Will you meet your love? Fortune telling: when will I meet my love

“People meet, people fall in love, get married,” as the old song goes. But not always! Most often, strange, uncertain, jumping relationships arise - in a jerk, on the run, in an eternal hurry. How to determine from the first time who is in front of you and what you can hope for? How can a man get his bearings when he sees a girl for the first time? How can a girl understand how her partner sees her?

Who attracts you? Passionate rebel or unstoppable romantic? Raging fire or measured flame? What do you expect from your partner? What kind of relationships do you attract? And if something is going wrong in your life, perhaps it’s time to sort yourself out? Even if everyone around you screams that you are a arrogant loner, is that really true? Perhaps your happy story is just beginning...

How to win the heart of your chosen one and not let your feelings fade away? What is your partner thinking about and how serious are his intentions? What surprises can this relationship bring to you? What do you know about the person with whom we want to connect our lives? Perhaps, before you plunge headlong into the whirlpool of violent passions, you should better understand your partner?

In this important section, you will be able to find out how well you match your personality with your partner. This calculation can reveal to you whether your relationship is in calm sailing or rough, stormy waters. If your names match particularly well, you'll understand why your relationship is so simple and enjoyable. But, of course, we are not always attached to people who suit our character, and if you find that the one you love...

Sometimes people say that: " perfect love doesn't happen." But you must admit, who among us, at least once in our lives, has not dreamed of meeting our ideal partner? From time to time, we hear about loving couples who have walked hand in hand through their entire lives. And we involuntarily think about why they were so lucky to meet and keep their love? What secret do they know? Is it possible that numerology will tell you the answer to this question!?

This calculation will be very useful for those who plan to build with their partner serious relationship. For example, submit an application to the registry office, create a strong, happy family. But as you know, for any construction, you need solid foundation. Does your couple have it? What will your relationship be like? Who's the boss in the house? The “Compatibility according to the Pythagorean system” calculation will help answer these and many other questions...

Have you ever had such a date in your life when time flew by in a flash, and you still wanted to tell your partner so many things? But maybe there have been other meetings in your life when you had to yawn from boredom, and on the fly come up with an excuse to leave quickly? What is the secret to a perfect date?


From this layout you will learn about the feelings of your loved one and his attitude towards you. at the moment. There are 3 positions in fortune telling: does your loved one love you, what does he want from your relationship (love, family, sex, money, just fun, etc.), whether there is a threat to you from the outside. If you have a rival or rival, last card will tell you about it...

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Many people say that even before you are born, your person is chosen for you. Each, without exception, soul has its own universal soul mate.

Each person has their own indicators of love - some have money, some good attitude and a healthy family, some have sexual attachments. But in truth, when a person meets his other half, on an inexplicable level it feels as if the other person completes you and you become one.

Myths and reality

There are many legends that halves have already met in past life. And people meet only at the right time. Moreover, many life facts confirm the presence of that invisible thread between people.

How to meet “your” person

Many girls are sad, sitting by the window, that they don’t have a boyfriend, but their girlfriends do. Someone’s best friend got married, or her beloved brother got married, but she still sits at home and is afraid to go out to the park for a walk with a stranger at 10 in the morning.

Many psychologists have proven that simply sitting at home, being depressed about what doesn’t exist and fear of change automatically directs you to the wrong side of life, where you belong.

Therefore, walk, communicate, take dance lessons, because your destiny is nearby, you just need to leave the room. There is no person without a soulmate. And maybe yours the meeting will take place tomorrow, for example, on the way to the gym.

How relationships are built

When a person becomes better in the relationships he needs and wants to develop.

It is believed that an ideal relationship is a symbiosis. But even in ideal relationship In the beginning, things may not be so smooth.

Relationships between people are like a puzzle - at first it may seem that you are absolutely not suitable for each other, but soon, after “trying on”, you will feel that feeling inexplicable to science when you are simply sure that this is exactly what you need.

Don’t be afraid if a person is different from you - there are no identical people in the world. And the fact that you are different can be exactly what unites you.

You put up with his character

And this is true.

There will be a person with an imperfect character who may infuriate you, but for some reason you will want to compromise with him.

Not the desire to just sit down and be silent, but the desire to come to an agreement, make peace and laugh out of it. And this desire will come from within.

You feel each other's pain

You can sit with your friend at home, talking about funny and terrible situations at the university, but when your significant other comes, without words, only you both will understand how you are doing, without saying anything to each other. You just feel.

You share common life values

Different to different, but you both have, essentially, two different people there is an overall shared picture of life that you strive for.

It contains your values, goals, beliefs and desires. And you both strive for the same result.

You give the person personal space

If only because you love and respect him. Maybe it's tennis three times a week, maybe it's expensive computer game, which is very important to a person, perhaps it’s a shopping trip with a friend, but you respect and understand this need.

You respect a person's opinion

Understanding what you have different opinions, but one goal is very indicative of a good relationship.

Our women love and practice love spells, fortune telling and calculations. If earlier for such an activity they were severely punished and known as witches, today the practice of predictions is nothing more than the main source of income, a hobby, a skill and another definition that does not entail illegal punishable activity unless accompanied by extortion.

Numerology for love or other reasons, by the way, does not apply to magical techniques and has nothing to do with spells or conspiracies.

All calculations are based only on the numbers surrounding your life. Most often, numerological calculations and forecasts are made using the date of birth.

According to the laws of mathematics, numerology produces too many coincidences to remain just a coincidence. However, whether you believe horoscopes or repeating numbers is up to you. It’s much more interesting to use all possible options and find the maximum number of matches to identify the golden mean.
The numbers in which we were born give very strong influence to our fate. If you learn to calculate your destiny numbers, you can change a lot in life for the better.

Have you noticed how often repetitions of numbers occur in your life? How do they like to have pleasant events happen on the same month or date? It happens that you can, without realizing it, exactly a year later wear exactly the same clothes as a year ago and meet old acquaintances exactly (on some 14th in April) just like a couple of years ago. It all depends on the gravity of space and correct calculations.

How to determine a meeting with your loved one by numbers?

It is theoretically possible to determine a specific date, but in practice this is not a simple calculation for love, where as many numbers as possible should be involved, which in fact brought you new interesting meetings. The reliability of such a calculation will not be one hundred percent, but you can try to take a step towards fate on this very date. We will need total figure dates of birth, total number letters of the fortuneteller's first name, surname and patronymic, the number that brought the most acquaintances and meetings over the past two years, as well as the month when acquaintances with the opposite sex took place. For example, Porokhova Elena Vladimirovna, together with the letters and date of birth, has a total of 7. All 11ths of different months brought her exciting events and trips. Best months for fulfillment of desires - July (07). Therefore 7+1+1+0+7= 1+6=7. The 7th will be the most likely date for meeting your loved one.

If you want to know the estimated date of a happy marriage proposal or good news, you need your date of birth and young man, add together, add the number of your names, surnames and patronymics and add them together with the date when the calculation is carried out. As a result, you will receive a number that will be marked with your lucky day.

Can an error in calculation affect fate?

If you are already married or dating your significant other, you can calculate your lucky number

In any calculation for love and not only, especially in numerology, there can be an error. It's all about the inaccurate parameters that you take as fact. Even the number of your own name remains a big question. If your name is Yaroslava, but you prefer to shorten your name to Slava, Yara or even Olya, then calculating the numbers becomes more difficult. In addition, the surname tends to change and, even if you do not want to change yours, it still belongs to your parents and, in turn, was once passed on to your mother. What if her maiden name suits you better? It’s the same with the calculation of meetings: you considered July 20th to be a good number when you were lucky, and this is correct, but after living for some period of your life, you found not only the 20th number, there are the 17th, 21st, 13th and once upon a time you were very closely connected with them. This means that the day of the meeting with your betrothed can be programmed in any other lucky number. Therefore, please remember good number very carefully - not a mere formality.

You can calculate the date, but not meet your loved one?

Everything happens in our life. And, of course, having set a date for love for yourself, you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool and fanatically wait for this date, like the second coming. Everything can turn out completely the opposite. The number system is both complex and simple at the same time. We can easily determine significant number for ourselves from the carousel of days, weeks and names around us. But it is almost impossible to fully determine what this or that date will mean for us. For comparison, you can count the dates that have already happened.

On the part of the fortuneteller, another situation may arise. The number that comes up during the calculations may be a date warning. You will think that, say, 9 is a sign when they propose to you, and this number will mean danger and divorce of the family.


Are you waiting for yours? soul mate, your soulmate? Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to meet a person whowill be your destiny!

In order to find out exactly when you have a chance to meet him or her, you should take an easy test: several timesselect the desired number from those offered.

Everyone knows the numbers: You can easily verify this!

Maybe you don't believe in numerology, but there are things you don't need to believe in, you just need to check!

Does a soulmate exist?

This question has probably been asked by each of us at some time. But still: do we really have “halves” and do we need them? Or is it just that each of us is completely self-sufficient and unique, so there can’t be any “halves”? The answer, as often happens, lies somewhere in the middle.

There are several opinions, what do you think? Write in the comments!

YES, THERE ARE HALVES! If you believe that one person could be a perfect fit for you, like a puzzle, it is likely that you will meet him someday. However, the opposite also happens: we meet many different people in life, but we are waiting for someone special, someone unusual and the most important, deliberately leaving important relationships.

NO, WE ARE ON OUR OWN. There is an opinion: the law of karma says that in this life incarnation we must complete a certain program and learn something, gain experience. Soul development is impossible without experience. We live for development, and other people help us develop.

Some people are luckier: he or she meets very harmonious relationship and live in perfect harmony all their lives. Probably, their lesson in terms of relationships has long been learned, and they receive a reward - their family and loved one with whom I have a good relationship.

Second option - troubled relationship, from which you must take something important, your soul wants this relationship and finds it. Such a person may well also be your “soul mate”, you just may perceive it completely differently.