What time is the new moon on July 4th. New moon

The beginning of the lunar month is considered to be a period of rebirth. At this time, you can plan the future, make wishes, and perform some magical rituals. New Moon in July 2018 falls on 13th, it will take place at 05:47:56 Moscow time. The Moon will be in the zodiac sign Cancer at this time. After this, the night star will enter a growth phase, which will continue until the full moon on July 27, 2018.

The new moon can have different effects on a person’s condition. Some people experience depression and loss of strength at this time, while others, on the contrary, experience a surge of energy and good mood. July 2018 makes its own adjustments, which turned out to be quite hot in many regions of Russia. Astrologers claim that the influence of lunar cycles on a person largely depends on his zodiac sign:

Aries- filled with optimism and desire to act;

Taurus- begins to recalculate finances and make plans for the future;

Twins- goes to visit friends and relatives;

Cancer- may feel sad about plans that were never fulfilled;

Lion- preparing to demonstrate his attractiveness to representatives of the opposite sex;

Virgo- becomes more cheerful and energetic;

Scales- feels apathy and desire to rest;

Scorpion- as if being reborn again, preparing for future achievements;

Sagittarius- have already outlined your goal and are ready to act;

Capricorn- busy with household chores and not going to be distracted;

Aquarius- immersed in dreamy contemplation, demonstrating enlightenment with his entire appearance;

Fish- experiences lyrical feelings and slight melancholy.

As you can see, the new moon in July 2018 may bring some adjustments to your plans.

You can use the new moon in July 2018 to make a cherished wish that will come true with a high degree of probability. To do this, you should wait for the exact time of the new moon. If you live in the Moscow region, you can focus on July 13, 05 hours 47 minutes, otherwise you will need to make an adjustment taking into account your time zone.

When the new moon occurs in July 2018, cast the following spell three times:

“The night light has illuminated my path; whatever I wish, fulfill it! As you grow day by day, so may luck love me!”

Don't tell anyone that you performed this simple ritual (at least until you get what you want). Otherwise, it will lose its power.

Do's and Don'ts for the New Moon in July

Can: make plans for the future, make cherished wishes, read, do. During the new moon in July 2018, you will benefit from meditative techniques and other esoteric practices aimed at self-development.

Not possible or not advisable: Conclude important contracts and generally engage in responsible matters that require mental concentration. It is also undesirable to overexert yourself physically. Save your energy for more important things and accomplishments!

Lunar calendar on July 2018 with lunar days and changing phases of the moon, as well as New Moon like any other month, this is one of the types of calendars that was created over many centuries by observing the behavior of our Earth satellite. He came to our modern times from ancient times.

The thesis about the influence of the Moon on a person was proven at one time by astrologers. However, it is still not known exactly what the debate is about, exactly when the lunar calendar appeared and who first created it. And on this, scientists around the world have not yet found a consensus.

Using the lunar calendar July 2018 you will learn about favorable days and New moons, after all a person believes that the Moon and its changing phases influence him they will prompt him and he will receive practical advice using their tips and recommendations, which is true to a certain extent.

New Moon in January 2018 - January 17

New Moon in February 2018 - February 16

New Moon in March 2018 - March 17

New Moon in April 2018 - April 16

New Moon in May 2018 - May 15

New Moon in June 2018 - June 13

New Moon in July 2018 - July 13

New Moon in August 2018 - August 11

New Moon in September 2018 - September 9

New Moon in October - October 9

New Moon in November 2018 - November 7

New Moon in December 2018 - December 7

Favorable lunar days of July 2018

Favorable days - In the first days of the new waxing Moon and the New Moon, it is a good time to start new things. You can make plans for the future and make important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss through diet, as well as starting to fight bad habits.

During the days of the new waxing moon, it is a good time to start new things. You can make plans for the future and make important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss through diet, as well as starting to fight bad habits.

Unfavorable days- these are risky, stressful days of the full moon, the first and last quarter of the (waning) moon, when caution and attentiveness will not hurt. It is not recommended to start new important things these days. Also these days you need to pay closer attention to your health.

These are risky, stressful days when caution and attentiveness are in order. It is not recommended to start new important things these days. Also these days you need to pay closer attention to your health.

Lunar days of July 2018 with moon phases in the calendar

July 1



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

July 2



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

July 3 78%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

July 4th 69%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

July 5 60%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

July 6 50%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third quarter)

In the sign ♈ Aries

July 7 39%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♈ Aries

and ♉ Taurus

July 8



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♉ Taurus

July 9



lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♉ Taurus

and ♊ Gemini

July 10 11%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

July 11 5%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♊ Gemini

July 12 1%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Fourth phase)

In the sign ♋ Cancer

July 13 0%

lunar day

New moon

In the sign ♋ Cancer

July 14 2%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♌ Leo

July 15



lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♌ Leo

July 16



lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

July 17 24%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♍ Virgo

July 18 35%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

July 19 45%

lunar day

waxing moon

(First quarter)

In the sign ♎ Libra

July 20 56%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♎ Libra

and ♏ Scorpio

July 21 66%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

July 22



lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♏ Scorpio

and ♐ Sagittarius

July 23



lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

July 24 89%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

July 25 95%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♐ Sagittarius

and ♑ Capricorn

July 26 98%

lunar day

waxing moon

(Second phase)

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

July 27 100%

lunar day

Full moon

In the sign ♑ Capricorn

and ♒ Aquarius

July 28 100%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

July 29



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

July 30



lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♒ Aquarius

July 31 89%

lunar day

Waning moon

(Third phase)

In the sign ♓ Pisces

About the Lunar calendar and the New Moon of July 2018 - lunar phases...

Changes in lunar phases are very closely related to all kinds of life processes on our planet, including during the New Moon (New Moon) and Full Moon (Full Moon).

In different lunar phases, the influence of the night light on our body changes. It has been noticed that during the period of the waning moon, the number of boys born increases, and vice versa - there are fewer girls born.

Not only do people dependent on the Moon experience problems when changing lunar phases, but also its influence on healthy people is quite noticeable.

The influence of the Moon on a person can be expressed, for example, in increased performance, excitability during the Full Moon, as well as in decreased activity and a feeling of fatigue during the New Moon.

There is quite a lot of evidence that directly indicates the lunar influence on the psychological and behavioral state of a person during the full moon. We can conclude that there is absolutely a connection between the change in the phases of the Moon and a person’s state of mind, which is directly expressed in a change in his mood.

We hope that the presented lunar calendar with lunar days, New Moon and phases of the moon for summer July 2018 , where indicated favorable days– will help you create your business and life schedule in the most correct and rational way.

This means that in July 2018 , you will correctly plan your schedule, and above all - for doing business, conducting financial transactions, investing, long trips, which will help you rationally, and therefore financially calmly, survive these days, protect yourself and your business from possible problems, as well as from any kind of shocks.

Waning Moon in July 2018

During this period, people’s activity decreases, they become without initiative, any desire to do something, to express themselves somehow, even to deal with current affairs, much less start new projects, disappears. During the waning Moon, we feel unwell, we experience a loss of strength, we strive for almost nothing, but try to “go with the flow.”

The best solution during this time period is to behave in such a way as not to cause unnecessary problems for yourself, wait out this time calmly, and do not start new things. As we approach the New Moon, a person gains strength, he feels a surge of energy, and it is from this moment that he needs to get down to business.

Waxing Moon in July 2018

This is a wonderful period when you simply need to be especially active, boldly take the initiative into your own hands, do not hesitate to act assertively and persistently, now you are achieving a lot. At this time, we have an excellent reaction, we quickly make decisions and also act. therefore, take full advantage of the moment during the Waxing Moon, especially in the first days.

Introducing the lunar calendar for 2018, for each month with days New Moon (New Moon) of July, with the changing phases of the Moon, favorable and unfavorable periods, which will help everyone interested. The lunar calendar for the next year indicates the location of the Moon on a given day relative to the zodiac constellations, as well as dates with the exact times of the main lunar phases, which consist, as you know, of the new moon, full moon, first quarter (waxing Moon) and last quarter waning Moon.

The lunar calendar for the upcoming 2018 will tell not only about the change in the cyclic phases of the Moon and lunar days, but also about New Moons in July, will tell you about favorable and unfavorable days, give recommendations on business management, fashionistas on hair cutting, advise and give recommendations to our summer residents - gardeners and gardeners, and much more.

In the modern world, it is not difficult to create a Lunar calendar with the change of its phases, New Moons and Full Moons; currently, all descriptions and characteristics of the lunar phases are very consistent with each other, as well as tested more than once.

Our satellite, despite the fact that it is smaller in size than our planet, has a very great influence on the Earth and all life on it. “Thanks” to the Moon, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur on our planet.

It also influences a person, his natural rhythms in the body, as well as his subconscious, psychological state, plant growth, animal behavior and many other processes that occur on Earth.

New Moon in January 2018 - January 17

New Moon in February 2018 - February 16

New Moon in March 2018 - March 17

New Moon in April 2018 - April 16

New Moon in May 2018 - May 15

New Moon in June 2018 - June 13

New Moon in July 2018 - July 13

New Moon in August 2018 - August 11

New Moon in September 2018 - September 9

New Moon in October - October 9

New Moon in November 2018 - November 7

New Moon in December 2018 - December 7

Favorable lunar days of 2018 with moon phases

Different lunar phases have their own impact on humans and the nature around us; find out which lunar days are favorable and which are unfavorable below:

It is best to start new things during the waxing Moon, preferably immediately after the new moon, and it is necessary to finish things during the waning Moon, but they must be completed by the new moon.

The most favorable days are considered to be those lunar days when a sextile of 60°, or a trine of 120°, is formed in our sky between the Sun and the Moon.

The time of intense interaction between the Sun and the Moon (unfavorable days) is the new moon, full moon, waning and waxing moon (first and last quarter).

It is better not to plan anything important during these lunar phases; starting a new business, including long trips - these are unfavorable days when you need to be especially careful.

The lunar calendar for the upcoming 2018 will help you navigate the lunar phases, and therefore new moons, the periods of the new Moon in July with the change of its phases, and distribute your time more optimally and rationally, avoiding unnecessary problems.

Lunar calendar for 2018

New moon First quarter Full moon Last quarter
January 2, 2018
January 8, 2018
January 17, 2018
January 24, 2018
January 31, 2018
February 7, 2018
February 15, 2018
February 23, 2018
March 2, 2018
March 9, 2018
March 17, 2018
March 24, 2018
March 31, 2018
April 8, 2018
April 16, 2018
April 22, 2018
April 30, 2018
May 8, 2018
May 15, 2018
May 22, 2018
May 29, 2018
June 6, 2018
June 13, 2018
June 20, 2018
June 28, 2018
July 6, 2018
July 13, 2018
July 19, 2018
July 27, 2018
August 4, 2018
August 11, 2018
August 18, 2018
August 26, 2018
September 3, 2018
September 9, 2018
September 16, 2018
September 25, 2018
October 2, 2018
October 9, 2018
October 16, 2018
October 24, 2018
October 31, 2018
November 7, 2018
November 15, 2018
November 23, 2018
November 30, 2018
December 7, 2018
December 15, 2018
December 22, 2018
December 29, 2018

Lunar calendar dates and times in UTC (+4 hours)

Lunar calendar 2018 - for every month of the year...

It is well known that the phases of the Moon are very closely related to a variety of events and life cycles occurring on our planet. In its different phases, it changes, as does its effect on the human body. It has long been noted that during the waning phase of the Moon, the number of boys born increases sharply, and accordingly, the number of girls born decreases.

Not only for people with problems, but also for healthy ones - the influence of the Moon has a tangible impact. The influence of the Moon and the New Moon with the Full Moon on a person is expressed by an increase or decrease in his ability to work, agitation during the full moon, as well as a decrease in activity, increased fatigue during the new moon. site/node/3159

There are known statistics that clearly indicate an increase in the number of crimes during the full moon. Therefore, we can conclude that there is definitely a direct connection between the lunar phases and the mental (psychological) state of people, expressed in changes in their condition and mood.

To help those who respect and adhere to traditions and signs that are associated with changes in lunar phases, we present the lunar calendar for the new year 2018, which, as we know, will be “led” by the Dog.

Lunar days and phases of the Moon (New Moon of July) in 2018

In the lunar calendar for 2018, you will find not only useful, but also necessary information, including about the New Moon days of July, which will help in correctly solving many issues, for example, preparing in advance for some upcoming events, activities and travel.

Our ancestors believed that a person who knows the Moon, the change of its phases, the influence it has, owns the secrets of moonlight. You can give the following example: when the Moon is growing, people always do good deeds; it was believed that when the Moon is growing, goodness increases, which means a person’s health increases. Also during this period, hair was cut so that it would grow faster after that.

But on the waning moon, a person strives to get rid of everything bad, bad habits. During the waning moon, “general” cleaning of the house was carried out so that it was clean and the rubbish did not return. Conspiracies were also read during this lunar phase, against all sorts of illnesses and thinness.

It is also worth knowing that there were different rituals on the new moon and on the full moon; it was impossible to perform a certain ritual on the new moon and vice versa. And even on the new moon, in those distant times, as well as now, they made wishes for the future and started new things. It was believed that the new Moon helps in starting new things.

When the Moon was young, the person who saw her opened his wallet and asked her to replenish it. On the full moon, on the contrary, no one tried to resolve any issues, matters were not resolved during this period, no money was borrowed, it was believed that this was a time of dark power. During the full moon, no one left the house unnecessarily, neither young nor old.

Changes await you and me ahead, so we strongly recommend keeping the Lunar calendar with new moons of July for 2018, where you can learn about favorable and unfavorable days, monitor changes in lunar phases. Without a doubt, he is your everyday assistant and will be useful both to you personally and to loved ones, friends, relatives, because you will agree that all of us, to one degree or another, are under the direct influence of the Moon, namely the changes in its phases

Moreover, scientists have proven for quite a long time that our mood, like health and well-being, is subject to lunar influence. That is why it is so important to know what phase the Moon will be in today, tomorrow, or in the future, what you should prepare for, what you need to give up, so as not to encounter unnecessary problems, the consequences of which will require significant financial costs.

We hope that the lunar calendar we have proposed for the next 2018, with the phases of the Moon and new moon days in July, favorable and unfavorable days, will help you all get your bearings, which means that you can best build your schedule, rationally and safely distribute your time, and therefore protect yourself from unnecessary problems.

Lunar cycles, according to experts, have a special impact on people’s well-being and mood every day. Such observations were made a long time ago, and therefore there are many signs associated with the night celestial body.

Full moon, new moon, as well as waxing and waning moon - who among us has not heard such definitions by which we should navigate in various areas of life?

Let's find out what lunar cycles will be observed in July, and see how many favorable and unfavorable days there are for beginnings this month.

Lunar calendar for July 2018 - favorable and unfavorable days

Moon phases in July 2018

  • New moon in July 2018 - July 13, 2018 at 05 hours 47 minutes 56 seconds.
  • Full moon in July 2018 - July 27, 2018 at 23 hours 20 minutes 34 seconds.
  • First quarter in July 2018 - July 19, 2018 at 22 hours 52 minutes 25 seconds.
  • Last quarter in July 2018 - July 6, 2018 at 10 hours 50 minutes 50 seconds.
  • Waxing Moon in July 2018 - from July 14 to July 26, 2018.
  • Waning Moon in July 2018 - from July 1 to July 12 and from July 28 to July 31, 2018.
  • Moon at apogee: July 27 at 05:45.
  • Moon at perigee: July 13 at 08:30.
  • Solar eclipse in July 2018: July 13, 2018 at 06:02 am
  • Lunar eclipse in July 2018: July 27, 2018 at 23:22.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in July 2018

  • From July 2 1:56 to July 2 20:31
  • From July 4 12:47 to July 5 7:49
  • From July 7 10:09 to July 7 15:51
  • From July 9 19:09 to July 9 19:58
  • From July 10 23:00 to July 11 20:58
  • From July 13 5:48 to July 13 20:31
  • From July 15 2:11 to July 15 20:31
  • From July 17 13:49 to July 17 22:42
  • From July 19 22:52 to July 20 4:13
  • From July 22 12:18 to July 22 13:12
  • From July 24 11:22 to July 25 0:48
  • From July 26 16:41 to July 27 13:41
  • From July 29 12:25 to July 30 2:28

The influence of the moon on humans

The waxing phase of the Moon is the period that runs from the new moon to the full moon.

The waning phase of the moon is the period following the full moon.

During the waxing phase of the Moon, we react more emotionally to situations and phenomena in the world around us. During this period, energy accumulates, and therefore any kind of planning is favorable. From the new moon to the full moon it is good to start new things, make important decisions, conduct important negotiations, etc.

On the waning Moon, emotions, on the contrary, are inhibited, and our sensitivity and receptivity are reduced. At this time, it is favorable to properly spend accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. Both phases of the waxing and waning moon are further divided into two parts, with each of the four periods lasting about a week.

A new moon is a phase during which the moon is not visible at all in the sky due to the fact that it is in line with the Earth and the Sun. At this time, the moon “shows” us its dark side, which is not illuminated by the Sun. The new moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, and is often accompanied by headaches.

At the same time, fluid removal from the body and metabolism accelerates. During the new moon, many people experience mental disorders, phobias and manias appear. It is very undesirable at this time to start developing something new and meeting suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it affects a person in the same way as the changing cycles of the sun. Many astrologers are confident that there are points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

Full moon - what does it mean?

At this time we see the moon in full in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the moon, can affect people in different ways. Moreover, during this period the body furiously uses up its accumulated strength, Therussiantimes reports. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality may occur. Drinking alcohol can be dangerous.

At this time, the largest number of road accidents, man-made accidents and disasters occurs. It is better not to undergo surgery at this time. There is also no need to replant the plants at this time; it would be much better to start weeding them and loosening the soil.

A world without the moon

It’s hard for us to believe, but the most distant memories of humanity tell of the earth’s moonless sky. The ancient manuscripts of the ancient scientists Democritus and Anaxagoras, the legends of the Chibcha-Muisca Indians and highland Indians living in the Eastern Cordillera testify to the “early times when there was no moon yet.”

Aristotle, describing the Pelasgian tribes that inhabited Greek Arcadia before the Hellenes settled it, calls them proto-Selenites, which means “before the moon.”

Researchers suggest that the Earth was not always in our familiar solar system. Someone “drove” it here, and placed the Moon in such a way that it completely covered the disk of the Sun and never turned its back side towards us.

At all times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of the dark side of the Moon. Her images show two huge craters that look like giant rocket nozzles. Was it with their help that the satellite was pulled towards the Earth?

Alex Collier, a famous American contactee, confirms the version that the Moon is a spaceship-planet launched into Earth orbit 30,000 - 40,000 years ago, which is within human history.

Already in the times of ancient Greece, people became so accustomed to the constant presence of the Moon in the sky that even its short disappearance during the new moon caused them a mystical fear. It is no coincidence that a huge number of the most terrible crimes described in works of fiction were committed on moonless nights.

Partner news

The new moon, according to many astrologers, is a special state of the moon when, after its total eclipse, it begins to “be reborn”, becoming completely new and young. Many people try to follow the movements of the Moon and lunar cycles, as they can often help to look ahead and see the near future.

When will the New Moon be in July 2018: dates of rising and waning of the new Moon

The New Moon in July 2018 will be waiting for people on the 13th, and the Full Moon will be on July 27th. On such days, all people feel differently, some may feel bursts of energy and good activity, while other people may feel very depressed and unwilling to do anything on such days.

On July 23, the Sun will change its sign from Cancer to Leo. This state will call and awaken many people to completely reconsider their vector of movement along the axis of their lives. Many people will want a good dose of attention, advancement in life, publicity in many things. All people will become more active, even if they have not observed this before. During this period, many people will have energy for sports and public activities; creative projects and new beginnings will also progress well these days.

From July 24, Mercury will be in the sign of Leo. In connection with his arrival and “retromotion”, people will find it easy to study, communicate, various negotiations, discussions and commercial activities. From July 10, 2018, Venus will enter the sign of Virgo. For many people, this will have a good effect on appearance, financial affairs, and business issues. For many, this period will be a period of honesty and justice.

When is the New Moon in July 2018: how the new Moon affects a person and what to do on the New Moon

The month of July for many people will seem important and significant in their lives and will bring many different changes there. He will also point out those areas and aspects in life where you need to sort things out. During the new moon, people should “clean up their tails”, finish things they have already started, remove unnecessary connections and unpleasant people from their lives. It is also worth removing destructive habits and relationships so that they do not drag life back in the new lunar month.

On the New Moon, you also need to set new goals and plans for yourself, remember and write down new intentions. Physically, productivity and energy levels may also decrease during this difficult period. During the New Moon period, people should strive for spiritual insight, transformation and transfiguration; they should free themselves and their souls from any debts and difficult conditions. You need to strive for new discoveries and knowledge in order to feel strength not only with the advent of the New Moon, but also without it.