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And he literally went crazy about her. You will have to make a little effort so that your loved one really begins to appreciate you and simply cannot imagine life without his beloved woman.

There are 10 tips, following which, any girl can achieve love, fidelity and a certain amount of obsession from her lover.

1) Self-confidence

If you value yourself, be confident in your own actions and actions, then the guy will treat you the same. To be self-confident means to accept all the nuances of appearance and character, to fight against shortcomings that can be corrected, but not to be complex because of what cannot be changed. Unconditional acceptance and self-love play a huge role in how other people treat you.

2) Ability to compromise

Most often, girls try to prove their own rightness and point of view at any cost. But, men are inherently dominant, so sometimes it’s better to remain silent rather than get into trouble. Most quarrels can be easily avoided if a woman can be more restrained in her emotions and words. Women's wisdom and the ability to compromise is always highly valued by men.

3) Be yourself

Most often, girls try to pretend to be someone they are not in order to impress. But lies quickly come to light, and as practice shows, no one likes a liar. Therefore, just be yourself, freedom and sincerity always captivate guys.

4) Politeness towards his loved ones

If you can be a fairly sweet and friendly person not only with your lover, but also with his friends, loved ones and relatives, then this will give you a huge plus. By showing that you easily find language with his many acquaintances, you automatically become part of his social environment.

5) Refusal of the desire to re-educate a man

Few girls can be calm about their boyfriend's shortcomings. At the beginning of a relationship, all the disadvantages and shortcomings of the other half go unnoticed, but time passes and everything changes. A woman suddenly wants her boyfriend to change his image, his job, his social circle. Thus, female representatives simply ruin relationships and push away their loved one. Do you want to win your loved one forever? Then respect his opinion, take into account his tastes and habits. The ability to accept your loved one as he is will be appreciated by him.

6) Take, but don’t forget to give

In any relationship, people either give something or receive something. As for relationships with a loved one, it’s great when a girl not only takes everything she needs from her boyfriend, but can also give him something in return. Praise, kind word, positive emotions, support and reliable support in serious situations - all this will pay off handsomely for you, and your loved one will always support you in a difficult situation.

7) Inspire him

You must do everything possible so that the man can develop and move on. Be it career ladder, favorite hobby or home renovation. The beloved should be a muse for her boyfriend, who helps him develop, supports him in any endeavors, and does not criticize him for mistakes. Any man will appreciate such a reliable girlfriend.

8) Flirt with him

It doesn’t matter at all how much time has passed since your first meeting, how long you have been together and how much water has flown under the bridge in your life. The ability to flirt and win over a lover will always be received with delight by him. Of course, you also need to take care of yourself, look attractive so that a man can admire you and be periodically surprised by your new looks.

9) Sincerity and openness

All men love honest girls, so if you want to win a man's heart, do not stoop to lies and deception. Once he finds out about the deception, he will never be able to trust you completely. Lying undermines trust and creates constant suspicion.

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency “Me and You,” family psychologist, and interpersonal relationship consultant, spoke about why a representative of the fairer sex will not be able to beg forgiveness from her chosen one.

According to the specialist, a lot depends on what type your man is. For example, they are able to forgive even betrayal, because they themselves have a fluffy face, and therefore they are more lenient towards a woman. But the “house builder” is the opposite, because a sense of possessiveness will be triggered.

“You shouldn’t put everyone under the same brush, but a woman should still know the basic aspects,” the psychologist stated.

1. Mismanagement and uncleanliness

This is important for absolutely all representatives of the stronger sex, even if they don’t talk about it.

“Not a single man can live long with a dirty woman who cannot cook even basic things, with a selfish woman who does not care about her chosen one,” warns Kuznetsova.

2. Saw “Friendship”

7. Public humiliation

This is a very painful moment for any man. Your quarrels and scandals should not be taken beyond the threshold of the house, otherwise you, which he cannot forgive. Even if in public you accidentally allowed yourself too much and humiliated your partner, you need to quickly correct the situation. There is no need to say: “Oh, sorry, I said something wrong.” This will only attract unnecessary attention from even more people. It’s better to turn everything into a joke, even if it’s stupid and says that you have a bad sense of humor. As an option: “After all, everyone is a “babydur.” It’s written smoothly.”

9. Sex with a friend

While some men are able to forgive betrayal, cheating with a friend cannot. Moreover, the paradox is that it is the woman who will not receive forgiveness, but the “cuckold” will remain on friendly terms with his friend. In this case, men will be united by rivalry, passion for one woman: “I understand that, but I was the first to master her” - this postulate will be felt when communicating with the stronger sex. But in relation to the woman who cheated, the verdict will be completely different and harsh: “The bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up.”

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the email address of the AiF-Vladimir editorial office: [email protected] .