Veronica name meaning for a lion girl. The meaning of the name Veronica zodiac sign Leo

The name Veronica is of ancient Greek origin, being derived from the name Ferenike. The meaning of the latter is translated as "carrying victory" (fero - "to carry", "bring" and nike - "victory"). True, some scholars believe that the origin of the name Veronica dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, and in Latin it means “genuine”, “true”. The name is quite popular in Russia.

Veronica is a freedom-loving and easy-to-communicate person who finds it rather difficult to concentrate her attention on anything for a long time. She is romantic, sensitive, good-natured and responsive, which undoubtedly attracts people who see in her a sincere and open person. Consider how the season in which Veronica was born affects her character.

Characteristics of the name Veronica

Corresponding zodiac sign: Sagittarius ♐.

patron planet: Sun ☉.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Wood 木.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Onyx.

Talisman-color: Black.

Mascot tree: Chestnut 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Veronica.

Animal Mascot: Tiger.

most successful day: Wednesday ♅.

happy season: Winter ⛄.

Character features: Activity, Sociability, Heightened pride.

Spring Veronica is a soft, gentle and romantic person with a vulnerable soul. It is very easy to offend her: for example, any criticism and injustice can lead to the fact that she closes in herself for a long time. Veronica, born in the spring, cannot stand loneliness, therefore she surrounds herself with a large army of admirers.

Summer Veronica- a real adventurer, for whom risk is the driving force. She is impressionable, but at the same time she knows how to keep emotions “to herself” (she reveals her soul only to the closest people). She values ​​​​her freedom very much, so she does not dare to build a serious relationship for a long time.

Autumn Veronica- a secretive and closed person, living in her own separate world. She is extremely attached to her family, for which she is ready for anything. Autumn Veronica needs care and protection, so she marries a reliable, serious and solid man early.

Winter Veronica stubborn, persistent, sharp and straightforward, so she has few friends (which cannot be said about ill-wishers who are always ready to rejoice at Veronica's defeats). But one cannot but admit that the winter Veronica is fair and honest, therefore her opinion is always authoritative. With men, she behaves with restraint (flirting and coquetry are not inherent in her).

The nature of the name Veronica

The beautiful name Veronica brings its owner a lively, spontaneous character, in which there are mainly maternal features. But her appearance in many ways resembles her father's. The girl loves to be in the center of attention, and from childhood she is simply hyperactive. Her character can be explosive, and she expresses her disagreement very violently to the end.

Veronica does not like loneliness, and constantly being at the epicenter of events, she never lacks the attention of men. Possessing a well-developed intuition, she does not try to use it, being to some extent a solid materialist. Such a woman is very easy to communicate, and her wit allows you to defuse the most tense situation. She loves to dream, but fantasies rarely come true. It can also be called secretive, but at the same time absolutely not prone to selfishness.

Positive traits of the name Veronica: This is a very bright and easy-to-communicate person. Everyone around her loves her, she brings joy and fun. Somewhat shy, but at the same time quite self-confident, she simply does not like to advertise her virtues. Veronica is agile, romantic, easy to get acquainted with and makes new friends, in any team she immediately becomes her own. She is distinguished by a sparkling sense of humor, often hidden behind natural modesty. Outwardly, Veronica usually looks like her father, whom she simply adores, but her character is maternal, with her mother they can become real friends.

Negative traits of the name Veronica: The representatives of this beautiful name have two main problems. The first problem is the inability to keep secrets. If not on this day, then at the same hour, Veronica must tell someone the secret entrusted to her. She is not capable of carrying such a burden. The second problem is an addictive, even slightly windy person. She does not know how to focus on one thing, she needs movement and variety. That is why these girls find it difficult to choose a profession.

Interests and hobbies

The characterization of the name ascribes to Veronica a passion for theater, music, and painting. She loves art in all its manifestations, so in her free time she often visits theaters and exhibitions, poetry evenings and vernissages, she herself participates in amateur productions, writes poetry. Having a more "boyish" character, he prefers sports and travel, usually resting in the south, where there is a lot of sun and heat. She enjoys spending time with her family.

Profession and business

The meaning of the name Veronica predetermines her future in journalism, as people are drawn to her, revealing their innermost secrets. She is able to become a good actress or poetess, fashion model or fashion designer, having achieved enviable success in her chosen field. She can also work as a flight attendant, because her creative “vein” sometimes replaces her natural flexibility of mind and internal discipline. In the team, Veronica is loved and appreciated for her non-conflict and diligence, but she rarely occupies leadership positions, and her disorganization is to blame.

A good businessman or manager will not come out of a girl, since Veronica is unorganized, it is quite difficult for her not only to competently organize the work process, but also to control the course of affairs. Career growth is of little interest to Veronika, she likes the social and cultural life of the team more. The most important thing for her is to always be in the spotlight.

Psyche and health

Veronica by the nature of their character are choleric. The girl is proud, while it is important not to bring this useful quality to the state of hypertrophy, because the measure is important in everything (vanity and pride are, as you know, vices). In addition, narcissism often repels people, causing a feeling of hostility. It is interesting that there is no selfishness in Veronica, so her frivolity is excusable. In general, this is a very cheerful and carefree nature, living for today, which makes it difficult to build a stable and prosperous tomorrow. But Veronica does not suffer a bit from this, because she prefers to treat life with a bit of irony. She is responsive, kind and attentive to others, but at the same time irritable and stubborn. Defeats and failures greatly upset Veronica, but she will not make a tragedy out of this.

Veronica has rather poor health, the reason for which lies in her hypersensitivity and impressionability. As a child, Veronika is a very sickly child who either catches a cold, or gets cold, or breaks something. She can easily faint, is afraid of medical procedures and dislikes doctors. Having matured, she becomes stronger, healthier and more resilient. She is advised to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle, paying special attention to her "weak points" - the skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. You need to carefully monitor your diet and avoid hypothermia.

Love and sex

Veronica is very amorous, but her feelings are rarely long and deep. She is quickly captured by the feeling of falling in love, but it just as quickly passes. Parting with another gentleman passes without tears and regrets. Such incredible amorousness and even frivolity in choosing a partner turns into the fact that there are many novels in her life, but there are practically no serious and stable relationships. The ideal man of Veronica must be thorough, attentive, patient and reliable, he must dominate the relationship, otherwise they will not succeed.

Veronica learns all the delights of intimate life quite early, while she cannot be called a frivolous nymphet, since intimacy for her is, first of all, spiritual unity with a partner, and only then physical. It is extremely important for her to have feelings for a partner who should be affectionate, gentle and attentive. Only then will Veronica be able to liberate herself and give her partner the whole gamut of feelings and emotions. Veronica's sexual partner is an active, experienced and self-confident man who brings a share of novelty and romanticism to intimate life.

Family and marriage

The windiness of Veronica and her frivolous attitude towards the institution of marriage leads to the fact that she marries early, but very quickly becomes disillusioned with family life. Bottom line: Veronica often marries twice or thrice (she is constantly in search of her ideal man who will fulfill her every whim without demanding anything in return).

It is incredibly difficult for Veronica to be in the tight confines of family life, because she is used to living, guided by her inner impulses and impulses. She was not accustomed to order and regularity, the daily monotonous lifestyle. Therefore, from the first days of marriage, Veronica will do everything in her power to arrange family life in her own way. And here the husband must be careful if he does not want to turn from the head of the family into a henpecked (and Veronica will apply maximum charm and femininity to subdue her betrothed). Veronica's house is always open to family and friends, because she cannot stand loneliness. In general, this woman can become a good wife and mistress, but only if love and trust reign in relations with her husband.

Veronica Horoscope

Veronica Aries ♈- this is an obstinate, stubborn and uncompromising nature, which will defend its point of view to the last, in spite of any arguments. No one and nothing is able to convince Veronica-Aries or turn her off the chosen path. In relations with the opposite sex, this woman is powerful and even despotic: for example, she tries to subdue her partner. Veronica-Aries does not compromise, so the last word always remains exclusively with her.

Veronica-Taurus ♉- energy, determination and arrogance are the driving force behind Veronica-Taurus, who believes that the whole world owes her everything and everything. She is dismissive of others, so she has practically no friends (besides, pride does not allow her to admit her mistakes, which negatively affects communication with people). For men, this behavior of Veronica-Taurus repels and frightens. She herself loves when she is beautifully looked after, generously giving gifts.

Veronica Gemini ♊- sociable, open, but at the same time conceited Veronica-Gemini always and in everything is aging to prove her indispensability, as well as exclusivity. But in fact, her knowledge is rather superficial. She is frivolous, her words often diverge from deeds, which harms her career growth. This behavior also negatively affects her personal life: for example, Veronica-Gemini easily breaks off some relationships and starts others.

Veronica Cancer ♋- a feminine and languid girl gives the impression of a rather absent-minded and tired woman who wants to be warmed up and pitied. However, this image is just a mask of Veronica-Cancer, who knows how to skillfully use her acting talent. Her ability to manipulate pity makes a special impression on men who, next to the weak Veronica, feel like strong defenders. Having captured the attention of her chosen one, Veronica-Cancer begins to test him for generosity.

Veronica Leo ♌ is an arrogant, arrogant and eccentric woman who prefers to stand out among others: she dresses flashy, her statements are ironic and harsh, and her behavior is defiant. But still, Veronica-Leo knows how to be sincere, open, generous and sociable (it all depends on the goals set). She knows how to skillfully manipulate people (especially men, on whom her charm works almost flawlessly).

Veronica Virgo ♍- in this prudent and noble woman, all known benefactors are collected, among which the main ones are modesty, responsiveness and good nature. She does not like to stand out among others, and she prefers to keep her thoughts and judgments to herself so as not to conflict. You can talk with Veronica-Virgo about everything in the world, you can consult with her on any issue, because her opinion is always objective and unbiased. Men in Veronica-Virgo are attracted to inaccessibility. To earn the location of this woman is possible only through exquisite courtship.

Veronica Libra ♎- this is a sociable, sensual and sophisticated nature who loves to surround herself with beauty, so it is not surprising that Veronica-Libra visits the most luxurious restaurants and accepts courtship from attractive and wealthy men who are ready to turn her any desires into reality. Veronica-Libra loves a beautiful and easy life, therefore she prefers to be a decoration for a man, but not a housekeeper in an apron and with a saucepan. Her task is to take care of herself, and her husband is to earn money for this.

Veronica Scorpio ♏- active, cheerful and uninhibited Veronica-Scorpio can be compared with a sandstorm, which either subsides or sweeps away everything in its path, while its behavior cannot be predicted. This irritable woman does not know how to control her emotions, especially if they are negative. Veronica-Scorpio is always convinced that she is right, for this reason you should not expect an apology from her, regardless of whether she is right or not. Family life with this woman takes mental strength, but gives a lot of unforgettable emotions and impressions.

Veronica Sagittarius ♐- this is a freedom-loving, decisive and open nature, not accepting compromises, which is often the reason for sorting out relations with others. It quickly lights up, but instantly cools down, so loved ones do not hold a grudge against the impulsive Veronica-Sagittarius. This woman needs love and care, but she does not want to tie the knot, fearing to lose her independence. Femininity, charm and sensuality help Veronica-Sagittarius to capture the attention of men.

Veronica Capricorn ♑- this calm, ambitious and practical person does not understand people who act impulsively and thoughtlessly. Veronica-Capricorn herself is restrained in the manifestation of feelings, her thoughts are always clean and orderly. Men are repelled by the coldness and pragmatism of Veronica-Capricorn. Only a loving, patient and attentive man is able to melt this impregnable snow queen, who is used to making all decisions on her own. With such a man, she will become tender and soft.

Veronica Aquarius ♒- this is a perfectionist who sees her mission in leaving a mark after herself and benefiting people, while Veronica-Aquarius pursues rather mundane goals: she wants to become famous and achieve a high position in society. For this reason, people around do not always consider Veronica sincere, which affects the number of friends she has very few. Fans of Veronica-Aquarius can also be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Veronica Pisces ♓- this is a modest, shy, compassionate, trusting and sensitive woman who opens her soul to everyone, thereby allowing herself to be used (other people know exactly which strings to press in order to achieve what they want from Veronica-Pisces). She has a huge number of fans, so she often gets confused in her relationships. Veronica-Pisces needs a kind and strong man who will be able to protect her from disappointments and life's injustice.

Compatibility of the name Veronica with male names

Veronica and Alexander- both partners have a heightened sense of beauty, so their relationship at first glance seems ideal. But in fact, disagreements often arise between Veronica and Alexander due to the woman's excessive demands.

Veronica and Dmitry- passion and a whirlpool of feelings - these are the components that drive the relationship between Veronica and Dmitry. But in family life, in addition to feelings, stability is also important, without which this couple cannot create a strong family.

Veronica and Sergey- the frivolous Veronica loves a beautiful life, which Sergey cannot always give her, because of which real passions boil in a couple. In addition, the woman in this union wants to dominate, while the man does not want to obey.

Veronica and Andrey- energy, love of life, passion for travel unite Veronica and Andrey, who can create a truly harmonious and prosperous union, in which there will be no room for quarrels.

Veronica and Alexey– sociable, open and sincere Veronika and Alexey improve daily and try to bring more bright colors into their lives. This is a strong and promising union in which love and mutual understanding reign.

Veronica and Ivan– ambitious Veronica is annoyed by Ivan's uncertainty and his Spartan calmness. The man in this tandem lives tomorrow, but the woman thinks only about today. It is not surprising that this alliance is rarely lasting.

Veronica and Eugene- purposeful and assertive Eugene does everything to win the no less stubborn Veronica, who is looking for a protector in her chosen one. Gentle Veronica and solid Evgeny are a wonderful couple who have only a bright future ahead of them.

Veronica and Maxim- these are the owners of two opposite characters, while no one wants to give in or compromise. Maxim has several talents at once, is diversified and, thanks to hard work, achieves a lot in life. The active Veronica is gifted with the same qualities, but for a life together and love, completely different character traits are needed. Bottom line: the breakup of a couple due to innuendo, secrets and misunderstandings.

Veronica and Vladimir- this is a prosperous union in which partners understand each other without words. Veronica and Vladimir go to common goals and live by the same ideas, which helps them overcome the difficulties that arise in family life for any couple.

Veronica and Denis- these two do not notice anything and no one around. Because they are passionate about each other. Denis and Veronica live with each other's thoughts, aspirations and problems, which helps to strengthen their tandem, which is destined for a long and happy life.

Veronica and Artem- this is the rare case when two halves of one whole meet. Veronika and Artem always work together, there are no understatements and disagreements in their life together, they love and appreciate each other.

Veronica and Anton- their mutual understanding does not even require words. Anton's wisest decision is to turn a blind eye to the little weaknesses of his girlfriend, in which case they will have a long life together. They both prefer the golden mean, so if neither of them tries to get the moon out of the sky, they will become an almost perfect couple.

Veronica and Michael- Demanding Veronica is strict to the good-natured Michael, who is ready for anything to please his beloved. But the independence and dominance of a woman in this union can lead to the fact that the relationship does not work out.

Veronica and Nikolay- this tandem can exist for a long time, but the relationship between Veronica and Nikolai cannot be called harmonious. And all because of the desire of a woman to subordinate everything in the family to her will.

Veronica and Igor- this is a gentle, soft and romantic union in which the interests of Veronica and Igor are focused on each other. Serenity reigns in their relationship, they love sincerely and honestly, therefore they do not even allow the thought of betrayal or any other betrayal.

Veronica and Ilya- the ambition of Veronica and Ilya does not allow them to stop there, while the race for wealth can lead to both forgetting that the family is built primarily on love. To prevent this from happening, both should maintain the fire of love.

Veronica and Vladislav- the proud and stubborn Veronica wants to drive the fickle and freedom-loving Vladislav "under the heel", because of which this couple constantly has conflicts that sooner or later lead to a break in relations.

Veronica and Konstantin- in this strange and rather rare relationship, the energetic Veronica and the calm Konstantin enjoy each other's company. Only the carelessness and frivolity of Veronica can bring discord into these relations.

Veronica and Vyacheslav- this bright union is strong in mutual understanding, trust and sincerity. But both partners are ambitious and domineering, which can become a "stumbling block" in this family. Only patience can save the union of Veronica with Vyacheslav, who undoubtedly has prospects.

Veronica and Vitaly- Faithful and calm Vitaly adores his eccentric and frivolous Veronica, who is used to living beyond her means and satisfying all her desires. The main thing is that Vitaly has enough strength and patience.

Veronica and Oleg- Oleg's love of freedom does not suit Veronica, who is used to keeping everything under her vigilant control. At the same time, Oleg is not going to say goodbye to his freedom and become an exemplary family man. Unwillingness to make concessions leads to the separation of Oleg and Veronica.

Veronica and Yuri- a woman in these relations acts as a muse, which should be idolized and cherished. And if this does not happen, then Veronica will use female wisdom to achieve her goal. If this does not help, then he will simply part with Yuri.

Veronica and Nikita- eccentric and optimistic Veronika and Nikita have a lot in common, so they are always interested in being together, but there is no time left for boredom. Both do not tolerate loneliness, so they try to surround themselves with friends and family.

Veronica and Cyril- this union can be described more as a partnership or friendship, but not love in its original form. There are deeper feelings between Veronica and Cyril that neither time nor everyday troubles will destroy.

Veronica and Victor- This is a common union in which people of similar character who have the same goals coexist perfectly. Veronica and Victor are able to create a stable and durable tandem, which is not hindered by the ambitiousness of partners.

Veronica and Ruslan- Loving Veronica, who loves attention, craves fun, while the solid Ruslan does not tolerate idleness and idle talk. If there is a deep and sincere feeling between them, then their union will be successful.

Veronica and Vadim- the dreamy Vadim lives in a world of illusions, he strives for self-development and self-improvement, but Veronica is quite squat and practical, her main goal is to enjoy life. Such an alliance is rarely lasting.

Veronica and Anatoly- in this union, partners easily find a common language, both in everyday life and in intimate life, which favorably affects the family life of Veronica and Anatoly, especially if there is love between them.

It is assumed that the female name Veronica goes back to the Hellenistic period of Egypt. In those distant times, the wife of its ruler Ptolemy was called the name Ferenik, meaning "bringing victory." Later it became widespread in the ancient world as "Berenice". They were then called other princesses of the ancient world. When translated from Greek, the name of the goddess of victory "Nica" became decisive.

According to biblical stories the daughter of the Jewish king Herod was also named Berenice. In the era of the formation of Christianity, the name Veronica was used precisely in such a transliteration. It is believed that it was a woman named Veronica who wiped the blood from the face of Jesus ascending Golgotha.

After that, a miraculous “true image” of the face of Christ appeared on her scarf. The anagram of the designation "true image" (in Latin - icona vera) was transformed into the Latinized form "Veronica". This explains the version that the origin of the name Veronica has Hebrew origins. The Italians rethought the meaning of the name Veronica, interpreting it as "a resident of Verona."

Modern realities

Even in the III millennium, the name Veronica did not lose its popularity. Wishing their daughters a victorious fate, parents name their newborn girls. Today you can meet the owners of the name Veronica in many countries of the post-Soviet space, Europe, America, Australia, etc.

This is largely determined both by the fact that parents know the meaning of the name Veronica, and by its euphony. And if you are faced with the choice of naming your daughter, we suggest you find out what code of fate you reward her with.

About character traits

Following the “postulate” “you sow a character - you reap a destiny”, the owners of the name Veronica are destined to be happy and prosperous.

The main features of Veronica according to the characteristics of the name include:

  • the joy of perceiving the world,
  • ease of communication
  • romanticism combined with wisdom and self-esteem.

Women named Veronica, like the goddess Nike, are fearless, go through life with their heads held high towards their intended goal.

For others, understanding what the name Veronica means allows you to adequately respond to some weaknesses of character. So, for example, for Veronica, who is sociable with a positive perception of the surrounding world, the concept of mystery is alien. Therefore, it is better not to let her into your secrets, with the exception of those that you want to make the property of many people.

Age metamorphoses

As a child, Veronica shows little of these qualities. It grows excessively:

  • sensitive
  • shy
  • crying girl,
  • who is afraid of loneliness, darkness,
  • shuns adult children.

However, already during school studies, the name Veronica begins to manifest itself with a desire to become a better student, sociability with peers. She becomes more self-confident, begins to defend her opinion. The growing Veronica is characterized by an open expression of stubbornness and irritability.

Young Veronica feels a craving for comfort, beautiful and expensive things, but can be content with what he has. She lives by the principle: "Have what you love or love what you have."

To old age under adverse circumstances, women named Veronica may have a desire to go "into themselves" or turn to God.

However, the maximum realization of one's potential, the correct organization of life will fully justify the name Veronica and avoid problems at a very mature age.

Work, career

Veronica Janvi (Ukrainian fashion designer)

The owners of the name Veronica are impressed by prestigious professions that involve contact with people. They make perfect:

  • assistant secretaries,
  • journalists,
  • fashion models,
  • fashion designers,
  • flight attendants,
  • waitresses.

Having creative abilities, Veronica can ascend Olympus in poetic creativity, theatrical activity.

A big role here can be played by circumstances beyond its control, causing its ups and downs. To resist all the trials of fate Veronica will help her indestructible desire for victory, inherent in the meaning of this name - "Nica".

Love, family

This area of ​​life for Veronica can mean more than a career. For the sake of the family, she is ready to sacrifice the most successful work.

  • Veronica are very amorous natures, enjoying stunning success with the stronger sex throughout their lives.
  • They are attracted to strong men, both sexually and worldly. Communication with those allows you to feel like a weak, protected woman.
  • However, in marriage, she prefers to remain a leader. Otherwise, the family is doomed to collapse.

Realizing her charm, Veronika skillfully manipulates her fans during the period of "flower-candy" communication. Shows a very moderate interest in sex.

Pays great attention home organization, loves:

  • visits to friends
  • trips to the cinema and theaters,
  • trips to respectable resorts.

To create a strong family of Veronica, men with names are suitable:

  • Alexander,
  • Vladimir,
  • Leonid,

Relationships are difficult with:

  • Nicholas,
  • Orestes,
  • Edward.


Since childhood, Veronica, most often, is not distinguished by good health. They are prone to diseases of the otolaryngological direction (ARVI, tonsillitis, etc.). From the age of 2, there is a risk of traumatological problems.

There is a certain dependence of the physical condition of the girl on her time of birth.

  • "Spring" Veronica, born in the morning, have a stronger immune system and are less susceptible to disease. And "evening", on the contrary, do not have such protection.
  • Deliver trouble and those who were born in the summer.
  • "Autumn" Veronica are located to neuroses, rhinitis, cholecystitis, allergies.

Therefore, parents will have to pay attention to hardening babies from childhood (pool, figure skating, gymnastics, etc.).

Astrological characteristic

This name is most suitable for those born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Scales,
  2. Twins,
  3. Taurus.

The “native” zodiac sign of Veronica is Leo.

Her patron planet is the Sun, and of the animals, the tiger.

Auspicious cypress tree and plant of the same name (veronica).

Talisman stones: onyx, rose quartz, sapphire.

Day Angel celebrated on July 25 (12) in honor of the veneration of Saint Veronica, the bleeding wife healed by Jesus Christ.

    We had one Veronika .. A cheerful girl, perky, everyone was very interested in her. But then, for some kind of jamb, my parents punished me very severely, and forced me to go to work even when I was in my second year at university. In general, she did not live up to the winter session of the third, she jumped from the 17th floor. Probably, the truth is that some people are simply contraindicated in routine. I'm sorry girl.

    The name is insanely beautiful.. Veronica, Nika, Nikushka, Nikulya, in rare cases, Vera.. So I called my baby. which is already 3 years old. And now, after reading the article and the previous comment, I understand that I will have to work hard to find something for my girl to like and that it gives only pleasure, but does not turn into a routine. I'm very worried now..

    My best friend Veronica, she is very charming and knows how to use this quality to her advantage. Has success with the stronger sex. She is an amorous, tender, dreamy woman. Nika loves strong men with great experience. Only such a person can fully satisfy her. She likes long love games. She is completely subordinate to the man. Does not tolerate jealousy and reproaches. She always has strong wealthy men nearby, she knows how to handle them)))

    Hey! Veronicas are different, here is my friend Veronika Konstantinovna, a very beautiful girl with a gorgeous figure, awesome long legs, just a fairy tale, a dream girl. or, for example, a neighbor Veronica from the first floor, a fat, not well-groomed, not tidy girl. Bad manners, mate through every word, causes disgust and sympathy. I think that the name has nothing to do with it, people are different and I can’t safely say that all Veronica are beautiful and smart. Feel with your heart how to name your child is the most correct choice of name)

    My daughter is only three years old, she behaves somewhat shyly. Let's go straight out into the street, and if someone comes up to her, her eyes will immediately go to the floor and say nothing. At home, he behaves perfectly, if he gets used to people, he immediately liberates himself and behaves very well. Hopefully with age, such shyness will pass from her.

    Everything depends on the person himself. I can’t imagine my life being lonely, I need to take care of someone. I am stubborn, proud, straightforward. I will never leave a person in trouble.

    And I have a sister Veronica. She is very easy-going, no matter where we call her, she always agrees to everything, she also organizes weekend events for the family for us. He does not like to sit still, a party girl in life. Sometimes it is windy, but at the same time it will not miss its own in any business. She is looking for a creative approach in everything and at work she is appreciated for it. Well, as for his personal life, there are many fans, but he still cannot choose the only one, he loves male attention very much. Yes, it’s probably too early for her, she’s young with me, let her develop in her work for now. If the name already affects fate, then I want only the best for her to get from him.

According to the phonosemantic analysis, the name Veronika has such characteristics as "light", "good", "beautiful", "safe". This description is consistent with the owner of the name, whose charm and charisma no one can resist. She is open to the world, incredibly sociable, easy to communicate, romantic. She dreams of a beautiful and eventful life, but to achieve what she wants, she often lacks perseverance, patience and organization. It is hard for him to survive the blows of fate and without support he cannot find the strength to cope with difficulties.

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Veronica is a dreamer and dreamer, so her thoughts and judgments are sometimes far from reality. She is freedom-loving, constantly in motion, fickle in hobbies and relationships. However, knowledge of human psychology and the ability to predict people's actions in advance help her to acquire profitable connections and succeed in life.

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    The meaning and origin of the name

    Linguists studying the mystery of the name Veronica distinguish several versions regarding its origin:

    1. 1. Greek. It is derived from the ancient Greek female name Ferenike (Φερενίκη), which consists of two parts: the first "φέρω" is translated into Russian as "bring", the second "νίκη" - "victory" (on behalf of the goddess of victory Nike). Over time, the original form transformed into Berenice. The name was considered status, since its bearers were ancient rulers from the Ptolemaic dynasty. According to this interpretation, the meaning of the name Veronica is “bringing victory”, “bringing victory”, “victorious”.
    2. 2. Latin. Veronica (lat. spelling "Veronica") is an anagram of the phrase "icona vera", which means "true image", "true image". The Bible story says that one of Christ's disciples wiped the sweat off Jesus' face as he walked to Calvary. The face of the Savior was imprinted on the handkerchief, that is, a pure, true image. This is where the phrase came from, and the Greek version of the name Berenice became Veronica. A handkerchief with a miraculous image is one of the main Christian shrines and is kept in the church of St. Peter in Rome.
    3. 3. Italian. The Italians believe that the name is interpreted as "a resident of Verona."

    Common name forms: Veronichka, Veronya, Rona, Ronya, Nikusha, Nikash, Verusha, Verunya, Verusya, Nikusya, Ronyusha.

    Brief addresses Nika, Vika and Vera are independent names. Paired male name - Veronica.

    Known bearers of the name:

    • Russian poetess Tushnova;
    • actresses Castro, Izotova, Belkovskaya;
    • Czech fashion model Zemanova;
    • Russian bard Dolina;
    • journalists Kutsyllo, Marchenko, Cherkasova;
    • French singer Jean;
    • Russian conductor Dudarova;
    • the poetess of the Renaissance, the courtesan Franco;
    • Argentine film director Chen;
    • athletes Zuzulova, Wittenberg, Claudel, Novakovskaya, Vitkova, Campbell-Brown;
    • Italian poetess Gambaro;
    • American singer Louise Veronica Ciccone, performing under the pseudonym Madonna.


    Name astrology:

    • planet - Sun, Mercury;
    • element - Water;
    • metal - scandium;
    • The corresponding zodiac sign is Leo.

    Magic symbols and talismans include:


    In numerology, the number of the name is 9, personifying the service to the highest law for the benefit of mankind. A girl with such a fate number has an exquisite taste, a rich imagination, and excellent oratory skills. He tries to bring good to the world, loves communication and exchange of thoughts, tries to stay away from evil and hypocritical people. She is accompanied by success and good luck in all endeavors, but only if she does not pursue profit. She does not know how to handle finances, but money loves her. Easily achieves high social status and builds a brilliant career.

    In order to fully realize the creative potential, the “nine” girl must be given complete freedom of action and not be constrained by frames and restrictions. It can make an outstanding musician, artist, poet, teacher, public figure.

    A woman values ​​friendship, willingly rushes to help those in need. In love, he gives himself all without a trace, quickly falls in love, but just as quickly cools down. She tends to move away from reality into the world of her own dreams and fantasies. Faced with human shortcomings, the girl is upset that people do not correspond to the ideal image, she becomes irritable, selfish, cynical. Sometimes it makes too high demands that it is impossible to meet. To become a harmonious personality, a “nine” woman needs to go through the path of spiritual development.

    Since the full form of the name Veronica consists of 8 letters, this indicates the ambition, determination, strong character of the bearer of the name. She always achieves what she wants, has an incredible charm, but sometimes gives the impression of a wayward and arrogant person. It is popular with men.

    Literal decoding:

    • B - optimism, sociability, creativity, exquisite taste, love of nature. Such a girl is serious about choosing a chosen one and can remain faithful to him all her life.
    • E - charisma, ease of communication, the ability to win over people, insight, sometimes commercialism and selfishness.
    • P - extraordinary thinking, reliability, rejection of lies and hypocrisy, the desire for leadership in work, but not in love relationships.
    • O - openness, cheerfulness, diligence, creative inclinations, selectivity in contacts.
    • N - critical thinking, willpower, determination, caring for loved ones.
    • And - honesty, peacefulness, good nature, practicality, thriftiness.
    • K - endurance, insight, nervousness, stubbornness, conflict.
    • A - the desire to achieve success in all areas of life, the desire for spiritual and physical harmony, activity, energy.

    History and religion

    The name Veronica appeared in Russia after Christianization, became widespread, but their use gradually began to come out. By 1960, interest in the name had completely disappeared, but in 1991, with the release of the TV series The Rich Also Cry with Veronica Castro in the title role, it revived again. It has become fashionable to call girls Veronica not only in Russia, but also in Europe and even Brazil.

    The main patron saint of the owners of the estate is the martyr Veronica of Edessa. Together with her mother and sister, she professed Christianity, for which she was persecuted by the pagans. They were lured to Antioch by the Syrian soldiers. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation and not wanting to surrender into the hands of cruel idolaters, the martyrs rushed into the depths of the sea, depriving the punishers of the opportunity to torture them with torture.

    Name days according to the church calendar are celebrated 3 times a year:

    • July 25 - Righteous Veronica.
    • July 30 - Martyr Veronica.
    • October 17 - Martyr Veronica of Edessa.

    The formation of personality

    The melody of the sound and the relative rarity of the name become the reason that the girl begins to feel special from childhood. Subsequently, pride can play a trick on her, and Veronica from a sociable and friendly girl will turn into an arrogant, arrogant and narcissistic lady.

    Parents need to form an adequate self-esteem in the child, teach them to objectively evaluate themselves and others, and take into account other people's opinions. Obstinacy and stubbornness should be transformed into the ability to think outside the box and achieve your goals.


    Little Veronica is a modest, shy, charming girl who quickly becomes everyone's favorite. Due to the fact that the baby is often sick, her parents overprotect her, surround her with care and attention, protect her from problems. Such an approach can lead to the fact that the child becomes too stubborn, selfish and capricious, so adults should not spoil their child too much.

    In the company of strangers, the owner of the name feels constrained and insecure, but in the circle of loved ones she becomes liberated, becomes lively and energetic. He likes to sing, dance, draw, recite poetry in front of guests. Curious, does not sit still for a minute, constantly in motion.

    Despite her excellent memory and humanitarian abilities, she studies rather mediocre at school due to restlessness and lack of time to study the material: in parallel, the girl attends many different sections, participates in the life of the class and school. If desired, she can join the ranks of good or excellent students. Parents need to monitor her emotional and physical stress, not allow her to overwork and give her body time to rest.

    Suitable patronymics: Vladislavovna, Vadimovna, Ruslanovna, Gennadievna, Igorevna, Pavlovna, Viktorovna, Alexandrovna, Stepanovna.


    With age, there is no trace of timidity and shyness: Veronica turns into an independent, eccentric, sociable girl. She loves to be in the center of attention, has a lot of friends and acquaintances. Knows how to smooth out conflicts with a witty joke, reconcile the warring parties. As a teenager, she becomes attractive to the opposite sex: a passion for boys leads to the fact that the owner of the name abandons her studies, so parents need to be on the lookout.

    Veronica has an active life position and understands that she needs to strive for a beautiful and interesting life. It is in her youth that she lays a solid foundation, which in the future helps her achieve what she wants. Due to constant employment, the girl has no time to be with herself and with her thoughts, which can subsequently turn into depression.

    Success with peers and men sometimes leads to the fact that the owner of the name becomes arrogant and narcissistic. Relations with others spoil arrogance, stubbornness and irritability, but these shortcomings are more than offset by incredible charisma.


    Adult Veronica is an energetic, sociable woman who is always in a whirlpool of events. She does not accept passive rest: she always attends parties, parties, social events, goes to visit and herself hosts many friends and acquaintances. Knows how to be a common language with people, pleasant in communication, immediately disposes to himself. He has nothing against female friendship, but prefers male society. Likes to gossip, can not keep other people's secrets.

    By nature, she is a dreamer, so you should not take her word for it: a woman often embellishes events and is able to tell a version of events that has nothing to do with reality. He likes to talk about a beautiful life, makes plans that are not destined to come true.

    Veronica does not know how to concentrate and focus on one thing: there is a constant whirlwind of thoughts in her head.

    Among the negative features, one can single out the rejection of someone else's point of view, excessive stubbornness and a tendency to narcissism. Veronica often idealizes her own appearance, can admire herself for a long time, brag about beautiful things and focus on merits in the hope of hearing the desired compliments. Closer to old age, it becomes silent, gloomy, it can go into religion.

    Character traits and fate

    The name Veronica has a bright and positive energy, so its owner walks through life easily, trying to get the most out of it. Thanks to his wit, easy character, sense of humor, he wins people over. She reacts sharply to injustice and rushes to defend the offended, but she cannot stand up for herself: she closes herself, becomes unusually silent.

    A woman values ​​friendship, appreciates a good attitude towards herself, and is grateful to people who have done good to her. She is prone to impulsive and thoughtless actions, lives under the influence of emotions, forgetting about her mind, therefore she often gets into unpleasant situations. Relatives know about this feature of Veronica and try not to pay attention to her eccentric antics.

    The information presented in the table will help to better understand the nature of the owner of the name:



    temperament type

    Veronica is an introvert, so she tends to withdraw into herself. Proud, worried about failures, but does not make a tragedy out of them. Cheerful and carefree, lives for today, treats everything with irony, tries not to take defeat to heart

    Intelligence, thinking

    The girl has an analytical mindset, pays great attention to detail. Does not like to boast of his intellect in society, prefers to observe what is happening from the side


    A woman rarely uses intuition, despite the fact that she is quite developed


    Veronica is a decent and moral girl, she tries to live in accordance with generally accepted moral standards, but sometimes she allows herself to go beyond what is permitted


    Sociability, cheerfulness, curiosity, wit, romance, activity, charm, responsiveness


    Selfishness, pride, talkativeness, inability to keep other people's secrets, vanity, stubbornness, arrogance, laziness

    Among Veronica's favorite hobbies: traveling, visiting exhibitions and galleries, going to the theater and cinema, meeting friends. She also likes to spend time with her family.

    Combination with the time of year

    The formation of character is influenced by the time of birth of the owner of the name:



    Veronica, born in winter, is distinguished by stubbornness, harshness, perseverance. Relatives appreciate her for honesty and justice, ill-wishers dislike her for her straightforwardness. In communication with the opposite sex, he behaves with restraint, does not know how to flirt and flirt

    The "spring" owner of the name is a vulnerable, sensitive, romantic, insecure nature. Touchy, painfully perceives criticism, due to an insignificant remark, she can withdraw into herself. Enjoys increased attention from men, hates loneliness

    Veronica, born in the summer, is a born adventurer who cannot imagine life without risk and thrills. Being impressionable, she knows how not to lose her composure. Opened only to close people. For fear of losing freedom, she is in no hurry to get married

    The "autumn" owner of the name lives in her own separate world, hidden from prying eyes. Attached to family and friends, ready for anything for the sake of loved ones. Dreams of a serious, self-sufficient, solid chosen one who will become a reliable rear and support


    As a child, Veronica is prone to colds, often gets fractures. With age, it becomes more resilient and healthier.


    • intestines;
    • bronchi;
    • leather.

    The girl needs to monitor the diet, not to overcool.

    Love and sexuality

    Veronica loves male attention, knows that she knows how to impress guys, so she skillfully uses her charm. He can be the first to take the initiative and meet the young man he likes. Incredibly amorous, so many novels happen in her life. The girl completely surrenders to the surging emotions, but not for long, because her feelings are not deep.

    When the gentleman gets bored, Veronica breaks up with him without regret and goes in search of another groom. This approach does not contribute to the development of serious and stable relationships.

    The owner of the name early learns the charms of intimate life, considers sex as a source of pleasure, but she will never go to bed with a man for whom she feels nothing. She is attracted more by the process of courtship itself: flirting, words of love, compliments, gifts. Intimate intimacy allows you to achieve complete spiritual unity with a partner. A woman will be able to fully liberate herself in the arms of a self-confident, experienced, but at the same time sensitive and attentive lover.

    Marriage and family

    Since Veronica is frivolous about the issue of creating a family, she marries early and is quickly disappointed in her chosen one. There are usually several marriages in her life. The owner of the name is constantly in search of a man who is ready to unquestioningly fulfill all her desires and spend money on her, not expecting any return from her beloved. Sometimes she marries not out of love, but out of a desire to subdue a man to her will.

    Veronica decides on a divorce easily: neither joint children nor joint life will stop the girl.

    Family life quickly bothers Veronica, who does not accept everyday life, routine, monotony. She zealously defends the right to freedom and tries to impose her way of life, which her husband does not always support. The girl turns on all her charm and charm in order to subjugate her husband to her will. As a result, he either becomes henpecked, or the marriage fails.

    The exception is a tandem with a wise and sensitive man, where the relationship is built on friendship and equal partnership. The chosen one must be strong enough to defend his authority and gain respect. Then Veronica will prove herself to be a good wife and mistress, a caring mother who is more of a friend for children. Also on the shoulders of the spouse will be responsible for the material support of the family. The house of the owner of the name is always open to numerous guests, as she cannot stand loneliness.

    Work and career

    Ambitious Veronica knows her worth, so she tries to choose a prestigious and highly paid job. She does not strive for career growth: she has enough active participation in public life, communication with colleagues - for her it is not a leadership position that is important, but attention to her own person.

    In the team, the girl is loved for her lack of conflict, cheerful disposition, sociability, wit.

    In addition to creative activity, the owner of the name is suitable for professions that involve communication with people: she knows how to find a common language with any person, inspires confidence in others, and disposes to herself.

    Best Professions for Veronica:

    • stewardess;
    • writer;
    • fashion designer;
    • actress;
    • journalist;
    • television or radio presenter;
    • the reporter;
    • actress;
    • translator;
    • psychologist;
    • Social worker.

    High compatibility in the business sphere is observed with Grigory, George, Timur, Stepan, Denis, Nikolai, Sergey, Vladimir, Roman, Matvey, Andrey, Ivan, Evgeny, Semyon, Igor, Makar, David, Leonid, Ruslan, Elisha, Vadim. Fruitful cooperation is possible subject to mutual compromises with Pavel, Artemy, Oleg, Yuri, Mikhail, Kirill, Yegor, Alexei, Konstantin, Fedor, Vasily, Leo, Vyacheslav, Anton, Yaroslav, Arseny, Vladislav, Artem, Nikita, Ilya, Daniel.


    Due to indiscipline and disorganization, Veronica is not recommended to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

    A woman does not know how to establish a workflow, often acts thoughtlessly and impulsively, is not able to control the course of affairs. Even her communication skills will not help to survive in the face of fierce competition.

    Astrological characteristic

    Features of the character of Veronica depend on her belonging to a particular zodiac sign:

    • Aries. Differs in unscrupulousness, stubbornness, intransigence. In love, he tries to subordinate his partner to his will.
    • Taurus. Purposeful, energetic, proud, conceited person, dismissive of others.
    • Twins. Sociable, open, but frivolous girl, whose words differ from deeds. Windy in love.
    • Cancer. It gives the impression of a defenseless lady, but skillfully uses feminine charm to lure rich men into her networks.
    • A lion. Distinguished by arrogance, eccentricity, arrogance. Skillfully manipulates people.
    • Virgo. A modest, sympathetic, good-natured girl, she will always help in word and deed. Doesn't like to stand out.
    • Scales. Sensual, sociable, sophisticated person, aspires to a bohemian life. Dreams of marrying a wealthy man.
    • Scorpion. A cheerful, active, but stubborn and obstinate woman who cannot be persuaded of anything.
    • Sagittarius. Differs in uncompromisingness, love of freedom, impulsiveness. He doesn't want to be bound by marriage.
    • Capricorn. A pragmatic, emotionally cold, serious and reasonable girl. Likes order.
    • Aquarius. Perfectionist, dreams of becoming famous and achieving a high position in society. Insincere, so she has few friends.
    • Fish. Differs modesty, shyness, sensitivity. Often suffers because of his gullibility.


    Veronica needs the chosen one not to restrict her freedom and not demand to become an ordinary housewife. Patriarchy in the family is unacceptable for a woman: she prefers partnerships. However, for the sake of a strong, self-sufficient worthy man, the owner of the name is ready to give up her principles and compromise. It turns out that she does it unconsciously: just next to a reliable gentleman, the girl ceases to be obstinate and capricious and turns into a wise, feminine and understanding one.

    A happy marriage is possible with the carriers of the following names:

    • Andrei. Lovers are united by a passion for travel, the same temperaments and outlook on life. The union is doomed to success.
    • Evgeny. He is a reliable protector for her, she is for him a delicate flower that you want to protect. An idyll reigns in a couple.
    • Vladimir. Partners understand each other perfectly, move towards a common goal. Together they will build a strong family.
    • Artem. This is a rare case when two halves of a single whole are connected. Between lovers there is no understatement and disagreement.
    • Denis. People are kind to each other, protect and support. Both know how to find compromises, value relationships.
    • Ilya. Partners strive for a prosperous life, so they work together for the good of the family. In pursuit of wealth, they should not forget to keep the fire of love alive.
    • Konstantin. Lovers have different temperaments, but they harmoniously complement each other. Shared goals will help strengthen relationships.

    Unfortunate compatibility with the owners of the following names:

    • Alexander. At first glance, the relationship seems ideal, but the girl begins to make excessive demands on the guy. In the end, he can't stand it and leaves.
    • Dmitry. A passionate and short-term romance is possible, but none of the partners is ready to create a family.
    • Sergey. She wants a beautiful life, and he cannot satisfy her needs. Conflicts over leadership lead to rupture.
    • Maxim. None of the partners wants to give in to the other. A constructive dialogue is impossible due to a lack of trust and understanding.
    • Ivan. The girl is annoyed by the indecisiveness of the gentleman, and the serious guy is irritated by the ambition and frivolity of the bride, who is used to living for today.
    • Michael. A good-natured and complaisant man at first tries to please his beloved in everything, but a domineering woman perceives such behavior as a sign of weakness.
    • Vladislav. This tandem of two freedom-loving and independent personalities is doomed to failure, because no one wants to be in the role of a subordinate.
    • Oleg. She wants to control everything, but he does not tolerate when he is limited in freedom. The unwillingness of the guy to create a family leads to parting.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Meaning of the name

Veronica is a freedom-loving and easy-to-communicate person who finds it rather difficult to concentrate her attention on anything for a long time. She is romantic, sensitive, good-natured and responsive, which undoubtedly attracts people who see in her a sincere and open person. Consider how the season in which Veronica was born affects her character.

Characteristics of the name Veronica

Winter Veronica stubborn, persistent, sharp and straightforward, so she has few friends (which cannot be said about ill-wishers who are always ready to rejoice at Veronica's defeats). But one cannot but admit that the winter Veronica is fair and honest, therefore her opinion is always authoritative. With men, she behaves with restraint (flirting and coquetry are not inherent in her).

Spring Veronica is a soft, gentle and romantic person with a vulnerable soul. It is very easy to offend her: for example, any criticism and injustice can lead to the fact that she closes in herself for a long time. Veronica, born in the spring, cannot stand loneliness, therefore she surrounds herself with a large army of admirers.

Summer Veronica - a real adventurer, for whom risk is the driving force. She is impressionable, but at the same time she knows how to keep emotions “to herself” (she reveals her soul only to the closest people). She values ​​​​her freedom very much, so she does not dare to build a serious relationship for a long time.

Autumn Veronica - a secretive and closed person, living in her own separate world. She is extremely attached to her family, for which she is ready for anything. Autumn Veronica needs care and protection, so she marries a reliable, serious and solid man early.

Stone - talisman

Lucky stones for Veronica are onyx, black opal and tourmaline.


This is a difficult stone with conflicting symbolism.

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So, the Arabs and the Chinese attributed negative properties to onyx (they believed that this stone brings sadness, sorrow and even death). But in Georgia and Armenia, onyx was treated very kindly and they believed that only pure and sinless people could wear this stone.

According to Indian beliefs, onyx is able to cool the ardor of love (especially if you wear a product with a stone around your neck).

In the East, it is believed that onyx protects against witchcraft and the evil eye (the only exception is a black stone, which is credited with negative powers due to the fact that witches and black magicians often use it).

The Slavs identified this stone with the deities of thunder and lightning, attributing to it the ability to ward off not only storms and lightning, but also various worldly misfortunes.

Onyx is considered the stone of leaders and politicians, because it gives its owner power over other people, clears the mind, strengthens memory, and helps to focus on important things.

black opal

This gem is considered a symbol of friendship and hope, but it only brings good luck to those born in the month of October.

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In general, opal has a very interesting story: for a long time, this stone has been given a bad reputation, because it was considered a symbol of secret sinful passions and inconstancy, deceived hopes and illusions.

Black opal is a stone of noble melancholics and dreamers with pure thoughts and living in a world of illusions. But for people who are practical, selfish or malicious, this stone will bring only misfortune.

In the East, black opal has always been considered a lucky stone, helping to calm the nerves, bring good luck to the house, and achieve prosperity. In addition, black or dark blue opal perfectly restores human bioenergetics.


It is a symbol of love and passion, bringing to life a sense of calm, security and peace.

Tourmaline awakens creativity, clears the mind, improves mood and enhances concentration during meditation.

The properties of tourmaline largely depend on its color:

  • colorless - creates a balance of spiritual as well as physical forces;
  • black - enhances the gift of foresight;
  • green - speeds up thought processes and awakens cheerfulness;
  • red - brings happiness and success in personal life to the lives of men;
  • blue - contributes to receiving information from the Cosmos;
  • pink - helps to find love;
  • blue - calms the nervous system.





The element of Veronica is Water (you can read more about this element in the article).

The animal is a symbol

Totem animals of Veronica are a tiger and a dove.


This strong, beautiful and freedom-loving animal symbolizes fearlessness, justice, strength, speed, success and energy, while this energy can be not only creative, but also destructive. So, the tiger can be the personification of rage, anger and toughness.

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In the European tradition, the tiger is the personification of power and bloodthirstiness, while in the East it is nobility, generosity and happiness.


It is the personification of peace, purity, love, peace, serenity and hope. It is the dove that is the traditional Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit, innocence, good news, and also Baptism. In the Old Testament, this bird is associated with simplicity, innocence, meekness, modesty and ingenuity.

In the East, this bird is a symbol of longevity, fidelity and respect for children to their parents.

In Antiquity, the dove was identified with love and renewal of life.

The pigeon couple symbolizes harmony in intimate life.



Plants that patronize Veronica are cypress and veronica.


This is a tree of sadness, sorrow and death (such symbolism is due primarily to the dark color of cypress leaves).

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Cypress is a symbol of the frailty of life, it is a kind of reminder that there is nothing eternal in this world.

In addition, cypress is the personification of empty and useless beauty, devoid of knowledge.


This beautiful and unusual flower symbolizes hope for mutual feeling and at the same time resentment and sadness from the fact that love turned out to be a deception.

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Europeans consider veronica (or pansies) a symbol of memory and reflection, while Christians personify the celebration of the Trinity with this flower.

In the Middle Ages, veronica symbolized love.


Veronica's metal is scandium, symbolizing hope and change for the better, both in personal and social life.

auspicious day



origin of the name Veronica

Name translation

The name Veronica is translated from Greek as "carrying victory", "victorious", and from Latin as "true image".

Name history

The name Veronica has Greek roots and comes from the ancient Greek name Ferenike, where "fero" means "to bring", and "nike" is translated as "victory".

In the Christian tradition, this name became widespread thanks to the legend of Saint Veronica, who wiped the face of Jesus, marching to his execution, with a cloth.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most commonly used forms of the name Veronica: Vera, Verunya, Verochka, Ronya, Nika, Nikash, Veronichka, Veronikushka, Veronka, Verunchik, Verunya, Nikulya, Nikochka, Nikushka, Nikusha.

The legend of the name Veronica

The name Veronica is associated with the Christian martyr Veronica of Edessa, who, along with her mother and sister, suffered during the officially permitted Christian persecution led by Emperor Diocletian. Thus, Christians were brutally tortured and executed en masse.

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Veronica, with her mother and sister, secretly left the Syrian city of Antioch and headed for Edes, where they intended to escape persecution. However, the aspirations of the martyrs were not destined to come true, since they were detained by the Syrian soldiers, sending them back to Antioch.

But the unforeseen happened: by the will of God, the holy martyrs died in the middle of the way from the water (they threw themselves into the seething water stream, asking God before that to accept their souls), which deprived the pagan judges of the pleasure of watching the torture and torture of the holy bodies.

A year has passed since the day of the martyrdom of Saint Veronica, her mother Domnina and sister Proskudia, when the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine officially ended Christian persecution, allowing all who wished to profess Christianity. But the edict signed by Constantine was often not respected by local pagan governors, so Christians continued to be identified, tortured, and executed.

In addition, there is a legend about Saint Veronica, who was a disciple of Jesus. It was this saint who was not afraid to wipe the sweat and blood from the face of Christ, who was led to Calvary with her handkerchief. Subsequently, the face of Jesus was imprinted on Veronica's handkerchief. Today, this handkerchief with a miraculous image is kept in Rome (more precisely, in the church of St. Peter). However, this Image Not Made by Hands is revered only by the Catholic Church, while the Eastern Church honors a different Image Not Made by Hands, which is not associated with the life of St. Veronica.

The secret of the name Veronica

name patrons

  • Righteous Veronica.
  • Martyr Veronica.
  • Martyr Veronica of Edessa.

Angel Day (name day)

Famous people

Famous athletes named Veronica:

  • Veronika Nowakovskaya - biathlete from Poland;
  • Veronique Claudel - biathlete from France;
  • Veronica Campbell-Brown - track and field athlete from Jamaica;
  • Veronika Vitkova - biathlete from the Czech Republic;
  • Veronica Wittenberg - rhythmic gymnast from Israel;
  • Veronika Zuzulova is a skier from Slovakia.

Famous actresses named Veronica:

  • Veronica Castro;
  • Veronika Belkovskaya;
  • Veronica Izotova.

Veronika Tushnova - the famous Russian poetess.

Louise Veronica Ciccone (better known under the pseudonym Madonna) is an American pop singer and film actress.

Veronika Zemanova - Erotic Czech model and actress.

The meaning of the name Veronica

For a child

Veronica is a very modest, shy, insecure and indecisive child who often gets sick, and therefore is always surrounded by care and attention. Such overprotection can lead to the fact that a capricious and stubborn lady will grow out of the "mother's daughter", accustomed to the fact that the world revolves exclusively around her and for her.

But what you can’t refuse little Veronica is charm: both adults and peers strive to win the trust and disposition of this girl, from whom bright and warm energy emanates. Veronica herself does not at all strive to be in the center of attention, especially in the company of unfamiliar people, on the contrary, in an unfamiliar company she feels uncomfortable and constrained. Only when she gets into the atmosphere familiar to herself, she opens up, turning into a lively and energetic girl who loves to sing, dance and recite poems in front of guests. In addition, Veronika draws beautifully, writes poetry and loves active sports.

Despite her shyness, it is difficult to call Veronica a calm child, because she is constantly on the move and cannot sit in one place for five minutes, because there are so many interesting things going on around.

At school, this open and sincere girl tries to take part in all activities, but on the condition that no one will impose this or that model of behavior on her.

I must say that it is difficult to call Veronica a diligent student, and all because she simply does not have time to master the granite of knowledge, although she has a good memory. It is important that parents strictly control the level of her employment in order to avoid problems caused by emotional and physical overload.

For a girl

The older Veronica gets, the less indecision remains in her character. On the contrary, she becomes stubborn, persistent, irritable, and sometimes arrogant. Her active life position leads to the fact that she does not have time to be alone with herself and with her thoughts, which is fraught with prolonged depression.

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Timid and shy Veronica, having turned into an independent, sociable and eccentric girl, acquires not only self-confidence, but also a huge number of friends who see in her an inexhaustible flow of energy. In addition, this is exactly the person who can relieve tension with a witty joke and reconcile the disputing parties.

Even in her youth, Veronica begins to gravitate towards a beautiful and interesting life, therefore she does everything in her power to make her adult life look like a multi-colored rainbow (she studies hard and makes the necessary acquaintances). And here it is important not to lose yourself in the pursuit of a bright tomorrow, otherwise pride and selfishness will play a cruel joke with her.

She spends her free time outside the home: she visits theaters, cinemas, exhibitions and concerts. Young Veronica is an attractive person for men, so she rarely attends all of the above events alone.

For woman

Veronica can hardly be called an organized and disciplined person, accustomed to living according to a plan. On the contrary, she is impulsive and emotional, so her actions are most often provoked by momentary impulses, which can harm the development of her career.

Having matured, there is no trace of her modesty: Veronica wants to turn the eyes of others on herself. Among her friends and acquaintances there are more men than women, and all thanks to the incredible charm of the feminine Nika and her easy character.

A negative feature of Veronica is excessive stubbornness, because of which she often has misunderstandings with others. In addition, the owner of this name does not know how to listen to someone else's opinion.

However, this quality is more than covered by such characteristics of Veronica as courage, wisdom, justice and purposefulness. This woman goes to the goal with her head held high, overcoming all the obstacles that grow in her path.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention Veronica's wit, thanks to which she not only easily makes new acquaintances, but also overcomes various difficulties.

Description of the name Veronica


Veronica is a decent and moral nature, but her life principles and ideals are not rigidly framed, so from time to time she allows herself to break the rules and neglect generally accepted norms.


As a child, Veronika is a very sickly child who either catches a cold, or gets cold, or breaks something. Having matured, she becomes stronger, healthier and more resilient.

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Weak organs of Veronica are the intestines, lungs, and also the skin. Therefore, she should carefully monitor her diet and avoid hypothermia.


Veronica is very amorous, but her feelings are rarely long and deep. She is quickly captured by the feeling of falling in love, but it just as quickly passes. Parting with another gentleman passes without tears and regrets.

Such incredible amorousness and even frivolity in choosing a partner turns into the fact that there are many novels in her life, but there are practically no serious and stable relationships.

The ideal man of Veronica must be thorough, attentive, patient and reliable, he must dominate the relationship, otherwise they will not succeed.


The windiness of Veronica and her frivolous attitude towards the institution of marriage leads to the fact that she marries early, but very quickly becomes disillusioned with family life. Bottom line: Veronica often marries twice or thrice (she is constantly in search of her ideal man who will fulfill her every whim without demanding anything in return).

Family relationships

It is incredibly difficult for Veronica to be in the tight confines of family life, because she is used to living, guided by her inner impulses and impulses. She was not accustomed to order and regularity, the daily monotonous lifestyle. Therefore, from the first days of marriage, Veronica will do everything in her power to arrange family life in her own way.

And here the husband must be careful if he does not want to turn from the head of the family into a henpecked (and Veronica will apply maximum charm and femininity to subdue her betrothed).

Veronica's house is always open to family and friends, because she cannot stand loneliness.

In general, this woman can become a good wife and mistress, but only if love and trust reign in relations with her husband.


Veronica learns all the delights of intimate life quite early, while she cannot be called a frivolous nymphet, since intimacy for her is, first of all, spiritual unity with a partner, and only then physical.

It is extremely important for her to have feelings for a partner who should be affectionate, gentle and attentive. Only then will Veronica be able to liberate herself and give her partner the whole gamut of feelings and emotions.

Veronica's sexual partner is an active, experienced and self-confident man who brings a share of novelty and romanticism to intimate life.

Mind (intelligence)

Veronica is the owner of an analytical mindset, while she shows more interest in small things. I must say that the owner of this name does not seek to shine in society with her knowledge, on the contrary, she prefers to remain in the shadows and observe what is happening, assessing the situation from the outside.


The ease and ease of Veronica find their manifestation in the creative fields of activity, therefore, when choosing a profession, it is better for her to pay attention to journalism and jurisprudence. Veronica will make a good actress, writer, fashion model, fashion designer or stewardess.

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Veronica will also find herself in work related to communication, and all thanks to a creative approach and flexibility of mind. People are happy to reveal their thoughts to her, because on an intuitive level they feel that this open and sincere woman can be trusted.

In the team, Veronica is loved and appreciated for her non-conflict and diligence, but she rarely occupies leadership positions, and her disorganization is to blame.


It is contraindicated for Veronica to run her own business, since it is quite difficult for her not only to competently organize the work process, but also to control the course of affairs.


Among the main hobbies of Veronica are the following: traveling, going to the cinema and the theater, meeting with friends. She enjoys spending time with her family.

Character type

Veronica, by their nature, are choleric (you can read about this type in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Veronica is proud, while it is important not to bring this useful quality to a state of hypertrophy, because the measure is important in everything (vanity and pride are, as you know, vices). In addition, narcissism often repels people, causing a feeling of hostility.

It is interesting that there is no selfishness in Veronica, so her frivolity is excusable. In general, this is a very cheerful and carefree nature, living for today, which makes it difficult to build a stable and prosperous tomorrow. But Veronica does not suffer a bit from this, because she prefers to treat life with a bit of irony.

She is responsive, kind and attentive to others, but at the same time irritable and stubborn. Defeats and failures greatly upset Veronica, but she will not make a tragedy out of this.


Veronica has good intuition, but she does not often use it for its intended purpose, preferring to follow the beaten paths.

Veronica Horoscope

Veronica - Aries

This is an obstinate, stubborn and uncompromising nature, which will defend its point of view to the last, in spite of any arguments. No one and nothing is able to convince Veronica-Aries or turn her off the chosen path. In relations with the opposite sex, this woman is powerful and even despotic: for example, she tries to subdue her partner. Veronica-Aries does not compromise, so the last word always remains exclusively with her.

Veronica - Taurus

Energy, purposefulness and arrogance are the driving force behind Veronica-Taurus, who believes that the whole world owes everything and everything to her. She is dismissive of others, so she has practically no friends (besides, pride does not allow her to admit her mistakes, which negatively affects communication with people). For men, this behavior of Veronica-Taurus repels and frightens. She herself loves when she is beautifully looked after, generously giving gifts.

Veronica - Gemini

Sociable, open, but at the same time conceited Veronica-Gemini always and in everything is aging to prove her indispensability, as well as exclusivity. But in fact, her knowledge is rather superficial. She is frivolous, her words often diverge from deeds, which harms her career growth. This behavior also negatively affects her personal life: for example, Veronica-Gemini easily breaks off some relationships and starts others.

Veronica - Cancer

Feminine and languid Veronica-Cancer gives the impression of a rather absent-minded and tired woman who wants to be warmed up and pitied. However, this image is just a mask of Veronica, who knows how to skillfully use her acting talent. Her ability to manipulate pity makes a special impression on men who, next to the weak Veronica, feel like strong defenders. Having captured the attention of her chosen one, Veronica-Cancer begins to test him for generosity.

Veronica - Leo

This is an arrogant, arrogant and eccentric woman who prefers to stand out among others: she dresses flashy, her statements are ironic and harsh, and her behavior is defiant.

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But still, Veronica-Leo knows how to be sincere, open, generous and sociable (it all depends on the goals set). She knows how to skillfully manipulate people (especially men, on whom her charm works almost flawlessly).

Veronica - Virgo

In this prudent and noble woman, all known benefactors are collected, among which the main ones are modesty, responsiveness and good nature. She does not like to stand out among others, and she prefers to keep her thoughts and judgments to herself so as not to conflict. You can talk with Veronica-Virgo about everything in the world, you can consult with her on any issue, because her opinion is always objective and unbiased. Men in Veronica-Virgo are attracted to inaccessibility. To earn the location of this woman is possible only through exquisite courtship.

Veronica - Libra

This is a sociable, sensual and sophisticated nature who loves to surround herself with beauty, so it is not surprising that Veronica-Libra visits the most luxurious restaurants and accepts courtship from attractive and wealthy men who are ready to make her any desires come true. Veronica-Libra loves a beautiful and easy life, therefore she prefers to be a decoration for a man, but not a housekeeper in an apron and with a saucepan. Her task is to take care of herself, and her husband is to earn money for this.

Veronica - Scorpio

The active, cheerful and uninhibited Veronica-Scorpio can be compared with a sandstorm, which either subsides or sweeps away everything in its path, while its behavior cannot be predicted. This irritable woman does not know how to control her emotions, especially if they are negative. Veronica-Scorpio is always convinced that she is right, for this reason you should not expect an apology from her, regardless of whether she is right or not. Family life with this woman takes mental strength, but gives a lot of unforgettable emotions and impressions.

Veronica - Sagittarius

This is a freedom-loving, decisive and open nature, not accepting compromises, which is often the reason for a showdown with others. It quickly lights up, but instantly cools down, so loved ones do not hold a grudge against the impulsive Veronica-Sagittarius. This woman needs love and care, but she does not want to tie the knot, fearing to lose her independence. Femininity, charm and sensuality help Veronica-Sagittarius to capture the attention of men.

Veronica - Capricorn

This calm, ambitious and practical person does not understand people who act impulsively and thoughtlessly. Veronica-Capricorn herself is restrained in the manifestation of feelings, her thoughts are always clean and orderly. Men are repelled by the coldness and pragmatism of Veronica-Capricorn. Only a loving, patient and attentive man is able to melt this impregnable snow queen, who is used to making all decisions on her own. With such a man, she will become tender and soft.

Veronica - Aquarius

This is a perfectionist who sees her mission in leaving a mark after herself and benefiting people, while Veronica-Aquarius pursues rather mundane goals: she wants to become famous and achieve a high position in society. For this reason, people around do not always consider Veronica sincere, which affects the number of friends she has very few. Fans of Veronica-Aquarius can also be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Veronica - Pisces

This is a modest, shy, compassionate, trusting and sensitive woman who opens her soul to everyone, thereby allowing herself to be used (other people know exactly which strings to press in order to achieve what they want from Veronica-Pisces). She has a huge number of fans, so she often gets confused in her relationships. Veronica-Pisces needs a kind and strong man who will be able to protect her from disappointments and life's injustice.

Compatibility of the name Veronica with male names

Veronica and Alexander

Both partners have a heightened sense of beauty, so their relationship at first glance seems ideal.

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But in fact, disagreements often arise between Veronica and Alexander due to the woman's excessive demands.

Veronica and Dmitry

Passion and a whirlpool of feelings are the components that drive the relationship between Veronica and Dmitry. But in family life, in addition to feelings, stability is also important, without which this couple cannot create a strong family.

Veronica and Sergey

The frivolous Veronika loves a beautiful life, which Sergey cannot always give her, which is why real passions boil in a couple. In addition, the woman in this union wants to dominate, while the man does not want to obey.

Veronica and Andrey

Energy, love of life, passion for travel unite Veronica and Andrey, who can create a truly harmonious and prosperous union, in which there will be no room for quarrels.

Veronica and Alexey

Sociable, open and sincere, Veronika and Aleksey improve daily and try to bring more bright colors into their lives. This is a strong and promising alliance.

Veronica and Ivan

Ambitious Veronica is annoyed by Ivan's insecurity and his spartan calmness. The man in this tandem lives tomorrow, but the woman thinks only about today. It is not surprising that this alliance is rarely lasting.

Veronica and Eugene

Purposeful and assertive Eugene does everything to win the no less stubborn Veronica, who is looking for a protector in her chosen one. Gentle Veronica and solid Evgeny are a wonderful couple who have only a bright future ahead of them.

Veronica and Maxim

These are the owners of two opposite characters, while no one wants to give in or compromise. Bottom line: the breakup of a couple due to innuendo, secrets and misunderstandings.
Maxim - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Veronica and Vladimir

This is a prosperous union in which partners understand each other without words. Veronica and Vladimir go to common goals and live by the same ideas, which helps them overcome the difficulties that arise in family life for any couple.

Veronica and Denis

These two do not notice anything and no one around. Because they are passionate about each other.

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They live in each other's thoughts, aspirations and problems, which helps to strengthen their tandem, which is destined for a long and happy life.
Denis - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Veronica and Artem

This is the rare case when two halves of one whole meet. Veronika and Artem always work together, there are no understatements and disagreements in their life together, they love and appreciate each other.

Veronica and Anton

An active life position and energy unite Veronika and Anton, who strive to create an ideal family in which there is no room for disputes. And they are great at it.

Veronica and Michael

Only patience can save this union, which undoubtedly has prospects.
Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name

Veronica and Vitaly

Veronica and Nikita

Eccentric and optimistic Veronica and Nikita have a lot in common, so they are always interested in being together, but there is no time left for boredom. Both do not tolerate loneliness, so they try to surround themselves with friends and family.

Veronica and Cyril

This union can be described more as a partnership or friendship, but not love in its original form. There are deeper feelings between Veronica and Cyril that neither time nor everyday troubles will destroy.

Veronica and Victor

This is a common union in which people of similar character who have the same goals coexist perfectly.

Veronica and Victor are able to create a stable and durable tandem, which is not hindered by the ambitiousness of partners.

Veronica and Ruslan

Veronica, who loves attention, craves fun, while the solid Ruslan does not tolerate idleness and idle talk. If there is a deep and sincere feeling between them, then their union will be successful.

Veronica and Vadim

Dreamy Vadim lives in a world of illusions, he strives for self-development and self-improvement, but Veronica is quite squat and practical, her main goal is to enjoy life. Such an alliance is rarely lasting.

Veronica and Anatoly

In this union, partners easily find a common language, both in everyday life and in intimate life, which favorably affects the family life of Veronica and Anatoly, especially if there is love between them.