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April 27, 2018 - 12 lunar day until 16:36 Moscow time, symbol of the day - Heart, 13 lunar day from 16:36 Moscow time, symbol of the day - Wheel, Snake biting its tail.

The moon is in the sign of Virgo, at 04:12 Moscow time it moves into the sign of Libra. Moon period without course until 04:13 Moscow time.

The 12th lunar day is a period of accumulation of wisdom.

The symbol of the day is the Holy Grail, which personifies the cosmic center, the source of life, and unity with God. The search for the Holy Grail symbolizes the search for the meaning of life, spiritual improvement.

The thirteenth lunar day is an active day, a day of energetic action, a breakthrough into the unknown, the unknown. Events aimed at discovering something new are excellent.

This is a period of renewal and transition to a new, qualitative level of perception. The energy used up over the previous 12 days is replaced with new energy. In other words, energy recharging occurs.

The twelfth lunar day gives wisdom in order to overcome negative emotions and strengthen yourself spiritually. You should deal with other people's problems only when a person really needs help. Don't just rush to help. Perhaps fate gave someone a chance to decide everything for themselves. You can advise, but you cannot decide or do anything for others.

Information on the thirteenth day lunar month there will be a lot coming. It is advisable to take acquiring such knowledge seriously. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of wasting your attention on absolutely useless information, which affects your awareness so much that at some moments you may not find right decisions, in seemingly very simple situations.

On this day, talents are discovered and masterpieces are created in the world of art. Scientific research is not deprived of a creative touch. Moreover, the day is very generous not only with new information, but also with old experience. It’s good to start a new learning cycle on this day. This is the day of accumulating information, making round talismans, spinning threads, organizing contacts, studying, seeking advice, correcting the past, and working on oneself.

Dream images of this lunar day with their correct interpretation, they show a person the path, following which he can finally break out of problems, as they say, stop stepping on the same rake. The dream symbols of this period carry the key to deep subconscious processes associated with the ability to be open to new things.

Heart to heart is not chained,
If you want, leave.
Much happiness is in store
To those who are free on the way.

I don't cry, I don't complain,
I won't be happy.
Don't kiss me, I'm tired, -
Death will have to be kissed.

The days of acute yearning are over
Together with the white winter.
Why, why are you
Better than my chosen one?

Anna Akhmatova

Friday is the day of Venus. The day is especially good for marriage, hiring workers, building relationships, creativity, music, singing, dancing, poetry and holding festivals or performances. Romantic date It is best to schedule a time for this. Deals, contracts, meetings, trade, moving and relocation, gardening, construction and decoration - all these works can also be scheduled for Friday.

An unfavorable lunar day awaits us today. The influence of the Moon will test people's strength, endurance and fortitude.

Finance and career on Friday

12 lunar day- Not best time for any endeavor. It is recommended to postpone all significant and serious plans for a more favorable period. Painstaking, thoughtful and diligent work will turn out very badly today. However, there is always an exception to any rule: this day is very successful for credit transactions and matters related to other people’s money.

Today at work, most people can show nervousness, inconstancy, excessive painful emotionality, touchiness, and reluctance to make contact. That is why on the 12th lunar day you will need the ability to smooth out conflicts, be flexible and diplomatic. On such days, it is better to work on relationships, look for compromises, joint solutions, and show diplomatic qualities. Of course, this will require willpower, iron endurance, firmness and honesty.

Wardrobe according to the lunar calendar

When choosing a style for today, the lunar calendar recommends giving preference to simple wardrobe items. Practical things, as a rule, are made in the spirit of minimalism: they are functional and comfortable. Simplicity and elegance are essential today. There are no restrictions in the choice of color.

Love and relationships on the 12th lunar day

This is a good day for marriage, but only if your marriage is based on love. People loving friend a friend and those who formalized their relationship on the 12th lunar day will have a wonderful future. Also on April 27, single people will have the opportunity to meet your soulmate. Those who are lucky enough to encounter such a strong feeling should remember that love can both lift you to the seventh heaven and lower you into bottomless depths.

Even if everything is not going smoothly in your relationship, today it is worth remembering that if there were no black stripes, we would not value the white ones. So try to show maximum attention, care and love towards your loved one, close people, and family on these lunar days. This is a time of feelings and emotions. If you show another person how much you care about him, then he will show his true feelings towards you. But the grievances inflicted on this day will remind of themselves for a long time.

Mood and health April 27

The mood on this day promises to be stable and calm. True, under the influence of Libra today, increased sensitivity and painful sensitivity will awaken. Your attitude towards a particular situation can show what values ​​you are betraying higher value. If today you worry about material problems, it means that your spiritual life is somehow impaired. And if you are worried about spiritual problems, it means you have been building for a long time. castles in the air, there is no balance in your life between material and spiritual values. In any case, you need to make an effort to achieve harmony on all fronts of your daily life.

As for health, illnesses may begin today that will be severe. Their cause will be a violation of the water-salt balance in the body. It is recommended to drink juices, water, herbal infusions and avoid eating heavy foods.

Today we will not have the most favorable lunar day, but it will help us decide on the main goals in life, and for some - find your love. Don't ignore recommendations lunar calendar, track it daily, because the mood and character of the Moon are constantly changing, which means that old opportunities disappear, and new ones appear in their place. We wish you a great mood, success today, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Libra

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Libra

The lunar horoscope for today recommends taking time to relax, especially if hard work is behind you. It is recommended not to start what you have in mind; it is better to finish old things. This period lunar calendar will be favorable for cooperation, making this or that decision will not be easy. A person can analyze a situation for a long time, but still not come to a common conclusion. If you have very complex tasks, it is advisable to reschedule them.

Lunar day today

12th lunar day

Today does not predispose not only to romantic relationships, but also to any interaction with people. There is a high likelihood of conflicts at work and in the family. You can avoid this by showing generosity in the form of unplanned gifts and surprises to others. Also today one cannot refuse help to anyone.

The dream tends to come true on the seventh day after the night on which it was seen. The events that appeared in the dream will exactly happen in life a week later.

This figure at this point is approximate . Exact value the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence to implement plans. Big things don't take too much physical effort. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to grow in height. A great time to bring to life the creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful completion of undertakings. Business runs smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy expenditure from you.

Plans postponed since last month should be given attention on the lunar day today. This situation is conducive to active activity not only in business sphere, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationship with high probability are entering a new stage of their development. If strong couple If you haven’t done this before, then you have a high chance of making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends quite significantly on what lunar day it is today. All yours internal organs prepare for long work, accumulating strength. This may feel like a slight sluggishness in the body.

Lunar horoscope Friday

Friday is the day of the week, which is under the influence of Venus, personifying mystery, lightness, mystery. The lunar horoscope for today promises good luck for the female half.
From time immemorial, Friday has been considered women's day. It is not advisable for young girls to overload themselves with activities and be subjected to heavy workload; they can take time to take care of themselves, take stock of the whole week, freeing themselves from unnecessary tasks.
On this day you can prepare plans for the coming week, but you should not implement all the ideas on one day.

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work.
A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates results through dreams.
All the stories that you manage to remember by morning will find a place in real life. The meaning of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events.
If you dreamed of something pleasant, then you should expect good luck in life.
It also assumes the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for April 27th

Today you should listen to your own body. Don't ignore his demands. After all, he can take revenge on you at the most inopportune moment.

Today, you need to put strong friendship at the forefront of everything. After all, friends will definitely help in difficult times. Don’t forget to follow their call.

On this day you should not listen to gossip and rumors. Don't pay attention to envious people. Go your own way and don't listen to anyone.

Today you must intensify all your attention, and also work properly with your eyes and organs of hearing. At the same time, the horoscope advises taking notes. After all, you may miss something really important.

The horoscope believes that the less you think about yourself, the easier this whole day will pass. At the same time, remember that it is almost impossible to please yourself. Let others do this.

Today you should not be idle. You will have many opportunities that you should take advantage of.

Today you will see the world in gray and worthless colors. Don’t be upset, because you still won’t be able to constantly enjoy what you see.

According to the horoscope today, you should be more patient than ever. The day has many challenges and pitfalls in store for you. You shouldn't be led by your feelings.