Correspondence prayer by agreement of the Russian Federation. Prayer by agreement print

We will try to answer the question in detail: spiritual beacon prayer by agreement on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

Truly I also tell you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.

Prayer is an integral part of the life of any Orthodox person. It sends a person straight to God like a slingshot. And as a result of such a “shot,” a person becomes different. Deep internal changes are taking place. Prayer is a window from our self-sufficiency, from the stuffy room of our soul. If you keep the windows open, fresh air of Divine power passes through and there is something to breathe.

Recently, the so-called prayer by agreement or conciliar prayer has become widespread. It is called a cathedral because it unites under its wing all people suffering from the same pain. Several hundred, or even thousands of people at the same time, regardless of their location, collectively cry out to the Lord .

One of the most important principles of the life of the Orthodox Church is conciliarity, i.e. spiritual unity of people. Prayer by agreement is a conciliar appeal of people to God. Prayer is performed daily at an agreed time and despite the fact that the worshipers may be separated by thousands of kilometers.

Dear brothers and sisters!

We present to your attention a video message from the rector of the Holy Abraham Church, Rev. Anastasia (Golovina) about changes in the liturgical activities of our church and, most importantly, a frequently asked question: on which website should I join the conciliar prayer by agreement? The answer to this question is in our video. God help everyone!

Where to join prayer by agreement?

For your convenience, as well as due to numerous requests, from June 1, 2017, it will be possible to send names for commemoration in Bolgar and join the prayer by agreement only on the “My Spiritual Lighthouse” website in the “Prayer by agreement” section

Website link: https://prayer-by-agreement.rf.

Telephone number to contact the coordinator for prayer issues by agreement: 8-800-350-30-92 (to 24/7 information assistant).

The secretary personally answers: Mon, Tue, Wed – from 9:00 to 12:00; Thu, Fri – from 13.00 to 16.00.

422840, Spassky district,

Bolgar, st. Likhacheva, 144

© 2007-2016 St. Abraham's Church SitemapArticles


Brothers and sisters! December 25 – The glorification of the lamp of Orthodoxy, St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. The prayerful help of the saint was felt by millions of believers around the world. Submit a note for a prayer service for the holiday of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for yourself, your family, relatives and friends.


or type in the Play Store - Prayer by agreement.

“You are the light of the world. A city on top of a mountain cannot hide. And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5: 14-16)

With these words, Christ calls us to convey to people the principles of morality and love and to illuminate this world with our light.

In the age of electronics and information technology, when modern gadgets, the media and especially the Internet have a significant and ever-increasing influence on the consciousness of people, it is important for the Church to use them in preaching the Gospel.

The means to achieve this goal is the development of information resources, the creation of Orthodox mobile applications, as well as the development of an effective navigation system for them.

Today it is impossible to imagine a single person without a telephone. We live in a time when it is almost impossible to avoid mobilization.

In this regard, we decided to develop a mobile application “Prayer by Agreement”, for “The Spirit breathes where it will...” (John 3:8). It is built on the basis of our website “My Spiritual Lighthouse” (prayer-by-agreement.rf/). This application will be especially convenient for those who are interested in activities performed in Bolgar.

In order to always be aware of the news, various types of notifications will be sent to the phone of the person who installed the application: news, publications, facts of God’s help during prayer by agreement, the release of new programs and sermons of Father Vladimir, and in the future, we hope, live broadcasts of meetings and much more.

The application has a built-in section with living facts of God’s help, where everyone can draw for themselves the saving experience of other people, because sometimes it is so difficult to believe in God’s blessing, in the fact that the Lord always hears and heeds our prayers, many simply fall into despair, and By reading the reviews of real people, new strength will appear to move forward without turning away from the saving prayer path.

The process of joining prayer by agreement has been made more convenient. An interactive search engine will show you the desired akathist. Start typing your problem and it will appear lower in the list. If you still have doubts about the choice of prayer, in the future you will have the opportunity to contact the secretary for personal advice.

For those who joined the prayer through the mobile application, it will be possible to enter their personal account and have access to requests sent to Bolgar (akathists, strengthenings, the Indestructible Psalter, other requests), reviews, facts of help left. It is also possible to open an akathist with which you pray collectively. An important feature and convenience is that at any time you can see when names were sent for prayer. If necessary, here you can extend the commemoration of the name in order to remain a participant in the prayer by agreement. Also, a call will appear on your phone about the imminent start of conciliar prayer according to your prayer schedule in your personal account.

With the help of this mobile application, more than one “lamp” may be lit. And this makes me very happy. After all, the more such lights, the brighter it is on this earth, and the brighter the path of salvation is visible. “...Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34) We will also tell you, dear brothers and sisters, about one of the future interesting features of the application. Over time, you will be able to see the map of prayer by agreement - to see the scale of prayer throughout the world and really feel like part of a large prayer family.

There are a lot of plans. There will be many more useful features. In the meantime, we invite everyone to try the mobile application “My Spiritual Beacon - Prayer by Agreement” and be sure to leave your feedback and suggestions in order to jointly make it even more convenient and useful.

Prayers according to the “My Spiritual Beacon” agreement: schedule and rules

What is prayer by agreement? The Orthodox Church practices what is called “prayer by agreement.” A resource has even been created on the Internet: “My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement,” a schedule for reading prayers and a set of people who want to pray are listed directly in the group. Believers from different parts of the world agree among themselves that at the same time and during the same period of time they will ask the Almighty for the same thing.

“My spiritual beacon” - prayer by agreement: schedule for reading prayers

“My Spiritual Beacon”: Prayer by Agreement

Church ministers with experience advise reading prayers by agreement in the most difficult situation, when a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, he is overcome by illness or grief. He needs to find a group of like-minded people who agree to sincerely pray for him, for the fulfillment of his specific request.

Prayer text

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you take counsel on earth for every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father, who is on

Heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us slaves

Thy (names), who agreed to ask Thy (request), for the fulfillment of our petition. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

Prayer of this kind is of great benefit, because those praying sincerely ask for another person, and this increases the power of prayer a hundredfold.

However, there are also certain temptations here, one of which is optionality. It would seem that there was an agreement to pray for some time on certain days, but the person misses his reading for certain reasons, and sometimes without them. If this happens, it is necessary to repent and confess.

Not every believer is ready for such a feat, because it requires discipline and enormous responsibility. Therefore, if you are faced with such a need, ask for blessings from your spiritual father.

The plans of the Almighty do not always meet our desires. If the prayer of the person asking was heard, it means it is from the Lord, and if it remains unanswered, then the Almighty has a different understanding. You just need to reconcile and move on, trusting in the mercy of the Lord. Those praying ask the Lord with hope and humility, realizing that God's will is not always clear to man, but everything that is given to man is for his good.

Do you need to think about the time of fulfillment of what you want?

The Almighty has his own timing. Everyone knows the cases from the Holy Scriptures when all imaginable deadlines passed and the Lord fulfilled the request of ardent believers. It is worth remembering Anna and Joachim, Sarah and Abraham, who prayed for many years and the Lord sent them what they wanted when their last hope was fading.

Advice: Before you decide to pray by agreement, ask for a blessing from your spiritual mentor, who feels the strength of your faith and your attitude. Tell him that there is a certain situation and you would like to pray to the Lord for its resolution. Indicate the people you would like to take on your team. If the spiritual mentor has given his blessing, then God hear you!

You can speak to God in your own words, for example, you can say this: “Lord, we agreed to pray about such and such a problem, but I didn’t have time to read the prayer (I didn’t find it, missed the appointed time, etc.). God bless them and send them what they ask You for.” The Almighty will hear every prayer if it comes from the heart and with faith.

Prayer Team

Is it worth assembling a team of prayer books? Probably worth it. If you are confident in the sincerity of the people praying with you, then their help will be very useful.

However, if there are no such people nearby, you can call everyone who cares about your grief and is ready to pray for you. Persuasion has no place here. After all, if people agreed to help you only out of fear of offending you, their help will be of no use, even if they pray as agreed. The Lord sees the hearts and thoughts of those who pray, and without sincerity and faith in prayer, do not expect success.

A prayer by agreement, said simultaneously by several people about the same thing in different parts of our planet, has enormous power. It is gratifying to understand that this practice is known not only in our country, but also abroad. For example, in America, Indonesia, America, Morocco. However, this prayer is now performed only according to Moscow time. Believers living in a different time zone have a problem getting up in the middle of the night or interrupting their work day.

Is there a specific prayer schedule?

More and more often, Orthodox Christians are asking us to move the prayer to a more convenient time for everyone. Understanding the desire of the people, knowing the enormous power of prayer by agreement, the church decided to satisfy numerous requests.

On October 1 of this year, the reading of the “24-hour akathist” will begin at the monastery of the Resurrection of Christ. The model for joining reading will also be updated on our resource. Every akathist on any day of the week will be repeated on that day at a certain interval:

Thanks to this innovation, all believers living in different time zones will have the opportunity to pray at a time convenient for them, submitting names in advance. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is now possible to submit names for all readings of the akathist. This is an ideal option for those believers who want to pray more often due to serious life circumstances or who cannot decide on a reading schedule and are not sure of the exact time.

Believers united in prayer become a kind of spiritual family. And the more this family grows, the more God’s grace comes to it.

We tell the Lord about all our life's ups and downs, fears, hopes and needs. We pray to Him for mercy, forgiveness of sins, consolation in grief, healing in illness. We ask the Lord for the most ordinary things: work, study, good luck on trips.

Dear brothers and sisters, at your request, additional reading of five akathists is being introduced:

  • Akathist of gratitude “Glory to the Lord for everything,” because we are guests on earth. Everything we have is given to us for use. Our payment for this is gratitude to the Almighty.
  • Akathist to the Mother of God “Kazan”, we pray to her for the well-being of our Fatherland.
  • Akathist to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. We especially fervently pray to him for help in difficult everyday situations.
  • Akathist to St. Seraphim of Sarov about strengthening in the mercy of God, about readiness for the coming times, about resisting the unclean.
  • Akathist to Saint Sergius of Radonezh about the understanding of wisdom and science.

Trusting in the mercy of the Almighty, who is always merciful to repentant sinners, and having entrusted ourselves to the Mother’s Protection of the Mother of God and the prayers of the holy saints, from now on we will begin to live pleasing to God, we will make it a rule to think daily about the healing of our soul, and our Father will not turn away from us.

Peter and Fevronia

If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Prayer is great power. My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement, is also the power of not one but several people. Energy accumulates and is directed towards the implementation of plans, prayer becomes even stronger, and therefore more effective. I regularly conduct this prayer by agreement. You can not only ask, but also simply talk about your problems, and your soul will definitely feel lighter.

Just imagine the energy that accumulates if people from all over the world pray at the same time. I try to pray as often as possible by agreement, and not only that. Here the point is not even that something will come true for me, but in general - to feel this great power, to receive my share of incredible energy!

How interesting, I had never heard of such a prayer before, but now I read it and was immediately inspired to participate. After all, what kind of energy should she have if one prayer sounds simultaneously in different parts of the world! And how can we now find the time and date when the prayer is carried out in an interesting way?

It’s great that thanks to the Internet, people in need can unite and ask the Almighty God for help! This is wonderful! After all, if you have some kind of grief or misfortune, then it is so important to have support and know that you are not alone in this world, that together with the power of prayer, such powerful prayer, you can correct the situation. By uniting together in the face of grief, you can easily overcome it!

thank God for everything. Oh, if you only knew how much our dear God loves us, there is no such love on earth, trials and illnesses are sent to us so that we come to our senses and begin to live according to his commandments. I thank God that there is prayer by agreement - it’s wonderful. People unite for prayers, I love you all.

I opened your site and was happy to discover so many new and useful things for myself in this section. I didn’t even know about the existence of such a prayer - Prayer by Agreement. This is truly a powerful prayer that can heal and support spiritually.

I also think that this prayer is My spiritual beacon, a prayer of agreement - very strong. Even when one person prays, miracles happen, but what happens when there are not one or two, but ten sincerely praying? What if it's a hundred? Thousand? It seems to me that with such prayers you can move mountains and avert any misfortune if you try. The main thing is to be sincere in your prayer. And God will definitely help.

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Spiritual beacon prayer by agreement

named after St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Crimea

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Prayer by agreement

O. Andrey Tkachev about Prayer by agreement.

What is it, why and what time does it start?

Prayer by agreement - this is the joint fulfillment of one or another prayer rule by several Orthodox people who agree to fulfill it for a certain period of time.

Orthodox Christians often resort to help in difficult life situations, including the illness of themselves or their neighbors. “prayers by agreement” .

This kind of prayerful fellowship is a long-standing and well-known devotional practice that unites Christians in the spirit of love.

Nowadays there are various ways to participate in prayer by agreement. Below are examples of participation in congregational prayer via the Internet.

For now, on the pages of our website, with the blessing of the priest, we provide information about the theory and practice of such prayer so that Orthodox Christians, familiar with the real misfortune of a particular person, provide him with prayerful support.

Direct participation in the life of our neighbor will probably make our heartfelt sighs warmer and more sincere, will allow us to feel the power of prayerful petition, and will give us the opportunity to thank each other and the Lord. Certainly, such a union of Orthodox Christians in prayer is blessed by the parish priest.

What is prayer by agreement?

Most often, “prayer by agreement” is reading the Psalter, when ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty people begin to read the Psalter, each with their own kathisma, at the end of which they add the commemoration of both everyone participating in this prayer work, and those loved ones who are on the list compiled initially by those praying.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov about prayer by agreement:

The basis of such prayerful work is the Gospel.. But in order for there to be no element of self-will and self-will in all this - they say, my usual rules, morning and evening prayers are not enough for me, I want to pray somehow especially - but there is a pure desire for the soul to stand before God, and to unite in prayer with other people, then in this case you need to take blessings from the priest who can tell whether it is useful for you to participate in this, or not now, since you can become proud, begin to feel like you are somehow special, and therefore, for now, it is better for you to grow up to such things.

« Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where are the two? or three gathered in My name, I am I in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee (request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen. »

text of prayer by agreement


How to correctly read such a prayer by agreement, who to include in the prayer team and when to expect results, explains Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov , rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, the grandson of a man of high spiritual life, Nikolai Evgrafovich Pestov. Read more.

First of all, this is our answer to the call:

We ask for your holy prayers for the sick and suffering, who need special (intensified) prayer support.

Based on this instruction, the Orthodox Church practices the so-called “prayer by agreement”, when in case of any difficult situation: illness, misfortune, disaster etc. – two or more Christians agree to pray together intensely for the deliverance of someone from a misfortune that has befallen them.




Orthodox website “FAMILY AND FAITH”


“Truly I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19)

Prayer by agreement: a small text that teaches great happiness... Read more.

    Prayer is great power. My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement, is also the power of not one but several people. Energy accumulates and is directed towards the implementation of plans, prayer becomes even stronger, and therefore more effective. I regularly conduct this prayer by agreement. You can not only ask, but also simply talk about your problems, and your soul will definitely feel lighter.

    Just imagine the energy that accumulates if people from all over the world pray at the same time!!! I try to pray as often as possible by agreement, and not only that. Here the point is not even that something will come true for me, but in general - to feel this great power, to receive my share of incredible energy!

    How interesting, I had never heard of such a prayer before, but now I read it and was immediately inspired to participate. After all, what kind of energy should she have if one prayer sounds simultaneously in different parts of the world! And how can we now find the time and date when the prayer is carried out in an interesting way?

    It’s great that thanks to the Internet, people in need can unite and ask the Almighty God for help! This is wonderful! After all, if you have some kind of grief or misfortune, then it is so important to have support and know that you are not alone in this world, that together with the power of prayer, such powerful prayer, you can correct the situation. By uniting together in the face of grief, you can easily overcome it!

    thank God for everything. Oh, if you only knew how much our dear God loves us, there is no such love on earth, trials and illnesses are sent to us so that we come to our senses and begin to live according to his commandments. I thank God that there is prayer by agreement - it’s wonderful. People unite for prayers, I love you all.

    I opened your site and was happy to discover so many new and useful things for myself in this section. I didn’t even know about the existence of such a prayer - Prayer by Agreement. This is truly a powerful prayer that can heal and support spiritually.

    I also think that this prayer - My spiritual beacon, a prayer of agreement - is very powerful. Even when one person prays, miracles happen, but what happens when there are not one or two, but ten sincerely praying? What if it's a hundred? Thousand? It seems to me that with such prayers you can move mountains and avert any misfortune if you try. The main thing is to be sincere in your prayer. And God will definitely help.

Everything about religion and faith - “the prayer of the elders by agreement” with a detailed description and photographs.

Athonite Prayer by Agreement

You do not have the opportunity to visit Holy Mount Athos, but do you want to receive the prayer help of the Svyatogorsk brothers? We invite you to join the prayer in agreement with the Athonite monks.

“Truly I also tell you that if two of you

agree on earth to ask for any deed, then

whatever they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven,

for where two or three are gathered in My name,

there I am in the midst of them.”

(Gospel of Matthew - Chapter 18:18-20)

In these words of Jesus Christ, by His infinite mercy, He gives people a direct instruction that if they need help or are in a hopeless situation, then there is a way out - a heartfelt prayer to the Lord God.

With the blessing of the Svyatogorsk fathers, we invite you to join our conciliar prayer by agreement.

Prayer by agreement is a conciliar appeal of people to God who have agreed to pray together at a certain time. And despite the fact that those praying may be separated by many kilometers, this prayer is incredibly strong and effective!

By agreement, our monastic brothers read the prayer daily at 21:00 Athens time. For other countries, everyone will determine their own time for reading, depending on their time zone of residence. If someone is unable to read the prayer at the specified time, you can add it to the evening rule.

The duration of reading the prayer is not limited. It could be a day, a month, forty days, or more. Each request can be individual. The Lord God Himself knows what we need.

Text of prayer by agreement

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Truly I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven, for where there are two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Your words are immutable, O Lord, Your mercy is unconditional and Your love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to You: grant to me, and to all those who are now offering conciliar prayer with us, whose names You, Lord, know Himself, who have agreed to ask You for spiritual brotherhood; about acquiring a prayerful spirit; about compassion, mercy and forgiveness; about giving peace and love; and about every request, the requests of which You, Lord, know Yourself. Hear also my request and help me (say the request in your own words). We pray to You for the fulfillment of our petitions. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen.

The candle flame symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and of course our prayer. When you light a candle, your attention is focused on the prayer and request you are making. Lighting up Prayer candle you join us in prayer together.

In addition to prayer by agreement, depending on your personal needs, we also advise you to read the following Prayers and Akathists after joint prayer.

Akathist to Archangel Michael about those suffering from unclean spirits; about getting rid of addictions; from the wiles of the devil;

Akathist to the Guardian Angel about the difficulty of making a choice in a difficult situation;

Akathist to the Mother of God in honor of Her icon “Softening Evil Hearts” about the reconciliation of warring parties; about the eradication of anger and hatred; about compassion, generosity and forgiveness;

Akathist to St. Nicholas about patronage and success in business and entrepreneurship; about getting a job; about getting rid of debts; about those in court, in prison, captivity; about travelers;

Akathist to the Great Martyr. George about the patronage of the Christ-loving army;

Prayers to the Protection of the Mother of God for the well-being and salvation of children; about getting rid of troubles;

Akathist to the Mother of God in honor of Her icon “Unexpected Joy” during childlessness about the gift of a child; about assistance during childbirth; about the creation of marriage; about happiness in marriage, about patronage of the family hearth.

You can also separately order a Prayer Service, Sorokoust, which we commemorate at prayer services before our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, as well as at the proskomedia during the Divine Liturgy. If you need enhanced prayer, then you can order the Indestructible Psalter, which the monks of the monastery read day and night for 40 days.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. “God bless you!”

Many people agree to offer prayer together for something, that is, they get up to pray at the same time, even though they may be thousands of kilometers apart. But what prayer by agreement is and how to pray correctly, in what situations and to whom you can learn from the article below.

What is prayer by agreement

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who happen to come face to face with a difficult life situation, and this method is able to resolve various problems that a person can no longer resolve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

  • Everyday troubles;
  • Serious illnesses;
  • Troubles, sorrows, misfortune, etc.

How to read a prayer by agreement, features

The main characteristic feature of a prayer request by agreement is that for its implementation a special prayer team is organized, which can include either 2-3 people or 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox believers are located at quite a considerable distance from each other, they begin to say a prayer service at the same, but pre-approved time.

The very reading of prayers by agreement is a whole prayer ritual that can be performed every day and not only once, but several times. In most cases, it is carried out based on the following plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above will be, that is, what to ask for and for whom;
  • And only after which the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they recite the next kathisma after the one read;
  • The last stage after pronouncing kathisma is considered to be reading the prayer petition itself, which carries a good goal - an appeal to the Almighty to help one’s loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly stunning, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request, from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times over.

But along with this, the ceremony also has a weak side - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer “team” will be. At the same time, the effectiveness itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in the prayer petition begins to miss days due to forgetfulness or unreliability.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, from which it follows that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person must think carefully about everything and realistically assess his capabilities, as well as take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out at one’s own request and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be part of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline and only then can success be achieved through joint efforts.

Preparing for a prayer call

The prayer service requires that participants in the sacrament observe certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate any ambiguities that have arisen, and also take into account all the details and begin turning to the Savior.

However, for truly Orthodox Christians, the very purpose of prayer is important and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to the church to the clergyman and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead, which in turn will be the most correct option.

  • Before praying, it is recommended to ask for a blessing, but best of all from a clergyman who knows you and your spiritual state well.
  • The priest should tell you about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, and name the names of those people who will read the prayer appeal with you.
  • After the clergyman gives his blessing words, the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement

Based on experience, church ministers advise saying such a prayer if one finds oneself in a particularly difficult situation in life, overcome by grief or illness. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity so that his request will be fulfilled.

The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you take counsel on earth for every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father, who is on

Heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us slaves

Thy (names), who agreed to ask Thy (request), for the fulfillment of our petition. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions such as, for example, a prayer for agreement on family and faith, as well as a prayer for agreement with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in providing assistance in getting a job, about those in captivity, imprisonment, and more.

Text of the prayer appeal to Saint Nicholas:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God of all creation, Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever . Amen."

May God bless you!

Watch also the video about prayer by agreement:

Prayer by agreement - how to pray correctly

Prayer by agreement is often practiced among Orthodox Christians. What it is and how to pray correctly - this material is dedicated to this.

Origin and features

Prayer by agreement is a type of prayer when several Orthodox Christians agree to pray together in absentia in order to help their neighbor in some difficult situation in his life: everyday difficulties, illness, misfortune, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

The roots of the origin of this ritual should be sought in the Gospel of Matthew - in the words that sound like this:

The prayer team formed by agreement can consist of from 2-3 to 20-30 people. Even if these people are located at a considerable distance from each other, they begin prayer at the same – pre-agreed – time.

Pronunciation is an entire daily prayer ritual, which can be performed one or more times per day. Most often it goes according to this scenario:

  1. First, the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher Powers is specified - for whom to ask and what to ask for.
  2. Then the worshipers begin to read the Psalter together: each reads one specific kathisma a day, and on another day reads the kathisma following the one already pronounced.
  3. After pronouncing the kathisma, the prayer itself is read directly.

There are several versions of this prayer text. But they all pursue one good goal - calling on the Lord to help their neighbor.

Popular texts of prayer by agreement

The requests with which believers by agreement pray to the Lord are very diverse. Depending on them, the sacred text may change slightly. The most common options for such a request are given below.

Variant of John of Kronstadt

This text is a Church Slavonic version. In addition to John of Kronstadt, it was also used by the Moscow shepherd, Father Konstantin Rovinsky. Words:

Father Konstantin read this text 4 times a day - morning, afternoon, evening and night. Those who agreed to pray with him did the same. The petition was pronounced until the Lord fulfilled the request expressed in it.

Father Konstantin has repeatedly witnessed the miraculousness of this prayer. With its help, even seriously ill people regained their health (to whom doctors attributed nothing but death), the blind regained their sight, the paralyzed the ability to move and walk, etc. This method continues to help those in need to this day.

Option of Father Valentin Amfitheatrov

When reading this text, instead of parentheses, you must first name the names of those who take part in the process, and then voice the specific request itself (for example, “for the recovery of such and such,” “for the family well-being of such and such,” etc. )

Another option

The prayer is also available in this version:

Absolutely any request can be expressed here.

Responsibility and commitment are the key to success

The results of saying a prayer by agreement are sometimes truly stunning - in the good sense of the word. This Orthodox sacrament is of great benefit, since in this case several people turn to God at the same time with the same request, which increases the power of prayer many times over.

However, the ritual also has its own weak side - this is the dependence of the final result on the responsibility and conscientiousness of the participants in the prayer team. Efficiency will decrease if a person who has already, it seems, agreed to participate in prayer, begins to miss days - either due to his forgetfulness, or a banal optionality.

Prayer by agreement is not an easy matter, therefore, before giving his consent to participate in it, the believer must carefully weigh everything, evaluate his real capabilities, and take into account his character traits. Entry into this ritual must be voluntary and deliberate, and the person who agrees to participate in the prayer group must have strong self-discipline. Only then can those praying together hope for success.

How to prepare properly

The sacrament of prayer by agreement requires certain preparatory measures from the participants. Of course, you can simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate all ambiguities, clarify the details and begin asking God. But true believers, who really care about the purpose of prayer, will not do this. First of all, they will turn to the clergyman in the church and ask for his blessing in the subsequent difficult work - such a step will be the most correct.

It is recommended to ask for a blessing before prayer only from a well-known priest - someone who knows you and your spiritual mood. The priest needs to tell everything in as much detail as possible: state the essence of the request, voice the existing problem, name the names of the people who will participate in prayer with you. The priest will give his blessing - and the Lord will definitely help you.

What to do if the request is not fulfilled?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a request expressed in group prayer is not fulfilled by the Lord. The text of the prayer request itself allows for such an outcome; it is not for nothing that it contains the words: “Thy will be done” . They imply that not all the desires of those who pray can be realized by the Lord, for His will does not always coincide with the hopes and aspirations of mere mortal people, even those assigned to prayer. If a person received what he asked for, it means that God wished it; if he did not receive it, this is also the decision of the Almighty.

A negative result is also a result, so you need to come to terms with the will of the Lord and continue to live, trusting in His mercy. The essence of Orthodox prayers is that they are always said with humility and hope. God’s decision cannot always be comprehended—every Orthodox Christian must understand this.

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Prayer by agreement

With a request to pray for Father Ephraim, we publish a prayer by agreement. We ask you to read this prayer at 22:00 Moscow time:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you take counsel on earth with all things, whatsoever ye ask, ye shall have from My Father who is in heaven; gathered in My name, I am I in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names... and to everyone who is with us), who have agreed to ask Thee: O Lord, Lover of Mankind, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, by Thy all-powerful right hand, Archimandrite Ephraim, imprisoned, deliver from every evil situation, deliver freedom from imprisonment and rule all things for Thy glory. Grant us, our God, the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

If you want to help Father Ephraim with anything else, leave your signature and the signatures of your family members on the Signatures Page

You can also print out the subscription sheet - collect signatures in your church or from friends and neighbors, and then send by email or fax, which works automatically around the clock: 8-499-968-9991.

Subscription form and advertisement.

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Thank you for your participation and help!

I believe that everything is in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ. His will be done!

Yes, of course and unconditionally, but the Lord needs our hands, our deeds, and there are almost none of them, they say the Lord will manage everything himself, so the old man is still sitting in captivity from our coldness.

Elena, if you want to help collect signatures, call the hotline 8 499 968 9990 - we need everyone.

What do you think?


In 2018, the 11th edition of the Orthodox desktop calendar “From Easter to Easter” will be published.

About the benefits of reading

From the stories of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain:

In order to acquire reverence, there is no need to have a lot of knowledge. If we reflect on the little we know, our heart will start working. For some, just one troparion turns everything inside them, while for others, they know everything by heart and feel nothing, because they move outside of spiritual reality. So, read your fathers, at least one or two lines a day. These are vitamins that are very strengthening.

About humility

It is told about the Venerable Arseny the Great that once the Angel of the Lord showed him such a vision: there stood an open church, and two men were carrying a log to that church and wanted to go through the church doors, but could not, because they were carrying the log not as long as it should have been , and in width.

Not wanting to give in to one another, they wanted to enter the church doors both at once, and therefore remained behind the doors, not being able to enter the open temple.

The Monk Arseny asked the Angel: what does this vision mean? And the Angel explained to him. “These people who carried the beam,” he said, “portray themselves to be virtuous but proud men who do not want to humble themselves before each other, and therefore do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but remain outside because of their pride.”

Orthodox design

“The petrified heart”, Matt. 6, 34

Along the entire spiritual path there are walls of petrified, turned back hearts.

"Everywhere." Ps. 7, 11

They will follow you everywhere:

Blessing of my own father,

Grateful memory of the people you helped,

Prayers of your elder.

They will follow you everywhere:

The memory of your bad deeds

The enmity of the people you have offended

Hatred of yourself and those who stand in your way.

From “Mysterious Conversations” by monk Simeon of Athos

Brothers and sisters! Let us continue our conciliar prayer with the help of God and the intercession of the holy saints!
Whoever succeeds, then we read the prayer at 20.00 Moscow time, if it is inconvenient for someone at this time, then we read it without reference to time. God bless us!

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save the soul, shi is ours.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Three times).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord have mercy (12 times)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Come, let us worship the King our God. (Bow)
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Prayer by agreement
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Truly I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven, for where there are two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Your words are immutable, O Lord, Your mercy is unconditional and Your love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to You: grant to us, Your servants: (here you read the names for whom you pray)
and to all those who offer conciliar prayer with us, you know their names, Lord Yourself, who agreed to ask You: through the prayers of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and St. Martyr Tryphon, send us good and honest work for the benefit of us and our neighbors, soften our hearts and fill them with love, Orthodox faith and patience; Protect us, Lord, in the place of our labors from all evil and temptation, may this labor be our salvation; Grant, Lord, health of body and soul, material wealth, long years of prosperous and saving life.
We pray to You for the fulfillment of our petitions. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen.

Kontakion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
To the chosen Voivode, victorious, as having been delivered from the evil ones, let us write thanks to Thy servants, the Mother of God, but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon.
Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper and quick to obey the intercessor to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, the servants of God (we read the names from the list), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, shining in great miracles, exuding healing to those who flow to you with faith and intercede for those in sorrow, you yourself promised before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us to the Lord and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need, sadness and illness of soul or body, if he begins to call on your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil.
And just as you sometimes healed the princess’s daughter, who was tormented by the devil in the city of Rome, protect us from his cruel wiles all the days of our lives, and especially on the day of our last breath, intercede for us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil spirits, and our leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. And where you now stand as saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, ever-blessed and most immaculate and Mother of our God.
We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (three times).
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy and save me, a sinner, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind ec. AMEN.

LIST OF NAMES to remember during prayer:
Archpriest Vitaly, bol. Helena, bol. Irina, approx. Sergius, Vladimir;
Lyubov, Valeria, Alexandra;
Dimitri, Olga;
Kirill, Olga, Olga, Valentina, Joanna (w);
Sofia; Vladimir, Anna, Maximilian;
Alexandra, Elena, Dimitri;
LYUDMILA; Elena, Ekaterina, Artemy;
Vasily, Natalia, George;
Valentina, Tatiana, Valentina, JAKOV, DIMITRY;
Dimitri; Dimitri;
Priest Alexy (Help in the construction of the Temple and arrangement of the parish) Vitaly, Natalia;
LOVE; ☦Alexia;
Priest Alexy (help in building a Sunday school), Olga, Roman, Alexander, Sergius, Sergius;
Alexandra, Elena;
Elena, Vladimir, Victoria, Anastasia;
George; Dimitri;
Dimitry, Elena, Lyudmila, Irina, Natalia;
Marina, Neonilla, Roman, Pavel;
Anastasia; INN;
prot. Peter (help in the construction of the Temple), Alexy, Natalia.
Mikhail, Olga, Alexander;
Natalia; Alexey, Marina;
Dimitri; Veronica;
Tatiana, Alexandra; . The community has more than 58,000 subscribers.

There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, and timely post useful information about holidays and Orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram Lord, Save and Preserve † - The community has more than 60,000 subscribers.

There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, and timely post useful information about holidays and Orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

Many people agree to offer prayer together for something, that is, they get up to pray at the same time, even though they may be thousands of kilometers apart. But what prayer by agreement is and how to pray correctly, in what situations and to whom you can learn from the article below.

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who happen to come face to face with a difficult life situation, and this method is able to resolve various problems that a person can no longer resolve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

  • Everyday troubles;
  • Serious illnesses;
  • Troubles, sorrows, misfortune, etc.

How to read a prayer by agreement, features

The main characteristic feature of a prayer request by agreement is that for its implementation a special prayer team is organized, which can include either 2-3 people or 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox believers are located at quite a considerable distance from each other, they begin to say a prayer service at the same, but pre-approved time.

The very reading of prayers by agreement is a whole prayer ritual that can be performed every day and not only once, but several times. In most cases, it is carried out based on the following plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above will be, that is, what to ask for and for whom;
  • And only after which the worshipers can begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they recite the next kathisma after the one read;
  • The last stage after pronouncing kathisma is considered to be reading the prayer petition itself, which carries a good goal - an appeal to the Almighty to help one’s loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly stunning, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request, from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times over.

But along with this, the ceremony also has a weak side - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer “team” will be. At the same time, the effectiveness itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in the prayer petition begins to miss days due to forgetfulness or unreliability.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, from which it follows that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person must think carefully about everything and realistically assess his capabilities, as well as take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out at one’s own request and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be part of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline and only then can success be achieved through joint efforts.

Preparing for a prayer call

The prayer service requires that participants in the sacrament observe certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate any ambiguities that have arisen, and also take into account all the details and begin turning to the Savior.

However, for truly Orthodox Christians, the very purpose of prayer is important and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to the church to the clergyman and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead, which in turn will be the most correct option.

  • Before praying, it is recommended to ask for a blessing, but best of all from a clergyman who knows you and your spiritual state well.
  • The priest should tell you about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, and name the names of those people who will read the prayer appeal with you.
  • After the clergyman gives his blessing words, the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

My spiritual beacon, prayer by agreement

Based on experience, church ministers advise saying such a prayer if one finds oneself in a particularly difficult situation in life, overcome by grief or illness. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity so that his request will be fulfilled.

The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you take counsel on earth for every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father, who is on

Heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us slaves

Thy (names), who agreed to ask Thy (request), for the fulfillment of our petition. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions such as, for example, a prayer for agreement on family and faith, as well as a prayer for agreement with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in providing assistance in getting a job, about those in captivity, imprisonment, and more.

Text of the prayer appeal to Saint Nicholas:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God of all creation, Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever . Amen."

May God bless you!

Watch also the video about prayer by agreement: