Aesthetic values ​​examples. Values ​​in human life

Aesthetics as one of the specific philosophical disciplines originated in the era of the formation of philosophy in Ancient Greece, although the term “aesthetics” itself was introduced in the 18th century. Aesthetics answers the questions: what is beauty and how is it related to other fundamental philosophical categories, what are the specifics and role of art in human life and society.

The beautiful in works of art is often a reflection of the beauty of nature and man (“a reflection” of beauty as a primary phenomenon, according to Goethe), while remaining at the same time a creation of a qualitatively new world, the internal harmony of which corresponds to the harmonious orientation of the artist’s soul. Schelling distinguished between an organic work of nature as representing a primordial undivided harmony and a work of art - harmony recreated by the artist after its dismemberment.

Art, by its very essence, is a means of harmonizing psychophysiological processes human life, a compensatory way of balancing a person with the outside world, which is already evident in ancient rock paintings.

Similar to how various types arts reflect and create life, the creative process in the sphere of human formation of matter consists of studying an object, developing an ideal plan for transformation and bringing it to life. Therefore, for the ancient Greeks, say, a positive answer to the question of whether the activity associated with the creation of the object-material environment of a person has aesthetic significance was as obvious as the answer to the question about the aesthetic significance of the world itself.

Only in modern times in Western culture there was a separation between the thing and the beautiful, which meant a gap between being and beauty. Moreover, the creation of beauty became the lot of certain rather closed branches of spiritual culture, and existence itself was considered as aesthetically neutral. The category of the aesthetic, like the category of the artistic, has a universal character and is applicable to all spheres human activity, although each of them has its own uniqueness and unequal difficulties of actualization. These difficulties for modern technology are greater than for contemporary art, precisely because of its greater utility. Sometimes it is argued that modern technology cannot satisfy aesthetic requirements because it operates using standard designs and is dominated by economic considerations. Isn’t it more correct to consider that economic considerations should be in harmony with aesthetic ones, which, apparently, is optimal even from an economic point of view?

In order to harmonize the relationship between man and nature, technology can and should become aesthetic. Harmony is goodness and beauty, and since technology is between man and nature, the latter must be goodness and beauty. Beauty is both the free creation of the artist and an attribute of the objective world. Being present in these two spheres, it is undoubtedly possible in the sphere of relations between man and nature. By creating the beautiful, the artist creates the sustainable, i.e. harmonious. To understand that beauty is an essential aspect of the transformation of nature and that it is one of the aspects of diversity is the main thing in the aesthetic aspects of the environmental problem.

Beauty also has an ontological meaning in itself, since it is associated with the completeness and diversity of the world, which is necessary for its sustainability. Goethe expressed the ontology and at the same time the epistemological significance of the beautiful: “The beautiful is a manifestation of the hidden laws of nature; without its emergence they would have remained hidden forever.”

Art in general can be considered as the creation of a new living integral world (human and humane). Then art in the now prevailing narrow sense appears as a creation of an ideal world, and art in in a broad sense- as a creation of not only spiritual, but also material reality. This role can and should be taken on ecologically by technology, which becomes art. In the process of synthesis of science, technology and art, the scientist becomes both a designer and an artist, so to speak, a director of reality.

Design and artistic construction still demonstrate examples of expanding the boundaries of the aesthetic. Technical aesthetics often emphasizes the predominantly subjective side of the need for beauty, namely, that it is more pleasant to deal with beautiful objects, although through the subjective there is a transition to objective things: working in a more beautiful environment, since it corresponds to the holistic nature of man, contributes, as experiments have shown , increasing labor efficiency. I would like to emphasize the objective side of the aestheticization of technology, which lies in the fact that technology, in order to become a means of harmonizing the relationship between man and nature, must return its original meaning of art, and production - the meaning of a poem.

In the history of the relationship between man and nature, lines of harmonious interaction are preserved. D.S. Likhachev noted that the Russian peasant, with his centuries-old labor, created the beauty of his native nature, “the aesthetics of parallel lines going in unison with each other and with nature, like voices in ancient Russian chants.” It is about the beauty of the relationship between man and nature. It must be brought to life by the science, technology and art of the future, created by a person responsible for the harmony of truth, goodness and beauty.

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote that “beauty will save the world,” and this statement is of paramount ecological importance. N.K. Roerich added one word: “awareness of beauty will save the world.” If we try to give an ecological interpretation of Dostoevsky’s aesthetic maxim, we can say: “the creation of beauty will save the world.” It will save the world due to its ontological potential, and also because the creation of beauty is inextricably linked with truth, goodness, love for man and the world, the formation of an integral personality and the affirmation of the harmony of man and nature.

  • Goethe I.V. Maxims and reflections // Collected works: in 10 volumes. T. 10. M.: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1980. P. 427.
  • Likhachev D.S. Notes about Russian. M.: Sov. Russia, 1984. pp. 17-18.

Aesthetic values ​​are values ​​that relate to the sphere of art. The first of these is itself art in general. The term “aesthetic” is derived from the Greek aisthetos – “sensually perceived”, which refers to the sensory perception of the surrounding world, works of art and artistic creativity that evokes various emotions. Aesthetic studies special philosophical discipline - aesthetics. She is also called general theory of arts as she explores general patterns artistic creativity. It is one of the oldest philosophical disciplines, for the problems of artistic creativity, the question “What is beauty?” worried the ancient Greeks.

Aesthetic values ​​also include 2) aesthetic feeling (or perception), 3) aesthetic assessments, 4) aesthetic taste, 5) aesthetic ideals, 6) aesthetic theories, 7) aesthetic needs.

Art- This highest degree artistic excellence. For this creativity and perception of works of art, a special kind of perceptionaesthetic- in the process of which we not only comprehend the object, but aesthetically evaluate it and receive pleasure from it in accordance with the said assessment. Human ability for aesthetic perception called aesthetic taste, which is divided into types, depending on the type of perceived art: artistic taste - If we're talking about about fine arts, literary taste - if we are talking about literary creativity etc.

The categories of beautiful - ugly, sublime - base, tragic - comic, picturesque, elegant, caricatured, grotesque, humorous, bizarre, ironic, funny, strange, piquant, pace, rhythm, virtuosity, skill, novelty, originality act as aesthetic assessments. realism, etc. When we perceive a work of art, we perceive it through the prism of these assessments.

Aesthetic idealthe highest standard of aesthetic perfection, a model to strive for and to imitate. Aesthetic ideals are changeable. For example, the ideal of ancient art is noble simplicity and calm grandeur in posture and facial expression. In Greek sculptures, the authors tried to show an example of not only the body, but also a great, balanced soul.

Aesthetic theories represent systems of concepts and ideas about the essence of the aesthetic, about the nature and social role of the aesthetic.

Every person has aesthetic needs, either to enjoy the works of others or to create their own works of art. Art plays great life in our lives. There is no sphere of human activity that would not undergo aesthetic development and would not become the sphere of art: cooking, making clothes, building housing, decorating it, etc. Thus, through art, people learned to enjoy life and enjoy it. With the help of art, they made their world richer, they got to know the world and themselves better, which allows them to call art not only a source of pleasure, but also knowledge.

Acquaintance with works of art develops aesthetic taste, forms aesthetic needs, and awakens creative abilities.

Aesthetic values.

The famous expression of F. M. Dostoevsky - “Beauty will save the world” - must be understood not in isolation, but in the general context of the development of the ideals of humanity. The term “aesthetics” appeared in scientific use in the middle of the 18th century, although the doctrine of beauty, the laws of beauty and perfection goes back to ancient times. Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline that studies sensory cognition, whose highest goal is beauty. Hence, aesthetic is a sensually expressive being, which is realized through artistic activity.

Aesthetic feeling is spiritual education, which means the level of elevation of the individual’s needs to truly human ones. Aesthetic feeling arises on the basis of direct sensuality + awareness and comprehension of one’s feeling + evaluation. A developed aesthetic sense makes a person’s personality individually unique.

The formation of a person’s aesthetic taste and aesthetic ideal is inextricably linked with aesthetic feeling. Aesthetic taste is a person’s ability to determine the aesthetic value of an object by direct feeling; the evaluation criterion here is a person’s attitude to beauty. The aesthetic ideal is the idea of ​​​​the highest harmony and perfection.

By aesthetic attitude we mean special kind connections between subject and object, when, regardless of external utilitarian interest, a person experiences deep spiritual pleasure from contemplating harmony and perfection. As O. Wilde noted, all art is completely useless and the perception of beauty evokes, first of all, a state of disinterested joy, fullness of strength, a feeling of man’s unity with the world. In this sense, the objective content of aesthetic value and its subjective side are distinguished, depending on the established ideals of beauty, tastes, artistic styles, etc. Aesthetic values ​​can appear in the form of natural objects (for example, landscape), the person himself (remember Chekhov’s phrase that everything in a person should be beautiful - face, clothes, soul and thoughts), as well as spiritual and material objects, created by man in the form of works of art. In the theory of aesthetics, such categorical pairs as beautiful and ugly, sublime and base, tragic and comic, etc. are studied.

All of the above gives grounds to formulate the concept of human spirituality. Spirituality is a synthesis of Truth, Beauty and Goodness with an emphasis on the latter, because a person is able to create it himself. IN Christian philosophy this is expressed by the triad of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia embracing them - i.e. wisdom. Any value is self-contradictory and contains its own negation. It is enough to recall the problem of the origin of evil in the world and theodicy, i.e. justification of God as the creator and ruler of the world despite the existence of evil and dark forces. The deceit in the verbal expression of any ideal (secular and religious) was understood a very long time ago, which gave rise to teachings about the silent comprehension of Truth and God (hesychasm, Zen Buddhism, etc.) That is why the fate of many beautiful ideals is so tragic. When transmitted through generations, they often lose their original meaning, and when “introduced” into practice they yield such fruits that the founders of these ideals would recoil from them in horror. Here lies the core of the old debate - what or who is to blame - bad ideals or bad people who perverted beautiful ideals? Since a weak spot can be found in any ideal, and people are not angels, the realization of ideals, as a rule, refers either to the distant earthly future or to the heavenly world. With all the zigzags of world history, humanity is moving along the path of humanizing people's relationships, establishing a universal system of values, and recognizing the leading role of the individual in progress. Thus, the concepts of personality, freedom, and values ​​enrich and expand our understanding of man, his past, present and future.

Along with moral values, aesthetic values ​​play a major role in a person’s life orientation. The word “aesthetics” itself, translated from Greek, means feeling, sensual, but in modern understanding means not feelings in general, but emotions that evoke in a person certain phenomena of the surrounding reality. Aesthetics is a science that studies general principles figurative comprehension of the world by man, primarily in art.

For many centuries, aesthetic problems have been studied within the framework of one or another philosophical direction. Aesthetics began its history in antiquity, then during the Middle Ages it was influenced by theology; during the Renaissance, aesthetics received a new meaning due to the expansion of artistic practice and art in general. Aesthetics emerged as an independent field of scientific knowledge in the 18th century. The main categories of aesthetics are: beautiful - ugly, sublime - base, tragic - comic.

The central category of aesthetics has long been considered the category beautiful. Beautiful characterizes phenomena that have the highest aesthetic value. It is associated with a certain sensual form and has a selfless character. The meaning of beauty for a person and society is of a spiritual and practical nature; personal and public interests merge in it. The person recognizes himself as involved in public importance beauty, thus, the aesthetic attitude also has an ethical aspect, which corresponds to the unity of aesthetic and moral values.

The perception of beauty always evokes only positive emotions in a person. Each successive such perception confirms (or refutes) aesthetic ideals, in any case enriching them.

Sublime is an aesthetic category that is characterized by the internal significance of objects and phenomena that are incommensurate in their ideal content with the real forms of their expression (the love of Romeo and Juliet). The sublime reveals the duality of man, it suppresses him as a physical being, forcing him to realize his finitude and limitations, but, at the same time, elevates him as a spiritual essence, awakening in him the ideas of reason, the awareness of moral superiority even over his suppressing nature.

Comic is a characteristic of phenomena that by their nature are capable of causing laughter. A discrepancy between form and content, an unexpected break in the usual course of events, can be funny. The reaction to the comic contributes to the moral purification of a person.

The beautiful, the sublime and the comic reflect the objective states of man.

The category in which the social and spiritual essence of a person is expressed is an aesthetic ideal. It exists as a historically specific image modern life man and nature. It should be noted that in the formation of the aesthetic ideal they play an important role various areas social life: economic, political, religious and others.

A person’s creative ability is reflected in the categories of “art” and “artistic image”. The artistic image reflects objective reality through the use of the laws of art. It can be either a specific sensory or a generalized reflection of an object of art.

Art arises from the emergence of aesthetic feelings, aesthetic attitude to the world ancient man. Note that aesthetic feelings were the ultimate generalization of practical values ​​- useful, durable, good. Things that did not carry utilitarian value also acquired abstract aesthetic value, and thus all spheres of human activity were mastered.

Art served as a means of highlighting the social significance of ongoing events, which were revealed through means of artistic expression: song, dance, music, painting, etc.

It should be noted that in art the communicative aspect is especially clearly highlighted, uniting people, promoting their awareness of their unity, their common strength.

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Aesthetic values - these are spiritual values ​​associated with identifying, experiencing, creating beauty and harmony. Aesthetic values ​​are associated with a person’s ability to have deep, strong, vivid emotional experiences, and the ability to perceive many shades of moods and feelings. The term “aesthetics” itself comes from the Greek word “aesthesis”, meaning sensory perception. Aesthetics - as special philosophical science- examines in detail the essence and specificity of aesthetic values.

Beauty And Harmony - basic aesthetic values. They are expressed in a person’s need to identify, maintain harmony, and achieve universal harmonization of a person’s relationship with the world, with other people and with himself.

Basic aesthetic values ​​also include beautiful , sublime , tragic And comic . Beautiful It is particularly expressive; harmony is most fully revealed in beauty. Beauty is inherently human, i.e. closely related to humanistic values such as life, freedom, goodness, love. It is no coincidence that ancient mythology Beauty and Love were united in the image of the same goddess - Aphrodite (Venus). Beauty is attractive and valuable in itself; in beauty, a person is open to the world, he is ready to accept beauty and trust it.

Sublime takes a person beyond the boundaries of the existing, beyond the limits of the mastered and achievable, beckons into infinity, directs him to the highest, mysterious, eternal. It lifts a person above the world of everyday life, everyday life, vain little things, dullness and boredom. The abyss of the ocean and the bottomless sky, the majestic mountain peaks and starry expanses, heroic deeds and manifestations of human genius - all these are the faces of the sublime.

Tragic- a category that records a violation of harmony, crisis, death, hostility, conflict. Human history is full of tragic events - wars and revolutions, irreparable losses and dashed hopes. The tragic occurs when a person collides with uncontrollable forces and elements of nature, such as a storm, fire, flood and much more. The struggle between knowledge and faith, feeling and duty, good and evil unfolds tragically in the soul and consciousness of a person. Human life is essentially tragic because it inevitably ends in death. The perception of tragedy is associated with the effect catharsis.

Catharsis- purification by suffering, a strong emotional shock that tempers a person, instills in him courage and perseverance. This is like turning negative emotions into positive ones. When we perceive something tragic, we experience pain, sorrow, anguish. But a miracle of soul cleansing occurs. Compassion, empathy, overcoming one's own egoism leads to insight and enlightenment. Without this effect, the emotional world of the individual is damaged. The harsh school of the tragic is a school of revaluation of values, measurement of human relationships and actions.

However, revaluation of values ​​can also be carried out in the form comic . The nature of the comic is to reveal the true essence of the insignificant, pitiful, empty, hiding behind the mask of importance and greatness. A frequent companion of the comic is laughter. A person gets tired of excessive seriousness and peace. The comic options are varied: irony, humor, sarcasm; satire, parody, joke, etc. The ability to treat yourself with humor is the first step in overcoming shortcomings.

It is necessary to mention the existence of two more types of spiritual values. It is they who carry out the synthesis and combination of worldview, moral, and aesthetic values. These are values religious and values artistic , which are the basis of art. Studying religious values deals with philosophy of religion. Theoretical analysis of art and artistic values ​​is carried out by such a discipline as cultural studies.

Thus, the content of the concept of “spirituality” is revealed in the understanding of ideological, moral and aesthetic spiritual values. In reality, in the life of a person and humanity, these values ​​form an indissoluble unity, intertwine and interact with each other.