What is the dream of an anthill in the house. Ants dream about what - ants dream a lot in large numbers

The legend of the sun and the moon

Once the Sun and the Moon argued: which of them is the most interesting stories can tell? They argued, argued, but did not manage to determine the best, each showed himself.

They decided to call the Shaman to become their judge and resolve their long-standing dispute. Their hermit friend agreed to listen to the stories of the luminaries.

The sun and the moon have been telling their stories for a whole year.

The sun described how people live on weekdays and holidays, how they are born, fall in love, raise children, plant gardens, wander, but you never know what else happens in their lives? There is a story to tell!

The moon also did not give up: she knew how to spy on people when they sleep and see extraordinary dreams. It is about these dreams that Luna spoke about in her stories. You will listen!

A year has passed, and the Shaman was still listening to the stories of the Sun and the Moon. Everything was so interesting and unusual that it was difficult to determine the winner.

Then the Shaman came up with the following: to swap the Sun and Moon places, what if it turns out to find a better storyteller?

We agreed. Have changed. Now people got up to work when it was still quite dark. Angry steel, unfriendly, uncommunicative. No stories happened to them, not a single small adventure even.

And at night it was not so interesting. People could not fall asleep in the light of the sun, everyone tossed and scolded such an incomprehensible change of day. So the sun and dreams did not wait.

And this torture lasted for three whole days and three nights. The Shaman asked the Sun and the Moon to return to their places and continue the competition.

This is how it is still being done. What do you think? That is why the Shaman is so wise: although he sits in one place, he has heard so many stories during this time!

Ask the Shaman. He knows a lot.

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We bring to your attention five of the most common myths about our moon.

We have all heard about full moons, blue moons, green moons, super moons and great amount cultural heritage references to the moon. It may be time to debunk some of the myths about the moon.

Myth 1. One side of the moon is permanently dark.

Most people know that the Moon is facing the Earth with only one side. This is (roughly) true and gives rise to the idea that there is a constant dark side Moons, a thought immortalized in the music of Pink Flyod and other compositions.

In fact, the side of the Moon that is constantly facing away from the Earth is no darker than the side we see. It is fully illuminated by the Sun just as often (lunar day), and just as often in the shade (moonlit night).

The side of the Moon facing the Earth gives rise to another misconception that many people share, namely that we only see 50% of the Moon from Earth. In fact, only about 41 percent of the far side (a much more accurate and preferred term than the dark side) is permanently hidden from terrestrial observers. An observer on Earth over time can see about 59% of the Moon's surface. This is because a phenomenon called libration causes the viewing angle of the moon relative to the earth to change slightly in its orbit.

Lunar libration is due to the fact that the Moon's orbit around the Earth is not a perfect circle. It is a slightly elongated circle called an ellipse. Imagine a racing car on an elliptical track. At each elliptical end of the track, the car is deflected slightly due to a change in angle. It's a bit like rounding a corner. The result for the Moon is that it sometimes exposes a little more of its surface to the east or west (depending on its position in orbit). This is why, when viewed from Earth, about 59% of the Moon's surface is exposed during the Moon's monthly orbit around the Earth.

Myth 2. The moon is perfectly round.

The Moon appears round to the eye, and it is natural to assume that it is actually spherical in shape - with every point on its surface equidistant from its center - like a large ball. Not this way. The shape of the moon is the shape of a flattened spheroid, which means it has the shape of a slightly flattened ball. Take a look at the photo of Jupiter and you can see a good example of this. The moon exhibits very slight flattening, but more important is the fact that the side of the moon that faces the earth is slightly larger than the side that faces away from us. This makes it slightly similar to the shape of a typical bird's egg, which is larger at one end than the other. Thus, the Moon is not exactly spherical. The deviation is small, but it is there.

Myth 3. The moon is bright white.

Anyone who has seen the full moon in a clear sky late at night has a right to believe it. Comparatively speaking, however, the Moon is neither bright nor actually white. It appears to be very bright relative to a dark sky and usually appears white to the eye. Remember the old incandescent bulbs? Now imagine a 100-watt light bulb located about 100 meters away from it and shining completely dark night... This is roughly how bright the full moon is. Actually.

And the color? As with brightness, color is a subjective thing. The moon does not emit its own light, but rather shines by reflecting sunlight. Sunlight is composed of all colors, but dominates in the yellow-green region of the spectrum. The sun looks white when high in the sky, like the moon, because our brains mix all the colors together. The color of the moon is slightly different in its phase and position in the sky, although this color variation is usually too subtle for human eyes. However, the Moon is actually gray rather than pure white, on average the same as the worn asphalt on most streets.

Myth 4. There is no gravity on the moon.

But, of course, the moon has gravity. The idea that the moon has no gravity is frankly so ludicrous that I won't even mention that it's not that common. In fact, gravity on the Moon is only one-sixth of that on Earth, but it's still there.

Each physical body, whether it be the Sun, Earth, Moon, human body, or a subatomic particle - anything that has matter - has gravitational pull. While the practicality of measuring weight (gravity) on tiny objects like a grain of sand can be debated, the force exists and can be calculated. Even photons of light and other forms of energy exhibit gravity. Gravity holds clusters of galaxies, galaxies, stars, planets, and satellites together and / or in orbit around each other. If every physical thing did not exhibit gravity, the universe as we know it could not exist.

Myth 5. The moon has a significant impact on people.

There is no doubt that the Moon, or rather its gravity, is the main cause of tides on Earth. By the way, the sun's gravity also causes tides, but its effect is less. Some people use the undeniable influence of the Moon on tides to argue that the Moon causes changes in human body... However, believing that the ocean tides and human tides caused by the moon are causing a serious misunderstanding about how gravity works to produce ocean tides.

In short, gravity depends on two factors: mass and distance. Tides occur only when two objects (for example, the Earth and the Moon) are astronomical (much larger than human size!), And also close (astronomically) in distance. The mass of the Moon is approximately 1/80 of the mass of the Earth. Considering that the Moon causes tides that are, on average, several meters high in the oceans.

If tidal effects were even measurable in the human body, which they are not, they would be on the order of ten millionths of a meter, or about one thousandth the thickness of a sheet of paper. Do you still disagree? May be. But the effect is much less than the effect that occurs in your body when a truck passes you on the highway ... or even when another person passes you on the street.

Therefore, while the gravity of the Moon can affect the tides on Earth, its effect on the human body is completely insignificant.

By the way, we often hear people say that hospitals are reporting an increase in birth rates at times when the moon is full. But research doesn't support this correlation. Wikipedia has short review moon / fertility research. Be sure to follow the links to see that they have been published in scientific journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, etc.

On the other hand, women's cycles seem to correlate with the cycle of the Moon's monthly orbit around the Earth. If this is a true correlation and not a coincidence, it remains to be explained. We are not saying that there is no correlation ... just that gravity does not cause it.

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Sources: earthsky.org/space/five-myths-about-the-moon#round

Let's bring a little romance to our knowledge of heavenly bodies... I'll tell you a little about the most famous legends and myths of the world about the Moon.

moon and sun

The sun was in love with the moon and wanted to marry her. The moon did not want to get married, but instead of her refusal, she told the sun that she wanted to receive gifts from him the size of the moon itself. The sun agreed and presented his beloved with the most beautiful clothes. But the marriage was never concluded. It is believed that the Sun still makes gifts to the Moon. During the period full moon she wears one outfit, and in the period new moon- another.
By the way, many gardeners take into account the position of the moon when planting plants, and practice shows that this matters. Of course, in the gardener's business, the seeds themselves are more important, so that they are of high quality and varietal. For example, in the seed store https://33stakana.com/sativa you can buy high-quality sunflower and corn seeds from the 2018 harvest. Recommended!

The necklace myth

There is a legend about the existence of a great queen who wore a beautiful diamond necklace and took it off only before bedtime. But one day the king ordered her not to wear this necklace, considering it inappropriate. After the queen removed the jewelry from her neck, one thief immediately stole it. It was later revealed that the king of the Galaxy was the thief. The queen could not take the necklace from him. So, the diamond became the moon of the galaxy, illuminating its darkness.

Another legend tells us about a time when there was neither moon nor sun on earth. Then one coyote said to the eagle: "Together we can catch more prey than alone." Coyote could not see in the dark and then he invited the eagle to go in search of light. Flying over the earth, the eagle suddenly noticed a tribe of dancing Indians.

They had two chests. One with the moon and the other with the sun. The coyote and the eagle stole the chests and fled. After they opened them, two luminous balls immediately flew out from there. The sun flew up and positioned itself directly in the sky. And the Moon, not knowing where to go, began to wander around the world.

But along with ancient legends, there are modern stories related to the moon.

When the moon is not visible, it is believed that this affects human behavior, the consequence of which can be crimes, including suicide. High fertility is also associated with the moon, and in some countries, people are trying to determine the sex of the child by the phase of the moon.

But despite the antiquity or modernity of these legends, everyone still admires her unapproachable beauty!

The moon is the closest space body to us, the most noticeable object in the night sky. It is not surprising that it is also the most studied and the only one on the surface of which a human foot has stepped. However, it cannot be said that everything is known about the Moon. She still did not reveal some of her secrets. Some interesting facts about the Moon have a generally accepted explanation, but periodically receive alternative interpretations.

Characteristics of a night luminary

The moon is the only companion of our planet. It makes one revolution around the Earth in about 27.32 days. In this case, the satellite's orbit has a somewhat elongated shape. The average distance that separates us from the night star is just under 400 thousand kilometers. The most significant facts about the Moon for children are, perhaps, the phase change and the fact that it can be reached. Adult amateur astronomers of all times and peoples were interested in its origin, influence on the weather of the Earth and on the fate of people.

Legends of the moon

Satellite of the Earth is the hero of many myths. Some of them explain the appearance of the moon in the sky, the other tells what caused the phase change. Almost all peoples, among others, honored the personification of the moon, god or goddess. V Greek mythology it was, first of all, Selene, after whom the science studying the Earth's satellite (selenology) was later named.

Legends about the moon, explaining why it is either full or turns into a month, were often associated with tragic events in the life of the luminary. Among the Balts, the moon for treason to the beautiful Sun was punished by the formidable god of thunder Perkunas, chopping it into pieces. In Siberia, there is a myth about how a night star descended to Earth and was caught by an evil witch. The sun tried to snatch the moon out of the witch's hands, but as a result, she was torn in two.

There were also numerous plots explaining the clearly visible spots on the face of the luminary. For some peoples, this is a person exiled as punishment, for others, a beast living on the moon.

Striking coincidence

Many legends explain and solar eclipses... Today, listing interesting facts about the moon, its role in this phenomenon is often omitted as well-known. Nevertheless, it is the eclipse that clearly demonstrates one curious moment: the combination of the distance from the Sun to the Moon and from the night star to the Earth and the size of the Moon seems to be specially selected. If the incarnation of the ancient Greek Selena was located a little further or closer, or if its size were different, we either would not know what a total eclipse is, or would not have the opportunity to admire the solar corona. The moon "hangs" in such a way that daylight periodically it was completely placed behind it, showing only a beautiful frame.

Moreover, they surprise and numerical values parameters: the distance from the Earth to the Moon is, as already noted, about 400 thousand kilometers, and this is 400 times less than to the Sun, and the night star itself is also 400 times smaller than the daytime one. These facts about the moon are often used as evidence for the theory of its artificial origin.


A similar opinion was expressed in the 60s of the last century by Mikhail Vasin and Soviet scientists. They supported their theory with information that all craters in huge number covering the satellite's surface, with different areas, have approximately the same depth - no more than three kilometers. This may be due to the presence of a solid structure located under the surface of the night star.

Today, in various articles on the network, the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the satellite is included in a list called "Secret Facts about the Moon." However, generally accepted on this moment it is considered a theory that assumes an "earthly principle". According to her, about 4.5 billion years ago, our planet collided with a space object similar in size to Mars. He knocked out a piece of matter, which later became a satellite. In the dispute, however, the last point has not yet been put: the available information is still insufficient to confidently assert that everything happened in this way.


One of the American astronauts, looking at the moon for the first time from the window of a spacecraft, compared its surface to sand on a muddy beach. From Earth, the satellite does not look so dull. Interesting facts about the moon are related to its visible color.

Most of the time, the month is colored ash gray, but there are stories of cases when a blue moon appeared in the sky. Color is associated with the appearance of an additional "filter" that prevents the passage of light rays. This is possible during extensive fires or volcanic eruptions. Particles large in comparison with air molecules allow light waves to be scattered, along their length corresponding to blue and its shades. Such a case was recorded in 1950, when, as a result of a fire in peat bogs over Albert (a province in Canada), a blue moon hung.

Two full moons

The expression "blue moon" has another meaning as well. Since the night star goes through all phases in less than 28 days, sometimes two full moons fall in one month. The second is called the "blue moon". The phenomenon is observed a little less than once every 2.72 years. The closest one will be in July 2015: the first full moon is on the 2nd, and the blue moon is on the 31st.


The most interesting thing about the Moon and its color in the coming year can be found out by looking at the sky on April 4 and September 28. These days will rise bloody moon... The satellite acquires such an ominous shade due to the refraction of the sun's rays in the Earth's atmosphere. The glow of the moon, in principle, always represents the reflected radiation of the daylight. The difference these days is that the full moon coincides with the setting or rising of the sun. Red is the very color, "dressed" in which the daylight appears before us, sinking over the horizon or rising above it.

Twice reflected

Another phenomenon is associated with the emitted light, not uncommon, but interesting. Everyone knows about the Moon since childhood: it goes through 4 phases in succession, and only in one of them, on a full moon, you can admire a fully illuminated satellite. However, it also happens that a month hangs in the sky, and sometimes the entire disk can be seen quite clearly. This is the so-called ash light of the moon. The phenomenon occurs either some time before the new moon, or shortly after it. The satellite, illuminated only in a small part of its, is nevertheless fully visible, since part of the sunlight is first scattered in the earth's atmosphere, then falls on the surface of the moon, and then is again reflected on our planet.

According to the peculiarities of the ashy light of the satellite, forecasts are made about changes in weather conditions. The possibility of predictions exists due to the connection between the optical phenomenon and the nature of the cloudiness in the part of the Earth that is currently illuminated by the Sun. On the European territory of Russia, the bright ash light, which is the result of the reflection of rays from cyclonic activity in the Atlantic, portends precipitation in about a week.

Further and further

Interesting facts about the Moon are not limited to optical phenomena. Another curious moment is connected with its remoteness from the Earth. The satellite is getting farther from our planet every year. For twelve months, the distance increases by 4 cm. The satellite's removal is a consequence of the gravitational-tidal interaction between it and our planet. The moon, as you know, causes tides on Earth, not only on the water, but also in the crust, less noticeable in amplitude, but with a much longer wavelength. They, in turn, affect the satellite: due to some peculiarities of our planet around its axis, tidal waves are somewhat ahead of the satellite. As a result, everything that is contained in such waves affects the movement of the satellite, attracting it and forcing it to orbit the planet faster. This is the reason for the change in its distance from the Earth.

Bright memory

There was a time when scientists, due to a lack of data, did not understand well. The unknown facts of that period were no longer a mystery thanks to the successful flights of spacecraft with astronauts on board. However, those studying the satellite were not always lucky. Some of the astronauts died in the course of flight preparation. A tiny monument with a height of only 8 cm has been erected on the moon for them. Attached is a list of all astronauts who gave their lives in the name of science.


Both this monument, and the traces of astronauts who walked on the surface of the Moon, as well as a photo of relatives left by one of the crew members, will remain intact on the Moon for many centuries. The satellite of our planet has no atmosphere, there is no wind and water. Nothing can lead to the rapid transformation of traces of human presence into dust.

Near future

NASA is making ambitious plans for the development of the satellite. In 2010, the Avatar project appeared, involving the creation of special robots equipped with the function of human telepresence. If the project is implemented, scientists will not need to fly to the moon. To study its features, it will be enough to put on a special remote presence suit, and all the necessary manipulations will be performed by a robot delivered to the satellite.

Earth view

The moon is always turned to us by the same side. The reason for this is the synchronization of the satellite's orbital motion and its rotation around the Earth. One of the most memorable sights that American astronauts saw as they set foot on the lunar surface was the view of the Earth. Our planet occupies a significant part of the satellite sky. Moreover, the Earth hangs motionless, always in the same place, but one or the other side is visible. Over time, as a result of the same gravitational-tidal interaction, the rotation of our planet around the axis is synchronized with the motion of the Moon in its orbit. The satellite will "hover", stop moving across the sky, the Earth will "look" at it with only one side. At the same time, the distance separating the two cosmic bodies will cease to increase.

These are 10 interesting facts about the moon. The list, however, is not limited to them. Re-emerged in last years interest in the satellite will still bear fruit, and the already existing facts about the moon, partially mentioned in the article, will be replenished.

It is likely that one of them will be a base on the Moon, which is planned to be created for the development of minerals, observation of terrestrial processes and, of course, for the satellite itself.

The moon has always been something mysterious and so completely and not unraveled, occupying a special place in different cultures the world. However, there is a certain phase of the moon that attracts the most attention from people - the full moon.

WITH scientific point view, the full moon is the phase of the moon, in which it is completely visible from the Earth, since it is in complete opposition to the Sun, or, in other words, is located on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun.

Occurring almost every month, the full moon has always been associated with a myriad of myths, legends, sinister stories and superstitions. Over the past centuries and decades, this mystical phenomenon has been studied and investigated by many specialists: scientists, astronomers and other experts, but the vast majority of these studies have not found any connection between the full moon and human behavior or life on Earth in general. However, when unusual things happen, people still often say, "It must be a full moon."

If you are also interested in learning about this mysterious phase of the moon, then keep reading, because now we are going to tell you 25 myths and facts about the full moon that you might not know!

25. The Full Moon is often perceived as a phenomenon that lasts all night, but this is a delusion, because the Moon, as seen from the Earth, becomes larger or smaller all the time (albeit too slowly to notice it with the naked eye). The size of the moon reaches its absolute maximum the moment the increase stops.

24. Since there is a full moon every 29.5 days, February is the only month of the year in which there may be no full moon. In each of the other months, it is guaranteed at least once.

23. When the full moon coincides with the Moon's closest approach to the Earth in its elliptical orbit, a rare phenomenon known as a "supermoon" occurs. The most recent supermoon occurred on the night of September 27-28 last year, and the next time it can only be seen in 2033.

22. Full moon is often associated with temporary insomnia. In the past, the reason for this opinion was obvious: people could not sleep normally on a full moon because of the bright light it reflected. However, today, given the bright artificial light that surrounds us in Everyday life, this can hardly be the cause of insomnia, which many people continue to suffer during this lunar phase.

21. It is sometimes argued that surgeons used to refuse to operate during the full moon because of the increased risk of death due to the patient's blood loss. Research in Barcelona found a statistically significant relationship between lunar phase and hospitalization of people with gastrointestinal bleeding.

20. A full moon is considered unlucky if it falls on a Sunday, and lucky if it occurs on a Monday. In fact, the word "Monday" on English language- "Monday" - comes from the Old English word "Mōnandæg" or the Middle English word "Monenday", which means "lunar day".

19. The full moon is believed to cause mental distress and lycanthropy (a form of insanity in which the patient pretends to be a wolf). One of the most popular beliefs was that a person can turn into a werewolf if he slept outside on one of the summer nights, on Wednesday or Friday, with the full moon shining right in his face.

18. The British Air Force used the light reflected by the full moon to launch an attack on the German city of Lubeck on Saturday night, March 28, during World War II.

17. Dogs are known to bark and howl more during the full moon than the rest of the time, but they can also be more aggressive. A study by the Bradford Royal Infirmary found that dogs bite twice as often during a full moon than on other days.

16. The full moon is the brightest object in the night sky. Its apparent magnitude (a measure of the brightness of a space object from the point of view of an observer from the Earth) is –12.74 (for the Sun - –26.74).

15. The Full Moon was assumed to affect humans in the same way as the oceans through tidal force, since the human body is almost 75% water, but in fact, the tidal effect on such a small scale is completely negligible.

14. When two full moons fall on the same calendar month, the second full moon is called the Blue Moon. A similar phenomenon occurs, on average, once every 3 years.

13. According to one of the most common superstitions, more babies are born on a full moon than the rest of the time. This statement is not supported by any scientific research.

12. When the full moon coincides with the full lunar eclipse, it appears red. During this astronomical phenomenon known as the "red moon" (or "blood moon"), the only light we see is light that is refracted by the shadow of the earth. It appears red for the same reason that sunsets are red - due to the Rayleigh scattering of the more blue light present.

11. The full moon was believed to drive people crazy. The word "sleepwalker" was used to describe a person who was considered mentally ill, dangerous, stupid, or unpredictable - conditions attributed only to insanity. This word comes from the Latin word "lunaticus", one of the meanings of which is "possessed, possessed".

10. Some wild animals behave differently during the full moon. For example, lions usually hunt at night, but the day after the full moon, they go out hunting during the day, as scientists suggest, to compensate for hunger that peaked at the full moon.

9. The full moon is often associated with an increase in the number of strange and inexplicable things, but this opinion may be a delusion. People get this feeling because during the full moon they pay more attention to unusual events. In fact, such things happen throughout the rest of the month, but people usually do not associate them with any heavenly events.

8. In different parts of the world, various celebrations dedicated to the full moon are held. One of the most popular is the Full Moon Party on Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand, attracting tens of thousands of tourists every full moon night.

7. During the full moon, people notice pareidolic images: human faces, heads, silhouettes. These images are actually made up of dark areas of the lunar seas (basalt plains) and lighter elevations on the surface.

6. The Lunar Society of Birmingham, a club and unofficial scholarly society of prominent figures in the Midlands of England, which met regularly between 1765 and 1813 in Birmingham, got its name from the fact that its members met exclusively during the full moon. because in the absence of street lighting, their return home under the additional light of the moon was easier and safer.

5. The honeymoon is named after the full moon in June. Since it falls between planting and harvest, this has traditionally been the best month for weddings.

4. In Sri Lanka, the full moon is sacred. According to legend, on the days of the full moon, the birth of Buddha, his enlightenment and transition to nirvana took place. On the night of the full moon, all shops are closed, the consumption and sale of alcohol, sporting events and murders of any kind (including fishing) are prohibited.

3. Pagans believe that the most mystical time in Stonehenge is when the full moon wanes, allowing the Earth to reunite with her beloved, the Sun, at dawn.

2. Although there is no evidence that the full moon directly affects our mental health, 80% of nurses and 63% of doctors said that patients with problems mental health they are more likely to come across during the full moon than at any other time. This study was conducted by the Université Laval, Quebec, Canada.

1. There is a common misconception that the first Apollo landing took place during a full moon. In fact, it happened over a week later.