All about baptism on January 19. Traditions and signs of the great holiday of baptism

Hello everyone! As soon as there were 2 more great contributors, I stopped blogging altogether. And sometimes you really want to :). The eternal excuse is “no time”, I was already fed up and I decided to write at last.

Today I wanted to talk about relationship after friendship... In my life, such an experience happened 2 times, probably, but one of these novels will be remembered for a lifetime.

This girl (that's what I would call her in a friendly way 😉) drove me crazy. I remember that I even dedicated several mini-stories to her (, 1 day of a woman through the eyes of a man, etc.).

How did it all begin? That's right, from friendship. She had her own relationship, I had mine and we were just friends, we told each other everything that was possible, and even that that was not allowed :). I trusted her more than some of my male friends at the time.

Imagine what it is like: dating a girl, sitting with her, talking on any topic (about your ex and current, etc.) and not even the least bit jealous :). No, I was lying, of course, there was jealousy, after all. Jealousy that they can take away a friend, a very dear person.

But how does friendship of opposite sexes usually end? That's right, accidentally (or on purpose) spent the night together. Therefore, I want to note right away that if you want to be just friends with the opposite sex, never “add” sex to your relationship. You will either be left with nothing, or get married :).

So, the first night with a “friend” slightly changed our attitude towards each other. A certain responsibility appeared (you can't walk freely anymore), it was necessary to solve something and we decided that we would be a couple (!). How!

Do you think this is bad? No matter how it is!


In general, there are a lot of pluses. But, of course, there are also downsides. Usually, such friendship of opposite sexes ends like this:

  1. Parting and losing a friend.
  2. A wedding and a friend who is close by all his life, in the same apartment.

But how to part and remain friends again? This does not happen. Yes, there were people around me who were friends again (at least they tried), but one of them (at least) has a very hard time, as he continues to experience feelings.

As I think, the loss of a loved one can be experienced (people fall in love again and again), but the loss of a good friend is a huge loss. Therefore, it is up to you whether to translate friendly relations into something serious or not, just stay friends, pray that this “night” that changes everything never comes (well, or vice versa, so that it overtakes you and you from all sincerity, they said "I love ...").

You will find the correct answer to this question in your heart ... Personally, I do not regret that I once took a chance, tried to be in a relationship with a friend. I have never had such a relationship and have never met. All this sincerity, trust, knowledge of a person - all this makes the relationship just wonderful, and people - happy to tears ...

Be happy. Everywhere. Forever and ever. Smile, everything is fine, but it will be even better. Love. And they will love you. Appreciate others, listen to them. Attentively. And there will be fewer problems in your life. Much.

Knowing when to quit and when to move on is key to emotional survival.

Until we are 200% sure that the relationship is over, we continue to believe in it. This is understandable, because in a few years (or months) we become so attached to a person, we can say “grow into” him, that it is very painful to part. It is clear that you are trying to preserve the relationship: there is always hope that they will change for the better.

Not everyone has the courage to ruin a relationship the moment it actually ends. Here are 21 signs that "finita la comedy", if it has not yet arrived, is already very, very close. If at least four points out of all you say: "This is about us," - think about parting more seriously than usual.

1. Resentment

You constantly resent your partner, but don't say anything. You think that this is how you preserve your relationship, but in fact you are only delaying that unpleasant moment when all the accumulated negative will break out and your connection will end in a painful break.

Resentment does not go anywhere, especially if the factors that cause it do not disappear. If it does not spill out, it means that it accumulates inside, and this causes stress and illness. And, of course, it destroys the relationship - slowly but surely.

2. Disrespect

If you and your partner have reached the point where you show mutual disrespect, it's time to destroy your illusions. There is nothing easier than to stop feeling affection for someone who disrespects you.

People can continue to live together without respect and awareness of the value of each other, which leads to an absolute indifference about the needs and desires of a partner. Well, what kind of continuation can we talk about?

3. Contempt

It doesn't matter what motives aroused contempt, be it a failed career, a change in appearance, or something else. Partners should support each other in any situation, because is it not this warmth that we need so much under any circumstances, and especially during some personal problems.

If you began to treat each other with contempt, no longer receive warmth from the relationship and live not with a friend who understands, but with a cold being who condemns you, why continue?

4. Lies

I'm talking about that lies when you say to a person: "I love you" without feeling any feelings. You are afraid of hurting him, but you are not really protecting him, but only making him worse. The truth will come out: you cannot lie all your life and at the same time not ruin it for yourself and your partner.

Well, if you say to yourself: “We are happy, I am happy, everything is fine with us,” when you feel that everything is over for you, this is also an escape from reality.

5. Mistrust

If you don't trust your partner, then there is a reason for this. If they are so serious that trust cannot be restored, why stay with this person? All your life to check, worry and waste your nerves?

6. Swearing in public

All the good things you can say about your partner can be said in public. And all the bad things are better left for private conversations. To scold a person in public means to achieve only a negative response or a hidden resentment.

In addition, if you scold your partner in public or even just allow yourself unpleasant jokes about him, it means that dissatisfaction is growing inside, which has already begun to splash out.

7. Distance

You have already severed the emotional connection with your partner and thus "gently" let him know that it's over. Maybe it’s better to do it right away, and not produce suffering and doubt?

8. Demanding proof of love

"If you love me, you ..." It is very tempting to manage a person's life in this way, and if you occasionally hear this phrase, then something went wrong.

The only person who can change his feelings is himself, and some of your actions have nothing to do with it.

Well, if you yourself say so, think about whether you really need this person, will he become loved if he does something? And can you manipulate someone you really love?

9. Public humiliation

If your partner humiliated you in society once, it is highly likely that he will do it over and over again. It doesn't matter that he drank a lot that evening or was in a bad mood.

Public humiliation of a partner speaks only of deep self-loathing, and no matter how much love you give to this person, it will not fix the situation without his firm desire to change and work with his self-esteem. And this is difficult not only to fix, but even to admit.

10. Obsession with another person

If your partner is obsessed with another person - it doesn't matter if he is friends with him or hopes for a closer relationship - sooner or later this will lead to a breakup.

Of course, this does not mean that partners should completely immerse themselves in each other and give all their energy to only one person, but obsession with someone else is fraught with suspicion, jealousy and resentment.

Yes, your partner is clearly missing something in your relationship if he is so drawn to another person, but you can hardly give it to him. And you certainly shouldn't cheat on yourself for the sake of another person.

11. Obsession with pornography

There is nothing strange or wrong with partners watching porn together. Some semblance of voyeurism helps to get aroused and find something new to try later in bed with a partner.

But if one of the partners is obsessed with pornography, complete satisfaction will always elude him: in pursuit of the Grail of multiple orgasms, he may end up on the path of perversion.

So, if you are not satisfied with such layouts, think about the root cause of this obsession, and about the possible consequences.

12. Emotional infidelity

Some people believe that monogamy is the only possible option for a relationship, for others it is difficult and almost impossible.

If you have changed for the sake of a variety of sexual experiences, the relationship can still be maintained, but if there is an emotional attachment to the person with whom you had an intimate relationship, it is time to end the relationship.

The first question people ask when they find out about their partner's infidelity is, "Do you love him / her?" Because it is the emotional, not the physical connection that is the core of the relationship, and if it is gone, then you have nothing else to do here.

13. Inability to end the conflict

It starts as an endless struggle without reaching a consensus, which gradually develops into "as you want", when the partners no longer care about the results of their struggle.

There is a rule: never go to bed offended at each other. And there is definitely something in him.

If none of the partners can pacify their pride and desire to always be the winner in an argument, cannot go to a truce without achieving their goal, this relationship has no continuation.

14. Subconscious

If you unknowingly do things that harm your relationship, your psyche tells you what you really need.

You can think whatever you want, but your actions speak of real desires better than all your assurances and hopes.

15. Obsession

If your partner has an obsession with, for example, alcohol or substances, he / she is a shopaholic, gambler, workaholic or sex obsessed, you will always be in second or even fifth place and will not get the emotional connection you would like.

If you don't have an obsession, your partner's addiction can ruin not only his life, but yours as well. Not a very pleasant prospect.

16. Painful attachment to ex

If your partner still maintains more than a close relationship with an ex-girlfriend or husband / wife, this destroys the relationship.

Former partners need to be respected, especially if you have common children, but the first role is still assigned to the current partner. If it doesn't, it’s easy to feel secondary and unnecessary, and this is a direct path to rupture.

17. Threats and emotional blackmail

This is a clear sign of an unhealthy relationship. Emotional blackmail is often touted as intense love, but it is actually control. And control, in turn, is an abuse of the senses. You have to run from this as far as you can see.

18. Constant comparison and ratings

Is your partner comparing you to someone who looks more attractive, makes more money, is smarter and more interesting than you? This is a form of humiliation. If someone thinks that the grass is greener in someone else's yard, let them go there.

People are unique creatures, although in many ways they are similar. You shouldn't compare yourself, let alone listen to it from your partner.

19. Indifference

Why stay together if you don't care about each other?

20. Disappearance of attachment

There is nothing wrong with wanting a roommate, but if you want more out of a relationship, don't stay with a partner who isn't your only partner. Don't just stay because you're comfortable.

21. Physical abuse

There are no excuses, no explanations, no circumstances or promises matter. You just have to leave.

In general, conflicts in relationships are a way to get rid of pain, but the reasons for them may vary. It can be a way to open up an abscess of dissatisfaction and resentment that has arisen in a relationship, to cleanse the wound, remove the interruptions, and save the relationship.

But it also happens in a different way, when conflicts are a way to break off relations, to inform the other person that they are over, that it is no longer worth tormenting each other.

And it is better to learn to distinguish some conflicts from others, otherwise it will be painful and bad for both partners.

Chapter 37

“Oh, this GIRL, WHAT'S PASSING BY! I see this girl, her wonderful gait, her beautiful eyes - now brown, now green, now sky blue. Her sensual lips - now plump, now arrogantly pursed or in a smile, now pink, now scarlet ... Her breasts are heavy and swollen, or neat and elastic ... Her hair, shoulders, hips, in such different clothes ... They are very different, these women and the girls are either attractively young or mysteriously mature. And they are united only by the fact that they are all a GIRL WHO PASSES ALWAYS!

I recognize HER !! OH YEAH!! This is SHE - my dream! The woman I always wanted to see next to, who every second will be the same incredibly beautiful, mysteriously exciting, beautiful, faithful, loving! I will not be cowardly this time. I don't want to miss my dream again! I go up to her to make her mine and never let go of me again ... We have known each other for several minutes, or hours, or days, or weeks, or months, or years. We are together. My dream - here it is very close, it is mine, and I can touch it right now ...

But what is it? Right next to us, having doused me with a magical alluring aroma, SHE again walks with a swiftly hot gait, all woven from my dreams and fantasies. For a moment, entering my soul with a flaming look, and with every beat of my heart and her heels, it moves further and further away from me ... Again and again ... SHE !!! She ALWAYS walks by. I dedicate these lines to you - oh, THE BEAUTIFUL OF WOMAN! OH, THE WOMAN OF MY DREAMS: THE WOMAN WHO PASSES BY !!!

We all strive to avoid the bad and seek the good. We are set up there. But the world is completely different from how we want it. And each, even the best side, has shady moments that we don't like. And we again rush away from the "bad", losing the "good" that we had. By exchanging the “good” that we have already learned - for a completely new (unfamiliar) “good”, the shadow side of which we do not yet know. It is a run from a learned illusion to an unexplored one. Until you are completely disappointed and you learn to dig where you are - in depth, not in breadth.

There are those who do not know how to stop from this run. Those who sit down on this thrill - thrill from a new illusory peak, thrill from the movement itself, filled with anticipation. But this peak seems to be the peak only until it is reached. Having reached it, you understand again that banal law that there is no good without bad. And that the next peak is just a mound, which is far from ideal.

Having won the victory, it turns out that he will have to deal not with the advantages he was striving for (he had already received them), but with those shortcomings for which he was not ready.

Therefore, choosing the good that you are looking for, you need to remember those negative moments that this good inevitably has. Even the greatest advantage has disadvantages that are a continuation of these advantages.

See reality

Well, this is all in general terms. Now let's substitute in these variables: "good" and "bad" - concrete data and get a meaningful particular example from life.

To be married or to be in relationship- this is good or bad? - Something good. Something bad.
Is being single a bad thing or a good thing? - In some ways it is good, but in some ways it is bad.
You must be able to see reality as it is, so as not to be mistaken about what you have received and what you have lost. To take advantage of the benefits that one has situation in which you are.

And that means having the courage and honesty to see what is. What is obvious. Do not protect your "tender" psyche from the trauma of seeing the truth. Do not hope that everything will work out somehow. Or does not hope that someone else will decide for you what is intended to decide for you by your fate. Those who feel too sorry for themselves, too, cannot see the harsh but healing truth. And without seeing this truth, a person will not change what he is trying to present to the world.

There is no need to be clever or go into too deep jungle. These are the obvious things. For example, if a person stands in the path of a rushing car and does not want to see it, these are not problems of philosophy or the unconscious. This means that a person has a disturbed sense of reality. Maybe he's awake hallucinating. Maybe he thinks that it is impossible to drive so fast here, or the cars are lit red. Maybe he believes that the car will have time to brake. Or he thinks that the car is an illusory reality.

In any case, it asserts itself with many signs - obvious signals of your feelings, repetitive situations, etc. And if a person does not want to see this, these are his problems. And the closer to reality he manages to be, the more effective he becomes. Observe effective people, the way they SEE, and you will gradually learn to SEE WHAT IS. Sometimes this is enough to start changing.

It is useless to present your claims to the world as to what it should be. It is useless to deal with the negative sides in the way you like. And we need a method that will help. The one that is most obvious. And for this you have to admit what is.

Without realizing what is happening in reality, people never notice the advantages that they have, but only look at the green lawn (which is always greener) behind the neighbor's fence. Life always stimulates such people only with an illusory carrot in front of the nose, to which it is always close, but it is never available.

Here's a visual illustration of this topic:

Be in the center

There are pros and cons to any situation. There is nothing that can be perfectly perfect. “Good” always has negative sides. Many negative sides are just a natural continuation of the good ones that you previously achieved in such a way, and finally received.

When you see ALL sides of reality, YOU ARE IN THE CENTER, and you are ready for any outcome. You know how to benefit from any situation, and DO NOT hope that in any of the outcomes you will grab the firebird by the tail. Since you have defeated the illusion of "ideal heights" and understand that you will have to pay for all the advantages.

Ambivalent situations, in which there are many, are often very difficult for us. Situations in which it is especially difficult to make a choice, as feelings rush from one extreme to another.
I think this is not a matter of feelings, but of choice. A person is almost always able to simply do. And all sexual and relational situations are completely solvable at the level of conscious-volitional regulation.

And although we are used to trusting unpredictable feelings to solve our sensory issues, the final decision, after all, is a CONSCIOUS CHOICE. And in this case, a person must understand all the pros and cons that exist in any scenario. And what he pays. And choose those shortcomings for which he is more likely to be ready. You can always CONSCIOUSLY choose one of the possibilities, and some advantages, instead of others.

This is precisely the ability to see what is and benefit from the situation in which you find yourself. And not to look for the benefits that you lost (but found those that you now have and, perhaps, DO NOT value).

And it is important to continue to stay in the center for as long as possible. That is, do not be afraid of any of the development options. And know that you can handle it anyway. This means not to fuss once again, but to extract from the existing situation the advantages that this situation can give.

The main thing is to keep the center. Around which, in fact, make everything revolve. And in order to live the life that you like, you need to extract pieces of what is exactly YOURS from the reality that exists and take it for yourself boldly. Do not limit yourself to illusions. Be ready to change what is now. And bear responsibility (pay the required price) in the future for the “good” that you choose and the “bad” that you put up with.

Relationships between people are the strangest and most incomprehensible phenomenon. It is not so easy to understand the true causes of typical events. This is especially true of quarrels. It’s a paradox, but scandals cause discomfort and a lot of negative emotions in both partners, while the absence of them may indicate the indifference of people to each other. So how to figure out the reasons for the quarrels and what to do next with such a hot relationship?

Well, just brawlers!

"We are constantly fighting, I'm just tired of it!" - told me my friend, who quarreled with her fiancé at most once every two months. And, indeed, she walked away from the quarrels very hard: she suffered and worried for two or three days. She is just a very calm person by nature, so she does not tolerate any discomfort in a relationship.

Think, maybe you also have a gentle character, which is why you are very worried after any quarrel? It's just that you are not used to a showdown, since this happens quite rarely in your couple. And if it does happen, it is transferred like a catastrophe.

Sometimes we screw ourselves up and look for a problem where there is none. Believe me, those ideal relationships in which partners in their entire life have not said a single rude word to each other exist. But only in fairy tales. In real life, things are a little different. All people quarrel and everyone is reconciled. And another spat, which arose, for example, a month after the previous one, is not at all a reason to break off relations. Treat this situation as normal. And do not forget that if one of you quickly takes the first step after a scandal, and positive emotions cover the negative, then your relationship is completely healthy.

Italian couple

Wow, what passions are boiling in your relationship! Yes, for one innocent look of your boyfriend at some girl, you are ready to violently sort out the relationship with smashing dishes and throwing his things from the balcony. But the partner is not so simple either: he stands up for his rights with ardor!

You explode quickly and reconcile quickly. And you must fix reconciliation in bed. Well, I can only congratulate you: you are a classic Italian couple. Passionate and hot for our harsh environment.

Quarrels for you are more a way of life than negativity. When you sort things out, you let off steam and get real adrenaline. And neither you nor your partner are embarrassed by this.

Such a relationship has a right to exist. If a surge of emotions only invigorates you, then why change something? Everything is great with you! Yes, you yourself know that you love each other infinitely.

Did not get along

If your couple does not belong to the two extremes described above, then it's time to seriously think about the relationship. First of all, you need to find the cause of constant scandals, since it is in it that the root of all troubles lies.

So the relationship became unbearable because:

You are "stuck" by everyday life;

You expected something completely different from your partner;

You have become jealous;

You have no time for a partner because you live in stress;

You are simply tired of each other;

You have different interests;

Third parties interfere with your relationship;

Your life is too measured.

Indeed, there are many reasons. Let's sort it out in order, what became for you the point that broke your usual life.

"Household". This is the first thing couples face when deciding to live together. Yes, now your spouse or boyfriend will not come with a bouquet of flowers to every date, you will not return home after midnight, and your lips will no longer hurt from kisses. Instead, there are a lot of worries: cooking dinner, washing clothes, feeding the cat. And the relationship has to be combined with everyday activities, which are not at all romantic. On this basis, many couples start scandals.

Unjustified expectations. Frequent quarrels can also arise because you presented your partner as completely different. It's no secret that at the beginning of a relationship, we all want to look better than we really are. This is why the second half has heightened expectations. You behaved differently, and when you became yourself, your partner was simply able to come to terms with all your shortcomings.

Jealousy is a terrible feeling that not only becomes the cause of quarrels, but can ultimately kill love. This is especially true of groundless jealousy, because it is because of it that frequent scandals arise.

Stress. Sometimes banal stresses can become the cause of quarrels. Troubles at work, constant fatigue and lack of sleep, feeling unwell and ruined relationships with relatives or friends push you to take out evil on someone. Most often, of course, the partner gets under the hot hand.

General tiredness from each other. Even people who are passionately in love need a break from each other. Because relationship fatigue negatively affects the overall health of the couple. If you spend too much time together, then gradually accumulate negativity and indifference, which will surely result in scandals.

Different interests are also the cause of quarrels. They also say about this “we didn’t agree”. You may have known that your faithful loves to throw socks, go fishing on weekends, and play on the computer on weekdays. But it seemed to you that you could come to terms with this. However, it didn't work out. So nagging began with a showdown.

Third parties. How many times have they told the world: do not discuss your relationship with third parties. Even with the closest friend or mother. Moreover, in a negative way. Firstly, you are given a lot of unnecessary advice, thanks to which you will only aggravate your relationship with your partner. Secondly, you will most likely forgive your soul mate, but whether your loved ones will forgive him is not a fact.

Measured life. Oddly enough, but a quiet life with the prevailing way of life and bed on weekends can start to annoy over time. You have become few places to go out, the parterre does not pay as much attention to you as before, and life goes on as scheduled. So it is not far to the "left" hikes. And quarrels for this reason will surely begin.

We are ready for this

The reason for the quarrels was found. But did it make it easier? It is unlikely, because the main question arises from it: what to do next? To do this, you need to understand, are you ready to fight for a relationship and change something?

The hardest part of any action plan is getting started. Therefore, if you decide to fight for your man, then go ahead.

Oddly enough, but the easiest way is to overcome differences on the basis of everyday life and measured life. Yes, simply because it will not work out otherwise in life. Either you will live for yourself all your life and be interrupted by fleeting romances, or learn to combine a happy relationship with everyday worries.

Do household chores with your partner. It will be faster this way! And it will only bring you closer. Do not dress up at home in a greasy robe with tattered slippers: be beautiful and desirable, so that you want to show off. Gradually, you will not even notice how household chores are performed in 10 minutes, after which you, hand in hand, go to the premiere of a new film or to the skating rink.

Try not to interfere with family and friends in your relationship. If there are any problems in a couple, then solve them together, and do not run right away for advice from the outside. Your loved ones don't know you the way you know each other, so recommendations can only hurt and make you even more angry. Discuss boiling problems in pairs and come to a compromise. In the end, you can always seek the advice of a psychologist.

If you live in constant stress, then try not to vent your anger on your partner. Instead, take a vacation and go somewhere together. This will relieve tension and take a break from pressing problems, and the time spent with your partner will have a very positive effect on your relationship.

As for fatigue from each other, then here you can also take a vacation. But only to conduct it separately. Perhaps this is the only time that such advice can be given. Sometimes you need to rest from each other. Separation will show your true feelings, so if you love each other, then a short separate vacation will only make you closer.

Trust in each other will help suppress groundless jealousy. Yes, partners should have personal space, but if one of you constantly suffers from the unknown and the desire to convict the other partner of cheating, then it's time to become a little more open. Do not put your phone on a password, give your partner access to your social network, call back together to unfamiliar numbers. Over time, you will simply get tired of constantly monitoring each other, because you will realize that there is no reason for jealousy.

Differing interests and unjustified expectations are the hardest to overcome. But there is a way out here too. Just stop asking your partner to match the image you have drawn. Accept him as he is. It's not just that you fell in love with this person. Keep it simple, look for the positive and take a broader view of the merits. And even princes from fairy tales have drawbacks.

As for the different interests, then take a closer look at the activities of your half. What if you like his computer game or your favorite football team? Then he will certainly help you in your search for a curling iron or lipstick. After all, find a hobby together. After all, you somehow started dating. It is unlikely that on your first dates, he built a virtual empire, while you did not stop painting in front of the mirror in the toilet.

What if everything is useless?

Sometimes disagreements reach their peak. Roughly speaking, quarrels just lead to a dead end. Tips for improving relationships only help for a while, and there is practically no way out. What to do in this case?

Marry! Yes Yes exactly. But only if you are the instigator of the quarrels. Moreover, scandals are ready to roll up literally out of the blue. Your beloved is looking for the reason for this behavior, and at this time you understand that you are simply angry with him because you have not yet received the coveted ring.

It is so customary in our society that a woman should wait for an initiative from a man. And if the partner does not propose, but lives with you very willingly, then the negative begins to accumulate. Even evil tongues have been buzzing all over your ears that he does not want to marry. Carefully hint that it's time for you to legitimize the relationship. Everyone needs a family, so the young man will understand that the time has come for the registry office. And why quarrels over such a trifle. If you have feelings, then in a white dress you will definitely go under Mendelssohn's march.

But the reason may not be marriage. If you are mired in quarrels and nagging each other for any reason, then it is a mistake to think that the wedding will save the relationship. It doesn't change anything. You just have a stamp in your passport and rings on your ring fingers. Registration is not capable of radically changing you. As, in fact, the birth of children, if you are already married. All of these moments can further worsen an already shaky relationship. Which exit? Most likely to disagree.

Sooner or later, feelings will fade away anyway. Eternal negativity and an endless series of scandals lead any person out of the normal mental state. If you're not a passionate Italian couple, then maybe you shouldn't torture each other? It's easier to admit that you just didn't get along, thank each other for the time you spent together, and break up peacefully. Believe me, if you live in constant quarrels, then no matter how painful it is, you need to admit that your person is not next to you. And when you meet your only one, you will definitely understand this.

And finally

Everyday infrequent quarrels should be treated as something ordinary, for example, like taking out the trash. This is normal for any couple. The negativity will surely pass when you make up, after which you will be covered with new pleasant moments.

It is much worse if the couple lives in constant scandals. It's not worth chopping off the shoulder: you must definitely try to save the relationship. If the search for compromises is impossible, then you do not need to think that your marriage or children will save you.

Marriage will add responsibilities and, as a result, new disagreements. Children are responsibility and a lot of time. When you switch to caring for a child, your spouse may switch to something else that is important to them. As a result, problems unresolved before the birth of the baby will overwhelm you with even greater force.

The secret of happy couples is simple: people do not look for flaws in their loved ones, and they overcome difficulties only together. If you see that you and your partner are not ready to compromise, then you should not hold each other. In the end, by quarreling with the wrong person, you run the risk of meeting your own much later, with whom you would already enjoy a relationship.