Feng Shui wish card. What can you find out using an individual card?

One of the tools used in energy balancing of the surrounding space is individual card feng shui. It allows you to understand what external influences useful for a particular person and which ones are not.

With the help of an individual map, a harmonious living environment is created for a person, be it a home, an office, a place of recreation or entertainment, which with its energy will fuel all aspects of an individual’s life. Having the information provided by an individual card, a person will be able to navigate the choice of profession, the method of healthy eating, and organize the surrounding space in such a way that the Three Lucks constantly accompany him.

The Provincial Council building in Seville was built on a Jewish cemetery, the result of a medieval ethnic massacre. Did you know that the Church of El Salvador has a catalog of important geopathies? And that the corridor, typical of traditional houses in Seville, can show our character.

When should the Chinese accept important decisions in their lives - getting married, changing houses or countries, choosing employment partners, starting a business - they are looking for the right dates to materialize these events in consultation with a Feng Shui expert. Dates are carefully selected to obtain the greatest possible energetic benefit.

How to make an individual feng shui map?

Download (downloads: 2299). This is a very simple utility that does not require prior installation on your computer. Just download and run it right away. Next, at the top of the menu, click on the first button “Making maps”, then select the time period in which you were born, and follow the first or second arrow on the right with a number (the first column is for men, the second is for women). That's all, a window with your card will open.

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If feng shui is just one of the ways to quickly achieve success for you, an individual card is a completely acceptable option. She is able to show you the right direction without careful additional processing of personal data.

For those who are eager to comprehend the teachings and arrange all aspects of their lives in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, they need to rely on the data of personal analysis, using chinese calendars, calculations of dates and four pillars of fate. But let's return again to our map.

He is trained in various schools of Feng Shui, Norwegian Forests, Place Harmonization and Sacred Geometry.

  • Geology and Geobiology Technical consultant on electromagnetic pollution.
  • Diploma in Geo-Environmental Health at the University of Seville for one year.
We provide solutions and alternatives to living spaces that may be affected by this type of harmful radiation.

You will improve the health of your environment. Speakers Federico Santurino and Jesus Gracia Lopez de la Oza are experts in geobiology and feng shui. And what can a corridor, typical of traditional Seville houses, reveal about our character? We talk to Jesus Garcia Lopez de la Osa, let's talk about Feng Shui! T: Which Spanish cities have “reasonable” or even “wonderful” feng shui?

What can you find out using an individual card?

With the help of the map, the personality type is established, favorable and unfavorable circumstances for a person are recognized. For example, this is what a map looks like, which can be built by downloading the determinant from the library:

T: Are there governments or companies that pay attention to feng shui when it comes to their design. space? Cities like Hong Kong or Singapore take great care in the design of their corporate buildings. in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. Renowned architect Norman Foster received commissions from. this style.

The Forbidden City to take advantage of its power and strength. T: Are there energetically “male” and “female” buildings? It can be said that more than male or female buildings, according to feng shui theory. architectural forms, associated with the five elements of Chinese bioenergy: fire. earth, metal, water and wood.

These cards were presented for a male who was born on January 14, 1988. The presented card recorded the personality type (in in this case- Eastern), equals 4 ( Gua number shows the best direction in space for this person and corresponds to his birth star). This map provides information about which sectors are responsible for certain areas of life, and also shows favorable and unfavorable directions, and predicts possible troubles. It also shows good and bad colors and numbers.

Be this map compiled for a woman, even born on the same day and year, it would be completely different (a woman has Gua number 2 of the same year of birth). So, in addition to the date of birth, the gender of the person is also important. The exact time and place of birth are examined and taken into account in the personality analysis. For a personal card they have no meaning.

Fire: the tops of the cathedral, the energy invaders of the sky to the earth. Suitable for current and past use. Metal: bioclimatic sphere at Charterhouse. Water: “Mushrooms” of the Incarnation. The energy is uneven and ambiguous, as is its construction and reception. for the Seville people. Tree: "Torre Pelli", Giralda.

T: What buildings exist in Seville that have decent feng shui? Seville does not enjoy rich buildings with “good feng shui”. Perhaps some examples of Reals Alcazares and Seville Patio as a concept would be examples. wonderful for the harmonious and intelligent use of space. And of course the dolmens of Valancina, which were temples of dedication, were used again later. collective burials. Almost everyone uses the energies of the Earth, which are very harmful to life. but ideal for spiritual work.

Having an individual feng shui map, a person is quite capable of starting to transform his personal space, choosing the best place to place important pieces of furniture, establishing which colors will actively attract good luck, and so on.

Thus, the individual map provides all the basic information necessary to harmonize the living environment and attract positive chi energy.

Church of El Salvador. T: And the previous question back, in which Seville spaces we should not. Staying long due to lack of healthy energy? Escape from most churches in Seville: too many energy mixes. It's like a goose board, with a "trap chapel" enabled and high energy areas. El Salvador has a very interesting catalog of geopathies:. underground water flow and two faults. These telluric changes are used as in the case. from the already mentioned dolmens.

T: The ruins of Italica are an energetically healthy space. When you walk there for a while, you feel better, calmer. What can you tell us about your feng shui? Did the Romans understand this? The Romans knew about geomancy, but in Italica several licenses were allowed, such as those not respecting the North-South axis. in a checkerboard city and build in areas with landslide problems. land near Betis. T: How - if there is one - can you solve the fact that there is no good in this city?

Video on how to make a treasure map:

Physicist Niels Bohr hung a horseshoe above the door of his house. Seeing the horseshoe, one of Bohr’s guests asked in surprise: “Do you, such a great scientist, really believe that a horseshoe brings happiness?” “No,” Bohr replied, “of course I don’t believe it. But, they say, it brings happiness even to those who don’t believe in it.”

The feng shui of a “traditional Seville home” has its pros and cons. Great idea for a central patio with a fountain as a manager and renovator of energies. Excellent distribution on tall plants in winter and winter. That is: I show you the beautiful face of my house, but you cannot pass by the iron gate. It appears to be open, but it is closed.

How will it be? Have you met over many years of professional experience? Ideal distribution: wide entrance with transparent hall. Public rooms near the entrance. In the background is the most intimate area and services. Unfortunately, this is a very common fact. In Seville we have several examples: the former Hospital of the Five Wounds, seat of the Andalusian Parliament today. The urban sports center of San Luis Street, famous for its paranormal neighborhood, will be built on the old Jesuit hospice attached to the Church that gives its name to the street.

Earlier, in the “Magic” section, we touched on the topic of attracting money with the help of knowledge. Let's strengthen and reinforce, so to speak - today's article is entirely devoted to money issue and entirely from a Feng Shui point of view. Accordingly, the article Money, Cards and Feng Shui is intended to describe simple steps that will increase the likelihood of increasing the amount of money in your home (pocket). By the way, soon, so the money will be very useful :)

Buildings retain memory, no doubt, and if it is negative or painful and not cleared before its construction, it remains. There are methods for eliminating this information, both in Feng Shui and in almost all geomantic or shamanic traditions of the world.

T: Any unhealthy “practices” of today’s architects and designers when designing houses and decorating them? In general, the most practical modern architecture loves straight lines and angles:. something organic, which does not exist in nature and which man supports. consequences for your psychophysical health. Projects for living? Sculptures that speak only to the architect's ego? Antiguera Cayons for the masses?

Money, cards and feng shui - this combination suggests not playing cards(which is bad according to Feng Shui), but already known to us from the article Making dreams come true: a treasure map, a treasure map. The basic tips for attracting money according to Feng Shui are not related to a treasure map, but the principle of creating a map remains the same for all manipulations.

Only at a university in the Spanish Levant was geobiology taught as an elective subject. This was tried in Barcelona, ​​but the project did not work. T: Are there memory buildings in your town or city? And places with useful energies? Do you have any images to send us?

Lopez de la Osa, an expert in feng shui and geobiology. The first thing that surprises a Westerner when studying Chinese timing is its cyclical nature and the coexistence of lunar and solar calendars. From the first, in European culture, we can trace traces in Celtic world, with this symbol of a Greek cross inscribed in a circle. Nowadays it is difficult to find such a circular concept in the West. In the East it has survived to this day. Although it is also true that quantum physics begins to ratify this circular vision of time, which the Eastern sages already intuitively understood.

If you put your small mark on a large one before you buy something banknote(100 dollars, 100 euros, 5000 rubles), then you attract an extraordinary money luck. In addition, this bill will definitely come back to you.

Take care of coins minted in a leap year and keep them as a talisman. Leap year (by the way, New Year will be a leap year🙂) - one that is divisible by 4 without a remainder. 4 is the number of wealth and money, therefore such coins are called “seed coins” and bring financial luck, attracting wealth. Leap years- 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008. Carry them in your pockets and purses.

From the second we see that this tradition has been preserved at annual Christian festivals. It's about about “mobile” holidays. That is, those dates that are set in accordance with the criteria of the moon. Suffice it to say, for example, that our Holy Week should always “fall” on the first full moon after the spring equinox. And over time, misalignments occur.

This calendar is obviously of agricultural origin, as it commemorated moments that aided field work throughout the year. They serve as an example: June 6, “the grain appears on the stalks,” May 21, “the stalks appear,” February 20, “the rains arrive.” In this type of calendar the beginning chinese year also has a fixed date, approximately 4 or 5 February. This is when many Chinese do a lot of annual house cleaning.

It is considered great luck if someone rich and influential gives you a bill from their wallet or pocket. Never waste it, it's your lucky money. You can even frame this bill and hang it in your home or office in the money sector

There should always be money in your pockets, at least one coin. Make this a rule because seed coins are like magnets to attract financial luck into your life. The best thing is to put 3 coins in your pocket because the number 3 gives growth energy and will make your money grow.

Another concept, calculating cyclic time, is based on a diagram with a sexual relation, similar to the Chaldean time measure that we inherited in our clocks. Cycles of 60 and 60 years are established, which are combinations of 10 elements with 12 elements. The last - twelve animals Chinese zodiac, and "ten stems" is a duplication of the five elements of the Chinese worldview depending on whether they are yang or yin, giving a total of 10 possible combinations.

On a practical and popular level, all this means is searching suitable dates, which change every year for different human events. So, depending on your birth date, there will be days, months, years, or cycles over several years that are favorable or not to your natal animal and its yang or yin energy. This will follow the fixed or solar calendar.


  1. Sleep with your head facing west. This part of the world is associated in Feng Shui with fame and prosperity
  2. Keep a small pot of money somewhere in the western part of your apartment (preferably with coins)
  3. Make sure that the taps in your home do not leak - your money flows away along with the dripping water.

Now let's talk about the deeper patterns of Feng Shui and money.

If the rooms in which a person lives and works are “set up” correctly from the point of view of Feng Shui, this can significantly contribute to the fact that he will be healthy and prosperous in all other areas. To attract wealth into your life, you can independently use some of the methods offered by ancient Eastern teachings.

The main idea of ​​Feng Shui is that space is divided into zones that are responsible for various areas life. By activating these zones in a certain way (with the help of paintings, flowers, mirrors), you can direct the energy of life to the area where it is needed.

Therefore, when attracting money using Feng Shui, you need to activate the wealth zone of your home (or office). Strictly speaking, it is the West that is responsible for the ability to manage the benefits that have been received. Here you can place financial plans, raw gems, rainbows. On the other hand, by superimposing the Ba Gua diagram on the plan of your apartment or house, you will be able to see which of the rooms in your living space are located in the southeast, which is responsible for material prosperity.

There are many ways to activate zones. To begin, use a compass to determine the necessary sector of your apartment or room where you intend to create a Feng Shui corner to attract wealth into your life. Wealth and money in the teachings of Feng Shui are symbolized by water. Therefore, it is advisable to place an aquarium with goldfish in this sector. It is desirable that there are 9 fish, of which 8 are gold and one is black. Do not place fish that are unknown to you into the aquarium. Some of them are prone to fights or are capable of eating their neighbors, which will not improve the feng shui of your home.

If it is not possible to place an aquarium, place a picture of water and goldfish in the desired sector. In addition, a turtle is an excellent talisman for attracting wealth into your life. Of course, you don’t have to buy a live turtle for this; you can put up a figurine. It is desirable that it be made from natural materials.

By the way, the concept of “wealth” in the Feng Shui system has more broad meaning than the one we are used to putting into this word. IN Ancient China wealth was understood not only as the material wealth of people, but also as the intellectual, spiritual, cultural, communicative and everything else that could be of value to their lives.

Feng Shui works with energies. Properly calculated and activated energy will provide an opportunity to earn a decent amount of money. The question is what potential does a person have for quickly receiving money? "Money" energy is present in most apartments.

However, the circulation of ANY energy will be significantly hampered if the space in your home is cluttered. Respectively, good advice How to attract money from a Feng Shui point of view is to clean your room. And primarily in the northern, southeastern, western and central sectors.

Before you tackle the actual south-eastern part of your home, it’s a good idea to get yourself a few bundles of old chinese coins, which should be carried in your wallet, taped to folders with important financial documents, fax machines and computers that can bring important financial information.

An important rule of Feng Shui: Home is a reflection of your inner space. If you want to attract something new, you should first cleanse the house.

Where do you keep your money (besides the bank, of course)? Like many, in the wardrobe or under the mattress? Don't do this! Those who keep money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator, do the right thing. Better places to attract money than the area front door and you simply can’t find a kitchen! Therefore, it is worthwhile, having thoroughly scrubbed the floor, to place small denomination coins under the doormat with the eagle facing up. Put them in the refrigerator, in the pantry with jars of food, “so as not to starve.” Just be sure to make sure that the money does not become moldy, otherwise its effect will weaken. Replace coins regularly with new ones.

An important step in activating the southeast wealth zone in particular and the entire home in general is to only keep things in the house that we use regularly! Walls, floors, furniture and other objects in the house contain the energy of previously occurring events. Negative or repeated events “settle” in the room and affect its occupants. Debris from things is an obstacle to the flow of favorable energy, and after cleaning negative energy quickly disappears not only from our home, but also from life.

And finally - about the design of the south-eastern section of the house. The interior of this sector should be dominated by all shades of green and blue. It is preferable to place wooden furniture here and, in general, to make sure that there is as much natural as possible in this place - for example, fresh flowers, indoor plants, paintings with flowers, forest, meadow, trees, shrubs, parks, etc. The only thing that should not have a place here is the image of a deserted area devoid of vegetation. Any image of a mill helps to attract money to the house.

So, the main principle of Feng Shui regarding money is to remove clutter and keep the house really clean.

Including throwing out EVERYTHING that is not used.