Father suddenly pulled out a living, smoky miracle from the depths of his cassock... Yaroslavl priest in a coma after an accident: his wife asks for help from Turkey

June 30 is 40 days from the death of priest Igor Klokov, rector of the Church of St. Nikita the Martyr in Yaroslavl. He died in a car accident on May 22. In memory of the deceased - a story by the poet Larisa Patrakova.

The sky is high, voluminous, capacious. Dense clouds, saturated with life, are about to be reborn into something otherworldly, promised, necessary. But those who a few minutes ago traced the flight of the soul that went to God are not visible in the sky.

Somewhere on Earth there is a body left, limbless in a car accident.

Earth. Puteynaya, 50 – Yamskaya station, one of the main ones in the Universe. Outlandish ships arrive here with a cargo of kittens, birds, children, butterflies, turtles, rabbits, and dogs. Angels swarm with different faces, different wings, forever surprised. Many people asked to go to this address, this road.

The kittens, anticipating possible deprivation, stood in line for incarnation, hoping to arrive here. They didn’t drown or throw people here. They fed, loved, tolerated the cat's outrages and gave only to good hands.

Of course, this little woman, whom everyone called mother, sometimes grumbled - she knew how to grumble: “You have multiplied - like in heaven. Go, father, wherever you want!” And miracles happened! Sometimes after the service, blessing a particularly beloved child with a cross, the priest suddenly took out a living, smoky miracle from the depths of his cassock and lowered it into the palms of a parishioner dumbfounded with happiness: “For you. Educate. Hol. God won't hurt you." And somewhere there, in distant worlds, the cat army rejoiced immensely in these moments and memorized the address: Earth. Puteynaya, 50.

Churches, churches on the horizon. To which call of eternity they once responded, but were unable to carry it and gradually grew into the ground, exhausted by the heavy prayers of the parishioners and the wingless tread of the priests. There are few survivors left. And I keep looking, looking over church domes, trying to find the trace of a familiar soul in the sky. I don't see it. Not given.

And the Yamskaya station is chugging, working day and night. The wings of butterflies that have dried up against their will, the feathers of wounded birds, the voices of parrots that once stayed here, the brittle leaves of long-burnt trees, the wet glances of rabbits, even a small bat- all this accumulated for centuries at the Yamskaya station, because a little woman with rounded shapes, with lush hair and a forever surprised face, she could never throw anything away. Everything seemed to her like sacred wealth.

Yes, and you need to make Christmas tree decorations, panels, lampshades from something... She sewed the purple dragon wings herself when she realized that she would not be able to get a real dragon. The children inflated multi-colored balloons, and in solid letters she wrote terrible words on them: envy, pride, fear - she gave names to the dragon’s heads. The balls were carefully attached to the purple wings. They fought mercilessly: a needle at the end of a sword. Six children - six heads of a dragon: each defeated his blood enemy...

Father left early: there was always inhospitable darkness outside the window. But his path was further and deeper: into the dark abyss human souls, to the very outskirts of meaning. The children saw him in church, in shining clothes, with a cross and with the Gospel, light and joyful.

They did not know how humanity was growing with a common body of pain, they did not know that the priest went into its very depths and took it, took it upon himself, bit by bit, drop by drop, lightening the burden of the suffering. He couldn't do it any other way.

And the Yamsk station of the Universe accumulated more and more details, secrets, meanings, dreams, things - the little woman tried not to miss anything. But most of all she loved to lure children to her. She liked giving birth. I would like more. She was ready to lure, lure, get, buy somewhere a new child's soul in any way. Children drained her physical strength. But her soul needed them like light.

And the children were different: all beautiful, willing to do everything, with clear eyes... The rooms were built like a birdhouse: not too spacious or comfortable. And then an archaeological layer of space debris settled in them: books, paintings, all these memorable crumpled pieces of paper cannot be thrown away: a girl I knew gave her first poem...

Children's clothing: what if you're still a child? Dried dragonflies, whose wings they heroically tried not to shred... Feathers, shells, pebbles from the shores of Greece, paper icons - a whole host of saints, bottles with the smell of eternity. For three Louvres of children's drawings (they drew everything, everyone and a lot), the sheet music is old, yellowed, and new too. The main thing is that they sounded whenever they wanted. Wrappers, of course, candy wrappers are delicious memories of forbidden sweets. Children's tears in transparent shells easter eggs- all this and much more gradually took over square meters, but expanded the memory space...

The children grew up either as angels or as heroes. Each one manifested its own character and its own characteristics, brought from eternity. Sometimes they turned out to be very strange and difficult, and then the little woman tried to sing them in her prayers and songs. At night I embroidered with my soul a whimsical carpet of one or another childhood destiny. And her tears left a special mark on the pattern.

Father returned to the late dinner, hung with other people's sins, suffering and illnesses. No matter how hard you try, you can’t throw them off the threshold. And the children saw that his face brightened year after year, day after day... Yes, it was necessary to take out another loan, nail something down, fix it, build it - the Yamskaya station had to live. But the path of his life went higher, further.

And, shaking off the pus of stinking, diseased, almost decaying ones from his fingers, whom he communed in cancer hospitals, in one-room, lonely holes, communed, consoled and did not disdain to kiss, he walked more and more easily on the Earth.

Life seemed mysteriously inhuman and meaningless over this fresh grave, littered with flowers. Many tried to justify God at these moments. But these are those who looked at what happened point-blank, from behind the corner of their own pity. From around the corner, the truth of life is always scarier and more bitter. More intolerable. And someone measured everything on a different scale, trying to sip the joy that this tragic death carried within itself. Both of them were right. And equally helpless.

And at the Yamskaya station, a little woman, surrounded by children, kittens, rabbits and angels, was vaguely aware of something.


June 30 It's been 40 days since the death of the newly deceased Archpriest Igor Klokov, rector of our church.

On this day the funeral service was performed Divine Liturgy, which was attended by the priests of our church, led by the new rector, Abbot Boris (Baranov), as well as a host of clergy from Yaroslavl churches.

After the Liturgy, a requiem service was served in the church, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon of Yaroslavl and Rostov.

In his sermon, the Bishop noted that Fr. Igor possessed truly Christian qualities: humility, meekness, kindness and sacrifice in his pastoral service to Christ and people.

Then a second requiem service was served at the grave of Fr. Igor at the Tugovaya Gora cemetery.

Archpriest Igor Klokov was born on October 23, 1970 in Yaroslavl. He was brought up in an ordinary secular family, far from church life. After graduating from school, the future shepherd, who had an extraordinary academic mind, entered Yaroslavl State University to study Faculty of Mathematics. While studying at the faculty, he met his soulmate - Ksenia studied at the same university in a different specialty.

Igor made great progress in his studies, teachers saw him as a great scientist, and after graduating from the university he was offered to go to the USA for a year for an internship. But Igor, devoted to his family, wife and small child refused - he couldn’t take them with him, and he didn’t want to leave them here alone.

And instead of an American university, it turned out to be a backwater - the village of Poshekhonsky, a village house without amenities, a 17-kilometer walk to the bus stop and a local school in which the future priest taught half of the subjects - there were no teachers, no one wanted to accept such conditions and with such a salary.

The time of the 90s is a time of powerful spiritual development, the young Klokov couple began visiting the local church and went to church together. A year later, Igor received the blessing to enter the Moscow Theological Seminary.

“We arrived in Sergiev Posad,” says Mother Ksenia. - He had the blessing to enter the seminary, and I had the blessing to enter the regency department. Father showed himself there too the best side As a student, I completed two courses in a year. He entered in 1994, on August 1, 1995, he was ordained a deacon, and five days later - an elder. They immediately gave a decree on my appointment as rector to the parish, and we returned back to the Poshekhonsky district to the village of Vladychnoye.

In the village of Vladychnoye there once was a large Assumption Church, which was destroyed almost to the ground during the revolution. In Soviet times, people from those places moved closer to the city, so the previous rector only had enough money to erect a wooden frame 6x9 meters and crown it with a dome with a cross. This temple was the northernmost in Yaroslavl region, it was the only one in the entire district - more than forty square kilometers. On holidays, there were up to 300 people praying in the church, grandmothers walked many kilometers, and in winter they reached the church on skis.

It’s clear, there are no amenities,” says my mother. - I learned to milk a cow and do laundry in an ice hole; life was very hard: there were times when we didn’t have enough money for a bag of sugar or a jar sunflower oil. We didn’t have any car, the priest moved around this entire territory either on foot or on horseback, and in winter he went on skis. But everything was very sincere, warm. we received a “zero” arrival, as they say - there were no people there. And so the priest was able to attract parishioners, and a community was formed. There was a Sunday school, a choir was organized, and the priest also went to Yaroslavl to teach. He taught a lot. And we served there for four years.

In 1999, Father Igor was transferred as a full-time priest to the Church of Praise Holy Mother of God Yaroslavl - they wanted to see a valuable teacher closer to the temple. And Father Igor taught a lot, a lot. At the theological school, and then at the seminary, at the regency school, at Yaroslavl University, at the Institute of Education, he lectured for defense industry teachers in secondary schools, taught catechist courses, taught classes in Sunday school- and this is not all of his teaching activity.

In 2003, by decree of Archbishop Kirill (Nakonechny) of Yaroslavl and Rostov, Father Igor was appointed rector of the Church of Nikita the Martyr. The temple consisted of three walls - there was no fourth. In the years Soviet power there were, in turn, warehouses, a bakery, and sewing workshops. The restoration of the temple took a lot of effort from both the community and the priest.

Father Igor was not a businessman, he was a man of prayer. “He didn’t know how to find sponsors or beg money from them,” mother recalls. - If something didn’t go well, he read an akathist, and somehow everything was sorted out by itself - there was money, building materials, crews.

In addition to teaching, Father Igor did a lot of work as a priest, acting as a confessor. He looked after the local orphanage, Yaroslavl provincial gymnasium, a society of disabled children and their parents, a department of the Yaroslavl children's hospital, where there were abandoned babies and children who were found thrown into trash cans, on sidewalks, in entrances, and one of the most difficult places of his ministry was the regional oncology center where he went twice a week to confess and give communion to patients and serve prayer services. All the priests who cared for this center before him could not stand the painful environment of the institution. But Father Igor did it. And with all this, he also continued to study - in 2008 he successfully graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy.

He was very humble, very joyful and very bright. And he was kind of trouble-free. They could easily call him at three in the morning, at five in the morning - and he would get up and go to confession and receive communion. I was terribly tired, but never complained to anyone. One day he left like that at three o’clock in the morning to go to church and disappeared. This happened back in Vladychny. There were no cell phones back then. I started to worry that something was wrong and eventually went to look for him. I’m walking through the village, I look, and he’s sitting on a log near the house, leaning against the wall, and sleeping. He was so tired that he couldn’t walk home, the workload was terrible, the priest even had a stroke, but he didn’t tell anyone about it. Nobody knew about this. He loved worship very much. No matter how tired I was, I never canceled services.

The management recognized the merits of Father Igor with awards:

In 2001, he was awarded the right to wear a legguard and kamilavka;
In 2007 – the right to wear a pectoral cross;
April 20, 2010 – elevated to the rank of archpriest;
In 2015, he was awarded the right to carry a club, the medal of Prince Yaroslav the Wise “1000th anniversary of the city of Yaroslavl”. And on April 16, 2012, the state awarded him a medal for fidelity to parental duty.

The number of people who made up Father Igor’s social circle is enormous. In his cell phone there were more than 3000 contacts. It took him one and a half to two hours to walk from home to the temple - as soon as he took a step, someone immediately stopped him to talk, ask for advice. A step - they stop, a step - they stop. It would seem that such a popular and sociable priest should take full advantage of his position and accept rich gifts from his spiritual children. But no - Father Igor was completely non-covetous. He didn’t have a five-story mansion or a brand new Mercedes. There was an old “nine” in which he drove around when needed.

It was on this nine that he had an accident on May 21, 2017. In the evening the priest returned from services. According to the preliminary version, the car's tire burst. The priest's "Nine" was thrown into the oncoming lane, where there was a head-on collision with another car. Emergency Situations Ministry employees cut Father Igor out of his wrecked car. With his legs crushed, his heart swelling from the bruise, he was conscious and kept asking not about himself, but about the driver of that other car. In the hospital he was immediately operated on, his legs were “assembled”, but his heart could not stand it - on May 22, Father Igor died. Mother Ksenia raised six children:

Svyatoslav Born 01/11/93, student
born 10/19/95, student
Born 04/04/98, student
born November 16, 2000, schoolgirl
Born July 20, 2004, schoolboy
Born October 29, 2009, schoolgirl

All six are on at the moment are either schoolchildren or university students. The family needs financial support.

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Those wishing to support this family can do so in one of the following ways:

1. Bank transfer
Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniil Sysoev"
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Details have emerged of a terrible accident that occurred yesterday at about five o'clock in the evening on the Yaroslavl-Kostroma highway, not far from Tunoshna. Here, let us remind you, are Renault and VAZ-2109.

One of the participants in the accident was the priest of the Yaroslavl Church of the Great Martyr Nikita, Father Igor Klokov. Father is now in intensive care. The cars collided so hard that the entire front part of the “nine” was soft-boiled. The priest was driving and received very serious injuries.

– Father Igor is in extremely serious condition. On a ventilator in an induced coma. Weak heart, blood pressure cannot be restored. Doctors are doing everything they can. For now, we need to pray,” Alexey Kirillov, rector of the Yakovlevsko-Annunciation Church, told 76.ru.

The saddest thing is that at this difficult moment, his wife cannot be with the priest injured in the accident. She and her small child went on vacation to Turkey, and now she needs help to return.

– Igor’s father has six children, three adults and three small ones. It was with one of them that mother went on vacation. And here’s the problem... We are now raising money to help his wife return from Turkey. “We have a box at the entrance in which you can put donations,” they said at the temple where the priest serves. “We can only help financially somehow and, of course, we will pray.”

And now it’s difficult for my mother to fly to Russia because of pre-purchased tickets.

— She bought tickets for the 27th. But they need to fly out urgently, so in financial terms it was not possible to change everything dramatically,” explained Dmitry Uspensky, administrator of the group at the Church of the Great Martyr Nikita in social network VKontakte.

The Church of the Great Martyr Nikita is located at Saltykov-Shchedrin Street, house 32/49, at the intersection with Victory Street.

The second driver was a little more lucky - he ended up in the hospital, but not in intensive care; his injuries were a little milder.

“Specialists will look into the reasons; it is not yet clear who exactly caused the accident,” commented the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Yaroslavl region.

The press service of the Yaroslavl diocese also called on Yaroslavl residents to pray for the health of the priest.

“From a financial point of view, nothing is needed for treatment,” diocese press secretary Alexander Satomsky told 76.ru. — Now he is in intensive care and all assistance is provided as it should be in such cases. The only thing we can ask is to pray for Father Igor. He is known to thousands of Yaroslavl residents and has helped many. Yesterday from 18 o'clock to two in the morning there was a serious operation, and we, unfortunately, cannot say that the trend is positive. I can’t say anything about my wife; it’s quite possible she really was on vacation. I will repeat our request once again to pray for Father Igor. That evening, after the service, he went to visit one of the parishioners and after that went to all-night vigil, where the accident happened.

The sky is high, voluminous, capacious. Dense clouds, saturated with life, are about to be reborn into something otherworldly, promised, necessary. But those who a few minutes ago traced the flight of the soul that went to God are not visible in the sky.

Somewhere on Earth there is a body left, limbless in a car accident.

Earth. Puteynaya, 50 – Yamskaya station, one of the main ones in the Universe. Outlandish ships arrive here with a cargo of kittens, birds, children, butterflies, turtles, rabbits, and dogs. Angels swarm with different faces, different wings, forever surprised. Many people asked to go to this address, this road.

The kittens, anticipating possible deprivation, stood in line for incarnation, hoping to arrive here. They didn’t drown or throw people here. They fed, loved, tolerated the cat's outrages and gave only to good hands.

Of course, this little woman, whom everyone called mother, sometimes grumbled - she knew how to grumble: “You have multiplied - like in heaven. Go, father, wherever you want!” And miracles happened! Sometimes after the service, blessing a particularly beloved child with a cross, the priest suddenly took out a living, smoky miracle from the depths of his cassock and lowered it into the palms of a parishioner dumbfounded with happiness: “For you. Educate. Hol. God won't hurt you." And somewhere there, in distant worlds, the cat army rejoiced immensely in these moments and memorized the address: Earth. Puteynaya, 50.

Churches, churches on the horizon. To which call of eternity they once responded, but were unable to bear it and gradually grew into the ground, exhausted by the heavy prayers of the parishioners and the wingless tread of the priests. There are few survivors left. And I keep looking, looking over the church domes, trying to find a trace of a familiar soul in the sky. I don't see it. Not given.

And the Yamskaya station is chugging, working day and night. The wings of butterflies that have dried up against their will, the feathers of wounded birds, the voices of parrots that once stayed here, the brittle leaves of long-burnt trees, the wet glances of rabbits, even a small bat - all this has been accumulating for centuries at the Yamskaya station, because a small woman with rounded shapes , with lush hair and a forever surprised face, she could never throw anything away. Everything seemed to her like sacred wealth.

Yes, and you need to make Christmas tree decorations, panels, lampshades from something... She sewed the purple dragon wings herself when she realized that she would not be able to get a real dragon. The children inflated multi-colored balloons, and in solid letters she wrote terrible words on them: envy, pride, fear - she gave names to the dragon’s heads. The balls were carefully attached to the purple wings. They fought mercilessly: a needle at the end of a sword. Six children - six heads of a dragon: each defeated his blood enemy...

Temple of Nikita the Martyr in Yaroslavl

Father left early: there was always inhospitable darkness outside the window. But his path was further and deeper: into the dark abyss of human souls, to the very outskirts of meaning. The children saw him in church, in shining clothes, with a cross and with the Gospel, light and joyful.

They did not know how humanity was growing with a common body of pain, they did not know that the priest went into its very depths and took it, took it upon himself, bit by bit, drop by drop, lightening the burden of the suffering. He couldn't do it any other way.

And the Yamsk station of the Universe accumulated more and more details, secrets, meanings, dreams, things - the little woman tried not to miss anything. But most of all she loved to lure children to her. She liked giving birth. I would like more. She was ready to lure, lure, get, buy somewhere a new child's soul in any way. Children drained her physical strength. But her soul needed them like light.

And the children were different: all beautiful, willing to do everything, with clear eyes... The rooms were built like a birdhouse: not too spacious or comfortable. And then an archaeological layer of space debris settled in them: books, paintings, all these memorable crumpled pieces of paper cannot be thrown away: a girl I knew gave her first poem...

Children's clothing: what if you're still a child? Dried dragonflies, whose wings they heroically tried not to shred... Feathers, shells, pebbles from the shores of Greece, paper icons - a whole host of saints, bottles with the smell of eternity. For three Louvres of children's drawings (they drew everything, everyone and a lot), the sheet music is old, yellowed, and new too. The main thing is that they sounded when they wanted. Wrappers, of course, candy wrappers are delicious memories of forbidden sweets. Children's tears in the transparent shells of Easter eggs - all this and much more gradually took over the square meters, but expanded the space of memory...

The children grew up either as angels or as heroes. Each one manifested its own character and its own characteristics, brought from eternity. Sometimes they turned out to be very strange and difficult, and then the little woman tried to sing them in her prayers and songs. At night I embroidered with my soul a whimsical carpet of one or another childhood destiny. And her tears left a special mark on the pattern.

Father returned to the late dinner, hung with other people's sins, suffering and illnesses. No matter how hard you try, you can’t throw them off the threshold. And the children saw that his face brightened year after year, day after day... Yes, it was necessary to take out another loan, nail something down, fix it, build it - the Yamskaya station had to live. But the path of his life went higher, further.

And, shaking off the pus of stinking, diseased, almost decaying ones from his fingers, whom he communed in cancer hospitals, in one-room, lonely holes, communed, consoled and did not disdain to kiss, he walked more and more easily on the Earth.

Life seemed mysteriously inhuman and meaningless over this fresh grave, littered with flowers. Many tried to justify God at these moments. But these are those who looked at what happened point-blank, from behind the corner of their own pity. From around the corner, the truth of life is always scarier and more bitter. More intolerable. And someone measured everything on a different scale, trying to sip the joy that this tragic death carried within itself. Both of them were right. And equally helpless.

And at the Yamskaya station, a little woman, surrounded by children, kittens, rabbits and angels, was vaguely aware of something.

Larisa Patrakova

The Holy Fathers speak about humility in lofty terms. Reverend John Climacus reasons: “All virtues without humility destroy a person, but the virtue of humility itself, without all other virtues, saves a person.”

Why talk about this virtue today? Father John had a lot of virtues, but many of them are too tough for you and me. But there is one virtue that we must certainly cultivate in ourselves, because without it there would be no Father John, there would not be this feat, there would be no power of God that was accomplished through him. Once upon a time, the Apostle Paul, who spoke of himself not out of impudence and pride, but seeing the power of God taking place in him, said: “I am the last of the apostles, but through me the power of God has worked a lot.” So he, being endowed with many gifts, suffered from illnesses and infirmities and heard the voice of God to him when he sought liberation from infirmities - “My power is made perfect in weakness.”

Is it possible to bear any virtue without humility?.. And when we see the greatness of God’s power, the many miracles performed in his time through Father John, we must understand that this was possible only because he had the foundation on which the Lord creates a house. This foundation is humility.

We read the diaries of Father John and see the depth and height of his inspiration and boldness, as soon as he pronounces the name of God, as soon as he remembers the love of God and begins to talk about the mercy of God. He is not glorifying himself. He glorifies the greatness of God, His love and mercy. But he doesn’t do it beautiful words, but in deed and in our lives, affirming in every possible way that the power of God is at work, God is alive, and we are not abandoned.

Press service of the Yaroslavl diocese

Latest news from the Yaroslavl region on the topic:
Archpriest Igor Klokov. Discussion on the most important virtue

Archpriest Igor Klokov. Discussion on the most important virtue- Yaroslavl

Using the example of Father John of Kronstadt, I would like to talk about a very important, first of all, probably the most important and necessary virtue that is inherent in the saint - this is the virtue of humility.
23:15 02.01.2013 Yaroslavl diocese