What does the publishing council of the Russian Orthodox Church mean? Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

The Publishing Council store is the largest Orthodox book store in Russia. It contains more than 5,000 titles of books, 3,200 titles of church utensils, incense, icons. High quality lamp oil is always on sale. The department of audio-video production is well represented, where you will be offered more than 3,000 titles.

In the wholesale and retail center, you can always purchase the maximum assortment of Orthodox literature of a very different plan - from serious scientific publications and liturgical literature to popular publications of spiritual and moral content, educational and children's literature. The Patriarchal calendars and liturgical instructions are always on sale, as well as the official periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church - “The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate” (subscription index in the catalog of the Rospechat Agency - 71157) and the newspaper “Tserkovny Vestnik” (subscription index - 19460). You can also subscribe at the editorial office.


Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church- one of the synodal departments of the Moscow Patriarchate; in its present form was created in 1994. The council's tasks include coordinating the activities of Orthodox publishing organizations, providing methodological, legal, organizational and other assistance to both church and secular publishing houses. The council includes a peer review and peer review board, whose task is to determine the conformity of the Orthodox faith of literature, which is planned for distribution in the church.

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The modern publishing council of the Russian Orthodox Church was the legal successor of the publishing department of the Russian Orthodox Church, created on the basis of the "Regulations on the management of the ROC" adopted in February 1945 at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1945. This department was entrusted with the responsibility of publishing the "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate", church calendars, holy scriptures, liturgical literature, manuals for church and clergymen and other books necessary for church life. In 1956, the Publishing Department published the Bible for the first time since 1918 in the country.

Initially, the department was located in the building of the Moscow Patriarchate (5 Chisty Lane). Under Metropolitan Nicholas (Yarushevich), he was given premises in the Novodevichy Convent (in the Lopukhinsky corps and at the Assumption Church), which, before moving to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra at the end of 1948, was occupied by the Moscow Theological Academy, and during the period of the department's leadership by Metropolitan Pitirim (Nechaev) a three-story building was built for him on Pogodinskaya Street (consecrated on September 22, 1981).

Publishing functions, which previously lay with the department, were assigned to the created Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate by the decision of the Holy Synod of February 22, 1995. Determination of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on October 6, 1999, the publishing council was given the status of a synodal department. By the definition of the Council of Bishops in 2000, additional functions were assigned to the council:

The Publishing Council is instructed to take care of the theological, scientific, spiritual and aesthetic level of literature published by dioceses and other canonical church divisions, which, in turn, must strictly submit to the Council their publishing plans and copies of published books, magazines and newspapers.

In addition, the council determined that all editions of liturgical literature must be coordinated with the publishing council.

On December 25, 2009, by the decision of the Holy Synod, the Publishing Council was entrusted with the obligatory review of all publications intended for distribution through the system of church (diocesan, parish, monastic) bookselling.

Reviewing publications

According to an employee of the Publishing Council, Abbot Evfimiy (Moiseev):

Not all publishers and authors have a theological education, so the main task of the peer review board<…>- to identify the correspondence of the content of this or that publication to the Orthodox doctrine. Some books have to be sent for revision, some even have to be denied the assignment of a stamp - many publishers are very unhappy with this. But the collegium proceeds in its work from the fact that the Church bears full responsibility for the spiritual safety of her children. Therefore, any person who buys a book in a church should be sure that this book at least will not harm him spiritually, and ideally will serve his spiritual growth.

At the meetings of the publishing council, it was decided to consider it impossible to distribute the following books through the church (diocesan, parish, monastic) book network, since they contain statements that contradict the doctrine of the Orthodox Church.

  1. Chastity and Telegony. The Orthodox Church and modern science on the problem of genetic inversions. - Publishing house "Psalter", 2004.
  2. Ah, mother, mother ... - Parish Publishing House, 2006.
  3. Hieromonk Tryphon... Miracles of the last time. - Arzamas, 2003.
  4. The road to the elder. - SPb., 2004.
  5. According to your faith, let it be for you ... - SPb., 2006.
  6. Come to me all who work ... - SPb., 2006.
  7. Emelyanova L. God speaks to his chosen ones ... - SPb., 2006.
  1. Archimandrite Peter (Kucher)... Observe ubo how dangerous you walk. Collection of articles and sermons. - Bogolyubovo, 2006.
  1. Vasiliev V., Alekseev G. Modern Catholicism. Questions and answers. - M., 2000.
  1. Elder Hieroschemamonk Sampson (in 2 volumes).


The composition of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church for the period 2013-2015 (approved by the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013):

  • Metropolitan of Tashkent and Uzbekistan Vikenty (Morar), head of the Central Asian metropolitan district;
  • Metropolitan of Novosibirsk and Berdsk Tikhon (Emelyanov);
  • Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsk Longin (Korchagin);
  • Metropolitan Mark of Ryazan and Mikhailovsky (Golovkov);
  • Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart (Horacek), Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Church Abroad;
  • Bishop of Vyborg and Priozersk Ignatius (Punin), chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs;
  • Bishop of Borisov and Maryingorsk Veniamin (Tupeko), Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Belarusian Exarchate;
  • Bishop of Edinet and Brichansky Nikodim (Wulpe), Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Orthodox Church of Moldova;
  • Archimandrite Alipy (Kastalsky), editor-in-chief of the Patriarchal Publishing and Printing Center of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra;
  • Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), abbot of the Sretensky stavropegic monastery;
  • Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society;
  • Archpriest Boris Danilenko, Director of the Synodal Library named after Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II;
  • Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyov, Rector of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities;
  • Archpriest Vladimir Savelyev, Chairman of the Publishing Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church;
  • Abbot Evfimiy (Moiseev), First Vice-Rector of the Kazan Orthodox Theological Seminary;
  • Hegumen Melety (Sokolov), employee of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Moscow Theological Academy;
  • priest Igor Davydov, employee of the Missionary Department of the Russian Orthodox Church;
  • Breev Nikolay Yurievich, director of the publishing house "Nikeya";
  • Aleksey Stepanovich Golovin, executive director of the Orthodox Book Association;
  • Sergey Kravets, head of the Orthodox Encyclopedia Church Research Center;
  • Malyagin Vladimir Yurievich, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Danilovsky Blagovestnik";
  • Polishchuk Evgeny Semyonovich, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Moscow Patriarchate Publishing House, editor of the journal Theological Works;
  • Tarasov Boris Nikolaevich, rector of the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute;
  • Elena Chelnokova, Secretary of the Expert Council of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis.


  1. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy I (1945-1947)
  2. Metropolitan Nikolay (Yarushevich) (1947-1960)
  3. Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) (1960-1963)
  4. Metropolitan Pitirim (Nechaev) (23 May 1963 - 3 December 1994)
  5. Bishop Tikhon (Emelyanov) (July 16, 1995 - December 28, 2000)
  6. Archpriest Vladimir Siloviev (December 28, 2000 - March 31, 2009)
  7. Metropolitan Clement (Kapalin) (since March 31, 2009)

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Interview of the Chairman of the Publishing Council, Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsky Kliment for the website of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church
July 5, 2011

- Absolutely all books that are sold in church and monastery shops, shops must have the stamp of the Publishing Council? Any books?

- First of all, I want to say that now most of the Orthodox literature is distributed through the church. And here I want to remind you what the Orthodox church is intended for, what is its role in the life of a Christian. We must never forget that the temple is, first of all, a place where the Lord is always invisibly present. According to the Savior, “where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them” (Matthew 18:20). It is here, through the great Mystery of the Eucharist, that man is deified, he becomes a partaker of the Divine. In the church, the Orthodox Christian perceives the Word of God, is called to self-improvement, transformation, to change the way of life, thought, renewal of mind and feelings, and renunciation of sinful deeds and thoughts. Therefore, the literature offered in the temple should correspond to the sanctity of the place and its high purpose.

Unfortunately, there are times when in church shops there is low-quality literature on church-related topics or not at all related to Orthodoxy, while the Holy Scriptures, prayer books, liturgical and edifying literature are practically absent. It must be remembered that the purpose of distributing books in church and monastery bookstores should be primarily not a commercial benefit, but the mission of the Church in the modern world. A person, coming to church, should be able to acquire not only literature of high quality in terms of printing, design, but also in content that is completely consistent with the Orthodox faith.

Considering the current situation, when most publishers are trying to select material according to the popularity of authors and topics, in order to maximize sales revenue, it is impossible not to notice that a huge amount of low-quality literature is being published. Thus, books may contain not only typos or substitution of some words for others, but also distorted facts. As a result, believers who read such publications may have a misunderstanding of many religious issues, which is very dangerous. For example, a distortion in a school textbook will entail a misunderstanding of the subject of study, which justifies the need to comply with educational standards with the assignment of the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science. Likewise, all books on Orthodox topics must undergo mandatory reviewing with the subsequent assignment of the stamp of the Publishing Council.

With the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, the Expert Committee of the Publishing Council was transformed into a Review and Expert Review Board. The new structure consists of invited experts. The members of the board are theologians, historians, film critics, specialists in various fields, and among the reviewers there are no publishers employees who are personally interested in making decisions about the books presented, which allows you to get an independent opinion and the most verified assessment. However, it should be noted that the stamp of the Publishing Council applies exclusively to the church network.

- Should discs, cassettes have a neck? Does it depend on the content?

- Of course they should. Orthodox audio and video production is becoming more and more popular among believers who want spiritual enlightenment, and mainly among young people. The content of such products, again, does not always adequately meet the criteria of the truth and consistency of the Orthodox faith, which not only does not contribute to the implementation of the main goals of the church publishing house - spiritual, educational and missionary, but also causes irreparable spiritual harm. According to the Charter, the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church conducts an expert assessment of the audio and video products submitted for consideration with the provision of the stamp "Permitted for printing (release) by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church."

- There are two options for the wording of the neck. Following the meeting of the general meeting of the members of the Publishing Council on November 18, 2009, all publications intended for distribution through the system of church (diocesan, parish, monastic) bookselling were assigned the stamp “Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church”. The stamp "With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia" is assigned to books of Holy Scripture, liturgical literature, collections of canonical rules and regulations of the Church, official church documents, as well as, as an exception, to other publications of general church significance on the recommendation and conclusion of the Publishing Council , approved by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

- How is the review of books going? Who should contact the Publishing Council and at what stage?

- The process of reviewing books today is as follows. First, the publisher or author registers a petition addressed to the chairman of the Publishing Council, then the technical registration of the publication or manuscript takes place, after which the process of complex reviewing begins, that is, the analysis of the publication by reviewers of various scientific specializations. External reviewers are involved if necessary. The panel for peer review and expert evaluation of the Publishing Council discusses the comments made by the reviewer and the proposed solution and makes the final judgment - whether to assign a stamp to the publication or not. The term for consideration and assignment of the stamp of the Publishing Council is 30 working days, and in special cases related to the involvement of external specialists, it is possible to increase the period for reviewing special literature.

The positive decisions of the Board are published on the website, and the applicant is provided with an extract on the results of the consideration.

If the publication is published at the diocesan level, then in addition to the stamp of the Publishing Council and the corresponding number, an indication may be placed that the publication was published with the blessing of the ruling bishop of the diocese. Diocesan bishops cannot give their blessing for the publication of books on the territory of another diocese.

- Some books are not recommended by the Publishing Council for distribution. What are the reasons for this?

- As noted above, the Publishing Council cannot allow the distribution in churches and monasteries of low-quality publications that distort the Orthodox faith, contain information that is not accepted by the Church, as well as the dubious theology of certain clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, we are being asked to review books that contain the "lives" of persons who are not canonized; prayer books with prayers on various topics and human needs, which were not blessed by the authorized church authorities; Holy Scripture, the explanation of which says that it has been edited in accordance with the "modern vocabulary."

I think that such a "modern vocabulary" is not necessary, and in general, what spiritual authority gave permission to compose the lives of persons who are not canonized, or to touch the text of the Holy Scriptures, translating it into a new vocabulary? All this is done for the sake of commercial gain, which negates the spiritual-educational, scientific-theological and church-social activities of the Church.

Of course, now the compulsory receipt of the stamp makes life difficult for a number of publishers that publish literature of inappropriate quality. They have to pay more attention to the selection of material and preparation for printing. At the same time, I note that the leading Orthodox publishing houses do not experience such difficulties and have nothing to fear. They have long established high-quality work on preparing books for publication, and there are no special complaints about them.

- What threatens violators? What are the consequences of counterfeiting a stamp and trying to distribute non-stamped publications through church shops?

- There has already been a case of unauthorized appropriation of the stamp of the Publishing Department. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill gave a strict order not to have relations with the publishing house that did it. All diocesan bishops were given the instructions of His Holiness, and the books of this publishing house should be removed from church book distribution.

- What should parishioners do if after July 1 they see books in church shops without the stamp of the Publishing Council? Where and how can they resolve their doubts? What are the ways?

- The decision of the Hierarchy that from July 1 of this year, books bearing the stamp of the Publishing Council should be distributed through the church book network means that dioceses, parishes, monasteries, farmsteads must acquire books with the indicated stamp. We have been reviewing for a year and a half, and more than 4 thousand books have already received the stamp.

As for the books that were published in 2010 and earlier, they can be distributed through the church book network without a stamp, and according to the decision of the Holy Synod, these books should not be withdrawn from sale if they do not contradict the Orthodox doctrine. But all books that have been published since July this year must have a stamp. At the last meeting of the Supreme Church Council on June 23, His Holiness the Patriarch confirmed this once again, indicating that all publishing houses, without exception, must submit their books for review to the Publishing Council, and without the stamp of the Publishing Council, the distribution of books through the church book network is unacceptable.

Interviewed by Valentina Kuritsina

Bodies, at different times responsible for the publishing activities of the Russian Church. The creation of the appropriate management structures in the ROC was associated with the revival of the church publishing house during the Great Patriotic War, after the period of the de facto ban on printed production. In 1942 and 1943. The Moscow Patriarchate published the books The Truth About Religion in Russia and The Russian Orthodox Church and the Great Patriotic War: Collection of Church Documents. 4 Sep 1943 JV Stalin received the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Met. Sergius (Stragorodsky; later Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia), Metropolitan of Leningrad. Alexy (Simansky; later Patriarch Alexy I) and Metropolitan of Kiev. Nikolay (Yarushevich). Among other problems of normalizing state-church relations, the issue of publishing the official was discussed and positively resolved. the printed organ of the Russian Orthodox Church - "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate" (JMP). In the fall of 1943, it was decided to publish an annual Orthodox church calendar (the first was published in 1944).

The active publishing activity of the Moscow Patriarchate during the Great Patriotic War received the canonical sanction of the Local Council on January 31 - February 2. 1945, who made the decision to organize under Sacred. The Synod of the Publishing Department (hereinafter: I. o.), Whose duties included the preparation and publication of publications necessary for a full-fledged church life. The first chairman of the I.O. was Patriarch Alexy I, to-ry after the death of Patriarch Sergius and before the end. 1946 was also the executive editor of the ZhMP. With the participation of Patriarch Alexy in 1947, the book was published. “Patriarch Sergius and His Spiritual Heritage”. From 1947 to 1960, the chairman of the I.O. was the Krutitsky and Kolomna Metropolitan. Nikolai (Yarushevich), who was also the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR). In the initial period of publishing, the posts of executive secretaries of the WMP were held by Archpriest. A. P. Smirnov, L. N. Pariysky, A. I. Georgievsky (see Georgievsky), A. V. Vedernikov, as well as prot. N. P. Ivanov, E. A. Karmanov. And about. Together with the editorial board of the ZhMP, he was then housed in the closed Novodevichy Moscow nunnery in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God - in the Lopukhinsky building and technical rooms at the refectory of the Assumption Church.

19 sept. 1960 the chairman of I. about. was appointed to replace Met. Nicholas as chairman of the DECR Podolsk Bishop. Nikodim (Rotov; later Metropolitan of Leningrad). Bp. Nikodim also became the 1st chairman of the editorial board of "Theological Works" - an annual collection that began to appear in 1960, in which the works of the present-day were published. theologians, as well as the works of outstanding church figures of the past, the works of St. fathers and teachers of the Church. May 14, 1963 Archbishop. Nikodim (Rotov), ​​at his request, was relieved of his post as chairman of I.O. in view of the large amount of work in the DECR. The new chairman of the I.O. was appointed Bishop of Volokolamsk Pitirim (Nechaev; later Metropolitan), who held this position for more than 30 years. His closest assistants were Archimandrite. Innokenty (Prosvirnin), P. V. Urzhumtsev, I. A. Minakov, V. P. Ovsyannikov; actively collaborated with I. about. Executive Secretary of the DECR A.S.Buevsky. Due to the expansion of the scope of activities and the increase in the number of employees at the beginning. 80s the reconstruction (actually construction) of the building of the publishing center of the Moscow Patriarchate was carried out on Pogodinskaya street, near the Novodevichy monastery (consecrated on September 22, 1981), with a house church in the name of St. Joseph Volotsky.

For a long time I. about. was the only publishing house in the country to publish Orthodoxy. lit-ru: Sacred. Scripture, liturgical books, the works of St. fathers and teachers of the Church, the lives of saints, catechetical manuals, theological works, magazines, manuals for church and clergy, Orthodox. calendars. Despite the tough state. supervision, carried out by the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I. o., overcoming many. restrictions, constantly increased the circulation and the range of church publications.

The first liturgical publication of the Moscow Patriarchate was the Service to All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia, published in 1946. From 1949 to 1958, the annual "Liturgical Instructions" were published. In 1954, a phototypic reprint of the Typicon was prepared, issued in 1906, supplemented with an appendix. In 1956 in I. about. the first edition of the Bible after 1917 was carried out, later there were several more editions of Sacred. Scriptures. Patriarchal editions of the Bible, made in accordance with the rules of the new spelling, reproduced the previous synodal editions, while a lot of work was done to study them in order to choose the best option, in comparison with Russian, Church Slavonic, Greek. and Heb. biblical texts. NZ and the Psalter were also reprinted.

To meet the spiritual needs of believers, a short prayer book was published for the first time in 1956; after. fuller prayer books appeared. Liturgical books necessary for the parish clergy were published: in 1956 the first phototypic edition of the Trebnik was published, in 1958 - the Service Book (later reprinted). To help clergymen, psalmists, church choir directors and choristers, the following Psalter, Octoichus, Lenten Triod and Tsvetnaya Triod, Orthodox liturgical collection, Book of Hours, Irmology, with music supplements were published. In 1977, the publication of the multivolume "Handbook of a Clergyman" began (a total of 8 volumes were published).

In I. about. research work was carried out in the field of studying and mastering the spiritual heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church - Orthodox. hagiographic monuments, ancient manuscripts, iconography. Many were systematically examined. famous repositories and funds, reconstruction of ancient church chants was carried out. And about. initiated and one of the organizers of a scientific expedition to the Athos Russian Great Martyr Panteleimon Monastery under the hands of. archim. Innokenty (Prosvirnina) (1983). Collections dedicated to the most important events in church life, jubilee editions, and albums of monuments to the history of the Russian Church were published. With the direct participation of I. about. For the first time, the Church began to use the means of film and television - over 30 church documentaries were produced, which in many ways contributed to the expansion of the missionary activity of the ROC. Created in 1978 in I. about. exhibition department arranged in pl. countries of the exhibition of photographs and church publications, telling about the life of the Church.

K ser. 80s And about. published more than 200 publications, including more than 150 church services. The activity of I. about. Is especially active. reached during the preparation and celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. For the celebration, more than 30 editions were published, including the 6th, jubilee edition of the Bible, 4th edition of the New Testament (in parallel in Russian and Church Slavonic languages), the Gospel-Aprakos (Ostromir Gospel, rkp. XI c.), 24-volume liturgical Menaia, the publication of a multivolume Biblical symphony has begun, the works of church scientific conferences dedicated to the Baptism of Russia, as well as a series of illustrated publications about churches and monasteries, about the main stages of the historical path of the Russian Church, have been published. Together with the Melodiya company, a set of 20 phonograph records dedicated to Orthodoxy was released. church singing; sets of slides on church themes were also produced. On the basis of video recordings of the events of the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, 4 video films about the celebrations were prepared. Film sector I. о. also participated in the creation of 5 films dedicated to the history and life of the Russian Church.

After the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, a new stage began in the history of state-church relations. The state refused to interfere in the affairs of the Church, which led to the rapid development of spiritual life, the need for church and religious-moral publications increased. At this time I. about. increased the range and circulation of publications, mastered new areas of activity. Since 1989, along with ZhMP I. about. began to release gas. "Moscow Church Bulletin" (since 2003 "Church Bulletin").

Socio-economic crisis of the end. 80s affected the activities of I. o .: due to the acute shortage of paper and the lack of modern. printing technology, the publication of a number of already prepared publications was delayed. In 1990, Met. Pitirim was forced to admit that "the urgent needs of the Church cannot be fully met by the Publishing Department" ( Pitirim (Nechaev). 1990.S. 25). Along with I. about. new centers for publishing religions have appeared in the country. literature, the need arose to achieve interaction between church publishing houses, including in ensuring a high level of their products, which required a reorganization of the management of the publishing business of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In connection with the changed conditions for the existence of the Church and the emergence of new opportunities for the development of the church press, the Bishops' Council of the ROC in 1994 decided to consider I.O. fulfilled their purpose; instead of I. about. The Publishing Council of the Moscow Patriarchate (hereinafter: I.S.) was created as a collegial body consisting of representatives of synodal institutions, theological schools, church publishing houses, and other institutions of the ROC. His tasks included coordinating the activities of church publishing houses, evaluating the manuscripts proposed for publication. 7 oct. 1995 was adopted by the Regulations on I. s., Which from 6 October. 1999 was given the status of a synodal department. The publication of the central organs of the church press and the church calendar was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate by the decision of the Council of Bishops in 1994. 22 Feb 1995 Sacred. The Synod established the Moscow Patriarchate Publishing House (hereinafter: IMP) for the publication of the central church press organs and the calendar on the basis of the Chronicle publishing house that had been created shortly before.

The duties of the director of the IMP were performed by Archbishop of Odintsovo. Job (Tyvonyuk; now Metropolitan). On July 17, 1995, by the decision of Sacred. Synod chairman I. s. and Bronnitsky Bishop was appointed editor-in-chief of the IMP. Tikhon (Emelyanov; now Archbishop). The main attention in the work was paid to the organization of the activities of the IMP. Were overcome manifested in the 1st floor. 90s difficulties in publishing; the publishing process was computerized, the printing equipment was increased and updated, special attention was paid to the improvement of equipment for color printing, as well as to the alignment of publishing and printing processes.

The regular issue of ZhMP was resumed (previously lagging behind in terms of release), the decoration of the magazine changed significantly - photographic illustrations became colored, their number increased significantly; managed to increase the frequency of publication of the "Moscow Church Bulletin". The structure of church calendars improved: a more detailed and convenient index of the names of saints appeared, the calendar began to include information about the episcopate, etc. Since 1998, the publication of "Liturgical Instructions" has been resumed. The main focus of the IMP was the release of liturgical books - reproduction of old editions, the publication of new editions of liturgical texts using modern. book publishing technologies. Only for 1997-1999 IMP has published more than 170 titles of books with a circulation of approx. 3 million copies (the Orthodox Church Calendar was published in the largest editions, the rest of the editions had an average circulation of 5-10 thousand copies).

In 1997, a recording department was recreated at the IMP at a new technical level, which began to release CDs with recordings of services in the churches of the Moscow Kremlin, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, church, monastery and diocesan choirs of the Russian Orthodox Church. The assimilation of new information technologies led to the creation of an IMP website on the Internet, thanks to which a new channel of access to Orthodox Christianity was opened for believers, including the Russian-speaking foreign population. lit-re. Databases were created for sections of Orthodox Christianity. doctrine and life of the Church, as well as on bibliography, hagiography, personalities, canon, exegesis, iconology, hymnography, on the history of temples and monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Exercising general management of the publishing activity of the Russian Church, I. s. reviewed the books and manuscripts proposed for publication in order to determine their compliance with the Orthodox Church. creed and church tradition. The reviewers were responsible members of the council, as well as specialists involved in this work, including professors and teachers of theological schools, leading secular scientists. I. s. catalogs of publications of the Russian Orthodox Church were prepared for publication. Measures were taken to coordinate the work of the Orthodox Church. The media, for which the meetings of Orthodox Christians were organized. journalists. To train personnel in the field of church journalism in 1996, on the basis of the IMP, the Institute of Church Journalism and Publishing was created (later one of the facts of the Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian).

Dec 28. 2000 by the decision of the Holy. Synod of Bishop Tikhon was released from the leadership of I. s. and UTI. Chairman I. s. and the chief editor of the IMP was appointed arch. Vladimir Siloviev. Book publishing continued to develop in the following main directions: periodicals, Holy. Scripture, liturgical literature, books about patriarchs and collections of patriarchal works, acts of church councils, history of the Russian Church, anniversary editions, patristic literature. In 2001-2008. the circulation of books published by IMP has almost doubled, and their assortment has significantly expanded. The design was improved and the circulation of ZhMP, gas was increased. "Tserkovny Vestnik" has become a church-wide publication, the information content of the content and design of the Orthodox church calendar has increased, work is underway to form a reference version of the entire corpus of liturgical books of the Russian Church in electronic form, on the basis of a swarm will be prepared trad. editions.

In I. s. new structures were formed, including departments of scientific-theological, spiritual-educational and children's literature, musical edition, department of information technology, department of external relations and marketing. For the sale of manufactured products in I. s. created sovr. store of books and church utensils. Exhibition activity is developing successfully.

At the same time, due to the actual connection with the IMP, the functions of the central church publishing house prevailed in the work of I. s. over the tasks assigned to the council as an executive synodal body of organizing the publishing business of the entire Russian Church, coordinating the activities of church publishing houses. By the decision of the Holy. Synod of March 31, 2009, the leadership of I. s was divided. and UTI. Chairman I. s. was appointed Kaluga and Borovsk metr. Clement (Kapalin). The post of editor-in-chief of the IMP was retained by Archpriest. V. Siloviev.

Lit .: PCK for 1946, p. 59; Definition of the Holy. Synod of May 14, 1963 // ZhMP. 1963. No. 6. P. 9; Consecration of the new building of the Publishing Department // Ibid. 1982. No. 1. S. 21-25; Theophilact (Moiseev), hierom. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the ZhMP // Ibid. 1984. No. 1. S. 20-28; Komarov K.M. 40 years of the Publishing Department of the MP // Ibid. 1985. No. 3. S. 11-18; No. 4. P. 9-13; No. 5. P. 16-20; Pitirim (Nechaev), Met. On the publishing activity of the MP // Ibid. 1990. No. 2. S. 24-31; Definition of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church "On publishing" // ZhMP. 1994. No. 11/12. P. 7; At the meeting of Priest. Synod of June 17, 1995 // Ibid. 1995. No. 6/8. P. 16; Tsyping. History of the RC. S. 649-654; Appointment of the new chairman of the Publishing Council of the MP // ZhMP. 2001. No. 2. P. 31; Alexandrova T.L., Suzdaltseva T.V... Leaving Russia: The Stories of Met. Pitirima. SPb., 2007.S. 295-316; Yakovleva E.M. Pitirima // Pitirim (Nechaev), Met. The Light of Memory: Words, Conversations, and Articles. M., 2009.S. 5-12; A devoted minister of the Church: O church. and societies. activities of Met. Pitirima (Nechaev): (Collection of works and memoirs). M., 2009.S. 16-136; Zaitseva Y. Patriarch Kirill presented a strategy for the development of the publishing industry of the Russian Orthodox Church // http://www.blagovest-info.ru/index.php?ss=2&s=3&id=27266 [Electr. resource].

E. S. Polishchuk