Year of the yellow earth dog for Aries. Aries dog: character, love, compatibility, work, talents

People born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dog have strong character. They easily meet new people because they are very sociable. Such individuals are completely selfless, not envious or greedy.

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The Aries woman is distinguished by her goodwill, has well-developed intuition and high insight, which makes it difficult to deceive her. The Aries man, who was born in the year of the Dog, has character traits such as honesty and friendliness. He will always help a person in trouble.

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    Distinctive Features

    By eastern calendar Years of the Dog – 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. According to the horoscope, he fully comes into his own in mid-February. A person born in the “dog” year under the zodiac sign of Aries has such characteristics as friendliness, kindness and diligence. Despite this, he exhibits causeless anxiety and tactlessness.

    Aries-Dogs do not strive too much for comfort, but having lost something, they begin to make claims. Such people do not like to be treated unfairly and can remain angry for a long time.

    Aries-Dogs have a complex character. They give advice and teach life, and this behavior often irritates the people around them. When they are reprimanded, they usually do not pay attention to it.

    1990 according to the eastern calendar - characteristics of men and women, compatibility horoscope


    The dog is considered a symbol of loyalty, honesty, openness and friendliness. A person born in the year of this animal is open to the people around him and presents the truth exclusively in a soft form. It may seem to many that Aries-Dog is an unreasonable and naive person, but he is quite capable of standing up for himself. Such people have a sixth sense that allows them not to encounter ill-wishers.

    Aries-Dog is a friendly sign. He easily gets along with others common language, but is never the first to engage in conversation. Such a person has few friends, but he trusts all of them very much. Aries-Dog strives for knowledge, therefore large number spends time on self-development. He can answer almost any question. If such a person does not know something, then he will direct all his efforts to find the answer.

    People born under such signs will always come to the aid of a person in trouble and will fairly resolve a controversial issue. Such individuals calmly endure failures and never give up on achieving their goals when the first problems arise.


    Aries-Dogs too great value give to your own intuition. When meetingthey often underestimate or overestimate people, which is why they become very disappointed in the future.

    A person born under such signs is completely fearless. But before each of his actions, he carefully considers everything, which many take for cowardice and indecisiveness.

    Aries-Dogs never take risks and avoid unpleasant situations with all their might, but others are constantly pushed to decisive action. These are contradictory natures who behave insecurely and indecisively in one situation, and too aggressively in another.

    Another disadvantage of a person born under such signs is his desire to interfere in other people's affairs. He is confident that he knows everything, so he strives to impose exclusively his point of view.

    Personal life

    Aries-Dogs are extremely demanding in matters of love and can be too assertive. Both the girl and the boy can scare off their fans with the desire to demonstrate their own superiority. They are not able to put up with their partner’s shortcomings and directly express this to him.

    Having matured, Aries-Dogs change a little. They are already trying to control all their words and actions, thanks to which their personal life is improving.

    People born under such signs do not like inconstancy and sudden changes in relationships. Both men and women take a long time to choose their chosen one, and if they marry, then for life. In a family, such a person needs comfort and personal space. Aries-Dogs prefer to give orders; they often find fault with their family members and lecture them. Because of this, conflicts often occur.

    Representatives of these signs adore children. They become responsible and loving parents who are ready to devote all their free time to raising children.


    Aries-Dogs achieve success both as bosses and as subordinates. Often they reach high altitudes V professional activity, but only if they do not try to criticize the leadership and express their opinion about it.

    A representative of such signs, having become a boss, can be very stern and greatly upset his subordinates with his harsh statements. Having learned to restrain himself, he is able to win over the entire team.

    Aries-Dog performs best in the following professions:

    • doctor;
    • police officer;
    • firefighter;
    • lifeguard;
    • journalist;
    • researcher.

    Characteristics of men

    He is a sociable and cheerful person, ready to give others his excellent mood. A boy born under such signs has a cheerful disposition. Having matured, he will always come to the aid of a person and sacrifice a lot to help him. However, he is characterized by excessive caution and categoricalness.

    A man has a well-developed intuition, which he constantly focuses on. This is a balanced and calm person, able to keep his emotions under control. But sometimes he can be unreasonably cruel and aggressive.

    Characteristics of women

    A girl born under such signs does not know how to remain silent in cases where it is necessary. Because of her straightforwardness and categorical nature, she has very few friends. But she always quickly draws the right conclusions and accepts right decisions. A representative of such signs has a stable psyche, self-confidence and never listens to other people's advice.

    If a woman tames her hot temper and stops looking for justice, then she will be able to build a brilliant career. Success awaits her if she learns to treat everything responsibly and does not always rely on her intuition.

    Characteristics of the child

    According to astrologers, a child born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Aries is an egoist. However, he is very honest and conscientious. If he needs to achieve something, then he will go straight to the desired goal, not paying attention to any obstacles.

    Parents feel proud when they appear with their baby in society. Aries-Dog children are distinguished by openness and correctness. They cannot be forced to lie, even if it is for the good.

    Compatibility with other signs

    Aries-Dogs carefully choose partners. Compatibility with other signs of the Eastern and Western horoscopes presented in the table.

Many Aries will have to part with tears in their eyes. former owner year. After all, he helped achieve a lot of success in life. But the patron of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog, will also not leave you offended. She is already preparing surprises, love adventures and financial profits. Your most cherished wishes will come true if you trust this cheerful animal.

Until mid-February, the previous owner will rule, so the horoscope for Aries for 2018 advises calmly dealing with current affairs, shortcomings and planning for the future. From March, Aries should confidently get to work and not be lazy. The Yellow Dog does not tolerate passive individuals.

Everyone knows that the Dog is an honest and good-natured animal. This means that Aries can fight their competitors - everything will work out, and victory will be on their side. The 2018 horoscope for Aries promises a lot of opportunities when you can realize your talents - in art, creativity and construction. Many Aries will open their own business, and some will begin to write poetry. Versatile tastes will help you reach incredible heights. In the summer, Aries will be approached by a crowd of people wanting to sign contracts with them.

In 2018, Aries will be bathed in love, so single representatives will definitely meet their soulmate. Well, those who are committed to communication without obligations will be full of inspiration and passion. It is possible that some Aries will renew their relationship with former lovers. The main thing is to be alert and not be led by feelings. There may be deceit and self-interest on the part of suitors, as the Aries horoscope for 2018 predicts.

Aries is not expected to have any serious problems until the beginning of autumn. Although, the Dog does not advise forgetting about the main things. Promising deals and summit meetings are possible. As for money, there will be no need for it. The horoscope for Aries for 2018, the year of the Dog, promises such cloudless financial situation that you can even afford to fly to Mars. On a private jet.

In the winter, everything will go well for Aries, because they will take care of both finances and warm clothes in advance. love sphere Cloudy weather will not affect you, so you can create relationships, meet people and make proposals. Family Aries will often host celebrations and round table dinners. Moreover, the horoscope for 2018 for Aries promises a sum for delicious treats and gifts.

In the summer of 2018, Aries will have a vacation, but only for those who worked hard and did not wait for manna from heaven. There will be an opportunity not only to relax, but also to go on a trip. The Aries horoscope for 2018 advises taking a phone and laptop on the road so that you can communicate with your partners and control your work from a distance. Aries will soak up the sun, tan, recharge, and try exotic dishes.

The Yellow Dog will give Aries some interesting ideas on how to equip and expand their home. You can make major renovations, buy interior decorations and install an alarm system. After all, the Dog will always be a reliable guardian of the hearth.

Horoscope for Aries for 2018 Dog may not be easy if he is stubborn and persistent. You need to adapt to circumstances and people, and not prove your opinion. Going with the flow is not the method that will allow Aries to succeed. Only reasonable approach will lead to good results, both personal and financial sector. Impulsive attacks can play a cruel joke on Aries, who do not know how to spend energy wisely. New acquaintances should be approached with caution.

The horoscope for 2018 for Aries promises a fruitful period after the end of summer, when many will occupy high positions and will also be able to increase their income. At the end of 2018, everything will get better for Aries, so there will be a minimum of worries.

Love horoscope for Aries for 2018

If Aries last year were simply friends with someone of the opposite sex, then in the year Yellow Dog relationships can move to a love level. Just don’t tell everyone about your new novel. The love horoscope for Aries for 2018 advises being less emotional and irritable, so as not to quarrel with your chosen one. Hot temper will lead to irreversible consequences and separation. You need to control yourself and take care state of mind close people.

The horoscope for Aries for 2018 predicts minor problems in personal relationships. Aries will consider their chosen one too passive and indifferent, although it is better to understand the reasons for such behavior. If you make an effort yourself and change the situation, then the love relationship will reach new level. It is possible that Aries themselves are expected to perform noble deeds and take the first step towards reconciliation.

The Aries horoscope for 2018 does not recommend waiting for support and advice from someone, but rather coloring your personal life in rich shades. Moreover, this sign is not lacking in perseverance and resourcefulness. Lonely Aries can meet “their” person, with whom they will create a happy and strong family. At the end of 2018, such couples are expected to have a magnificent wedding.

Family horoscope for Aries for 2018

The horoscope for Aries for 2018 predicts that this period will be prosperous and happy for many married couples. Relationships with your spouse and relatives will noticeably strengthen and become more diverse.

In the family, loyalty and mutual understanding will be a priority, which is already important for strengthening relationships. If a marriage partner strives for career growth, then Aries needs to help him and support him in every possible way. Family horoscope for Aries for 2018, he recommends being more polite and gentle with elderly relatives. Remember to praise and even glorify those who deserve it. Then, at the end of the Yellow year, the Aries family will proudly stand on an honorary pedestal.

In the Aries family, many surprises are expected related to the birth of a child. Even those who did not expect such a miracle will be pleasantly surprised. This means that at the beginning of 2018 you can stock up on diapers, rattles and prepare your baby’s room. The Yellow Dog knows how to please those who love children, coziness and comfort in the home. By the way, she will also take care of the baby’s christening.

The horoscope for Aries for 2018 advises the Dog to be more compliant and more restrained in emotions. Especially if you communicate with relatives and solve everyday issues. Many will complain about hard fate, so try to make them optimistic and help them financially. Elderly parents will require increased attention. The dog loves to run and walk, so Aries recommends going out into nature more often, actively relaxing, playing and having family picnics.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Aries

The Yellow Dog does not tolerate anything that is harmful and dangerous to health. Therefore, in 2018, Aries urgently needs to say goodbye to bad habits, especially smoking.

Aries-Dog Woman in Love

  • You are passionate and impulsive;
  • If you feel love on your part, you will easily achieve your goal;
  • You can intrigue with a married man;
  • In most cases, you are jealous, capricious and touchy.

Aries-Dog woman in marriage

  • Trying to take a leadership position in marriage;
  • In the family you are constant and devoted;
  • You can manipulate your partner;
  • Do not tolerate pressure from your partner;
  • You easily forgive mistakes, but not deception and betrayal.

Aries-Dog woman in bed

  • You are passionate and outspoken;
  • Sensual;
  • Passion and impetuosity in relationships are important to you;
  • Strive for consistency and stability;
  • You can cheat on your regular partner.

Aries-Dog Woman in Career

  • Strive for success and big money;
  • For you, a career is almost the meaning of life;
  • Achieve your goals through activity, assertiveness and determination;
  • Strive for leadership positions, do not like to obey anyone;
  • Easily achieve your goals.

Aries woman in the year of the fire dog (1946, 2006, 2066)

A passionate and powerful woman with leadership qualities and a very strong character. She will do everything she sets her mind to, does not strive for minor positions, choosing leadership positions and work associated with risk and danger. Not scandalous, but can be harsh and hot-tempered, does not forgive anyone for deception and remembers every insult.

Aries Woman in the Year of the Earth Dog (1958, 2018, 2078)

A kind and devoted woman good friend and advisor. She does not like scandals, although she often provokes them with her categorical attitude. Jealous, stubborn, but can radically change her habits for the sake of love relationship. He completely dissolves in love, has a hard time dealing with betrayal and does not forgive anyone for frivolous actions. Devoted to children, loved ones and friends.

Aries Woman in the Year of the Metal Dog (1910, 1970, 2030)

A tough and domineering woman, although outwardly she may seem soft and kind. Competing with her is dangerous, as she will stop at nothing for her own benefit or goal. Strives for success, power, often chooses leadership positions. IN family life strict and demanding, but in some cases overly strict. She does not tolerate deception, betrayal and falsehood, does not forgive insults and mistakes, but for the sake of those she loves, she is ready to make any sacrifice.

Nata Karlin

The combination of Aries-Dog signs is very harmonious. People born under these two constellations have the most positive traits character. These include loyalty, tact, extreme affection for people, and honesty. For all their apparent softness, it is unlikely that they will be fooled. You won’t be able to take advantage of their location for your own purposes either. These people's intuition is developed at the highest level.

The Aries guy in the year of the Dog has a cheerful disposition; he will always lend you a helping hand and is ready to sacrifice a lot to help a person in trouble.

He is a cheerful, positive and sociable person who willingly shares his excellent mood with others.

If you have a friend who was born in a similar combination of signs, you can be considered lucky. However, it is better not to anger him or wake up a peacefully dozing Dog, otherwise you may find that he has rather sharp fangs.

In the character of an Aries-Dog man careerism or the desire for self-improvement occupies one of the leading places. Very often he puts promotion on career ladder to the fore, completely forgetting about personal interests and family. It is quite difficult to force such a person to marry if he is completely absorbed in work. It is very important for him to be successful in life and leave a worthy legacy to his offspring.

The character of the Aries-Dog man is careerism or the desire for self-improvement

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of the Aries-Dog man is that he absolutely does not know how to control his mood. Unreasonable aggression and cruelty are a normal reaction to any irritant. Another disadvantage is that men of this sign must always feel the “master” nearby, otherwise they are completely lost in life. The leadership qualities of these people are not clearly expressed, although there may be exceptions to the rules.

An Aries girl in the year of the Dog is very different developed intuition. She does not know how to force herself to remain silent at the right moment, therefore, being categorical and straightforward, she has a lot of ill-wishers. But at the same time, she quickly manages to draw the right conclusions and make the only right decisions.

In the character of these women, persistence and perseverance prevents them from seeking mutual understanding with other people.

If she manages to tame her hot temper and stop in search of justice, she is able to make a brilliant career. Another chance for success is to stop running away from responsibility and learn to be independent.

Disadvantages of the sign

Main The weakness of Aries-Dog women is their incontinence. Making hasty conclusions, they immediately tell their opponent everything that it would be better for him not to hear. After this, having understood the situation and calmed down, they can take the first step towards reconciliation, but pride gets in the way. The downside of Aries-Dog women is that they are absolutely confident in their own rightness, and it can be simply impossible to convince them of this. Over the years, becoming convinced that they are behaving somewhat incorrectly, they become more flexible and calm.

The main weakness of Aries-Dog women is their incontinence

Love compatibility of Aries in the year of the Dog

For men of this combination of signs it is extremely important to find a faithful and devoted partner. With her, he will be an attentive and caring husband. However, the Aries-Dog man will approach the issue of choosing a life partner with special care, because he quickly becomes attached to the people around him and has a very difficult time parting with them. If he has to part with his soulmate, depression can drag on for a long time. At the same time, when a relationship breaks down not for the first time, a man of this combination of signs becomes tough, cynical and callous.

Aries-Dog men have very high demands on their life partner. For example, a spouse should not only be a partner in bed, but also a faithful companion and follower in all endeavors . In sexual relations, a man of this sign is very gentle and passionate lover. He can conquer any woman with his attitude.

As a life partner, this man is almost ideal. He is loyal, caring, and can perfectly cope with the function of properly distributing the family budget.

Girls born in a combination of these signs mature very early. WITH youth they begin to be interested in boys, in their youth they start a large number of novels, learning what love can give them. Such experience leads to the fact that they very early become cynical ladies who do not believe in such a concept. Therefore it is enough Often the Aries-Dog woman cannot find a partner and remains lonely. Family relationships with a man can be successful if women of this sign understand that they need to not only take, but also give.

The Aries-Dog girl will not approach the issue of marriage with all care. They get married quite early and, as a rule, it ends in an equally quick divorce. It is better for them to engage in self-realization at a young age, and think about the family a little later, when they are ready to compromise.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Dog, Tiger, HorseGoat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig, RoosterRat, Dragon, Monkey, Snake, Ox
According to the Western calendar Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, CapricornAquarius, Leo, Gemini, Pisces, LibraVirgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of an Aries child born in the year of the Dog

A girl or boy Aries in the year of the Dog is a little despot and tyrant. IN Ancient China this combination of signs bore a short but succinct name - “Dog of War”. These children are honest, conscientious, persistent in your endeavors. Very often, all these qualities prevent them from achieving what they want, because sometimes they need to be flexible. There can be no talk of any diplomacy in achieving one’s own goals; a child of this sign will go ahead, sweeping away all obstacles along the way.

A girl or boy Aries in the year of the Dog is a little despot and tyrant

The parents of these children are always proud of their offspring when they appear with him in society . Baby Aries-Dog is honesty, openness, and correctness. It is simply impossible to force this child to lie, even for good. Therefore, you shouldn’t even try to reconcile him with Uncle Misha, whom he can’t stand and force him to apologize.

October 20, 2017, 02:15

The Year of the Dog will bring calm and positive emotions. We will have to reconsider our views on many negative phenomena. People will become more tolerant. The Mistress of the Year is distinguished by her good-natured character and devotion.

Stubborn Aries, starting in January, will make efforts to fulfill their ambitious plans. After all, he has a lot of ideas and projects in his head aimed at increasing career growth and increasing profits.

There should be a person nearby who can restrain the stubborn person’s “agility” and critically evaluate his actions. Otherwise, Aries, carried away by his ideas, may chase illusory ghosts for a long time and, as a result, be left with nothing.

Dogs love active ones, and they will receive support if they direct their main feature– stubbornness – in the right direction. In the spring they will have to make a choice between career and love. If work comes first, then you should forget about your feelings, as they will interfere with your career.

The Yellow Dog will help you get a high position. Aries, thanks to their perseverance in achieving their intended goal, will receive favor from the mistress of the year. At the end of spring, they will have the opportunity to earn big earnings, go to work abroad or move to another country.

In the summer, there will be a lot of spending on friends and relatives. This will be a time of great financial expenditure, so you need to be vigilant. This year you need to be especially careful about any financial investments.

Representatives of this sign do not like to pay attention to their health, so do not neglect preventive measures. This may be an examination followed by treatment. You can't give it up because of lack of time.

In the fall, representatives of the sign should monitor their statements and actions at work. Try to avoid conflict situations, try not to show your “bullish” character in front of management. Be more flexible, you will have to adapt to senior management, otherwise there is a risk of losing a profitable job.

The year 2018 will be characterized by peace and prosperity in family relationships. There will be fewer divorces. Family representatives will not give the slightest reason to doubt their feelings to a loved one. The Mistress of the Year will patronize couples who have been married for a long time.

Meanwhile, at the end of winter and beginning of spring, family representatives of the sign may have relationships outside the family. This will lead to quarrels with the other half. Aries will be indifferent to problems at home, and on the contrary, the attitude towards children will become more attentive and warm.

He will help them in every possible way, including financially. But by July, Aries will have a surge of feelings for his other half. Perhaps at this time the spouses will be divorced. The representative of this fire sign will make every effort to return his loved one.

He will be able to do this only in August, perhaps for this he needs to go on a trip. This will bring the couple closer, and feelings will flare up in a new way. The partner will change his view on family values. Think about future prospects. There is a high probability that happy couple finds out they are having a baby.

In the fall, the “stubborn” will experience some vacuum in communication. He will be dissatisfied with his appearance. At this time, you need to listen to your loved one, try to change behavior, as a loved one advises.

At the end of November the lone representative stubborn sign will feel a surge of strength. He will try to open up completely and win over his loved one. He will experience a lot of positive emotions.

2018 is a year of financial recovery and career growth

The symbol of the year will help the hardworking and active. Aries careerists will have good luck throughout the year. They will be willing to sacrifice family relationships and personal time to achieve career growth.

The horoscope suggests that it is possible to obtain the desired position in the summer. There is every chance to implement your project. It may be necessary to replace the manager. Having demonstrated all his business qualities, Aries will be appreciated and offered a high position.

To maintain a high position, you need to be restrained and not enter into unnecessary disputes with work colleagues and superiors. Excessive temper and lack of restraint can do a disservice. Try to hide your ambitions for a while, and then the mistress of the year will support you in difficult situations.

Representatives of the sign know how to handle finances. Thanks to their instinct, in February - March they will transfer their finances to precious metals, securities or real estate. This will reliably protect your family.

In the summer, thanks to obtaining a high position, there is an opportunity to significantly improve your financial situation. In the fall, big expenses are possible: on a car or real estate. This will be a profitable investment. Especially buying an apartment.

The symbol of the year - the Dog - will become the guardian of the house. Make your new home cozy and comfortable. The Mistress of the Year will favor hardworking and active people.

In 2018, you should not borrow money. Bank loans are undesirable. In the year of order and stability, you need to count on your capabilities.

Health and emotional background in 2018

The always busy Aries is not used to taking care of his health. It is recommended to conduct a preventive examination of the body. If necessary, carry out a course of treatment. This must be done before the end of spring. After all, a disease detected at an early stage can be quickly cured. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant complications.

The year 2018 is favorable for those who will pay attention to their lifestyle throughout the year. It is necessary to switch to a balanced diet with the onset of the year. Take care of disease prevention: start to harden yourself, get a massage, visit the pool.

Choose activities that not only benefit your health, but also lift your spirits. This will contribute to an overall positive emotional background. The Year of the Dog is generally calm and fire sign you need to hold yourself in stressful situations. Think more about the family hearth, despite the fact that Aries’ career will come first.

What awaits the Aries woman

Women of this sign are used to deciding everything on their own. In the year of the Dog, try to moderate your ardor. Pay more attention to family and home. Career will have to be relegated to the background.

Create comfort in your home, the mistress of the year will appreciate it. Take care of your repairs and take care of yours a loved one. The horoscope advises not to be excessively “stubborn” in relationships with your other half, especially if he is of the same sign.

Show wisdom: let the man think that he is the head of the family. The dog will be kind to you. After all, she is not only loyal, but also a little cunning. She loves stability and peace. This pet should not be “angry” over trifles.

Single women may meet a man in 2018 who, with his charisma, will be able to break their stubborn character. The woman will become meek and gentle.

The summer of 2018 will also be successful. Many women will be able to find an interesting activity for themselves and finally relax. The horoscope promises that at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, many will find out that they will become a mother.

In December, you are likely to receive numerous positive emotions. A woman will look at many situations more loyally and become wiser. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, a woman must be the mistress of the house, the keeper of the hearth.

Aries man horoscope for 2018

Very favorable year for a man's career growth. The representative of this sign is used to achieving his goal by any means necessary. This is especially true for work. In the year of the Dog, he must show all his business qualities, so that he can achieve a high position.

To do this, he will have to rein in his bullish ambitions. Do not enter into unnecessary disputes with your superiors. Men should be more flexible and not show their character.

The dog loves hardworking, proactive people. Aries has all these qualities. In pursuit of a high position, you should not forget about your health. At the beginning of the year, you need to force yourself to undergo a preventive examination.

Possible problems with diseases of the skeletal system. If you start treatment on time, everything will end well. Aries has a natural intuition regarding finances. At the end of winter - beginning of spring, the horoscope recommends investing in real estate. This will be a successful project. A promotion is possible in the summer. Your financial situation will improve. It is necessary to manage money correctly. It is not advisable to live in debt or take out loans (especially not for small purchases or travel).

Married men are recommended to go on a trip with their other half in early autumn. This will cement your relationship. A lonely man of a fire sign will be able to meet a woman who may become a companion for life. This chance will come to him at the end of 2018.