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According to Eastern philosophy, they can influence a person’s life by creating a certain atmosphere in the house.

Plants help solve or, conversely, aggravate problems in love and family relationships. And our Slavic ancestors noticed that when decorating a house and yard with flowers, one must take into account the energy characteristics of a particular type.

What plants help attract love into our lives?

Overall love and romantic relationship represent plants with beautiful flowers. Plants with large bright flowers are the embodiment of passion, small fragile flowers symbolize purity and tenderness. Let's look at some types that can be used in landscaping your homes.

Soft water is required for irrigation. With proper care, orchids delight their owners with long-term flowering, which can last up to several months.

Saintpaulia, or Uzambara, is one of the most beautiful, feminine in the house. is able to maintain the romance of marriage, return good mood and harmonize the energy in the house.

The secret to the success of growing Saintpaulia is that it is a light-loving plant, which, however, requires protection from direct sunlight.

Requires moderate watering in a tray with warm water. With good care it can bloom almost all year round.

Traditionally considered a flower that patronizes young girls. If a girl lovingly cares for chrysanthemums, this will help her happy marriage, opens up new life horizons for her.

The abundant bloom of yellow chrysanthemums attracts material well-being, symbolizes future stability in the girl’s life. When growing indoor dwarf plants at home, you should take into account that they do not like too hot and stuffy rooms and direct sunlight.

Young plants need to be replanted every year in neutral soil.

Growing indoor plants allows you not only to decorate and enliven the interior, but also to influence one or another area of ​​life. Among the great variety of home flowers, there are those that bring prosperity, prosperity, fidelity and love to the house. These include Aichrizon, Anthurium, Spathiphyllum, Oxalis, Hoya, Myrtle, Calathea. In the course of observations of many generations, the unique properties of the so-called flowers of love were revealed.

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    Blooming aichrizon

    Aichrizon became popular relatively recently. This typical representative family Crassulaceae, which does not require frequent spraying, a humid microclimate and special care. It is enough to place the plant on a bright windowsill and water it as the top layer of soil in the pot dries, and the flower will thank you with active growth.

    Popular rumor ascribes to aichrizon the ability to bring love and happiness to the family, which is why it is often called the tree of love. Indeed, the lush bush of aichrizon is shaped very much like a small tree, strewn with fleshy heart-shaped leaves.

    Aichrizon can be given to anyone, be it a friend, colleague or relative. Such a gift would be a good one for newlyweds or new residents who are just starting out. life together V new apartment: Together with the tree of love, mutual understanding and well-being of the family will grow.

    Flowering aichrizona is considered a good omen. But, from a botanical point of view, the appearance of many fluffy yellow flowers means the death of the plant is approaching. During flowering, the tree of love is almost completely exposed and loses most of leaves and strength for further existence. But there is a way out of the situation: at the beginning of flowering, you need to cut and root several cuttings. But if you do this after flowering, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the flower.



    Women's happiness - this is what amateur flower growers often call spathiphyllum. This elegant plant with graceful semi-drooping leaves and slender peduncles proudly rising above the green mass will become a worthy decorative element in any room. The main thing in caring for a flower is to ensure high air humidity. This is easy to do if you spray the green bush daily or put an electric humidifier in the room.

    According to popular belief, spathiphyllum feels good in those homes where spouses live in peace and harmony. In such an environment, it blooms with light yellow “cobs” shrouded in a white blanket. The shape of the inflorescence can hardly be called attractive, but general view A flowering bush makes a lasting impression and provides aesthetic pleasure.

    The appearance of spathiphyllum in the house is favorable for both unmarried women, and married couples:

    • single girls will definitely find a permanent life partner;
    • childless spouses dreaming of a child will have their cherished wish come true;
    • couples who have lost their former passion will revive their former feelings;
    • large families will be able to establish peace and tranquility.

    It is believed that if spathiphyllum does not bloom for a long time or the leaves turn yellow, then there is misunderstanding and discord in the family. If unfavorable symptoms occur, you need to pay special attention to indoor plants and work on your relationship with your significant other.



    In contrast to spathiphyllum, anthurium is called “male happiness”: proximity to the plant ensures success for single men with the fair half of the population, and gives married men peace, well-being and family harmony. A blooming anthurium cannot fail to attract attention, because its inflorescences-cobs, wrapped in a red, pink or white petal-bedspread in the shape of a heart, look simply gorgeous. Such a gift will be useful not only for males, but also for single ladies: it has been noted that having received a blooming anthurium as a gift, a woman will soon meet her betrothed.

    A prerequisite for anthurium to “earn” is to receive it as a gift. This sign applies to all flowers of love. Although you can try to buy a plant yourself and care for it with love, and then the Universe will send the missing link in the chain of personal happiness.

    But not everyone can take care of anthurium, because the flower needs warmth, high humidity, the absence of drafts and careful watering. It is dry air and flooding that become a common cause of plant death. In addition, like most representatives of the Araceae family, anthurium is poisonous: its tissues contain milky sap, which, if it gets on the mucous membranes, can cause irritation, and if accidentally swallowed, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, it must be placed so that the dangerous leaves cannot be reached by the hands of unintelligent children or the fangs of pets.

    In many literary sources, to achieve family harmony, it is recommended to plant two different flowers– spathiphyllum and anthurium. This combination will look great. But we must not forget that these two plants need individual care, and planting them in a common container will certainly lead to the death of both male and female happiness.


    The second name for oxalis is oxalis. The lobes of its compound leaves are heart-shaped, and their overall appearance resembles clover leaves. There are several varieties of sorrel with different colors flowers and leaves. Specimens with purple or two-color butterfly leaves look impressive. Small buds of white, pink or yellow give sorrel a special charm.

    By folk beliefs, a short bush of fragile-looking oxalis can change the situation in the family for the better:

    • prevent quarrels and conflicts;
    • solve problems in your personal life;
    • cure fatigue and depression;
    • give good luck and luck;
    • gain family happiness to those who are lonely.

    Therefore, in many countries around the world it is customary to give sorrel as a gift for various celebrations and housewarmings. Caring for the flower is simple: it needs regular watering, constant diffused light and a period of rest in winter. Even a beginner can provide these easily fulfilled conditions.


    Hoya Kerry with Valentine leaves

    One of the most controversial plants, which is simultaneously credited with both positive and negative impact for married life. According to some beliefs, this flowering vine with fragrant umbrella flowers can “drive” a husband out of the family, push him to cheat, or cause alcohol addiction. However, people have such a negative opinion towards all vines, ivy and hanging plants.

    Wax ivy, as hoya is commonly called, is the patron of lovers, a symbol of fidelity and tenderness. Many experts even advise placing a flower in the bedroom. One of the varieties, Hoya Kerry, has dense leaves in the shape of a heart, and this cannot be a bad sign. The only contraindication for growing vines in the house is if someone in the household is allergic to pollen or the rich aroma of flowers opening in the evenings.

    Otherwise, Hoya will not bring much trouble; it should be placed in a well-lit place, watered with settled water, occasionally sprayed and fed. Under favorable conditions, the plant will bloom in the 3-4th year of life with many umbrella inflorescences of white or pink color.

    The flowering of hoya directly depends not only on its age, but also on the volume of the pot: a cramped pot is an excellent incentive for the appearance of fragrant “stars”.


    myrtle tree

    Myrtle is another plant that brings happiness and love to the home. The ancient Romans considered it a symbol of chastity, fidelity and mutual affection. It is not easy to grow such a talisman at home. It needs moderate temperatures, a period of rest in winter, large number fresh air, soft water for irrigation and protection from direct sunlight.

    In houses where myrtle grows, residents experience double benefits: in addition to establishing family relationships, the shrub helps neutralize pathogenic bacteria and fungi floating in the room, and is also a medicinal raw material for various infusions and decoctions.

    Despite the fact that myrtle is a symbol of marital happiness, it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom: its presence is fraught with headaches, which can provoke essential oils secreted by the plant.


    One of the varieties of calathea

    Calathea is purchased for its love of showy leaves: there are many species and varieties with a variety of patterns and color combinations. But not everyone knows that the presence of calathea in the family can give spouses calmness and peace. Thanks to unique property absorb waves of aggression, the plant puts household members in a positive mood and helps to find right decisions in conflict situations.

    Eastern sages have long valued calathea for its ability to attract wealth to the family and fight negative energy. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to place a flower pot in the south-eastern or eastern part of the house.


    The listed indoor plants are proven “talismans” for attracting happiness and prosperity. So that the flowers exude positive energy, they need to be looked after: like all living beings, they will reward with active growth and flowering only in response to constant care and attentive care. It is not necessary to start several at once useful plants, it’s enough to start with one or two of the most unpretentious ones. And maybe they are the ones who will bring happiness and love.

For most people, indoor plants are common decor. They stand in pots, engage in photosynthesis, and that’s fine. Observant women who are interested in color breeding will tell you that this is not at all true.

An indoor flower can become a real family talisman and bring happiness to the house. In this article you will learn which indoor plants bring family happiness.

1. The first place in this list rightfully belongs to spathiphyllum (popularly known as “Women’s Happiness”).

This perennial plant comes from the distant forests of South America. It is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil.

How it will help us:

– unmarried people will find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where “Women’s Happiness” grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

2. In second place in our “rating” is a very beautiful flower with the exotic name Uzambara violet, or Saintpaulia.

Violets, as everyone knows, love careful care, they need a lot of light, and they do not tolerate hard water. Nevertheless, this capricious person is very popular among us.

Violet helps maintain peace in the family: quarrel less. In addition, this flower is a symbol of eternal love.

3. The third is also a well-known plant - Chinese rose, hibiscus.

Everyone loves her beautiful and large flowers.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your home, expect passionate love soon.

4. In fourth place among plants of happiness is hoya, or “wax ivy.”

This indoor vine has many varieties. For example, there is Hoya Kerry, which in some countries is given as a “Valentine” on February 14th. But in their homes, people most often grow beautiful hoya or fleshy hoya.

Hoya will bring you family happiness, especially if you put it in your bedroom.

5. Myrtle occupies the golden mean of our list.

This evergreen shrub bears small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

6. Aichrizon – and sixth place. Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

This indoor flower, which can grow up to 30 cm in height. It has peculiar leaves, similar in shape to hearts.

Aichrizon, as the name implies, brings love and happiness to its owner.

7. The next plant for those seeking happiness is the beautiful and unpretentious calathea.

Homeland of this indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves - America. Many people grow Calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8. Who's next? The well-known chlorophytum, or simply “family happiness”.

This plant is easy to care for. It grows well and blooms beautifully. Just water it more in the summer.

With chlorophytum yours family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

9. The penultimate giver of happiness on our list is oxalis (Oxalis).

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, which is why it has this name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. How many different ones does she have? healing properties!.. But that's a different topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.

10. And finally, our list closes (may men forgive me!) anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and is sensitive to high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But he gives men male strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

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