Pagan magic where to start. The magic of the Slavs - the ancient rituals of our ancestors

Among the ancient pagan Slavs, magic (witchcraft) was an inseparable attribute of their life and culture. There is magic in all cultures of our world and it is based on the intervention of Gods or otherworldly forces in the lives of people, carried out through humans. A person always acts as a conductor of entities from the other world of Navi, both white and black. It should be noted that rituals at temples, talismans, amulets, protective symbols on clothes, runes, protective dolls, and so on are also magic, its subject.

From time immemorial, our ancestors used supernatural forces to achieve certain results. It could also be love magic (love spells) to bewitch another person to yourself, to make yourself more beautiful in his eyes. It could also be slander against the enemy, calling on Navi forces for victory on the battlefield. There were a large number of various conspiracies, rituals, slander, whispers and other things. For a detailed study of paganism, you can download Dobroslav’s brochure “Paganism as Magic.” This is not black magic at all, not an evil force, as is commonly claimed in Christian circles. Sages, sorcerers, sorceresses, sorceresses, sorcerers, shamans, witches, who are held in high esteem among the Slavic peoples, can also call on light spirits, for example, our ancestors from the world of Navi, to perform one or another magical sacrament, helping us in various matters in ways that Mortal people cannot understand.

Slavic magic, for the most part, is a bright act, aimed at creation, and not at all at destruction. It is not for nothing that the Slavic Magi were famous for their healing magic (witchcraft) - spells for illnesses and protective amulets. Of course, the pagan Slavs also have black magic, dark witchcraft, addressed to dark forces, the forces of the Black Gods, Hell (Chernobog, Kashchei, Madder). Negative magic is often called damage. There are many types of damage. There is an opinion that initially, the damage was aimed at protecting one’s lands from invaders, but then they began to transfer it to personal enemies and people disliked by anyone. It is also worth considering that in paganism there are no Evil or Good Gods; they all perform functions that are necessary for normal life in all worlds. That is why we cannot talk about the existence of black magic as such; there are evil people who can use their powers for bad, evil, dark purposes.

The main magic of the Slavs, in addition to what is now commonly understood as witchcraft and magic, is considered to be festive, seasonal magical acts. The entire settlement, together with the sorcerer, took part in a similar ritual in a special designated place or at a temple. All over the world, people glorified certain gods and asked to give them a harvest, happiness, health, victory, etc. As a rule, during such festivals round dances, ritual dances, and also clearly organized rituals were organized.

Slavic magic was an integral part of the Vedic Traditions of our ancestors. Slavic witchcraft is based on the intervention of Gods, spirits and forces of Nature in human life, and the ability to control these forces.

It is safe to say that the Slavs have used witchcraft for many centuries to achieve their own goals. Our ancestors used a wide variety of magical means: from love spells and lapels, to spells for good luck in trade and battles.


Slavic witchcraft is presented by the Judeo-Christian Church as something dark, evil, sinful. But all these prejudices were created artificially to discredit Vedicry and show ancient beliefs in a negative light. In fact, in the Slavic magical tradition there are only positive rituals and conspiracies.

It is important to remember that most rituals are based on calling one's own Ancestors. Hence the question: how can our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers be evil? But it is to them that Slavic sorcerers often turn for help.

In fact, the magic of the Slavs is witchcraft aimed at creation, at helping in life, at curing diseases, at getting rid of negative energy. Do not listen to those who accuse the Vedic Slavs of all mortal sins, because for many centuries the magicians and sorcerers were revered far beyond the borders of the Slavic lands as excellent healers who could protect against the most terrible ailments.

Of course, where there is light magic, there is always a place for black witchcraft, or dark witchcraft, as our ancestors called it. This magic is based on working with dark forces, the gods of the underworld (Marena, Chernobog and others).

In Slavic countries, all harmful rituals and conspiracies are usually called damage, of which there are a great many. Some sources say that damage itself appeared in order to protect their own lands from foreign invaders, and only then did dark sorcerers begin to use this remedy against their own enemies, fellow tribesmen and simply unwanted people.

It is worth highlighting separately the fact that in Vedicism there are not, and cannot be, evil or good Gods, they all perform their own functions, they are all necessary for life in different worlds. From this we can conclude that all Slavic magic is positive, black witchcraft does not exist, there are simply evil people who are ready to use their own powers and knowledge to harm their neighbors.

The basis of the magic of the ancient Slavs is usually called seasonal and festive witchcraft rituals. In the process of carrying out such rituals, not only the performer, the sorcerer, participated, but also all residents of the tribe or community. Each community had its own sacred places where people gathered to perform magical sacraments.

The entire population of the tribe gathered together to convey certain information to the Gods or spirits, ask for protection, make sacrifices, etc. The Magus acted only as a guide between the inhabitants of the earth and the inhabitants of the higher spheres. Mandatory elements of rituals in which many people participated were dances, songs, round dances and other actions.

Based on all that has been said, we can say that people who use Slavic magic live inseparably from the worlds and laws of Prav and Navi, they use the power of spirits and the energy of their own ancestors, they live according to the laws of the universe and nature. The Vedic Slav knows what all three worlds are, knows what awaits him in these worlds, and therefore is not afraid of anything on this earth - neither death nor life.


Slavic magic was not limited to the power of the Magi and festive rituals. All of the above applies exclusively to strong rituals, the effect of which should have been directed at all members of the community. But individual people could and did use special conspiracies and spells aimed at helping in everyday life. Every woman and every man knew special whispers that could help in various situations.


This is a simple conspiracy that will suit you if you want to protect your entire family from illness and negative magical energy. Conspiracy words:

“Perun, heed the One calling You, be Glorious and Trislaven. Send down bread, health and kindred to all my children (names of children), show Your power, the power of the Thunderer, the power of the Dazh. Rule over everything, Perun, help everyone from my glorious, ancient family. From now until the end of centuries, from circle to circle. So it was, so it is, and so it will be.”


The words of this conspiracy address the Goddess Makosh, who controls the fate of man and patronizes crafts. Speak words into the fire:

“Mother, Makosh, empress, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You are a woman in labor, you are a mother, you are Svarog’s dear sister. Come to my rescue (name), Goddess. Grant good luck to my home, grant protection to my children, health to my children (names), happiness to all small and great. From now on and forever and ever, from circle to circle. So it was, so it is, and so it will be. Exactly".


This is a very powerful conspiracy that will help you arrange your personal life. Conspiracy words:

“On the eastern side, in the far edge, in the deep sea-ocean, the island lies wide. On the island there lies an oak block, and Fear-Rakh sits on it. I will bow to Fear-Rahu, I will pray to him. Help me, Fear-Rakh, create seventy-seven strong winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds. Gather the midday winds, the midnight winds, the dry winds that dried up the forests, that crushed the dark forests, that cut up the green grass and dried up the fast rivers. Let them also dry the child of God (the name of the beloved). Let him pine for me, miss me, think about me and never forget. From this day until forever and ever. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.”


This magic spell will help you get rid of various physical and spiritual diseases and disorders. To perform this ritual you will need clean spring water. Fill a vessel with water, bring it to your lips and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Pain and illness, you are from someone else’s box, where you came from, that’s where you went. Whoever sent you, sickly, to the child of God (name), missed you. I (name), I conjure you, I send you back. Fly beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to where no one’s conspiracies will find you. Return, sickly, to your master, who sent you, who has not yet known grief. Stay with him, the disease, forever, and never come back here. So be it"

The patient should drink the charmed water three times a day, a third of a small glass. Under no circumstances use boiled or stagnant water for this ritual, as this can lead to negative consequences.

I praise our bright Sun!

I glorify our Motherland!

I glorify the bright Day and the dark Night - the Great Rotation!

I glorify the Native Gods, the Heavenly Family and our Ancestors!

I glorify the Earthly Family and all relatives who live according to the Truth!

I glorify the World's Single Source, which laid the foundation for everything!

I glorify our Native Faith - Ancestral Knowledge!

I glorify the Custom of the Ancestors - to live according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature!

I praise the Wisdom, Strength and Health of our Family!

Slavic Gods symbolize your ancient Slavic ancestors. We Slavs are direct descendants of our Slavic Gods. Although the Slavic Gods are not omnipotent, they help their descendants in any way they can - sometimes with some happening events, sometimes with good advice that comes to your mind.

The Slavic Gods always rejoice when everything goes well for you, their descendant. For the success of their help to you, you must not forget your Gods and thereby force them to sadly and disgustingly turn away from you, from their pathetic unworthy descendant.

Our great Gods will live without us - nothing has power over them, but we, the Slavs, without our primordial Gods, without the memory of them, without their proper veneration, will never become a worthy united people living in joy and power among other peoples planets. The trampling and oblivion of our primordial Slavic Gods is convenient only for those who want to divide our people and reign supreme over them. Therefore, the god of a foreign people was bloodily introduced into Rus' precisely by the enslavers of the Eastern Slavs - foreigners (this began the thousand-year slavery of the Slavs on their own ancestral land from all sorts of foreign, foreign-language masters who came to Rus').

You can turn to the Slavic Gods - glorify them or ask for something - in any form - either verbally, or with some solemn actions, or mentally without words. The main thing is to remember your Gods (your glorious ancient ancestors) and treat them kindly, with sincere reverence (if they weren’t there, you wouldn’t exist).

There should be no slavish worship in the veneration of the Slavic Gods - these are your great ancient ancestors who once became Gods, and they need your achievements, joys and victories, your desire for strength and perfection, your proud independence, in which they can be next to you for equals, shoulder to shoulder.
Always be worthy of your Slavic Gods, continue and multiply your Slavic family with dignity - and then your unity with the Gods will become a great indestructible force.

Slavic Gods live next to us - in the nature around us, in our homes, in our thoughts and feelings. They can constantly reincarnate into the images of disembodied spirits, and into mythical creatures, into real living beings - for example, into birds, into butterflies, into various animals, into plants...

Our Gods carefully observe our lives - the lives of their distant descendants - they rejoice at our successes, are sad about the stupid things we do, try to protect us from troubles, give us good, reasonable thoughts, and warn us of danger with signs or various phenomena. But few Russians listen to them these days...

In order to correctly understand the signs of the Slavic Gods given to you, you must be attentive to your surroundings and to your feelings, not to allow your soul to go blind, to fall into insensitive dullness. To communicate with our great Slavic Gods, you always need a clear, unclouded mind, attention and acuteness of feelings.

Imagine yourself observing the life of your distant descendants, to whom you can communicate something important and necessary only with the help of various signs and hints - and you will understand everything.

You must always remember your primordial Gods, treat them with kind respect, listen sensitively and use their advice, warnings and tips.

To honor the Slavic Gods, you can make a small shrine in your home, for example, on a table, placing on it images of your Gods, various objects and decorations that you consider sacred. Or you can make a sanctuary near your home or somewhere in nature - in a forest, in a field, on the bank of a river or lake. The main thing here is that the Gods of this sanctuary are always with you, in your soul, in your memory.

You can create a sanctuary of your Gods, incomprehensible to strangers - for example, consider some grove or part of the shore, or a stone sacred to yourself, without in any way designating them with images of your Gods. You should sometimes visit such a sacred place, spend your holidays there, or just sit in thought, turning to the Gods for advice and support. And our Slavic Gods will always help those who remember, love and sincerely honor them as their great ancestors.

Unlike the money-hungry Jewish God, the Slavic Gods do not need your money or any hunger strikes. The great Slavic Gods do not at all need their descendants to be hungry. On the contrary, their descendants must be well-fed and full of energy in order to always have the strength to maintain their independence, for achievements and for the healthy extension and multiplication of the Slavic family. The god of an alien, cunning people, brought with him by foreign enslavers to Rus', brought hunger strikes so that the enslaved people would have more funds to pay taxes to the authorities and priests.

Our great Slavic Gods only need your good memory of them, your proud desire to always be worthy of them in everything. Therefore, never allow anyone to trample on your honor and never be anyone’s slave. If you can be like this, then you will understand the all-conquering power of unity with your primordial Slavic Gods.
Give joy and strength to your Gods with your achievements - and then your Slavic Gods will stand next to you and give you their Divine power.

Source -

Paganism has existed for many hundreds and thousands of years, and throughout this period, pagans believe that man is able to independently communicate with the forces of nature and the spirits of his ancestors. In this he is helped by special conspiracies and rituals, also aimed at communicating with the forces of nature.

The pagan witchcraft tradition is magic that allows a person to interact with the world around him and have a special impact on it. If their own strength was not enough to realize what they wanted, people turned to their ancestors and Gods for help.

Witchcraft in Paganism

Today, many say that since in paganism a person communicated with his Gods and even asked them for help, thereby he belittled their greatness, their power. In reality, this is not at all the case, at a time when paganism was the main religion, man did not belittle, but communicated with his deities, and everyone understood that even though man is like the Gods, and the Gods are like people, higher powers have always been and will be senior , wiser, stronger than people.

With such a view of the Gods, a person could not have the thought that his life is just a series of sufferings, and the worse he gets in life, the better it will be in death.

The pagan was never afraid of life, nor was he afraid of death. A person always knew what he needed to do, how to behave, and what would happen to him after death. By adhering to certain principles in life, a person could get the desired place in another world. According to these judgments, a warrior should always be strong and fearless, a woman brave and faithful, an old man wise, etc.

But a person could not always follow his own path in life, due to his weakness and unreasonableness, therefore, in difficult situations, it was customary to turn to the Gods for help, who not only helped solve certain life problems, but also set them on the right path and helped them make the right decision. . At the same time, all the magical means available to man also brought man closer to higher powers.

In the Ancient world, it was customary not to fear the Gods, but to respect and honor them. Sometimes a person even openly opposed himself to higher powers, entered into peculiar battles with the Gods, sometimes cunned and deceived his Elder brothers, but the Gods treated man in exactly the same way. People believed that since higher powers sometimes cause harm, delay rain needed for agriculture, and cause natural disasters, then a person has the right to do the same.

Slavic paganism

Today we know much less about the pagan Slavs than we would like. Unfortunately, there is not much reliable information on this topic; very few sources have survived to this day, but even on their basis you can draw conclusions about how and what our distant ancestors lived.

It is worth immediately noting that in the Slavic world there was no single pantheon of Gods. The only attempt to create such a pantheon was made by Vladimir the Red Sun, who subsequently baptized pagan Rus'.

Slavic gods

Each tribe believed in the existence of different Gods, but they were revered in different ways. If the tribe was warlike, then it made the God of War its main God, if the people in the tribe were engaged in agriculture, then their deities were Mother Earth and the God of Weather, etc. But the tribes communicated with each other, traded, and over time, faith in the Gods spread.

The magic of the Slavs

The Slavs believed in the Gods of Nature, worshiped them, tried to live in harmony with the world around them and did not renounce their roots. That is why Slavic magic is based on calling on the forces of nature and the Gods, who personify these forces. Each element, each deity had to be worshiped and asked for help at a strictly defined time of year and time of day.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', paganism, and even more so Slavic magic, were outlawed. Magi and priests were persecuted, and often died at the hands of Christians, but the witchcraft of our ancestors did not fade into oblivion, it survived and has survived even to this day, although it still remains a closed topic, because the clergy continue to condemn and threaten all the torments of hell for everyone interested in their roots.

Magic has survived to this day thanks to the fact that with the advent of Christianity a large number of secret societies were formed, in which pagan witchcraft continued to be practiced.

In addition, simple protective rites and rituals continued to be inherited from mother to daughter and from father to son.

Over time, these folk conspiracies were reworked due to the influence of Christianity, but the main thing is that, although in a modified form, they have survived to this day and we can study the culture and tradition of our great ancestors.

To some extent, any ritual that uses fire, water, earth, air, moon, herbs and other elements of the world around us can be called pagan. After all, it was on the forces of nature that the magic of the Slavs was based, and it is from it that all such rituals originate. It doesn’t matter that in these conspiracies an appeal to God, to the Most Holy Mary the Mother of God, to Jesus Christ or to the Devil himself can be used, all these characters appeared much later than the rituals of the pagans, on the basis of which the modern school of magic, with all its features, was built .

The forces of nature have almost limitless power; if you use this power correctly, you can achieve any goal, no matter how hopeless it may seem. If you believe in the power of the elements, if you believe in your own strength, then with the help of pagan witchcraft you will be able to solve any problems and change the entire world around you in any way convenient for you.

Basic rules for conducting magical rituals and ceremonies

Practitioners know that each ritual must be “modified” to suit itself, but there are several rules that everyone tries to adhere to. Conspiracies, spells, magic formulas, etc. - these are the keys to the Forces that we call upon to help us. There is a certain ORDER when performing a rite (ritual), which must be strictly observed:

Equipment for the ritual site

All necessary attributes, candles, items, etc. are prepared. A protective circle or pentagram is drawn, candles are placed, etc. At this stage, the magician immediately creates his own protection - BEFORE the start of the ritual.

Appeal and Summoning of Forces

It also has different forms depending on the type of magic used, the goals and objectives of the ritual. At this stage, PURCHASE may already be carried out to “appease” the forces whose help you need.


This is the beginning of the ritual. It can be completely different depending on the type of magic used, the way it works, etc. But at this stage the main goal and objective of the conspiracy is ALWAYS clearly formulated. Those. what is it intended for? It is recommended at this stage to use words only in the affirmative form, i.e. without using the NOT particle, although there are exceptions to this rule.


Actually the ritual itself. It can also be completely different. In runology, this is the moment of “sprinkling” the runescript with blood and putting a mental message into it.


Any action must be consolidated, otherwise everything that has been carried out up to this point simply does not make sense - it will not work. The fastening can be a special runic formula, a magical spell, special words such as “key, tongue, lock”, “Amen”, “So be it”, etc. Or actions - consecration or destruction of various objects on which ritual actions were performed. In runology, the moment of burning a runescript to obtain the fastest possible effect.


An obligatory moment in any ritual. Often a payoff is used, but when this is not required - words of gratitude to the Forces that you called upon at the beginning and a mental sending of part of your energy to them.

Cleansing the ritual site

Many beginners also forget about this point, but it is no less important than all the others. After completing the ritual, it is necessary to remove all ritual objects to their places, remove the protective circle or pentagram (erase if drawn on the floor), throw away or take candle stubs, objects, etc. to the appropriate places. After this, ventilate the room well and, if necessary, complete the cleansing with a candle. After this, it’s a good idea to take a shower yourself to remove excess or unnecessary energy.

There are a few more RULES that must be remembered when performing ritual actions:

  1. Formulate your goals and objectives precisely.
  2. Never doubt the positive outcome of your actions!!! If you are not sure whether you are doing the right thing, it is better not to even start.
  3. Prepare carefully for each ritual, having studied the technique, spells, structure, etc. in advance. During the exercise, you should not think about what to do next. All your thoughts should be aimed at one thing - achieving your goal.
  4. Do not be afraid of anything, no matter what happens during the ritual. A coward cannot practice magic.
  5. Remember that YOU are the master during the ritual. This means everything else is subject to your actions.
  6. If something went wrong and you understand it, it is better to interrupt the ritual, not forgetting to thank the forces involved. Even if it doesn’t work at all, you’ll end up with a “pink goat with a yellow stripe.”
  7. Never neglect your own protection. The possibility of a rollback cannot be discounted and it is better to prevent it than to have a long and painful recovery later.
  8. Don't be afraid of mistakes! He who does nothing makes no mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable, because we all learn. Just try to minimize the consequences of them and always remember your responsibility. Your ignorance does not relieve you of responsibility.

When performing a magical ritual, we perform certain actions in strict sequence, call on higher powers, read special prayers or conspiracies in order to strengthen and direct the energy of our desire to its subsequent achievement. Existing in the material world, we have the opportunity to operate with what belongs to the subtle world - these are our thoughts, desires and intentions. Having a firm intention, we set out to implement it without thinking about how it happens. An example is the process of preparing dinner: we know that we need to do it, we draw up a menu, prepare the necessary products and, with the firm intention of getting the desired result in the form of ready-made dishes, we begin the ritual of cooking.

By performing the ritual, we give an auxiliary push to the energy of our desire and direct it to the Forces that help us fulfill our desires in the material world. Rituals vary in their strength and speed of execution, as well as in their options.

White magic rituals are carried out with prayers, appeals to God and saints. Of course, icons, candles from the temple, blessed water and other paraphernalia are used during the ritual.

Pagan rituals involve invoking the ancient gods and connecting with the elements of nature: fire, wind, water and earth. In Voodoo rituals, practitioners work with volts (dolls), using biomaterial: blood, hair, nails, etc. The opinion that Voodoo is pure evil is wrong, because magicians successfully use specific knowledge to heal sick people.

Rituals of dark practices do not tolerate superficial attitudes, self-indulgence and frivolity. Like Voodoo, black magic is not always used for harm, helping to save families, ward off misfortune, and attract good luck.

Many rituals can be performed at home, following the rules of work and properly preparing for the process. The effectiveness of such work directly depends on the performer, his willingness to carry out his intentions and his serious attitude towards such a non-standard matter.

The magic of paganism: its features and traditions - all the mysteries and secrets of magic rituals on the site

In this article:

Paganism has existed for many hundreds and thousands of years, and throughout this period, pagans believe that man is able to independently communicate with the forces of nature and the spirits of his ancestors. In this he is helped by special conspiracies and rituals, also aimed at communicating with the forces of nature.

The pagan witchcraft tradition is magic that allows a person to interact with the world around him and have a special impact on it. If their own strength was not enough to realize what they wanted, people turned to their ancestors and Gods for help.

Witchcraft in Paganism

Today, many say that since in paganism a person communicated with his Gods and even asked them for help, thereby he belittled their greatness, their power. In reality, this is not at all the case, at a time when paganism was the main religion, man did not belittle, but communicated with his deities, and everyone understood that even though man is like the Gods, and the Gods are like people, higher powers have always been and will be senior , wiser, stronger than people.

With such a view of the Gods, a person could not have the thought that his life is just a series of sufferings, and the worse he gets in life, the better it will be in death.

The pagan was never afraid of life, nor was he afraid of death. A person always knew what he needed to do, how to behave, and what would happen to him after death. By adhering to certain principles in life, a person could get the desired place in another world. According to these judgments, a warrior should always be strong and fearless, a woman brave and faithful, an old man wise, etc.

But a person could not always follow his own path in life, due to his weakness and unreasonableness, therefore, in difficult situations, it was customary to turn to the Gods for help, who not only helped solve certain life problems, but also set them on the right path and helped them make the right decision. . At the same time, all the magical means available to man also brought man closer to higher powers.

In the Ancient world, it was customary not to fear the Gods, but to respect and honor them. Sometimes a person even openly opposed himself to higher powers, entered into peculiar battles with the Gods, sometimes cunned and deceived his Elder brothers, but the Gods treated man in exactly the same way. People believed that since higher powers sometimes cause harm, delay rain needed for agriculture, and cause natural disasters, then a person has the right to do the same.

Slavic paganism

Today we know much less about the pagan Slavs than we would like. Unfortunately, there is not much reliable information on this topic; very few sources have survived to this day, but even on their basis you can draw conclusions about how and what our distant ancestors lived.

It is worth immediately noting that in the Slavic world there was no single pantheon of Gods. The only attempt to create such a pantheon was made by Vladimir the Red Sun, who subsequently baptized pagan Rus'.

Slavic gods

Each tribe believed in the existence of different Gods, but they were revered in different ways. If the tribe was warlike, then it made the God of War its main God, if the people in the tribe were engaged in agriculture, then their deities were Mother Earth and the God of Weather, etc. But the tribes communicated with each other, traded, and over time, faith in the Gods spread.

The magic of the Slavs

The Slavs believed in the Gods of Nature, worshiped them, tried to live in harmony with the world around them and did not renounce their roots. That is why Slavic magic is based on calling on the forces of nature and the Gods, who personify these forces. Each element, each deity had to be worshiped and asked for help at a strictly defined time of year and time of day.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', paganism, and even more so Slavic magic, were outlawed. Magi and priests were persecuted, and often died at the hands of Christians, but the witchcraft of our ancestors did not fade into oblivion, it survived and has survived even to this day, although it still remains a closed topic, because the clergy continue to condemn and threaten all the torments of hell for everyone interested in their roots.

Magic has survived to this day thanks to the fact that with the advent of Christianity a large number of secret societies were formed, in which pagan witchcraft continued to be practiced.

In addition, simple protective rites and rituals continued to be inherited from mother to daughter and from father to son.

Over time, these folk conspiracies were reworked due to the influence of Christianity, but the main thing is that, although in a modified form, they have survived to this day and we can study the culture and tradition of our great ancestors.

To some extent, any ritual that uses fire, water, earth, air, moon, herbs and other elements of the world around us can be called pagan. After all, it was on the forces of nature that the magic of the Slavs was based, and it is from it that all such rituals originate. It doesn’t matter that in these conspiracies an appeal to God, to the Most Holy Mary the Mother of God, to Jesus Christ or to the Devil himself can be used, all these characters appeared much later than the rituals of the pagans, on the basis of which the modern school of magic, with all its features, was built .

The forces of nature have almost limitless power; if you use this power correctly, you can achieve any goal, no matter how hopeless it may seem. If you believe in the power of the elements, if you believe in your own strength, then with the help of pagan witchcraft you will be able to solve any problems and change the entire world around you in any way convenient for you.

Among the ancient pagan Slavs, an integral attribute was magic (witchcraft). Magic exists in all cultures of the world and it is based on the intervention of otherworldly forces, or intervention in life circumstances with the help of special human abilities. A person here is a conductor of entities from another world. We can say that the same amulets, talismans, rituals at temples, protective symbols on clothes, protective dolls, runes and much more are also magic, the subject of magic.

Thus, from time immemorial, our ancestors used supernatural forces to achieve any result. This could be love magic (love spells) in order to bewitch another person or make yourself more beautiful in his eyes. It could also be slander against the enemy or the calling of otherworldly forces to win the battle. There were a huge number of various rituals, conspiracies, slander, whispers, etc.

Magi, witches, sorceresses, sorceresses, sorceresses, witches, shamans, which were held in high esteem among the Slavic peoples, could call on dark and light spirits, in particular, the spirits of ancestors, to perform any magical sacrament. The magic of the Slavs is an action aimed at creation or destruction. Slavic magicians were known for their healing magic (witchcraft) - spells for illness and protective amulets that could help in any situation.

Naturally, the pagan Slavs also had dark witchcraft, black magic, which was addressed to the forces of the underworld (Chernobog, Marena, Kashchei). Harmful magic was most often called corruption. There is a great variety of types of damage. There is an opinion that the damage was initially aimed at protecting lands from foreign invaders, but then it was retrained to target personal enemies and unwanted people.

Nevertheless, the main magic of the Slavs, in addition to what is now commonly understood as magic and witchcraft, is considered to be seasonal and holiday magical acts. Together with the sorcerer, the entire settlement or part of it took part in such a ritual at the temple or in a specially designated place. Thus, not just any individual person, but all people together asked the gods and spirits to give them happiness, a bountiful harvest, victory, health, etc. On such holidays, ritual dances, round dances and rituals were organized.

In the modern world, magic and its various manifestations remain popular. For example, in the age of computers and the Internet, you can conduct fortune telling online using a specialized service. Ways to find out the future, to find out what is hidden from our attention, have always worried people and will continue to worry in the foreseeable future.