Read the most accurate horoscope for September. each of the Chinese zodiac signs

So let's study favorable days for a haircut in July 2017:

Overall, a good day to visit a beauty salon: you will be more than satisfied with both the haircut and coloring. Hair will grow faster and gain additional volume, but may become unruly when styled.

If possible, it is better to cancel today’s visit to the salon or limit yourself to a minor correction of the length and shade of the hair. Concentrate on salon or quality home care.

Agree to a haircut if you have long dreamed of changes in your personal life, as significant changes may occur in it. In addition, length correction will strengthen thin and weak strands, giving them strength and elasticity. When coloring, give preference to natural shades and organic dyes.

An extremely controversial day for experimenting with an image. When coloring, you should give preference to proven, most natural products, and you should completely abandon haircuts.

Feel free to make an appointment with a stylist for the first half of the day - the results of his work will pleasantly surprise you. But it is recommended to cancel the evening recording if we're talking about about the haircut. A new shade, on the contrary, will lift your spirits and attract a flow of material energy.

Good luck in business and material well-being - this is what awaits you after visiting the salon on this day. First of all, we are talking about a haircut. Coloring will also give positive results if you stick to natural colors.

The lunar hair cutting calendar for July gives a twofold assessment of today. On the one hand, cutting and coloring can radically change your life, significantly influencing the current course of things. On the other hand, it can cause minor health problems.

Feel free to sign up for a beauty salon on this day: both a haircut and coloring will attract you into your life the right people, and will also help to implement long-conceived plans. In addition, your hair will delight you with its ideal appearance for as long as possible.

Be careful when experimenting with your look on this day. A haircut can cause headaches, and coloring can negatively affect self-esteem. However, if you are far from superstitious, feel free to sign up for a salon, but choose only proven professionals.

If possible, today it is better to refuse a haircut - a new hairstyle can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being. Toning and dyeing in natural shades, on the contrary, will make you more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

If you are satisfied with the current state of affairs in your life, do not hesitate to reschedule your visit to the beauty salon. When painting, give preference to light shades, which will help you gain a completely new status in the eyes of colleagues and business partners.

Feel free to experiment with your look, but only in the first half of the day: evening time cutting and coloring will give completely opposite results to the intended ones. Today is the perfect moment to return to the shade with which the most positive experiences have been associated in your life.

Be careful about any changes in appearance on this day. They are fraught with deterioration of the hair structure, fragility and rapid washing out of the color after dyeing. Devote time to home care with nourishing oils and revitalizing masks.

A haircut will attract a flow of positive energy into your life, which will have a better impact on both your well-being and your current state of affairs. Confidently transfer coloring to a more favorable day: moon calendar Hair cutting for July does not recommend experimenting with color today.

If you want to maintain the shape of your new hairstyle for a long time, agree to a haircut with confidence. When coloring to achieve the best result, stick to the most natural range to attract new business connections into your life.

Postpone your trip to the beauty salon if you feel even the slightest sign of discomfort - a haircut can only aggravate your condition. It's okay to dye your hair as long as you choose a time-tested shade that won't bring unexpected results.

In July, the main type of home hair care is moisturizing: using rinses, sprays, masks; We actively use shampoos and conditioners with UV filters; after the beach, we always wash our hair and don’t forget about products that prevent split ends. Moreover, in order to avoid weakening hair follicles due to the difference in temperature outside and indoors, we do not set the air conditioner to less than 21 degrees Celsius.

Well, of course, before cutting your hair, coloring it, and performing home preventative, therapeutic, and restorative procedures, let’s look at our lunar haircut calendar for July 2017. And then your hair will always look luxurious, and hairdressing manipulations will bring the greatest benefit.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately look at the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but astrological influence is changing.

For clarity, let’s look at July 18, 2017: until 0:23 (Moscow time) the 23rd lunar day continues, on which haircuts are strictly contraindicated, as they are fraught with all possible troubles - the emergence of new diseases and exacerbation of existing diseases, financial problems and sudden negative changes in life. Accordingly, hair should be left alone and even combing it is not recommended. But then the 24th begins lunar day when the Moon is in Taurus, which is quite suitable for any hairdressing manipulations, and a haircut, in addition to being successful, will also bring some additional benefits.

Please note that this month the Moon sometimes moves to another zodiac sign after the start of the next one. lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking this factor into account.

As an addition to our lunar haircut calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

The best days for manicure and pedicure: 10, 11, 12 (before 18:36), 25 (after 12:45), 26, 27 (before 18:36).

Best days for hair removal: 18 (after 0:23), 19 (before 11:22), 21 (after 11:21), 22.

July 1, Saturday, 7th lunar day (until 13:02, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Libra.

This day is not very suitable for a visit to the hairdresser - you may succumb to the hairdresser’s persuasion and leave the salon with a haircut that is not the one you wanted, and it is not a fact that it will be successful. It is also better to postpone home treatments and coloring to a more favorable time.

July 2, Sunday, 8th lunar day (until 14:11, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

A great day for a haircut - it will help renew your energy, relieve accumulated negativity and fatigue, and give inspiration; however, it is recommended to avoid asymmetry. You can do monochrome coloring, ionization, light short-term perm. Home procedures will not bring any benefit.

July 3, Monday, 9th lunar day (until 15:19, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Absolutely unsuitable day for a haircut - it is fraught negative impact those around you on your life, as well as the emergence of dependence: on a person, situation, habit. It is also better to refrain from coloring. Home treatments will give the opposite result.

July 4, Tuesday, 10th lunar day (until 16:26, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is suitable for a haircut only if you do not have depression, chronic stress, or neuroses, otherwise mental problems will worsen. If your nerves are as strong as ropes, then a haircut will release sexual energy, help you become even more sensual, and at the same time push you to some decisive action. Coloring is not forbidden, but you should refrain from home procedures.

July 5, Wednesday, 11th lunar day (until 17:30, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

On the 11th lunar day, which falls on July 4, it is recommended to get a haircut only if your nervous system is in order; It is better to postpone coloring and home procedures to another time. But right on the 5th, the haircut will be very successful, bold experiments are encouraged, you can radically change your hairstyle. However, you should avoid bleaching, perming, and using hot scissors. Among home treatments, a mask based on fatty components will give the best effect.

July 6, Thursday, 12th lunar day (until 18:31, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Great day for a visit to the salon. A haircut will make you more energetic and enterprising, will attract bright impressions, new pleasant and useful acquaintances, and maybe even love. Coloring is not prohibited, however, it is recommended to refrain from using lightener. Any home treatments will give good results.

July 7, Friday, 13th lunar day (until 19:28, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

And again, a very favorable day for haircuts, coloring, and home treatments. However, you should not lighten your hair, do a classic perm and repeat the hairstyle that you had in a not so successful period life.

July 8, Saturday, 14th lunar day (until 20:18, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

This day is not suitable for haircuts, but it is quite favorable for primary and secondary coloring, strengthening hair follicles, stone head massage, herbal rinses and the application of therapeutic masks, including those based on white clay.

July 9, Sunday, 15th lunar day (until 21:01, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Capricorn.

This is a categorically inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with problems at work and large losses; in addition, it can provoke a situation due to which you will become financially or psychologically dependent on a rigid and dogmatic individual. It is also recommended to refrain from dyeing and home treatments - they will harm your hair.

July 10, Monday, 16th lunar day (until 21:37, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A great day for a haircut - it will not only be very successful, but will also bring you some kind of insight, help you generate a brilliant idea, and free you from some fears and worries. Coloring is not prohibited, but dark tones should be avoided. Home treatments will be useless.

July 11, Tuesday, 17th lunar day (until 22:07, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A good day for a haircut - it will help you understand which of your plans are profitable, what you need to do to increase your well-being and improve relationships with those with whom you are currently at odds. Coloring will also be successful; you can do multi-color coloring. Among home treatments, only a session of long-term gentle combing with lifting and airing of the strands will give a positive result.

July 12, Wednesday, 18th lunar day (until 22:33, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Today until 18:36 you can get a haircut, coloring and ionization, and try innovative salon hairdressing procedures. The main thing is that when creating a new hairstyle, try not to copy the image of a lady with whom you regularly communicate and go out in public together, otherwise you will find yourself in an awkward situation. After the specified time, it is better to leave the hair alone.

July 13, Thursday, 19th lunar day (until 22:56, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

An extremely unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and other hairdressing procedures. However, in the evening it is worth rinsing your hair with water infused with silver or a decoction of St. John's wort - this will reduce the concentration of negative energy.

July 14, Friday, 20th lunar day (until 23:17, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Not a good day for haircuts, coloring, home and salon treatments. In addition, when styling, refrain from backcombing, and when combing, use only a soft massage brush.

July 15, Saturday, 21st lunar day (until 23:37, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, an unfavorable day for a visit to the salon - the haircut and coloring will be extremely unsuccessful, and will even damage the hair.

July 16, Sunday, 22nd lunar day (until 23:59, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Aries.

This day is also completely unsuitable for hairdressing manipulations and the use of hot styling devices, alcohol-containing styling products, sharp hairpins, and tight headbands.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with serious health problems, troubles in business and financial spheres, losses and sudden negative changes in life. Dyeing will greatly damage the hair structure, and home and salon hairdressing procedures will give a diametrically opposite result.

July 18, Tuesday, the 23rd lunar day continues (until 0:23, later focus on the 24th lunar day), the Moon is in Taurus.

In those 23 minutes that remain from the 23rd lunar day, give your hair a rest; it’s better not to even comb it, and you shouldn’t even wash your hair.

July 19, Wednesday, 24th lunar day (until 0:51, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

A great day for a haircut - it will be very successful, it will bring you some material goods, will have an excellent effect on hair health. Coloring is not prohibited, but it is recommended to give preference to natural shades and natural or gentle dyes. Any home procedures, especially therapeutic and strengthening ones, will be very effective.

July 20, Thursday, 25th lunar day (until 1:27, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Quite a favorable day for a visit to the salon. Bold experiments are encouraged, you can do a creative haircut, fancy coloring, hair extensions, decorate it with multi-colored strands or rhinestones. The best hairstyles will be those that do not require lengthy styling and use. large quantity varnish, mousse, foam. Home procedures will not bring any benefit.

July 21, Friday, 26th lunar day (until 2:12, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

This day is favorable for a visit to the salon. However, you should not follow the master’s lead and agree to those additional procedures that you did not plan - nothing good will come of this, you will simply waste your money. And home hairdressing manipulations will be useless.

July 22, Saturday, 27th lunar day (until 3:08, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today is a great day for a haircut, however, only if you have been wearing it for a long time. long hair, and now we decided to change them to a super short “hedgehog”. In other cases, it is better to postpone the cutting process to another time. But the paint will adhere well during primary and secondary painting. Among home treatments, the most beneficial will be nourishing and restorative masks based on blue clay or seafood.

July 23, Sunday, 28th lunar day until 4:17, 29th lunar day (until 12:47, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Leo.

On the 28th lunar day, which falls on July 22, you can do coloring, carry out home procedures to strengthen, treat, restore and moisturize your hair; haircut is not recommended. But during the entire 23rd, you should leave your hair alone; any hairdressing manipulations will be extremely unsuccessful and will harm not only the hair structure, but also health in general.

July 24, Monday, 1st lunar day (until 5:33, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Leo.

This day is not suitable for cutting and coloring; it is also better not to carry out home treatments.

July 25, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day (until 6:53, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

The day is unfavorable for hairdressing manipulations, but it is great for choosing, and maybe even inventing new haircut, decide on your future hair color, think about what salon treatments you will need in the next month. And then choose a time suitable for you and according to the lunar calendar to visit the salon, call there and make an appointment with the master.

July 28, Friday, 5th lunar day (until 10:44, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

And again, quite a suitable day for a visit to the salon. Really, you shouldn't do it new hairstyle– you are unlikely to like it, and it will ruin your mood for a long time. So it is recommended to simply update the shape of the existing haircut and touch up the roots. Home procedures will not bring any benefit.

July 29, Saturday, 6th lunar day (until 11:56, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

A good day for a haircut - it will relieve you of some reflections and doubts, inspire you to new achievements, and bring harmony and peace of mind. However, asymmetry should be avoided. Coloring is not prohibited, but sharp contrasts and multi-color coloring are not recommended. At home, it is advisable to arrange a long session of combing with a soft massage brush.

July 30, Sunday, 7th lunar day (until 13:06, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Scorpio.

On the 7th lunar day, which falls on July 29, you can get your hair cut and dyed (avoiding asymmetry and sharp contrasts). But the entire 30th is completely unsuitable for any hairdressing manipulations. Leave your hair alone and do not appear in crowded places without a hat.

July 31, Monday, 8th lunar day (until 14:13, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

On the 8th lunar day, which falls precisely on July 31 (until 14:13), a haircut is recommended only if there are no problems with the nervous system, but in any case you can try a new hair color, especially if something doesn’t suit you right now of your life. It is better to postpone home procedures to a more favorable moment.

The lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring for July 2017 will tell you what date is best to cut and color your hair, and which days should not be considered favorable for going to the hairdresser.

The moon affects many aspects of our lives, including lunar phases influence hair growth.

Therefore, for those who like to often change their image and do new hairstyles in the lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July 2017, it is better to choose favorable days for going to a beauty salon during the waxing Moon.

If you do not want to often visit hairdressers and beauty salons, then choose a date for a haircut when the Moon is waning.

July, summer is in full swing and all the fair sex wants to look perfect, but you should visit the hairdresser or dye your hair yourself on certain days.

4-6, 8 and 9, 22-25 are the optimal dates for applying the color base. Carrying out coloring precisely on these July days contributes to its long-lasting durability. Even when washed, it will not be washed off abundantly, and the sun’s rays will not be able to cause hair to fade. The color will be bright and saturated for a long time and this will allow you to save on the following coloring agents.

There is no need to dye your hair on the new moon and full moon - the 9th and 23rd; it is also recommended to refrain from dyeing on July 1st, 16th and 30th. Coloring done these days will not give a positive result and the hair may be seriously damaged.

If girls or women want their new hair color to last for a long time, then they need to dye their hair during the waxing moon. Now the leaders in popularity are dark shades, thanks to which coffee, chestnut and chocolate colors are in fashion.

Favorable days for cutting and dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar in July 2017

July 1– lunar days from 7th to 8th. It is safe to cut your hair before 13:00 - during this period you can safely conduct various experiments with your hair. If you are haunted by troubles in your personal life, a haircut will help you “turn everything 180 degrees”: men will start looking after you. Success guaranteed! At 13:00 the seventh day ends and the 8th begins. Now, until the end of the day, be careful: the waxing moon predicts unpleasant consequences for everyone who wants to change their image: any actions with their hair: postpone cutting and coloring until better times.

Growing Moon in Libra. The result of going to the hairdresser will be twofold. On the one hand, a haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, on the other hand, it will make it unruly. A drastic change in the color of the strands will not live up to expectations.

July 2– the eighth lunar day continues until 14:00. Knowing this in advance, you will no longer sign up for a session with the master. Wait calmly: a good time will come soon. At two o'clock in the afternoon, a particularly bad period for beauty begins. Day 9 of the lunar calendar is called Satanic. By conducting even a small experiment with a haircut, a person risks weakening his immunity and inviting illness.

The planet favors everyone who wants to cut their hair and change the color of their curls, but warns that the hair will become airy and difficult to style. Curly-haired people have nothing to worry about. This is their best day.

3 July– the influence of the ninth, satanic day continues until the beginning of the fourth hour of the afternoon. From 15:00 19 min. the negative field is leveling out somewhat (the 10th lunar day is approaching), but do not rush to the hairdresser just yet. But combing your hair more often during this period is useful.

A haircut will negatively affect your well-being, but will strengthen the roots. Toning with natural cosmetics is recommended.

Growing Moon in Scorpio. The planet is contradictory. A haircut will be successful for weak and damaged hair, that is, it will make it much stronger and thicker. But relationships with the opposite sex can deteriorate because of a trip to the master. Wellness treatments and hair nutrition are welcome.

4th of July– until half past four in the afternoon, the 10th day of the lunar day is still in force. We wait until the evening, after which we make an appointment with a hairdresser we know: the 11th lunar day begins. You can dye your hair and get a new hairstyle. By the way, these changes will be wonderful both for your appearance and for your health.

5'th of July– these are the 11th and 12th lunar days. The first one ends at 17-30. Hurry up to complete all experiments with your hairstyle before this time! From half past six the 12th lunar day begins. From now on, you can only dye your hair to attract wealth. We won’t cut our hair, it won’t lead to anything good.

Wellness masks and natural hair care cosmetics are welcome. It’s better not to experiment with haircuts and coloring - be patient.

July 6– by half past seven in the evening the 12th lunar day ends. Now the 13th will begin, which is best suited for cutting.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut will keep you healthy and protect you from bad energy from the outside. Changing your hair color with natural dyes will bring good luck in business. A neat hairstyle will allow you to concentrate and easily process a large amount of information.

July 7– until the evening (until 19:27, to be precise) the 13th day of the moon continues. Do you want a haircut? It's time!

Haircuts and coloring done today will delight material well-being in future. A catchy hairstyle will solve problems on the personal front. However, any manipulation with hair will give short-lived results. The hair will grow back quickly, the styling will get ruined, and the curl will straighten out faster than usual.

July 8– until 20 o’clock the fourteenth lunar day will reign unlimitedly. In order not to worsen the condition own health, do not cut your hair. However, it will have a positive effect on your financial condition. What should I do? The question here is – what is more important to you!

Growing Moon in Capricorn. The planet gives a haircut green color, and coloring is red. In general, visiting a master will have a positive effect on intuition, health and financial well-being.

July 9– 15th lunar day until 21 pm. He was also nicknamed Satanic. It is clear that it is better not to do anything important at all.

Moon in Capricorn. Full moon. It is better not to have haircuts on this day.

July 10– astrologers warn: put away the scissors and paint! The 16th lunar day - although not satanic, is still not the most favorable for changing your image.

Waning Moon in Aquarius. good time for extravagant and experimental styling or coloring. It is better to refuse a haircut, there is a risk of subsequent hair loss.

July 11– until late in the evening, until 10 p.m., you can dye your hair any color you choose. For example, you can become a radical brunette or ash blonde. Everything is allowed!

There is a chance to put things in order on the heads of people with short haircuts. Even trimming the ends will slow down hair growth and strengthen the roots. After going to the master, the planet promises good luck to redheads and blondes. To attract solar energy, it is recommended that everyone weave ribbons of a yellow-red palette into their strands.

July, 12- This is the eighteenth lunar day. It is recommended only to trim your hair, but not to experiment.

Even a light hair trim can lead to a disruption in the nervous system: unjustified anxiety, fear, depression. If you postpone your visit until best moment You can’t, allow yourself to just slightly change your hair color.

July 13– until 11 pm it is the 19th lunar day. Wait a little, don't cut your hair right now.

Waning Moon in Pisces. Before visiting a specialist, weigh the pros and cons. Due to the haircut, dandruff will appear and the growth of curls will slow down. Curling and styling will cause split ends. But! The same manipulations with hair will give strength and health.

the 14 th of July– this day coincides with the 20th lunar day. Cut your hair now - it will not only lift your mood, but also help get rid of negative energy.

A neat hairstyle and frequent combing of your hair will give you strength and energy.

July 15- This is already the 21st day for the moon, lasting almost until 12 o’clock at night on the 15th. Cut your hair, change the color - everything will be beneficial!

Waning Moon in Aries. Dyeing your hair is a spoiled mood, but getting a haircut from a trusted hairstylist brings positive emotions. Any health treatments are welcome.

July 16– until 23 hours 58 minutes. It's the 22nd lunar day. A haircut? Great! Keep your hair simpler.

The general condition of your hair will not change after a visit to the salon, but in the near future there is a risk of split ends. Light colored strands will attract the right people. Metal accessories (hairpins, clips) will help you enlist the support of the cosmos.

July 17th- and again we find ourselves in the grip of a satanic day, this time the 23rd in total. Conflicts, aggressiveness, and a bad haircut - this is what can await us today.

Waning Moon in Taurus. A haircut will attract the attention of others and improve your health. We recommend dyeing in natural colors and light (gentle) styling.

July 18– you can devote the whole day to hair care procedures. The 24th lunar day is favorable for this. A good phase of the planet for any hair treatments. Nourishing masks and balms are especially effective. Perm will give you a positive mood, as will coloring your strands at home. A haircut will lead to a twofold result: troubles in everyday life, but improved hair condition.

July 19- This is the twenty-fifth lunar day. Do not cut or dye your hair. Waning Moon in Gemini. A waning planet takes with it negative energy, giving the green light to visit the master. Both cutting and coloring your strands will be successful today.

July 20– on the night from 20 to 21 the action of the 26th lunar day begins. Changing your hairstyle will not bring particularly favorable changes to your destiny. The moon favors everyone who decides to take care of their hair. Renewing the color will benefit your hair.

21 July– the day is considered very good for those who have decided to take their hair seriously. Take care of your hair, do different haircuts and styles. Waning Moon in Cancer. Unfavorable time for a visit to the hairdresser. The result of the transformation will not please the owner. Wait for the best moment.

July 22– until 4 o’clock in the morning on July 23, the 28th lunar day lasts, which means that it is better not to touch your hair unless absolutely necessary. Do your usual hairstyle and that’s it.

July 23- a new satanic day, again it will be best to wait out the storm. Since it appears new Moon, the cycle begins again: again we observe the first lunar day from 12 hours 46 minutes. July 23. Dangerous time!

1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New moon. This is not the best time for either a radical change in appearance or a slight refresh of your haircut. Hair will lose shine and become unruly.

July 24– until 7 am next day Wide prospects open up for you: you can safely cut your hair and dye your hair whenever you want. A haircut today will cause poor health in the future. Coloring will also not improve your health. For now, refrain from going to the master.

July 25– the third lunar day lasts until the morning of the 26th. A haircut will contribute to wealth. And coloring will help to establish relationships with others. Bad time to curl your hair. All other ideas can be safely implemented. Your hair will become thicker and will also attract material wealth.

26 July– the fourth lunar day has arrived. Avoid going to the hairdresser to stay healthy. Growing Moon in Virgo. Today, the planet has a positive influence on all hair care procedures. A haircut will give you energy. The styling and curling will last a long time. Dyeing your hair in light shades will attract business connections.

July 27- fifth lunar day. A haircut will stabilize your emotional condition. A favorable period for those who dream of growing their hair. Even lightly cutting off the ends will significantly improve the condition of the strands, their growth, and also strengthen the roots. Coloring, on the contrary, will lead to a breakdown in relationships with others.

July 28th– 6th lunar day. Cut your hair - it will help get rid of lingering ailments, and dye it: you will attract good energy. Growing Moon in Libra. The result of going to the hairdresser will be twofold. On the one hand, a haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, on the other hand, it will make it unruly. A drastic change in the color of the strands will not live up to expectations.

July 29– this is the 7th lunar day. It is extremely favorable for both cutting and coloring. The planet favors everyone who wants to cut their hair and change the color of their curls, but warns that the hair will become airy and difficult to style. Curly-haired people have nothing to worry about. This is their best day.

July 30- on the eighth lunar day, both haircut and coloring will have a great effect on your future fate. And after 13 o’clock there comes another time that is considered unlucky for a haircut. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut is possible, health treatments and hair nutrition are indicated.

July 31– the 8th ends, the 9th lunar day begins, which is dangerous due to the increased likelihood of conflicts and quarrels. Let's wait for the haircut! A haircut will negatively affect your well-being, but will strengthen the roots. Toning with natural cosmetics is recommended.

In July, you can easily find a few days that are worth using to work on your hairstyle. Follow the lunar calendar - don't miss them!

The hot month of July significantly dries out your hair. Therefore, when planning your next trip to the hairdresser, remember the additional chemical effects of salon products on delicate curls. Even in very gentle doses, cosmetic varnishes, gels and sprays lead to dullness, brittleness and faded hair. In July, you should not dye dark strands in light colors; it is not recommended to do white highlights or too contrasting coloring. This month it is better to completely abandon the chemical attack on your curls and give them a little rest.

If the habit of dyeing your hair every 4-6 weeks has become established and leaves no options for choice, try to use gentle dyes and choose favorable days for the procedure according to the exact lunar calendar for haircuts and dyeing for July 2017. The most suitable periods for changing or updating hair color are from 15 to July 18 and from July 24 to 31.

Never before have paint manufacturers reached such a high level. Today you can choose a coloring composition of varying degrees of durability, in any price category, in the most unusual shades. Some products make the color more saturated, others slightly mattify, and others give the hair only a barely noticeable tone. But almost all dyes, without exception, harm entire curls and each hair individually. Especially if the dyeing process is carried out on the wrong day lunar cycle. The same goes for perm. The most accurate lunar calendar for hair cutting and dyeing for July 2017 does not recommend performing any manipulations during the full moon (July 22). You should also not perm when the night luminary is in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius. After a haircut on the waning moon, the hair will grow for a long time, and after dyeing it will immediately fade.

On which days of the lunar calendar for July 2017 you can and cannot cut your nails: recommendations by day

  • July 1 - a manicure or pedicure done on this day will lead to problems in family relationships;
  • July 2 - a slowdown in metabolism and excess weight gain;
  • July 3 - nail care will help strengthen concentration and attention;
  • July 4 - to attract envious people and ill-wishers;
  • July 5 - a manicure on this day will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the nails on the fingers and toes;
  • July 6 - to prolong life and cleanse karma;
  • July 7 - haircut for luck, extensions for prosperity;
  • July 8 - taking care of your nails on this day will help protect you from enemies, competitors and rivals;
  • July 9 - any wounds received during cutting or cleaning will take a long time and painfully to heal;
  • July 10 - cutting and painting your nails on this day will help you find love and strengthen your feelings;
  • July 11 - to deliverance from sorrows, melancholy and sadness;
  • July 12 is the optimal day for a pedicure if there are unresolved tasks that require logical completion;
  • July 13 - to a shortening of life;
  • July 14 is a neutral day for manicure and pedicure procedures;
  • July 15 - taking care of your nails will help you get rid of obsessive loneliness;
  • July 16-17 - good days for pleasant procedures;
  • July 18 is the optimal time to cut nails for those who are trying to unleash their creative potential;
  • July 19 - to the realization of talents and approval in society;
  • July 20 is a good day to lift the mood in the manicure salon;
  • July 21 is the worst day for cutting and painting nails;
  • July 22 - wounds and cuts received during a manicure will take a long time to heal;
  • July 23 - worsening mood and well-being;
  • July 24 - nail care on this day will help eliminate enemies and competitors;

The summer months are suitable not only for relaxation, vacations, but also for updating your image. However, it’s no secret that you need to cut and dye your hair in suitable days and the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019 will help you choose just such days.

The 2019 lunar calendar will tell you which days in July are considered favorable.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019: favorable days

  • For cutting and changing hair color, July 2 is a day when you have to carefully weigh your own decisions.

On the one hand, after these manipulations the curls will become lighter and airier, but on the other hand, difficulties will arise with their styling.

Those with curly hair don’t have to worry and feel free to start cutting, coloring and other procedures with their hair, because the day is considered ideal for curls. What other favorable days for cutting and coloring hair can be identified in July?

  • July 3 is the day when weak and damaged hair will become thicker and stronger after a haircut, but relationships with the opposite sex will certainly deteriorate.
  • Do you want to protect yourself from negative energy coming from outside? Then be sure to get your hair cut on the 6th. To attract good luck in business, color your hair exclusively with natural dyes. A neat hairstyle will help you collect your thoughts, concentrate and successfully cope with processing a large amount of information.
  • Thanks to haircut and coloring on July 7, prosperity and wealth will come to your home, although not immediately. Do you want to create a catchy, spectacular hairstyle? Do it! Especially if you need to deal with problems in your personal life. The only negative is that although any actions with your hair will have a positive impact on your life, they will give a short-lived result - the styling will deteriorate quite quickly, and the curls will grow faster than you would like.
  • July 8 is a good day for a haircut, but not for coloring. A visit to the hairdresser on this day will generally have a positive effect on your health, wealth, and intuition.
  • To experiment with hairstyle (styling) and hair color, choose July 10, since today it will have a positive effect on their condition. You should not cut your hair, otherwise you will have to face the problem of hair loss.
  • For ladies with short hair, July 11th is the very day when there is an opportunity to put things in order in your head. Even a simple trimming of the ends will help strengthen your hair roots. And for blondes and red-haired beauties, today promises good luck.
  • On the 14th, it is recommended to limit yourself to a neat hairstyle and comb your strands more often so that you have more strength and energy. It is not advisable to cut your hair.
  • Don't dye your hair on July 15th. On this day, only going to a trusted hairdresser is allowed, and then the emotions will be positive. Various procedures aimed at improving hair health will also not harm.
  • In general, going to the specialist on the 16th will not affect your condition in any way, although split ends may appear later. To locate the people you need, the calendar advises dyeing your strands in light colors.
  • Have you decided to get your hair cut on July 17? You will improve your health and attract the attention of people around you. Make styling more gentle, lighter, and dye your hair in natural shades.
  • July 18 is considered a wonderful day in the lunar calendar. Various nourishing balms and hair masks are most effective, but perming and coloring your hair at home will have a positive effect on you and your curls. With a haircut, things are different: your hair, of course, will become healthier, but you will have troubles in everyday life.
  • However, the very next day - July 19, there will be an opportunity not only to dye, but also to cut your hair, because the planet will take all the negative energy with it.
  • Have you decided to take care of your hair, get a light haircut or update your color? Wonderful! July 20th is just the right time to implement your plans!
  • From the 25th to the 27th of July, be careful with any manipulations with your hair. So July 25 is not suitable for curling them, but other ideas can be brought to life. The next day, you can dye your hair a light shade, cut it, curl it, style it, thereby strengthening not only your hair, but also your business connections.
  • But already on the 27th it will be impossible to dye your strands - relationships with others will deteriorate. But this day is almost ideal for growing hair.
  • On July 29, a haircut and coloring will benefit your hair, although it will make it airy.
  • On July 30, haircuts are allowed, but it’s better to limit yourself to only health treatments for hair.
  • On the 31st, thanks to a haircut, you will strengthen your hair roots, but your health will worsen. For toning today, choose only natural cosmetics, as recommended by the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019: unfavorable days

Having studied the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for July 2019, you know when you can cut your hair in July 2019, and when it is strictly forbidden to visit a hairdresser, which means that your curls are under reliable protection!

Mercury, on which it depends financial stability and material prosperity, in September 2017 will decide that earthlings do not deserve secure, beautiful life. Fortunately, Mercury will not take out its anger against all inhabitants of planet Earth, but only against those who are accustomed to achieving their goals rudely, harshly or with the help of force. Don’t forget that Mercury also hates all those who alone try to get closer to material success. Here is a ready-made script for how to neutralize Mercurian aggression! To become noticeably richer by the end of this September, move towards your goals slowly and carefully, do not make radical decisions and do not refuse close cooperation with the people around you.

Celestial Elemental Leaders

While hostile Venus and Mercury are trying to confuse the plans of earthlings, the planets that initially expressed a neutral attitude towards humanity will decide to bestow their attention on representatives of one or another specific element. So, which planets will become additional patrons of individual elements, and what problems will they help fight?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will enjoy the special favor of Mars for the second month in a row. If before this period your character has already become surprisingly collected and strong-willed, well, then in September these qualities of your nature will only intensify! You will feel the support of Mars not only by assessing your inner world, but also based on external circumstances. So, at the beginning of this autumn, all stressful situations in your life will be reduced to almost zero, which means they will not harm your large-scale successes.

Representatives of the element of Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) will receive numerous “bonuses” from Pluto in September 2017. This planet will teach you to be resourceful and cunning, and with the help of these qualities you will be able to find a way out of the most hopeless dead end, from the most confusing situation!

The air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), as well as the representatives of the Earth elements (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn), will have a common patron at the beginning of this autumn. This will be the Sun, which in September will only occasionally “visit” its charges in order to cheer them up and support them in difficult moments of life. In a word, daylight Although he will volunteer to help you, this help will turn out to be very, very insignificant. You, as always, will have to rely solely on yourself, which will further strengthen your already persistent character.