Modern philosophy considers culture as a technology of human activity, the accumulation and transmission of human experience, as well as its evaluation and comprehension. At the same time, the personal aspect of a person is also considered, i.e. increasing its potential. By creating material and spiritual cultural values, introducing useful and humane, innovative and creative solutions into various areas of activity, a person affirms progress in society. In today's increasingly complex world, it is important to reveal the growing role of physical culture and sports, which are part of the general culture taking part in the formation of man and the progressive development of society, because it is the most important prerequisite for the realization of their potential. Physical education and sport provide every member of society with the broadest opportunities for development, affirmation and expression of their own “I”, for empathy and participation in sports action as a creative process, make them rejoice in victory, be saddened by defeat, reflecting the whole gamut of human emotions, and evoke a sense of pride in the infinite potential human capabilities. As for the relationship between man and culture in modern society: we can say that a person, transforming the environment with the help of culture, creates new determinants of his behavior and transforms himself, i.e. culture acts as a mediator between man and nature, man in the world of culture turns from a biological being into a personality, thanks to which man is already at the center of culture. Today, when physical culture and sports, due to objective trends in the development of world civilization, have become significant components of the lifestyle of modern youth, part of their culture in the field of physical education, the need for cultural methods related to the formation of a person’s spiritual abilities in the process of developing his physical condition is increasing. Physical culture and sports are also a product of the historical and philosophical development of society. In this context, physical culture is considered not only as a culture of the body, but also as a set of material and spiritual values. The philosophical approach to the analysis of the development of technology is associated with a new form of human existence in a technocratic and information society. Modern conditions are associated with the creation and expansion of the technical environment and man-machine society, the formation and strengthening of technocratic development trends. At the same time, a new transformation of quality occurs through the influence of an artificial, technical system on the surrounding world. Philosophy of technology is a field of knowledge that in recent decades has begun to emerge as a new science, but technology itself has become the subject of philosophical reflection since ancient times. Modern philosophy explores the problem of a person creating and using technology. The philosophy of sports technology is only now posing its problems and outlining ways to solve them further. Under the influence of the technical environment, people's mentality is changing and ethnic differences are being erased. However, contradictory processes are observed and “anti-technical” trends arise. In this technical world, a person is forced to realize his creative abilities, both according to the laws of nature and according to the laws of the information technology environment. A characteristic feature of the philosophy of technology today is that it, with the whole complex of modern problems (scientific, economic, social, pedagogical, medical, physical education, etc.) is developing in various directions and is being dealt with not only by philosophers themselves, but also by representatives of other specialties , which seek to philosophically comprehend and influence their constructive design and further application in various fields of human activity. . The field of view of the philosophy of technology includes, first of all, the problem of the influence of technological progress on improving people's well-being. Technology is part of world culture; it is an integral part of our life world, economy, politics, international interests and, of course, sports. Philosophy influences those sciences whose subject of study is man. Therefore, with the development of the science of physical culture and sports, the accumulation of an ever-increasing amount of knowledge, the need to understand them from the standpoint of a system of values ​​(axiology) and kinesiology (the science of movements) increases. In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, human adaptation to changing conditions of the external environment and production becomes important. In the course of socio-economic and technical transformations, a person recreates a “second environment” - an artificial living environment that is significantly different from the natural one. We can say that the development of technology is proceeding at a faster pace than the development of the spiritual world of man. The problem arises of a person making error-free decisions related to modern production conditions - prompt assessment of the situation, quick reaction. With the automation of production processes, the worker’s movement system changes, the requirements for a person’s motor potential increase, and the role of the coordination component in his movements increases significantly. To improve their activities in everyday life, in recreational activities and in production, people have long created and used various technical means (TS). In the course of human evolution and technical transformations, these means have continuously become more complex and improved. The same thing happened with the creation of sports equipment and exercise equipment. The technocratic stage in sports is characterized by innovation, the creation of new knowledge, structures, and processes. This is expressed in the search for new technologies, equipment, equipment, equipment, sports facilities, the field of pharmacological systems, training methods, achievements in the field of science to obtain spatio-temporal indicators and objective data on the state of the body when performing physical activity, a system of devices and devices for recreational activities . Sports react accordingly to this phenomenon with the cult of records. In such a society, the role of technology - including sports technology - is not only enhanced, but is absolutized, where a person will be destined to take the place of the “weak link”. When designing devices and simulators, new knowledge from ergonomics, biomechanics, engineering psychology, and design is used. Currently, there is a need to form new scientific directions that would study a person and his activities in conditions of performing physical exercises using technical means. The development of such scientific directions can provide a wide range of logical-computational and managerial functions in increasing the level of conditioning qualities and mastering motor skills. Modern sports equipment is a component in the “environment - person” system, and this system is subject to unified control and interaction mechanisms to achieve the desired result in sports training and maintain human performance when working in space, under water, in extreme geographic regions and in normal work activities. The entire range of technical means in FC and sports can be classified as anthropotechnics, since it is intended for the benefit of man. Its areas of application are physical education, recreation and rehabilitation, physical training and sports training. The means of FC and sports are aimed at creating more favorable conditions for the individual in his self-realization in society and promoting economic efficiency. It should also be said about the relationship of training with the disclosure of the maximum and beyond the maximum physical capabilities of a person. Sport of the highest achievements creates ideal conditions for scientific knowledge beyond the maximum human capabilities - the most important area of ​​human self-realization. Sport realizes its purpose and essence within the framework of physical culture, and not outside of it. It appears in behavioral, symbolic, symbolic, verbal, ideal, material forms. In sports, a person realizes his abilities in various aspects biological, social, psychological, cultural, as well as cognitive, (thinking) axiological, conative (activity), i.e. is considered as a biopsychosocial unity. A society that wants not only to survive, but also to develop successfully in the modern world, has no other way than human self-improvement with the help of cultural means. In solving this problem, physical culture and sports take their real and worthy place.


  1. Anthropomaximology at the journal's round table // Theor. and practical physical cult. - 1979. - No. 10. - P. 41-47.
  2. Glotov N.K., Ignatiev A.S., Lotonenko A.V. Philosophical and cultural analysis of physical culture // Theor. and practical physical cult. - 1996. - No. 1. - P. 4-7.
  3. Kosevich E. Physical culture as a philosophical reflection on the activation of motor activity // Physical culture, sport, tourism - in the new conditions of development of the CIS countries: Int. scientific congress - Minsk, 1999. - P. 148-150.
  4. Kuznetsov V.V. Sport is the main factor in the scientific knowledge of human reserve capabilities // Theor. and practical physical cult. - 1979. - No. 3. - P. 45-48.
  5. Lubysheva L.I. Modern value potential of physical culture and sports and ways of its development by society and the individual // Theor. and practical physical cult. - 1997. - No. 6. - P. 10-15.
  6. Loiko A.I. Modernization of activities: philosophical and axiological aspect. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 1997. - 160 p.
  7. Muravov I.V. Health-improving effects of physical culture and sports - Kyiv: Health, 1989 - 270 p.
  8. Muravyov V.I., Suleymanov I.I. Subject area of ​​philosophical and sociological knowledge about physical culture and sports and its main elements // Theor. and practical physical cult. 1991. - No. 7. - P. 5-7.
  9. Novoseltsev V.N. Organism in the world of technology. Cybernetic aspect. - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 240 p.

Bibliographic link

Barabanova V.B. PHILOSOPHY IN THE CONTEXT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE // Advances in modern natural science. – 2011. – No. 6. – P. 60-62;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=26932 (date of access: 06/15/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


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This monograph is a revised and expanded book by the author, “Introduction to the Philosophy of Sports and Human Physicality” (M., 2011).

For the convenience of readers, the new monograph is divided into 5 books. In the first, a metaphilosophical analysis is carried out: a set of problems relating to the philosophy of physical culture and sport as a special philosophical discipline is discussed (its history, object area, problems, paradigmatic foundations). The second book analyzes the socio-philosophical problems of physical culture, the third - the socio-philosophical problems of sports, the fourth - the socio-philosophical problems of the Olympic movement, the fifth - the socio-philosophical problems of Spartanism as a socio-cultural alternative to modern sports.

The author of the monograph sets the task of summing up the results of many years (since 1972) of development of philosophical problems of physical culture and sports, on the basis of generalization and systematization of the results obtained, to present and justify his solution to these problems and the concept of the corresponding philosophical discipline.

At the same time, an attempt has been made to give a fairly complete picture of the approaches to the development of philosophical problems of physical culture and sports, as well as the corresponding philosophical discipline, by researchers from Western and Eastern Europe, Canada and America. The corresponding bibliography of publications is also presented for the first time. Therefore, the book can serve as a kind of guide for readers to the philosophy of physical culture and sports, relevant problems, concepts and publications.

Recognizing the possibility of different approaches to the development of problems of this philosophical discipline, the author substantiates the possibility and expediency of focusing primarily on the principles of scientific dialectical methodology, as well as on the ideas and values ​​of humanism.

The monograph is interdisciplinary in nature and is addressed to both researchers, teachers, graduate students, students, and a wide range of readers - everyone who is trying to understand the meaning and significance of the philosophical problems of physical culture and sports. It can be used as a textbook or teaching aid for those who study or teach the philosophy of physical education and sport. The extensive information contained in the book, as well as a bibliography on various problems of this philosophical discipline, will also be useful to those who are engaged in the development of these problems.

Vladislav Stolyarov

Philosophy of physical culture and sports. Book I. Metaphilosophical analysis: philosophy of physical culture and sports as a special philosophical discipline

© Stolyarov V. I., 2015

© SSU Publishing House, design, 2015


/5/ Although the philosophical discipline, which in this book is designated by the term “ philosophy of physical culture and sports”, is relatively young, but it is becoming increasingly important in the system of philosophy and “sports science”. The increase in its importance is determined primarily by the complex and contradictory nature of the development of sports, its inextricable connection with all aspects of public life (economics, politics, culture, etc.), the intensive development of scientific research in the field of sports and the need to significantly increase their effectiveness. Particularly relevant is the philosophical understanding of the Olympic movement, which is inextricably linked with sports and has received unusually wide development in the modern world.

The famous philosopher Max Scheler drew attention to the importance of understanding the philosophical problems of sport back in 1927: “Hardly any other phenomenon in the world today deserves as much deep socio-philosophical and psychological study as sport” [Cit. from: Guttman, 1978: VII].

When, at a meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the German Sports Union, the then Federal Chancellor at the beginning of his report said: “There has always been too much philosophizing about sports, and it would be better to just do more,” the famous German philosopher and Olympic champion Hans Lenk, objecting to him, said: “On the contrary, in recent years too little has been philosophized about sport” [cit. from: Court, 1988: 230].

/6/ Some researchers point out that sport is of interest to philosophers not only in itself, but also as an ideal phenomenon, based on the study of which one can test basic philosophical concepts.

Philosophers are also increasingly paying attention to problems relating to such sociocultural phenomena as bodily (somatic, physical) culture and physical education (person-oriented) physical activity, which are designated by the term in the name of the philosophical discipline under discussion. "physical culture". On the one hand, this is due to the fact that recently a real cult of the body has been forming in the public consciousness, which serves as the basis for the conclusion about cardinal changes (and even a “revolution”) in the attitude of modern man to his physicality, on the other hand, an increase in the role and the importance of physical training physical activity in the life of modern man.

The increasing attention of philosophers to the problems of sports and human corporeality is evidenced, for example, by the fact that the program of the XXIII World Philosophical Congress “Philosophy as knowledge and way of life” (Greece, August 4-10, 2013) included sections “Philosophy of Sports " and "Philosophy of corporeality".

The monograph primarily sets the task introduce the reader to the world philosophy of physical culture and sports. The world of this philosophy has its own specific and complex language, its own system of concepts, many different approaches to solving certain problems, etc. In this regard, the author of the monograph seeks to help the reader in understanding the main aspects of this philosophical discipline: /7/

♦ justify the applicability and feasibility of a philosophical approach to the study of physical culture and sports;

♦ on the basis of this, determine the problems of their philosophical analysis, introduce the reader to the most important, and at the same time complex problems of the philosophical discipline within which it is carried out;

♦ clarify the place of the philosophy of physical culture and sports in the system of philosophy and “sports science”;

♦ show its theoretical and practical significance.

The specificity of the subject (problematics, research problems and tasks) of the philosophy of physical culture and sports, as can be seen from its very name, is due to the fact that when analyzing physical culture and sports, as well as other related phenomena, it is focused on goals and objectives philosophical research, uses the appropriate conceptual apparatus and methods. Therefore, the monograph sometimes gives a brief description of philosophy, certain philosophical concepts and methods. However, as a rule, it is assumed that the reader already has a fairly complete and deep understanding of this.

Another task of the monograph is to present information about the huge palette diverse opinions, approaches, concepts on the discussed complex and debatable philosophical problems of physical culture and sports. Therefore, the text of the monograph contains numerous references to publications of domestic and foreign philosophers.

In the monograph, perhaps, for the first time an attempt was made to outline approaches to the development of philosophical problems of physical culture and sports, as well as the corresponding philosophical discipline, researchers various countries.

Domestic publications, as a rule, lack comprehensive information about those works on this topic that were published in Western Europe, Canada and America. /8/ On the other hand, in the works of philosophers in these countries, as a rule, publications in Russia and in the countries of Eastern Europe on philosophical problems of physical culture and sports are not even mentioned.

The list of publications of philosophers from different countries mentioned in this monograph is actually bibliography works on these problems. Such a bibliography has not yet existed not only in domestic, but also in foreign philosophy. In Russian philosophy, no previous attempts have been made to develop it, and in foreign publications, as a rule, there are completely no references to the works of philosophers in Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe [see, for example, DeSensi, 1985–1987; Osterhoudt, 1998; Osterhoudt, Simon B., Volkwein, 2000; Philosophical inquiry... 1995].

The bibliography presented in this book will help readers enter the world of philosophy of physical culture and sports, get acquainted with the problems of this philosophical discipline and approaches to solving them. In addition, bibliographic references make it possible not to analyze all aspects of these philosophical problems. If desired, the reader can refer to the recommended publications. Thus, the book provides him with the opportunity to evaluate various arguments and form his own position on the philosophical problems discussed.

I set myself the task of bringing to the attention of readers and your concept philosophy of physical culture and sports. It is based on the results of the development of problems of dialectics, the dialectical method, logical-methodological and other problems of general philosophy (during the period of my work at the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1959 to 1972), as well as philosophical, sociological, cultural, pedagogical and other problems of sports , sports education, physical education, physical education, Olympic movement, Olympic education, etc. (during the period of work at the State Center for Physical Education and Physical Culture from 1972 to the present). /9/ This monograph attempts to generalize, systematize, concretize and supplement previously obtained results in the development of the philosophy of physical culture and sports.

For the convenience of readers, the monograph is divided into 4 books.

First the book is dedicated metaphilosophical analysis philosophy of physical culture and sports. This means that the object of this philosophical analysis is not physical culture and sports, but philosophy itself physical culture and sport as a special philosophical discipline. The purpose of such an analysis is to find out what it is, what it studies, what problems it poses and solves, what significance it has, what place it occupies in the system of philosophical disciplines and “sports sciences,” what are its paradigmatic foundations, the history of formation and development etc. In connection with the analysis of the general methodological foundations of this philosophical discipline, some logical and methodological problems research into physical culture and sports.

In the next three books, the object of philosophical research is already not philosophy physical culture and sports, and these sociocultural phenomena themselves. The 2nd book analyzes socio-philosophical problems physical culture, in the 3rd – social and philosophical problems sports, in the 4th – social and philosophical problems Olympic movement.

The monograph is aimed not only at professional philosophers, but at everyone who is interested in philosophy and trying to understand the meaning and significance of philosophical problems of physical culture and sports. /10/ It can serve as a kind of guidebook for readers of philosophy analyzing these problems, relevant concepts and publications.

It is advisable to begin the introduction to the philosophy of sports with some general provisions concerning cognitive processes in general and the place of philosophy in the theory of knowledge in particular. Preliminary touches will create the proper ground for understanding philosophical quests in matters of faith, knowledge, the known and the unknown.

Over its long history, humanity has accumulated a fairly large amount of knowledge. We now know much more than what people knew a hundred or even twenty years ago. Through the efforts of theorists and practitioners, scientists and researchers, we have learned a lot about nature, man, society, and the reality around us.

However, even the current knowledge of the entire human civilization is still immeasurably small compared to the area of ​​the unknown, incomprehensible and inexplicable. Until now, we do not know how the brain works and thinking is formed, we do not have a clear idea of ​​the prerequisites for the emergence of man and the laws of evolution, we do not know where humanity is moving and we cannot definitely predict the future development of economic, social and political processes. The mysteries of the human genome, the processes of aging and rejuvenation, and the emergence of life on Earth and in space remain beyond our knowledge.

Obtaining new knowledge is not easy for humanity - through the difficult path of trial and error, misconceptions and illusions, prejudices and misunderstanding of the essence of things. Thus, for a long time people believed that the Earth was flat and rested on three pillars. Common sense and everyday experience told them that the planet could not be round. And yet it turned out that this is so, that the Earth, like the other planets of the solar system, revolves around our star. Moreover, philosophers and scientists who put forward bold, innovative ideas were often persecuted as heretics and atheists, and punished by the church and state.

If we simplify the thorny path of human development in terms of acquiring new knowledge, we will get the following diagram (see Fig. 1).

The area of ​​accumulated knowledge, presented on the right side of the figure, becomes increasingly larger over time. Humanity is steadily moving forward along the vector of knowledge. Some things become more understandable and explainable to us, and we look at others differently. However, along with the accumulated knowledge, new questions arise, the answers to which are still vague or tentative. The unknown does not immediately give up its position; it only lifts the curtain and reveals previously unseen phenomena.

For example, man created computers and connected them into a network. The result was not just a complex system of interconnected terminals and devices, but a qualitatively new phenomenon - virtuality, which no one even thought of two or three decades ago. Half a century ago, no one would have thought that professional tennis, football or hockey players would become the highest paid people in the world.

Philosophy as an area of ​​unsteady knowledge lies at the intersection of the areas of the known and the unknown, adjoining in the border part to art, creativity, and culture.

It should be noted that philosophy covers a wide range of issues, at the center of which is man, society, cultural and social phenomena. An integral part of it is the philosophy of sport, which has its own object, subject and methods of research. We will talk about them below, considering relevant issues.

Decides problems:

    Definitions of sports

    Consideration of different cultural practices of sport and physical education.

    Sports and games (competitiveness)

Epistemology (the study of knowledge) of the philosophy of sports.

Main problem: studying sports, how to study it? What kind of knowledge about sports should there be, is it necessary to develop separate tools.

Anthropology of the philosophy of sport.

    An adequate reflection of human nature in sports.

    The need for play, from a human point of view;

    Need for ego realization;

    The need for publicity and entertainment.

    Sport is a vital impulse, i.e. need for movement.

    The need for a sporting spirit (eternal youth for a person involved in sports)

Axiology (the doctrine of values: good and evil) of the philosophy of sports.

    Relations between athletes (where there is competition, where there is enmity)

    Issues of team, team spirit, individual or collective.

    Question about doping

    Question about the use of animals in sports activities.

    The question of competition itself (organization of competition itself, the principle of competition)

    Women in sports (gender problems)

Sport as a social institution.

Sociology FKS is an integral part of sociology as a science.

Main goal– answers the question of what social life is, how to include sports in it, how to include physical education in it, what the joint result will be.

    How did sport and physical culture originate?

    Different age groups and sports

    Personality and sport

    Human expectations and sport

    Disadvantages and advantages

Sociology studies sport and physical culture separately! But the prevailing opinion is that they cannot be studied separately. As a meaningful social problem, sport emerged in the 60s, but sport as a social institution emerged in the 20s and began to gradually take shape. Later, a separate branch of social life began to form. A social institution has a material, physical and social aspect and binds them together. After the 20s it became an independent industry.





    Communication, etc.

What this institution does for society is called a social function. Vocational training (schools, colleges).

    There is a need for people to develop sports

    The need to implement the functions of a social institution.

These two factors are the essence of the process institutionalization.

Physical culture is considered as part of culture. It has certain living conditions (material and spiritual values) and has a culture of activity and a culture of personality.

●Appropriate physical culture acts as an integral part of culture and is a component of the social way of life.

●Considers it as a special cultural reality. The process of mastering certain cultural values.

Sport is a unique social institution for the development of the dissemination and development of the culture of motor activity of humans and humanity. Considers:




    Socio-psychological feature of competitiveness.

The concept " sports culture" - certain beliefs, benefits, patterns in competitive activity.

The purpose of sports culture– achieving superiority, victory, through the use of a person’s spiritual and physical abilities. Thus, sports culture can be considered as sports activities associated with high sports achievements.

Question of education is a central issue in the sociology of sport.

Aspect s/c: Sport is a mass movement; through this structure, sport is connected with physical culture. Existing tasks in sociology are formed into 2 groups:

    Objective factors (the main issue is sports education, the second is the training of professional personnel)

    Subjective factors (formation of public opinion, promotion of sports, work with individual consciousness in order to cultivate personal motives, the formation of stable motives, holistic orientations)

Aspect s/c: Cultivating people’s needs for physical culture and sports activities. Health, beauty of an athletic body. FC and S play different roles in society and they have different meanings and impacts on society. In the educational aspect, FC cultivates in a person the ability to engage in physical exercises, willpower, courage, hard work, honesty are cultivated, social activity and team spirit are formed. All this is a way of nurturing the humanistic needs of a person. How does a person acquire knowledge through the education system? So what? do.

Aspect s/c: Improving human health through physical exercise, through exercise therapy. It is divided into mass (for everyone) and medical (for the sick). Result:

    General development and health promotion. Human health in society - if a person is healthy, it means he is able to work, which means he can defend his homeland.

    Organization of active recreation.

    Develops the abilities and capabilities of the average human body, through the education system, a person is more resilient and has physical skills.

    Economic significance (GDP on the one hand, the reduction of diseases and injuries affects the national gross product).