, but direct all their efforts to prevent them from arising in the future.

And those who are not the lucky owner of the number 10 in their numerical code should make every effort and, with the help of information obtained when calculating debt obligations to the universe by the date of their birth, recover from the karmic disease given to them from above.

For this you need very little. Just realize, understand and accept everything that the numbers tell him. Only in this case you will not have to bear your debt in subsequent lives.

Probably every person has heard the mysterious word ““ at least once in his life. So what does it mean? We can say that this is the so-called boomerang law, which says that everything comes back: both good deeds and evil deeds. However human nature is such that any law is broken once. And then another concept comes into force - the so-called “karmic debt”. This is worth dwelling on in more detail.

What is it and when does it occur?

As you know, the Universe gives what is sent into it. And rest assured that every misdemeanor or non-compliance with its rules will certainly be followed by punishment.

The main reasons why karmic debt arises:

  1. a person promises something to other people or even higher powers, however, does not fulfill its promises. Each such episode places a heavy burden on his fate and prevents him from achieving happiness and harmony;
  2. theft is also punishable. This means not only when a person illegally takes away from another material thing. For example, if you take up someone else's time, be prepared to lose yours. If you appropriate other people's money, you will live in poverty for several reincarnations without the slightest possibility of doing anything until the sin is atoned for;
  3. if a person stops developing spiritually, the Universe punishes him with constant apathy, bad mood, a feeling of emptiness in the soul and even physical illness. Unfortunately, people do not always understand in time.

How to calculate by date of birth?

If you want to know if you have debt, write down your date of birth on a piece of paper and add up all the numbers. For example, if you were born on December 11, 1995, then your number is twenty-nine (1+1+1+2+1+9+9+5=29).

If, as a result of simple calculations, you get the numbers thirteen, fourteen, sixteen or nineteen, then this means that in your past reincarnations you have sinned in one way or another:


Now it’s worth talking about the rest of the numbers.

First level:

  • eleven. Most likely, you idealize relationships, but be prepared for betrayal, since in past lives you yourself were a traitor;
  • twelve. This number suggests that a person is constantly a victim and is doomed to suffer, because in another incarnation he himself weaved intrigues or even took part in real terror;
  • . At first glance, such a person seems extraordinary: an irresistible force is drawn to her, her extraordinary musical talent fascinates. However, such a person is prone to dishonest earnings. Perhaps in one of his previous incarnations he was lung woman behavior who died after contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD);
  • . This is the number of freedom and inner happiness. If you get this number, it means you are lucky in life;
  • eighteen. Be careful! You are in danger of dying early enough from weapons, fire or water. In this way you will atone for your sin - in a previous life you practiced.

Second level:

  • twenty. Most likely, you often encounter difficulties on your life's path. Don't despair, you will overcome them all;
  • twenty one. In a word, lucky;
  • twenty two. Such a person is too naive and kind;
  • twenty three. Well, success in your career is guaranteed;
  • twenty four. Throughout your life you will be lucky;
  • twenty five. A person with this karmic number will face a little more challenges than others, but there is nothing to worry about, because he will cope with everything perfectly;
  • twenty six. Difficulties and dangers will lurk around every corner. However, your intuition is well developed and if you listen to it, you will be able to overcome all obstacles;
  • twenty seven. You most likely have developed intellectual abilities. Don't bury your gift in the ground;
  • twenty eight. A person with this karmic number has abandoned all his hobbies and forgotten about his talents. It is worth remembering that this is a sin for which one day you will have to pay;
  • twenty nine. Throughout your life you will be haunted by infidelity, betrayal and deceit. To cope with this, you need to cultivate tolerance.

Third level:

  • thirty. Use your developed intellectual abilities to earn money;
  • thirty one. Unfortunately, such people often have;
  • thirty two A. One can only envy such a person: good job, And true friends;
  • thirty three. Dedicate your life to teaching others, you have a gift in this area;
  • thirty four. Until the age of thirty-five, a huge number of obstacles and difficulties await you. Your task is simple - to withstand all these tests, because then a reward awaits you - a great marriage and;
  • thirty five. This karmic number means that a person has many problems, ranging from addictions that he cannot cope with, to bad relationships with his own children and betrayal of his partner;
  • thirty six. On the one hand, it’s a great career; you’ll achieve everything with a minimum of effort. On the other hand, there is unhappiness in love, or more precisely, its absence. An arranged marriage awaits you;
  • thirty seven. You have no debts that came from past lives. Try not to sin in this incarnation;
  • thirty eight. Failure upon failure: deceitful friends, problems with work, no personal life;
  • thirty nine. You have a very high intelligence, and this is definitely a plus. However, many addictions, poor health and constant envy of other people will not allow you to live harmoniously.

Fourth level:

  • fourty. The number forty promises, but this will not upset you, because this is what you are striving for;
  • forty one. A person is subject to;
  • forty two. Success awaits you in any area of ​​your life, except, alas, love;
  • forty three. You will be forced to fight for love and a place in the professional field throughout your entire life;
  • forty four. Disappointments and troubles will be your partners constantly;
  • forty five. You can count on prosperity only if you work hard on your mental abilities;
  • forty six. No matter what, true friends will always come to the rescue;
  • forty seven. Perhaps everything will be better in other areas, but betrayal and insincerity will noticeably ruin your life;
  • forty eight. You have all the ingredients to build a great career. Know how to use them;
  • forty nine. The reason for the unhappiness of such a person is that he is not interested in absolutely anything: neither career, nor money, nor love.

How to work it out?

Let's say you still have the burden of past lives. Don't worry, this is not a reason to be upset because it can be redeemed one way or another.

The first thing you must do is understand the root causes of the debt, realize what sins in previous incarnations you are paying for now. Next, ask the Universe how you can correct the situation.

Having received the answer to your question, work tirelessly on yourself, apologize to those you have offended and try to find the so-called spiritual mentor, which will help you work off your debt by performing an esoteric ritual.

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