What to wish for on a train journey. Wishes for a safe journey

Have a nice trip,
Let the path unfold
Beautiful scenery
Let them be outside the window.

I wish you no problems
Get where you need to go
And your guardian angel
Let him be by your side along the way.

Leave your worries behind
WITH with a pure heart and soul,
Hit the road,
Know what is in your thoughts:

And good luck and luck,
Intelligence, agility and success,
Let the road, without a doubt,
It will be easy, without interference!

I wish you patience
Go, don't be sad
And soon return,
Have a nice trip!

I wish you an easy journey! Let it pass quickly and unnoticed, and you will meet kind and sympathetic people. May your guardian angel always be there and help you in any situation. Have a nice trip!

I wish you the easiest road,
Hurry up to be on your native doorstep,
So that troubles do not meet you on the way,
My prayers protected me from adversity.

Good travel companions, better weather,
Getting to your destination is excellent,
And may all paths in this huge world
The Lord protects with his gaze!


I wish you bon voyage,
May the angel protect your route,
And wherever else you have to go -
Let him protect himself from adversity with his wings!

May the road be easy
May the path be happy
You're a little optimistic
Don't forget to take it with you.

I want you to be on the side
Misfortunes have passed you by
Drive your dream
Let everything be like clockwork!

I wish you a happy journey -
Spaces will open up ahead,
The road will be easy and straight,
And soon return home.

Let your plans come true,
Good luck will rush to you on its wings.
In short, let the trip be a joy
And like a hand it will take away all the fatigue.

Let the road flow softly
And don’t let him wag around,
Sorrows and anxiety in the soul will go away,
And the horizons creep towards dreams.

I wish you a safe journey,
So that all goals are achieved,
Like an angel I guard and protect the path,
I know that you are racing towards your destiny.

I wish you a safe journey,
Let all the bad things be behind us
I like you loved one, see you off,
And let a warm meeting await us ahead.


I wish you a safe journey,
When you get there, be sure to call
And let the road, running into the sky,
Brings you to luck and love!

Have a nice trip, -
I'll tell you heartily,
Let there be a good path,
The road is impeccable.

I wish you no incidents
Get where you need to go
It will be decorated brightly
Let the route be a landscape.

Be careful, the doors are closing,
To open up to a new world.
May your dreams come true soon,
There will be a clear guideline for the goals.

Don’t be bored, call, there are photo cards coming,
Definitely with a happy face.
Let ideas light up like light bulbs,
And we decorate the house with prosperity.

Wishes for the journey will come in handy like matches in the forest. When getting ready to travel, we take with us a lot of unnecessary things that burden our shoulders. The main thing you shouldn’t forget about when going on a trip is travel wishes. They do not add weight to the luggage, but bring a lot of benefits.

In verse

  • Waiting for you, my dear,
  • The trip is not boring!
  • I wish the sky
  • It wasn't under the clouds!
  • I wish you happiness
  • You smiled
  • And sorrows and misfortunes
  • We haven't met at all.
  • Let the road it will be easy,
  • Meetings will be necessary
  • And so that you get
  • New, strong friendship!
  • You're leaving, my love. I will miss you very much.
  • I wish you, so that your eyes sparkle,
  • From happiness, fun, from interesting meetings,
  • May your trip be easy and wonderful.
  • Beautiful sunsets and gentle sunrises,
  • Meetings of necessary, good and sweet greetings,
  • Great luck and lots of joy,
  • I didn’t know sadness, resentment and grief!
  • Let the trip be useful and necessary,
  • And so that you start good friendship! With whom
  • Do you want to be friends, who do you want to date?
  • But just come back to me as soon as possible!
  • I'll accompany you on your way
  • And I wish you good luck.
  • May love, luck, faith
  • Won't leave your body,
  • They won't leave your soul
  • And sorrows will destroy everything.
  • So that the road is good,
  • Grace to you from God!
  • So that there is money in your pocket
  • And friends, don’t forget
  • About you. Come back soon
  • I will warm your soul with warmth!
  • I wish you, dear, a good journey!
  • Lots of interesting things in find the road!
  • Open unknown new worlds,
  • Enjoy the beauty of life's game.
  • So that there is money in your wallet,
  • So that you can travel lightly on your journey,
  • So that there is spring in the soul, warmth in the heart,
  • And so that everything blooms brightly around you.
  • I wish you bright impressions,
  • Because you are the main one in my destiny!
  • Happy, dear, paths to you,
  • And take care of your feet on the way!
  • Are you going to a distant land?
  • Don't be sad, don't be discouraged!
  • May the sky be clear
  • And it’s safe on the road!
  • It's always light in my head,
  • There is joy and warmth in the heart!
  • Be cheerful and active
  • Kind, sweet, positive!
  • I wish you happiness on your journey,
  • I wish you never to be sad,
  • I wish you not to miss home,
  • I wish you a pleasant sunrise!
  • Do you remember that I am waiting for you and love you,
  • Come back to me soon, dear,
  • I will be to you like a lighthouse to a ship,
  • Always shine with your soul!
  • My dear, on your way
  • You will find joy!
  • So that luck is in full swing
  • Manna from heaven for you
  • She fell straight into the palm of her hand,
  • And also for a panorama
  • You found a beautiful one
  • I went into ecstasy from her!
  • And of course, for good luck,
  • And it was not difficult on the way,
  • Don't forget me
  • I miss you very much, you know!
  • Be careful on the road
  • Let it be easy for you
  • The sun is shining from the sky,
  • Small so that expenses
  • You were on the road
  • May the gods protect you
  • From dangers, sadness,
  • So that things don't upset you,
  • So that everything is "excellent"
  • And so that the soul does not be sad.
  • Homes are waiting for you like summer,
  • You, my love, remember this!

In prose

A couple of centuries ago long journey people associated it with adventures, robbers, chases and all kinds of accidents and unforeseen dangers. Centuries have passed and nothing has changed. The road remains unpredictable and difficult. That is why it is customary to wish something good to people on a long journey. And I wish you a good, easy journey. May you not meet bad people, and may your trip fly by quickly and unnoticed. I hope that your journey will be warmed by the warmth of my parting words.

There are thoughts that make the worst road smooth and even. These are thoughts that somewhere there are people whose love followed you like an invisible guardian angel. This includes the thought that at the end of the journey, joyful, long-awaited meetings with family and friends will await you. Let these thoughts warm you all the way and drive away everything bad and sad. Good journey and joyful hopes!

Whether the road will be pleasant and fast or long and painful depends on many circumstances. From weather conditions, serviceability of transport, from the class of ticket purchased. But I want to wish you the most important condition for a good trip - kind, cheerful fellow travelers. May you not meet thieves, crooks and swindlers of all stripes on the road. Let only kind, cheerful people meet on your way, with whom the unevenness of the road surface will be smoothed out, and the time will fly by quickly and unnoticed during a sincere conversation!

Greetings from Franz Josef Land! (it's at the end of the world))

To ensure your beloved man’s long voyage without unexpected stops, send him the day before nice wish on the road, which will become a parting word and a talisman.

Sitting down on the path is a must, but it also wouldn’t hurt to send your beloved man a wish for the journey. It’s not easy to express in your own words what’s inside your soul, but let’s try anyway!

  • May your journey be easy, your fellow travelers pleasant, and the trip itself fully justified!
  • I wish you to quickly and without problems get to the final stop of the upcoming route and may your return be speedy!
  • Let this SMS give you harmony of soul and a great mood for your trip!
  • May luck sit on your left shoulder all the way, and prosperity on your right! I wish you to remain full of strength and creative inspiration at the end of the trip!
  • Wish smooth road with an exciting adventure story while traveling!
  • Let the company on the road be cheerful, the road without congestion and potholes, and the weather beautiful!
  • I wish you a comfortable place on the journey and that the trip turns out to be successful!
  • So that the long journey doesn’t tire you out and you have something nice to remember at the end of the journey!
  • I wish you to get to your final route without delay and with confidence that the planned meeting will go like clockwork!
  • May luck ride with you in the next seat, and may the clear sun show you the way!

I wish you the best of luck and that the path is smooth, but not slippery!

  • So that on the road your heart does not know anxiety and without delays you arrive at the desired threshold!
  • So that on the way nothing falls on your head, and also doesn’t get run over by your wheels!

A pleasant farewell conversation with your loved one at the moment when he is getting ready to travel is, of course, better than SMS. But if it’s not possible to be nearby, then that’s also a great option!

  • I wish you thorns under your butt so that you don’t fall asleep at the wheel! Cheers to you in all places, so that you get there faster!
  • I wish you to quickly and with the breeze reach your cherished goal! So that the road gives beautiful scenery, and the weather does not spoil the impression of the trip!
  • I wish you a smooth journey and good impressions from the trip! May the holy heavens take care of you and may the angels whisper good luck in your ear!
  • Let there be no sharp turns on your way, and let thick fog bypass your route!
  • Let the white line on your way be clear and even, and let oncoming traffic not disrupt safe traffic!
  • Get on the road with with a light heart, and thinking about us, I will look forward to your return!

May your two legs be strong
Find the right path quickly!
May the weather be great on the way
And there was no metropolitan bustle on the road!
I'm waiting for you to return home
And I don’t give permission to go “to the left!”)

Don't drive your horse along the track
And please, beloved, remember me!
Let the view along the way be harmonious
And be, dear, completely energetic!

Let your eyes not close from sleep
And your road will be smooth along the way!
I wish you not to get tired even an ounce,
Just enjoy the trip!

I wish you a safe journey
And let the trees flash beautifully!
So that the road doesn’t get boring at all,
And the car easily covered the track!

A lot happens on the road various situations. To ensure that everything goes well along the way, send your loved one something written in your own words that will inspire and give him strength.

  • So that the road will be easy for you and not thorny along the entire route!
  • I wish you to get to a point on the map ahead of schedule and so that no difficulties suddenly arise along the way!
  • Leave your worries to me, and set off on your own journey to your favorite tunes and a fair wind!
  • So that possible obstacles on your path collapse on their own, the night on the road is moonlit, the day is sunny, and your mood is optimistic!
  • Let my SMS show you the right path and drive away all worries on the road!
  • Let the landing go almost unnoticed and without worries, and let the flight be incredibly fast!
  • So that the wheels of your car don’t come across nails on the road, and so that you don’t get traffic police checkpoints!
  • May the clouds clear on your way, may the clear sun shine and a fair wind blow!
  • I wish you quick packing, light luggage, a smooth road and a speedy return back!

Let the kilometers obey you, the road is not fraught with surprises, and your heart knows no worries along the way!

  • Take your time on the road and cover the long journey confidently, and race and bustle are not your fellow travelers!
  • I wish you not to lose your luggage, your head and your composure on the way, and if you suddenly lose your socks, you can still buy them)
  • Let the asphalt be gray, the sun yellow, the sky blue, the trees green - have a nice journey!)

Your wish for the journey of your beloved man will turn his route into a curly satin ribbon. If you want to continue the SMS dialogue that has already begun, you can still dig around and find a lot of interesting things there.
Good news of love to all!)

Since time immemorial, there has been a custom to say parting words to a person getting ready to travel. They served as a talisman for the traveler, which warded off misfortunes and bad people. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people quite often disappeared without a trace. After all, they could be attacked by robbers and wild animals. However, in our civilized age, this custom has not lost its relevance. Let's talk about what they usually say on the road.

Wishes for a person on his way

As a rule, there are no clear instructions on what you can wish for a person on the road. The main thing is that the words are sincere and come from the heart. In this case, they will really protect the person and nothing bad will happen to him. The phrase “Have a nice journey!” is considered a universal wish, so you can safely use it no matter how far away the person is going.

What to say if a person goes looking for work?

As in the old days, a person quite often goes looking for a job, most often this is an interview with a future employer. In this case, the person should say the following words:

  • "Let everything work out"
  • "May your dreams come true and you will easily get a job"
  • "Let luck guide you"

Words for those leaving on a long journey

If a person had a long journey ahead of him, then they wished him not only a happy journey. In the old days, people said goodbye to the phrase “Good riddance.” This expression meant that the path would be easy and the person would quickly reach his destination. However, these days this phrase is considered ironic and is rarely used for fear of being misunderstood. Instead, you can use more modern expressions, for example, “Happy (successful) arrival.”

There is also a custom to sit down on the road. It was believed that then the journey would be easy and without unpleasant adventures. Modern psychologists explain this ritual by saying that a person is given time to think about his trip and decide whether it is worth going on it. Also, during these seconds, the brain determines the main goals of the trip and looks for ways to bring them to life, since it is in a kind of stressful situation, so all processes go faster.

Travel wishes to motorists and travelers

It is very important for motorists that the road is good. In this case, you can tell them the following phrases:

  • "Green Road"
  • "Green light"
  • "So that the spare tire is not useful"
  • "Neither nail nor rod"

If a person is going on vacation or on a business trip by train, then you can wish him " Beautiful scenery outside the window." If the transport will be a steamship, yacht or boat, then in this case it would be appropriate to say: “So as not to get seasick,” “Tailwind.” As a universal phrase, we can recommend “Happy arrival.”

For those traveling by air, you can say “Take care of yourself” or “God bless!” You shouldn’t think about bad things before a person leaves, because thoughts are material and in this way you can invite trouble. The best thing to do in your imagination is to draw joyful pictures of meeting a person from a trip. In this case, everything will go well. You can also read a funny poem to the person leaving:

  • I wish you before the long road
  • Wake up at the dawn of all your strength.
  • So that the trip seems like raspberries,
  • To make the whole world seem nice.

These words will cheer you up, and the traveler will set off on the road with a light heart. You can compose your own poems, the person will be pleased, and he will not forget such a farewell. Now you know what they want on the road, and you can put your knowledge into practice.

Wishing you a safe journey is an ancient custom. It is believed that kind words protect from misfortunes and bad people. Wishes for a safe journey will accompany and protect you like guardian angels. So there can never be too many parting words for the road.

In verse

  • My dear, my beloved, have a good trip!
  • May you find something interesting along the way!
  • So that the road is bright and not at all rough
  • And so that you have space everywhere,
  • And so that you feel cozy, comfortable,
  • Let all the troubles go to hell!
  • Enjoy your holiday and have a great trip,
  • So that the mood is wonderful!
  • Seeing you off, my dear, on a long journey,
  • I wish you, dear, rest!
  • May you return healthy and beautiful,
  • May you return sparkling and happy.
  • May you be on your way dreams come true,
  • May you meet good people along the way!
  • Everything will be fine, as you want,
  • Well, flowers will be waiting for you at home!
  • You're going on a long journey,
  • Don't forget me on the way.
  • Do you remember that my love
  • Will always be near you!
  • Let your dreams be bright
  • Let flowers please your eyes,
  • Let the beautiful happen
  • And let the troubles dissolve!
  • Darling, may God protect you on your journey!
  • May fate favor you!
  • Let the sun smile from the sky,
  • Sorrows and problems do not occur at all!
  • I love you and will be waiting for you very much,
  • To kiss and hug again!
  • Remember my love on the way,
  • You won't find another like it in the whole world!
  • Darling, let it be on a long journey
  • Your legs will not get tired
  • The soul enjoys
  • What a good trip!
  • May your path not be difficult
  • And not sad, and not boring,
  • To make you smile
  • And made my dreams come true!
  • May God protect you on your journey,
  • May fate favor you!
  • Let the misfortunes disappear
  • Know that they love you at home and are waiting for you!
  • Don't let your feet hurt on the road
  • And the path will be easy in the end,
  • I love you, my dear,
  • And I will be with you in spirit!
  • Have a nice, gentle journey!
  • So that you don’t lose your legs on the way!
  • So that you don’t know fatigue!
  • I received a flurry of emotions!
  • May you be lucky on your journey!
  • Find a true friend!
  • Pleasant, interesting meetings,
  • Every moment and everywhere!
  • Great joy to you
  • And immodest imagination.
  • But don't get carried away by anyone
  • And come back to me!
  • Accompanying you on a long journey,
  • I wish you rest
  • I wish you to dream
  • And desires to fulfill everything.
  • So that you don't feel sad on the way,
  • So that I can find warmth on the road,
  • But he beckoned to home,
  • Don't let your enemy envy you.
  • Everything will be fine for you,
  • I say, I love you with all my heart!
  • Come back, I'll be waiting for you,
  • My beloved, you are my miracle!

In prose

Everyone also knows from the Bible that the ways of God are inscrutable. Even if you know your destination, you cannot know for sure where the long road will take you. I wish that there are as few unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances on your path as possible. Let everything go as usual according to the planned plan and route. Have a nice journey and a fruitful trip!

What the path will be does not always depend on us. After all, it is necessary that the transport does not let us down, and the weather is good. I wish that nothing takes you by surprise on your trip. Let flights not be canceled or delayed, but follow exactly as scheduled. May the weather always be sunny, clear, generally summery, and most favorable for travel. I wish all the events planned during the trip to be successful. Have a nice trip!

A long journey takes place not only during the daytime. A man follows to his destination under the cover of darkness, in a mysterious, pitch-black darkness. I wish that your entire path will be illuminated by road lamps and the light of the night luminaries. May the moon shine a soft light on your journey. And let a bright guiding star illuminate your path from the night sky. Have a nice trip and a safe journey!