Upcoming astrological events. Other influences of the month

1.03.2016 9:10 | Alexander Kozlovsky

Dear astronomy lovers!

The next issue of the Astro Library series from AstroKA and the magazine has been published

This yearbook describes the main astronomical events expected to occur in 2016. The calendar contains ephemeris of the Sun, Moon, major planets, comets and asteroids, available for observation by amateur means. In addition, descriptions of solar and lunar eclipses are given, information is provided on the occultations of stars and planets by the Moon, meteor showers, occultations of stars by asteroids, etc.

A total of two Astronomical calendars for 2016 have been released, available for free download at in electronic format and for printing on paper in paper form.

In addition, the production of printed Astronomical calendars will continue, the release of which can be found on the Internet.

Transit of Mercury across the disk of the Sun

Among the heavenly wanderers available for small and medium telescopes will be: Catalina (C/2013 US10), PANSTARRS (C/2014 S2), PANSTARRS (C/2013 X1), Johnson (C/2015 V2) and P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (45P) , the expected brightness of which will be brighter than 11m. Comet Catalina (C/2013 US10) will be visible to the naked eye in the January morning sky. It should be noted that the above list may change significantly due to the discovery of new comets and the increase in the brightness of expected ones, as well as the losses of known comets. Comet 321P/SOHO, for example, according to various forecasts, can reach zero magnitude or even the brightness of Venus, but only at an angular distance of 1 degree from the Sun.

From meteor showers the best to observe will be the Quadrantids, Eta Aquarids and Draconids. General overview of meteor showers on the website of the International Meteor Organization http://www.imo.net

Information on occultation of stars by asteroids in 2016 are available on the website http://asteroidoccultation.com.

Information on variable stars are on the AAVSO website.

Upcoming events for other years can be viewed in the book, as well as independently determined using very detailed online calendar CalSky

Current information about the phenomena at http://astroalert.ka-dar.ru, http://meteoweb.ru, http://shvedun.ru, http://edu.zelenogorsk.ru/astron/calendar/2016/mycal16 .htm, http://www.starlab.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=58, http://astronomy.ru/forum/

I would like to hope that AK_2016 will serve as a reliable companion for your observations throughout the year!

Clear skies and successful observations!

A collection of links (all in one place!) to Internet resources where you can get additional astronomical information throughout 2016.

1. Astronomical calendar for 2016 on Astronet

2. Astronomical calendar of Sergei Guryanov (web version AK_2016) http://edu.zelenogorsk.ru/astron/calendar/2016/mycal16.htm

3. Brief astronomical calendar for 2016-2050

4. Astronomical phenomena until 2050

5. Astronomical calendar for 2016 by Fedor Sharov

6. Maps of the movement of celestial bodies in 2016 http://blog.astronomypage.ru/category/astronomiya/

7. Astronomical calendar for 2016 on the website http://saros70.narod.ru/

8. Timesheet calendar for 2016 on the website

Don’t be afraid, but let’s keep in mind that the leap year. Least, recent history The Earth stores evidence of serious disasters that occurred in such years.
1908 - the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, 1912 - the sinking of the Titanic, 1960 - a monstrous earthquake in Chile, 2004 - a magnitude 9 earthquake in the Indian Ocean. On the other hand, four major cataclysms in more than a hundred years? This easily fits into the average statistical framework. And yet... 2016 promises to seem difficult, which has nothing to do with its leap year.

Main actor in the coming year there will, of course, be Mars, which was discussed in these notes a week ago. Ahead is a total solar eclipse, a supermoon at perigee, the opposition of Mars, the passage of Mercury across the disk of the Sun and other celestial phenomena important from an astrological point of view.

Eclipses of the luminaries, for example, will be observed four times in 2016. Considering that the maximum number of eclipses per year does not exceed seven, four is not many. It's worrying that one of the solar eclipses will be not only complete, but also quite complex in its astrological characteristics.

Since ancient times, it has been noted that eclipses of luminaries bring various kinds of negative events to earthlings, such as cataclysms, wars and revolutions. According to the teachings of Claudius Ptolemy, the most vulnerable from negative influence Eclipses can occur in the regions of the Earth from whose territory they are observed.

So, eclipses of luminaries.

Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Halmahera, and partially in part of Russia, India, China, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the USA and Canada (Alaska).

On September 13, 2016, a partial eclipse of the Sun will be visible in central Africa and a little in its other countries, as well as in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and in the Indian Ocean.

The first partial lunar eclipse will occur on March 23. It can be observed in parts of Russia, Australia, New Zealand and western North America.

The second of the lunar eclipses will occur on September 16 and will be observed in all parts of the world except America.

On May 9, an equally important phenomenon from an astrological point of view will be the passage of Mercury across the disk of the Sun. The phenomenon is also interesting because it will take place for the first time in 10 years. On May 9, it will seem to an observer on Earth that the tiny silhouette of Mercury will move across the solar disk for seven hours. The phenomenon can be observed from America, Western Europe and a little from Africa and Asia.

The upcoming Supermoon is of particular interest. In 2016, this phenomenon will be observed only twice, which is also within the statistical average. Supermoon is not an astronomical term, but a purely astrological one. In 1979, this term was first used by astrologer Richard Nolle.

Supermoons are called lunar phases, in which new moons and full moons occur at perigee moments, i.e. during the Moon's closest approach to the Earth.

During Supermoons, the Moon appears to be larger than its normal size. It is not surprising that at such moments the influence of the Moon on earthly processes is also maximum.

Everyone knows from the school curriculum that in normal times the ebbs and flows on Earth depend on the phases of the Moon, and therefore on the strength of its gravitational influence on the planet. Moreover, this can be said when the Moon approaches the Earth at a minimum distance. Naturally, at the perigee points the force of mutual attraction between the luminaries is maximum.

Richard Nolle, in this regard, suggested that Supermoons cause something like “geophysical stress” on Earth. He also believed that during Supermoons, the likelihood of water disasters - floods and tsunamis - increases. Next, Nolle warned about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Eclipses of luminaries, Supermoon - taken together, they do not promise serious shocks to the Earth in 2016, because there will likely not be many of the mentioned phenomena, rather than vice versa. As a result, the main character of the Zodiac in the coming 2016 remains the planet Mars. And this planet, which is also known from the school curriculum, is of the same name mythological god war. Wars...

Alas. Whatever one may say, 2016 seems to be warlike and at the same time extremely unstable in terms of the global economy.

The position of the planets also indicates that the model of the year could have developed in the first half of January, when not only the planet Mars, but also the planet Jupiter acquired an accentuated position.

The latter was recently located near one of the points (Nodes) of intersection of the orbits of the luminaries. This moment is also interesting because the rapprochement of Jupiter with the Node occurred in January, while the moment of their exact meeting falls right at the end of June. Thus, what happens in January could conceivably return at the end of June. Boomerang or victorious march? It depends on our behavior, as well as our understanding and assessment of the current moment.

What happened in the first half of January that could happen again throughout the year with renewed vigor?

An earthquake in India, disgusting events in Cologne, seven days of searching for an armed terrorist in Israel, a terrorist attack in Turkey, tests of a hydrogen bomb in Korea, a break in diplomatic relations between Arab countries and Iran... Have you forgotten anything?

For example, I forgot that due to a new round of decline in oil prices and panic on the stock exchanges, world economic observers called the first half of January the worst start to the year in the last 120 years.

Let us also not forget that astrology is an empirical science, therefore forecasts based on its basis are not affirmative, but speculative. And even more so, astrology will never undertake to seek answers to questions like “what is good and what is bad.”

Leap years - maybe this is good, not bad? In Denmark, for example, once in ancient times there was a law according to which on February 29, girls had the right to propose their hand and heart to a young man, without waiting for a proposal from him. The girls felt good about it. What about the young men? Especially considering the fact that on February 29, young people could refuse the girl’s proposal only if they paid a large fine.

It is on this optimistic note that I congratulate dear readers on the upcoming Old New Year! Good luck! Happiness!

Until Thursday the Sun will be in Capricorn, and from Thursday in Aquarius. During the week the Moon will pass through the signs of Aries, Taurus and almost entirely Gemini.

Last time, as part of these notes, it was said that “the week will not seem easy or simple, both in terms of international relations and in terms of the likelihood of various kinds of incidents fraught with destruction and, in extreme cases, cases of mass death.”

The latter, alas, includes the terrorist attack in Turkey that claimed the lives of tourists from Germany.

According to zodiac signs


Be more careful and patient in your dealings: only under this condition will you achieve your desired goal.


All good things will come on their own - and you don’t even have to prepare for it. On the contrary, vanity can only scare away luck.


Possible trips, meetings with interesting people and the opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

You won’t even notice how easily and gracefully you handle your responsibilities. Try to think through your actions for the near future.

Friends and acquaintances will contribute to success. You need to devote as much time as possible to your family, home and personal life.


Don't miss the opportunity to achieve success. It will also be possible to find allies in the implementation of the project.


Colleagues may want to promote you to an administrative position - try to justify their trust.


Success awaits in business meetings and negotiations of agreements - provided that you adhere to the appropriate style of behavior.


You will have to work hard, but you will have the opportunity to show everything best qualities his business incarnation.


You will have to meet with capricious partners, negotiate, and settle the most tedious current affairs.


Timely, effective information and help from friends will come in handy. There will be practically no time left for personal life.


The plans are being implemented successfully. Travel, contacts with partners and discussion of new projects are possible.

Formed by two higher planets - Uranus and Pluto. The aspect of the square that developed between them created a tension in human society that resulted in events that significantly changed the world.

Now this configuration is already losing its relevance, but the impulse laid down by its influence, the events caused by it, played the role of triggers that switched the course of global events to “other tracks.” The world has changed, the past cannot be returned. The wounds remain, global forces have shifted and we will now reap the consequences of these triggering events.

Of course, nothing happens without a good reason. Something was accumulating, some disequilibrium, some macroeconomic, global humanitarian injustice, and tense astrological changes only pushed events forward, activating people to take action where it was ripe. Large masses began to move, and worst of all, blood was shed, empires fell, crowns were trampled into the mud, and so on, down the list. This movement cannot be stopped; the world will go through a long era of comprehension, “digestion” of new conditions, regulation and coordination of new trends, new facts.

WITH astrological point From our point of view, we can expect the next “spikes” of tension in these processes at moments when the still intensely interacting Uranus and Pluto will interact with other planets, especially in the case of intense interaction.

There will be two such periods in 2016. The first, mid-to-late October 2016. Here Mars will first conjunct Pluto and then form a square to Uranus. During this period, we should expect another aggravation of crisis phenomena, mainly in the form of active military actions. Mars, being in Capricorn, will focus its blow on the structures of state power, on the top officials of states, on the “skeleton”, the main structures of the situation. Its influence will not affect, however, some deep things and some very global changes there is hardly any wait here. But specific individuals or fairly local government structures (not system-forming ones) will clearly come under attack here.

The second period of global tension is the end of the year, starting from mid-November until the end of the year. This is where Jupiter comes into play, which, being in Libra, will first form a square to Pluto, and then an opposition to Uranus.

But when we start talking about Jupiter, we must consider the situation more broadly.

Saturn is the planet of economic crises

Generally speaking, in addition to the “burp” of the square of Pluto and Uranus, in 2016 there will be two more “macroeconomic” crisis influences. Both of these influences are associated with Saturn.

In fact, all the main phases of the global crisis that began to manifest itself in 2008 correlated with aspects of Saturn. The opposition to Uranus and the square to Pluto initiated aggravation of macroeconomic problems in 2008-2011.

In general, Saturn, along with Jupiter, is considered a “social” planet. For the individual, they both govern the realm of social relationships. Jupiter is associated with energy, driving force, with an ideal image behind this energy, a model of successful social behavior, an ideal goal, the achievement of which is associated with “success”. Saturn controls the concentration and concentration necessary to achieve the goal; it is associated with social structures, institutions, establishments. It controls the psychological “skeleton” of the individual, developed by stable algorithms. The interaction of these two planets - tense or harmonious - sets the tone for the state of the economy. On tense aspects between Jupiter and Saturn, crisis phenomena become relevant in the economy.

In 2013-2014, there was a trine aspect between Jupiter and Saturn - 120 degrees, which allowed these planets to interact harmoniously. Against the background of the global crisis, this still gave not bad economic indicators. At the beginning of August 2015, a square (90 degree aspect) formed between these planets. This aspect will also apply in 2016 - with clarifications at the end of March and at the end of May. But starting from mid-December, another, more harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Saturn - the sextile - comes into force and sets the tone, which somewhat harmonizes the situation.

But we digress from Saturn. Still, Jupiter is in to a greater extent manages energy economic movement. Well, if there is no energy, the movement is not so noticeable; if there is, it manifests itself. Saturn rules CONDITION. By what we see. Indicators, numbers, results. When Saturn is burdened with complex aspects, crisis phenomena begin to occur with these very indicators and other things, with the state of affairs, with structures. This is not to say that this is bad, this is change. Often they are for the better, sometimes for the worse. But they are always uncomfortable, because they force you to adapt to a new situation, and initially they do not bring a clear improvement in life, but rather the opposite.

In 2015, another “problematic” aspect of Saturn will be relevant - the Saturn-Neptune square. It will be valid from mid-June to mid-September.

Neptune rules human expectations. In economics, it is associated with advertising, with the formed tastes and preferences of buyers, with that very “consumer dream” that we all strive to satisfy and which is intensely shoved into our brains by various visual means.

The real state of the economy, its real tasks and processes will come into conflict with expectations, with the “consumer dream”. Consumers will be disappointed. They will perceive what is happening as the collapse of their hopes. And so on. On the other hand, the presence of certain expectations, not only of end consumers, but also of people in general, will put pressure on the real economy, forcing its indicators to shift towards satisfying these sometimes unrealistic dreams. Which will not contribute to the healthy flow of economic processes. The same, by the way, applies to any other processes - the influence of the “ideal”, moods, expectations, ideology, religion on the state of real affairs, again the same state structures and supreme power, will be tense and rather negative.

And if by the end of 2016 Saturn’s situation does improve, then Jupiter’s condition will be tense and burdened by aspects to Pluto and Uranus. That is, the structures will cope, they will adjust, and the processes associated with their change will reach some more or less satisfactory norm by the end of the year. But goals, expectations, ambitions will finally suffer greatly. “We need to be more modest in our requests,” the situation in 2016 will tell us all harshly and unequivocally. And we will perceive this as a deterioration in living conditions.

Jupiter is the planet that brings success

This statement, of course, is not so clear. Sometimes its impact is literally catastrophic. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, exploration of new spheres of existence, growth. If in the area, at the point where Jupiter came, there was previously stagnation, lack of movement, inhibition of development, then the influence of Jupiter can lead to explosive opening, explosive (in the literal sense of the word) growth and expansion. With the destruction of structures limiting development. In any case, Jupiter brings opportunities; as a rule, these opportunities are indeed favorable. But too much of a good thing is also not very good. The simplest example is an abundance of food after a long famine. And yes, often the influence of Jupiter can lead to negative consequences by type of overeating - in any sense, from direct to allegorical. For Jupiter, it is very important to expand and develop new spheres of existence not in an extensive way, just to grab more, but by integrating, on the basis of maintaining internal integrity, the presence of an internal connection between new areas and the old. Otherwise, there will be an explosion, a hypertrophied but not coherent system will collapse or fragment in an explosive manner.

For half of 2016, Jupiter will be in conjunction with the ascending node of the Moon. The node has an activating effect on what is next to it. He indicates promising areas of development, forms plans for the future, roughly speaking, “shapes destiny.” Of course, its conjunction with Jupiter is very, very promising; it allows you to formulate ambitious plans that have a great chance of success.

All this will happen in the sign of Virgo and, accordingly, long-term plans will be formed in the sphere professional activity, management of workers, domestic workers, in the field of procedures related to improving health.

This is valid until the end of the first ten days of July.

On the 10th of September 2016, Jupiter will enter the sign of Libra. Its beneficial influence will become more definite, events associated with the development of new spheres of existence will proceed more “sharply”, more dynamically. We will begin to better understand what exactly we need, what we want to achieve. But this heightened and well-formed desire for success will come into conflict with common problems caused by Pluto and Uranus. a) not everything is possible in the current conditions, not everything is possible and b) some people are not exactly against it, but they rush headlong to do what has entered their brain and do not take into account at all what you want.

Jupiter in Libra will, first of all, expand our connections and partnerships, both business and personal. He will make ours successful public performance, will help to brilliantly, elegantly and interestingly present our achievements to the public. Jupiter in Libra will work to smooth out conflicts - both interpersonal and other. New alliances, new public and interstate organizations will arise.

But all this, I repeat, will occur in tense conflict with the crisis trends that Uranus and Pluto gave rise to in 2012-2013. Perhaps Jupiter’s influence here will come down to settlement and the search for compromises.

So, summary. What do we have??

2016 will be a crisis year. The global crisis arising from the contradictions between major players on the world stage has already manifested itself in general terms, then it is being clarified, its consequences are being implemented in a more specific layer of reality - in the economy, etc. The economic situation itself, even without a global crisis, due to its cyclical nature, has come to a crisis, and in the context of the correspondence of expectations, demands, ambitions, consumer dreams and the real state of affairs, the actual structure of the economy. This, on the one hand, makes consumers suffer, not allowing them to fully satisfy their wishes, on the other hand, it puts pressure on structures, forcing them to change, or preventing them from moving in the optimal direction.

The first half of the year will be successful for those who seek to expand their set of professional skills or attract those who have the necessary skills and craftsmanship to their business. Successful healing procedures. There is a danger of inharmonious expansion - there will be many options and you should not grab the first one that comes your way, you need to look for the organic, internal unity of the new and the old.

The second half of the year is clearer, more dynamic and more successful - public speeches, contracts, new partnerships are successful, there are chances to resolve long-standing disputes.

Virgos feel best.

Not bad, not even bad for Leos.

Taurus, Aquarius - successfully avoid difficulties.

Aries should check the brakes ten times and remember that the head is needed in order to think.

Libra is waiting for the second half of the year to start.

Scorpios solve material problems.

Sagittarius - they bear the brunt of the situation. They are the ones who need to handle and resolve the difficulties that arise.

Capricorns - it’s still difficult for them. Introductory messages arrive and their first action is to stifle the feeling self-importance. But in the second half of the year, a sharp career take-off is possible.

Pisces - fishing in muddy water. Mystically speaking the right things that others try their best not to hear. Speak louder!

The twins are in the phase of divorce, but they should strain and stretch, as they should, the relationship, which is everything to them now.

Cancers - Cancers in 2016 are finish masters. They finish and finish, they close all situations and it depends on their positive attitude whether there will be peace here and now, or war.


Jupiter is under attack in the 10th house - Pluto’s opposition to it continues. The crisis of supreme power, the growth of dissatisfaction with it among the people, the need for changes in the top management, the lack of a personnel base. The image of the authorities suffers.

Jupiter enters the 1st house of the chart - end of August. Shifts, new opportunities, success of the state. Until this moment, it is hardly worth expecting significant changes, new fateful events.

Despite the difficulties, the state of the economy and finances is rather stable.


Saturn is in the 1st house of the chart, Jupiter is in the 9th-10th, Saturn’s direction according to the DSC. Difficulties in partnerships with other states, general stagnation, difficulties in development. The rise to power of charismatic figures, the strengthening of supreme power. Serious economic problems requiring immediate solutions.


Growth, positive trends in development, economic growth.


New prospects, the possibility of a new figure coming to power in September-October. But the situation is still “suspended”, there are restrictions and difficulties.


Aggressive body movements. Unexpected alliances.


Difficulties are growing, but the real big problems are not yet this year. In two or three years.


Full cleaning continues. The main phase - starting from February 2016 - is the transit of Pluto through the ASC chart. This event is the first time, perhaps what we saw before was only flowers. At the beginning of the summer of 2016, attempts to resolve some issues by military means are possible.


Everything is on the edge, but so far stable. Unexpected twists and turns that only spoil everything for the country itself.


There is a strong need to change something in government, but also strong resistance to this from conservative structures. A government crisis is possible.


The need to solve complex problems, but also the presence of state will. The success of the state, the authority of the authorities. Difficulties in the economy.

November 2016 will be full of beautiful astronomical phenomena. What's most interesting is the ability to observe them with the naked eye. The main thing is to hope that at the right time the sky will be cloudless.

Even the seemingly familiar Full Moon will be unusual this November. Astronomical anomalies tell us that changes can also occur in people's lives. Experts advise raising energy levels the right attitude, otherwise there is a chance of losing luck or going astray during moments of anomalous influence of the Moon or other space objects.

ISS flybys

The International Space Station, which orbits the Earth, is often visible to the naked eye. It looks like a shooting star. In November, on November 8, 9, 10 and 11, early in the morning at 6:52, 6:01, 6:45 and 6:54, respectively, the ISS will be visible in the night sky if visibility is appropriate.

This phenomenon, naturally, has no astrological implications, but it is still sometimes useful to know that this flickering light, similar to a shooting star, is a space station where people work and live.

Starfall Taurids and Leonids

Every year, the Earth flies through the belt of cosmic remnants of a comet, which causes starfalls. This is a very weak stream, but very long, because the Earth flies through it from September to December. In 2016 peak value shooting stars per minute will occur on November 11th. Up to 15-18 meteors per minute - that’s the limit. This is small compared to other meteor showers, but it is a lot for the Taurids.

As for the Leonids, this flow is usually at its maximum from November 14 to 21. Around the 18th, on the night of November 19, there will be a flux density exceeding 115 meteorites per hour.

In astrology, they have a rather negative attitude towards star showers. Even in ancient times, astrologers said that falling stars bring alarm to people. They are harbingers of unpleasant changes and minor troubles. On November 11, it is better not to overreact to small problems, as they can snowball into something bigger. Caution and your favorite hobby will help you cheer up during such periods.

Supermoon November 14

Many people know that the Moon moves around the Earth not in a perfectly circular orbit, but in an ovoid or elliptical one. This means that the distance to Earth is constantly changing. There are apogee and perigee points. Apogee is the farthest point from Earth, approximately 406,000 kilometers. Perigee is the closest point, equal to approximately 357,000 kilometers.

There was already a supermoon in October of this year, but now we can expect an even greater effect from the approach of the Moon. The Moon will be 15% larger, and therefore will reflect much more light from the Sun.

The next supermoon will be in December, but the same record close one awaits us only in 2034. The previous largest supermoon was back in 1948.

But what do astrologers say about this? The approach of the Moon means its greatest energy force. On November 14, the Moon will be under the influence of Taurus. This means that creativity will go off scale, and therefore you can feel a lack of logic in the actions of others. Because of this big problems Representatives of professions that involve working with numbers or great precision should expect this. If you are an accountant, then on November 14, recalculate everything two or three times to avoid mistakes. People will be more irritable than usual.

The energetically powerful Full Moon and Taurus are a union that makes people irritable and even capable of mischief. Don't force others to lose their temper, and then everything will be fine.

To be more prepared for any November challenges, read on. Think more about the good and do not allow feelings such as anger, envy and selfishness to seep out through your consciousness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.11.2016 07:22

The full moon is the most strong time in everything lunar cycle. On this day you can achieve what you want...

Forecasts of the best Astrologers
for 2016.

Rector of the Academy of Astrology

Levin Mikhail Borisovich

First about the year as a whole

New 2016 – year fire monkey – red.

Monkey Begins February 8, 2016. She is lighter than the Goat, and in general, for Russia the Year of the Monkey is nothe's usually the scariest ends a series of difficult years.

Kabbalistic sum of the year: nine. This completion of the cycle. 2016 is still the completion of a longer cycle of 252 years. The ending cycle took place under the sign of Saturn. Saturn is a planet that creates boundaries and forms, and the previous period led the world to rigid boundaries and global alienation. 2016 is the last year in this cycle. After the period of Saturn, the period of Jupiter will begin, and Jupiter, on the contrary, strives for universal unification. But in 2016 the trends of the previous period will prevail.

Leap year. It is believed that a leap year is unlucky. But in this case this is not the case. Of course, often in a leap year the number of disasters and accidents is higher than average. But not as much as in the Year of the Snake.

paragraph for astrologers

In the New Year's chart, Jupiter comes first - it is the breakwater and connects with the Moon at the ascending lunar node.

Speaking in normal human language, this year the desire to remove barriers and restrictions, to mutual understanding and cooperation is intensifying. First of all, we are talking about mutual understanding and cooperation between two leading civilizations - Russia and Western European civilization. But mistrust and alienation will still prevail. A noticeable rapprochement will begin later, at the beginning of the Jupiter period: in 2017 and 2018.

We will not write in detail about 2016; we will limit ourselves to the most important topics.

Relations with Europe and the USA

Circumstances are pushing both the West and us towards rapprochement, but it will not be very strong; noticeable rapprochement will begin later. In 2016, the confrontation between the West and Russia continues. But, amazingly, right now, in 2015 and 2016, new relations with Europe and the USA are being formed. With all the confrontation and war of sanctions, right now the foundation is being laid for future rapprochement and the establishment of a strong and positive alliance. Moreover, a new world order is being created for the coming decades. And Russia will play a more worthy role in it than in previous years.

paragraph for astrologers

I primarily proceed from secondary progressions, which demonstrate a brilliant effect in world astrology.

Updated map of Russia:07/06/0862, Veliky Novgorod, UT 19 h 35 m 35 s; Asc 9 ° 14 22 Aquarius,M.C. 15 ° 09 07 Sagittarius.

The above conclusions are based on the fact that in the chart of Russia the progressed Sun conjoined the natal Rahu in the seventh natal house. In addition, there are astrological analogues between the time of the Yalta conference and the present period.

Back in 2001, after the Twin Towers, I wrote that the only thing that can bring the East (Russia) and the West closer is the fight against a common enemy in the South. Now we see that this is happening.

The question I've been asked most often in recent months is: "Will there be a war?"

Of course, we got involved in hostilities and will not be able to successfully complete them before the end of 2016. Firstly, the shooting in Ukraine will not subside until the fall of 2016. And we take part in this, although indirectly, but still, participation.

Secondly, it will not be possible to quickly cope with the state of terrorists.

Thirdly, there is a war of sanctions.

But there will be no “hot” war on Russian territory.

Economic crisis in Russia in 2016 continues and even intensifies. The first thing that awaits us is inflation. She will grow up shortly after the New Year. However, the trends are twofold. On the one hand, the state does not have enough money, and this will become especially acute in the second half of the coming year. On the other side:

Economic policy is changing. In the near future, the government and the president will take measures that will reduce the pressure of the state and security forces on business.(This is a euphemism intended for official publication, but in private conversation I would say that the racketeering of security forces is decreasing).From the second half to the end of the year, a new economic policy will begin - NEP in Putin's style. Life will become a little easier, first of all, for large businesses, but then for medium-sized businesses as well. But not at once. It is very difficult to change established practices. Therefore, concrete results will be visible in two or three years, not earlier. After all, Putin is not Lenin and these are not the first years Soviet power, and the latter.

Tradesuffers most of all in the “battle of sanctions” and this, naturally, causes an increase in prices and foreign exchange rates. So that the reader does not think that we get our information from the media, I will give astrological indicators that directly indicate this.

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Pr Mercury makes a semi-square to Pr III. This semi-square began in June 2015 and continues until August 2016. This means that trading conditions will improve in August. True, in parallel with this Pr Jupiter makes a similar semi-square to Pr III. And it continues until February 2017.

Means, significant improvements in trade will happen only at the beginning of 2017. But things will get a little better in the second half of 2016.

Financial situation , as already said, dual. There is not enough money in the country for everything. At the same time, a noticeable and quite sharp deterioration in the financial situation will occur in the spring. But, at the same time, already from the middle of the year, prerequisites for future economic growth emerge. So, although the crisis continues and even intensifies, there is already light at the end of the tunnel.

Armyintensifies. We are finally able to get out of the crisis into which the army found itself after the war in Afghanistan.

paragraph for astrologers

in the map of secondary progressions, progressive Pluto entered the XII house at the beginning of 1980 (the USSR sent troops into Afghanistan at the end of 1979), and only now Pluto is leaving the XII house.

At the same time, progressed Mars remains in conjunction with progressive Desc until the end of 2018.

The hostilities in the south that we are involved in will not end either this year or next. At the same time, 2018 will be hotter than previous ones. The conflict with Turkey may worsen. But, I repeat, there will be no war on Russian territory.

This war is an astrological analogue of the Afghan one, but with the opposite sign. Therefore, we will win this war, and this will end the long period of decline of the army, which began with the entry of troops into Afghanistan.

Political situation in the country does not fundamentally change until the end of the year. But the State Duma elections should bring some surprises. United Russia will not be able to get out this time. And it seems that the president has decided to distance himself from these elections. The president's rating is high, but this will not help the United Russia party. They will, of course, grab their share of the votes, but this piece will be significantly smaller than last time. A new balance will be created in the Duma. This will not immediately affect the situation in the country, but after 2-3 years the consequences will begin to be felt.

paragraph for astrologers

Elections are scheduled for very interesting times. Transit Sun in conjunction with the natal half-point Saturn - Moon. At the same time, transit Saturn from a weak position in Sagittarius makes an exact opposition to natal Jupiter in the III house. Transiting nodes conjunct natal and transiting Neptune on transiting Ketu.

A few words about international finance

Europe will stabilize by summer, although it has not yet completely emerged from the crisis. She still faces some minor difficulties at the end of the summer, but in 2016 nothing terrible will happen to her. The dollar is still stronger in the future.

Accidents, natural disasters

It is believed that leap year is marked by growth natural Disasters and man-made disasters. But I believe that the war in Syria will cover everything.

As was said at the beginning, in Russia the Year of the Monkey is not the most terrible, although difficult.

On New Year's Day in Moscow there is a sign on top of the death house fire element. This means that again the main causes of losses are fires and wars. But in the world map there is air at the top of the eighth house, which means that in the new year we must expect unusual amounts of precipitation, hurricanes, storms and other atmospheric disasters.

The square of Uranus with Pluto has not ended, which means that astronautics will continue a series of failures. But this will affect aviation the most – there will be many disasters and accidents.

There will be accidents in the mining industry - in mines and mines.

Saturn square with Neptune will bring troubles from water - floods.

N aimore emergency and catastrophic periods

!!! Pay attention to this section too. Of course, since the forecast is general, the characteristics are also very general. But statistics show that during emergency periods the number of accidents and disasters increases noticeably.

This year the most fraught with accidents and disasters are:

1. the last week December 2015 - first ten days of January 2016;

2. last ten days of March – first ten days of April;

3. first half of July;

4. first half of October;

5. last week of December.


In terms of health, 2016 continues the trends of 2015. The square between Uranus and Pluto is still ongoing, although it is already coming to an end. As before, people with chronic nervous diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and vegetative-vascular dystonia suffer the most. During emergency periods (see previous section), there is a high risk of pressure surges, heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, in the first half of the year and autumn, the condition of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system worsens.

The square of Saturn with Neptune also continues, which promises an increase in infectious diseases in the spring and late autumn-early winter.


The year 2016 is not the best, but not bad either in the physical world, that is, in our everyday material and social life. But spiritually it is very strong year. It is the completion of the previous stage of development and prepares for the next 252-year cycle. It will bring new and bright opportunities to those who strive for something new, strive to grow and develop.

I wish everyone to take full advantage of these opportunities!


M. Levin, December 23, 2015, Moscow

Astrological forecast for 2016

Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa gave a forecast for 2016 at RSN.

At the same time, the astrologer said that the future is unpredictable.

The interview is published in full

M. BACHENIN: Good morning, our guest is Pavel Globa, astrologer.

P. Globa: Good morning!

M. BACHENINA: I’m wondering, when you have an interview or some important matter, buying a car, for example, do you check with the stars?

P. GLOBA: In interviews, probably not, there are too many of them, and about the car, not always, of course, but in serious things - yes. But in everyday life, I believe that astrology should be approached much more pragmatically and you don’t need to constantly check all your actions, as you say, with the stars.

R. KARIMOV: What are serious things? Same as buying a car or a home?

P. GLOBA: Buying a home is a serious thing, it’s an investment big money.

R. KARIMOV: What signs should you pay attention to?

P. GLOBA: You need to pay attention not to the signs, but to your own horoscope. For some other indicators. But why should we initiate you into astrological cuisine? If I ask you how your broadcast works and all the subtleties, it will be a long conversation.

M. BACHENINA: Okay, then let's talk about something serious. Have your own predictions been confirmed? And in general, do you keep track of whether they are confirmed year after year, or is there a misfire somewhere? And what are your expectations this year?

P. GLOBA: The fact is that astrology is a science, so there are mistakes, just like meteorologists make mistakes, any doctor has mistakes, any representative of science has mistakes. Science itself is not perfect; it only strives for perfection. But it won't reach him. Therefore, of course, there are errors, but the efficiency of an astrologer is revealed when he has at least 70% of the confirmed trends of his forecast. Because an astrologer does not predict the future, the future is basically unpredictable. But to give the right trend, to identify trends that should be realized, this is the task of the astrologer.

M. BACHENINA: By the way, about trends and tendencies. In September, Pavel Globa gave a comment to the Russian News Service, this is recorded on our website, that: “In September-October there will be an increased background of solar activity, which can lead, especially after the lunar eclipse on September 28, to a much greater likelihood of accidents and disasters.” .

P. GLOBA: Yes, for another month and a half or two months. This is exactly right.

M. BACHENINA: And increased crime, the likelihood of unmotivated crimes will increase.

R. KARIMOV: Immediately we remember the “Krasnogorsk shooter”, the disaster over the Sinai.

M. BACHENINA: Yes, there were several other events there.

P. GLOBA: And November 13th. This forecast ended November 15-20. That's all for about a month and a half.

M. BACHENINA: Is it possible, after reading this warning, to understand where to an ordinary person put some straw?

P. GLOBA: One person cannot cope here; a whole group of like-minded people is needed. Not a terrarium of like-minded people, but a real group, but no one is seriously doing this today. You have to raise all this at your own risk, make predictions on your knees or on your laptop, of course, sometimes there are mistakes. It's clear. They are inevitable in this case. It’s all the same that the atomic project could not be carried out alone, even by yourself genius man. Kurchatov would not have built the nuclear reactor alone. Korolev, too, if he had been alone, if he had not had a huge group of like-minded people, man would never have flown into space.

M. BACHENINA: I meant that I read your forecast, and how should I behave in order to respond competently, in your opinion, to these warnings?

P. GLOBA: How does the weather center warn you? It will rain, take an umbrella with you. It's the same here. There are warnings that some kind of increased accident rate is quite likely in the near future.

M. BACHENINA: Don’t fly or travel?

P. GLOBA: Of course! This will be very ruinous for airlines.

M. BACHENINA: And now I’ll give you some fuel for the proposed circumstances. Let’s say you tell me that my death was under the wing of an airplane, let’s put it this way.

P. GLOBA: Under the wing of the plane, only the green sea of ​​the taiga sings about something.

M. BACHENINA: So astrology cannot give such a forecast?

P. GLOBA: She simply won’t do it. Moreover, this is not part of her tasks. Astrology has an optimistic task: to help a person.

M. BACHENINA: That is, if you see something completely bad, you won’t say anything about it?

P. GLOBA: I will try to warn you. Firstly, doctors, if they see a really bad diagnosis in a patient, oncology, today there is a tendency to say this. But we didn’t say before, and it was right, why scare a person, who knows what kind of reaction he might have? And secondly, the task of astrology is different: it is not to scare a person or predict his future. I repeat once again: the future is, in principle, unpredictable. Trends can be identified correctly.

M. BACHENINA: A woman comes and says: “Should I get married or not”?

P. GLOBA: I ask right away, provide the details of your future husband. I look, draw a conclusion and say: “Yes, it’s very difficult.” The general trend is this.

R. KARIMOV: How much time do you generally spend on this analysis?

P. GLOBA: The fact is that now it is much easier, a professional does it quite quickly. It takes a day, maybe two, to accurately calculate everything, determine trends, some time frames. Again, I identify a trend: “If you have a marriage, then it will be very difficult for you with this person, difficult.”

M. BACHENINA: And then the woman decides for herself?

P. GLOBA: Then it’s not just her who decides. If she asks what should she do, this question is always asked, should she drop everything and look for a new candidate? I say no, if you love him, and love is higher than the stars. “Love is what moves the suns and luminaries,” Dante ends his “ Divine Comedy" Therefore, if you want to live with this person, then we can help you and tell you what to do. Find the psychological key to communication. If you stick to this, then it is likely that you will live for many years and, although you have little compatibility now, you will develop it. But then it depends on the person. The final outcome of our fate still depends on us. We create our destiny and we are also personally responsible for it. No one else, you know.

M. BACHENINA: Can we conduct some kind of experiment, for example, prophesy something to Karimov?

P. GLOBA: Once again, I’m not prophesying, and secondly, you need to draw up a horoscope, but I don’t have a laptop with me.

M. BACHENINA: Otherwise, Karimov can come and find out whether he will become a director or not.

P. GLOBA: Whether he will or not depends on him. I'll just tell you what his chances are.

M. BACHENINA: Can you tell me the key?

P. GLOBA: And yes, I’ll tell you what to do. I had to do this, there were people who did not listen, Talkov, for example, did not listen. He was a wonderful musician and poet. Because there was one - only meeting. Unfortunately.

M. BACHENINA: So, as a psychologist, I need to go to you? Regularly.

P. GLOBA: No, you don’t need to see a psychologist. In general, I believe that consuming large doses of this kind of information, psychological, astrological, is very harmful for the person himself.

M. BACHENINA: Will you know a lot, will you sleep little?

P. GLOBA: That’s not why. Because a person must solve many everyday issues himself.

M. BACHENINA: It would be correct to ask a question about the most successful sign zodiac in the coming 2016 and not the most successful? Or does this not happen and everything is relative?

P. GLOBA: The most successful sign is every person. Each person, as a bearer of the sign, is the most successful. If he believes in this success and realizes it. If he does the right thing and doesn't make mistakes. Or he learns from these mistakes without stepping on the rake again.

M. BACHENINA: Does anyone learn from their mistakes?

P. GLOBA: Some study, yes.

M. BACHENINA: I have never met people who learn from other people’s mistakes. I hope to see them someday.

P. GLOBA: But some don’t even learn from their own.

R. KARIMOV: A listener asks a question: “I see the future of my children if they work in the field of astrology. Tell me, is it difficult to enter the Academy of Astrology and what competition is there?”

P. GLOBA: I don’t know anything about the Academy of Astrology, I have my own institute, but I have nothing against such educational institutions, because it’s high time for astrology to organize all this. And regarding abilities, whether they exist or not, of course, everything can be determined; any astrologer, first of all, must have non-standard thinking. Because astrology itself also combines a creative approach, and it is based on fairly strict calculations. That is, a mathematical apparatus, and a person must understand it and astronomy at least a little. He must also be able to draw conclusions.

M. BACHENINA: I think they won’t forgive us if we don’t ask for a forecast for New Year.

P. GLOBA: Forecast for the next year, 2016. Let's face it, this year for astrologers begins only on March 21st. And in the east, in China, it is celebrated on February 8 and 9. First new moon of Aquarius. This will be the year of the Red Monkey.

M. BACHENINA: What kind of animal is this?

P. GLOBA: The monkey is a very cunning, insidious animal. This is a year of intrigue, big problems, multi-move combinations, keep in mind that all the years of the Monkeys were associated with conspiracies. When there was the Soviet Union, in the post-war period, almost all conspiracies against Soviet power in the camp of our allies in Eastern Europe were in the years of the Monkey. Example: 1956, Hungarian uprising. 1968, Czechoslovakia. 1980, Solidarity, Poland. Here are all these years of the Monkey.

R. KARIMOV: It feels like for the last two years we have been in the Year of the Monkey. Solid two-year-old Monkey. Some conspiracies, some attacks.

P. GLOBA: Attacks, conspiracies, in general, to be honest, it is believed that clever and enterprising people are lucky at this time. You have agility, enterprise, collectivism, that is, teamwork, and the Monkey is such a collective animal, he loves a team, find a leader, follow him, root for the winner. By the way, monkeys always have a leader. Equal to the leader. Therefore, in the year of the Monkey, the one who is stronger leads others, he wins.

R. KARIMOV: Is it better for losers to be on the team?

P. GLOBA: It’s also better for losers to be on the team. Join the strong. All kinds of revelations, scandals - this is all the year of the monkey.

1956 - please, exposure of the cult of personality. Also the year of the Monkey and also red. M. BACHENINA: Which signs will be lucky and which will not be lucky in the year of the Monkey? P. GLOBA: You can’t say that, who will be lucky and who will not. It is only in the East that it is believed that the Monkey is very closely related to the Dragon and the Rat. And in the year of the Rat and Dragon in China they believe that they feel very good. And people born in the year of the Rooster, in the year of the Cat, in Year of the Horse , on the contrary, you need to be careful and not get into trouble. This is not a primitive, but rather an overly general formulation. It is impossible to focus on it for every individual. Need to build personal horoscope and see the trends of your personal year. And so I told you the tradition, for Rats and Dragons is very.

good time

P. GLOBA: The fact is that the horoscope is individual and is compiled for each individual. For you personally, for example, for me. Because the horoscope translated from Greek is the indicator of the hour. Or an indicator of the exact time. The word “horoscope” should be banned altogether, because it is absolutely wrong at its core. We need to talk about some forecasts. There are statistics regarding the protection of planets that were carried out by the French researcher Michel Gauquelin in the 60s of the last century. He conducted a statistical study on a huge number

dates of birth and proved that very often the planet Jupiter, and it is in a special position in the horoscope, is indeed often found among actors and military personnel, and the planet Mars occurs among athletes and generals. These are real statistics, studies were conducted in the 60s. They were first accepted by the scientific community and then rejected, as a result of which this great researcher committed suicide due to many years of persecution. M. BACHENINA: How do you feel about the science of semiotics, about sign systems, and how does it overlap with astrology?

P. GLOBA: Astrology is also a sign system. But this, of course, is a slightly specific science, and I have a normal attitude towards it. Although, of course, I don’t use it in practice. But I have a normal attitude, like many others, including psychology. M. BACHENINA: Do you often make a horoscope for yourself and your loved ones?

P. GLOBA: Only when necessary. Once again I want to emphasize that astrology should be consulted only in critical cases. When any other information does not satisfy you. When you really don't know what to do. M. BACHENINA: Why?

P. GLOBA: I’ll explain.

P. GLOBA: Yes, don’t read any. Right. Horoscope forecast can only be your individual one. Personally for you. I won't say that everything else is nonsense, but if it is not compiled by the editor or, incidentally, some employees of this magazine, then it can be general information, the same as a doctor's advice. The Ministry of Health has recommended for the last time that smoking is harmful to your health. Of course, it is harmful, but not for everyone. M. BACHENINA: What data is needed to make a forecast?

P. GLOBA: The exact time and place of your birth. This is the initial data according to which the astrologer draws up the horoscope of any person.

R. KARIMOV: Within the city? Or even the streets?

P. Globa: If this Big city, like Moscow, it is advisable to clarify. If it's a small town, then that's enough. For Moscow, it must be said that in the north of Moscow, in the center, Moscow is a fairly large city in terms of territory. M. BACHENINA: You brought books with you.

P. GLOBA: The first book is ephemeris, exactly the same tables by which we look at what will happen at this time. For any date in the 21st century. This is my workbook. M. BACHENINA: So you can watch something tomorrow?

P. GLOBA: For tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow, you want for 2077. The second book is a forecast for Russia in the 21st century. The main trends of our real future. M. BACHENINA: How long did it take you to write the forecast for Russia?

P. GLOBA: I have been writing the forecast for Russia for 20 years. I used what I already had, analyzed my mistakes, which also existed. There are about 20% of them. 15-20 percent of erroneous forecasts. Indeed, I took them into account. But still, it was not I who said 85%, but the Germans, when they calculated it.

R. KARIMOV: So you started writing this book immediately after the collapse of the Union?

P. GLOBA: I even started writing before the breakup. Because 1991 is one of the most critical years for Russia, I predicted this much earlier. This was also associated with six eclipses. A large number of eclipses throughout the year, unfortunately, gives rise to such very difficult trends. In 1917 there were seven eclipses and two revolutions. In 1991 - six eclipses and the collapse of the country. M. BACHENINA: How many eclipses are there in 2016?

P. GLOBA: There will be four eclipses in 2016, more or less normal. So we'll survive. We live in a crisis, and the crisis continues until 2021. M. BACHENINA: You just started talking about this book, of course I want to ask, will everything be okay with us?

P. GLOBA: What do you mean everything is fine? Russia will be there. Russia is in for a big recovery. I would not say that this will be an economic upsurge, but that it will be an upsurge associated with the national idea, a demographic explosion in Russia, that’s for sure. And this will happen immediately after 2023. I'll explain why. The trend in this case is determined by the planet Pluto, which astronomers for some reason removed from the list of planets. But Pluto is a relatively large planet and it doesn’t matter to him whether he was accepted or not. So, being in the sector of the sign of Aquarius, Pluto very often determined the time of the population explosion for Russia. Time to expand boundaries. Time to define the national idea. This happens once every 250 years. Because Pluto has a cycle of 248. When was the last time? This time late XVIII century, the time of Catherine II. M. BACHENINA: Will this await us in 2023?

P. GLOBA: Yes, and for 20 years! And then it was Crimea, the conquest of Crimea, the victorious Russian-Turkish wars, the expansion of borders and the annexation of Poland. Before that, it was the 16th century, this was Ivan the Terrible, his dad Vasily III, the Kremlin was with us, “Kazan was taken, Astrakhan was taken,” this was the time of Pluto in Aquarius. And now this awaits us.

R. KARIMOV: History in circles.

M. BACHENINA: Listeners ask you to tell us about the forecast for Russia for 2016 in terms of Turkey, our situation as a whole.

P. GLOBA: Well, there will be no war, I can tell you that for sure.

M. BACHENINA: This is very important.

P. GLOBA: We don’t need the Turkish coast, and we don’t need Africa.

R. KARIMOV: And there is no need for war.

P. GLOBA: War is all the more unnecessary. And thank God that there will be no war like the past world wars. Unfortunately, what is happening now can be called a world war. But this will be a “creeping” world war of a different type. And, by the way, it will not end either next year, or in 2017, or in 2018. It will continue somewhere until Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius, until 2023-2024.

M. BACHENINA: Will there be such a tense situation on the world stage?

P. GLOBA: Yes, with the involvement of different countries. Conflicts will break out in various territories, including Africa, Asia, and Indonesia.

M. BACHENINA: Won’t the world fall to pieces? Won't it be surrounded by walls?

P. GLOBA: The world can fall apart, but be reunited again. And, by the way, the end of 2020 will be associated with a new global project, a project with a capital P. It is usually determined once every 20 years by the conjunction of the two largest planets in the solar system - Jupiter and Saturn. The last time in 2000, Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in May, and new trends in world politics came. Vladimir Vladimirovich won for the first time. On May 7, Putin was inaugurated. George Bush was in the USA that same year. And what’s interesting is that the world’s energy resources have been redistributed. Nowadays there are wars everywhere, where energy resources are. In Ukraine, for example, there are few energy resources, but there is an oil and gas pipeline.

M. BACHENINA: Yes, depending on what angle you look at it from.

P. GLOBA: This struggle for the redistribution of energy resources will end by the end of 2020. On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin in the sign of Aquarius for 20 years.

M. BACHENINA: By 2020, will Russia already be on its feet? Or, having weakened, after this five-year period?

P. GLOBA: This will happen, of course, but by this time new young forces will come. Moreover, it is very interesting that technocrats, bearers of know-how, will come. This is also associated with the sign of Aquarius. People who think outside the box will be managers. This will be a new administrative apparatus, and not the callous one that we have now.

M. BACHENINA: We will not bend! This makes me happy.

P. GLOBA: I think that we will have the same leader.

M. BACHENINA: Will Putin exist until 2023?

P. GLOBA: Yes.

M. BACHENINA: Then it turns out that medicine will go far.

P. GLOBA: It is very correct that Vladimir Vladimirovich is in power.

R. KARIMOV: How can we sweep away these “hardened” ones?

P. GLOBA: The quantity of these trends will turn into quality. They will simply push them out. One will be sent into retirement, another as an ambassador, and the third as an honorary sinecure. They will be replaced by young, pragmatic bearers of know-how.

R. KARIMOV: The main thing is that they be patriots.

P. GLOBA: This is absolutely accurate. Because zodiac sign Aquarius, in which there will be a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn, Pluto in Aquarius is indeed closely connected with our country. Because any clusters in the sign of Aquarius determine trends in Russia. This is true, you can see it in the statistics.

R. KARIMOV: Many people are skeptical about astrology.

P. GLOBA: This is very good.

M. BACHENINA: Is this invigorating?

P. GLOBA: No, it doesn’t invigorate. This is quite natural. People simply respond to propaganda. After all, if the general propaganda is against astrology, it is clear that most people will say that they reject it. “I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him.”

P. GLOBA: There is no need to believe. This is the wrong question. I don't believe in astrology either, I believe in God.

M. BACHENINA: Then you formulate the question.

P. GLOBA: Okay: do you recognize astrology?

M. BACHENINA: I want to move on to the artistic part of the program.

P. GLOBA: I started writing this under the influence of one of my friends who worked in law enforcement. He told me that I have many stories that are begging to be written down. And on his advice, I started writing detective stories.

M. BACHENINA: Why were there so many detective stories in your life?

P. GLOBA: Many clients come to me who have really real detective stories. You can't believe that stories like this exist. And I developed a new direction in detective literature, which I called “astrological detective.” Two such detective stories have already been published, and the third is currently being prepared for publication. Interestingly, it hit the top ten best sellers earlier this year. In first place, of course, was Daria Dontsova, whom I respect, then Marinina, I ended up in 9th place.

M. BACHENINA: Well done. Your energy is enviable.

P. GLOBA: This direction differs in that in it the astrologer unravels the most complicated crimes, the roots of which rest on the past. I discovered the so-called law of the matrix that many high-profile crimes under similar circumstances are repeated in the future. Especially when the initiator of these crimes is born on the day of the death of his prototype. Let's say Chikatilo committed 55 murders and was shot in March. On the same day, a person is born, and after some time he may repeat stories similar to the stories of Chikatilo. Of course, this is artistic lighting, but it lies at the heart of a discovery that I have been exploring for many years in real human destinies.

M. BACHENINA: Are there any historical examples?

P. GLOBA: Of course. Assassination of Alexander II, Tsar-Liberator. This happened on March 13, 1881. The murderers were hanged a month later, on April 15, 1881, and what’s interesting is that the future Socialist Revolutionary militant, anarchist, and revolutionary was born on exactly that day. I forgot his last name. From early childhood he was obsessed with the idea of ​​regicide. He did not kill the Tsar, but on his birthday, when he turned 21, he killed the second person in the state, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire. I came to his office and emptied my entire revolver at him. Here is the action of the matrix.

P. GLOBA: Two-thirds, normal. The electorate has been assembled. The national average is about 70%.

M. BACHENINA: Astrologer Pavel Globa was our guest. Thank you very much.

P. GLOBA: Thank you. The main thing is to be more optimistic. This should be taken with skepticism and always checked.

M. BACHENINA: And don’t fold your paws yourself, hoping for some higher power.

P. GLOBA: Yes, because we create destiny. The stars give direction, but we ourselves are responsible for everything.

Astrological forecast for 2016

Konstantin Daragan

A couple of words

In the process of preparing the forecast, I surfed the Internet. I don’t really want to comment on the “forecasts” of obviously sick people who picked up astrological terminology somewhere. Well, that’s all - “Crimea will return in 2016” and other similar glitch and nonsense, interesting mainly to psychiatrists. Or employees of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine. But even less do I want people to think that I am familiar with such “forecasters.” And even less do I want people to think that we are busy with the same thing. Therefore, we will have to start with a little retrospection.
First of all, I must say that 2016 is just a stage, part of the astrological processes that I have been writing about in forecasts for many years. For those interested, I refer, for example, to the 2009 forecast “Features new era", where at the very beginning it was already described what we, in fact, are experiencing today.

And for those who are too lazy to read and delve into all this, let me briefly remind you of the main essence of all these mundane forecasts for the last decade. In 2008, the objective astrological process of restructuring the existing system of power in the world began. This will be accompanied (and is already happening) by the redistribution of borders, the disappearance of small states and the emergence of new, radical renewal of international rules. Naturally, the instruments of these processes will be military, economic and political conflicts, which are also easily predicted. The restructuring process will continue until the turn of 2023-2024. I separately identified the period from 2013 to 2015 as the “war triennium” - and yes, the name fully justified itself. In “Fasten your seat belts,” I wrote that it was the last year of the triennium, 2015, that would make the changes taking place irreversible. In the future, the next few years will take the legalization of what happened in 2014/15. This is not the finale. This is a respite and will only take a few years. Until the next, truly systemic crisis - in the period 2020-2024. And I’m telling you all this to understand the scale, and to understand what place 2016 occupies in the ongoing processes.

The big picture

Main feature of the year- a total crisis of power structures around the world. Both models of power management and the very rules by which the ruling elite existed are changing. This will happen differently in different countries, but in general it is a completely inevitable process. Actually, the typical revolutionary situation in the world is caused precisely by this - after the “three years of war” the old rules no longer work. And the old "red lines" don't stop anyone anymore - there is no cold spot in a pot of boiling water. The search for new rules of the world order will begin in 2016-2017, but this process will be interrupted once again - by the crisis of 2020-2024.
Policy. In 2016, both public reputation and laws, and moral considerations will be traded in favor of shadow considerations, backroom deals. It is very likely that the West, defending the dream of a “golden billion,” will play trump cards - betraying its principles, losing face, committing acts that cannot be explained to anyone, even to its own fellow citizens, within the framework of the already familiar demagoguery. Over the past two years, many have eaten up the characteristic duplicity and hypocrisy typical of colonial history Western civilization. But this year new standards will be set in the same direction. Straight from the classics: “ there were times that were harder, but none meaner».

Military provocations. 2016 is just the result of the fateful changes of 2015, as I wrote about in Fasten Your Seatbelts.

And now there will only be the consequences of the “war three-year period” successfully predicted four years ago. However, the inertia of events will lead this year to at least one more military incident or provocation (in fact, I expect a consistent series of incidents) in a Russia-NATO clash. The situation will become significantly more complicated this year. Events will go further than after the situation with the Russian attack aircraft shot down by Turkey. And the precedent will be larger. Complications

. Also at risk in terms of unrest or limited use of force are Egypt, Iraq, and Tajikistan. And, it is possible that the Black Sea. A crisis is possible in the calm UAE and Kazakhstan - after August-September 2016. I’m not ready to discuss the details now, I don’t understand everything myself. WMD . 2016 is one of those years that I was in 2008

called the year of “probable local use of weapons of mass destruction” - in the form of a threat, provocation, terrorist attack or the like. One such point is near mid-June. The other is at the end of September. Of course, there is a temporary allowance in both directions. Approaching the issue strictly analytically, now I do not believe in this forecast, despite the sometimes threatening publications about nuclear weapons and their prospects in Syria. I’m almost sure that in this sense everything should be at the maximum level of loud statements. But the use of chemical or bacteriological weapons this year, or a technical disaster with the same consequences, or a terrorist attack of this type, in the approach that I now use, has a maximum probability this year. Critical point of 2016 – August and September. Not as sharp and contrasting as April 2014

year. But there are very serious reasons to believe that this August the road to the future will be opened to great evil.. The oil situation is without a doubt the main intrigue of 2016, both astrologically and analytically. It is extremely difficult to predict such multifactorial trends as the price of oil, especially during a geopolitical crisis. Famous market professionals regularly fail to cope with this. This is precisely a public risk. But I will take a risk, since the very fact of a crisis in the oil market, which has not yet happened either in 2014 or 2015, is predicted very confidently. And, paradoxically, regular exporters will benefit from this. For a relatively short period of time, oil prices will fall extremely this year, very likely setting a record low for the last 20 years. And then the trend will reverse towards growth for the next few years. In general, at the average price for 2016, oil will remain in the 35-50 range. And either from the end of 2016 or from the beginning of 2017, the price of oil will begin to rise slowly and steadily. Or it will maintain the level with slight fluctuations. The crisis point, the most important events and changes that will affect its value, will occur from late April to mid-June 2016. In addition, strong fluctuations are planned in September and December 2016. Probably due to sudden political changes in these months. However, I still wouldn’t bet on the dates themselves - in mundane astrology It happens that it is not the event itself that occurs on the specified dates, but fateful decisions are made, which will then play out many times over in the consequences. A favorite example of such a phenomenon is the deceptively “quiet” year in terms of external events, but astrologically very critical year 2010. And if I’m not sure about the dates, then about the general character of the year." oil break" - sure.


Syria. Syria will actually be divided into parts. This is my long-standing forecast, and it will not yet be fully fulfilled in 2016. But it is in 2016 that the process of legitimizing the territories seized from Syria and Iraq under foreign protectorate will begin. It is very likely that they will recognize the right of the renewed ISIS to control part of the territories they have captured. I don’t know what they will be called – IS, ISIS, Daesh, Caliphate, “independent Syria” or something else. But it is very likely that they will be recognized as an independent political force and, probably, even included in the political dialogue. This should happen before September 2016. Will this end the war in the Middle East this year? No way.

European Union. Contradictions within the countries of the European Union will significantly intensify, leading to fundamental conflicts. Firstly, the confrontation between the rich North and the poor South and East of Europe will intensify. Secondly, this will lead to a conflict between the new generation of sovereign European leaders and the European bureaucracy. That is, those centrifugal processes that were described at the end of 2008 will continue.

Thirdly, if in 2015 Greece was shaking the foundations of the EU, then in 2016 I expect that Poland and the UK will be in opposition. Each for their own reasons. Germany

. Since 2016, Germany has been entering a serious crisis - political, economic, and in subsequent years - military. Most likely, the force component will come from terrorist attacks and riots. And the political one will begin this year - with an economic agreement or a very controversial reform of the European Union. Considering the special role of Germany in the EU, in general, Europe has come close to the World 2040 forecast - there is a virtual restructuring of the European project ahead, with partial closure of borders, with a partial return of economic and political sovereignty to the member countries, with a loss of the EU’s share in the world politics and economics. Alas. USA . Although I plan that the dollar will continue to rise in 2016, this year the United States will be one of the countries that will suffer very serious reputational damage due to foreign policy and large-scale, opaque economic reform. After 2014-2015, when it seemed that their reputation in the world could not fall further, it turns out that there are still new depths. Since Obama will have to voice all this, Obama personally will face another disappointment and a further increase in anti-rating. By the way, it’s nice that the rapid decline in his popularity was correctly predicted back in January 2009
years when he was still completely white and fluffy “the hope of humanity.”. As I write this forecast, Donald Trump is the absolute leader in the race for the presidency. I will not vouch for the outcome of the US elections, but astrologically there are serious reasons to expect the victory of a conservative politician, an integral part of the American establishment. And not an out-of-system charismatic who ruins people's established businesses. In general, Bill is not as scary as his Clinton. And the forecast is that the elections will not only not end, but, on the contrary, are guaranteed to begin a new round of the political crisis in the United States. We can also confidently predict that the US policy of creating an Empire above international law and morality will not change. At least until 2025/26. So the result of the 2016 elections is more of a technical interest.


Unlike Ukraine, for which I have been familiar with forecasts for a decade, I will still need to focus on forecasts for the Russian Federation - I have only a little more than two years of successful forecasting experience for this country. Russia, it seems, has firmly entered the club of developed civilized countries - it bombs whomever it deems necessary and without regard to the opinions of others. Just like most other democracies in modern world. Throughout the year, the Russian Federation will confidently be one of the main news makers, as in 2014-15. But politically it will have to partially give up its positions in order to achieve a political compromise.

From good. The global crisis will paradoxically play into our hands, which will allow us to get out of a very difficult situation with dignity and even with profit (or other advantages) at the end of spring or beginning of summer. There will be no economic collapse, although sharp fluctuations in the national currency following oil are expected. The standard of living will generally remain the same. Moreover, I expect large targeted investments or loans to come to the country in 2016. It will be very interesting to find out what conditions they will be under. If these details are revealed at all by the end of the year. True, residents will not see the real effect of these funds entering the economy in 2016.

Critical points- January, the end of August (a well-known fatal month for the new Russia), as well as November. Including in a financial sense.

From bad. Starting in the fall of 2016, Russia will begin to enter the situation of 2017, when there is a high probability of an armed conflict, a large-scale counter-terrorism operation, or externally provoked mass unrest with the use of force.


Reforms. Of the good. A patriot’s dream has come true - the processes of political reorganization of the country, promised in the World 2040 forecast, will begin .

But the result of these political processes will be unexpected. 2016 is no less historical for Ukraine than 2014. An exceptionally significant astrological event takes place here according to the (still valid) horoscope of the state. If we talk about the shock that will happen to the political system, then the most accurate word is not “perestroika.” And not even “crisis”, but “demolition”. Moreover, this process will begin from above, with the hands of people in power (and, probably, of foreign origin/nationality). This process will not be completed in 2016, and will also extend into 2017. Unfortunately, the same factor is responsible for the radicalization of power and for the further, now overt, feudalization of the country.

Military situation. Although until September 2015 the astrological factor of violence and war was increasing in the country’s map, and now it is already decreasing, but until mid-2016 it is premature for everyone to relax. In mundane astrology, events also occur during divergences. Power. The President himself will begin

difficult times. The bad thing is that the collapse/deconstruction of the state machine and the decline of the economy will continue. Very confident. The loss of independence has been an official fact of pride here for a year now, but it will be even more interesting. In 2016, there will be a loss of control over important economic processes in the country and locally. The situation will be periodically resolved by local authorities, in improvisation mode, ignoring or circumventing the orders of Kyiv. But the bottom of the decline in the economy, business and living standards of the population in 2016 will not yet be reached. And in 2017 too. There are astrological reasons to believe that the national currency exchange rate will again “sag” significantly. But here you need to introduce non-astrological adjustments. In the forecast for 2014, I named three possible points of decline in the quality of the national currency.

Critical points All three were completed, and precisely in the indicated months. February – fall of the hryvnia, July – technical default, December – actual default on external debts. However, it is important how exactly we passed these points. When I wrote the forecast for the Ukrainian horoscope, I expected that the third passage, as usually happens in astrology, would be the most unpleasant. But very, very significant external assistance was provided to prevent this from happening. Looking at how and why this was done, I am also adjusting the forecast for 2016 - foreign curators will not allow the hryvnia to collapse at critical moments. They will scrape together a new dose of credits - just enough so that the patient does not die prematurely. But he didn’t come out of the coma either. So the realistic, adjusted forecast is a confident, relatively even decline in living standards throughout the year, and not a collapse.

– from February to May 2016 (more like a whole period here) and December 2016.

Culture Religion

. In 2016, a very major scandal will occur in the Christian world, or more precisely in the traditionally Catholic or Orthodox sphere of influence. The scandal probably has no analogues - a precedent will be created. In form, it will be a rejection of the established tradition or established order of things. A possible interpretation of the same factor is a confessional split or a scandalous reform. The acute problem of religious extremism and fundamentalism, as well as related violence and unrest, will not go away until at least 2024. 2016 is nothing special in this regard, except for the further growth of stupidity and obscurantism, which will be very noticeable in the mass and popular culture of 2016. Science and discoveries . Three years ago a really successful forecast was made probable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms"

I didn’t write about the dates in the forecast itself, I played it safe, but a discovery exactly similar in meaning occurred exactly in the middle of summer, as I expected, within two weeks. This event means little to people far from science, because “it wasn’t on TV.” Well, not Conchita Wurst, of course. And although 93% of foreign genetic material is, of course, not 100%, it turned out well. And the fact that science is conservative and, not for years, but for generations, does not accept facts that fall outside the established worldview is not news to anyone. There were good astrological reasons why I was very confident in the outcome. This time I don’t have such confidence (and especially with the date), but 2016 is a very significant year in biology, genetics and medicine.

  1. Firstly, I am waiting for the emergence of a fundamentally new type of antibiotics or a completely new type of anesthesia. Secondly, in 2016, one of the most important events will not even be a discovery in biology and genetic engineering, but rather the legalization of genetic manipulation of people. There will be a legal precedent. In addition, it is planned to discover a completely fundamental property, probably in the field of physics. The dates are July-September 2016. In the world:
  2. The long economic crisis is close to ending and moving into a new phase. From the summer of 2015, the situation in the world will begin to change (it would be good not at our expense). The last extra events will occur in December 2015, and may continue until the spring of 2016. But in the summer of 2016, the recovery of the global economy as a whole will begin. In Russia: economic crisis. Let me emphasize that it has not started, but rather continues – it has not stopped since 2008. It went away a little in 2011, but started in 2012 new wave
    related to the global situation. The crisis will last no maximum 2 years. Here I allow myself to disagree with President V.V. Putin, who is forced to reassure the electorate before the New Year. 2016 may turn out to be even more difficult than 2015 if the country's leadership does not take emergency measures. The most difficult periods
    • expected time:
    • From January to April 2015 (with an emphasis on the greatest difficulties in February and March)
    • End of July 2015
    • November and December 2015 are very tough. Especially the beginning of December 2015
  3. 2016 promises to be completely challenging. Especially summer – the period from May to September 2016. But it is precisely this time that will determine how Russia will spend the next 9 years until 2025. level of growth and relative stability in 2006-07. The country's economy will not reach the next many years. Minimal improvements will not begin until 2017-18.

    Period from 2015-16 until 2025-26 this is the time when the existing economic and political system will continue to operate. There won't be another one until 2025. Again, let me emphasize that this does not mean that the personalities of power will not change; we are not talking about individuals, but about the economic system, about its basis, about what the Russian economy is built on. We will not have a different economy (in terms of management and functioning mechanisms) for the next few years. And it depends on the actions of the country’s leadership whether the change of power and economic system in 2025 will be soft or revolutionary.

  4. Why is everything going haywire right now?
    Strange as it may sound, it has accumulated. The global situation has overlapped with the Russian one. And even now it is impossible to deny that Russia is already going through this initial phase of the crisis more difficult than it should. Of course, this was inspired from abroad, which was facilitated not only by the weakness of our oil economy, but also by “ good people from the USA and Europe." Sanctions are not revenge for Crimea and the situation in Ukraine. Crimea and Ukraine are a reason for sanctions, an attempt to shift global problems onto Russia’s head and seize world domination.

    The rate of 50 rubles per dollar was predicted a year and a half ago; this figure was discussed by employees of the banking system. The ruble was artificially supported, and then was abruptly released. But the ruble exchange rate above 50 is not justified in any way, it is artificial. In the summer of 2014, a persistent girl from Ukraine wrote to me with a question that worried her (literally) - “Tell me, Vasilisa, when will the Russian economy collapse? When can we expect the collapse of the ruble?
    I, as a patriot of my country, was outraged by the wording - I just wanted to sarcastically ask in response - “why don’t you ask about the economy of Ukraine? Or are there no more questions?” Not finding the strength to answer the letter politely, I did not respond at all. But the girl did not stop trying and repeated the question in even more menacing terms. Draw conclusions - it is not the girl who is to blame, but those who disseminated this information in Ukraine and, probably, planned similar things. A whole series of external blows + natural (cyclical) weakening of the economy = a bright beginning of the crisis.

2013-2025 Our place in history. Analysis and forecast.

A lost person first tries to understand where he ended up, and then decides where and how to move on. Our life is a wandering in the wilds of time, and in order to make forecasts for the future, we need to be well aware of what moment of this time we are in, what its features are. This way it’s clearer what’s there, around the next corner. With this article I want to simply and clearly talk about one planetary cycle and its powerful influence on the history of Russia in the last 130-140 years. He's just one of several I relied on when writing What's Happening in the Country? , but its clarity fascinates even those who do not believe in astrology. It's about about the cycle of Saturn and Neptune, which lasts about 36 years.

Saturn for an astrologer is order, structure, system, hierarchy, management, responsibility, duty, material, durable, stable. Neptune – dissolution, blurriness, faith and religiosity, illusions, deceptions, intangible, shaky. The combined influence of these two planets gives rise to an eternal struggle between order and Chaos, hard work and laziness, material and spiritual, harshness and compassion, harsh reality and ideological illusions.

The history of Russia and our own ideas about ourselves are so rich in everything. So, every 36 years in the sky, Saturn and Neptune conjunct (are as close as possible to each other for an earthly observer). This is the beginning of a new cycle. Then the distance between them increases, passing through the phases of the first square and the first trine (9 and 12 years after the conjunction, angular distance 90 and 120 degrees), and coming to opposition (18 years after the conjunction, half of the cycle). Then they are as far as possible from each other for an earthly observer. After this, the two planets again begin to approach each other, go through the phases of the second trine and the second square (24 and 27 years after the conjunction), and connect again.

So, the phases of the Saturn-Neptune cycle perfectly correspond to important milestones in the history of Russia. But it was not always so. This pattern has been traced only since 1881, and it is unknown how long it will last (different cycles tend to either intensify or weaken their influence). But the most recent cycle of Saturn and Neptune, which began in 1989 and has not yet ended, still “works” perfectly in our history, which means it can be safely taken into account in forecasts at least until 2025-26. That is, until the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new cycle.

Change of ideological system/dramatic change of the first person of the state

As you can see in the graph, the beginning of the cycle (in astrological language “conjunction”) of Saturn and Neptune has already been accompanied 4 times by dramatic events of a gigantic scale for the country - the forced change of the first person of the state, his death (in 3 cases out of 4) and a serious change in the ideological course , existing economic formation.

1881 (March 13)– the murder of the emperor-reformer Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya, the beginning of the period of counter-reforms of Alexander III. Exact date the beginning of the cycle on May 12, 1882.

1917 (February-November)– February and October revolutions, abdication and subsequent murder of Nicholas II, the fall of the monarchical system. The exact start date of the cycle is 08/1/1917.

1953 (March 5)– the death of Stalin, the beginning of Khrushchev’s “thaw”, the end of repressions, attempts to somewhat turn the economy towards the consumer. The exact connections occurred in November 1952, May and July 1953.

1989-91 (December)– the crisis of Perestroika and the economic crisis, political changes in the country, the Belovezhskaya Accords, the collapse of the USSR. Exact conjunctions of Saturn and Neptune took place in March, June and November 1989. The only case in this sequence when there was no death of the first person of the state (M.S. Gorbachev), but the state itself ceased to exist.

It is difficult not to admit that these are the main milestones in the history of Russia (USSR) in the political and ideological field over the past 100-plus years. Of course, they do not coincide every day with the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune; Lady History rarely gives such “gifts” of coincidences. But everyone's date important event is separated from the connection by a period of 2 months to 2 years, on average 11 months, this is a small error for a cycle of 36 years and by historical standards.

Taking this into account, we can expect that at the next conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26), Russian Federation A radical change in the ideological (political) course and the existing ruling elite, forceful removal or loss of powers by the first person of the state (the person who will be in power by 2025), is expected. Major events should occur between early 2025 and mid-2027.

I would like, of course, to hope that this will not bring shocks to the people of Russia similar to 1917 or 1989; nevertheless, the degree of destructiveness of the cycle clearly depends on what efforts are being made by the current government to solve the problems of the people, and not their own. But in any case, this time will be very important. Previously 2025-26 Russia should not experience global political and economic changes. I will emphasize the word “global”, since important changes, albeit of a smaller order, of course, can occur.

On the same graph you can see that in the first half of the cycle there may be a change in the 1st person of the state, but this does not fundamentally change the system and the new system laid down at the junction. For example, the death of the counter-reformer Alexander III, the death of V.I. Lenin (despite its apparent importance, it did not fundamentally change anything in the life of the country), the resignation of Khrushchev and the arrival of Brezhnev. And finally, the transfer of power from B.N. Yeltsin to successor V.V. Putin - all this took place without large-scale upheavals, global changes in the system and ideology in the country. You can also notice that in the second half of the cycle, after the opposition, the death or change of the 1st person in the state does not change anything at all. It's almost a formality. For example, Andropov, who replaced the deceased Brezhnev and quickly died, the appointment and imminent death of Chernenko, the almost formal castling of Putin-Medvedev-Putin 2008-2012.

Any cycle works like this - at the connection the foundations of a new idea are laid. Then it develops, undergoes strength tests in the 1st half of the cycle, and shows its advantages over old idea

, reaches its maximum opening in the area of ​​opposition (18 years after each conjunction in the case of the Saturn and Neptune cycle). After this, the idea becomes outdated, begins to become obsolete more and more, events show its weaknesses and the need to change something. By the very end of the cycle, the old idea is completely unviable, and a new one comes to replace it. But it’s unlikely to change seriously in the middle of the cycle. The cycle itself may cease to operate - the repetition of events (I already wrote about this above), but not before the next changes in 2025-26. The middle of the cycle gives maximum stability to power, but not necessarily stability of life for the population. This time most clearly expresses the main qualities of the new political or, laid down at the junction, are the main features of the new system. For example, the middle of the cycle coeval with the revolution occurred in the second half of the 30s - repression and at the same time industrialization, industrial growth, which later allowed the country to survive the Great Patriotic War.

Next - the middle of the “post-Stalin” cycle of 1953 - this is the Brezhnev stagnation of the 70s - everything is stable, understandable, calm: 120 rubles a month and no more, glory to the CPSU, free higher education, shortage of consumer goods.

In modern Russia, we passed this point in 2006-2007 - maximum strengthening of the existing government, no serious opposition, apparent pre-crisis stability and activity of the new “capitalist” economy that emerged at the beginning of the 1989 cycle. In fact, it is conditional prosperity against the backdrop of rising oil prices. On the chart, the middle of each cycle is each blue “slide”, you can see for yourself.

The change of structure and leadership at the beginning of the cycle is the most striking pattern of the Saturn-Neptune cycle. We are now living in a decreasing phase of the cycle and therefore any changes are likely to be a formality until a new powerful idea is born for a new direction for Russia’s development (2025-26)

I have highlighted some other interesting patterns of the same cycle.

Weather forecast for 2016:

what awaits Russia?

December 2015 turned out to be record warm for Russia. The Hydrometeorological Center predicts that this trend will be typical for the coming year.

According to meteorologists, warm air masses formed over the Atlantic are being transported at tremendous speed through Western Europe. They usually move over the southern part of the mainland, but this time they have changed their route and are heading north. As a result, warm air has penetrated over vast distances, and now the temperature over the northern region of Europe and over the Atlantic is approximately the same.

In Moscow on December 20, the temperature reached +5ºC, exceeding the 2014 achievement by 0.1ºC. And the next day, with an indicator of +9ºC, the 1982 record was broken. In the forests of the Leningrad region on these New Year's days, people collect mushrooms. Even Yakutia, where the temperature is 10 degrees above normal, has warmed up.

Meteorologists say global warming is the main culprit of climate anomalies. High annual averages follow each other: temperature records were updated in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2010 and 2014. The hottest year in the history of meteorological observations will most likely be 2015, and scientists are making the same forecast for 2016. At the same time, as in previous years, the changed climate model will remain: winter will become warmer, and summer, on the contrary, will be characterized by relatively low temperatures. But if long-term forecasts do not always come true, then for the coming days, meteorologists’ data are most often correct. For Moscow, the Hydrometeorological Center promises colder temperatures and light snow for the last days of December and the first days of the New Year.

Of course, the main culprit of warm anomalies is called global warming. Since continuous climate monitoring began in 1880, temperature "outliers" have been increasingly recorded, and high average annual temperatures now follow each other: in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2010 and 2014. By all indications, this year may become the hottest in the history of meteorological observations. Moreover, according to scientists, 2016 will also be abnormally hot. WITH high probability he will set a new record. The El Niño phenomenon will make its contribution. We are talking about an anomalous increase in temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which has a huge impact on the formation of the global climate.

The main reason for the global warming approaching earthlings, according to experts, is the increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Most rapidly in the last 30 years. Scientists point out that it is precisely these years that the average annual temperature on Earth experiences a rapid increase. And the last 9 of the 10 hottest years have occurred in our millennium. That is, man’s guilt for global warming is obvious. After all, over 135 years, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has doubled.

The scenarios presented by climatologists include melting ice, droughts, and epidemics of dangerous diseases. And most importantly, the flooding of the ocean coasts and, above all, of many of the world's largest cities, such as Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, St. Petersburg, Buenos Aires, etc. In short, the climate is ringing a bell, warning of impending cataclysms. The response of earthlings should be the commitment of all countries to reduce emissions. What, after heated debates, they managed to agree on at the just completed UN Climate Conference, which was held in Paris.

However, many meteorologists are, to put it mildly, skeptical about their colleagues’ long-term forecasts. Let's say, for two years in a row, in 2014 and 2015, a group of German experts predicted unprecedentedly cold winters. They were also supported by some Russian scientists. However, this forecast did not come true; temperatures did not even come close to critical levels. Moreover, a number of scientists predict not global warming, but cooling. So the climate debate continues with varying degrees of success.

But what almost all scientists are unanimous about is the “capriciousness” of the current climate. Summers on the planet are becoming colder, and winters are becoming warmer. And this trend, which began at the beginning of the century, will only intensify. This is how global warming manifests itself in a strange way. In a word, it is he who should be blamed when severe frosts strike.

Concerning last days December and the New Year, then Roshydromet specialists cautiously promise colder temperatures and light snow.