Fortune telling at home using ordinary cards. How to learn to tell fortunes using regular cards

They say that in order to tell fortunes with cards, you need a special talent - “connection with subtle world" This is partly true; in fortune telling you should always rely on your intuition, otherwise you won’t be able to figure out the interpretations. But appeal to regular deck of 36 cards can be very simple. There are even special fortune tellings designed for non-specialists: you mentally ask a question, pull out one card from the deck and see its meaning.

To get a detailed answer to your question or predict the future, you need fortune telling with layouts. There are a great variety of layouts, and some of them will not be the same as usual. Fortune telling on cards should be done according to the rules that best suit your temperament. Check the reference book, practice as often as possible, and you will choose your most suitable layout and learn the meanings by heart.

But it’s worth reading Tarot cards on your own, unless you are going to devote part of your life to them. Some of the Tarot decks are even capable of independently influencing the fate of their owner, and in order to interpret their meanings, you need to get acquainted with astrology, runes, medicinal plants, mythology, etc. But this deck can say even more than you would like to know.

Never ask cards the same question in a row if their answer does not satisfy you the first time. It is better to repeat the fortune telling the next day.

How to learn to guess regular maps

The line from the song “Fortune Teller” by Alla Pugacheva “... people are designed this way: they want to know what will happen...” confirms human interest in fortune telling. You can predict fate using ordinary cards, you just need to know the layout methods and be able to read them.

For fortune telling with cards, you should not take those that you have played repeatedly. Buy a new deck, or even better, several, with different backs. For each layout, select a specific deck of cards and do not confuse them.

Do not let anyone touch fortune telling decks of cards and treat them with respect, keep them separate from any junk. Let's give them a rest, that is. do not use them often and for trifles.

For predictions, choose special days: your birthday, full moon, Friday the 13th, Christmastide, New Year, Christmas. It is not recommended to guess on Sunday, especially if you - Orthodox Christian, and on Monday (it is believed that on this day the cards can lie).

Before fortune telling on ordinary cards, formulate a question that interests you. If you want to know the fate of another person, then mentally imagine his face or look at a photograph.

Layout "Three"

This simple fortune telling on cards is suitable for basic (not global) questions, for example, how today will go or where a certain person is now. Shuffle the deck and place any 3 cards in front of you. Then take out the other 3 and, if the answer is not clear, take out another three of cards.

"Fan" layout

With this method, you can ask any question: about love, career, or find out your fate. Think of a specific card for the person you are telling fortunes about. For example, the king of hearts is your husband, and you are the queen of hearts (you can guess on both at once).

Place the first 3 cards from the deck in a fan in front of you, the next 3 below them, etc., until the hidden card appears, then place 3 cards below. Those cards that are next to key card- this is the present, below is the past, and above is the future.

Layout "15"

Place any 15 cards from the deck on the table, placing them in 5 piles of 3 cards each. 1st pile - the person’s present; 2nd - family, personal life; 3rd - friendly and friendly relations; 4th - goals, dreams; 5th - future (warnings or advice).

Card meanings

Hearts - love suit:
— 6 — road;
— 7 — conversations;
— 8 — meetings;
— 9 — love;
— 10 — goals, hopes, dreams;

- Lady - married woman or mistress not married man;
— The king is a married or divorced man;
- Ace is a home.

Cross is a business suit, except for nine:
— 6 — business trip;
- 7 and 8 - business meetings, conversations;
— 9 — love, strong attachment to someone;
- 10 - profit, money;
- Jack - troubles, problems;
- Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor or colleague (depending on the question asked and nearby maps);
— The king is a business partner, boss or colleague. For the unemployed - a person who is much older than the fortuneteller (father, father-in-law, father-in-law);
- Ace is the deal.

— 6 — close road;
- 7 and 8 - conversations, meetings;
— 9 — love between a couple who is not married to anyone;
— 10 — plans, hopes;
- Jack - troubles, problems;
- Lady - unmarried woman, daughter, girlfriend, mistress of a married man (king of hearts);
— The king is an unmarried man, a son;
- Ace - letter, news, significant documents.

— 6 — long journey;
— 7 — sadness, tears, disappointment;
- 8 - visiting, drinking;
— 9 — severe illness, next to many spades cards- death is possible;
- 10 - unfulfilled dreams, destroyed plans and hopes;
- Jack - empty troubles;
- Lady - enemy, jealousy, anger;
- The king is a colleague, an honorable figure, a noble man;
- Ace - if the peak lies with the tip up in the form of a glass, then drink, if down - defeat, failure, blow.

The first question that immediately arises on the topic of the article is: why study? Fortune telling is a very difficult and responsible task, and it is not given to everyone first. In reality, the point here is not the ability to feel the cards and not the psychological attitude - fortune telling is initially associated with something occult, otherworldly, and this connection must be established very carefully, with knowledge of the matter. This introduction is as a warning to all those who like to “tease” fate, who happily tell fortunes every day. It’s impossible - any gypsy will tell you this.

But if you really really want to learn how to tell fortunes, then you need to start by simply looking at the cards. Yes, in fact, there are many fortune-telling layouts, and there is even literature that describes how and under what position this or that card will be interpreted. However, the essence of fortune telling is not to look at reference books, but to independently understand and intuitively grasp what the cards want to tell us now.

Now about the values. Indeed, a variety of meanings can be found in the existing literature, and they will differ from each other. Here we will give the interpretations that gypsies have used since ancient times - and they are the best fortune-tellers.

So: peaks – mostly negative value: ace - blow, failure, in upright position- feast, party, king - a man with black hair, not very well disposed towards the fortuneteller. Queen of Spades- trouble, generally some kind of great misfortune or unfavorable attitude women. Further, the suit is interpreted traditionally: jack - communication with the opposite sex, business relationships, ten - professional relationships, nine - personal life, eight - conversations, seven - dating, six - road. The most important thing here is to understand whether the dropped card concerns the person who is hiding under, for example, the king of spades, or whether these are simply unfavorable signals in a particular activity.

To better understand the fortune-telling scenario, you can guess all the main figures by suit. Values low cards traditional, but the king and queen can be interpreted as specific individuals. Usually people with blond hair are assigned to the suit of diamonds or hearts, and those with dark hair are assigned to the suit of clubs. In addition, the queen of diamonds means traditionally young unmarried girl, and the king of hearts is the beloved.

Certainly, special meaning have aces. Ace of Clubs- the state house, the house of diamonds - the home, and the house of hearts - great love, even passion.

Now about the most important thing. All meanings can be interpreted differently only if general direction. The main thing is the relative position of the cards. So, if the six of diamonds is between the queen, who represents you, and the king of hearts, then expect him soon on your doorstep - the early path will lead him to his beloved. And if a ten is squeezed between these two cards, then the prognosis becomes less favorable, since professional problems for men can serve as a very significant obstacle to personal relationships, and so on.

The layout is as follows: A card is placed in the center of the table, representing the person for whom the layout is being made. One card is placed under it - these are secret thoughts, and two more are placed on it - this is what is on the mind and heart. Cards are laid out one at a time up, down, right and left, plus one more between each direction. In total, three cards are obtained on the main sides - they are the main ones for interpreting predictions, all the rest are help in understanding the meanings of the cards correctly. What is at the top are dreams and desires (what is in the head - fortune tellers say), to the right of the main figure is the past, below is the present, to the left is the future. The fulfillment of a wish is judged by the ratio of cards that fall on the main figure, plus the layout of the future.

It's just a technique. Now about the state of mind. You need to guess in a calm environment, without rushing. A question should always be repeated in your head, the answer to which is the purpose of fortune telling. Having laid out the cards, you should not just briefly mechanically read their meanings. The cards say a lot to those who can hear, so you need to look at them, study and understand everything that is shown in this layout. Auxiliary cards may indicate certain conditions or warn. In general, the more subtleties the fortune-telling layout is practiced, the more subtleties it becomes. And one more thing. There is a rule: you cannot make fortunes on one person twice a day, and even less so on yourself. Frequently resorting to layouts is “guessing” fate.

14.06.2014, 20:23



Before you start fortune telling playing cards, the main thing to do is to learn the meaning of each card, which we’ll talk about right now. And so, the cards from playing deck have the following meaning if we take each of them separately:

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

Suit of WORMS (suit of love):
6 of hearts - a pleasant trip, devoid of dangers, most likely for pleasure or at an earlier time of the day;
7 of hearts - a good meeting, a date with a nice person, a call from an old acquaintance or a love letter; sometimes - meaningless conversation;
8 of hearts - a pleasant conversation, maybe compliments; fortune telling with playing cards implies several more options for interpreting this card, for example, small money received despite the fact that a lot of effort was expended;
9 of hearts - a joyful love date, love as such; paired with kings, volts or queens - a person in love with you;
10 of hearts - your hope; or interest directed from someone to you;
Jack of Hearts - minor problems, burdensome chores;
Queen of Hearts - for a woman - a friend, for a man - a lover, if the situation is not for love or relationships - the mother of the questioner(s);
The King of Hearts is either a married or divorced man.
Ace of Hearts – happy home, warm family hearth, gathering with the whole family, happiness in the family circle.

Suit of Diamonds (suit of money):
6 diamonds - fortune telling with playing cards always interprets this card in the same way - the road you will go on in the near future;
7 diamonds - money meeting or date, main theme which will have some monetary interest.
8 diamonds - some serious conversation, a conversation that does not allow jokes or frivolity;
9 diamonds - the love of a person who previously or in at the moment was not (is not) married;
10 diamonds - aspirations, interests, hopes;
Jack of diamonds - important chores, solvable problems;
Queen of diamonds - a young friend, a young beloved, when fortune telling the king of hearts - a lover or in love with him adult woman; if a certain monetary interest is specified, then fortune telling on playing cards says that this is a rich woman or a faithful business partner; sometimes - a faithful wife-hostess;
The King of Diamonds is an unmarried person, or the son of a woman or man on whom fortune telling is performed.
The Ace of Diamonds is money, and large, serious monetary interests, sometimes new money projects.

Suit of CLUBS (suit of business and affairs):
6 clubs – business trip, business trip;
7 clubs – negotiations, business meetings, serious conversations about business;
8 clubs – conversations about work, business;
9 clubs - friendship, unrequited love, which nevertheless brings joy;
10 clubs - serious profit, income obtained as a result of hard work, sure earnings;
Jack of clubs - colleagues, worries, troubles at work;
Queen of clubs - a woman who is not in love with you - for a man, for a woman - a relative, less often for both - a colleague;
King of Clubs - boss, senior colleague, sometimes (look at neighboring cards or based on the essence of the issue) father, father-in-law, older brother, father-in-law;
Ace of Clubs is more of a job, a superbly executed job that promises significant profit.

Spades suit (suit of problems):
6 peak – travel in the dark or a very long road; sometimes fortune telling with playing cards makes it clear with the help of this card that a very dangerous journey awaits you;
7th peak – tears, resentment, sadness; or experiences;
8 of spades - look at the context - either drinking, leading to a hangover, or a very difficult, unpleasant conversation; sometimes it is a danger that you have brought upon yourself;
9th peak – with the point of the peak downwards – illness, upwards – intimacy, sometimes promising trouble if it is betrayal or casual sex;
10 peaks – disappointments, losses, empty dreams;
Jack of spades is always just empty troubles; but in combination with 10 spades - unexpected profit;
Queen of Spades - betrayal, jealousy, envious woman, enemy woman, false accusation, meanness, stab in the back; in general - a sign of unexpected trouble, for which, despite your efforts, you will never be able to prepare;
The King of Spades is a person who is not indifferent to your fate, a strong personality, a patron, an unexpected dumpster; when fortune telling for marriage - a man-friend, not a man-lover;
Ace of spades - if the tip is turned upward - either a government house or a drinking bout; if the tip is turned downwards - big troubles, trouble, blow.

Some fortune tellers believe that before carrying out serious fortune telling with playing cards, you should learn all their possible combinations, so as not to make mistakes later. But personally, I do not share this opinion. And now I – the witch Olga on the pages of my website http://site – will tell you one secret:

The fact is that maps are just a tool that allows you to look into the future. And when you have been guessing for as many years as I have, you will understand that this is really so. And that often, you need to believe not the cards, but those pictures from the future that appear before you, or your emotions, or your feelings or premonitions. It is what you think, see and feel during fortune telling that is the main information on which the prediction is based or with the help of which the answer to the question of interest is given. The cards themselves are secondary. And if you don't understand this, a real fortune teller or you will never become a predictor!!!

It is very difficult to give an example. But I, the witch Olga, will try to do this. So, when doing fortune telling, you may only get the suit of spades, which promises nothing but problems and troubles. But at the same time, in your soul, you will feel that such a situation has nothing to do with you. The joy or excitement you feel at this moment is not false. In fact, they tell an experienced fortune teller: all the bad things are left behind, and in front of her is a picture of the bad things that are almost over. There are only positive events ahead. And therefore you just need to be patient a little. Wait until the cycles of life change, all the bad things end, and only good things begin.

Although sometimes it happens the other way around. Therefore, when performing fortune telling on playing cards for yourself or someone else, never forget to not only carefully study the layout, but also evaluate your own feelings, which you can not only believe, but, as you now understand, you need to believe.

As for the combination various cards, then I can only say one thing about this: the best way to read them is to interpret the meaning of each card literally, deducing the overall result. Let's say you get three cards:

7 of hearts – Jack of spades – 10 of clubs

Each of them, as you now know, means:
- a date or a pleasant meeting;
- empty chores;
- profit obtained as a result of hard work.

Now let’s look at what question was asked in order to correctly interpret the resulting situation:
If it concerned business, the task that seemed easy to you will require from you not only perseverance and enormous expenditure of effort, but also faith in yourself, because at some stage it will seem to you that there will be no results.
If the question concerned love, you will meet your beloved (beloved), but the meeting will disappoint both you and him. But you will still have a chance to be together. Only for this you will have to show all your virtues - goodwill, care, patience, wit, sexuality, without which you can count on creating strong relationships you don't have to.
If you asked a question about health, then the answer in this situation will be this - despite the fact that some will tell you that everything is fine with you, and others will scare you that the disease is incurable, you will be able to recover. But only on condition, says this fortune telling on playing cards, that you decide to take your treatment into your own hands - to treat it with all the responsibility that you are capable of.

So always think beyond the traditional interpretations of the few cards you've been dealt. And then you will be able to give the most accurate answers to all questions during fortune telling.

How to work with cards correctly

First, understand a very simple rule - the more “playable” the deck is, the less accurate will be the predictions that you can get with its help. A fortune telling deck can be as shabby and oily as you like - that’s one thing. But if it has been played for years or used (as a rare example, but still) for other purposes, like some erotic cards or cards with porn pictures, it is impossible to tell fortunes with such a deck.

Choosing “your” deck, as I recommend to everyone who has decided to master tarot fortune-telling, is also almost pointless. No, you definitely have to like the cards. Both in size and in what is depicted on them. But you won't get much benefit from the choice. Except for one thing - you will be able to tune in more easily to a deck you like, which means you will be able to give much more accurate and meaningful predictions.

I was asked several times: is it possible to use modern plastic cards. I answer - it’s better not to. After all, plastic is a dead material, while paper or cardboard is a living material. Paper senses human energy better, and therefore working with paper maps is much easier. Also, you shouldn’t take a poker deck, remove deuces and other extra cards from it and guess. If you decide to seriously master fortune telling with playing cards, then please immediately get used to working with a normal deck.

And the cards deserve special mention different colors- not with the usual white background, but with black, red, green and gold. I, the experienced witch Olga, recommend choosing such cards only to people who are well versed in issues of human energy and who understand perfectly well that with a red deck (I’ll call it that) it is best to guess for health, with a yellow one for the state of the psyche, with a green one for love . And with the gold one - I bet you’ve already made a mistake - to your Guardian Angel. Although such fortune-telling, I will say right away, is best suited for advanced fortune-tellers, and not for all sorts of amateurs.

Cards should not only be stored in a special case, but also hidden from the touch of others. They should only know the dress of the mistress or owner, and it is his energy of the owner that should tune them. Cards that have passed through the wrong hands, like a receiver with a misconfigured setting. You never know who turned which knob, in which direction, and with what force.

The exception is cards on which you tell fortunes for others. Everyone to whom you decide to tell fortunes is simply obliged to hold them in their hand before fortune telling. The deck will be filled with his energy, and you will be able to predict the fate prepared for him. But for beginning predictors and fortune-tellers, I recommend using a separate, preferably a new, deck for each new client. Let the person hold it and charge it. You will perform fortune telling. And then either give the cards to the person to whom you told the fortune - as a souvenir or as a souvenir. Or throw it away.

Moreover, you can throw it away in different ways. If the cards predicted good, then this good must be removed and given to the person to whom it was predicted. And if it’s bad, then you should cast a special spell to throw away the cards along with all the bad things that they predicted. But I will teach you this next time.

How to do fortune telling with playing cards

Playing cards allow you to carry out fortune telling using many different layouts. But experienced witches and fortune tellers use them only at the very beginning of their careers, when fortune telling. Then each fortune teller almost always comes up with her own layouts, realizing that it is they that allow her to answer questions best and most accurately. It’s too early for you to create such layouts. So let's start with the most basic ones.

Fortune telling for 1 card.

Used to answer simple questions or partially clarify a situation. For example, to answer the questions: “How will it all end?”, “Where will all this lead?”, “What should I do?”, “What should I expect?” You take the deck and shuffle it carefully. Then say out loud the question that is important to you, and pull out one card. Its value will be the answer sent to you.

But I’ll just warn you right away from asking the same question again and again. You will get the exact answer only at the very first fortune telling. And the rest of the time it will be just random cards, pulled out at random, and meaning nothing to you at all.

Fortune telling with 3 cards.

It allows you to know the past, future and present. It is carried out in the same way as the first one (and in general all fortune telling begins with you shuffling the cards). Then the first card is pulled out - “past”, then the second - “present”, and only after that the third card, which, as you already understood, means “future”.

A simple fortune telling about attitude.

A lady is selected from the deck who completely matches your description. Then - the king - the man you are guessing about. (If a man does the fortune telling, then everything is done the other way around). Your card is placed on the left, the card of the one with whom you are guessing about the relationship is on the right. Then next to the left card, face down, 3 cards are laid out in a column. Then the same 3 cards are laid out with the card of the person you are guessing for.

The cards are turned over one at a time, starting from the bottom. And they mean:
- your bottom card - what you are really experiencing;
- his bottom card - what he really experiences;
- your middle card - what you need to do in order for the relationship to succeed;
- his average card - what actions you should expect from him;
- your top card - what you will get from your relationship with him;
- his top card is how it will all end in the end.

Classic "grandmother's" fortune telling.

The cards are shuffled and then laid out one at a time in 7 stacks of 3 cards each, and each time you place a card (face down), you should say what it means. And each stack of 3 cards means: “what was”, “what will be”, “for the mind”, “for the soul”, “for the heart”, “what to expect”, “what not to expect”, “how to calm the heart " When all the cards are on the table (there will be 21 of them), the first “what happened” pile is turned over and the combinations that came out in it are examined. Then the second one. And so on.

More complex layouts, allowing for more or less accurate fortune telling on playing cards, you will find on the Internet. I will finish by promising you that in the very near future on my love-shops website, I will definitely continue the topic of fortune telling with playing cards. And when, thanks to my help, you master this magical art to perfection, we will begin to analyze how to tell fortunes with tarot cards.
witch Olga