Dark horoscope zodiac signs. Black zodiac (characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in black astrology)

Briefly, clearly, intelligibly and, most importantly, positively. Quotes from great people for every day will help you look at your own life as if a little from the outside. An unusual angle of view, a somewhat unusual interpretation, may help to understand and evaluate the events taking place with you a little differently. Maybe help to understand yourself. Or maybe not. In any case, they will raise the mood - after all, that's why they are positive quotes for every day :)

Happiness is not about having what you desire, but about wanting what you have.

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Act as if you are already happy and you will truly become happier.
Dale Carnegie

Wherever one can live, one can live well.
Marcus Aurelius Antonin

I've hit it over 9,000 times in my career. I have lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I have been trusted to make the decisive shot and missed. I have very often failed in my life. This is why I have succeeded.
Michael Jordan

Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What are you missing?
Max Fry, The Chronicles of Exo

Aim at the moon ... because even if you miss - land on one of the stars
Forest brown

You are never given a desire without the strength to fulfill it.
Richard Bach

When you want something badly, the whole Universe will help to make your wish come true.
Paulo Coelho

Well, got an extra positive charge? If it's not enough for you, let's continue. Positive quotes for every day will return you faith in yourself and give you answers to difficult questions. So here's another portion of thoughts and sayings for inspiration and energy.

I think you should enjoy the ride while you are on horseback.
Johnny Depp

If you don't make mistakes, then you are not trying to do something.
Coleman Hawkins

There are no disappointments in life - only lessons.
Jennifer Aniston

Everyone needs a chance to change for the better.
Jay Z

If you don't go too far, how do you know what you are capable of?
Thomas Stearns Eliot

If you hit the wrong note, play on so that no one notices your mistake.
Joe Pass

You cannot limit yourself. The more you dream, the more you will achieve.
Michael Phelps

Follow your heart. Be true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path, unless you get lost in the forest and find a path - then, of course, you should follow it.
Ellen DeGeneres

Keep your head high and swing your hips as you walk.
Christina Aguilera

I am grateful to fate for all my problems. Overcoming each of them, I became stronger and able to solve the problems that I still had to face. Thanks to all these difficulties, I developed.
JC Penny

Remember that there is always more positive in life than negative. Sometimes it's enough just to take a fresh look at your life and realize that everything is in your hands. Make it your daily routine and let these positive statements will serve you as a kick (in the good sense of the word).

When you find yourself in a dead end, question everything but your ability to get out of it.
Twyla Tharp

Any problem is a chance to prove yourself.
Duke Ellington

Let the bad times come and go. I enjoy every minute of the struggle.
Mary Madsen

Do not worry. Do your job calmly, joyfully and carefree.
Henry Miller

You and only you are capable of writing the story of your life that you are destined to tell. And the world needs your story because it needs your voice.
Kerry Washington

In order to get what you want from life, it is absolutely necessary to take the first step: decide what exactly you want.
Ben Stein

To avoid criticism, you need to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.
Elbert Hubbard

Life - great value... It is given only once. Don't waste it on bad relationships, bad marriage, bad job, bad people... Spend your life wisely on what you feel like doing.
Eric Idle

There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

You cannot be a child who stands on a water slide and thinks for a long time what to do. You must go down the chute.
Tina Fey

A selection of positive quotes about love for inspiration and funny quotes about everything for a smile

"We are what we want to appear, and therefore we must take seriously what we want to appear."

Kurt Vonnegut, "Mother Dark"

If you could fulfill your three wishes, what would you choose?

This is the question psychologists asked 400 students in one study, and received a thousand answers. Someone wanted sex with Marilyn Monroe, someone - to be healthy and happy, one - 20 centimeters taller, the other - to become an Olympic champion. However, among all these desires, one could single out the frequently recurring ones: the desire to have friends, to be happy, good health, family, money, success, self-development and helping other people.

Both men and women wanted the same thing, only men wanted sex and power more, and women - happiness, better appearance and health.

In 1969, two psychologists at the University of Illinois suggested that all people tend to use positive words more often than negative ones. Our use of words also reflects our tendency to see and notice. positive aspects in life. Scientists have named it Pollyanna's hypothesis, in honor of the heroine of the children's book of 1913, who personified irrepressible optimism. This hypothesis was not accepted by everyone, but this year researchers at the University of Vermont and MITER Corporation confirmed it. They researched texts of billions of words in ten languages, and found that we do talk about good more often than bad. Why is it important? Because our speech reflects what we see and what we think.

If the answer is practical and simple, based on thousands of psychological studies, then our main desire is to be happy. Happiness has three main ingredients: meaning, hope and goal.

Meaning is necessary for happiness, because it allows us to answer the basic questions of the universe and a person's stay in this world. It allows us to understand why both good and bad things happen in this world, and fills our every act.

Hope helps us to be optimistic, not because positive thoughts magically attract good, but because optimism allows us to see opportunities, meet challenges, and overcome them without giving up.

The goal helps us to see ourselves as a strong hero of the Story of our life, a person who sets goals and moves towards them, and, in the end, achieves them.

Since we are social creatures, then the surest recipe for being happy: to communicate more with dear and beloved people. It sounds trivial, but this is the scientific conclusion of decades of research in social psychology.

On the other hand, it is not so easy to find out what will be good for us and bring happiness. Proust in the book "In Search of Lost Time: The Prisoner", describes Marcel in search of an understanding of what is in his heart. Marcel convinces himself that he no longer loves Albertine, and begins to figure out how to part with her. But as soon as the maid informs him that Albertina has left, Marcel's breath catches, and he realizes that feelings for her remain.

What we know about ourselves is the tip of the iceberg. Most importantly, our preferences, fears and passions, drives and character are part of the underwater part, our subconscious. We are not talking about the Freudian psychoanalytic subconscious, but about unconscious processes. The overwhelming majority of all processes in our brain and body occur automatically, bypassing our consciousness - this is the only way to ensure adaptive human behavior in the environment. We pull our hand away when we get burned, we jump away from a bitch in the forest that looks like a snake, and it's easy to understand. It is more difficult when, for example, we like people of the opposite sex who can become the most suitable partners, and our brain saw, heard and felt why this person is a couple for us, but consciously we do not understand this. Because we do not have direct access to this knowledge about ourselves, precisely so that we do not consciously interfere in these processes that are important for survival.

And we have to invent ourselves: we listen to what our parents, friends, strangers tell us, we look in the mirror and in the video where we fool around at a party. We are trying to understand ourselves, we need a coherent and logical story about ourselves, with explanations of our actions. Often, what we think of ourselves is not at all the same as what others think of us. And, as a rule, others are more accurate. Behaviorism, once a very influential trend in psychology, denied the value of internal sensations and placed an emphasis exclusively on external behavior. It's worth remembering the old joke about a couple of behavioral psychologists. After sex, he tells her: “I know you liked it. But how do I know if I liked it»?

A body of research shows that we are the worst at predicting our own behavior, and much better at predicting the behavior of other people. In other words, other people may know more about us than ourselves.

For example, students were asked if they themselves and other students would buy a flower during a charity event on campus. "Of course I will buy" said 83% of students, while others will buy only 56%. Only 43% of people actually bought.

We think that we are nobler and more honest than others. In another donation experiment, people thought they would give $ 2.44 themselves, while others only gave $ 1.83, but in reality everyone gave an average of $ 1.53. There is almost a joke when you ask people if ads are working on them. Only ten percent reluctantly admit it. And on others? "Oh yes, 90%!" As we now understand, the second figure is much closer to reality.

It turns out that if we have the opportunity to assess how other people will behave in some situation, then we will get a very realistic assessment of how we will behave ourselves.

When we try to predict the behavior of another person, we take into account the external factors of the situation, and when ourselves, then, basically, our own internal characteristics... In other words, friends are better at predicting our spontaneous natural behavior, while we are better at predicting our controlled, conscious behavior.

In fact, we have the right to speak of ourselves as two persons - one constructed and perceived by us, and the other controlled by unconscious processes. We know the latter person very poorly.

You can feel this if you are engaged in figuring out your preferences, for example, Benjamin Franklin method... The method consists in evaluating complex choices. The sheet is divided in half and positive aspects are written on one side, and negative aspects of the variant are written on the other side. Let's say you have an important and difficult choice of two apartments, and you need to choose one to rent for a long time. You write down in advance the characteristics that are important to you and evaluate each option for each of them. Plus here, minus there.
Most people give up this method before finishing it. They feel that something is wrong. Those who communicate, as a rule, say that they are even more confused and decide to listen to what their intuition says.
Nevertheless, this method is worth trying, if only in order to better understand that things are not so simple.

There is a much better exercise that can help us find the desires of both of our personalities, find a consensus between them. Few people know about it, but it was tested experimentally and proved to be excellent: it short essay on the topic "The best of all possible I"

Think about your future life. Imagine that everything you dream of has come true. You have done a good job and have succeeded in achieving all of your goals. Think of it as making your life's dreams come true.

Do not just think about what you have achieved (your dream job, your dream house, etc.), but be sure to write, HOW you have achieved this (having received an education, moving to another city for another job, etc.).

It is best to write in the evening, at a time when no one bothers you, and all things are redone. Before you start writing, you can think about what exactly you will be writing about. You can write with as many details or large outline of events as you like. Once you start writing, try not to stop, write continuously. Since you are writing for yourself, be extremely sincere and frank. This is your life and no one will see your texts. Write about yourself as the protagonist of your life. Give freedom to express yourself, do not hesitate in daring and desires. You are the hero of your novel, love him and let him do things for which you will be proud, and you will want to read a book about your life.

After writing the text on the first day, on paper or on a computer, do not return to it and do not think about it. This exercise can be done as often or rarely as you like: at least once a week, at least once a year. Write something new or the same, develop your future. No connection between the texts in different days may not be.

Answering the question “how” is extremely important. Simply stating that you are a fine fellow and darling does not equip you with a strategy to become better or achieve goals. But asking the question "how" makes the brain look for methods of achievement. Focusing on the process, not the result, will inevitably bring results. Inside our skull is the most complex creation in the universe, capable of many amazing things, and if you convince your other personality that this is important to you and her, the brain will find ways.

And may your kind and good wishes come true!

Dodds, P. S., Clark, E. M., Desu, S., Frank, M. R., Reagan, A. J., Williams, J. R.,. ... ... Danforth, C. M. (2015). Human language reveals a universal positivity bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(8), 2389-2394.

King, L. (2001). The health benefits of writing about life goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 798–807.

King, L. A., & Broyles, S. J. (1997). Wishes, Gender, Personality, and Well-Being. Journal of Personality, 65(1), 49-76.

Wilson, T. D. (2002). Strangers to ourselves: discovering the adaptive unconscious... Cambridge, Mass .: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Wilson, T. D. (2011). Redirect: the surprising new science of psychological change(1st ed.). New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

The picture above shows two maps of the northeastern United States, with counties delineated. The coloring page shows the death rate from heart disease, from the lowest percentage (green) to the highest (red). The map on the left is data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the other is from a study.

Many risk factors for death from heart disease are known: demographic, social, economic, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. But these factors are sometimes very difficult to calculate. For example, how can you calculate the level of hostility and chronic stress without spending huge sums? Scientists (Eichstaedt et al., 2015) decided to study the texts of messages on twitter of people inhabiting this region.
Our language reflects what is happening with us and around us, and the place in which we live, and the topics we communicate about, affect our health. Much more than we might think: take a look at how our words on social media turn out to be better predictors of mortality than all other factors:

The map on the right in the picture at the beginning of the article is based on the analysis of words from Twitter.

Groups of words positively correlated with mortality from heart disease (bad words):

Groups of words negatively correlated with mortality from heart disease (good words):

This study shows, by the way, the price paid by those who become infected with misanthropic propaganda on social networks. But the opposite also works, and speaking less about fuck **, shit, hate, boredom and tiredness, and more - about opportunities, purposes, hope, friends and weekend, then the world around you will begin to look better.

Eichstaedt, J. C., Schwartz, H. A., Kern, M. L., Park, G., Labarthe, D. R., Merchant, R. M.,. ... ... Seligman, M. E. P. (2015). Psychological language on twitter predicts county-level heart disease mortality. Psychological Science, 26 (2), 159-169. doi: 10.1177 / 0956797614557867

In the 1960s, a series of books "History of Psychology in Autobiographies" began to appear in America (it continues to be published to this day), where autobiographies of prominent psychologists are published. Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas and Sheldon Cohen (Pressman & Cohen, 2012) of Carnegie Mellon University took 88 autobiographies of psychologists, analyzed them and showed that, according to the words that a person uses in such a text, it is possible to predict how long he will live. The recipe is simple - the more positively colored emotional words a person uses, the higher the likelihood that he will live longer, in comparison with those who rarely use such words.

All words reflecting some emotional condition were divided into two categories, positive and negative. Each category had two groups - activated and not activated.
For example, words with an activated positive charge: cheerful, enthusiastic, happy, active, energetic, lively, and so on. Not activated positive: serene, calm, relaxed, contented etc. Active, negatively charged: alarmed, scared, worried, distressed etc. Negative not activated: sad, lonely, hopeless, sad, etc.

After counting the words, the authors turned to the age to which the person lived. People who often used words from the activated positive category lived five years longer than those who rarely used such words. Non-activated positive and negative words did not affect life expectancy.
Interestingly, among the words of the group of active positive words, the most (for six years) were added words related to humor: laugh, laugh, smile etc.

Psychologists explain this by the fact that words reflect an emotional state, and such an active positive state improves the functioning of the brain, immune system and cardiovascular system.

Another work by these same psychologists (Pressman & Cohen, 2007) studied the influence of "social words." If a person is directly asked how many friends and acquaintances he has, you can get a distorted answer: in the end, it is the one who has few of them, most likely, will embellish reality. We consciously and subconsciously understand that the social circle is very important and when it narrows, it serves as evidence of something not very positive in life. After examining the biographies of hundreds of psychologists and two hundred writers, scientists calculated the frequency of occurrence of "social words": friend, sister, colleague, family, they, we, aunt etc.

Scientists have shown convincingly that a high frequency of social words is associated with a longer life span.

But it's still interesting to explain it. It's easy to say that positive active words or social words improve brain and heart function, but how exactly does it happen and why? What happens when a person describes how he often laughed at his aunt's jokes in his youth? How often did he do it and how often does he mention it? And if a person laughs uncontrollably while communicating with his salad, as someone wittily remarked after collecting a photo selection of models (left), does that help? :)

There are many questions and areas of research. The obvious practical use of this discovered phenomenon - to begin to use more often positively-charged active words in life and in its descriptions. But at one time, a number of studies have shown that there is no sense from this artificial implementation, although it is necessary to take a closer look at the design of those experiments in order to understand why this is so and whether it can be changed. On the other hand, we know that describing the future self in a desired state also changes the behavior that leads to such a state (although, again, not everything is so simple). It is also known that even one word, shown for a few milliseconds, and not consciously perceived, is enough to change the attitude to a situation, for a while.

An incredibly interesting, exciting and funny topic, especially if it is dealt with in a company!

Pressman, S. D., & Cohen, S. (2007). Use of social words in autobiographies and longevity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(3), 262-269.
Pressman, S. D., & Cohen, S. (2012). Positive emotion word use and longevity in famous deceased psychologists. Health psychology, 31(3), 297-305.

Be careful: next word what you say can determine what your day or even your whole life will be like. Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University have determined that the choice of words can have a profound effect on a person. Do you think the phrases “I can't”, “I won't” or “it's hard” are harmless? By using them every day, you can change your brain! How does this happen?

Positive words strengthen the frontal lobes of the brain

Doctors Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman, who wrote a book on how words change the brain, report that a single word can affect the expression of genes that control physical and emotional stress. If you use positive affirmations, you strengthen the frontal lobes of the brain, which means you make them more effective.
This part of the brain helps you figure out what is bad and what is good, and also contributes to the ability to experience emotions. If you use positive words a lot, you get more motivation to take control of your life and make better choices.

Negative words increase stress hormone levels

What happens when we use too many negative words? Using negative words triggers fear, which increases your stress hormone levels. Too much negativity - and now you are already weakened before the attack of hormones, which makes them begin to control your body. Of course, a little stress can sometimes even be beneficial, but too much stress can cause serious physical and mental health problems.

Scientists explain that the use of positive affirmations affects other parts of the brain, for example, the area that determines our view of the world, ourselves and others. If you are more positive about yourself and use motivating phrases, it will be easier for you to see the good side and others. At the same time, negative statements and a bad assessment of oneself fill a person with suspicion and doubt, which makes us doubt others as well. All this cannot but have an impact on social life person.


The researchers decided to test whether positive words can actually reprogram the brain and thought processes... A group of adults aged 35 to 54 were required to write down three thoughts every day for 3 months. Each thought had to be connected with the reasons for happiness - it was necessary to write what and why makes a person happy. After three months, scientists found that these adults felt happier and less depressed. The experiment also demonstrated that everyone is able to reprogram the brain and become more positive by focusing on events that cause joy, rather than those that upset.

Practical ways to use more positive affirmations

When we are angry, we often use words that we later regret. The thing is that at the moment of using evil words, the sections responsible for logic and reasonable behavior are turned off. Control is taken by the center responsible for emergency situations, as a result of anger, the person does not think about what he is saying. If you train yourself to only express positive thoughts, you will train your brain so that its front areas work effectively even in moments of anger, and it will be easier for you to maintain self-control when the atmosphere is heating up. If you don't know which words you use more, try following yourself and writing down your thoughts. To tune in to a positive mood, each day make a list of three things that make you feel happier. You will soon notice positive changes in your life.

Encouraging, comforting positive words, whether written or spoken aloud, have extraordinary power to heal, inspire, and change thoughts and emotions.

During the day we have to deal with by different people, each of them has their own individual manner of communication. Some use caustic phrases, others constructive criticism, compliments, and caring and kind words. Have you noticed the impact that communication with these people has on you?

Did you know that the words, phrases and sentences that we use in our speech are a projection of our inner peace? A person can easily be tricked or deceived with words, but there is one thing that cannot be hidden - non-verbal communication and body language.

And what about you? How do you express your thoughts and opinions when communicating with other people? Do you follow what you say or don't betray of great importance your speech?

It is best to practice using positive words on yourself. We constantly conduct an internal dialogue with ourselves. This is why the constant repetition of negative thoughts is one of the main reasons why most people do not succeed in personal growth and cannot fully enjoy life.

How do you learn to use positive words?

Watch what you say

If you want specific answers, ask specific questions, use words in a positive way. Instead of asking yourself or others why you’re constantly failing at something, phrase your statements differently, ask yourself what experience you can learn from it and what actions you can take to fix it.

Your words can bring you both suffering and joy. They can predetermine your next actions, watch what you say to yourself.


Making it a habit to think and speak positively will have a powerful effect on your behavior, motivation, and motivation. Your words will be reflected in your perception and feelings.

Here are some examples of metaphors that have an immediate effect on feelings and emotions:

1. Life is like a piece of cake, easy and enjoyable.
2. “Life is a tightrope. Take one step at a time and never turn around. ”- Jay Cochrane
3. I am in seventh heaven.
4. How to eat an elephant? Piece by piece at a time
5. There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Read a lot, expand your vocabulary

It is said that limited vocabulary brings limited life experience. In order to improve your knowledge and use it to express your thoughts, emotions and experiences, constantly replenish your vocabulary with new positive words.

Reading books and magazines will help fill your words with power. When, as a limited vocabulary, it will only characterize you as an illiterate person.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read it every day.

Affirmations are positive affirmations that are needed in order to get rid of limitations and direct your internal dialogue in a positive direction.

Examples of positive statements:

1. I feel confident and my self-confidence grows every day.

2. I'm healthy
3. I am successful in everything I do.
4. Every day I acquire more and more knowledge and skills.
5. I am successful
6. I am constantly developing, success and personal growth awaits me

List of encouraging, positive and kind words, statements and phrases:

1. You can
2. If others can, then you can.
3. Why not? Why not now? Why not me?
4. I love you
5. I trust you
6. I believe in you
7. Continue to act
8. When Action Becomes Difficult, Difficulty Becomes Action
9. This is not a defeat, but just a response.
10. Time heals all wounds
11. This too will pass
12. Just do it
13. Each problem is an opportunity for personal growth and self-development.