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Sagittarius - horoscope for August

Believe in yourself and your lucky star!


Mars and the Sun in Leo will make the themes of the 9th astrological house relevant. In August, many representatives of your sign will think about receiving additional education, advanced training, and training. Start collecting all the necessary information about schools, courses, teachers now, but it is recommended to start studying after September 5, when Mercury, which has been in a retrograde phase since August 13, will again begin to move directly.
It is possible that in August you will have to try yourself as a teacher or mentor. Perhaps a newcomer will appear in the team and you will be entrusted with supervising him; or you will be offered to conduct a master class for less experienced colleagues - agree, your colleagues will be grateful to you.
Business trips, the likelihood of which is high in August, try to plan for the first half of the month (before the 13th), before Mercury becomes retrograde. It is also better not to delay important meetings, signing documents and concluding agreements until the second half of August.
In general, the last month of summer is the period when you will reap the fruits of your labors. If you did a great job in June and July and listened to all the recommendations of the stars, then August will be a time of triumph for you. You will be rightfully proud of yourself!


A good time for developing personal relationships awaits you, dear Sagittarius. Except for the first week of August, when the planet of love Venus forms an inharmonious aspect to your sign. During this period, quarrels and disagreements are likely. Try not to go too far and not say too much to your partner: they will, of course, accept your apology later, but they will remember this unpleasant story for a long time.
In August, someone will persistently seek your attention, and will do it in a very original way. And even if this person is not exactly your type, his unexpected actions will clearly add points to him in your eyes, and you will agree to a date. It is very possible that this will be the first step towards a serious feeling. If you are already in a relationship, refrain from having affairs on the side. The game you start will not be as harmless as you think.
If you want to change something in your current relationship, bring something new into it, best time for this purpose - the third ten days of the month, marked by the new moon in Leo (21st). Come up with a small ritual that would connect you with your partner - for example, writing confession notes to each other or going on dates once a week, like at the beginning of your romance. You will experience a whole range of feelings!


An unfavorable aspect of Venus to your sign (August 1-8) will encourage you to overeat. At this time, you risk not only gaining excess weight, but also causing disruptions in the digestive system. Dear Sagittarius, control your appetite! To trick him, drink a glass of water before every meal.
On August 2 or 3, it is completely recommended to fast, as indicated by the Moon conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. If you have no contraindications, have a fasting day on kefir or buckwheat porridge.
Mars, forming a harmonious aspect to Jupiter after the 10th, encourages you to lead an active lifestyle. Take care of your condition - not only physical, but also mental. Don't communicate with those who make you nervous. Don't do things that irritate you. Spend the second and third decades of August as comfortably as possible, otherwise accumulated negative emotions, which have not found a way out, will provoke a psychosomatic illness.
August 29 or 30 is a great time for massage sessions. They will help relieve physical and psychological stress.

The world around us

“The impossible is possible!” - this is your motto during the transit of the Sun through the sign of Leo (August 1-22). Don't let fears and doubts take over you! Thanks to a positive attitude, you will be able to achieve incredible success and realize ambitious plans. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone will support you in your endeavors, but you don’t need outside support! A huge power lives within you - just don’t stop it from awakening!
The Moon in Leo will help you find a compromise solution in any dispute on August 20 and 21. If you wish, you can resolve both personal and financial matters. Don’t be afraid to seem tactless and remind them of the debt if someone is in no hurry to repay it.
Carry out general cleaning Mercury calls in the house, under whose influence you will find yourself on August 25-31. If you want your loved ones to help you, ask them politely. Do not give an ultimatum or speak in a raised tone, especially with children. As soon as you start putting pressure on them, they will become defensive and refuse to do anything at all.

Favorable days: 1, 7, 10, 20, 21, 31
Unfavorable days: 6, 13, 18

For a whole month, Sagittarius will be guided by the “here and now!” rule. This will apply to absolutely everything, from work to a fun holiday with friends. August has prepared many opportunities for the representatives of the sign, which they willingly use. This will be a month of planning and setting goals that should be realized by the end of the year. But you should be careful with those whom Sagittarius call “friends”; these people can unpleasantly disappoint, or even try to ruin some plans.


Sagittarius will not have to complain about feeling unwell in August. But it’s better to play it safe and take care of yourself a little, you may often be bothered. Despite the fact that August is a summer month, you should be wary of colds. Sudden mood swings and small emotional outbursts are possible.

Otherwise, it’s better to stick to healthy ones and start doing morning exercises. For prevention, you can go on vacation, preferably to the mountains or to the lake. If this is not possible, then you can simply spend the weekend in a park or forest.


For those who are in a couple, it is best to take more initiative this month. This will help Sagittarius to open up to their partner from a new side, get new sensations and spend time enjoying each other. It is best to try, together with your loved one, to do something that has not been done before. For example, visit Paris, or skydive.

For those married couples who have children, it is best to pay more attention to them, especially if Sagittarius and their family go on vacation.

Single representatives of the sign will have a chance to find their other half. Most likely, this person will be the absolute opposite of Sagittarius. Perhaps he will be less reasonable, but despite this, the stars promise this couple a strong and lasting union.


This month there will be an opportunity to open new projects that will later bring material rewards. However, don't expect financial income from such matters too quickly.

A lot of expenses will go towards family needs. You should be careful with law enforcement agencies, as there is a possibility of paying a large fine.

It is better not to borrow or take money for storage, there is a chance of losing it, or there will be problems with debt payments.