What does justice mean in tarot. Justice

Magnetic ore (iron ore) is a stone that has been known to mankind since ancient times. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the mineral. According to the first, the stone received it in honor of the Greek shepherd Magnes, who became the discoverer of the gem. According to another version, the magnetic stone was named in part of Magnesia - a region of Macedonia. Magnetic ore does not have bright color, however, the value of the stone does not decrease from this. The mineral has unique property- He can attract metal objects to himself. In the Urals there is Magnetic Mountain, which consists 100% of shiny black iron ore.

Physical properties

If the formula is meant, magnetite is a mixture of iron oxides. Matte and shiny stones are found in nature.

Physical properties:

  • the hardness index on the Mohs mineral scale is 6 points;
  • characterized by iron-black color;
  • no cleavage;
  • pronounced ferromagnetic properties;
  • the stone is a loose or granular mass, although it also occurs in the form of crystals.

Magnetite, turned into powder, can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The mineral is attracted to the magnetic poles. Iron ore powder has a similar property.

The majority of magnetic ore production occurs in the Russian Federation. The most famous stone deposits are concentrated in the Kola Peninsula, the Urals, the Kursk region and Eastern Siberia. The most attractive specimens of the stone are mined in the Korshunov deposit (Irkutsk region). Iron ore samples mined here have a pronounced shine and beautiful shape.

Abroad, magnetic stones are mined in Sweden, Brazil, Canada, USA, England and India. Large iron ore deposits are concentrated in some areas of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Stone deposits are interconnected with the main igneous rocks that arise during the differentiation of magma.

In geology, the phenomena of degeneration of iron ore into hematite have been recorded, in particular, when the mineral is combined with pyrite.

Magic properties

Magnetic stone has been used by mankind since ancient times. Even then, people saw in the iron gift of nature a powerful talisman with strong energy. This gem was considered a reliable talisman against evil and aggression.

Iron-black stone is incredibly in demand among modern esotericists. They believe that applying iron ore to the third eye helps a person develop intuition and the gift of a seer.

A talisman made of magnetic ore gives a person protection from relatives who have passed on to another world. Moreover, the owner of the stone himself can choose a defender.

Iron ore is useful for people who dream of recharging themselves with new ideas and unlocking their potential. For this reason, magnetic ore is considered a talisman for entrepreneurs and innovators.

The black mineral amulet is suitable for travelers and geologists. It is believed that the energy of the stone protects its owner from unforeseen troubles that can happen far from home.

Medicinal properties

The stone has a magnetic field, so it has a pronounced effect on the human body. The mineral is used in the treatment of such ailments:

  • bronchitis;
  • polio;
  • CNS disorders;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • myocardial ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • joint inflammation;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

Iron ore has the most pronounced healing effect on the blood and hematopoietic organs, since it contains large number gland.

In lithotherapy, balls and bracelets made of magnetic ore are used. These items correct the human biofield, which is the therapeutic effect of magnetic ore.

Optical properties

The color of lodestone varies from iron black to brown. You can see shades of blue on the crystals of the mineral. The gem has a black streak and is characterized by a metallic luster.

If you examine the iron ore in the light, you can see that it is not translucent. Rays of light can only be transmitted by thin fragments of the mineral.

Types of stone

In mineralogy, magnetic ore exists in several varieties:

  1. Titanomagnetite: the composition, in addition to iron oxide, includes titanium oxide. The stone contains impurities of coulsonite, due to which the mineral is used in the synthesis of vanadium.
  2. Kulsonite: The stone consists of 5% vanadium.
  3. Chromium magnetite: gets its name from its chromium content.
  4. Maghemite: A ferromagnetic oxide of iron that is not often found in nature.

Magnetic ore in mineralogy is considered a stone that contains greatest number gland.

Application of iron ore

Magnetic iron ore is a valuable raw material for ferrous metallurgy. Without it, the process of obtaining is impossible different types steel. If you heat a magnetic stone well, it will produce hematite - bloody jasper, which is a valuable ornamental stone.

Vanadium and phosphorus, and, most importantly, iron are extracted from iron ore. Pure iron is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry and instrument making. Metal extracted from magnetic ore is resistant to corrosion, which is why it is highly valued. An example of the unique qualities of iron is the Chandragupta Column, which has stood to this day for more than 500 years.

Unlike most minerals, magnetic ore has not found application in the jewelry industry due to its availability and low cost. However, paraphernalia for lithotherapy and esoteric practices is made from this stone. Sometimes you can see bracelets and beads made of iron ore on sale, which are popular among fans of black clothing and accessories.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Magnetic ore is an inexpensive natural resource, so there is no point in mass production of its counterfeits. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers offer buyers hematites instead of iron ore. But in this case, its important feature will help to distinguish the second one: this stone attracts metal objects, while hematite does not have such a property.

Who is it suitable for?

In astrology, magnetic ore is associated with such zodiac signs as Capricorn and Aquarius. Iron ore gives these people confidence in their abilities and the opportunity to realize their potential. But melancholy Pisces and sensitive Cancers he will not be suitable because his energy is too aggressive for representatives of these signs.

Magnetic ore is a talisman of strong-willed and decisive individuals who know exactly what they want from life. Iron ore literally attracts the energy of success and prosperity, and this will help a person achieve his goals.

Prices for iron ore vary, but they do not exceed 150–700 rubles. A small ironstone cabochon, the length of which does not exceed 5 mm, costs about 150 rubles. The price of a rosary, beads or bracelet made of stone is at least 700 rubles.

Magnetite (Fe3O4) is a black iron oxide mineral commonly found in nature. It usually has a metallic luster, but there are deposits of magnetite with a resinous or matte luster.

Characteristics and properties:

  • black (sometimes brown or dark gray)
  • brittle (Mohs 5 to 6)
  • medium density (4.9 to 5.2)
  • opaque
  • unevenly stepped fracture or conchoidal
  • melting point 1591 degrees
  • soluble in HCI (hydrochloric acid)

His distinctive feature is the presence of magnetic properties.

This mineral has long been known throughout the world. In China it was called Chu-shi, in Greece - Adamas or Hercules stone, in France it was called aiman, and in Germany - Magness or Ziegelstein. Many of these names are translated as “loving, lover.” So people in the name tried to reflect its ability to attract iron to itself. The official name of the stone “magnetite” appeared in 1845.

There are different legends about its origin:

  • According to one of them, the mineral received this name due to the region of Magnesia in Greece, where its rich deposit was discovered. According to legend, a tribe of descendants of the son of Zeus, whose name was Magnet, lived here.
  • According to another, on behalf of the Greek shepherd Megnes, who noticed that in the Ida Mountains nails were disappearing from the soles of his shoes.

Origin and deposits of the mineral

Magnetite is the second most important ore mineral after hematite. Due to the octahedral shape of the crystals, which have twice as many iron cations in some positions as in others, they attract iron.

It was formed as a result of solid-phase mineral and structural changes in iron compounds due to exposure high temperature and constant pressure in the presence of fluid. Formation is observed in ore veins. In nature, it forms deposits in the form of crystals or crystalline aggregates and brushes. There are confluent dense masses, inclusions in shale and banded ores, as well as grains in sedimentary rocks.

Most of the world's iron ore reserves are located in Russia. The most famous is the Kursk magnetic anomaly; there are rich and extensive deposits in the Urals, the Kola Peninsula, eastern Siberia, Karelia, etc. They are mined abroad in Sweden, Brazil, Canada, America, as well as in England and India. Large deposits are located on the territory of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Magic properties of magnetite

Magnetite has been known to people since about the 1st millennium BC. e. Thanks to its unusual properties, the stone quickly became popular. Unable to explain the nature of magnetism, people endowed these crystals with magical power and tried to use it in medicine.

Magnetite was considered the strongest talisman, protecting against the forces of evil, was also used in the manufacture magic wands. With its help, magic circles were outlined during rituals. It was believed that this mineral could awaken in a person psychic abilities, promotes creative development.

There was a belief: if you hide magnetite at the head of a sleeping woman, you can find out if she is cheating on her husband. There is evidence that Alexander the Great gave these stones to his soldiers for protection against witches and evil spirits.

Sectarians and voodoo sorcerers still believe in it magical power and use them in their rituals.

Medicinal properties

Famous doctors of antiquity used it to treat various diseases. For example, Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century AD. e. advised people prone to depression to wear magnetite. Avicenna (9th century) considered it useful in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Albertus Magnus argued that when constantly worn on the left hand, it relieves insanity and scary dreams. Plato, Pythagoras, and Aristotle mentioned this stone in their works. It was used as a medicine for a long time, despite the fact that the Colchester physician was able to experimentally prove that taking such minerals internally causes severe pain.

Mesmer achieved great success in magnetic treatment. He became the founder of the schools of hypnotism and magnetism, which were discovered by his followers.

At the end of the 19th century, a French commission testing the medicinal properties of magnetic minerals recognized their beneficial effects only on diseases arising from the nervous system.

Nowadays, magnets are widely used for medical purposes, but there is still no complete understanding of how the magnetic field influences certain diseases. Popular in scientific world G. Shipov's assumption about the influence of a magnet on biological processes using a powerful torsion field.

Useful properties:

  • the rejuvenating effect of magnets on the body of experimental animals has been proven;
  • an effect slowing down the development of bacteria was noticed;
  • helps with cramps in the limbs;
  • used to treat eye diseases;
  • magnetophoresis promotes wound healing, reduces the time for bone healing in fractures, and is prescribed for radiculitis and varicose veins;
  • beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
  • used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and poliomyelitis.

Application of magnetite. Products and prices

Products made from this material, which have a healing effect, are beautiful and not particularly expensive: bracelets, beads, key chains, earrings, massage balls. But it must be remembered that wearing such jewelry for a long time can harm a person. The magnet also has contraindications, so consultation with a specialist is necessary before use.

Industry, electronics, and automation, the work of which is connected with electromagnets (artificial analogues of a conventional magnet), would not have been able to develop if magnetic ores had not been discovered and their unusual properties had not been noticed.

Signs of the zodiac

Magnetite is not a popular stone in astrology. It suits almost all zodiac signs, but some horoscope compilers note its beneficial effect on Scorpios, Aries and Capricorns.

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/ mineral Magnetite

Magnetite is a mineral, iron oxide (Fe2+ and Fe3+), spinel group.
Magnetite forms a solid solution with jacobsite (jacobsite) Mn2+Fe3+2O4 and magnesioferrite (magnesioferrite) MgFe3+2O4.

Other names (synonyms):

  • iron magnetic ore,
  • Ziegelstein,
  • magnetic iron ore.


  • Mushketovit,
  • Titanomagnetite,
  • Chrome magnetite,
  • Ishkulit.

Chemical composition

FeO— 31; Fe 2 O 3 - 69; impurities of titanium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, vanadium, and aluminum are common.

Magnetite is one of the most common oxide minerals and is found in a wide variety of geological formations.

The magnetite mineral can be igneous (in rhyolites, granites, trachytes, syenites, andesites, diorites, gabbros, basalts, pyroxenites, peridotites, olivinites, pegmatites), hydrothermal and metamorphic - in skarns; in metasomatites - (pyroxene-amphibolo-magnetite, apatite-phlogopite-magnetite, magnetite-phlogopite-calcite, magnetite-calcite groups); in talc-chlorite, talc-magnetite shales and serpentinites; in regional-metamorphic. g.p., in placers, rarely sedimentary.
Magnetite is the main component of oxide iron ores - ferruginous quartzites, magnetite skarn and carbonatite ores, as well as magnetite “black sea sands”.

Main diagnostic signs

The mineral magnetite has strong magnetic properties and is attracted by a magnet.

Behavior in acids: difficult to dissolve in HCl. The powder dissolves noticeably.


Large industrial deposits of the mineral magnetite in Russia are located in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, in the Murmansk region (Kovdor deposits), in the Urals (Magnitogorsk).
Deposits of ferruginous quartzite are known in Ukraine (Krivoy Rog), magnetite is mined from skarns in Azerbaijan (Dashkesan deposit). Also, deposits of the mineral magnetite are known in Italy, Sweden, Greenland, Brazil, the USA, South Africa, Canada, etc.


The mineral magnetite is the main ore for iron.

This stone is not used very often in the jewelry industry. Usually it is used to make beads, bracelets, and rosaries. Magnetite is suitable for making both women's and men's jewelry. In the chemical industry, this rock is used to obtain vanadium and phosphorus.

Today magnetite is also widely used. This stone is especially popular in China.

History of the stone

The first mentions of magnetite are found in Ancient Greece. The stone was in great demand during the Middle Ages.

Several decades ago, in Asian and European countries, this breed was used to determine the direction of movement, i.e. the stone acted as a compass.

Evidence has been found that this mineral was used by the ancient Olmecs - tribes who lived in the territory Central America. They made figurines from stone that acted as various characters. Many peoples used magnetite to make mirrors.

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Properties of the Mineral

Color iron-black, sometimes with blue tarnish
Stroke color black
Origin of the name According to Pliny the Elder, from the Greek. Magnes - named after the legendary shepherd who first found a natural magnetic stone that attracts iron in the city of Ida (Greece). Or in the area of ​​Magnesia in Macedonia
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula FeFe 2 O 4
Shine metal
Transparency opaque
Cleavage not observed
Kink conchoidal
Hardness 5,5
Thermal properties P. tr. doesn't melt. In an oxidizing flame, it first turns into maghemite, then into hematite, losing its magnetic properties
Typical impurities Mg,Zn,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ti,V,Al
Strunz (8th edition) 4/B.02-20
Hey"s CIM Ref. 7.20.2
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 231.54
Cell Options a = 8.397Å
Number of formula units (Z) 8
Unit cell volume V 592.07 ų
Twinning Common by (111), with the same face as the composition face. Twins flattened parallel to (111) (common spinel law twins), or as lamellar twins, producing striae on (111). Twin gliding, with K1(111), K2(111).
Point group m3m (4/m 3 2/m) - Hexoctahedral
Space group Fd3m (F41/d 3 2/m)
Separateness by (111) distinct, also reported separately by (001), (011), (138).
Density (calculated) 5.2
Density (measured) 5.175
Internal reflexes none
Refractive indices n = 2.42
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
Type isotropic
Optical relief very tall
Color in reflected light gray with a brownish tint
Selection form crystals of octahedral, less often rhombic dodecahedral habit with simple forms (100), (111), (110), (211), (210) and characteristic diagonal shading on the faces (110), crystalline intergrowths and aggregates, druses, brushes, dense granular and continuous masses, dissemination in igneous rocks, individual grains in placers. Spherulites, kidney-shaped aggregates, oolites, magnetite pseudomorphs of hematite (musketovite), chrysotile asbestos, perovskite and other minerals are also known.
Classes on taxonomy of the USSR Oxides

Properties of magnetite

Magnetic iron ore or otherwise magnetite is a common mineral, iron oxide Fe 3 O 4 with a hardness of 5.5-6 and a density of 4.9-5.2 g/cm³. The structure of the crystals is the same in shape as that of spinel; sometimes intergrowths of magnetite and spinel are found. Magnetic, can change compass readings - the arrow points to magnetite deposits. If you drag the edge of magnetite across a hard surface, it leaves a black mark. Magnetite is used primarily as iron ore.

Magical and healing properties of magnetite

Historical chronicles often mention magnetite in connection with its use by healers and magicians. In the first century AD, the Greek physician Dioscorides noticed an improvement in the mood of melancholic people with prolonged contact with magnetite. French physician Marcellus in the 4th century. AD cures headaches with a necklace with magnetite. The famous Avicenna in the 11th century used magnetite to heal the spleen, and two centuries later, Albertus Magnus noted the relief of patients from nightmares and madness thanks to magnetite!

The mineral gained particular popularity during the time of Franz Anton Mesmer, who gave the magnet a very special role in the world of medicine. Mesmer's first successful experiment with a magnet was the cure of convulsions in patient Franzel Osterliti. Subsequently, Mesmer successfully used a magnet together with hypnosis to treat people, which gave rise to a number of schools of hypnotism and mesmerism.

The biological effect of magnetite is undeniable, but is not explained by orthodox science. But the properties of magnetite are suitable for the theory of torsion fields by G.I. Shipov, who expressed an opinion about great strength magnetite has such a field. Experiments have confirmed the rejuvenating effect of the torsion field of magnetite on mice.

In lithotherapy, magnetic iron ore can be used for convulsions, paralysis, joint pain (it treats not only the symptoms, but also the cause). The magnetic field suppresses bacteria, affects metabolism and accelerates recovery from damage. As a result, the inexpensive mineral magnetite is superior to many gems in the field of treatment and restoration of the physical body.

In magic, magnetite is used in many rituals: from the consecration of a ritual knife to the drawing of a magic circle.

Albertus Magnus gave the following example of the magic of magnetite: if you pour magnetic powder into braziers and place them in the corners of the house, all the residents who reach the smoke will imagine that the house is collapsing from an earthquake.

And here is a recipe for fulfilling a business or love desire from an ancient magic book:

“Write on a piece of virgin parchment on both sides: “Adam - Eve! Just as the almighty Creator united you in earthly paradise, in a holy place, inextricably, mutually, so is the heart of the one (or she) to whom I am addressing; may he be favorable to me and not refuse my request +Eli+Eli+Eli.” You need to burn this parchment and, having carefully collected the ash, pour it into a new inkwell filled with newly purchased ink, to which seven drops of milk from a woman nursing her firstborn and a whisper of magnetic powder have been added. Taking a new feather, sharpen it with a new knife. Any person to whom you write with this ink will fulfill your desire.” (Chris. - “Magic”).

Magnetite Astrology

Magnetite is compatible with all signs of the Zodiac, and especially with earth and air.

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Magnetite, also known as magnetic iron ore or ferroferite, is a mineral from the class of oxides that is widespread in nature. It earned its name for its ability to attract iron due to the octandric shape of the crystals, which in one position have twice as many metal cations as in another. There is also a theory that magnetite was named after Magnes, the shepherd who discovered it.

Description and formula of the mineral

Magnetite formula: FeO (31%) Fe2O3 (69%), may include other chemical elements. This mineral is the most iron-rich oxide. The metal content is in the range of 71%, although purer forms are also found.

Other characteristics:

  • The color of this magnetic ore is iron-black;
  • hardness is 5.5-6;
  • metallic, metallic and matte luster;
  • the mineral is opaque;
  • has magnetic properties;
  • density is 4.9-5.2 g/cm³;
  • does not have perfect cleavage;
  • conchoidal fracture.

Magnetite of a mineral nature occurs in the form of individual crystals (rhombic dodecahedrons, octahedra, etc.) with inclusions, loose or granular masses, placers.

Crystals are found grown or ingrown. Cubic system.

Distinctive characteristics: magnetic iron ore can be easily recognized by appearance, metallic black color and magnetic properties.

Varieties of ferroferite

Magnetite has several variations. They differ from each other in shape and composition:

Origin and formation

Magnetite is common in hypogene conditions. It is found in a wide variety of rock types and in other deposits (hydrothermal, for example). Magnetic iron ore is formed in contact zones of magmas of granitic origin, as well as diorite and syenite composition containing limestone. In such basic (less often - in neutral or acidic) deposits, ferroferite occurs in the form of continuous masses or inclusions in the parent rock.

Often forms layered deposits. The origin of magnetic iron ore is associated with the differentiation of magma. Under the influence of pressure and temperature at great depths, metamorphism of previously surface iron compounds occurs.

In the form of placer, magnetic iron ore is found mainly in surface conditions.

Largest natural sites

Russia has the largest reserves of magnetite: its territory contains more than half of the world's iron ore reserves. Brazil is in second place.

On the eastern slope of the Southern Urals on the left bank of the Ural River there is Magnetic Mountain. Its composition consists almost entirely of ferroferite and has been used for the extraction of raw materials for many years. Up to 1 million tons of iron ore are mined annually.

Within the Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions The most powerful reserve of iron ore deposits on the globe is located, which is otherwise called the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

One of the largest iron ore deposits is located in the El Mutun mountains, near Puerto Suarez, Bolivia.

Application in various fields

Some people believe that magnetite has some magical properties. For example, it had the role of a stone endowed with magic, which was used by sorcerers and alchemists. It was used as a protective stone against enemies, carried with them or kept in the house. Magnetite helps to reveal new abilities and creative potential, puts you in a working mood, and is a symbol of innovation.

In modern medicine, the use of magnetite in health treatments in the treatment of the autonomic and vascular systems and, as the data say, quite successfully.