Whose name day is July 25th? Days of Angel Veronica When to celebrate name day? Historical features of the holiday

Men's and women's name days on September 25th church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Full list female and male names and their meanings in Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day September 25

AutonomousComes from Greek. Translated it means “self-righteous”, “independent”. Memory of the Hieromartyr Autonomus, Bishop of Italy.
AlbertMale name of German origin. Translated, it means “noble and brilliant.” There is no such name in Orthodoxy. At baptism, the boy is given a different name.
AfanasyThe name comes from Greek. Meaning in translation is “immortal”. Memory of the Venerable Athanasius of Vysotsky and his disciple, the Venerable Athanasius of Serpukhov.
VassianMale Latin name. Meaning: Vassiev (son, descendant). Memory of the Venerable Vassian of Tiksna.
Daniil (Danil, Danila)Jewish male name. Translated it means “my judge is God.” Memory of Saint Daniel.
KorniteForm of the name Cornelius. Memory of the Hieromartyr Cornitus, Bishop of Nicomedia.
Macedon (Macedonia)The name comes from Greek. Translated it means “Macedonian”. Memory of the martyr Macedonia.

Male Greek name. Translated it means “victorious people.” Memory of the righteous Nicodemus.

Semyon (Simeon)Jewish male name. Translated, it means “one who hears God.” The transfer of the relics of the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye is celebrated.
Tation (Tatian)Has two versions of origin. Translated from Greek it means “reason”. The meaning of the Slavic version is “father”. Memory of the martyr Tatian.
Fedor (Theodore)The meaning of the name " God's gift" It is of Greek origin. Memory of the martyr Theodore of Alexandria.
Julian (Iulian, Ulin)Male Latin name. The meaning in translation is “Juliev (son, then). Memory of the Martyr Julian.

Women's name day September 25

Women's name days September 25th is not celebrated

Celebration of the icon Mother of God"Boyanskaya" (Boyanovskaya).
The image was painted relatively recently: in 1991 for the iconostasis of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Two years later, during the liturgy, tears flowed from the eyes of the Mother of God. This was the first miracle. Many miracles that occur through prayers before this image, including the healing of cancer patients, were carefully studied by the Synodal Commission. The icon was recognized as miraculous and called Boyanskaya, after the place where it was located and showed miracles. The image is painted in oil on a board and decorated with a silver frame, which was made by craftsmen with numerous donations from believers.

Men's name day on July 25 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Arsenios, derived from the word arsen - “courageous, mature.”
  • - from the Hebrew name Gabriel - “ strong man God, God's warrior."
  • - from the ancient Greek grigoreo - “to stay awake”, “to be vigilant”, “not sleeping”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Euthymios, derived from the word euthymos - “benevolent, supportive, foretelling good.”
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the Hebrew name Michael - “equal, like God,” “asked of God.”
  • - modern form of the Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros, Theodoros) - “given by God”, “God’s gift”.

Women's name day on July 25 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Ferenike: fero - “to carry”, “to bring” + nike - “victory”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Miriam - “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”.

Name of the day July 25th - Veronica

It is not clear which original root is the basis of the name Veronica. WITH Greek language the name translates as “bringer of victory,” although this name also contains Macedonian roots. In the 12th century Western Europe another interpretation of the name Veronica appeared. The name began to be translated as “ true image».

Veronica brings good luck, victory and happiness to others. People are drawn to her because they unconsciously feel that by communicating with Veronica, they can get more energy for their own achievements. She is a “donor” against her will. The men next to her achieve everything they want, the children grow up smart and fulfilled.

Veronica, born on July 25, dissolves too much in the world around her, so she has little time left for herself. She remains in this state for a long time: like an enchanted frog princess who has not yet shed her skin. But as soon as the cherished hour comes and a prince appears who can disenchant her, she immediately turns into a princess... And a new round in life begins.

It is useful for Veronica to awaken her ambitions and desire to win, and for this she needs to imagine herself riding a blue deer. This is the same magical deer that will lead her to the winners’ podium on her name day.

The blue deer is a symbol of the sun and light; its image or porcelain sculpture will ward off bad influences.

Good luck is foreshadowed by a name day dream about deer grazing in the forest.

Seeing in a dream that you are burning in a fire means health problems; seeing that a wall of fire is approaching means problems social nature. Seeing something being burned in a fire means problems with the law. It is extremely rare that such dreams show danger from fire. The philosophical interpretation calls dreams of burning in fire a harbinger of transformation. Fire in dreams burns that which hinders the evolution of the spirit. Dreams about fire on name day night often indicate the need to engage in spiritual practices. If you dream that the fire goes out, the problems will go away.

There are two possible origins for the name Veronica. According to the first version, the name has Greek roots. Nika was the name of the goddess who brought victory to the warriors in every battle. But translated from Latin language the name has a completely different meaning. It means “true image”, and is believed to come from two words - vera icon. The incomplete coincidence with the name itself is explained by incorrect pronunciation.

A woman with such an unusual and beautifully pronounced name is the owner of a stubborn character. She has a very strongly developed maternal instinct, she is gentle and feminine. Veronica's Angel Days are celebrated three times a year. They fall on the following dates: July 25, July 30 and October 17.

Veronica's Angel's Day (what date her name day will be celebrated) will be found out by the girl's parents at baptism. For adult woman with this name, the guardian angel is determined by the date closest to her birthday. The patroness of Veronica, born on July 25, will be Veronica the Righteous, on July 30 - the martyr Veronica, on October 17 - the martyr Virinea (Veronica) of Edessa.

Veronica the Righteous, July 25

The first mentions of the name Veronica are found in the Gospel. The book tells that even in the time of Jesus Christ there lived in ancient city Paneada woman. She suffered from painful bleeding for twelve years. During this time, the woman exhausted all her resources on the doctors, but was never cured.

She heard about miraculous healings people touched by Jesus Christ. When the Savior carried his cross to Calvary, the woman began to walk behind him, joining the crowd. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, Veronica leaned over to him, gave him water and wiped the blood from his face. At the same moment when she touched the Savior, the woman felt that her illness had gone away. With one touch of Jesus Christ, Veronica was healed after twelve years of suffering.

But this was not the only miracle that happened at that moment. When the woman came home, she saw that his image appeared on the cloth with which she wiped the face of Christ. A fragment of this canvas depicting the Savior is still considered a miraculous icon to this day.

After her healing, the woman placed a copper statue of the Savior near her house. The grass that grew at its foot was miraculous. She healed other bleeding women from illness. The copper statue was destroyed only under Emperor Julian the Apostate.

On the day of the Angel Veronica, which falls on July 25, the church remembers the Righteous Saint and celebrates the miraculous appearance miraculous icon Christ. By the way, some sources indicate that the woman had a different name. She took the name Veronica after the healing, and it was formed from the Latin words vera icon (“true image”).

Veronica's name day July 30

Another Angel Day for women named Veronica falls on July 30th. On this date, the church remembers the martyr Veronica. However, information about who this woman was and what kind of torture she suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ has not been preserved.

The days of Veronica's Angel, which fall in July, are located very close to each other. That is why the parents of a girl with that name have the right to choose the patron saint for their child.

Martyr Virinea (Veronica). Orthodox Angel Day - October 17

In 304 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Christian persecution was not only not prohibited, but was even welcomed. Because of this, believers were simply doomed to death. Christian Veronica, together with her mother and sister, was forced to flee from Antioch at the same time. They stopped in the neighboring city of Edessa. Hence the word Edessa was added to the name Veronica.

The girl, her mother and sister did not remain free for long. Their pursuers soon captured them and took them under escort back to Antioch. But true Christian women waited until the soldiers sat down to dinner, put on their best clothes, turned to the Lord in prayer and rushed into the seething water. Veronica, her mother and sister accepted martyrdom, but did not fall into the hands of the persecutors.

The days of the Angel Veronica are celebrated not only on July 25 and 30, but also on October 17. On this day Orthodox Church remembers a martyr named Virinea (Veronica), who suffered for her faith in the Lord.

Everyone knows their birthday, but only a few know the date of their name day. First, let's find out what it is. Name days are a religious concept. This is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name Christians name the child (the naming occurs during the rite of Baptism). The list of all names (and there are more than 2000 of them) is contained in the church book - the Saints. Each day, as a rule, several saints are venerated. In this article we will consider only one date - February 25.

Who celebrates name day on this day

February 25th is the name day of Alexey, Evgeny, Anton and Maria. In the church calendar, unusual to the ear are also recorded for this date. modern man Vassian, Meletius, Christ, Plutinus and Satornilus. But since the names listed are long outdated and today hardly anyone would name their child one of them, we will not consider them in detail.

  • Alexey.
  • Evgeny.
  • Anton

Let's talk about each in order.

Characteristics of the name Alexey

Alexey (church version - Alexy).

This is the name Greek origin, which translates as “protecting”, “protecting”.

Alexey is a good family man. He is a faithful husband and caring loving father who will do everything in his power for the benefit of his loved ones. Since childhood, he has been strongly attached to his parents, especially to his mother, and this attachment only strengthens over the years. However, you cannot call Alexei a “mama’s boy”: from an early age, he is rather her protector and assistant. Then the man transfers this attitude to the entire female sex.

In his work, Alexey is a perfectionist; he tries to do everything to the best of his ability, being meticulous about the smallest details. These qualities will help him build good career in almost any field that he chooses for himself.

He will best be able to express himself in the arts (painting, literature, acting or directing profession), as he is endowed with bright creative abilities and imaginative thinking.

Name colors: light green, orange, red.

Stones: lapis lazuli, alexandrite.

Plants: lilac, poplar.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

Evgeniy ( church uniform the same).

Eugene is a Greek name meaning "noble".

Evgeniy can be called a multi-talented person, capable of succeeding both in technical disciplines and achieving success in the humanitarian field. He has a developed imagination quick response and good ingenuity. Evgeniy also has a penchant for mastering languages.

However, due to restlessness and increased excitability, Evgeniy finds it difficult to concentrate on one thing for a long time, and difficulties that arise during his studies or work can throw him off balance.

IN family life he does not “pull the blanket over himself” and does not strive to take a leadership position. Compliant, tries to avoid unnecessary conflicts, but not due to weak character, but in order to maintain a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere in the family. Evgeniy is attentive and caring towards his loved ones and devotes a lot of time to various household chores.

Name colors: white, blue, silver.

Stones: pearl, ruby, jasper.

Plants: forget-me-not, linden.

Characteristics of the name Anton

Anton (church form - Anthony).

Translated from Latin, the name means “entering into battle,” sometimes it is also translated as “zealous.”

Anton is growing up to be a very charming child. With age, this quality only intensifies and helps him achieve favor the right people, arousing their sympathy, charming them.

At school, Anton is not particularly distinguished by his successes and achievements. However, at a more conscious age, he will do everything possible to achieve his goals both in school and in work. Financial solvency is very important to him.

Being an emotional person, in a fit of feelings Anton is capable of uttering hurtful words to close people and throwing out accumulated irritation and negativity on them. However, he is naturally kind and is incapable of deliberately hurting anyone, especially those he loves.

Name color: white, yellow, red.

Stone: garnet.

Plants: garlic, maple.

Women's name day February 25

There are much fewer female names in the church calendar than male ones: the ministers of the church were mainly representatives of the stronger sex. And on February 25, only Maria celebrates her name day among women. On this day the memory is honored Venerable Mary Vifinskaya.

Characteristics of the name Maria

The name Maria (church - Mariam) has Hebrew roots and is deciphered in different ways. One meaning - bitter, sad, rejected. There is also the option “desired, beloved”. And the name can also be interpreted as “stubborn, wayward” or “mistress”.

By nature, Maria is soft, gentle and responsive. She will always help anyone who asks her for help or needs it. Masha is very vulnerable: she is easily offended even by a carelessly spoken word. She worries strongly and deeply.

However, despite her rather weak nervous system, Maria will never allow herself to be manipulated and will not agree with what she considers wrong and unacceptable for herself. She knows how to fight back and say the word “no” when necessary.

The most important thing for Maria is family. Here she realizes herself to the maximum and with pleasure - as a housewife, mother and wife. For the sake of her family, she is ready to sacrifice her career without hesitation, even if it is successful. Although in professional field Maria can achieve a lot because she is a responsible person and has good organizational skills. But her children and husband will always be her priority.

Name color: blue, light blue.

Stone: diamond, garnet, sapphire.

Plant: cornflower, birch.

We told who celebrates name day on February 25, gave general description each name and found out which characters correspond to it.

Names for July 25 according to the church calendar (saints)

July 25 / August 7

Alexander - protector of people, courageous, helping (Greek);
Anna - grace, comeliness, mercy, grace (Heb.);
Eupraxia (Apraxia, Eupraxia) - happiness, prosperity, charitable, prosperous (Greek);
Iriad (Iroid) – mistress, heroine, descendant of Hera; courageous or earth (Greek);
Macarius (Makar) - blessed, happy (Greek);
Olympiad (Lypiada) - praising Heaven (Greek).

Did you know that...

On July 25 (August 7) ​​Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition righteous Anna, mother of the Virgin Mary, grandmother of Jesus Christ.

Anna was the youngest daughter in the family of the priest Matthan and his wife Maria. Anna and her husband Joachim lived in Nazareth, had no children and were very sad about this. The fact of childlessness was perceived by others as a punishment for great sins.

Considering himself a great sinner, Joachim left home and began to live alone in a deserted place. His wife Anna asked God for a child through fasting and prayer. Her prayer was heard, and soon the couple was visited by an angel, who informed them of the imminent birth of a baby. Anna miraculously gave birth to a daughter, whom the couple named Maria.

Anna died at the age of 79 in Jerusalem. In 710, Anna's ashes were transported from Jerusalem to Constantinople. Under King Justinian, a temple was built in her honor in Deutera. Anna's official canonization took place in 1854.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.
