Messengers of death, how to understand them, how to understand that the events that happened on the eve of death warned a person about imminent death and tragedy, sometimes there are cases when higher powers warn a person, give him signs indicating an imminent death, so that .

Incredible facts

Death is the final stage of every living being.

Unfortunately, humans are not given the opportunity to live forever, like fairy-tale vampires or witches.

But each of us wants to live as long and happy a life as possible. However, there are a number of factors that shorten it.

Pay attention to the following 15 signs that you are destined to die early:

Signs of early death

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If you have broken your arm, you don't have to worry about this point. A single fracture is not a reason to panic.

But if you constantly break your arms and legs after a certain age (if you are over 40), this may be a red flag that you are in danger. In particular, it may be a sign that your bone health is deteriorating and you are becoming physically weaker.

Bone fractures can signal other serious problems such as arthritis and limited mobility, which can affect overall health and ultimately lead to early death.

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Constant ongoing swelling and inflammation in the joints and limbs should serve as another red flag.

Of course, there are many causes of inflammation. But if such inflammation is chronic, it can mean that your body's cells are dying and your health is actively deteriorating.

Therefore, if your joints, ligaments and other parts of the body are constantly experiencing swelling and inflammation, seek immediate medical attention.

Prompt treatment can help prevent serious problems and even premature death.

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Your geographic location can greatly affect your health. In other words, your life expectancy directly depends on where you live.

For example, if you live in certain parts of the country, you may be more susceptible to specific diseases or cultural influences that can lead to heart disease.

There are many things that can affect your life expectancy.

First of all, we are talking about environmental pollution from industrial activities.

Natural disasters, living conditions, as well as climate and weather conditions also directly affect life expectancy.

Factors influencing life expectancy

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Are you suffering from constant changes in appetite?

Do you either eat little or just eat everything you see?

This may be a sign that your life will not be long. Typically, people eat less as death approaches, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Changing metabolism is one of the symptoms of short life. In addition, it is also worth paying attention to fatigue and lethargy.

If you are facing other health problems, you may not be able to eat as much as a healthy person eats.

Poor appetite is the first sign that something is wrong with you. In any case, if you notice a change in your appetite, pay attention to this and contact a specialist.

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Our sense of smell is important for many reasons, but as we age, it can weaken or even disappear.

We have all seen older people who cannot see or hear, and similarly we can lose our sense of smell.

The bad news: Research has linked loss of the ability to smell to fast-approaching death.

A study reported in a scientific journal found that loss of the ability to smell is a sign of a serious problem. It indicates a decrease in vitality and the approach of inevitable death within five years.

In any case, if you notice a deterioration in the functioning of your olfactory receptors, visit a doctor immediately.

© George Dolgikh

Oddly enough, lonely people tend to die at a younger age.

Why? The short answer is that they have a weaker immune system. Being around people exposes us to potential threats, and as a result, increases our immunity for self-defense.

If you spend most of your time alone, your immune system becomes weaker as a result.

In fact, one recent study shows that loneliness can increase the risk of early death by 14 percent.

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Oddly enough, experts link the numbness of some parts of the body to the possible approach of death.

This problem serves as an indicator of the health of our heart. Therefore, if you are suffering from numbness in your limbs, you may have a serious problem and need to rush to the doctor immediately.

Contact a specialist and undergo the appropriate examination. It is likely that your body is signaling you about something important, and serious problems are hidden behind simple numbness.

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Nails can tell a lot about our health. Essentially, they are an indicator of what condition a person is in and how good his health is.

If your nails are brittle or have spots, strange ridges, grooves, or cracks, it's obvious that you have a serious problem. Take a look at your nails and consult a doctor, telling him everything that is happening to your body.

Problems with your nails can indicate much more serious health problems than you might imagine.

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Bad breath can also be a sign that something is wrong with your health. Of course, if your bad breath is the result of eating a dish with onions or garlic, then there is no need to worry.

But chronic bad breath is a completely different matter. Experts say bad breath can indicate cancer or other infections that could, in fact, ultimately kill you.

What affects life expectancy?

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Is your heart rate going through the roof even when you're resting?

Do you count more than 80 beats per minute? This may be a sign that something is wrong with your cardiovascular system.

Canadian experts associate too high a heart rate with a high risk of death.

Therefore, if you are at complete rest and your heart rate is more than 90 beats per minute, consult a doctor immediately.

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If you want to live happily ever after and feel good at 70 and 80, you need to take your physical health seriously.

This means that you need to carefully monitor your weight. Excess weight is not only unsightly from an aesthetic point of view, but also dangerous to human health.

Obesity can be absolutely devastating to your body. Excess weight and all the diseases resulting from it are among the most common causes of death (including cancer and heart disease).

Experts associate a number of serious diseases with excess weight.

You can often meet people who talk about feeling their death approaching. When a completely healthy and happy person talks about this, a feeling of fear and apprehension arises that this may be true. Often a premonition of death can only be a reflection of existing ones. In some cases, such sensations arise if a person often thinks about death and does not want to live. In this case, there are no serious reasons for worry and this is just a fantasy. Let's look at other reasons.

What does it mean to have a premonition of your own death?

Scientists cannot explain such sensations, so at the moment there is no theory or patterns in this area. There is an opinion that a person’s premonition of death has a certain physiological basis, that is, all this is caused by hormonal changes. Many are sure that all people on earth have the gift of clairvoyance, but only a few develop it. Therefore, the premonition of death is a manifestation of extrasensory abilities.

Basically, such sensations are a certain warning sent by a guardian angel or one’s own soul. This is a real indication that you urgently need to change something in your life, otherwise your premonitions may come true. Causes of premature and unexpected death may include:

  1. A person has chosen the wrong path in life, which is not intended for him by fate.
  2. Lives without goals and does not want to change the current state of things. There is an opinion that giving up life goals is the end of life.
  3. Filled with aggression and often sins.

A premonition before death is a chance given from above to change your life and avoid death. If a person begins to experience such sensations, he should think on what he is doing wrong, what needs to be changed, etc.

I would like to give an example about the world-famous founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. He died at the age of 56, but for the last 8 years of his life he constantly felt his death approaching. Jobs did not give up, did not become a recluse, he began to correct mistakes, do something new, in general, he did good things to change.

A sign of a premonition of death can be considered a phenomenon when a person tries to think about a future life and sees nothing but darkness. A person can also see visions that leave behind an unpleasant feeling for a long time. Some people claim that they suffer from visions in which deceased relatives and friends may appear.


A premonition of one's own death is the name given to disturbing thoughts that come as knowledge, as if from somewhere outside. This condition, although it is not customary to discuss it in small talk, is not uncommon and occurs in many people, especially women. Let's try to figure out what this means.

HOW THOUGHTS ABOUT IMMEDIATE DEATH COME Ordinary people describe this state as a depressing, heavy feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Depending on what you believe, this could be: a vague feeling of impending disaster that cannot be prevented; obvious signs coming as if from the other world; dreams promising imminent death; ghosts of the past, vague visions warning of future events; images of deceased relatives, parents, spouses in dreams, as if calling to them, etc. And although dreams with a plot about one’s own death (dying, seeing oneself in a coffin, grave, being at one’s funeral) are not its harbingers, they especially cause anxiety in people. But this time we are not talking about prophetic dreams, but about a feeling that comes in reality.

“My wife, who was only 20 years old, came home from work in the evening and casually said: “I’m so tired, maybe I’ll rest in the next world,” Grigory Doronin writes to us from Sergiev Posad. — The next day we got into a car accident. My wife died, but I survived...

“Last summer, I and my husband came to the city where I was born and raised to live with my parents for some time,” says reader Inna P. from Samara in her letter. “One day, standing on the balcony and looking at the landscape overlooking the Volga, he suddenly said: “Will you believe that I will die here?” Of course, I was surprised by this question - my husband was absolutely healthy. But a few weeks later he suddenly died of a broken heart.

There are many similar examples. American doctors William Green, Stefan Goldstein and Alex Moss, studying the phenomenon of death, examined thousands of case histories of patients who died suddenly. Their data shows that most people had premonitions of their demise.
True, their foresight did not lie in prophetic statements or advance preparations for the funeral, but in a special psychological state and often in the desire to put their affairs in order.
It turns out that many people, shortly before death, experience a state of depression, which can last from a week to six months.
Doctors have suggested that this strange melancholy is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

And the psychological function of seemingly causeless despondency is to prepare the central nervous system for the inevitable departure from life.

This version corresponds to the opinion shared by many researchers that death is simply a transition of consciousness to another form of existence, to the energy plane of existence. Otherwise, why does the body need such “psychological preparation”?
After all, it’s not just to find out: soon everything will stop once and for all?

Premonition of death in different cultures

The idea that it is possible to know the time of a person’s departure from life is closely connected with beliefs in the immaterial world, ideas about an immortal soul that knows that it will soon have to leave its mortal body and go to God, ancestors, to other planets or to heaven - depending from religion.

And yet the most convinced atheists also experience something similar, only for them the forebodings turn into a real nightmare. After all, with the death of the body, according to their ideas, their existence should also end - in every sense. It should be easier for believers in this regard, but all the same, such predictions and their own premonitions do not please, but frighten a person, no matter who he is and no matter what he believes.

Deep believers in the West and East differ greatly in their mood prior to departure to another world. The ideal of a Christian is to give his soul to God after confession, free from sins, which means that thoughts of imminent death prompt people of the Christian tradition to think about their sinful life and the retribution for it after death.

The ideal, for example, of a Buddhist, would be complete renunciation from the material world at the moment of death, so that nothing would prevent such a believer from merging with the Absolute. In the East, death is more perceived as rebirth, thus anticipating imminent freedom from suffering in this world.
Legendary enlightened personalities, whose cult still exists in ours and in Eastern civilization (saints, Buddhas, gurus), according to legend, met death at their own request.

As you can see, there are great cultural differences on this issue.
If you are a moderate believer, ordinary people, do not claim psychic abilities and do not notice in yourself any desire to escape from the wheel of reincarnation, then most likely, with thoughts of death, you will feel not the solemn trepidation of an imminent meeting with God, but real panic and even horror.

What is the strange ability of people to anticipate death? The answer to this question is given by the Tibetan Book of the Dead. According to Eastern beliefs, man is a creature consisting of two types of matter: dense and subtle. Dense matter forms the physical body of a person. The subtle forms his spiritual nature, in particular, the subtle body invisible to ordinary vision - a kind of shell of the soul. Death is nothing more than the separation of the subtle body from the physical body. The subtle body has its own aura, which clairvoyants can see. The radiation of this aura allows one to determine the state of a person’s health. Aurodiagnostics has long been used in psychic healing. People with astral vision can predict the death of a person by their aura.

But why is a person given this terrible premonition? Did nature put any meaning into this signal? There is one interesting hypothesis about this. Scientists have long known a fact discovered during laboratory research: before death, the cells of a living organism give off a sudden release of radioactive rays.

Polish physicist Janusz Slawinski suggested that this stream of waves, being quite powerful in nature, is capable of capturing information about the life of a dying creature, including preserving fragments of consciousness and memory. Isn't this the main purpose of the last signal of dying cells?

All spiritual teachings also speak about the continuation of life after death. The aura that disappears before death, like any type of cosmic matter, does not dissolve without a trace in space. Together with the human energy complex (subtle body), it transfers to another world all the information about the dying creature, in other words, its consciousness.

Only the physical body dies, but consciousness continues to exist as a clot of energy.

Radioactive radiation from biological tissue at the moment of death apparently gives the subtle body the final push,

sending an immortal soul into the vastness of the Universe.

Due to the nature of my non-scientific activity, I have to deal with various matters that current science arrogantly does not notice. This is even good: they don’t get underfoot. Below are a number of facts that may provide food for thought. They may not give it.

Each of us is born. Everyone will die. Does a person have a presentiment of death? Does he strive for it? Running her? Despises? Trying to understand?

Each person feels his death in his own way. And only those who died know how this happens. But at that moment when a person is about to die, surprisingly, he feels great

People become more attentive and kind and try in every unimaginable way to complete all unfinished business.

I saw people before they died and knew that they would die, I told some of them because they had to confess... They understood... and that’s good.. Everyone behaves differently... Some don’t really believe, some believed and were calm.. .(I’m talking about my relatives) because I try not to talk about it to strangers....They won’t understand....

My grandfather even knew what day it was, he was wrong by 6 hours.

Maybe. My aunt knew that she was going to die and called everyone to say goodbye.

Subtle bodies are destroyed. Some feel it, some don't.

My mother may bless her, she made a fool of herself before she died, I couldn’t stand it and in the morning I told her you live with dignity or die calmly and at one o’clock in the afternoon she died calmly without any of her quirks and lay peaceful in the coffin, I thought and said everything that I had suffered and she was there It’s better not to suffer physical pain; she had cancer.

There was a lot of mysticism in the life of Mikhail Krug. Many of the people who knew him noted that about two months before his death, Mikhail Krug changed a lot.
If earlier he could easily say to people who were disturbing him in some way: “Get up and get out of here! You are interfering with my work!”, then shortly before his death he simply stopped noticing them.
Another interesting detail. At the studio, Krug often worked six to eight hours a day. He was always dressed simply, most often in a tracksuit, so that he could lie quietly on the sofa during breaks between recordings and generally feel comfortable. But for the last recording of his life, Krug arrived in a formal suit. From the church. The singer seemed to be saying goodbye to the studio people with whom he had worked together for so long.
And here is another piece of evidence that is simply shocking. Irina, the wife of Mikhail Krug, had a prophetic dream a few days before his death. Here's how she talks about it herself:
A week before my death, on Tuesday, I woke up in the morning and told him: “Can you imagine, Mikhail Vladimirovich, I dreamed that you died.” He looked at me like that, and I told him: “That means you will live a long time. After all, there is such a belief that if you dreamed that a person died, it means that he will live a long time.” Misha only smiled in response.
And two days later, not in a dream, but in reality, something strange happened. Irina and Mikhail Krug went to the city center to buy curtains for the windows. When we drove past the car depot where he once worked, Krug suddenly said:
Irina Viktorovna, this is where I worked. And at the entrance, when I die, they will hang a sign “The famous singer Mikhail Krug worked here.”
Irina had never heard anything like this from her husband before.
“That was the first time he said that,” she recalls. - I was simply stunned. I turned to him: “What are you saying?! Stop it, it’s not funny!”

I often dream about strangers. At the same time, in a dream, I clearly feel the approach of trouble and want to warn an unknown person about the threat. But when he turns to face me, it turns out that his eye sockets are missing. At this moment, I understand that this person will soon die, while I see a fragment of his death through his own eyes. I want to warn him, but I can’t, I’m in a stupor. At the same time, with each dream I see faces and details of clothing more and more clearly, each time more and more realistic. What can such dreams mean??? Has anyone dreamed of something similar?

I wanted to write that I have similar nightmares. But not in terms of images, but in terms of what I know - who will die and when.
And these are familiar people...
First I start dreaming about calls. And it’s so real, as if I’m actually sleeping and hear the doorbell or phone ringing. But I turn off the sound on my phones at night... And if I dream of a doorbell ringing, so real that I wake up from it, then no one else heard it... That is. I dream about these calls. But it’s so real that I can’t sleep... Then they become more and more frequent - I hear them, as soon as I close my eyes!
Then, if my grandparents knew this person during their lifetime, they come to me in a dream and take this person away or tell me the date when they will take him away. If they didn’t know him, then they show me this person during the call. Within a week or a month, news comes of the death of this person. The calls stop...
This time - from the start of the calls until they show who will be taken away - is a real nightmare, because... you don’t know where to expect trouble from..

Literally on the eve of departure, already in the evening, finishing her work day, this girl A. did a strange thing for me. She asked me to take care of her clients. She literally said the following words: “I don’t even know who I can give them (the clients) to... Everyone is on vacation, no one is there. I’m flying to Israel tomorrow. I beg you - take care of them, please! I will be immensely grateful to you! "
She asked me about this three times in just 15 minutes, although I immediately promised her that of course I would take care of her clients without any problems, no need to worry.
The strangeness of her request was that in our country the transfer of affairs to another employee during departure is a generally accepted norm; you don’t have to ask for this, you don’t have to thank her for it, and even less you don’t have to beg her to take care of clients. And she was the one who begged!

My son, a week before his death, left me on the phone: “Dear mom, don’t cry - everything will be fine. I believe it’s hard for you now, dear mother - forgive me for everything. How I would like to be with you again, mom, but the wings I have... We will always be together everywhere - it’s a pity not to hug you!” I just got scared and left. And a day later he made me listen to it again.

My Slavurka wrote Ksyu (wife) on his phone about two weeks before his death; before it was just Ksyu. I asked why you marked that it was your wife, and he replied: “So that they know where to go if something happens.” And a few months before his death, I had several strange, frightening dreams. I was missing half of my face (and in the full sense), then I dreamed about myself naked, as if I was running along the road. And the day before Slava passed away, I dreamed of a huge spider, as if it was running, and many ants were attacking and eating it. The dream was terrible. During the day I shared it with my husband, when the day was over he said: “So we survived your spider,” and the next day he was gone. So don’t believe in premonitions after this.

And a week before my husband’s death (he was still feeling well - they were preparing for surgery), I had a dream that my husband was getting a new apartment. And my daughter comes and says: “Let’s immediately install good doors, real wooden ones.” And when he died, my daughter says to me: “Let’s buy him a good wooden coffin.” I didn’t tell her anything about this dream then.