Voivode's dream on the Volga summary. Volga river

A DREAM ON THE VOLGA - opera by A. Arensky in 4 d. (7 k.), libretto by the composer based on the drama by A. Ostrovsky “The Voevoda” (“Dream on the Volga”). Premiere: Moscow, Bolshoi Theater, December 21, 1890, conducted by the author.

Ostrovsky's play exists in two author's editions, which differ significantly ideologically. In the 2nd, social-critical motives are weakened and replaced by ethical-religious ones. Arensky's opera is based on the 1st edition; the libretto reproduces the sequence of action and Ostrovsky's poems, only the necessary cuts are made (in particular, the prologue and the scene of the meeting of the fugitives with the hermit are excluded). A major event in the artistic life of Russia was the production of Ostrovsky’s “The Voevoda” on the stage of the Maly Theater in 1886, which undoubtedly stimulated the composer’s work on the opera. Although the events of the drama date back to the 17th century, its theme - the omnipotence of the governor oppressing the people, the growth of protest and anger - could not but sound sharply modern in the 80-90s. XIX century True, Arensky somewhat softened the social-critical sound of the text.

Voivode Nechai Shalygin, a rapist and robber, arouses the fierce hatred of the people. He took the wife of the townsman Dubrovin, ruined others, and threw him into prison. The voluptuous governor captures the bride of the nobleman Stepan Bastryukov. With the help of Dubrovin, Bastryukov tries to free the girl, but Shalygin manages to detain the fugitives. The reprisal is close, but the royal messenger reports that the governor’s lawlessness has become known in Moscow and he has been deprived of power.

Arensky's music continues the traditions of Russian opera; it is closest to Tchaikovsky's "The Enchantress", although it is inferior to it in strength and expressiveness. The melody of the opera is clear, sincere, the genre and everyday episodes are interesting, but overall the music lacks drama. The most powerful scenes were the scenes of the brownie and especially the dream of the governor, as well as the lullaby of an old peasant woman over the unsteadiness of a child, clearly expressing the suffering of disadvantaged people. The author used authentic folk songs and carefully followed their intonation structure in his own themes. The freshness of the melody, the mastery of orchestration, the skillful use of techniques developed by Russian composers - all this determined the merits of the opera. Tchaikovsky liked the work. He wrote to his brother on January 11, 1891: “Yesterday I went to Moscow to listen to Arensky’s “Dream on the Volga.” A wonderful opera! Some scenes are so good that I was truly shocked to tears. Especially the dream scene is amazing. I just wrote to Vsevolozhsky (director Imperial Theaters. - A.G.) warm recommendation of this opera for St. Petersburg.”

The recommendation didn't help. The stage fate of “Dream on the Volga” was unfavorable. After Moscow, the opera was staged in St. Petersburg, on stage People's House(1903), but was not successful and was not staged again. Only on the concert stage are arias from it occasionally heard - in particular, Marya Vlasyevna’s song “Nightingale”.

Characters: Nechai Shalygin, governor (baritone); Vlas the Hefty, Bogatyr of the Posad (baritone); Nastasya, his wife (mezzo-soprano); Marya Vlasevna, Praskovya Vlasevna, their daughters (soprano); Stepan Bastryukov (tenor); Frisky, servant (bass); Roman Dubrovin, fugitive townsman (bass): Olena, his wife (mezzo-soprano); Nedviga, nanny (contralto); Mizgir, sorcerer (baritone); Hermit (bass); Brownie (bass); Old Woman (contralto); Forfeit, servant (bass); Big Boyar (bass); Jester (tenor), people, archers, servants, etc. Place of action - On the Volga, 17th century.

Act one. Scene one. Garden of Posadsky Hefty. Marya and Praskovya Vlasevna, daughters of Vlas the Hefty, listen to the songs of the girls. Marya Vlasyevna tells a fairy tale about a girl in a mansion and her sweet friend, who is actually the boyar son of Bastryukov, her lover. He secretly sneaks into the garden, intending to kidnap Marya if she is not married to him in good faith. The voivode, Praskovya's fiancé, a passionate and headstrong old man, overheard the conversation between Bastryukov and his servant Rezvoy and reveals their plan to the girl's father. Marya's father orders the girl to be locked in the mansion until the wedding.

Scene two. Bastryukov's house. Rezvyi advises his distressed owner to seek help from the fugitive townsman Dubrovin, the enemy of the governor, since the latter stole his wife Olena from Dubrovin. Dubrovin proposes to send the governor away on pilgrimage with the help of the sorcerer Mizgir, and in the meantime, steal the women from the tower. Bastryukov, delighted with the successful plan, starts having fun and dancing.

Act two. Scene one. Svetlitsa in the governor's house. The governor tells the servants to obey Marya Vlasyevna and keep an eye on her. Olena reproaches the governor for violence and threatens God's punishment. The sorcerer Mizgir, the governor’s permanent adviser, sends him on a pilgrimage and charms honey, which should bewitch Marya’s heart to the governor. Scene two. Forest gorge near the monastery. Dubrovin tells the hermit about his misfortunes and asks for his blessing to fight the almighty commander.

Act three. Scene one. The servant girls are trying to cheer up Marya Vlasyevna with songs and dances. Marya is in a gloomy mood, immersed in memories of Bastryukov. Olena secretly informs her about the plan of Bastryukov and Dubrovin. To entertain those present, Nanny Nedviga begins a sleepy song, everyone falls asleep. A brownie appears on the stove, admires the sleeping Marya and, for the sake of fun, knocks a shlyk off the nanny Nedviga.

Act four. Picture one. A village hut, an old woman rocks a cradle and sings a sad song. The governor, who stopped at her place on a pilgrimage, sees two scary dreams. The first dream is that a petition was filed against him to the great boyar and another governor is taken in his place. The second dream is about how Bastryukov kidnaps Marya Vlasyevna from him. The governor jumps up from his sleep and hurries the servants home. Picture two. The governor's garden, Marya and Bastryukov, Olena and Dubrovin got ready to flee. But the lovers are suddenly overtaken by the governor and his servants. He rushes at Marya with a knife, but suddenly a new governor, appointed boyar, appears. The people praise providence and the new governor, who has come to displace the old rogue.

Opera in four acts. Libretto based on Alexander Ostrovsky’s comedy “The Voevoda”. Music . First staged in 1890 in Moscow.

Nechai Shalygin, voivode baritone
Power Dyuzhoy, bogatyr posadsky baritone
Nastasya, his wife mezzo-soprano
Marya Vlasevna their daughters soprano
Praskovya Vlasevna soprano
Stepan Bastryukov tenor
Frisky, his servant tenor
Roman Dubrovin, fugitive townsman bass
Olena, his wife mezzo-soprano
Nedviga, nanny contralto
Mizgir, sorcerer baritone
Hermit bass
Brownie bass
Old woman contralto
Forfeit, servant bass
Great Boyar bass
Jester tenor
People, archers, servants, etc.
Location: on the Volga

Time - XVII century.

Act one.

Scene one. Garden of Posadsky Dyuzhoy. Marya and Praskovya Vlasyevna, daughters of the townsman Vlas Dyuzhy, listen to the songs of the girls. Marya Vlasyevna tells a fairy tale about a girl in a mansion and her sweet friend. This friend is the boyar son of the Bastryukovs, who secretly sneaks into the garden, planning to kidnap Marya if she is not given in good marriage. The voivode, Praskovya's fiancé, a passionate and headstrong old man, seeing Marya Vlasyevna, asks for her hand. The plan of Bastryukov and Rezvoy, his servant, to kidnap the girl, was overheard and failed. Marya's father orders the bride to be locked in his house until the wedding.

Scene two. Canopy in Bastryukov's house. Rezvyi advises the saddened Bastryukov to turn for help to the fugitive townsman Dubrovin, the enemy of the governor, from whom the latter stole his wife Olena. Dubrovin proposes to send the governor away on a pilgrimage with the help of the sorcerer Mizgir, and in the meantime kidnap the women. Bastryukov, overjoyed, starts a feast with songs.

Act two.

Scene one. Svetlitsa in the governor's house. The voivode orders the servants to obey his bride, Marya Vlasyevna, and protect her. Olena reproaches him for violence and threatens God's judgment. The sorcerer Mizgir, the governor’s permanent adviser, sends him on a pilgrimage and charms honey, which should bewitch Marya’s heart to the governor.

Scene two. Wooded gorge, monastery in the distance. Dubrovin tells the hermit about his misfortunes and asks for blessings to fight the almighty commander.

Act three.

Tower in the governor's house. Sennaya girls amuse Marya Vlasyevna with song and dance. Marya is in a gloomy mood, remembering Bastryukov. Olena secretly informs her about the plan of Bastryukov and Dubrovin. Nanny Nedviga, for the entertainment of those present, begins a fairy tale through a dream that puts everyone to sleep. A brownie appears on the stove, admires Marya Vlasyevna and, out of boredom, knocks a shlyk off Nedviga.

Act four.

Scene one. Village hut. The old woman rocks her cradle and sings a sad song. The governor, who stopped at her place on a pilgrimage, sees two terrible dreams: that a petition was filed against him to the great boyar, who appoints a new governor in his place, and that Bastryukov kidnaps Marya Vlasyevna from him. He jumps up from his sleep and hurries the servants home.

Scene two. Voivode's Garden. Marya and Bastryukov, Olena and Dubrovin were just about to flee when they were all overtaken by the governor and his servants. He rushes at Marya Vlasyevna with a knife, but she is saved by the appearance of a new governor and his retinue. The people praise providence and the one who came to remove the old governor.

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy, satisfaction with the course of one’s life.

The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life.

If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future.

Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death.

A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure.

If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future.

A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also portends danger, illness or prolonged trial.

It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started.

Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be.

If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail.

Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits.

If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then you will find Lucky case. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money.

Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles.

If you dream that there is a leak in your house calm river with clean and clear water, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny.

If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

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A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream about the Volga” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

To accurately determine the meaning of the dream in which Volga dreams, you will need to refer to the lexical meaning of the word Volga:

(ancient - Ra, in the Middle Ages - Itil), a river in the European part Russian Federation, the largest in Europe. 3530 km, basin area 1360 thousand km2. The beginning is on the Valdai Elevation, flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta (area 19 thousand km2). The average water flow near the city of Volgograd is 724 m3/s, at the mouth - 7710 m3/s. Volga receives approx. 200 tributaries, the largest are the Kama and Oka. Due to the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations with reservoirs, the flow of the Volga is highly regulated. The largest hydroelectric power stations are Volzhskaya (Kuibyshevskaya), Volzhskaya (Volgogradskaya), Cheboksary. Regular shipping from Rzhev (3256 km). The Volga is connected to the Baltic Sea by the Volga-Baltic waterway, to the White Sea by the North Dvina water system and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, to the Azov and Black Seas by the Volga-Don Shipping Canal, and to Moscow by the Canal named after. Moscow. On the Volga there are large cities Tver, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan. In the bass. Volga nature reserves: Volzhsko-Kama, Zhigulevsky, Astrakhan; natural national park Samara Luka. As a result of anthropogenic impacts, the environmental situation has sharply deteriorated; a search is underway for scientifically based ways to restore the natural complexes of the Volga.

As the basis for the interpretation of the dream in which the Volga is dreamed, we took the most popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus’s dream book, Freud’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream books, Aesop’s dream book, Veles, Tsvetkov’s dream book, Loff, Hasse, Azar, Wanderer, Solomon, Martyn Zadeki, and also a few less famous dream books.
According to the above dream books, a dream about the Volga means that in the coming days you will need the ability to relax and not pay attention to irritants, especially small ones. It is better to avoid ill-wishers, try not to say too much and not do anything that could compromise you or interpret you in an ambiguous way.
The meaning of a dream in which Volga is present can mean unsuccessful efforts and quarrels, but if you try not to enter into conflict, then in a few days you will receive an unexpected reward for your patience.

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Why do you dream of a black car? The dream book explains: in order to realize your plans, in reality you will have to make significant efforts. Having seen her in a dream, you need to carefully analyze the accompanying details. What matters is how you dreamed about the car, its condition, make, whether you saw it from the outside or drove it yourself.

General value

Seeing a black car in a dream means you will have the opportunity to accomplish what you have planned in reality. But achieving your projects will likely require enormous effort. True, the result will most likely please you. Big car symbolizes the dreamer’s status, the place he occupies in society, and material well-being.

A dream about a jeep often foreshadows, according to the dream book, participation in some risky enterprise. Why do you dream of a black foreign car? Carefully planned things can easily be carried out, you just need to be more careful. Volga - your enemies can cause serious trouble.

If a woman dreams of a black car, she will have a pleasant trip. Get a new expensive car in a dark color - maybe there is a secret admirer. A dream that such a car has been stolen warns: it seems that a rival will soon appear who wants to take away her loved one. Moreover, she makes every effort to achieve this.

The dream book states: getting out of the vehicle means plans will be successfully implemented and will bring satisfaction. But if a black car hits you in a dream, all your plans will collapse.

How to dream about a black car

Why do you dream about buying new things? vehicle? In a dream this auspicious sign: there will be an opportunity to restore the previous good position. Sell ​​- indicates: unpleasant changes are expected. Expensive black car - good luck awaits you soon, especially when you are driving. The new one predicts success and fulfillment of desires. According to the dream book, buying a jeep means paying off debts.

If you dreamed that your vehicle was stolen, it means that plans on which the future would seriously depend would be thwarted. Since a car in a dream is often a symbol of material gain, its theft promises loss of money, unplanned expenses, and missed chances.

A broken vehicle means: an important business for the person who dreamed will be delayed, or the loss of a friend. You can interpret what a broken car means in a dream: good friend will need help. It also symbolizes difficulties on the personal front.

The dream book emphasizes: a car without brakes is a warning sign, a serious hint. It is likely that in reality you have lost control over events or it is impossible to slow down the development of the process you have started. Another interpretation of this image is that your position is not very strong.

If in a dream you saw from the outside that a big black car was in an accident, you may receive some benefit due to someone’s mistake. Break it yourself - expect unpleasant news. If you managed to avoid an accident, you will be able to cope with the difficulties that arise.

Go by car

According to the dream book, driving a car yourself means confidently managing the events of your life. When you dreamed that you were being driven by another person, it means that the state of your affairs greatly depends on someone. In general, driving a car in a dream foreshadows a new relationship, a possible marriage. In addition, it would be useful to restore relationships with people with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

Driving in a large black jeep portends: you can really achieve everything you set out to do. However, it is worth weighing all the circumstances and taking into account what the consequences may be.

Why do you dream of driving fast in a black car? The dream book advises you to pay attention: the speed of life is too high. You are probably in too much of a hurry to complete all your endeavors. It would be worth slowing down a little and letting events take their course. Under other circumstances, a moving vehicle in a dream is a favorable sign, since standing still can mean the suspension of important matters.

Anchor points:

  1. I dreamed about a foreign car
  2. Jeep in a dream
  3. Dream about Volga
  4. Black car at the house

I dreamed about a foreign car

Foreign car in a dream– you will bring to life all the ideas that you have been harboring for a long time. You managed to think through everything so well that their execution will be easy, and there will be no global problems you will not meet on your way. Ill-wishers will try to interfere with you, but you will be able to settle everything and their machinations will not seriously affect your studies and chosen path. Be attentive to the little things, you don't notice what's hidden under the shell.

Jeep in a dream

I dreamed about a jeep– if in a dream you see yourself as the owner of this car, it means your business is on the verge of collapse, a decline awaits you professional field. Unstable financial situation will force you to borrow money in order to be able to somehow correct the situation in which you find yourself. If the jeep is not yours, expect serious troubles and major losses. You will face a conflict with work colleagues who will not want to accept your ideas, although you consider them a win-win.

Dream about Volga

Dreamed Volga- all your ill-wishers and enemies are ready to unite to play a serious game against you. With their actions, they will destroy everything that you create and will be able to turn against you many people who until that moment treated you as a person neutrally, or even positively. They are opposed to you, for your own benefit you will find yourself “at the bottom”, and your enemies will improve their financial position and will celebrate the victory.

Black car at the house

I dreamed of a house with a black car parked outside it - to problems in my personal life. You try to control the destinies of all those people who are really dear to you, but in fact, you only make things worse. They are not happy with total control and mistrust on your part. Don't assume that you know better what they should do in a given situation. These are living people with their own emotions and a head on their shoulders, they are capable of thinking, reflecting and acting as the situation requires.

Go to main interpretation- why do you dream about a car?

Water symbolizes life. Covers physical and emotional aspects. Calm water in the lake means the same calm, but limited life, without stormy events, fateful moments, with familiar surroundings and furnishings. On an emotional level, it means complete calm, the absence of interesting exciting moments.

The movement of water means changes in life. Why do you dream a big wave?

Waves in a dream

A large wave of destructive nature brings a series of unpleasant fatal events, experiences and troubles. Dealing with them will not be so easy, but it cannot be avoided. Fear in a dream will be transferred to real life, and how it all ends depends on the ending of the situation seen in the dream.

  • For married couple- a series of big quarrels that arise unexpectedly and end in separation or divorce.
  • For a businessman - business losses.
  • For work - major checks, troubles.
  • For a public person - shame, hostility, fall.
  • For a child, such a dream promises problems with studies and collapse of hopes.

Big waves in a dream among the bright sunny day, which you observe with admiration, prophesy fateful moments in your life.

  • For unmarried girl or a guy - meeting your soulmate.
  • For a businessman this is a great prospect.
  • For a public person - recognition and honors, fame and success.
  • For the patient - recovery after a serious long-term illness.
  • For a child – successful passing of an exam, admission to a university.
  • In the intimate sphere - a test of great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation: huge wave in different bodies of water

Why do you dream about the sea and waves? What does this dream portend? Large waves at sea are quite normal. On a small lake, river or pool - it is surprising. In other words, something unusual will happen.

The sea means life “in scope”, without restrictions and obstacles. Free, free life, large internal supply of energy. For people who live near the sea, the dream will not be so fateful. It’s a different matter for those who have never seen him in reality or go on vacation once a year.

Why do you dream about a big wave? Such a dream prophesies serious changes in life. Emotional uplift, joy, pleasant surprise. Before making an important decision, a dream with a huge wave suggests that everything will go great, don’t worry, success is guaranteed.

Let's look further through the dream book. A huge wave on a lake or river foreshadows interesting events in life of a less extensive nature. This could be an interesting acquaintance, getting the desired job, a successfully completed task, a good grade in your studies. Fate will smile on something.

Suddenly appeared huge wave in the pool indicates that an event will happen in life that seems unreal. Fate has prepared a surprise for you.

But big waves do not always promise success and positive results.

A big wave hits

The approach of a large wave causes fear and anxiety for life. What to expect if she covered you in a dream? What does this dream mean? A big wave is covering - this dream warns that you will soon find yourself in difficult situation, from which it will be very difficult to get out. You will have to expend a lot of effort, show perseverance, courage and patience. Where to expect trouble?

You need to remember every fragment of the dream. It will definitely include relatives, children, husband, wife, colleagues, friends, bosses, and so on. That is, by the presence of one of them, you can determine where to expect problems.

How will it all end? Remember the end of the dream.

  • You managed to get out, stay dry - you will overcome difficulties and surprise yourself.
  • If you get out of the water, but all your clothes and hair are wet - you can solve the problems, but they will leave a serious mark on you later life. A sediment inside, disappointment.
  • The wave is chasing you, but you managed to escape from it - show cunning and dexterity (“you will come out unscathed”).

The longer you were underwater, the longer the period of trouble will be. We got out quickly - problems were solved in 1-2 days. If you've been floundering under the water for a long time, you'll have to work hard.

Big waves on the sea in the distance

Why do you dream about a big wave? There is such a situation that it is observed as if from the outside. The waves don't touch you physically, but they interest you emotionally.

This dream suggests that you will find yourself in a situation that will not directly affect you, but you will participate in it.

If it is pleasant sunny weather, beautiful waves, the events will be joyful. Perhaps you will be invited to a wedding, anniversary or other celebration.

Large waves destroy nearby buildings, carry away people - troubles among loved ones, relatives, friends or in a team. It could be a divorce of a brother or sister, an accident in a family of friends.

Dreaming of a huge wave

Why do you dream about a big wave? As you prepare for bed, you mentally review the information that is bothering you. For example, an upcoming transaction, an exam, moving to a new place of residence, important decision, large purchase. All this is programmed by the subconscious. In a dream you will receive information, an answer to a question that interests you. This dream may foretell the failure of your plans.

The most favorable dream with a huge wave

What else can the dream book tell us? The wave is huge, but you managed to ride it and move quickly along the sea? You can't imagine anything better! You will become the darling of fate. The situation will develop in such a way that everything will be decided without your participation, but in your favor. Enormous success, recognition, luck and happiness are guaranteed!

The dream is about:

  • long-awaited happy marriage;
  • meeting promising people or sponsors;
  • business development and making big profits;
  • overcoming a serious illness;
  • getting a well-paid job.

Everyone has dreams. Some remember them and try to interpret them, others do not attach any importance to them. But this does not change the result. The picture you see in a dream will definitely be transferred to real life. However, it should be remembered that a dream can foreshadow both an imminent event that will come true within 1-2 days, and “work” for the future. That is, it will be possible to assess its power within a month.

Pay special attention to your feelings. If you read in a dream book that your sleep is quite favorable, but anxiety does not go away, it means that something will go wrong.

Have a nice sleep! May you see a big wave more often in your dreams on a clear sunny day!