Chinese horoscope goat is a complete characteristic of the sign. Year of the Goat (Sheep) according to the Chinese horoscope: what are they, quiet, creative natures? Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Goat

The moon renders strong influence per person from the moment of his birth. In what position and in what phase this planet will be, the whole further life of the born will depend.

Full moon dates can be found in any lunar calendar, and the phase of the moon can be determined independently:

  • The waxing moon is easy to recognize by its shape, similar to the letter "C". This is the new moon.
  • The waning moon has the same shape, but inverted in the other direction.
  • And the full moon is the full visibility of the moon.

What is the secret of the full moon and will the birth during the full moon bring good luck? There is a version that Jesus Christ was resurrected exactly at the full moon. Buddha gained his strength during this period as well. Of course, this has not been proven, but we can safely say that the most incredible events can occur on a full moon.

As you know, ancient priests and sorcerers waited for the full moon to perform important rituals. According to numerous legends, during the period of the full moon, witches flocked to the Sabbath, all devilry came to life. This, of course, is already a fantasy. However, there is also some truth to it.

The full moon affects the emotions and feelings of people, as well as their physical condition. During the period of the full moon, people often overestimate their capabilities, since the full moon gives an incredible surge of strength. During this period, astrologers do not recommend embarking on adventures and taking risks, since all decisions and actions will be made in a fit of emotional overflow. You should not set a wedding date for the full moon period or conclude important contracts and agreements. Full moon times are great for creative activities. The moon enriches our brain with new ideas and promotes their implementation.

Many people believe that the full moon accounts for most of the catastrophes, deaths and homicides. This is because this period creates tension and emotional outburst.

The full moon has a special effect on people in the constellation Pisces and Cancer. These signs of the zodiac are most susceptible to the influence of the satellite of the Earth. Representatives of these constellations especially feel the influence of the night star.

The birth on the day of the full moon promises a person a special disposition towards him of fate. All the actions of a person born during this period are important. In his consciousness there will always be a struggle between reason and feeling. After all, the principle of the full moon itself is that the Moon, which is responsible for emotions, interacts with the Sun, which is responsible for logic and reason.

People who were born on a full moon may have unusual characteristics. They usually have developed intuition... Among psychics and clairvoyants, there are many people born during this magical lunar period.

For those who bother to be born on a full moon, astrologers recommend avoiding stressful situations. Due to the strong influence of the Moon, they become more receptive to the surrounding reality. Usually, these are vulnerable and sensitive natures.

13.06.2013 18:44

Most of the events that happen in our life are preceded by certain signs of the Universe. Our ancestors tracked every such thing ...

Many destroy their own happiness every day without even knowing it. Everyone can get out of trouble if ...

Osho is a great thinker spiritual teacher, esotericist and philosopher. Someone is skeptical about his teachings and activities, someone follows ...

Before proceeding with the description of how the energy of the Moon affects us on the days when it is in Scorpio sign, I want to quote a phrase from a song "Temptation" Aria groups: “Close your eyes, touch me. You smell of seduction and honey. " So, the days of Scorpio do not just smell, but smell sweetly of temptation and honey, and, usually, nothing particularly good from this "aroma" can be expected.

The moon in Scorpio literally sets traps at every step, dragging us with the help of not the most honest people into various dubious adventures... This time plays into the hands, first of all, of cunning and enterprising people who do not disdain anything in order to benefit from communication and interaction with others.

The lion's share of the events taking place during this period related to business, with the purchase of goods, with obtaining loans and even with amorous affairs, could be a great topic for some criminal transmission about scammers.

Actually, this period does not bring anything good, first of all, for those who are not able control your energy... Near such people, as if by magic, there are sure to be "well-wishers" who will willingly take on the function of managing your desires and emotions. As a result, the risk of being deceived, losing money, later disappointed in a new acquaintance, and so on increases.

On the other hand, the Moon in Scorpio increases our suspicion and criticism, which is somewhat balances negative impact described above. However, this increases the general nervousness, intolerance to sharp remarks and even aggressive behavior.

Moon in the signs of the zodiac: Scorpio

Ask yourself this question: “How much can I control my desires? Is it easy for me to avoid temptation? " Be as objective as possible. If you clearly realize that you are a slave to your desires; if you give in easily to temptations; if you are not alien to the feeling of adventurism, coupled with the desire to get easy money ... In general, if all this is about you, you will be required maximum vigilance in the days of the moon in Scorpio.

Beyond a heightened desire thrill, Moon in Scorpio in some kind of hypertrophied form enhances our cravings not only to suspicious financial schemes, but also to all sorts of riddles and secrets.

We do not even need to be especially tempted by other people's secrets - these days we crave new sensations and we are in anticipation of a miracle, which means that we ourselves are happy to try.

However, such an influence of the Moon promises success in some specific activities, which will be discussed below.

It is not surprising that among a large number all "I want" and "I wish", in the days of Scorpio, it becomes aggravated and "lust". During this period, we are especially drawn to adventures of an erotic nature, but it is foolish to hope that your partner or partner is looking for exclusively “big and pure love”. As a rule, these days false morality and thirst for easy money does not give the opportunity to manifest a sincere feeling.

It is noteworthy that the strongest energy of the Moon in the days of Scorpio influences and for our dreams... Through a veil of strange and bizarre images, we can be visited by various wonderful visions that can be associated with the same temptations. Of course, you shouldn't get too hung up on your dreams, trying to fit them under the concept of “ prophetic dreams". However, it is worth looking in them for clues that can be used, for example, for improving your material well-being.

Moon signs in everyday life: Scorpio

Correct actions:

The positive aspect of the specific influence of the moon during this period is that the days of Scorpio favor a wide range of affairs related to a variety of research activities, including the study of complex issues, conducting experiments and experiments. These days are good for finding ways out of confusing situations, solving difficult issues with the help of influential people, and strengthening your own authority.

Moon days in Scorpio are also recommended for learning the basics of esotericism, reflections on the eternal. Despite the fact that scammers are stepping up their activities, this period is suitable for visiting fortune-tellers. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary spending, take a minimum of money with you and “sift” everything said by all sorts of magicians through the inner sieve of healthy skepticism.

If your sexual relationship with your partner leaves a lot to be desired, Scorpio days favor open discussion with him (or her). existing problems... It makes sense to try to find a solution during this period when the Moon in Scorpio has a strong influence on aspects of sexuality.

The days of the Moon in Scorpio are strongly recommended to be devoted to yourself and your body: yoga or meditation Is to allow you to channel your energies into the right track protecting them from negative impact from the outside.

Go to the sauna, go on a diet (strict forms of fasting are welcome these days), use a variety of methods cleansing the body(except for cleansing enemas - during this period this is an unsafe procedure). It is best to start cleansing procedures on the waning moon ( from December to April).

There is no way to visit the bathhouse - accept relaxing bath with aromatic oils.

Men can be advised to go to fishing or hunting.

Those who like to work in their summer cottage are recommended to use this period for fertilizing gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as for pest control (with the waning moon). On the days of the moon in a water sign water the plants well.

With the Moon in Scorpio, it is also recommended to carry out prevention of the cavity behind the mouth, which includes pharynx, tonsils, pharynx and larynx... Also an effective period for preventive wellness activities aimed at stopping the problems associated with thyroid gland, esophagus, vocal cords, cervical vertebrae, nasopharynx, cerebellum.

These days, you can treat yourself to a bright and even a few defiant makeup... But as for clothes, on the contrary, something not very provocative is recommended. The sexual aspects are already pronounced in the days of Scorpio, so it makes sense to use some innuendo and mystery in your own toilet, which, as you know, beckons.

During this period, despite the specific influence of the moon, it is recommended to restrain your sexual emotions. This is the most correct line of behavior that is able to keep these emotional background healthy.

If someone from your environment during this period has a holiday, it is recommended to visit Souvenir shop and pick up the hero of the occasion original mascot... The purchase of everything related to research and scientific activities (including laboratory equipment, machine tools, etc.) is also encouraged. If there is a need to purchase a gift for a partner, you should not restrain your imagination. Lingerie or even bold goods from an adult store is just that.

It's also a great time to buy. car, but the position of the Moon should also be taken into account: with such large purchases, it is desirable that the Moon does not make disharmonious aspects, especially with Mars and Saturn.

Incorrect actions:

The moon enters the sign of Scorpio - people who want to make a profit in any way, without investments, even by deception, are activated. It is not necessary that during this period you will act as a victim of deception or false illusions. It may turn out that you yourself may have a similar desire - to cheat someone, to cheat, to deceive. Such behavior does not paint a person at any time. However, in the days of Scorpio, the energy of the moon makes people react extremely harshly attempts to deceive them (if any are noticed). In this case, acute conflicts cannot be avoided.

Try not to overwhelm on Scorpio days urinary system and intimate area, since the Moon has a strong effect on these areas these days.

It is not recommended to exercise spontaneous purchases on the days of the moon in Scorpio, as there is a great risk of running into scammers and purchasing low-quality goods. If such a need has arisen, it makes sense to purchase only in serious stores, having carefully studied the issue beforehand.

During the days of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio, our body becomes more susceptible to all kinds of poisons... In particular, the likelihood of food poisoning increases.

Affects the sexual functions of the body, sexual activity, the process of fertilization, the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Since ancient times, many peoples have considered the moon the patroness of lovers. And it's not just the romantic aura of magical moonlit nights... It has long been noted that the full moon has a special effect on the sexual activity of partners, especially women. On such days, the fairer sex shows much more initiative, desire and erotic fantasy than usual. It has been proven that the frequency of sexual intercourse increases during the full moon and during the period when the moon is above the horizon (i.e., from its rising to setting).

The moon has a decisive influence on the hormonal cycles of women: ovulatory and menstrual. The results of American, German, Swedish researchers, which are based on a large body of data obtained from examining healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, confirmed the confinement of menstruation and ovulation to the two main phases of the lunar month - the new moon and the full moon. The connection with the lunar periodicity is best traced in the reproductive years of a woman (from 20 to 42 years).

What is the ovulation process? This is the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. In the ovaries of a woman of childbearing age, the reproductive cell (ovum) matures regularly, monthly. Having matured, it breaks the thin membrane surrounding it and enters the abdominal cavity, from where it enters the fallopian tube, where the fertilization process takes place - the fusion of the egg with the sperm. Simultaneously with ovulation, changes occur in the mucous membrane of the uterus: it loosens, softens, preparing to receive a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the swollen mucous membrane is rejected - menstruation begins.

Usually, a mature egg leaves the ovary 12-15 days after the first day of the previous menstruation. Its viability is calculated in hours (up to a day). Therefore, if pregnancy is undesirable, it can be avoided using special calculations. To calculate the "dangerous days" it is enough to know the duration of the menstrual cycle, and if it is irregular - the duration of the shortest and longest cycles in the previous year.

With a regular menstrual cycle, 18 (this is the 1st day of the "dangerous period") and 11 (this is the last day of the "dangerous period") are subtracted from the number of days in the cycle. For example, in a woman with a regular 26-day cycle, the "dangerous period" lasts from the 8th (26-18 = 8) to the 15th (26-11 = 15) day of the cycle, inclusive. With an irregular menstrual cycle, 18 is subtracted from the shortest cycle (1st day of the "dangerous period"), and 11 from the longest (the last day of the "dangerous period"). So, if a woman had the shortest menstrual cycle last year was 24 days, and the longest - 29 days, then the "dangerous period" lasts from the 6th (24-18 = 6) to the 18th (29-11 = 18 ) day of the cycle inclusive.

V " dangerous days»Use of contraception or abstinence is practiced. This method of preventing pregnancy is called physiological. It is simple and convenient, but it does not give a 100% guarantee, moreover, it is unacceptable for a very short (less than 20 days) and irregular menstrual cycle.

An irregular cycle brings a lot of inconvenience to women. It is believed that the natural menstrual cycle coincides with the synodic lunar month, that is, it has a duration of approximately 29.5 days. However, external factors (stress, conflicts, birth control pills, etc.) change natural rhythms. In women who are less susceptible to destructive influences modern life, the cycles coincide with natural, and menstruation falls on the new moon, and ovulation - on the full moon. This assumption is confirmed by the results of a study of 510 thousand births in New York for the period 1948 to 1957. In the process of analyzing the data, it was revealed that the peak of conception (and, therefore, ovulation) in women fell on the full moon or the day before, and on the new moon there was a decrease in the number of ovulations (and conceptions) and, accordingly, an increase in the number of menstruation.

Synchronizing ovulation with lunar cycle sometimes explained by the alternation of weak (in the new moon) and strong (in the full moon) illumination of the lunar disk. Since 1974, in the United States, some specialists have been practicing the so-called lunaception technique, having mastered it, you can achieve a regular, close to natural menstrual cycle with ovulation falling on the full moon. Louise Lacey, the author of this technique, recommends that women sleep in complete darkness, starting with the new moon, and on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th lunar days(full moon days) sleep in the moonlight or light a night light - a lamp of weak light, close in intensity to the light of the full moon. According to L. Lacey, this stimulates ovulation, and the cycle gradually normalizes. A clear advantage here is that a woman can always determine the most favorable period for conception (the 4 days indicated above in the full moon region). The lunacy technique has not yet received universal recognition and widespread adoption, but it, of course, deserves the most close attention and further study.

Many potential parents are interested in which days are the most favorable for conception. This issue is especially acute on the agenda for those couples who cannot wait for the desired pregnancy for several years. By far the most favorable days are for ovulation. In most cases, ovulation occurs on the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th or 18th days of the individual cycle (the first day is considered the day of the beginning of the previous menstruation) - depending on its duration. The probability of conception on such days is approximately 15-30%, but it increases significantly if the days of ovulation fall on the full moon period or 3-5 days preceding it.

In addition to the ovulatory cycle of conception, there is a cosmobiological cycle discovered by the Czech gynecologist, M.D. Evgen Jonas. On the basis of many years of research, he concluded that the best time for aachatia is the period when the Sun and the Moon repeat the mutual arrangement that was "imprinted" in the birth chart (horoscope) of a woman who wants to become pregnant. On this day and the three previous days, the probability of conception, submitted by E. Jonas, is 70-85%.

According to Dr. Jonas, the sex of the unborn child depends on which sign of the zodiac the moon is in at the moment of conception. If in the male (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius), then a boy will be born, and if in the female (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces), wait for a girl.

An interesting way of sex determination with the help of a pendulum (a weight suspended on a string) was suggested by the astrologer and bioenergy therapist S. Vronsky: “.. it is done very simply. The expectant mother lies down on the sofa, you pick up the pendulum and hold it over her belly. If the pendulum spins in a ring-like manner, it indicates a boy, and if it spins in an ellipse-like manner (“chamomile”), then it will be a girl. ”

Traditional medicine, unfortunately (or fortunately!), Does not have methods for planning the sex of a child. But since time immemorial, there are many "folk" methods: by month of conception and age of the mother, by months of birth of parents and month of conception, etc. Recently, the media abound in new ways of "programming" the sex of the unborn child. Here are some of the most interesting ones.

Since a woman's oocytes carry only the X chromosomes, and the sperm of a man carry the X and Y chromosomes, the occurrence of the child's genetic sex is entirely dependent on the sperm. Fertilization of an egg by a sperm carrying an X chromosome leads to the development of a female embryo, and a Y chromosome - a male one. In the fallopian tubes of a woman, due to the presence of a special substance, spermatozoa retain their fertilizing ability for three days. There is evidence that sperm with the Y chromosome live less than those with the X chromosome, but they move more actively and are the first to reach the egg on the day of ovulation. That is, sexual intercourse directly on the day of ovulation leads to the conception of a boy. If intercourse occurs 1-2 days before ovulation, then the egg is met by spermatozoa with an X chromosome (those with a Y chromosome die within a day), and this leads to the conception of a girl. The difficulty of the method lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to accurately determine the day of ovulation.

In the press, one more method is often found, according to which with frequent sex (on the verge of a man's capabilities) there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. At the same time, the situation of a shortage of males is allegedly imitated with an excess of females, which nature itself is trying to correct. In the body of a man, special substances are produced that deactivate spermatozoa that carry the "female" X chromosome. If the parents-to-be want a girl, they are recommended long-term (at least 3 months) and complete abstinence. In this case, the natural situation of a shortage of females is imitated, as a result of which a mechanism is launched to deactivate spermatozoa carrying a "male" Y-chromosome

Another trendy trend is a diet that should be followed. expectant mother within 3 months before conception.

For conceiving a boy recommend eating meat, fish, egg white (exclude yolk), mushrooms, dishes made from beans and peas, rice, semolina, potatoes. I write you need to salt well; canned foods are welcome. Useful dates, prunes, dried apricots, fresh fruits - cherries, peaches, apricots. It is better to drink tea, fruit juices, beer (in small quantities).

For conceiving a girl recommend eating more vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, beets, carrots, green pea, green beans, peppers, onions. Fresh or quick-frozen fish (but not canned, salted or smoked) is useful, meat - in limited quantities. I write better not salted, you can spice it up with spicy herbs. It is necessary to include in the diet dairy products, nuts (unsalted), honey, sweets and pastries, but only homemade. Suitable drinks are coffee, tea, cocoa, still water.

Canned foods and juices, shrimps, crayfish, sausages, smoked meats and pickles, cheeses, ice cream, as well as anything that contains yeast, soda, margarine are contraindicated. Fried potatoes, tomatoes, corn, apricots, plums, cherries, currants, melons, bananas, oranges should be excluded from the diet.

Of course, you can "sit" on a diet only under the supervision of a doctor, especially if there are health problems.

Alas, strictly scientific explanation the above methods and diets do not have, there are no statistical materials on the results of their application. Whether it's the case! On the one hand, it takes into account the influence of cosmobiological factors and has a clear astrological rationale. On the other hand, it is confirmed by a large material of obstetric and clinical observations. In Czechoslovakia, for example, back in 1968, the Center for Astrological Research on Fertility Planning was opened. The method of E. Jonas was adopted by the centers for the natural regulation of conception and sex in other countries.

In any conversation regarding the possibility of planning the sex of a child, the question inevitably arises: is it worth doing? Carefully read the words of T. Globa, quoted in the Russian astrological collection "Tamara": "A person can change a lot in life, but marriage and children are predetermined in our destiny. You cannot choose the time of birth, you will feel the power and passion of mutual attraction when the soul needs to incarnate. "

Parents do not choose their children, everything happens the other way around. A soul that is waiting for the next incarnation on Earth, that is, for its new physical birth, chooses its future parents. “Children choose their parents,” writes T. Globa, “in order to come to Earth to receive the lessons needed on the Path of evolution for further development”. In her opinion, the child "hovers" near the mother 2-3 months before conception, and especially sensitive parents predict his appearance, receive prophetic signs (for example, in a dream). As you can see, the thread of life stretches far back, to past incarnations. The conception and birth of a child is not its beginning - “... the beginning is where you felt the first signal about the arrival of a person, but the beginning began where he and your thread of Destiny begins: somewhere in the distant past. Providence alone knows this. "

Moon in Scorpio called "Poisonous". During this period, she is in the house of Mars and Pluto, on the throne of Uranus in Water element... The combination is quite stormy, so it will be useful to know the rules of behavior during this period, its favorable and unfavorable influences.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio on emotions and human behavior

During the Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio, people often do not understand what is happening to them. The night light forces them to rush from one extreme to another - the vision of everything that happens becomes black and white, and the halftones disappear.

All of these are either very good or very bad. Emotionality is significantly sharpened, intuition becomes more sensitive, many note the emergence of real detective talents. Often it turns out to build a chain of solutions to a problem that previously seemed insurmountable.

A person needs to understand that during the Moon in Scorpio, all emotions do not belong to him. They seem to be imposed by someone from the outside. Therefore, you should not let bad thoughts enter your head, not make claims to your spouse, children, parents, colleagues. There is no need to think about your purpose in this world. The best advice would be to refuse to communicate with other people at this time and be alone.

It is difficult to keep the passions rushing outward in these, and it is even more difficult to master your primitive instincts. They come to the fore, and a person often turns out to be not ready for such manifestations, not only from others, but also from himself. It is worth noting that quite often on the days of the Moon in Scorpio, a showdown occurs with the use of physical force.

Such warnings are frightening, but at the same time, they make it possible to understand their deepest abilities, to feel the inner strength, which was fettered by the bonds of upbringing and the principles of morality. Feel yourself, listen to your intuition, try not to hurt your loved ones with words and actions. And simply do not pay attention to attacks in your address.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio on the professional sphere

There is no better time to start creative work that also requires intellectual investment. The moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio promotes learning, stimulates the spirit, strengthens the will. It is on these days that the psychic abilities that a person is endowed with are manifested.

The period is suitable for various kinds of tests. It could be a new mechanism, a scientific invention, some new model. You can work with sharp objects, dangerous equipment, conduct experiments.

On the days when the moon passes through the zodiac sign Scorpio, a person becomes more decisive, which means that he is more likely to be able to bring to mind the business that he undertakes.

Direct your energy not to a scandal and a showdown, but to test your own own forces, conduct an experiment that you were previously afraid to undertake, engage in research on topics that previously seemed inaccessible.

It's hard these days for teachers. Teachers and educators are usually at the center of the conflict. Children swear and quarrel for no reason, and parents make claims.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio on money and values

He warns that during the Moon in Scorpio, the financial is unpredictable: unexpected profits may suddenly appear, and in rather large amounts, or, on the contrary, there may be a loss and also large-scale. How to do the right thing - to decide on a deal or not, there is no unequivocal advice. Listen to your intuition. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to take a risk either - even if the result is a loss, experience remains.

When the moon passes through the zodiac sign Scorpio, you can buy stable stocks, metal products, expensive cars. Works of art, the owners of which they become these days, will eventually be valued much higher, so that such an investment will definitely justify itself.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio on love and relationships

The moon in the sign of Scorpio sharpens love feelings... For those who did not dare to be recognized in any way, the nurturing of courage from the planet will allow them to feel more confident and take a responsible step.

For those who have been in a relationship for a long time, this is a chance to add new notes, renew their feelings. Do not hold back passion, perhaps this is a chance to change your personal life for the better.

You should also not resist the unexpected feeling during the Moon in Scorpio. The novel, even if it began suddenly in this period, has every chance of a long existence. This is explained by the fact that on such days people immediately see the main character traits of each other and do not hide their emotions.

At the same time, do not allow yourself to succumb to the feeling of sudden jealousy when it happens during the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Do not let suspicion in your relationship so as not to inadvertently ruin it.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio on human health

It affects human health in different ways, affects the work of internal systems and organs. In Scorpio, the genitourinary system is the first to be threatened. In addition, hemorrhoids, prostatitis are often exacerbated, and inflammation of the female reproductive system is possible. Constipation or, conversely, bowel disorders are likely. It should be noted that any treatment for these diseases during the Moon in Scorpio is contraindicated, so it is better to engage in prevention in order to prevent their occurrence.

During the Moon period in the zodiac sign Scorpio, you can deal with the problems of the endocrine system, throat. Examine and determine the treatment regimen for the upper respiratory tract. The removal of teeth, tonsils and adenoids is positive these days, sinusitis and sinusitis are effectively treated.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, energy expenditure increases, so it is allowed to deviate slightly from the prescribed diet. It is strictly forbidden for the representatives of these signs of the zodiac to purify the body. outdoor walks and trips to nature are recommended, and you can carry out planned operations to remove varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The influence of the moon in Scorpio on children

When the Moon passes into the sign of Scorpio, emotions become uncontrollable not only in adults - children these days are even more uncontrollable. It is more difficult for them to control their feelings, they do not know how to cope with attacks of aggression and rage. Parents sometimes grab their heads from what previously obedient and well-mannered kids are doing.

It's even harder to deal with teenagers. Fights take place literally at every turn. But don't panic.

On the one hand, it is not bad at all if the child understands what actions he is capable of and learns to manage them from early childhood. And parents will be able to consider all the "talents" of the child.

Fighters should be sent to sports sections so that they can throw out their energy there. Those who, on the contrary, previously avoided conflicts, can finally solve all their problems with their peers, showing that he can not give himself offense and is able to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.

You should not try to overcome the character of the child on the days of the Moon in Scorpio. Better talk to him frankly. Tell him that you love him by anyone, and leave all the issues of upbringing for a more peaceful period.

Planting and plants, summer cottage work during the Moon in Scorpio

The disadvantages of the period when the Moon is in Scorpio are numerous, but there are also undeniable advantages. These days are very fertile and they are especially positive for herbaceous plants. When it is necessary to work with annuals, and in decreasing - with bulbs and perennials.

So, we were able to make sure that the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac turns into an incredibly reliable and accurate compass among the raging ocean of passions, emotions and feelings. The state of our body, mental and physical health, as well as the situation of domestic and gardening affairs. Thanks to the information provided, you can easily improve your life by making it more harmonious, calm and conscious. Your relationships with loved ones will become stronger and happier. To calculate follow this link.


Aries are ruled by Mars, which belongs to the fire element. Therefore, Aries are people subconsciously tuned in to struggle, skirmishes, scandals and tensions. They are highly sensitive to everything sharp and sharp. In their lives, situations of extreme, most stressful and critical nature often occur. This is due to the fact that the Moon is in Aries, and an unconscious attitude to such situations leads them to a search for where they could use their strength, actively act, jerkily achieve high and difficult to achieve goals, seize and overcome difficulties.

The very character of man will also be changed by Martian features. Aries will become rude, hot-tempered, impulsive, their perception will become sharper and sharper. Aries are able to get very carried away, idealization is characteristic of them, since the Martian form of manifestation is distinguished by activity and the desire to act. Whatever the planet that falls into this zodiac sign, it will always have a black and white perception, and halftones are completely excluded. It is for this reason that this idealism is distinguished by extreme assessments, and not by intuition and "watery" nature.

Such people subconsciously show fearlessness, aggression, the desire to take risks and fight, determination. They will be emphatically self-confident, ready for any extreme and critical situations.


Taurus is ruled by Venus, and they belong to the element Earth. Therefore, those people who have a planet on this moment is in the sign of Taurus, they will be sensitive to comfort, material environment, harmony. The disharmony of the world around them will cause a strong rejection reaction in them. Harmony lies in a relationship with nature, people around and the material world. Such people, on a subconscious level, will tune in to those situations that are characterized by slow development, stability, provide an opportunity to feel comfort and save something.

However, remember that every situation is always more varied than what we can perceive. Our consciousness interacts with only a small part of it. In other words, we enrich our inner world with this part of the situation, and what our mind's eye falls on in the first place depends precisely on the position of the Moon in a particular sign. That is, any situation is multidimensional and infinite, and people build it according to their own program of attitudes and perception.

The perception of people, when the Moon is in Taurus, is characterized by slowness, and stability, calmness and balance prevail in feelings and emotions.

It is generally accepted that the Moon in Taurus guarantees everyone a healthy, rational and stable psyche. However, you shouldn't oversimplify everything. At first glance, we see stability, but if any crack appears, then people cannot adapt to the changed conditions of life.

In people with the Moon in this sign of the zodiac, subconscious reactions are extremely slow development, therefore, patience and a long "swing" before taking any action prevail in their character. It often happens that people with the Moon in Taurus try not to make unnecessary movements, since actions require a waste of energy. And Taurus is a symbol of filling, accumulation and tranquility, therefore, if there is no urgent need, people are unlikely to budge.

Such people are distinguished by their love for good food, warm and cozy atmosphere. The most comfortable position for them is to sit in a large comfortable armchair and admire the fire in the fireplace. However, Mars and other active planets can be expressed in humans. In other words, in life they can from time to time perform bold deeds and active actions, but their idea of happy life such as was given a little above: tasty, satisfyingly warm, cozy, beautiful and pleasant to the touch things around, calmness, absence of stress, pressure and coercion.


Gemini belongs to the "air" signs, are ruled by Mercury. They are subconsciously tuned in to making acquaintances, making new contacts, receiving new information, transmitting it, and communicating. There is no better guide than Gemini. The characteristic features of their essence are a high level of psychological variability, fluctuations in emotions and mood. Should the situation change slightly, it will instantly affect the state of mind of Gemini. It happens that in just one hour they experience a whole range of different emotions - from anger and despondency to enthusiasm and benevolence towards the whole world.

Gemini needs a regular change of environment. They feel an irresistible attraction to the new, the unknown and the undiscovered. At the same time, they do not need to know what exactly they need. The true motive of their actions is the search for new information and its transfer, the creation of new acquaintances. At the same time, they will always be able to rationally explain the reason for their actions, even if it differs from the above.

Gemini has a strong need to be influenced from the outside. The position of the moon makes them excellent guides: they learned something new and immediately passed it on, leaving nothing for themselves. Gemini can only learn new things when something or someone affects them.

It must be remembered that people with the Moon in Gemini experience difficulties in relationships, since they expect others to influence to receive new information, but their expectations and ideas are not met. The relationship of two people with the Moon in other signs is usually very successful.

Rarely enough, but there are situations when a person turns into a conductor of the Cosmos, manifesting in himself the highest, divine, being able to perceive information from the Universe.


This zodiac sign is the abode of the moon... It is here that she is the true mistress. If you imagine what has been said figuratively, then this is exactly the feeling of calmness and security that you feel when you are in your own home. The moon is the mistress of this sign, therefore it is in him that it manifests itself most fully and vividly. People with the Moon in Cancer they are able to perceive subconscious processes, which makes them psychologically gifted: they feel the subconsciousness of the people around them.

Man with the Moon in Cancer is experiencing big influence from the side of your inner world, soul, emotions and experiences. Internal feelings for him are much more important than the outside world. Real relationships have little effect on him, but one should not assume that this is an abnormal, mental deviation.

Born with the Moon in Cancer the usual state is a kind of detachment from the real world and a mood for one's own internal state... They are sensitive to cosmic rhythms, especially the lunar phases. Phase breaks for them are something like crises, which is clearly seen when the transition to the 4th quarter from 3. People with the Moon in Cancer have an increased sensitivity to every rhythm of the Cosmos, so they often experience unreasonable excitement, anxiety and anxiety. At the same time, for an outsider, this situation will mean absolutely nothing.

These people have a subtle perception, the ability to deeply feel and sense. They are characterized by vulnerability, and their psyche is changeable and unstable. Often they are voluntarily forgotten in the dream world, especially if it is often touched (which is very easy to achieve). In order to "hold" it in reality, a warm, safe and secure environment is needed. Such people have extremely rich and unusual inner peace- castles, palaces, amazing nature, sublime feelings.

People with the Moon in Cancer few are allowed to enter their own world. To open up to another person, they need to trust them infinitely, believe them in everything, feel that he is interesting, that they will not turn away from him. Often these people are able to withdraw from a careless gesture or an insignificant word. What remains invisible to others, is a reason for crayfish to close in order to protect their inner world from capture and invasion.

The manifestation of Cancer is most of all expressed in the form of a look inside, when a person looks not at the interlocutor, but into his inner world. In other words, its focus on the inner essence is expressed even externally.


This zodiac sign belongs to the element of Fire. and is under the rule of the Sun. Here the Sun acts as a hospitable host, and the Moon acts as a long-awaited guest. The sun represents a bright disclosure of the manifested features, therefore, people with the Moon in Leo will be distinguished by the openness of the subconscious and are tuned in to reveal their inner abilities and peace of mind. They will begin to perceive any situation that has arisen in life as an opportunity for self-realization, creativity and manifestation of their true "I".

It is for this reason that such people have a strong tendency towards dramatization and acting, and this tendency manifests itself unconsciously. In the worst cases, manifestations of pomp and theatricality, as well as steroidism (a situation in which a person says incredible, ridiculous and funny things to himself, and he believes in what he says with all his heart - how he committed terrible acts, crimes) will become more frequent. ... The fact is that a person with the Moon in Leo suffers from an irresistible desire to receive as much attention from others as possible to his inner feelings and experiences. She will strive to organize her destiny and life in such a way that people empathize and constantly pity her. If for some reason this does not work out, then such a person will begin to attract attention to himself by artificial methods. After all, the Moon is visiting the Sun, which is known for its desire to be in the center, so that everything else revolves and revolves around it.

The moon, visiting the Sun, shows solar features, is seen through a prism. People these days strive to put their experiences and inner world at the center of everything that exists, including people. At worst, it will look like inventing all sorts of incredible stories, at best - charm, charisma, acting talent. After all, the secret of charisma and attractiveness lies precisely in the ability to share what lies in the soul - feelings, emotions and experiences.


Virgo belongs to the element Earth under the rule of Proserpine and Mercury. The Moon is visiting these planets, giving people an unconscious attitude to all the little things. People perceive them well and catch them. true meaning... In any life situations at first glance they see important details and react violently to them. These people make wonderful programmers, investigators, detectives and scientists, whose work requires high degree accuracy and many meticulous measurements. For such a person, everything turns out by itself, without the intervention of consciousness. The perception of such people is fragmented, lack of integrity. Sometimes, on rare occasions, a person is able to see the whole situation through many different details.

Be that as it may, the Moon in Virgo bestows pedantry, pickiness, prudence and a sober, unclouded look at the events taking place in life.

Virgos think they are small, nothing significant details, wheels in this vast, endless world. Subconsciously, they are firmly convinced that they must do their job conscientiously, otherwise the entire gigantic mechanism, due to the lack of a clear fulfillment by a person of his duties, will fall apart into small pieces. Also, these people are very obedient, do not like to open up in front of people, sometimes they are constrained and timid.

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Libra belongs to the air element and is ruled by Chiron and Venus. The moon in Libra will show a subconscious mood for harmony, since one of the most important properties of Libra is finding an equilibrium point, a position that balances two different forces.

The Moon appears before us, and subconscious processes set people up to search for harmony, justice, balance, grace and beauty. Peacefulness and a tendency to find compromises awaken in a person. He will try to avoid sharp corners, conflicts, arguments and quarrels. Moon in Libra - this is unconscious diplomatic qualities, excellent taste, mannerism and sophistication. In the worst case, snobbery can appear.

These days, people are striving for high society, exquisite things, and great works of art. Venus is working, the purpose of which is to create an accordion; Chiron works, reflecting the subtle world in the embodied; strong and powerful Saturn, which is directly related to the formation of Libra, builds a special system. A person subconsciously strives to organize his own life. This organization presupposes an aesthetic system, where each thing occupies a strictly defined place, a combination of low and high elements occurs in life, the laws of proportion are observed everywhere. It is here that the aspiration for a refined society, admiration for art, love for the beautiful interior of apartments begins. After all, a beautiful and harmonious environment is needed to maintain human well-being. Without this environment, a person will feel discomfort and confusion.


Scorpio is a water sign. He is ruled by Pluto and Mars, as a result of which man is constantly looking for destruction, crisis, transition and death. He subconsciously aims at transformation and restructuring of the internal structure.

The internal structure will surely endure destruction - for this is the responsibility of Pluto, who is known for his ability to bring chaos into the world. Then there will be a choice - death or quality new order... A person feels sudden mood swings, lack of mental balance, the need for constant psychological renewal.

But whatever structure is created, it will still collapse. Scorpios are eternally active, in need of change and creation of something new. If this need is not satisfied, then a person has a negative worldview: for him there is no value that cannot be destroyed. He can even become a misanthropist. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary for him to provide a constant internal change.

The moon in Scorpio bestows a powerful psychological gift: these people feel the whole inner world of a person - hopes, goals, dreams, weaknesses, flaws, complexes. Therefore, two types of people can emerge from Scorpios - a professional psychologist and a sensitive psychotherapist, or a dangerous, destructive manipulator.

People with the Moon in Scorpio can become clairvoyant, easily perceiving messages. thin world... For example, Nostradamus had the Moon in this sign.


The moon is here in the sign of Fire, a guest of Jupiter. Therefore, a person is subconsciously tuned in to authority, social relationships, hierarchy. He perfectly feels the whole structure social relations, perceives ideology and traditions. He has a strong, irresistible desire to become a role model for the people around him, a shining example, an authority enjoying great influence. They are receptive and sensitive to customs and traditions, unconsciously rushing to authorities and domineering persons. People also strive to become authorities themselves, so they may have increased pride, vanity, bombast, and self-delusion. They really want to have these character traits, so if they do not find them in themselves, they will suffer a lot and worry for a long time.

Such people feel like a fish in water in a social environment, they are perfectly oriented in it. They may not make a conscious choice or decision, but they already internally feel someone else's social environment, which has rigor and clearly expressed levels of social hierarchy. They instantly understand who is the authority here, and who occupies a step below, quickly navigate and realize how to behave in order to gain recognition and respect. These people are like indicators, tuned in to a change of authority, a change in leadership, and a change in the social environment. They may not be aware of such moments, but everything is manifested in their relationships, habits and behavior. They are often the disseminators of scientific and occult knowledge. To get free, follow the link and enter your date of birth.


Capricorn belongs to the element Earth, and the Moon is visiting Saturn. This leaves a certain imprint on people: they become obsessed with their goals. People begin to perceive only those situations that lead them to the fulfillment of their dreams. Events in life will be considered in accordance with the achievement of the goal. The perception of people becomes as selective as possible.

There is a slowdown in the manifestation of emotional reactions, because the development of the inner world and unconscious processes now and then slows down, and sometimes even stops altogether. Such people subconsciously hate to show their inner, mental states, feelings and emotions. It seems to them that to show their Bad mood and a breakdown is a sign of weakness and worthlessness. The moon is visiting Saturn, so a person experiences all his emotions and feelings deep inside. Outwardly, he seems to be insensitive, unemotional, dry "log", but in fact, in his soul he is deeply vulnerable. His subconsciousness is limited and compressed, a person strives to close him from the outside world.

Those around them are unaware of the suffering and torment of these people, since it is hidden deep inside. These people artificially create for themselves many problems and obstacles, which, with outside world have absolutely no connection. They throw away everything that does not lead to the achievement of their goal, since they consider any situation from the point of view of whether it will help them achieve what they have planned or not. Sometimes this is called mental asceticism: all attention and efforts are concentrated exclusively on one or another algorithm of actions, and all unnecessary and unnecessary is thrown away without regret. It is here that the roots of strong will and unshakable determination sprout.

The moon in Capricorn was found in many world famous people - for example, Khomeini, Caesar or Lenin.


Aquarius - air sign and the moon is visiting Saturn and Uranus. This noticeably affects the behavior of people: they strive for freedom, unification, spiritual self-development and growth, the perception of the unusual, strange and new. He has a strong inner need to find freedom, to go beyond the limiting framework and throw off heavy fetters. Freedom can have two meanings - "for" and "from".

Freedom from is independence. Such a person does not tolerate the slightest obligations and strives with all his might to avoid situations where there is a risk that his freedom will be infringed. Such situations cause unpleasant, difficult feelings in him, and he will strive for a life that will be free from them. This person fiercely protects his inner world from invasion, because Saturn is a constant opposition.

Such people can be loyal to their friends, but only if this friendship is at a distance. It should not be forgotten that Aquarius is under the auspices of Saturn, which at the same time provides an aloof position ("getting too close is forbidden") and a strengthening relationship. If spiritual closeness is carried out under the auspices of Uranus, then Saturn both strengthens it, and at the same time creates a certain distance. In this case, a person treats everyone to all people around him with impersonal benevolence. Sometimes it combines completely opposite things in character - for example, extreme egoism and altruism. This is a strange and unusual behavior in humans from Uranus.

Uranus is also known for the ability to cause unexpected turns, therefore, the inner world of a person is characterized by a tendency to sudden changes, instability and instability. Quite often, he experiences mood swings for no particular reason. Such a person is sometimes capricious, selfish, but at the same time is capable of inventing amazing things and mastering something new. In his character, eccentricity is clearly manifested.


One cannot but agree that this is the best state of the Moon. She is visiting Jupiter and Neptune. When the moon is in water signs, then this gives the person an incredibly strong intuition. However, in Pisces, it gives a superficial intuition associated with the comprehension of superficial things and phenomena. A person will tune in to the perception of the secret, hidden and deep. He will have an incredibly rich inner world with very sensitive and deep feelings. He will also strive to hide from others all the beauty of his soul. Sometimes it gets sentimental. The person will begin to realize secret meaning of this world, develop a sense of rhythm, since Neptune characterizes musical harmony. The Man with the Moon in Pisces usually talented in music, receptive, however, he can become a capable student in a wide variety of fields. Pisces provide a deep and thorough understanding of things, so a person learns and comprehends new things not superficially, but with a sense of inner essence and hidden harmony.

This situation is often found among mediums - people who are susceptible to hypnosis. In this state, they can manifest mediumistic abilities, however, in ordinary, everyday life, they are usually hidden. Such abilities are most often manifested in fanatics, drug addicts and alcoholics, since Pisces is a symbol of harmony, ideal, divine beauty. If a person is not able to perceive this, then there is no suitable environment around him, and he replaces it with fantasies, delusional ideas, illusions, drugs or alcoholic beverages. All this creates for him a kind of surrogate for the real harmony of life. Such people are highly suggestible, and women are known for strong affection for family and friends. They are often selfless. Probably Pisces is the only sign that a person possesses is able to sacrifice himself.