Bishop of Zaraisk Konstantin, rector of the Kolomna Theological Seminary. Konstantin, Metropolitan of Petrozavodsk and Karelian (Goryanov Oleg Alexandrovich)

Bible story about Salome, who beheaded John the Baptist, occupies one of the central places in genre painting, as well as in art in general. Over time, Salome became associated with the image of a fatal, and at the same time attractive woman.

Oscar Wilde wrote the play Salome", Richard Strauss created based on it, and Florent Schmitt wrote the ballet "Tragedy Salome", staged at one time by the legendary.

But more often than not, the biblical Salome appeared in the paintings of artists of different eras.

It should be noted that in the New Testament about Salome little said. She was a Jewish princess, queen of Chalcis and Lesser Armenia, daughter of Herodias and Herod Boethes, and later the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas. The latter was her paternal uncle, and her mother had a relationship with him. This connection between Herodias and Herod Antipas was publicly condemned by John the Baptist, for which he was imprisoned.

At this time Salome danced at the birthday party of Herod Antipas, and her uncle liked her dance so much that he promised his niece to fulfill any of her wishes. Perhaps under the influence of the mother, but Salome asked Herod Antipas to bring her the head of John the Baptist. By order of Herod, John the Baptist was beheaded and his head was brought to Salome on a platter.

This story is more like a legend, because John the Baptist could have been killed for political reasons. Also the story of dance and desire Salome could have been created as a diversion, because there is an opinion that Herod Antipas did not want to kill John, “knowing that he was a righteous and holy man.” Be that as it may, the image is a fatal image Salome forever captivated the minds of artists.

One of the first to mention Salome in painting by the Italian artist Giotto, in the painting “The Feast of King Herod” of 1320. He was followed by other artists of the Renaissance (Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt) and later (Gustave Moreau, V. Surikov and others).

Giotto. "Feast at King Herod's" 1320

In almost all paintings Salome- This is a beautiful, graceful, young woman. And her innocent beauty contrasts greatly with the head of John the Baptist, which is present on many canvases.

Benozzo Gozzoli. "Salome's Dance" 1461-1462

Sebastiano del Priombo. "Herodias' Daughter" 1510

Titian. "Salome with the head of John the Baptist." 1515

Lucas Cranach the Elder. "Herod's Feast" 1530

Titian. "Salome with the head of John the Baptist." OK. 1530

Caravaggio. "Salome with the head of John the Baptist." 1605

The biblical legend says:


Herod Antipas ruled in two provinces - Galilee and Perea. He was an angry and envious man. Herod was in his 50s when he fell in love and decided to marry the wife of his brother Herodias, whom he had disinherited. The ambitious Herodias was burdened by her humiliating position and dreamed of power.

Herod Antipas

Titian, Salome with the Head of St. John the Baptist, c. 1530


John the Baptist openly opposed this marriage. The Prophet of God openly denounced Herod for cohabiting with Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. After the Baptism of the Lord, Saint John the Baptist was imprisoned by Herod Antipas. He did not cease to reproach Herod even after he was imprisoned in the fortress. Therefore, the prisoner was dangerous for Herodias and she was looking for a reason to deal with him.

Giotto, Feast of King Herod, 1320 *** CLIMAX.

On his birthday, Herod held a feast. Many honored guests gathered, from military leaders to the elders of Galilee. Herod asks the daughter of Herodias, Salome, to dance the ritual dance of the seven veils, with which the woman tells the man that she is in his power; Salome agrees for a reward, which she will announce later. She performed a fiery Syrian dance in front of the guests and pleased the birthday boy. The guests looked at her as if bewitched - she was so beautiful, her movements were so light and graceful. They asked her to dance again and again.

And when Salome finished, the drunken Antipas exclaimed: “Ask me whatever you want!! I swear - everything you want will be yours, even half the kingdom!!!”

He called those present as witnesses that he would swear to fulfill any wish of the princess. Salome decided to consult her mother. The mother, hating the prophet for his words that he dared to say about her, suggested: “The head…..Demand the head of John! And that they bring it immediately!”

Salome, returning to the hall, said: “I ask for the head.....the head of John the Baptist himself.”

And the guests fell silent. Just recently they admired Salome's dance. And now they were speechless with horror. Many of them were dishonest people. They did a lot of bad things in life. And many did not like John himself. But kill the prophet! None of them would have dared to do this. Antipas’s face darkened. The Prophet always inspired him with respect. However, Herod, wanting to keep his word given in front of noble guests, ordered the young girl’s request to be fulfilled. John the Baptist's head was immediately cut off and brought to Salome. And then the servants appeared with a large shiny dish. Recently, on those dishes, the same servants brought food to the guests. Now on one of them lay the severed head of John. Salome took the terrible gift to her mother.

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Herod's Feast, 1530 *** EPILOGUE.

God's wrath fell on those who decided to destroy the prophet. In winter, Salome fell through the ice on the river. Her head, cut off by a sharp ice floe, was brought to Herod and Herodias, just as the head of St. John the Baptist, but her body was never found. The former father-in-law, the Arabian king Arethas, moved his troops against Herod and defeated him. The Roman emperor, in anger, exiled Herod along with Herodias to Spain, where they died.

Benozzo Gozzoli, Dance of Salome at King Herod's Feast and the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 1461-1462
"Salome" Gaston Bussiere (1862-1929) ***

Dance-naked appeared in ancient times, and then he was treated with reverent respect. He served not to entertain mere mortals, but to please the gods. Revenge of the seven veils. Strip dancing. The Jews also had almei. Girls from noble families became dancers. They received an excellent education and were highly respected. The Gospel tells how the strip dance fascinated the children of Israel. In 39 AD, at the birthday party of the Jewish king Herod, the guests were entertained by his great-granddaughter, the dancer Salome. After the “dance of the seven veils,” which the beauty threw off one after another, the delighted king declared that he would give her everything she wanted. At the instigation of her mother, Salome demanded the head of John the Baptist. This request was fulfilled. So Salome - perhaps for the first time in history - used striptease as a weapon of revenge. The strip dance began to evolve from sacred ritual into a source of personal gain for the performer.

Hans Memling, Altarpiece of St. John the Baptist, 1474-1479
Salome. Bartolomeo Veneto *** Salome(5 year or 14 year - between and) - Jewish princess, daughter of Herodias and Herod Boeth, stepdaughter of Herod Antipas; later queen of Chalkis and Lesser Armenia. One of the characters in the New Testament (however, she is mentioned there only as daughter of Herodias Matt. ).

Coins with her image have been preserved, dating back to the years. On the front side of the coins, her husband Aristobulus of Chalcis is depicted with the signature ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΒΟΥΛΟΥ (“King Aristobulus”), on the reverse - Salome with the signature ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣ ΣΑΛΟΜΗΣ (“Queen Salome”).

Initially, Salome married her uncle, the tetrarch Herod Philip II. After his death she married cousin by mother, Aristobulus, son of Herod of Chalcis; from him she gave birth to three sons: Herod, Agrippa and Aristobulus.

VATICAN CITY, October 7. /TASS/. Canadian Cardinal and Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops Marc Ouellet has denied former Vatican nuncio (ambassador) Carlo Maria Viganò's accusations against Pope Francis that he did not take proper measures against the former Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, accused of pedophilia. Open letter Ouellet was distributed on Sunday by the Holy See Press Service.

The cardinal addresses Viganò directly and, referring to the information he has as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, calls the ex-nuncio’s accusations “an unfair and unjustified attack, a groundless political falsehood directed against the unity of the Church.” “Dear brother, the accusations against Pope Francis that he protected an alleged predator and was an accomplice of corruption within the church do not deserve the slightest credibility. And I cannot understand how you could believe such a thing,” writes Cardinal Ouellet.

Previously, Viganò published materials claiming that church leadership had been aware of allegations of pedophilia against Cardinal McCarrick since 2000, and Pope Francis was informed about this case after his election to the throne in 2013, but did not take any steps and even canceled those punitive measures applied to the cardinal by his predecessor Benedict XVI. In light of these accusations, he called for the pontiff's resignation.

Even though most representatives Catholic world and the church leadership came to the defense of Francis, the Vatican was expected to clarify the case of 88-year-old Cardinal McCarrick, who is accused of molesting a minor 45 years ago and having sexual relations with adult seminarians when he was a simple priest. At the end of July he resigned. This scandal grew amid the problem Roman Catholic Church with pedophile priests.

Vatican reaction

Francis initially declined to comment on Viganò's claims, making clear they were unfounded. A few days ago, the Holy See published a letter indicating that even "if the Vatican's actions appear inconsistent on the surface," the Pope ordered an investigation into the allegations against McCarrick and personally insisted on his resignation when sufficient evidence of his guilt was received.

Inner Vatican circles believe that the US hierarchy is trying to shift responsibility for the sexual crimes of the former Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, to Pope Francis, accusing him of harboring a pedophile. In addition, there is a fairly widespread opinion among Vatican experts that a targeted campaign is being waged against Francis, who is not liked by certain American lobbies for his statements denouncing the modern economy.

The scandal about pedophile priests began during the pontificate of the previous Pope Benedict XVI and, it is possible, indirectly became the reason for his abdication. Francis has repeatedly acknowledged the responsibility of the Catholic leadership for the crimes of pedophile priests. He also established a special commission to protect the rights of minors, which is investigating cases of pedophilia in the church.

Date of birth: August 3, 1977 Country: Russia Biography:

Born on August 3, 1977 in Moscow in the family of a priest. Father, Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky, is the rector of the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, dean of churches in the Krasnogorsk district, chairman of the Department for Restoration and Construction.

Graduated in 1994 high school and a children's church music school at the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk. In 1990-1995 performed various obediences in the Assumption Church in Krasnogorsk.

On January 6, 2001, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsa tonsured him into monasticism with the name Constantine in honor of the Hieromartyr Constantine of Bogorodsky.

On February 15, 2001, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsa ordained him a deacon, and on December 2, 2002, he was ordained a presbyter with the laying on of the breechcloth.

In 2002, he was appointed vice-rector for educational work. Since 2003, he directed the choir of the Kolomna Theological Seminary and taught comparative theology, and since 2007 - church singing.

In 2003-2006 - Member of the Diocesan Council of the Moscow Regional Diocese.

In 2004, he was appointed cleric of the Vvedensky Church of the Kolomna Theological Seminary and secretary of the liturgical commission of the Moscow diocese. In 2005 appointed chairman of the department religious education and catechesis of the Moscow diocese and a member of the coordinating council for interaction between the Ministry of Education of the Moscow region and the Moscow diocese.

In 2006 he was awarded the pectoral cross.

In 2009 he was appointed regent of the clergy choir of the Moscow diocese, and in 2011 - head of missionary and catechetical courses of the Moscow diocese.

By decision Holy Synod dated July 26, 2012 () elected Bishop of Zaraisk, vicar of the Moscow diocese, and appointed to the position of rector of the Kolomna Theological Seminary.

Former rector of SPbDA, now chairman of the Synodal Liturgical Commission Konstantin (Goryanov).

THEY HAD A JUDGMENT on replacing the dowager see of the Petrozavodsk diocese in connection with the death of Metropolitan Manuel of Petrozavodsk and Karelian.
1. Archbishop Konstantin of Kurgan and Shadrinsk, Chairman of the Synodal Liturgical Commission, will be the Eminence of Petrozavodsk and Karelian, the head of the Karelian Metropolis.
2. Express gratitude to His Eminence Constantine for the archpastoral management of the Kurgan diocese.

Archbishop Konstantin (Goryanov) and Bishop of Kostomuksha and Kem Ignatius (Tarasov) are long-time co-workers. Back in 2000, the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Konstantin, ordained a 3rd year student of St. Petersburg Deacon Ignatius as a hieromonk to the cries of the students: “Anaxios” (“Unworthy”). The reprisal against the rebels was severe - students were expelled, teachers suspected of sympathizing with them were fired.

One of the consequences of the riot and the reaction of the authorities to it was a noticeable drop in competition at SPbDA, a decline in the quality of teaching and the level of education of students. On the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of the revival of theological schools in 2006, which Konstantin spent without receiving a single award, Patriarch Alexy II publicly said to him: “You turned the academy into a bursa!”

As rector of SPbDA (1996 - 2008), Goryanov zealously fought against the infection of ecumenism, for which he suffered in the end. His “promotion” in 2008 to the Kurgan see was associated with his behavior during the conference in memory of the 30th anniversary of the death of Metropolitan Nikodim, when members of the synod were forced to share memories of the deceased bishop under the roar of jackhammers (Goryanov refused to stop the conference he had started renovation of the academy).

In the economic aspect, Goryanov, unlike Tarasov, whose possible appointment as head of the metropolitanate was expected with horror, inspires cautious optimism, judging by his speech in December 2011 at the diocesan meeting of the Kurgan region: “Why, when I asked not to give me gifts for the 60- anniversary and 20th anniversary of the episcopal consecration, the clergy of the diocese fulfilled this request, and when I demand not to take “left goods” from peddlers, this is not fulfilled. During the management of the diocese, I did not increase contributions to a single parish, not by a single ruble.” That is, centralized procurement is sacred, but it most likely will not increase the tax three times.

However, difficult times lie ahead for religious harmony in Karelia. While condoling the loss of Metropolitan Manuel, Bishop of the Church of Ingria A. Kugappi noted that “over the years of Metropolitan Manuel’s ministry, and largely thanks to his efforts, warm, friendly relations were established between Lutherans and Orthodox Christians.” Archbishop Goryanov is a long-time hater of ecumenism, and even has an uneasy attitude towards non-believers: “... our smart enemies have long understood that to introduce<Основы православной культуры>No need. It is absolutely not necessary, because this is a strategic issue of the revival of the Russian people... At the same time Saudi Arabia finances Islamic education in Russia. They understand very well the return on money invested in religious education. The same applies to Jewish religious education on the territory of Russia, which is partially carried out at our state expense.”

Well, it’s clear in which diocese all the innovations of the Synodal Liturgical Commission will be tested.