Astrological forecast for the year January Sagittarius. Sagittarius – Ox

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

Many Sagittarius will experience great achievements in January 2018, but they will have to work hard for this. Already in the first days of 2018, you will have a lot of ideas and plans that you want to implement. You won’t be short on energy during this period, so direct all your energy towards the right path and don’t turn away from it until you reach the finish line. There will be people around you who will be ready to support and listen at the right time, as well as provide material or financial assistance. All the things you undertake will end with a good result. Try to avoid large investments and purchases; it is better to postpone them until the end of the month or the beginning of the next. You now have every opportunity to achieve what you want and fulfill your dream. Stay consistent in your actions to increase productivity and improve your work results. It's in your hands to change your life better side and strengthen your financial position. In January, Sagittarius will experience a series of unexpected events that will completely change their attitude towards life and force them to reassess their life values. The most important thing now is to maintain balance and work hard to achieve your desired goals. No matter what, you must remain yourself and not take any actions to the detriment of the people around you.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of January for Sagittarius

The first ten days of January 2018 is a favorable period for resolving important business issues. During this period there will be more than enough work. Don't despair. It is at work that you can realize your creative potential to the fullest. Your wonderful organizational skills and the talent of a leader will help unite the team and increase the productivity of the entire department in which you work. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Try not to plunge headlong into solving work issues, so as not to infringe on yourself and your family due to the lack of free time. Your passion will be noticed and appreciated by influential people who will make a lucrative offer. Don't refuse. This is an excellent prospect for personal growth and development of your creative abilities. Just imagine that you are doing what you love, relaxing, having fun, and, in addition, making a good profit. It is quite possible that you will soon be able to build your own on this own business and start working for yourself. For business owners, the beginning of January will be very fruitful. Under the influence of the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn, your business will go up sharply, and you will be able to realize your ideas related to the expansion of your enterprise. Do not be afraid of obstacles and difficulties, because luck is with you and all problems will be solved quite easily and simply.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of January for Sagittarius

In the second ten days of January 2018 family life Sagittarius, under the influence of Venus, will begin their second honeymoon. Your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and you, in turn, will add fuel to the fire every day. You will always be filled with tenderness, romance and passion. You will again experience the same feelings as at the very beginning of your relationship with your partner. Such changes in relationships will have the most favorable effect on the general atmosphere in your home. As for relationships with children, now is the time to intervene in their upbringing and take an active part in it. Try to be extremely frank and sincere with your children. If you can’t go somewhere with them, then say so, while explaining the real reason. Don't make up excuses. Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie. But, nevertheless, try to compensate for lost time and take an active part in the development of your children. In general, a harmonious atmosphere full of mutual understanding will reign in the Sagittarius family. Those who are in search of their love will have several pleasant acquaintances in the middle of the month, one of which reasonable approach will grow into something more. Don't miss your chance, be prudent.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of January for Sagittarius

The third decade of January 2018 is a great time to start some of your own family traditions. It will be different for everyone, but the effect will be stunning. You shouldn’t sit within the four walls of your home on weekends. Walk, have fun, meet people, communicate. Life is so varied that it’s a pity to waste time.

Monthly advice for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

“During the month, representatives of the Sagittarius sign will work a lot, which will lead to stress on the body; a health horoscope will help prevent serious illnesses”

In the first and second decades of the month, it is not romance that comes to the fore in your personal life, but more practical matters. The planet of love Venus is located in the Sagittarius house of money, so you will notice the relationship between amorous affairs and money. During this period, you expect signs of attention from your loved one, expressed in tangible form (gifts, etc.), and walks under the moon or poems about love will not make the right impression. You are attracted to wealthy people and beautiful things. Maybe you want to spend the money on something elegant.

On January 18, 2018, Venus moves into the Sagittarius house of communications, and on January 20 the Sun joins it. In love and relationships, communication becomes especially important, both verbally and in writing. You are interested in highly intellectual conversations and are attracted to people whose conversations stimulate your mind and broaden your horizons. Use this time to bond with your lover over a shared intellectual activity that you both enjoy.

If you are looking for love, there will be no shortage of favorable opportunities. You just have to know what to do with them. Success in love awaits those who are sociable and easily establish new contacts. Thanks to your sociability, you can attract very worthy person who wants to start a relationship with you. Maybe you unexpectedly discover that someone is in love with you. Also, love at this time has a connection with travel, you have a good chance of meeting someone special while traveling.

Sagittarius career and financial horoscope for January 2018

The main theme of the first month of 2018 is money. The Full Moon on January 2, 2018 will activate the financial houses of the Sagittarius horoscope, indicating that finances will be a hot topic. You are very focused on material values both cash income and your assessment self depends on financial status.

There is a cluster of planets in your house of money, here are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto. This concentration of planetary energies forces you to act, find reserves, analyze your financial plans, and work out options for additional income. The stars offer good opportunities for strengthening financial situation. However, you need to use this time wisely to generate resources rather than waste.

The new moon on January 17, 2018 occurs in the house of money; it can give rise to profitable projects and investments. If there are unresolved financial questions, there will be chances to resolve them to your advantage.

Career goals this month are also dictated by material considerations. It's time to put your ideas into practice. Success depends on correct assessment of available resources.

January 20, 2018 The Sun moves into the communications sector, new impulse gets work related to contracts, documents, negotiations, speeches. Successful studies, passing tests and exams.

The lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 in the ninth house of Sagittarius will affect relationships with partners from other countries and regions, both personal and business. Offers of cooperation from organizations or people from afar are possible. If you go on a trip on days close to the eclipse, it is recommended to be careful.


The influence of Mars in the twelfth house of Sagittarius is not entirely favorable for health. There is a risk of accidents due to inattention or haste. To prevent the body's potential to fight diseases from decreasing, you should lead a balanced lifestyle, avoiding excesses. The month is suitable for medical examinations and diagnostics. Trains for medicinal purposes promise to bring good results.

Don't waste your energy on trifles! Make a list of priorities and focus on what you consider most important.

Astrological horoscope Sagittarius January 2018, main events of the month, predictions for men and women born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Find out what astrologers say, what changes you will experience in love, family life and business.

The Sagittarius horoscope for January 2018 contains information about your desire to change your future. The stars say that you are making global plans or striving to implement existing ones. Of course, Sagittarius’ goals are the most noble, but think about whether you are overestimating your own capabilities? No one is saying that nothing will come of everything Sagittarius has planned. But you may become a victim of some unforeseen circumstances, experience a lack of time to implement your projects, and you may even lack some skills or knowledge.

To avoid failure, make real plans, not castles in the air. Don't multitask. Make a plan according to which you intend to implement your plans, use the experience of your partners, consult with specialists. And also don’t forget about talismans and lucky factors - Sagittarius should definitely pay attention to them:

Stone: Carnelian

Number: 11

Color: lilac

Animal: beaver

Mascot: motanka doll

Name: Vasily, Kupava

Symbol: Yellow Earth Dog

Plant: dandelion

In January, astrologers advise people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius not to forget about more mundane problems. You must decide them yourself. Of course, friends and acquaintances will not refuse to help you. But no one except you can cope with your problems better.

First of all, be positive and be patient. After all, everyone knows that Sagittarius is restless and adventurous. You must try not to let these qualities harm you. Haste will not bring you any good, and a tendency towards adventurism can even end in trouble. Sagittarius must solve the problems that arise from the very beginning of the year as they arise, otherwise they will simply overwhelm him.

Relationships in love

Sagittarius, as the horoscope for January 2018 says, will experience a bright love adventure at the beginning of the year. The feelings of some Sagittarius, unfortunately, will remain unrequited, but the majority will feel absolutely happy.

If you are left alone, do not be upset and do not envy your friends who are walking in couples. The stars say that it remains to be seen who is luckier. If your chosen one disappoints you, the sooner this happens, the better for you. This means you won’t make another mistake and connect your life with an unloved person. In the case when feelings simply fade away, it’s worth thinking about how strong these feelings were. It may be that you found out that your loved one has someone else. Try to calm down and decide once and for all whether you need such a “friend”?

But don't hasty conclusions and don’t try to “comb” everyone with the same brush. There are plenty of decent and positive people, and you have yet to meet them.

New in January 2018 love feelings can come to both Sagittarius who are in a relationship and to those already married. This is where things get a little more complicated. For family people It will be necessary to understand the reason for the occurrence of this event: your feelings have already faded away, or you just want something new. As practice shows, the second option is much more common. By breaking off your marital relationship, you may make a big mistake that you will later regret. Family Sagittarius should spend more time with their life partner. Spend together not only free time, but also time devoted to various household chores. This will make you even more closer friend to a friend.

Career changes

According to the horoscope, in January 2018 some Sagittarius will want to change their occupation. A well-thought-out, informed decision is more likely to be the right one. But something adopted spontaneously, under the influence of emotions, can do a bad job. In any case, you should not go “nowhere”.

Despite all his adventurousness and unpredictability, Sagittarius must take care of preparing the ground for new job. You can work officially or choose to freelance, working from home. But the most important thing is that Sagittarius should not lose their source of income! When deciding to change your occupation, do not neglect the opinions of your family and friends.

Sagittarians who remain in their workplace from the beginning of the year may enter into confrontation with colleagues and even with management. Sagittarius will have a lot of things to do, which will cause them increased irritability. The stars advise not to neglect the help of colleagues and calmly communicate with the boss. Perhaps you will agree on a change in working conditions and realize that you are surrounded by more than just enemies.

About the health of Sagittarius in January

Sagittarians can be proud of their immunity. In January 2018, you will not be afraid of cold viral diseases. If one of the Sagittarius suffers from such an ailment, the ailment will be very minor and will not last long. And yet, Sagittarius must constantly monitor their health and maintain their immunity at the proper level.

Drink freshly squeezed juices, take vitamins, take walks in park areas and do not avoid minor physical activity. If you have the opportunity to go to a swimming pool, don't miss it. Swimming is useful for developing the respiratory system, acquiring correct posture and stimulating the most essential muscles.

January for Sagittarius is a time of great endeavors and accomplishments. Representatives of Sagittarius are more likely than representatives of other horoscope signs to associate the beginning of a period with the beginning of a new life. And, by the way, Sagittarians manage to fulfill their plans the most, because in their minds they have already thought through what they have to do in their new life a million times: they mentally got rid of bad habits, started playing sports and had a difficult, unpleasant conversation that had been put off for a long time.

Therefore, while representatives of other horoscope signs are finishing New Year’s salads, Sagittarius can take on any task. The diligence and responsibility of the White Rat, the patronage of Mars guarantee the success of any events planned by Sagittarius.

Horoscope for January 2020. Sagittarius

When you receive offers to change jobs trust your intuition, especially if this offer has just arrived and was not planned. But changing the type of activity for Sagittarius at the beginning of the year is not recommended by the stars; most likely, representatives of the sign will be disappointed. Although within one enterprise the steps to career ladder will be successful and will immediately bring good financial results.

However, in the heat of the moment, you can overestimate your abilities and take on an unbearable burden. Such work will bring disappointment and cause great internal and physical discomfort. Therefore, try to make decisions thoughtfully, having first familiarized yourself in detail with the working conditions and their payment.

There's a lot of time ahead dedicate Sagittarius to relatives at the beginning of the year, and not to your closest friends. There is a high probability that old friends will need your support and not only moral. When helping, do not expect a quick return. Accept the idea that your help will be completely selfless.

Elderly relatives can also cause trouble. They will also need your help, but you will be in a state of great emotional and physical recovery, and this will not be difficult for you.

The inner strength and beauty with which you will glow from within will not leave envious people indifferent. Gossip and talking behind your back should not be taken to heart; remember that if they talk behind your back, then you are ahead.

Sagittarius love relationships in January 2020

At this time, Sagittarius will want big changes. This will apply to almost all areas of life - professional, love, and the surrounding living space. Love horoscope January 2018 is also favorable for Sagittarius.

The only thing to be wary of is relationships., which the opposite side vigorously imposes on you. This romance can drag on for a long time and end ingloriously. In all other cases - green light. To finally meet a person you have liked for a long time, to explain your feelings, to make or accept a marriage proposal - a great moment has come for all this. Representatives of the sign who are already connected family ties, the stars also promise many unforgettable romantic moments that will return the relationship to its original freshness.

Sagittarius. Rest and children.

The beginning of the year can motivate Sagittarius at the beginning of a grandiose renovation, but you need to start it only if your budget has planned funds for its implementation, otherwise it may drag on for a long time, enthusiasm will be exhausted by that time, and imperfections may begin to complicate life or simply irritate.

Try to become a Sagittarius for children real teachers, educators and mentors. Don't try to do all their homework for them. Putting away toys, washing dishes, wiping dust on furniture - a child should have feasible responsibilities. Otherwise, if you protect him from this out of love and a desire to protect him from any difficulties in life, you will do a disservice to the child in the future. Raise your Sagittarius child both by your own example and by conversation, and if necessary, by more stringent educational measures.

Sagittarius. Cultural life

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign will actively strive for beauty. Theatre, literature, music - all this will attract your attention and bring pleasure. Sagittarius' creative abilities are also on the rise. A hobby that has been a hobby for a long time may suddenly begin to generate income. To do this, you need to spend at least a little time on marketing and advertising.

Actually, almost everything that Sagittarius undertakes at the beginning of the year, it will be within their reach and will subsequently give good material results and peace of mind. During this period, representatives of the sign are in a state of complete harmony, look great and feel great.

Sagittarius. Health in January 2020.

Physical and emotional stress can have a Negative influence to the health of Sagittarius. In the frenzy of energy, many Sagittarius do not attach importance to emerging health problems, put off going to the doctors and, as a result, miss the occurrence of symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, representatives of this horoscope sign really need to find a balance between work, family, personal life and health.

It is the representatives of this horoscope sign who will Preventive examinations by doctors are very useful, which will be able to identify emerging diseases in the early stages, when the symptoms are not yet very obvious. This will help to start timely treatment and avoid the disease from becoming chronic. Therefore, you should not treat medical examinations as a formality. Visit doctors and give them the opportunity to examine the condition of your body. The influence of Mercury on the Sagittarius horoscope indicates a possible worsening of vision problems. Don’t put off visiting an ophthalmologist for too long. The likelihood that you will completely overcome eye diseases at this time is greater than ever.

In January, beware of relationships that are actively imposed on you.
Sagittarians are recommended to undergo a preventive examination with a therapist.
Sagittarius. Horoscope for February 2020.

In January 2019, representatives of the sign Sagittarius will be able to find a new social circle, friends who will remain for many years. Go out in public more often and make new acquaintances.
In order for a stalled career to finally move forward, take advantage of the opportunity that has arisen. He is much more promising than he seems.

Favorable days for Sagittarius for January 2019 –10, 17, 19, 25, 27, 30
Unfavorable days for Sagittarius for January 2019 – 1, 5, 13, 14, 21

Sagittarius's career and finances in January 2019
In the field of career activities in January 2019, Sagittarius has a chance to achieve success, but to do this you will have to overcome some obstacles. Therefore, try to adequately assess your strengths and the capabilities of your opponents.
On the other hand, you should not give in to difficulties in advance. Set your priorities correctly and everything will work out for you.
The first half of the month will be difficult. You are quite vulnerable, and it is better not to be tempted to risk everything.
But during this period you can make useful contacts, go on business trips, and start collaborating with foreign partners.
In the second half of the month, your chances of success will increase significantly, and you will be able to advance in your career. In the field of finance in January 2019

You cannot say that you are broke, but the financial situation in the family leaves much to be desired. And although this is not typical for Sagittarius, you need to turn on the saving mode. But let the savings be reasonable, not harsh - the latter is not necessary.
Personal life of Sagittarius in January 2019 Sagittarius will be very emotional and irritable in the first half of January 2019
. Just one word from your partner that is contrary to your opinion can provoke a scandal. If you feel like you're boiling, stay alone with yourself for a while. In general, January promises to bring resolution of the issue , which has been haunting me for a long time. Some representatives of the sign will decide to start life together
with a partner. The stars promise something pleasant for free Sagittarius
, but nothing promising communication with the opposite sex. This is a time of intrigue when you can hone your flirting and seduction skills.

At the end of January, listen to the recommendations of your loved ones if they insist on meeting a person who would be a good match for you. Agree to meet and get acquainted.
Sagittarius health in January 2019 During New Year holidays In 2019, Sagittarius’ immunity will, to put it mildly, not be up to par.
. Try to avoid drafts and hypothermia, drink vitamins and herbal teas, and if you do catch a cold, start treatment immediately. During this period, it is worth taking care of proper nutrition: The digestive system can be disruptive, especially if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
There is a high chance that weather changes will affect your health. Joint pain, occasional dizziness, and general weakness are possible. It will help you prevent such ailments good sleep
and a course of vitamins.