All God's dew. Even if they piss in their eyes, it’s all God’s dew. Spit in their eyes, God’s dew is the meaning.

“No one can usurp power in Russian Federation. Seizure of power or misappropriation of power is prosecuted under federal law.”

"Even if you piss in your eyes, that's all God's dew" is a well-known Russian proverb with two meanings. It is based on the superstitious custom of spitting against evil spirits and it is the Russian custom to spit for this purpose over the left shoulder, where, according to superstitious beliefs, the devil usually appears. The proverb refers to “God’s dew” as rain.

Main meaning: A person who does not feel a sense of shame will not be embarrassed even by clearly expressed contempt. It is about a person who does not pay attention to the censure, insults, ridicule expressed towards him and continues to behave as before.

Another meaning is about all of us: “About a naive, submissive person, ready for humiliation.”

That is, the arrogant fools in power can only rule over sheep that meekly go to be sheared before slaughter.

What does the coming day have in store for us: will we work until we die, or will the dead be able to retire and be or not be Russia...?


Recently there was information that Putin held a meeting on economic issues in the Kremlin. The impression can be described by this old Russian proverb, which says that a person who has no conscience and does not feel a sense of shame will not be embarrassed by anything, even by clearly expressed contempt.

I thought that Mutko was the “champion” here. The Russian national team at the Olympics in Vancouver received only 15 medals: three gold, five silver and seven bronze.

Mutko argued that 14 fourth places is an achievement no less than medals. Hence his unsinkability, he is flesh and blood - part of the entire deceitful management system with its “model leader” at its head.

Another, popularly known as a “burry schmuck”, unable to put two words together, sitting on finances, determined for himself the salary of 250 pensioners at 2 million rubles, brazenly and unscrupulously promises the whole country new life with 20% VAT, and for pensioners with a 1000 ruble annual supplement, already eaten up by a 4% allowance for housing and communal services, a decent life and travel around the world from 2019.

Well, the leader of this entire dishonest company, RF LLC, in his own way understands the well-known advice “a thought expressed is a lie” and distorts the already distorted reality: he lies at every opportunity, be it a crooked line or a government meeting or elections.

About the “dirty political technologies” of the president and his administration, or how the authorities are “breaking into the future”?

Those who have especially distinguished themselves in this deceitful and unscrupulous field receive high positions in power, and some hveroi hero of Russia, however, by a closed decree, like a “kinder surprise”.

It seems that our “servants of the people,” the main one of whom acquired the image of a “galley slave,” adopted from the biblical Jews all their techniques on how to behave with sincere and honest people.

Among these techniques there is one special one, KHUTZPA, חוצפה, the property of boundless arrogance, insolence, rudeness, and intolerance towards other people.

Khutzpah helped the Jews conquer such leading countries as America and Russia.

The Israelis themselves usually place chutzpah in first place among their distinctive features.

Among the Jews, chutzpah is considered positive quality, it is also encouraged in the criminal community and is considered commonplace ... among Russian officials.

And there is nothing strange about this. To spread deliberate lies about the country among the population, one must truly have an extreme degree of impudence. And the current “rulers” certainly have it.

At the same time, let me remind you of one more meaning of the proverb, about all of us fools and narrow-minded people: “About a naive, submissive person, ready to be humiliated.”

Sources: how Khutzpah rules Russia

“Jews, Jews, only Jews around”: is Russia a Russian state...

About the “dirty political technologies” of the president and his administration, or how the authorities are “breaking into the future”?

The only problem in Russia is that they are zombied by state propaganda and do not understand the danger of the current government for the country and its people.

Who rules the world and how, and what does Russia and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation have to do with it?

What does the coming day have in store for us: will we work until we die, or will the dead be able to retire and be or not be Russia...?


The President held a meeting on economic issues in the Kremlin

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, Chief of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, Presidential Aide Andrei Belousov, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin.

Today we will talk about topical issues socio-economic agenda, we will discuss additional proposals to stimulate business activity, improve the investment climate, as well as promote large infrastructure projects in the field of road construction, transport, communications, communications. And of course, we will consider the progress of work in the most important areas of socio-demographic policy.

Before we move on to the discussion, I would like to note that following the results of five months of this year, the macroeconomic situation in the country is generally stable. Positive trends are observed in key parameters.

Thus, the increase in industrial production in January–May amounted to 3.2 percent. Agriculture added 2.5 percent. Transport freight turnover increased by 3.1 percent.

Unemployment and inflation are at low levels, and real wages and incomes are rising.

At the same time, of course, in such cases we must always make a reservation that not all people feel this, we must know about it. But the statistics are exactly like this, and I hope they will be preserved so that as many of our citizens as possible feel the positive effect of the economy.

At the same time, it is obvious that systemic problems remain, difficulties associated with the structural features of our economy, with the influence of external factors, and current positive trends should certainly not reassure us.

There are serious challenges to be solved in terms of increasing citizens’ incomes, increasing the efficiency and targeting of social support, and much needs to be done to increase labor productivity, develop small and medium-sized businesses, and for the emergence of new high-tech industries in Russia.

In general, it is necessary to give additional incentive to the development of the domestic economy, to set a long-term trend to increase its sustainability and improve the quality of life of people. These tasks are reflected in the Decree on national goals and strategic objectives for the development of Russia until 2024. Let me remind you that by October 1 of this year, the provisions of the Decree must be expanded into specific national projects and programs. At the same time, I would like to emphasize once again that it is extremely important to establish interaction with the constituent entities of the Federation and ensure organizational and financial coordination of federal and regional programs.

Let's talk today about all these issues, let's talk about how we should move forward to solve all the above problems.

This old Russian proverb says that a person who has no conscience and does not feel a sense of shame will not be embarrassed by anything, even contempt clearly expressed to him.

The appearance of this proverb in the vocabulary of Russian people was apparently associated with the practice of communication between the people and “God’s servants” - the so-called priests. It would seem that it is nonsense to talk about the caste of “God’s chosen ones,” but I did not invent this proverb, and it was not born today, but many decades ago, while it has taken root in the consciousness of the Russian people, it seems, forever. So, we conclude: the Russian people had a reason to make up this proverb about “God’s dew” on the faces of “God’s servants.”

Yesterday I decided to conduct a small investigation to find out what reasons the Christian priests had for behaving so brazenly that people began to speak so derogatorily about them. And this is what I managed to understand.

It turns out that our “God’s servants”, who call themselves Christian priests, took from the biblical Jews not only their diabolical religion - the so-called “Old Testament”, but also adopted from the Jews all their techniques on how to behave with non-Jews.

Among these techniques, there is one particularly outstanding one. It's called KHUTZPAH. Khutzpa is the quality of extraordinary impudence, insolence, rudeness, and intolerance towards other people. In Yiddish this word is written as חוצפה .
Among the Jews, chutzpah is considered a positive quality, it is also encouraged in the criminal community and is considered commonplace ... among modern Christian clergy. This is such a squiggle... However, there is nothing strange about it. In order to spread deliberate lies about God among millions of people, in order to do something completely different from what the founder of Christianity, Christ the Savior, bequeathed to his followers to do, one must truly have an extreme degree of impudence. And today’s Christian priests certainly have it.

As you know, Jesus Christ came to the Jews to enlighten them with the light of Truth and, at the same time, to expose the Jews with a capital T in the monstrous lie erected against God, which is the only one in the Universe.

It turns out that from century to century the Jews forced the Jews to believe in a fabulous G-d, the image of which they themselves invented. These arrogant and deceitful people zombified the consciousness of Jews with the following statements. “You must not worship any god other than the Lord; because His name is Zealot; He is a jealous God" (Ex. 34:14). “Do not worship [foreign gods] or serve them; For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand [generations] of those who love Me and keep My commandments.”(Deuteronomy 5:9).

When Christ appeared on earth, he declared to the Jewish “legalists and scribes”, the interpreter of the Old Testament: “Your father is the devil and you want to do the lusts of your father.” (John 8:44).

Why did the Savior call the god of the Jews the devil?
Obviously, because only an incredible liar and deceiver could come up with such a religion as was given to the Jews.

There is and cannot be any host of Gods from which one must choose whom to worship and whom to serve. And God has no antipode, which is a zealot. Zealot means jealous, afraid that someone will not choose another idol. Of course, all this is a lie and nonsense of the mentally ill.

There is only one God who created everything that exists in the Universe. This God is the Holy Spirit, who is also the Heavenly Father - the Light of heaven and earth (the last words belong to another prophet - Muhammad).

This is how Christ explained it. “Listen, Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12:29). “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24).
To the question of the Jews: “Where does this Spirit dwell?” , Jesus answered: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16). “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33).

Do you see how different the descriptions of God were between the Jews and Christ?

The Jews assured the Jews that there are many Gods, they say, every nation has its own God, and if this is so, then the Jews should believe and worship only their G-d, whose name is “zealot.” I emphasize that this was the strictest requirement of the Jews - the Jews should worship only their G-d and his “God-given” law, written, of course, by the Jews. For failure to comply with this requirement, the punishment was the most severe - death. The Jews also punished with death those who tried to instill in the Jews faith in any other G-d than the one described in the Old Testament.

Essentially the crucifixion of Christ, who preached monotheism, was defined by this “criminal article” in Jewish legislation.
“If a prophet or a dreamer arises among you and presents you with a sign or a miracle, and the sign about which he spoke to you comes true and says: “Let us follow other gods whom you do not know and let us serve them” ... the prophet this one or that dreamer must be put to death because he persuaded you to depart from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt...”(Bible. Fifth book of Moses. Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

Shortly before his execution, Christ read a long prayer addressed to the Heavenly Father. Don't be lazy, friends, read it. This prayer clarifies all of the above well. Here she is.
“Father! The hour has come, glorify Your Son, that Your Son may also glorify You, since You have given Him power over all flesh, that He may give eternal life to all that You have given Him.
This is eternal life, that they may know You, one true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I glorified You on earth, I accomplished the work that You entrusted Me with. And now glorify Me, O Father, with You, with the glory that I had with You before the world was.
I have revealed Your name to the people whom You gave Me out of the world; They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. Now they have understood that everything that You have given Me is from You, for the words that You gave Me I gave to them, and they received and truly understood that I came from You, and believed that You sent Me.
I pray for them: I do not pray for the whole world, but for those whom You have given Me, because they are Yours. And everything Mine is Yours, and Yours is Mine; and I was glorified in them. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father! Keep them in Thy name, [those] whom Thou hast given Me, so that they may be one, just as We are. When I was at peace with them, I kept them in Your name; those whom You gave Me I have kept, and none of them perished except the son of perdition [Judah], so that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
Now I come to You, and I say this in the world, so that they may have My complete joy within themselves. I have given them Your word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from evil. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them with Your truth; Your word is truth.
As You sent Me into the world, [so] I sent them into the world. And for them I consecrate Myself, so that they too may be sanctified by the truth. I pray not only for them, but also for those who believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, [so] that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory that You gave Me, I have given them: that they may be one, even as We are one. I am in them, and You are in Me; that they may be perfected in one, and that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them as You loved Me.
Father! Those whom You have given Me, I want them to be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory, which You have given Me, because You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
Righteous Father! And the world did not know You; but I have known You, and these have known that You sent Me. And I revealed to them Your name And I will reveal that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them..."
(John 17:2-26).

Have you noticed, reader, to which God this prayer was addressed?!

Let me make one more important quote: “Jesus said to the chief priests [of the Jews] and the rulers of the temple and the elders who were assembled against Him, “As if you came out against a thief with swords and staves to take Me? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now is your time and the power of darkness.”(Luke 22:52-53).

How did it happen that all modern people who believe in Christ ended up using a book in which the Old Testament with its polytheism and the Lord of darkness - the devil- presented as an integral part of the Christian faith?

How did it happen that today the so-called Christian priests do they openly tell everyone that Jews (who have not converted to Christianity) and Christians believe in the same God?

How did it happen that yesterday’s murderers of Christ - the Jews - became today the best friends of our rulers?

There is only one way to explain this: the biblical “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” “scribes” and “legalists,” Jews with a capital J, have long united into a large international “pack” to little by little devour all other nations. And they don't care what we think about them. Their attitude towards us is the same KHUTSPAH - an extreme degree of impudence.

Seeing such an attitude towards themselves, the people laid down their ambassadorsitsu: “Even if they piss in their eyes, it’s all God’s dew”.

Here is an eloquent example of KHUTSPAH from ancient history.
There was a time when the Romans carved laws on stone slabs, among which was this: "Pereat mundus et fiat justitia" ("Justice must be done, even if the world perishes"). For people with high morals, this was considered the highest degree of justice, and they sought to live according to the law and conscience.
The writer Lion Feuchtwanger has an eloquent episode in one of his novels that tells that the Jews did not give a damn about human morality or anyone’s law.
“A small detachment of Romans was surrounded in Palestine by rebel Jews and surrendered on the condition that their lives would be spared and allowed to return to their homeland. As soon as the legionnaires surrendered their weapons, the rebels began to cut them with knives. The Romans did not resist - they only raised their hands up and repeated two words: “Treaty”, “Right”. The voices of the Romans became quieter and quieter, until finally the last prisoner fell, pierced by daggers.".

Has anything changed in the life and behavior of the Jews over the past centuries?
No, nothing has changed. They continue to act against all people in the same brazen, insidious and vile manner.

During the years of the revolution that they organized in Russia in 1917 and which they led, these biblical enemies of the human race acted in the same style characteristic of them.
This is how Tambov uprising researcher B.V. Sennikov in his book “The Tambov uprising of 1918-1921 and the de-peasantization of Russia of 1929-1933” describes the action of the Judeo-Bolshevik commissars, who used the force of Chinese mercenaries to fight the Russian peasantry. This incident occurred in a small village called Kozlovki.
“A “flying detachment” came there, whose task was to establish Soviet power and, as usual, to rob rural shops and a tea establishment. Having arrived at the place, the communists herded everyone to the church for a gathering. The commissar of this detachment in a pince-nez with a black beard, a seemingly kind uncle, groaning, climbed onto a cart with a machine gun and addressed the assembled peasants with a speech. He said that from now on they will now have Soviet power, from which they will get nothing but good, and therefore they will need to create a council of local residents. Then he asked the gathering to name him all the respected people. The peasants, having talked among themselves, decided that if there were good and respected people in this council, then let there be a council. And they began to name the names of all the respected people. When everyone had been named, the commissar, in a gentle voice, invited everyone named to go out to the cart. When everyone came out, the Chinese immediately surrounded them and, clicking the bolts of their rifles, began to push them back to the church wall. The command rang out and a rifle salvo sounded. A woman's heart-rending cry was heard among the people, and then all the other women began to scream. The men, shocked by what had happened, could not recover from such meanness of the commissar. It turned out that they handed over to him everyone they respected to death. The women were the first to rush at the Chinese and the rest of the detachments, and then the men came to their senses, grabbing shafts and stakes. Random shots rang out, but the mass of the people had already crushed the Red Guard. The commissioner rushed to the machine gun, but its belt was skewed. The brutalized people, taking away the rifles from the Chinese, beat them with shafts and stakes, trampling them under their feet amid howls and screams. In addition to those shot, several women and one four-year-old child were killed. Soon the entire detachment was destroyed by a brutal crowd, and the commissar, barely alive with his eyes knocked out, was dragged by the men to the sawmills for sawing wood and thrown onto them. Holding the head and legs of the commissar, who was screaming in pain, they sawed him in half with a cross-cutting saw. As the Russian proverb says: “What goes around comes around.”

This story is the clearest evidence that Jews trained in KHUTZPEh always and everywhere use it in practice as their most important weapon.

Professor Alan Dershowitz, who recently wrote the book “Khutzpah,” said in it that the Jews should be grateful only to the chutzpah for their dominance and predominance in the world.

There, Alan Dershowitz told how significantly the chutzpah helped the Jews in conquering America.

Is it any wonder that in a survey that took place in Israel in 1996, Israelis ranked khutzpah in first place among their distinctive features.

What conclusions can be drawn from all this?

Obviously they are.
Conclusion one: You can never trust a single word of the Jews! They will always deceive. For Jews there is no honor, no loyalty to their given word, no morality, there is only this or that self-interest and the desire to get what they want at any cost.
We read the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah: “Their tongue is a deadly arrow, it speaks insidiously; With their lips they speak kindly to their neighbors, but in their hearts they build bonds for him.” (Jer. 9:8).
We read Christ: “Beware of the scribes, who love to wear long robes and love greetings in public assemblies.” (Luke 20:46). “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them." (Matthew 7:15).

Conclusion two: all the great Jewish conquests and achievements in the world were made by them thanks to the chutzpah.

Conclusion three: looking at howthe world is heading into the abyss because of the Jewish influence on him, we have to admit how right Christ the Savior was when he said that there is only one way to be saved from this vile tribe - to burn all the villains entirely without any regret, just as weeds are burned in a field. Only after this the world will breathe calmly and rejoice in the peaceful sky above its head and the Sun. And until this is done, there will be no happiness on earth for the vast majority of people.

This is how Jesus Christ explained what people will have to do one day when they understand that Jewish insolence can no longer be tolerated and the time has come to cleanse the planet of terrible evil and lawlessness.
“...The field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age.: The Son of Man will send His angels, and from His kingdom they will gather all temptations and those who practice iniquity, and they will be cast into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; then the righteous will shine like the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”(Matthew 13:37-43).

I believe that the overwhelming number of so-called Christian priests who claim that Jews and Christians believe in one God, too, will not be able to escape the cleansing fire of Christ’s HARVEST.

THE BEST SUCKS - Even if you piss in your eyes, everything is God's dew...

"Body Licking-2010"

At the end of the year, the magazine "Vlast" holds a traditional competition for the best sycophantic sayings addressed to the president and prime minister.

Here are the statements of flatterers, arranged in random order.
You can choose those that seem most worthy of going down in history.

1. “We have someone to follow as an example. I’ll tell you that this example is our country’s leadership, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Dmitry Anatolyevich, who are really fashionable today, because they are very literate, because they are well versed in any topic and not only with them It’s interesting to talk, it’s interesting to listen to them, to remain silent, because you understand that you can make a mistake somewhere and then it will be a fatal mistake for you.”
Head of the Sochi Administration Anatoly Pakhomov on February 5 in an interview with the newspaper "Evening Sochi"

2. “My idol is Putin. He is both Chechen and Russian. And he gave us everything on this earth.”
The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov on September 6 in an interview with Ogonyok magazine

3. “He is already the president at 45, and I am still the governor at 48. It was hard for him, it was difficult to come to power after a very strong ruler. But he did not dilute power, but strengthened it and ensured continuity.”
Chairman of the Government of Khakassia Viktor Zimin on September 13 in an interview with Vlast

4. “Putin and Medvedev are a single whole, and they should not be separated. They work well together, we have never had such a level of management either in the USSR or in Russia.”
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property Dmitry Sablin on September 27 in an interview with Vlast

5. “They say that you can give everything for a night in Paris! But to spend a night in Paris, and even take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the presidency (Dmitry Medvedev - “Power”) - I don’t know what you can give for that!”
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin on March 2 at a press conference in Paris

6. “For me, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the sexiest in a gray suit, I like it when he pauses between words. Mesmerizing.”
Singer Zhanna Friske on September 28 in an interview with the portal

7. "Your words are music to my ears."
Musician Bono on August 24 at a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev in Sochi

8. “I am sure that not only me, but the vast majority of the inhabitants of Russia have every reason to ask God to bless you for everything that you have done and continue to do for the benefit of Russians... Every day and hour you do good to many people, you save hundreds and thousands worlds... And, as the traditional Jewish blessing says, live to be 120 years old!"
Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar on October 7, congratulating Vladimir Putin on his birthday

9 . “You, like no one else, have already experienced the burden and responsibility of the first leader of our state, but, responding to the challenges of the time, you continue to selflessly work for the good of the country... The Lord has generously endowed you with the talents of a reasonable leader and creative organizer, which you use to create and strengthen economic potential of our country."
Chairman of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists Alexey Smirnov on October 7 in congratulations to Vladimir Putin

10. “It was Putin who gave me the title and paid attention to me. I have always admired him. I also like Medvedev: a fashionable, strong, charming leader who thinks about his state. In general, now it is very difficult to choose one of this beautiful tandem. If I had my way “I would appoint two.”
Singer Boris Moiseev on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

11 . “Thanks to the wise policy of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Russia is simply doomed to success.”
Governor of the Lipetsk region Oleg Korolev on February 1 at a meeting with journalists from the Lipetsk newspaper

12. "Putin and Medvedev are the super values ​​of our state."
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations Sergei Markov on March 1 in an interview with Vlast

13. “A person who eats more than he needs is robbing the country and Putin in particular. Putin can do everything, but he cannot lose weight for an individual.”
Head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko on July 29 at the Seliger-2010 forum

14. "In two years, Medvedev has not made a single mistake."
Vice Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

15. “Dmitry Anatolyevich, as they say, hit the nail on the head. He (Sergei Sobyanin - “Vlast”) has something that we, the rulers of Moscow, do not have - colossal experience in a public school...”
Acting Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin on October 16, commenting on the expected appointment of Sergei Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow

16. “The fact that Putin calls me Lenya certainly flatters me, and the fact that I call him Vladimir Vladimirovich expresses my respect for him.”
Actor Leonid Yarmolnik on June 10 in an interview with the Trud-7 newspaper

17. “Of course, I love Putin, he has charisma... When I meet Putin, it’s just friendship. And maybe that’s why he likes to spend time with me. I don’t talk to him about politics, I don’t talk about business, everything is at the level of “I’m happy to be with you.”
Actor Jean-Claude Van Damme on September 7 in an interview with the Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya

18. “For me, both of them (Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev - “Power”) are desirable leaders, and I cannot give preference to one of them.”
Rector of the Russian State Trade and Economic University Sergei Baburin on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

"From modern politicians smart person I think Medvedev. This is a very conscientious intellectual. Russia is simply lucky to have a president."
Human rights activist Grigory Akhtyrko on May 24 in an interview with the Saratov newspaper “Vremya”

20. “Providence decided that during the most difficult period of our history, Putin was at the helm. And no matter how one views him, today it is he who is keeping the country from chaos. That is why he should not leave. That is why Putin must stay.”
Writer, publicist Nikolai Starikov on March 16 in his blog

21. “The meeting with the Prime Minister can be called the most important in my life. I sat side by side with Vladimir Putin, imbued with his strong aura.”
Captain of FC Tom, goalkeeper Sergei Pareiko on May 29 in an interview with

22. “I believe in Russia. Look at the tadpoles at the helm - Putin alone is worth it. And Medvedev is a handsome man. What a whale he left - Luzhkov. Well done!”
Sales worker Elizaveta Gorchakova on October 5 in an interview with the Ivanovo-Press newspaper

23. “By the way, I am impressed by the image of Putin. When he was re-elected to the presidential post, I went to Vykhino, where I have not lived for a long time, but am still registered in order to vote for him. Purely outwardly, I am interested in our Prime Minister. I would I was happy to make a group in which Putin would be the frontman."
Producer Igor Matvienko on January 28 in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper

"The number one personality on the globe"
MAGAZINE "Vlast" recalls the winners of the competition for the best flatterers of last year.

1ST PLACE (18,58%)

“For me, Putin is not only more significant (President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko - “Power”), he is the number one personality on the globe. I believe that he is the cornerstone of all problems on the planet.”
Artist Mikhail Boyarsky on October 12 in an interview with Vlast

2nd PLACE (11,38%)

"Our Motherland Russia
Uncle Putin ruled.
"To be a great and strong country" -
He once dreamed.

But what about without kids?
We don't have enough of them!
He read a lot of books
And he issued an order to the country:

"A child for every mother?!"
That’s not enough!.. You need two!”
And now in my native land
Children suddenly appeared.

There are many of them... They are beautiful.
Like flowers, here and there.
Kids are now in Russia
They're called PUTINYATS!"
From the book of poetess Irina Konnova “Putinyata”, published in October by the Saratov publishing house “Scientific Book”

3rd PLACE (7,69%)

"The only thing Putin lacks is being a Chechen. Everyone else good qualities he has it."
President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov on October 7 after the races at the hippodrome in Gudermes

4TH PLACE (7,51%)

“When people ask me how I feel about the ruling party, I say: where Putin is, everything is fine. I believe that it is not necessary to be a member of the party, but since Putin went there, I am there with all my heart.”
Musician Yuri Bashmet on April 22 in an interview with the newspaper "Evening Moscow"

5TH PLACE (7,03%)

“Medvedev’s message is very patriotic. “Russia, go ahead!” is said brilliantly. Perhaps in 100 years, Putin and Medvedev will be called great reformers who raised the country from its knees, along with Peter I.”
Senior investigator of the department of organization of inquiry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia Alexander Zakharov on November 17 in an interview with the newspaper "Capital S" (Saransk)

It is disapproving of an indifferent, stubborn person who does not take into account the opinions of others, who is difficult to convince even with obvious facts.

  • - about belated help Wed. Let’s wait a little longer, darling... maybe the Lord will not leave us either... “You see, Petrusha, as long as the sun rises, the evil dew will eat away your eyes.” Dahl. Parsley with Parasha...
  • - Until the sun rises, and the dew of the eyes shows belated help. Wed. Let’s wait a little longer, darling... maybe the Lord will not leave us either... “You see, Petrusha, as long as the sun rises, the evil dew will eat away your eyes”...
  • - Wed. There are scoundrels who get beaten, and everyone spits in their faces; But, humiliated, they hide their days in darkness. And you are spat upon, you are beaten, But you still maintain your proud appearance. M.Yu. Lermontov. A.A. F.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • “Even if you spit in your eyes, it’s still God’s dew.” Wed. There are scoundrels who get beaten, and everyone spits in their faces...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Everything is GOD'S DEW to whom. Razg. Express Nothing worries anyone. “Mitrofan, whatever you say, is a unique guy, he’s one of those to whom everything is God’s dew,” he dried himself off and left. Mitrofan didn’t seem to hear the hostess’s irritation...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - See RANKS -...
  • - See GOD -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Even spit in your eyes - and it’s God’s dew. See Grief -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See BEGINNING -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. Even spit in his eyes, but he says: God's...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - to whom. People's Disapproved About an unscrupulous, arrogant man. DP, 307; POS 6, 173; SPS, 198; Podyukov 1989, 42, 170; FSS, 131...
  • - to whom. Razg. Iron. Smb. cares absolutely nothing, everything to smb. indifferent. /i> The expression is formed by truncation of the saying spit in his eyes, he is God's dew. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 290...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Vulg.-simple. Joking-iron. or Contempt. About a naive, submissive person, ready to be humiliated. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 103...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - God's tear, purified...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"Piss in his eyes, and he is God's dew" in books

Chapter VIII Eyes of Flesh, Eyes of Fire

From the book The Origins of Counterculture author Roshak Theodor

Chapter VIII Eyes of Flesh, Eyes of Flame “How,” they will ask, “when the Sun rises, don’t you see a round disk of fire, somewhat similar to the Guinea?” Oh no, no, I see Countless hosts of Paradise angels, crying: “Holy, holy art thou, Lord God Almighty.” William Blake What

Face to face, eye to eye

From the book Who Took the Reichstag. Default heroes... author Yamskoy Nikolay Petrovich

Face to face, eye to eye, Shatilov was, of course, puzzled by this turn of events. But he was not going to deviate from his version. Coming out first to the podium, he assertively outlined the main thing in his speech: the storming of the German parliament building on the afternoon of 04/30/45 was successful, and at 14:25

From the book Heart Burns author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) The operation lasted more than an hour. Gentle... In fact, the operating table reminded me of a couch at home with a soft headrest - lie down, drive away fatigue, just don’t fall asleep. And the surgical instruments didn’t seem to touch

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Heart Burns author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) I still shudder, remembering the syringe needle before my eyes. After a series of injections, the duality of objects disappeared. Instead of ten fingers on one hand, I began to see five again. Another concern was the reduction in the field of vision. Reason -

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Heart Burns author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) ...A year has passed. And suddenly a telegram from the skeet shooting club in Balashikha - here nearby, near Moscow: “To Sergeyev... Telegraph your consent to leave the Azov Plavni.” It was my hunter friends who reminded me of themselves. I replied: “No

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Heart Burns author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) - Is it possible to believe that an artificial lens is more transparent than a natural one? - Yes... When constructing a person, nature did not have such perfect materials as our science has today. After all, transparency

EYES, EYES... (End of the first chapter)

From the book Heart Burns author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (End of the first chapter) The sky above the city resembled a torn shirt with bloody stains, and the city itself, spread out along the banks of the Volga for tens of kilometers, was spewing out red strands of flame. The explosion of high-explosive bombs delivered here by the Junkers armada and

From the book All the best methods of raising children in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others author Team of authors

Look into the eyes “Look into the eyes when they talk to you!” This requirement of parents is not without common sense. A “well-mannered” child always looks at his interlocutor. The pupil, that small circle in the middle of the eye, allows light to reach the retina.

Chapter 3 Blue eyes, brown eyes

From the book Goering, Goering's brother. The Untold Story of a Righteous Man author Burke William Hastings

Chapter 3 Blue eyes, brown eyes Early in the morning, in the bitter cold, I wait for Dustin, an American friend who, being a stranger in his homeland, has been enjoying his self-imposed European exile for ten years. Having a better command of German, he agreed

General discussion about the main conditions of the eye and its inflammation. Anatomy of the eye.

From the book The Canon of Medical Science author Ibn Sina Abu Ali

General discussion about the basic conditions of the eye and its inflammation Anatomy of the eye We say: the visual force and matter of the optic pneuma penetrates the eye along the path of both hollow nerves, which you have already become familiar with in anatomy. As the nerves and membranes that come with them

Exercise 2. Practicing eye-to-eye gaze

From the book How to cure yourself and your loved ones without drugs and doctors. Bioenio for dummies author Nord Nikolay Ivanovich

Exercise 2. Practicing eye-to-eye gaze It is advisable to do this exercise in the morning, when the brain is not yet loaded with anything. Sit in a chair half a meter from the mirror. Draw a spot the size of a penny or some other mark on the bridge of your nose with paint or lipstick.


From the book Russian roll, or the Book of small forms [Games in paradigms (collection)] author Gubin Dmitry Markovich

GOD'S DEW IN THE EYES OF THEMIS It's a coincidence, but in those days when the name of YUKOS vice-president Aleksanyan became known to the public, I was finishing reading “Plant and it will grow” by Andrei Rubanov. When the progressive part of the public was indignant that a terminally ill person was not being released


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 198 (37 1997) author Zavtra Newspaper

GOD'S DEW [RUSSIA] M. Mamikonyan August 5 - Chechnya demanded that Russia pay compensation for the war - 25 billion 800 million dollars. August 19 - A. Maskhadov’s visit to Moscow. Chechnya insists on diplomatic relations. Yeltsin intends to discuss “independence, or whatever it is called

19. Your dead will live, your dead bodies will rise! Rise up and rejoice, you cast down in the dust: for Your dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will cast out the dead.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

19. Your dead will live, your dead bodies will rise! Rise up and rejoice, you cast down in the dust: for Your dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will cast out the dead. Your dead will live, your dead bodies will rise! These words, at first glance, contradict the initial words of the 14th

5. Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

5. Hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Luke 6:42). First of all, the word “hypocrite” attracts attention. It gives some interpreters reason to assume that the Savior here returns to His former speech

From Homer's Unsaid

Obviousness is the favorite hobby of the blind... "

The Russian proverb “Even if you piss in his eyes, he says it’s all God’s dew” is indisputable proof that evidence, as such, in principle, does not exist... "

You won't find any obvious evidence today..."
From the Unsaid by Diogenes


Semantic properties

book abstract noun to obvious

Certainty, indisputability, clarity of something for someone

He had a white handkerchief in his hand - the agreed signal; he even waved it slightly in the air to make it more obvious: Vatazhko was excited and too young to act with the composure of an experienced conspirator. S. M. Stepnyak-Kravchinsky, “Andrey Kozhukhov”, 1898

All the collected, carefully verified facts indicated with absolute certainty that “Raskin” was Azef. Gul, “Azef”, 1958 (quote from the National Corpus of the Russian Language, see References)

Fascinated by the evidence, they were only interested in what happened in the taiga after the explosion, and none of them tried to find out what happened there before. Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky, “Monday begins on Saturday”, 1964

This is not an argument, no, you cannot argue with the obvious. B. L. Vasiliev, “They were and were not”, 1988

Synonyms: certainty, indisputability, clarity

Antonyms: partial: doubt

Hypernyms: clarity

Even spit in your eyes - and that’s God’s dew

From Wiktionary

Type and syntactic properties of the combination
Stable combination (proverb). Used as.

Semantic properties

About shamelessness, people without conscience and honor; also about fools and stupidity

Even if you spit in his eyes, he says: God’s dew.

However, it seems that Kozlov, who has been through the fires and waters of financial games, doesn’t even spit in his eyes - everything is God’s dew.

Even if you spit in a fool’s eye, he’ll say: it’s God’s dew.
Synonyms: partial: like peas against a wall

Hypernyms: reproach

Dictionary of synonyms

God's dew Translation

God's Tear, purified vodka

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

God's dew
noun, number of synonyms: 2
vodka (162)
peeled (5)

ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013.

Synonyms: vodka, purified

Mother of God tear of God See also in other dictionaries:

God's dew sprinkles God's soil. - God's dew sprinkles God's soil. See GOD FAITH... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Even if you spit in his eyes, he says: God’s dew. - Even if you spit in your eyes, it’s God’s dew. Even if you spit in his eyes, he says: God’s dew. See CONSOLIATION... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

All God's dew - All God's dew to whom. Razg. Express Nothing worries anyone. Mitrofan, whatever you say, is a unique man, he is one of those to whom everything is God’s dew,... ...Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Even if you spit in your eyes, it’s God’s dew. Even if you spit in your eyes, it’s God’s dew. Wed. There are scoundrels who are beaten, who get hit in the face; spit; But, humiliated, they are in the darkness; hide their days. And you are spat upon, you are beaten, But you still maintain your proud appearance. M. Yu. Lermontov. A.A.
Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Even spit in your eyes - and that’s God’s dew. - see. Even spit in his eyes, but he says: God's dew... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Master's mercy - God's dew. - Lord's mercy God's dew. See CLASS RANKS... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Even if you spit in a fool’s eye, he’ll say: it’s God’s dew. - Even if you spit in a fool’s eye, he’ll say: it’s God’s dew. See MIND IS STUPIDITY... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

At least spit in his eyes: everything is God’s dew to him. - At least spit in his eyes: everything is God's dew to him. See MAN... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

All God's dew - to whom. Razg. Iron. Who l. doesn't care about anything at all, everyone cares. indifferent. / The expression is formed by truncation of the saying spit (piss / piss) in his eyes, [and] he [will say] God’s dew. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 290 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Even spit in your eyes, and it’s God’s dew - Wed. There are scoundrels who get beaten, and everyone spits in their faces; But, humiliated, they hide their days in darkness. And you are spat upon, you are beaten, But you still maintain your proud appearance. M.Yu. Lermontov. A.A.


Merkel: Russia's participation in the Ukrainian conflict is obvious

Russia's direct involvement in the Ukrainian conflict is "very, very obvious."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated this in an interview with the German radio station rbb-Inforadio, writes Deutsche Welle.

According to her, Russia’s actions cannot be left without consequences, and sanctions are the only means of putting pressure on Moscow.

However, the German government has no doubt that the conflict cannot be resolved by military means, Merkel said.

The German Chancellor expresses confidence that sanctions are the only way to influence Russia, which provides support to the separatists in Ukraine.

But when introducing them, it is necessary to make it clear: as soon as the situation returns to normal, the penalties will be canceled, the head of the German government emphasized.

Despite NATO's plans to create new rapid reaction forces, the German Chancellor does not intend to increase the budget of the German Defense Ministry.

According to her, additional financial resources will appear in the Ministry of Defense after the withdrawal of the Bundeswehr from Afghanistan.

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent

Ob·vi·ous adjective: easy to see or notice

: easy for the mind to understand or recognize

Full Definition of OBVIOUS:

1 archaic: being in the way or in front
2: easily discovered, seen, or understood

Ob·vi·ous·ness noun

Examples of OBVIOUS:

Her doctor immediately noticed the obvious signs of the disease.
She saw only the most obvious differences.
It was obvious that things weren't working out.
The answer seems obvious enough to me.
The problem was immediately obvious to everyone in the room.
He was the obvious candidate for president.
The obvious question is: how did he become so successful?
For obvious reasons, I would not like to reveal my name.

Origin of OBVIOUS
Latin obvius, from obviam in the way, from ob in the way of + viam, accusative of via way - more at ob-, via
First Known Use: 1603

Related to OBVIOUS

apparent, bald, bald-faced, barefaced, bright-line, broad, clear-cut, crystal clear, decided, distinct, evident, lucid, luculent, luminous, manifest, nonambiguous, clear, open-and-shut, palpable, patent , pellucid, perspicuous, plain, ringing, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable

Ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic (also enigmatical), equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure, unapparent, unclarified, unclear, unclouded


Obvious (adj)
klar ersichtlich
auf der Hand liegend
nahe liegend
blatantly obvious (adj)
It's obvious.
Es spring in Auge.
more obvious (adj)
most obvious (adj)
painfully obvious (adj)
nur zu offensichtlich
patently obvious (adj)
voellig offensichtlich
That's obvious.
Das ist doch selbstverstaendlich. idiom
to be obvious
klar zu Tage liegen
nahe liegen
auf der Hand liegenidiom
to become obvious
sichtbar werden
to make obvious
deutlich machen
Captain Obvious
obvious advantage
offensichtlicher Vorteil (m)
obvious fact
offenkundige Tatsache (f)
obvious falsehood
offensichtliche Falschheit (f)
obvious idea
einleuchtende Idee (f)
obvious mistake
offensichtlicher Fehler (m)
obvious motive
offensichtliches Motiv (n)
obvious purpose
offensichtlicher Zweck (m)
obvious reason
offensichtlicher Grund (m)
obvious target
offensichtliches Ziel (n)
obvious untruth
offensichtliche Unwahrheit (f)
for obvious reasons (adv)
aus naheliegenden Gruenden
aus (leicht) ersichtlichen Gruenden
It is obvious.
Es ist offensichtlich.
Es liegt auf der Hand.
It was obvious...
Es lag nahe...
not immediately obvious
nicht unmittelbar ersichtlich
to be more obvious
naeher liegen
blatantly obvious advances
plumpe Annaeherungsversuche (pl)
a bit too obvious
etwas zu offensichtlich
It is blindingly obvious.
Das sieht doch ein Blinder. idiom
obvious to the eye (adj)
in die Augen springend
to be perfectly obvious / clear
klar auf der Hand liegen idiom
...but of course there are obvious exceptions
... aber natuerlich gibt es dafuer Ausnahmen
I should have thought it was obvious.
Ich haette gedacht, es liegt auf der Hand.
I would have thought that was patently obvious.
Ich wuerde meinen, das liegt doch auf der Hand.
It is obvious to me.
Es ist mir klar.
Es leuchtet mir ein.
The obvious question is why...
Die Frage liegt nahe, warum...
to make a virtue of the obvious
aus dem Offensichtlichen eine Tugend machen
the most obvious thing (to do)
N;chstliegendes (n)

Word of the Week: Schlaumeier

Every Friday, and The Week in Germany highlight a different "Word of the Week" in the German language that may serve to surprise, delight or just plain perplex native English speakers.

Enlarge image (© picture-alliance/chromorange)

A "Schlaumeier" is someone who is clever or cunning. Given that this expression is deployed more often than not in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, it is best to be on your guard if someone calls you a "Schlaumeier."

In German, "schlau" means clever, whereas "Meier" is a common surname, like "Smith" in English. Back in the Middle Ages, a "Meier" was someone who administered the property of a noble or ecclesiastical landowner. They often worked on a "Meierhof" or "Meiergut" (farm or estate). Later, as regular folk acquired more property rights, a "Meier" was also an independent sharecropper or farmer. Similarly, a "Meierei" was a "Pachtgut" (leasehold) farm or a dairy, which is also known as a "Molkerei."

Somehow over the centuries the expression "Schlaumeier" evolved to mean a clever, cunning or crafty person. Somebody who believes they are particularly clever may, in this vein, be jokingly branded a "Schlaumeier."

Enlarge image A "Schlaumeier" may also be a "Besserwisser"

(© picture-alliance/dpa)

Synonyms for "Schlaumeier" include "Schlauberger," "Schlaufuchs" (clever fox), and "Schlaukopf" (clever head). More critical synonyms might be "Angeber" (show-off), "Besserwisser" (know-it-all), "Intelligenzbestie" (intelligence "beast") or - more colloquially - "Klugscheisser," "Klugschnacker" or "Klugschwaetzer" - all variations of what could essentially be defined as a kind of "know-it-all" teller of tall tales.

So "Schlaumeier" is usually a verbal imposter: This would-be compliment might more often than not be laced with a facetious undertone. Yet this expression is usually issued as a missive from one person to another in jest. So if someone exclaims in a tempting tone "Hey, du Schlaumeier du!" (Hey, you Schlaumeier you!), it could be interpreted as an exasperated or mocking term of endearment, especially when accompanied by a friendly pat on the back and a hearty chuckle.

A fun and oft-used related phrase in German is "Vereinsmeier" (Club-Meier). It pertains to Germans" penchant for joining all sorts of clubs, such as athlectic clubs, gardening clubs or chess clubs. Germans like to get together in such clubs or associations (Vereine). Someone who, however, might be considered to be too involved in too many such clubs, or take his or her involvement in such clubs just a tad too seriously, is often mockingly or derisively described as a "Vereinsmeier."

Both "Schlaumeier" and "Vereinsmeier" are masculine nouns that are hardly ever used in a feminine form.

Variations of the surname Meier, incidentally, include Maier, Mair, Mayer, Mayr, Meyer and Meyr.