Fortune telling under the pillow at night. Simple and complex methods of Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed

(31 years old) - Leo (Rabbit)

If you believe that the year of birth is Chinese horoscope is defined incorrectly, read. (January, February - concerns you)

You have a good one astrological compatibility. This type is favorable for creative creation and is considered very compatible.

Earth Yang Man

Yin Fire Woman

Both elements complement each other perfectly, stimulating and exciting throughout life. The activity of Fire and its irrepressible imagination are perfectly absorbed, carefully preserved and “brought to mind” by the sensual, systemic and obligatory Earth. Such partners can be both happy in marriage and successful in business.

Birth number 7 for a man Self-sufficiency and independence define such a man. Inner strength and serious attitude to life and love make him seem cold and insensitive. Thanks to endurance, he achieves most of his goals. Intimacy stimulated by his intellectual interest. To many he seems prudent and wise in matters of love. Sometimes he thinks only of himself, but in close relationships he can soften and be a gentle and passionate lover. He is characterized by a knightly idea of ​​love, sublime and noble. When living together, it is better for him to have a separate room, as he needs privacy. It is possible to live in different cities, and meet at a certain time, pre-arranged. He doesn't like surprises. For a woman who respects his entrepreneurial spirit and can withstand his self-absorption, he becomes a faithful and devoted partner. Perhaps, having met his ideal, he will never dare to get to know each other better. He is distinguished by sensitivity and tact towards his partner’s feelings. Mutual understanding is very important to him, perhaps more than love. He firmly follows the chosen path, and if a woman does not want or cannot walk next to him, he is able to part with her without hesitation.


Birth number 1 for a woman who is confident and possessive strong character, such a woman chooses a man herself. She is persistent in achieving her goals. She strives to rule, but does not tolerate men who fulfill her every whim. She is stubborn and willful, but some men find pleasure in overcoming obstacles. He doesn’t hide his emotions, but he craves the game. She likes to be active and has no shortage of ideas on how to make her personal life rich and varied. Despite the pronounced qualities of a leader, at times she experiences loneliness, and she wants care and affection. Intellectual communication is as important to her as physical intimacy. She is impulsive and often commits rash actions. He believes only in himself and relies only on himself. She should show more flexibility and leniency in communicating with men.

A wonderful complementary combination! An outside observer would call this relationship friendship rather than love, but this friendship-love can last a lifetime. There is no boiling passion here, but there is happiness to be together and reasonable approach to living together with a reasonable division of responsibility.

The Destiny Number and the Soul Number of a person are called the “basic numbers of the name.”

Novel(compatibility/destiny number - 1 8 )

Tatiana(compatibility/fate number 3 , number of emotionality/soul - 8 )

Forecast in the field of personal relationships:
1 and 3 - There is every reason for optimism. Such a union is characterized by activity, dynamism, enterprise, however true love in such a combination is rare.

Forecast in the emotional sphere:
8 and 8 - The main problem with this combination is the desire of both to command. If both manage to overcome this habit and find a reasonable compromise, the union can be successful.

* Important: Relationships are a very complex and multifaceted topic, so the proposed calculation is not simple. Consider and take into account all the results obtained. Potential is present in every type of relationship, and there are also exceptions to the rules (in particular, it is better to make personal horoscope compatibility). Compliant potential opportunities individual to decide his own destiny. We always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome the difficulties that astrology warns about.

In pairs Roman and Tatyana compatibility strong with a similar way of looking at things. It’s great when partners have similar values, so they are better able to understand and accept each other. For example, in this union diversity and the absence of routine are valued. Both understand that boredom will destroy the relationship, and try to add new dimensions to their love. Unbreakable optimism and faith in better things also unite representatives of these names. Moreover, these qualities may justify some of the partners’ passivity and their helplessness in relation to difficult circumstances.

Roman is a man with a freedom-loving character; he does not like to commit himself to obligations and strives to maintain individuality and independence both in his field of interests and in the field of new acquaintances. For Compatibility of Roman and Tatiana The real test will be a man's polygamy. Tatyana is not the girl who will forgive betrayal. On the contrary, she is very jealous and is capable of throwing a loud scandal with or without reason. So Roman will have to curb his urges if he wants to save the relationship.

The novel is distinguished by its ambition and vanity; it is no stranger to selfishness. Therefore, his constant companion will have to be patient: she will have to forget about her own ambitions and completely devote herself to her beloved. Roman prefers easy-going girls with a great sense of humor. Homely, and at the same time proactive, Tatyana can become a good match for him.

Tatyana is looking for a real man as a partner: strong, strong-willed, ready to resolve all problems. In Roman she will find these qualities, but in addition she will receive his tyrant manners. Tatyana herself has a certain degree of power; she is accustomed to manipulating and altering her partner to her taste. This will not work with this partner. He makes his own decisions and strives to be the clear leader of the relationship. The themes of leadership and jealousy will become some of the most pressing for this couple.

However compatibility of the names Roman and Tatyana in numbers they are very good: in love they are 80% suitable for each other, and in family life 100% compatible. This means that all problems arising in this union can be resolved peacefully. It is enough just to show mutual understanding and work on yourself.

Sexually, these names are great. Roman is a temperamental and impulsive partner, considers himself an excellent lover. Although, due to his inherent selfishness, he often only cares about his own pleasure. Since Tatyana is also selfish, there is a high probability that both partners will be able to receive satisfaction. It is important that intimate life this couple remained varied and fueled by passion. Otherwise, there is a risk that the man will leave to look for adventures with other women.

Roman and Tatyana are married create a warm and cozy nest that is always open to guests. While the woman is doing housework and taking care of comfort, the man will be doing money issue. Finance is an excellent incentive to work more, since material support is important to him. In this regard, the demanding spouse will remain satisfied. However, the husband has few resources left to pay much attention to his beloved, and she will be extremely dissatisfied with this.

Couple Roman and Tatyana, compatibility which are tested by the time spent together, numerology gives the influence of the number four. She brings energy, love of work, the value of traditions and determination towards the same goals into relationships. So the partners complement each other well and business relations. The four promises the union calm and absence strong quarrels and passions.

Partners thrive on teamwork. The ability to plan activities and make the right decisions on time helps them in this.

Fortune telling for the betrothed
In most cases, it is customary to tell fortunes about the groom on Monday. In addition, the ritual should be performed before bedtime and in private. For fortune telling, you need to prepare a mirror, a piece of paper, lipstick, as well as three bay leaves. Next, you need to apply makeup on your lips, then write the name of the person you are interested in on paper. young man and kiss what is written. This leaf should be placed on the mirror, and the mirror under the pillow. Prepared bay leaves should also be placed there, on which to write the names: Ananias, Azarius and Misail.
After performing the above actions, you need to say the following words of the conspiracy:
"I look at starry sky, I look at the clear moon, let whoever thinks about me appear in a dream at night.”
It is this night that the girl should dream about her future groom.

Fortune telling by twigs
Option #1
If a girl wants to see her fiancé in a dream, she needs to place a deep container of water near her bed and place pre-prepared twigs on it in the form of a bridge. Next, before falling asleep, she should say the following:
“Come to me, my betrothed, and help me cross the bridge.”
That same night, the girl will be able to see her fiancé in a dream.

Option No. 2

Before performing this fortune telling, the girl needs to pull out several twigs from the broom and build a bridge from them, then carefully place it under the pillow and say the words:
“Who will lead me through a birch bridge or an aspen bridge or along rye straw into the future?”
At night, the girl should dream that her betrothed comes to her and leads her along the bridge. If they walk across the aspen bridge, then they will life together will be full of doubts and sorrows, as well as happiness; if it’s birch, then the girl will feel with her sweetheart as if behind a stone wall. A straw bridge predicts that the future union will not become strong, but if a girl sees in a dream that a guy throws her off a bridge, then real life You can expect big troubles from him.

Fortune telling about the future groom
This fortune telling is different in that it should be performed before bed on Thursday. Before going to bed, the girl needs to say special words:
“Thursday is close to Wednesday, and Tuesday is very close to Monday, even Sunday is close to Saturday, only Friday and I am alone. I lay down on the mountains of Zion, three angels above my head: one of them can see everything, the second will tell me everything, and the third will present my fate.”
That night the girl must dream about her future groom. But if she doesn’t see anything in a dream, then the fortune telling should be repeated only after a year.