Tower in combination with other Lenormand cards. Different towers are needed, different towers are important

Tower means any large building or institution, Big city or administrative center. With its grandeur, the Tower can sometimes scare away, enslave or disarm. The Tower card separates the higher forms from the lower. This fortune telling card those who strive to achieve professional heights, fame and recognition.

Another aspect of this Lenormand card is solitude because it can be interpreted as separation and possible isolation. The tower does not take into account the human factor; it is a symbol of inviolability, rigidity and authoritarianism; may represent an elder or father.

Main meaning in fortune telling: Establishment, official, distinguished, formal, isolated.

Keywords: Company, large buildings, promotion, advancement, authority, precedent, height, ambition, control, status, rules, boundaries, hierarchy, restrictions, policies, bureaucracy, government, high standards, responsibility, global thinking, legal issues, designs, concepts , discoveries, aspirations.

People. An eminent person, an elderly person, an official, a consultant, a philosopher, a ruler, a boss, a boss, an important person, a president, a leader, a policeman, a curator, an architect, a city planner, a patriarch, a father, an overseer.

Love. Formal or patronizing relationships, love between people from different walks of life.

Job. Office rules and policies, bureaucratic structure, office hierarchy.

Finance and business. Government funds, tax payments.

Well-being. Organizational mentality, isolation, hospital.

Comparison. Mountain (8 clubs) – retreat; Key (8 diamonds) – personal control; Garden (8th peak) – outside the house; while Tower means isolation, official control, a place indoors.

Playing card. The 6th peak crowns the top. Number of points – 6.

Connection with myths and legends. Towers of palaces and wizards often appear in folk tales– for example, the tower where Rapunzel was imprisoned. The prince was able to climb this tower only by following the hair of his beloved, which she lowered down.

Tower in combination with other Lenormand cards:

= various cultures and ways of thinking, immigration authorities.

Residential complex, company headquarters, government office.

Hospitalization, clinic, health center, quarantine.

Imprisonment, cornered, tombstone or grave.

Summons, eviction, penalties.

Hello, dear readers of Lenormand!

I haven’t written an article for a long time, three whole months. And today I decided to write about the Lenormand “Tower” card. As you know, a tower can indicate an official or government institution, as well as a certain building, but not a residential building.

When this card appears in a pair or triad, it becomes easier to understand which particular institution we are talking about. In this article I want to talk about the meaning of the Tower card (officiality) in combination with another card.

Let's get started.


Literal interpretation: transport in some building, horse in some building.

This combination may indicate an MREO or an equestrian club.

If anyone doesn’t know, this is an institution that issues license plates for cars, motorcycles, mopeds, as well as licenses after passing an exam according to the rules traffic and driving. Well, of course, he’s also in charge of fines. There may be other functions, but I don't know anything about them.

I think it’s clear where this meaning came from. In our case, the tower means a government agency, and the rider can indicate small transport: a moped, motorcycle, scooter or car.

The Horseman card features a horse. Therefore, this combination of cards can also indicate an equestrian club or horse breeding organization.


Literal interpretation: good luck in the building, medicinal herbs in the building.

This combination can indicate a casino or building with slot machines, as well as a pharmacy.

Clover is a sign of good luck. And luck is so necessary in these establishments. Clover can also predict the receipt of a certain amount of money. So this is how it turns out.


Literal interpretation: agency for organizing long-distance travel.

These maps, when combined with each other, can point to a port or train station.

Why? The ship itself can indicate a trip or journey, as well as large transport - a train or ship. The tower indicates the organization in charge of these types of transport.


Literal interpretation: an institution that deals with real estate.

These two cards in a pair usually speak of a real estate agency.

A house can speak not only about family and relatives, but also about real estate. Therefore, together with the tower it indicates a real estate agency.


Literal interpretation: continuation of the family line in some building.

This combination may indicate a family planning center.

The tree speaks of the race, the roots of man and the continuation of the race. It also talks about health. If a couple cannot have children due to the health of one of the partners, the center staff will try to help them solve this problem and the family will continue.


Literal interpretation: flight organization agency.

This combination of maps can point to the airport.

With the "Book" card - flight school.


Literal interpretation: snake in the building.

This combination of cards indicates a medical institution, often a clinic or hospital. Sometimes - a sanatorium.

Everyone knows the picture with a snake wrapped around a bowl. She has long become a symbol of medicine.

With the "Rats" card - infectious diseases department.

With the "Kosa" card - the surgical department.

With the "Heart" card - cardiology department.

With the "Child" card - children's department.

With the "Lily" card - gynecological department.

With the "Clouds" card - the pulmonology department.

With the Pisces card - maternity ward (preservation of pregnancy)

With the "Coffin" card - intensive care unit.

With the "Tree" card - a sanatorium or holiday home.

With the “Book” card - medical school or medical institute.


Literal interpretation: coffin in some building.

This pair of cards indicates a funeral service agency or morgue.

When we see a coffin, the first association we have is death. Funeral service agencies organize funerals and offer all the necessary items (including coffins).


Literal interpretation: flowers in some building.

This combination of cards indicates an agency organizing events, a flower shop or a beauty salon.

A bouquet is always joy, gifts, happiness, flowers, holiday and good mood. And all this helps to create agencies for organizing holidays. They organize birthdays, weddings, parties, retirement or military service. Any celebration!


Literal interpretation: sharp objects in some building.

These two cards, if dropped together, will point to a drug dispensary.

The scythe can indicate sharp objects, needles and syringes. They are exactly what drug addicts use. Well, they will get rid of drug addiction in a government agency.


Literal interpretation: competitiveness in some building.

This combination indicates a gym or stadium.

One of the meanings of the Broom card is competitiveness. Who is competing with each other? Well, of course, athletes! No, of course, men can compete for the attention of a woman and a woman for the attention of a man, but we will not apply these situations here. There is only sports here!!!

With the "Rider" card - equestrian activities.


Literal interpretation: nervousness in some building.

This combination will indicate madhouse or a mental hospital (popularly called a mental hospital or a madhouse). Call it what you want.

Birds tend to fuss a lot. This card often shows a person's nervousness. What kind of person is very nervous? Right. Mentally unwell.


Literal interpretation: a child in some institution.

This pair of cards will point to an orphanage.

One of the meanings of the “Child” card is the child himself. A little man who has not yet turned fourteen years old. What association appears when you see a child “imprisoned” in a tower? Orphanage. This is exactly what he looks like.


Literal interpretation: cunning and deception in some building.

These two cards will point to a store (grocery) or supermarket.

Why? The fox gets food for its cubs and for itself. The man in the store does the same thing. And if you remember how we are deceived in supermarkets by the quality of goods, discounts, expiration dates, weight, and so on, then I think you don’t need to look for all the qualities of a fox for a long time.


Literal interpretation: bear in a government office.

This combination may indicate a circus or a zoo.

A bear is an animal. In which government institution (don’t forget about the “Tower” map) can you see a live bear? Of course, at the zoo or circus.


Literal interpretation: starry sky in a buiding.

This combination of cards will indicate the amusement park.


Literal interpretation: a building in which storks bring children.

This combination of cards speaks of a maternity hospital.

Everyone knows the “fairy tale” that storks bring children in their beaks. When Small child asks a question to his parents, wondering where he came from, they, without hesitation, answer: “The stork brought you!” The stork has long been a symbol of the birth of a child. In almost every maternity hospital he is depicted on the walls. And when discharged from the maternity hospital, it is the stork (a person in disguise) who delivers their baby to the parents.


Literal interpretation: institution providing security services.

This pair of cards may indicate a security agency.

A dog is man's friend! Everyone knows this proverb from childhood. But she can be not only good friend, but also a reliable security guard. Dogs perfectly guard a house or apartment, as well as any property and the person himself.


Literal interpretation: society in some building.

This combination of cards will indicate some kind of public organization or public place.

This could be a cafe, restaurant, cinema, internet cafe, or any public institution.


Literal interpretation:


Literal interpretation: choice or decision making in some building.

These two cards in combination with each other will indicate judgment.

How does a case usually end in court? The judge says: "The court retires to make a decision." Or something like that.

With the "Book" card - legal education.


Literal interpretation: dungeon in some building.

This combination of cards will indicate a prison, place of detention or police.

Rats usually live in basements and dungeons, damp places. In ancient times, prisoners were usually kept in dungeons. Rats mean dirt, disease, infection. Prisoners were usually subject to the same conditions.

Rats are also thieves. Who among us catches thieves and brings them to justice? Of course, our “valiant” police.


Literal interpretation: mercy in some building.

The combination of these cards will indicate a charitable organization or foundation.

The Heart card primarily speaks of emotions, mercy, and love. Including about love for your neighbor.


Literal interpretation: a building where people exchange or buy rings.

Of course, we are talking about the registry office and the jewelry store.

The custom of exchanging rings as a sign of endless love, loyalty and devotion has existed for a very long time. The ring is a symbol of infinity. There is no beginning or end to it.


Literal interpretation: knowledge or books in some institution.

These maps will indicate a school, institute, technical school or vocational school, as well as a library.

The book is a source of knowledge! If I'm not mistaken, this is a quote from the great Maxim Gorky. Therefore, all buildings in which you can gain some knowledge (namely from books) can be described by this pair of cards. Well, a building with a lot of books is, of course, a library.


Literal interpretation: paperwork in some building.

This will most likely be a notary office.

One of the meanings of the “Letter” card is business, official papers and documents. Well, it is notaries who deal with the preparation and certification of various papers and documents.


Literal interpretation: sexuality in some building. Military building.

This combination of cards may indicate a brothel or military registration and enlistment office.

One of the meanings of the Lily card is sexuality and intimate relationships. Which building has the most of them?

Another meaning of this card is military personnel. Therefore, such a combination may indicate a military registration and enlistment office or military unit.


Literal interpretation: institutions managing heat and light.

This combination of cards will indicate city gas or energy sales. May also indicate a fire department.

The sun is a source of light, heat and energy. Gas gives us heat, and electricity gives us light.

The sun can also burn your skin. Fires occur very often in the summer heat.


Literal interpretation: hyper-emotionality in some building.

Like the Birds, the Moon card in combination with the Tower will indicate a madhouse.

The moon is a night star. At night almost nothing is visible. A person can also hide both his soul and his fears from others. If a person is constantly very afraid of something, he can become a hostage to his fears. This is an abnormal condition, painful. Such a person will need the help of a specialist. The moon is also a strong emotionality. Mentally ill people cannot control their emotions.


Literal interpretation: the building in which the craftsmen work. Locked room.

This combination indicates a workshop that repairs something.

One of the meanings of the “Key” card is that a person is a master of his craft. Previously, keys were made by hand. To make a key, you had to know how to do it. Handmade was valued at all times and is still very much valued. This could be a workshop for making keys, repairing watches, gold items, household appliances and so on.

As we remember, a key can open or close a door. Therefore, another meaning of this combination of cards is prison. People are locked up and it is impossible to get out. The door is closed and there is no key.


Literal interpretation: money (finance) in some building.

I think you have already guessed that such a combination of cards will indicate a bank, savings bank or some other financial institution.

One of the meanings of the Pisces card is money. Pisces have always been a symbol of wealth, profit, abundance and material goods. Where is the most money found? Of course, in banks and other financial institutions!

With the "Book" card - accounting or economic education.


Literal interpretation: recreation organization.

This combination of cards very often indicates a travel agency.

Where there is an anchor, there is always the sea... Well, or a lake in extreme cases... We always associate the sea with rest, vacation and summer holidays. Well, travel agencies help us organize this vacation.


Literal interpretation: a cross on some building.

This combination of cards will indicate a church or any other religious building. Various sects also belong here. And monasteries, of course.

Try to imagine this picture, use your imagination. I am sure that the church will immediately appear before my eyes. When we see a cross, an association immediately appears with Jesus Christ crucified on it.

Well that's all for today. Our meeting with you, dear reader, has come to an end. I hope that the article was useful and you will definitely apply the knowledge gained in your practice. The article turned out to be long, but I tried to shorten it to the minimum.

Best regards, Milena


Six of Spades
Card designation: thoughts, management, temporary separation, retreat, buildings, halls, hospitals, institutions and enterprises, some kind of mission, loneliness, separation, completion of some business or event, trait, pride, constancy, solitude, perseverance, magic , competition, miracles. Status symbol, position occupied in society, positions, titles, banks, companies. Responsible for different kinds courses, e.g. advanced training, seminars, training activities.
It is neutral, that is, neither positive nor negative. Depends on the cards lying next to it.
Description of the card: it shows a tower in the middle of the ocean. Since it is large in size, it is a symbol of power, greatness, authority, but also isolation, alienation, loneliness, solitude.
Personality: responsible, purposeful, observant and attentive.
If the “Ring” card lies nearby - independence in connections, independence.
Since the space in this building is very small, it resembles a prison, confinement, or monastery. Indicates loneliness, the need to hide from someone or something, to retire in order to restore one’s lost strength and take a break from human fuss and stress.
On the sensual side, it is self-isolation, secrecy, indecisiveness, modesty, immersion in one’s problems, a prisoner of a tightly bound network of a web that he has woven himself, and cannot get out of it.
The tower reaches deep into the ground with its roots, and with its height into the sky. This is a symbol of greatness, growth, to rise from a spiritual point, to become richer, independent, intellectually developed.
If there are unfavorable cards nearby, obstacles and difficulties await you that will interfere with the solution of your tasks and affairs, as well as envy, self-interest, coercion, and possibly violence. Psychophysical fatigue and overload will occur, from which the questioner will need to rest. Therefore, loneliness will be beneficial, as you will regain all your strength.
The card can indicate the end of the road, old age, retirement age, or a visit from an elderly person. This is a kind of wall that a person himself builds in order to hide and isolate himself from others, simply to protect himself. Also, climbing to the very top, you can understand that a person looks down on everyone and becomes arrogant.
If we look at it from the point of view of a fairy tale, we can see a beautiful princess who is waiting for her savior - the prince. To get him on top, she resets her long braid, thereby creating a way and a chance to solve all problems.
Pay attention to the adjacent cards. Endowed authority, but also fear of responsibility, solving temporary problems and tasks, origin, location, power and strength - all this carries with it the “Tower”.
IN love sphere promises separation, and if the “Key” is nearby, this is a 100% breakup love affairs. If it is vertical or horizontal with the “Man” - separation. There are cases when the “Ring” with the “Tower” means that each of the spouses is in their own world, they have nothing in common, different interests, secret happiness. If the “Heart” is nearby - a strong love union, constraint, indecision, stability, strong emotions.
Professional activity: independence, determination, independence, highly paid position.
In the healthcare sector: if “Clouds” are nearby, it foretells a disease, both chronic and acquired, infection.
From the physiological side: spine, back ridge, neck, finger.
If "Anchor" is nearby, you should stop smoking. Serious illness is predicted by the “Tower” with the “Coffin” or “Scythe”.
Personality: slim, elegant, tall. They are calm, a little absent-minded, blue-eyed, sometimes with green and brown eyes who have strong influence and impact. People are closed, dreamy, thoughtful, loving to spend time alone with themselves, closed to other people, independent, not resorting to the help of other people. A workaholic person, for the sake of growing his career, he pushes everything into the background. Basically, these are men who hold high positions, are wise and patient.
From a philosophical point of view, "The Tower" predicts longevity and happiness in old age.
If located next to the questioner's card and surrounded good cards, it means that the prediction will soon come true, and you will be happy and healthy.
Location: These are mountains in Asia.
Execution time: maximum one year, minimum 15 days.

Symbolism. As a place isolated from the world, the tower symbolizes philosophical thought. Details life path and her general direction developments become understandable from a “higher point of view.” A tower is the strongest structure erected by man; it can be considered as a symbol of sustainability, stability, and reliability.

Seeing a tower in a dream is an obstacle.

Traditional meaning. Everything will be wonderful, and the questioner will live to an old age in peace and prosperity. What more could you want? Only proximity to bad cards can spoil rosy prospects - then we can expect serious illnesses, and serious problems and insurmountable obstacles. Sometimes the TOWER means the result of some business, many years of work, or even a lifetime.

Modern interpretation. As a rule, this card predicts longevity and happiness. Stability, stability of the achieved position. However, a lot depends on the surrounding cards. In some cases, when the TOWER covers the previous card, there is a delay in one or another phenomenon, “success at the end of life.” Sometimes the TOWER can be considered as a symbol of the state, in private cases - a state house.

TOWER can characterize a person as a tireless worker, doing his hard work with ant-like persistence.

Special meanings:

In matters of relationships. Strong Relationships lasting a lifetime, but without strong emotions. Stability, practicality above feelings.

In business matters. Good, solid business. Stable position, small but stable income.

In medical matters. Longevity. Stability. Depending on the surrounding cards, the situation may stabilize as at the stage of the disease ( chronic illness), and in health.

Card combinations:

Tower +

1 Rider- government courier

2 Clover- success has a solid foundation

3 Ship- business trip

4 House- government House

5 Tree- calm and stable position

6 Clouds- deterioration of health

7 Snake- major troubles

8 Coffin- unsuccessful completion of affairs, sometimes a serious illness with a fatal outcome (you should take your health seriously)

9 Bouquet- subsidy, compensation, etc. gifts from society

10 Scythe- severe injury

11 Broom- serious nervous disease, neurosis

12 Owls- hypochondria

13 Child- guardianship from the state

14 Fox- deception with big consequences

15 Bear- head of a government agency

16 Stars- high goals

17 Stork— change of place of residence, likelihood of immigration

18 Dog- state employee

20 Garden- public and crowded places

21 Mountain- laws and rules of a foreign state (or - selfishness, hypertrophied pride)

22 Fork- old problem

23 Rats- devastation

24 Heart- lifelong feelings

25 Ring- rights, license, official authority (may mean the possibility of divorce)

26 Book- code of laws

27 Letter- wait for official papers

28 Man

29 Woman- imminent completion of affairs, favorable result

30 Lily- high position in society

31 Sun- religion, church

32 Moon- honor and respect in society

33 Key- solving grandiose problems, revolutionary ideas

34 Fish- welfare

35 Anchor- hypocrisy, prejudice

36 Cross- karmic, difficult to treat diseases or imprisonment

(Anna Kotelnikova “Prediction Lessons with Maria Lenormand”, 17th edition, Centerpolygraph, 2013)


Today we will take a closer look at the Lenormand Tower map, which has the nineteenth number and correspondence playing cards— Six of Spades. Many tarot readers who have not yet worked with the Small Deck of the French fortune teller think that this map will have a meaning similar to the Tarot Arcana of the same name, but this is not so. In the Lenormand deck, the Tower does not threaten any unpleasant surprises, and vice versa - it means, first of all, protection, inviolability, and stability.

Description of the map

Most often in Lenormand decks the following image of this card is found: an impregnable tower, fortress or a huge medieval castle standing in the middle of a picturesque natural landscape far from the city. In the Mystic Lenormand deck, for example, this is a small tour tower standing on an island in the middle of a stormy ocean. A princess (or queen?) is imprisoned inside the tower, and pterodactyls fly around her in the sky. A very interesting presentation, isn’t it? But more traditional towers are still much more common.


Most often, towers were erected as fortifications. The height of the fortresses made it possible to see the enemy’s advance long before his approach, and reserves of weapons and food were always stored inside the structure. Therefore, the conclusion immediately arises that, first of all, a tower is a defense, protection of one’s territory, security, inaccessibility. The tower can also symbolize authority, power, high standards, great opportunities, because only rich and influential people could build a huge skyscraper.

On the other hand, such a structure is quite capable of turning out to be a place of imprisonment: remember the pages of history and ancient legends about princesses, state traitors and enemies who languish in dungeons. In this case, the tower can be associated with isolation, loneliness, exile. And, of course, one cannot ignore the legend of Tower of Babel, which has become a symbol of disunity, alienation due to inflated self-esteem. True, in this context the one of the same name is still more perceived, but, nevertheless, sometimes this interpretation is worth taking into account.

General meaning of the card

So, to summarize all of the above, we can say that the Tower in Lenormand cards can manifest itself in three aspects: first - protection, reliability, strong foundation, strong position, refuge, establishment of clear boundaries; the second - isolation, imprisonment, exile, fenced off from the world, loneliness, separation, inaccessibility; the third is ambition, arrogance. Of course, in many situations this card is played in a more literal sense, for example, it indicates government agencies, banks, large corporations such as Gazprom, administrative buildings, high-rise buildings and social institutions. Sometimes the Tower shows a person in isolation, such as in a prison or hospital. If we are talking about quality, then this is the ability to insist on one’s own, stubbornness, steadfastness, firmness.

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

The meaning of the Lenormand Tower for matters of personal life varies. On the one hand, the card can characterize a strong, stable union, not subject to any external influence, but on the other hand, no less often the symbol has the meaning of separate property, when lovers do not live together, but only meet from time to time. In this case, we mean the delimitation of personal space, protection of one’s territory, and distrust of a partner.

In its negative aspect, the Tower sometimes manifests itself as an alliance in which one or both of them becomes too cramped, when one puts pressure on the other, because of which the latter finds himself as if in captivity. To understand in what sense the symbol appeared in your layout, listen to the voice of your intuition and carefully examine the neighboring cards, because even the same combination can be read differently. So, for example, the Tower-Heart pair means both a “locked heart,” an unwillingness to let love into your life, and a union in which people feel safe, “like behind a stone wall.” Tower-House Lenormand can indicate a family in the understanding “my home is my fortress,” but sometimes it plays out in a completely different way - when a person is exclusively engaged in family life, doesn’t go out anywhere, doesn’t communicate with anyone, spends time only in the company of his partner.

The meaning of the card in work and finance

Most often in questions professional activity The tower speaks of a stable, strong position, stable work and wages, a strong, reliable business that is not threatened, a high position in career ladder. The card also often indicates work in the civil service, a large corporation, or in some isolated place, remote from the center public life place, for example, in a hospital, prison, country boarding school, military academy, monastery.

The meaning of the card in medical matters

If we ask about a person’s state of health, the Lenormand Tower will show good health, strong immunity, when the querent is protected from any diseases and unpleasant surprises. If we try to use a map to indicate an existing medical problem, it may turn out to be physical wear and tear of the body, ailments associated with bones, joints, spine, or back. Where do these correspondences come from? Just imagine what kind of organ you would associate a tower or a fortress with? Personally, my associations are the frame of the body, the skeleton, that on which everything rests, which allows a person to stand firmly on his feet.

The meaning of the card when describing a person

What is the meaning of the Lenormand Tower map if we try to describe a person’s character? Most likely, this will be an introvert, a person with rigid, unbending principles, views, beliefs, whose life is full of stability. Love of change and impulsiveness are definitely not his thing: he prefers to be in the same place and live according to a routine he has once established. At the same time, the person described by this Lenormand card will be very far-sighted, able to see in advance the possible consequences of his actions. Sometimes the Tower characterizes a closed, lonely person who shuns society, or a person of retirement age for whom everything has shrunk to the size of his own apartment. Another example of a Tower is a famous, authoritative person who occupies a high position in society.

The meaning of the card for the past, present, future

The meaning of the Lenormand Tower for layouts for the past, present and future can also be multivariate. So, for example, speaking about the past, the card in some situations indicates a strong position occupied by a person, and in others - a period of isolation, alienation, loneliness. For the present, this could be either illness or isolation, or dealing with government agencies. For the future - ending up in a hospital or other government institution, or staunchly defending one’s positions, which a person will do in the near future.

Map timings

A tower is a strong structure that takes a long time to build and is very difficult to destroy, so 6 Peak Lenormand always reports on a protracted process, unhurried, but true. There may be a long wait. The astrological time period that Anna Kotelnikova attributes to the card in her book about the Lenormand deck is September 24 - October 3, the first decade of Libra, ruled by the Moon.

If the Lenormand Tower came to you as advice, try to take a break from the hustle and bustle, stay alone for a while, and outline personal boundaries. The second option is advice to take fortification positions, hold the defense, not give up, or decide existing problem official way, and not by roundabout methods.

If the 6th Peak turned out to be a warning, you should not lock yourself within four walls and fence yourself off from the world, as you may miss something important.


  • In the 19th house - the house of the Tower - symbolizes reliability, stability, stability, moral principles of a person, but it is also considered the house of government institutions.
  • Places on the map are government agencies, apartment buildings, a prison, an educational institution, a hospital, a large corporation, sometimes just an office or enterprise in which a person works, his workplace.
  • A character who can be characterized by the Tower is a high-ranking person who occupies a higher position than the querent, or is simply older than him in age.
  • Professions of the card - civil servants, education workers, notaries, builders, officials, various regulatory authorities.
  • The element is earth, the beginning is feminine, yin.
  • Astrology - Capricorn, Saturn (note that this is not the time period that Anna Kotelnikova gives in her book, but the generally accepted astrological correspondence of the chart).

Combining a card with others

Now let's look at the Lenormand Tower in combination with other symbols of the Small Deck.

Neighboring card Combination meaning
Official news, notice from a large organization, government agencies
Clover A happy accident that opens up long-term prospects
Ship Business trip, business trip, travel package from an organization
House Multi-storey building, real estate agency, solid ground underfoot, stability
Tree Lenormand Tower Tree - good health, longevity
Clouds Isolation, desire to be alone, gloomy mood
A strong ill-wisher, a dangerous enemy
Cemetery, morgue, severe long-term illness, retirement
Official gifts (such as humanitarian aid or congratulations from the work team on a holiday), receiving subsidies
Fall from height, divorce, need for surgery
Broom Problems with the law, fines, public reprimands, community service, rumors, gossip, police actions
Birds/Owls Unrest, conversations with officials
Child School, kindergarten, child protection
Fox Cunning on the part of high-ranking officials
Boss, major authority, banking structure
High ambitions, big goals
Stork Moving to a new place of residence, immigration
Dog Get help, support from an official organization or high-ranking person
Garden Public places
Mountain Problems from those in power
Fork Separation, parting, choice leading to loneliness, isolation
Rats Problems with government agencies, for example, with the tax service, police
Heart A strong, reliable love union, unbreakable feelings, or a situation where the relationship is “like being in prison”
Ring The Ring-Tower Lenormand most often means official marriage
Book Educational institution - college, institute, university, scientific laboratory, library
Letter Official documents, papers
Man An unapproachable, authoritative, high-ranking man who is able to provide support
Woman An unapproachable, authoritative, high-ranking woman who can provide support
Lilies Borrow high place, get a good position, reward, honors, recognition of achievements
Sun Politician or very a famous person, leader, well-deserved success
Moon The Tower-Moon Lenormand pair can be interpreted as being in a hospital or prison, gloomy, depressing feelings
Key Opportunity career growth, assistance from high-ranking officials or authorities in solving your problem
Fish Salary increase, stable income, mortgage, money in the bank account
Anchor Reliable, stable work position, settling in a government-owned house (for example, in a rented apartment), career growth
Combination Tower-Cross Lenormand - a period of fatigue, exhaustion, sometimes - exacerbation of chronic diseases