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Many people remember from childhood how to cut snowflakes out of paper. It’s easy to decorate a room with such crafts before the New Year, and the process of making them is very interesting and exciting. Thanks to your imagination, you can come up with a wide variety of patterns. Today we will clearly look at how to fold paper and cut out beautiful snowflakes at home.

How to fold paper for snowflakes in different ways

The easiest way to make a snowflake is to fold the sheet five times. Fold the sheet in half the first four times, and diagonally the fifth time. When making a workpiece using this method, the patterns are angular. If you use the diagram, the snowflake will be beautiful, but quite simple. To cut out more complex and interesting snowflakes, there are other ways to fold the paper.

Tetrahedral snowflake

Pentagonal snowflake

Hexagonal snowflake

Octagonal snowflake

The most difficult is considered to be the six-pointed version of a paper snowflake, since you need to draw an angle of 60 degrees at random or using a protractor. But you can use a special blank for making such snowflakes.

Another way to make a hexagon is also suitable. You need to bend the sheet diagonally, cut off the excess part to make a square. Bend the workpiece diagonally again. Divide the resulting triangle into three equal segments. Fold one corner so that the edge ends at the level of the mark. Fold the second part and trim off the uneven ends. So we have a blank for a snowflake.

Cutting snowflakes according to the pattern

Having figured out how to properly fold the paper to cut out snowflakes, you can begin to design it. To do this, you should use various schemes.

1) Place the blank for cutting a snowflake out of paper in the form of a triangle with an acute angle towards you and cut out rounded and sharp fragments on the longest side.

2) Make several cuts on the shorter side of the triangle.

3) Make cutouts on the remaining third side of the figure.

4) If you cut off the acute corner of a triangle-shaped figure, then the center of the snowflake will turn into a multi-rayed star.

You can watch the above procedures in the video:

Cutting snowflakes according to a template

Templates are used to cut out snowflakes from paper. Let's see how to do this in more detail using an example.

We will need the following materials:

  • paper white or foil;
  • tracing paper;
  • copy paper;
  • thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • spoon.

1) To transfer the selected pattern onto paper (Figure 1-4), you need to make a template using tracing paper, carbon paper and a pencil. Next, place carbon paper and tracing paper on the template paper. Trace the drawing with a hard pencil. Cut out the design with scissors to create a template.

2) Take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally 4 times. You can use colored or plain white paper.

3) Place the template on the folded paper and trace it with a pencil. Cut out the resulting design with scissors.

4) Unfold the sheet with the pattern, put another sheet of paper on it and smooth it out with a spoon so that there are no folds.

Method for cutting snowflakes using a stencil

Snowflakes cut out using stencils have the most intricate shapes.

1) Find and download snowflake stencils on the Internet and print them on a printer.

2) Cut out the stencil, resulting in a square.

3) Fold the square in half several times.

4) Fold the workpiece along the fold line and cut it out.

5) Unfold the blank - you get a charming snowflake.

To cut out the most delicate ornament, thin paper is used. But the printer can wrinkle such paper, so you should print the template on plain paper and cut out only the colored part - the stencil. Cut out a square from thin paper and attach a stencil to it so you can see how to cut out the design.

If a diagram, template, or stencil is used to make snowflakes, then even young children can cut out such crafts.

They can decorate not only windows, walls, but also cards and gifts. This is an indispensable accessory that creates a New Year's mood.

Video on the topic of the article

New Year- a time of magic and miracles, when everything around sparkles with bright colors and glows with lights. Everyone decorates their houses, and paper snowflakes can be seen on the windows of almost every house. Do you want to diversify your interior and make window decorations, but don’t know how to fold paper for a snowflake? We will tell you now, because there is nothing complicated about it!

DIY paper decoration

You can make a paper snowflake from a simple sheet of paper with your own hands, and there is nothing complicated here, because even a child can do it. With such a snowflake you can perfectly decorate your home on... New Year's holidays, create a fabulous atmosphere and comfort in the apartment. You can do this together with your child. This way you won’t just make a decoration, but also spend quality time with your baby, teaching him how to work with paper and scissors. This activity will bring joy to both of you. The main task is to teach the child safe work with scissors. And in order to make a wonderful snowflake from a simple sheet of paper, you will need a set of colored paper, glue and scissors, and the desire to cut is already present in every child and adult.

If you cut out snowflakes from colored paper, they will turn out multi-colored and will attract more attention due to their brightness. Make these snowflakes with your child a large number of to decorate the windows in the apartment and the room itself where the Christmas tree is located for the New Year. The child will be happy that his snowflakes decorate the house and Christmas tree on such a wonderful holiday. You can cut out snowflakes even in the summer, if you really want the New Year holidays to come soon. And let the garden turn green outside the window and flowers grow, but the baby will be happy to prepare for the day when good wizard will bring him a gift for working so hard and preparing New Year's paper snowflakes.

You can fold the sheet for the snowflake and cut out patterns in absolutely different ways, as you like, but the standard sheet is folded 5 times: four times in half and one final time - diagonally.

You can draw with a pencil the lines along which to make the cuts. This method is suitable if you already have a template or some ideas.

To make a three-dimensional snowflake, you need to cut out six standard snowflakes from thick paper, which you then glue together, and you will get a wonderful product that will look even more impressive and elegant.

Did you like this kind of handicraft? Then we suggest you take a closer look at kirigami.

Kirigami - paper magic

There is no such person who, as a child, on the eve of the New Year holidays, did not try to cut intricate snowflakes of various sizes and shapes from a piece of paper. This seemingly simple activity, it turns out, has a very complicated name - Kirigami. This is a relatively young, but no less popular type of creativity; in the 80s of the 20th century it was invented by the Japanese architect Masahiro Chatani. This happened spontaneously, the master folded the paper figure in half to cut holes in it, then unfolded it and tried to give the resulting volume to the figure. Noting the good result of the resulting model, Chatani realized that in this way it is possible to create models of buildings, structures, etc. geometric bodies and even household items.

For some, working with the kirigami technique may be reminiscent of a more common type of arts and crafts with paper figures, namely origami. However, this is not at all true. Unlike origami, where only paper, the hands of the master and his imagination are used, in kirigami it is allowed to use glue, scissors and other cutting devices to give the figures greater stability and durability to the result of the work.

Today, the art of kirigami is just beginning to gain popularity among admirers of paper art. This activity is more common among designers, fashion designers and architects. Using this technique, they bring their ideas to life, creating three-dimensional layouts of varying degrees of complexity.

For beginners, working in the kirigami technique may not seem very difficult, since after studying materials about this type of art and considering various patterns for cutting out figures available on the Internet, you may get the impression that it is enough to apply a stencil on paper, quickly cut it out, and that’s it – the masterpiece is ready. It's not like that at all. Creating figures in kirigami requires great concentration and clarity of movements from the master. Therefore, in addition to paper, glue, pencil and ruler, various clamps, very sharp small scissors and stationery knives of different sizes are used.

Based on the technique of complexity, kirigami can be divided into two types: flat and volumetric.

Flat kirigami is less complicated because it uses one sheet of paper folded in half, on which an outline is drawn with a pencil. future figure and unnecessary parts are cut out. The main difference from volumetric kirigami here is that all the edges of the cut out figure are located in the same plane. However, despite the ease of this method, masters working in this technique are able to create real masterpieces.

This type of kirigami is perfect for family leisure even with the youngest children. With the kids, you can come up with a whole paper fairy tale and decorate the windows and walls in the children's room with cut-out characters. In addition to the patterns available on the Internet for cutting out your favorite cartoon characters, children will be able to invent and draw their own characters, which will not be difficult to cut out.

Volumetric kirigami is used to create various layouts, decor for albums and books, as well as amazing greeting cards with volumetric elements. Initially, the cut out figures are flat, but as soon as you open the page, they seem to come to life, acquiring volume. Using this technique, you can create real castles in the air and entire cities with the smallest details and great accuracy with the original. Figures made using the 3D kirigami technique, thanks to the fine texture of the materials used, seem weightless and floating in the air. Children will also love this type of kirigami. Using this technique, they will be able to design their first simple, and therefore more touching, cards for their closest and dearest people.

Despite the fact that kirigami is a relatively young form of creativity, many today give preference to it when choosing an activity for a pleasant pastime. After all, having immersed yourself in the work of cutting out intricate figures from paper, you can temporarily escape from everyday problems and again plunge into a fairy tale, where the main character, of course, will be the author who creates it.

Today, even preschoolers know that a real snowflake has 6 rays. But many still believe that it is easier to cut out snowflakes with 8 rays from paper. In fact, it is easier for a child to cope with a six-pointed snowflake for two reasons: firstly, fewer layers of paper have to be cut; secondly, you can make larger snowflake parts, which, again, are easier to cut out.

There are several ways to fold paper for a snowflake with 6 rays. For working with preschool children, the best method is using a template. The advantage of this method is that the child masters it quite quickly. With younger schoolchildren, you can work with a compass, a protractor, and a multi-step method of folding paper.

Template for a snowflake with 6 rays

To make a template you will need a sheet of checkered paper, a pen or pencil, and a ruler.

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half exactly along one of the lines.

2. In the middle of the folded sheet, draw a straight line along the ruler, also exactly along the line between the cells.

3. From the bottom point of this line, put 7 cells to the right and left, and 12 cells upward.

4. Draw lines along the ruler through the obtained points and the bottom point of the straight line.

5. Trim off the excess paper at the top, leaving the sheet approximately 8cm high.

Folding a snowflake with six rays according to a pattern

1. Fold the corner of the sheet, aligning its edges.

2. Trim off any excess paper.

3. Fold the paper in half again and mark the middle of the resulting square.

4. Unfold the paper, leaving it in a triangle. Place the bottom point of the template in the middle of the paper.

5. Place two dots at the ends of the lines.

How to fold paper for a 6-arm snowflake using a template.

6. Remove the template. Place the ruler at the new point and the middle of the sheet. Press the line with something hard, such as a small nail. Repeat the same with the second point. Along the lines outlined in this way, the sheet of paper will be easy to bend.

7. Fold the corners.

8. Fold the sheet again. The blank for a snowflake with six rays is ready.

Cutting a snowflake with 6 rays

1. Draw a sketch on the blank.

2. First, cut small holes along the edges of the workpiece. Cutting them out on an almost finished snowflake will be much more difficult.

3. Cut out the outlines of the snowflake.

4. Cut through small external parts.

5. Unfold the snowflake.

To work with children, you need to choose thinner paper. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to cut several layers at once. The details for the first snowflakes should be large. For children under 5 years old, you can skip the last fold on the paper and draw the same details on both edges. The baby will cope much better with such a snowflake.

The same template can be made for a snowflake with 5 rays. But instead of 7 cells, you need to take 4. Then wrap the sharp corners to the resulting points and wrap them again towards the middle.

A snowflake with five rays can be folded quite neatly without a template.
1. Take a square sheet of paper and place it in front of you.

2. Attach opposite corners to each other and bend the sheet diagonally.

3. Place the resulting sharp corners next to each other and bend them again.

4. Unfold the last fold and turn the triangle with the long side facing you.

5. Fold one corner to the point where the folds intersect.

At the very beginning, at the preparation stage, it is worth deciding:

  • What shape do you want the craft: round, oval, square, diamond, etc.
  • You will need a stencil, or you will improvise on the go.
  • What material do you want to design from?

If you have already decided on this, then I will show you how to fold A4 cardboard. I’ll also show you the benefits of napkins and foil.

From A4

Before you start bending the sheet, you need to give it a square shape. There are 3 ways to do this. I'll tell you step by step about each.

Way 1

  • We fold thin cardboard diagonally. Cut off the excess strip.
  • We get a square folded in half.
  • We bend it in half 2 more times.
  • Align the bottom.

Method 2

You can find a hint in the video.

  • Fold the rectangle in half.
  • Divide the fold side in the middle.
  • From this point we bend one side and then the other side at an angle of 60⁰.
  • Fold the workpiece in half.
  • Cut off the “tail”.

Method 3

  • We bend 2 corners to the middle of the sheet. We immediately get 2 blanks of the same size. They turn out a little smaller than regular ones.
  • Cut off the bottom.


This material has a big advantage - they are already square, they do not need to be aligned. Fold only; then you can cut out the pattern.


The folding pattern is the same as for paper. And the advantage of the material is that it is thin, which means you can bend it not 3, but 4 or more times. This means that the ornaments will be more delicate.

How many times can you fold a piece of paper?

It all depends on how many rays you want to get from your craft. If there are 4 rays, bending them 2 times is enough. All of the above methods are suitable for 6 beams. How can you get more rays? Not only due to the bends and folds, but also due to the design. Let's talk about this now.

How to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper

If you want to get a beautiful pattern, the easiest thing is to use a ready-made stencil with an ornament. Having a blank, you can come up with and repeat various simple patterns yourself.

There are several stencils here, see more in the gallery - pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Ball design

You will need 12 flower parts, which we will cut out using a stencil. The picture shows a diagram of how to draw a stencil yourself, but you can take the last final version and trace it from the monitor.

It turns out to be a three-dimensional ball. You can choose its color yourself.

Just in case, video on how to assemble such a ball

Another interesting option for a modular snowflake

Giant snowflake

To create such a huge snowflake, you can use wrapping paper.

You can repeat or create a snowflake model yourself. Show your kids and learn new ways!

We are all interested in your ideas! Tell us what you plan to make. Feel free to share this article with your friends. Don't forget to subscribe for new articles!

With the New Year holidays approaching, people begin decorating rooms everywhere. In kindergartens, schools, at work, in offices and especially in homes, snowflakes cut out of paper begin to appear - bright symbols of winter. New Year's paper snowflakes are the most common interior decorations. Paper snowflakes are very easy to make and incredibly beautiful. And by hanging them on windows and walls, you can easily create a festive New Year's atmosphere.

What paper should I choose for snowflakes?

Choosing paper for a snowflake is the most difficult task. You can use A4 office paper, but this paper is intended for printing on a printer and has a high density (80 g/m2). Cutting out snowflakes from folded paper like this is difficult for an adult, and even more so for a child, although they hold their shape well. For cutting out snowflakes, children can be given the cheapest thin gray paper with a density of 45 g/m2 (newspaper) or writing paper with a density of 55-65 g/m2, the same density as a regular notebook sheet. Very thin paper may tear when cutting or unfolding a snowflake.

Snowflakes can also be made from ordinary table napkins, but only if you are going to stick them, for example, on glass, because snowflakes from napkins are very delicate and often thin parts come off when unfolded. Among thin materials, coffee filters are used - small paper discs or fax paper in rolls.

The paper size is selected depending on the desired size of the snowflake itself. For example, when cutting a snowflake from a notebook sheet, its size will be approximately 14-16 cm in diameter.

Cut out a 5-ray snowflake

Usually six-rayed snowflakes are cut out. But to diversify the shape and appearance of the snowflakes, you can also cut out 5 terminal snowflakes. For them, the paper folds a little differently. But in the end you get no less beautiful snowflakes.

Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally. After folding you will get a triangle. To facilitate further actions, we need center line dividing the triangle into two parts. You can fold the triangle in half and then unfold it. We will get an auxiliary fold line.

Next we need to divide the triangle into three parts. To do this, you can use a protractor and draw the rays through 60 degrees. This will result in three parts with an angle of 60 degrees. We will consider the option when there is no protractor. Therefore, we will need more auxiliary fold lines. Bend half of the triangle as shown in the figure, aligning the vertex with the center.

By laying out part of the sheet back, we get the first centerline.

Fold part of the sheet again as shown in the figure. We combine the vertex with the previously obtained auxiliary fold line.

By unfolding the folded part of the sheet, we get a second auxiliary fold line. Don't forget to make these folds on the reverse side as well.

Fold the right part of the sheet up, aligning the edges as shown in the figure.

WITH reverse side make a similar fold. For convenience, you can turn the sheet over.

Now we bend the top part down and the bottom part up, according to the picture.

Along the line of the second auxiliary fold we cut off the excess part that will not be used.

All that remains is to draw the outline of the snowflake and cut it out.

How to fold paper to cut out 6 coal nezhinki

Cut out a 6-ray snowflake

Since snowflakes in nature consist of 6 rays or in the form of hexagonal plates, in this article we will clearly look at how to fold paper for snowflakes into 6 rays and cut them out at home.

In order to cut a snowflake from paper, you will need paper of any color, scissors with sharp edges or a stationery knife, a pen or pencil, a protractor or a triangle ruler.

The most difficult is considered to be the six-pointed paper snowflake. If you fold the paper incorrectly, the snowflake will not turn out.

Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally. If you took a sheet of arbitrary shape, then first you need to get a square sheet from it. You can use a ruler and, remembering that a square has all sides equal, draw a square and cut out a square sheet.

The resulting triangle should be divided in half and bent.

Now you need to make two folds at an angle of 60 degrees. You can use a protractor or a square, or you can select the angle by eye. Fold the right half of the sheet.

Fold the left half of the sheet. If you determined the angle correctly, then all halves should match.

The resulting ends can be trimmed; they will not all be used early. But you can skip this step. As a result, when cutting according to the template, these tails will be cut off.

On the one-sixth part thus obtained, draw a stencil with a pencil and cut out a snowflake with scissors.

We do without tools

If you don’t have a protractor at home, but want to achieve maximum accuracy, then you can use a special blank (template) for making hexagonal snowflakes. To do this you will need a squared piece of paper from your school notebook, a ruler and a pencil.

On a piece of paper, measure two perpendicular straight lines: vertical and horizontal, which intersect at one point. Count 4 cells vertically, 7 cells horizontally, mark the intersection with a dot. Then count 7 cells vertically, and 4 cells horizontally, mark the intersection with a second dot. Draw a straight line (ray) through each resulting point. The workpiece is ready.

Attach the folded paper for the snowflake and mark the fold location using the template. Can be carried out dotted lines along the ruler for a more accurate result.