Horoscope for August from Tamara Globa Virgo. Horoscope August

The horoscope for August 2018 for all zodiac signs was compiled famous astrologer Tamara Globa.

Horoscope for August 2018: Aries

For Aries, August is a time of complete renewal. Mars will complete its retrograde course and bring success in all endeavors. But for this it is tedious to set clear goals and objectives. Try to apply your efforts in promising directions.

Horoscope for August 2018: Taurus

The first 10 days of August will pass under Jupiter, which will bring good luck, but it will not be without its pitfalls. Intuition, which you should listen to especially carefully, will help you avoid them.

Horoscope for August 2018: Gemini

The first half of August is not the time for haste and rash decisions. But in the second half of the month, during trips, a bright happy event is possible.

Horoscope for August 2018: Cancer

Cancers are in for trouble, the period from August 16 to August 26 is especially dangerous. These days it is better not to plan anything, but to wait out the company of loved ones.

Horoscope for August 2018: Leo

The first half of the month is perfect for planning, and the end of the month is perfect for implementation. Moreover, Lviv will be successful if they systematically move towards their goal. In August, they should give themselves a few days to rest.

Horoscope for August 2018: Virgo

Virgos will have to be on their guard, as August is full of surprises. Balance your desires and capabilities. The period from August 5 to August 12 will be successful. And on August 13 it’s better not to start anything at all.

Horoscope for August 2018: Libra

For Libra, this month will be good in everything. But the second half of August will be the most successful.

Horoscope for August 2018: Scorpio

Scorpios should take a closer look at those around them. Among them there is someone who slows down development and drags us to the bottom. You need to get rid of such ballast. The end of summer is a good time for this Sign.

Horoscope for August 2018: Sagittarius

This month Sagittarians should take up their own education. This could be any course or master class. They will be in your favor in the future.

Horoscope for August 2018: Capricorn

If Capricorns have chosen their acquaintances correctly, then career success will not be long in coming. At the beginning of August there may be some problems. Then everything will get better. August should be spent communicating with loved ones and loved ones.

Horoscope for August 2018: Aquarius

In the second half of August, ambitions should not come true. But don't lose heart. Also, do not trust those who pretend and fake relationships.

Horoscope for August 2018: Pisces

August will be difficult for Pisces. Troubles may arise at work, but in your personal life you should not put pressure on your partner and not clearly show your weaknesses. Martian Tuesdays will be favorable, as well as the end of the month.

Most astrologers bow their heads to Tamara Globa for her most likely horoscopes.

The horoscope posted in this article was compiled by Tamara for the month of August 2018. Perhaps the advice that was calculated by the astrologer will help you avoid troubles and not miss out on good luck.


For Aries, the last month of summer opens up better prospects. The planet of luck and happiness, Jupiter, will give them a number of brilliant opportunities. Aries must develop an action plan for this period in advance. At the beginning of August, the Moon will increase Aries’s communication skills, which must be taken advantage of.


In August, Taurus will feel strong support from Jupiter from the 1st to the 10th. Tamara Globa promises that this period will be the most important and productive of the whole year. But Taurus should not forget about the critical Neptune. It is capable of creating illusions that are misleading.


The main gifts for Gemini are scheduled for the second half of August, when the planet of happiness, Jupiter, will take them under its protection. Try to use all the chances that will be given to you by the location of the planets and fate.


From August 15 to August 26, the astrologer predicts Cancer negative impact Saturn, seeking to complicate their lives. Problems can grow like mushrooms after rain, so Cancer must be patient and have common sense.


Leos can place their main hopes for success in the second half of the month, when the support of supportive Jupiter will help them move towards their goals. Everything you plan now will be successfully completed in August.


Throughout August, Pluto will stimulate Virgo's need for active action. The astrologer's calculations indicate that Jupiter will provide maximum support from the 5th to the 12th. Since August 13, he has been in a critical situation, so it is important for Virgo to “slow down” a little, otherwise you can take on an unbearable burden.


For Libra, the horoscope for August 2018 looks much more optimistic, because they will experience more often positive influence stars and good luck. In the first half of the month, the Moon will help them, improving relationships with others and offering new acquaintances. The second half of the period will look even more attractive as Libra will have the support and protection of Jupiter. An entrepreneurial spirit and a thirst for action will help you realize your ambitions.


Tamara Globa promises Scorpios a fairly successful end to the summer of 2018, with the exception of the last weekend, when Jupiter will be in a bad mood. Then the situation will balance out and luck will return again.


The stars promise Sagittarius that throughout August he will be under the protection of Jupiter, which opens up broad prospects. Once you have carte blanche, try not to lose sight of your goals, otherwise the end result may disappoint you. In addition, your insatiable ambitions can empty your own wallet.


Calculations for Capricorn promise that at the beginning of August he will be met with minimal obstacles. From the 18th to the 26th, he will rapidly move towards his goals with the support of Jupiter, which guarantees success in many areas.


In the second half of the month, this zodiac sign will be under the critical influence of Jupiter. Try not to lose real ground under your feet, your best time there is more to come, and it will come later.


Tamara Globa, in her horoscope for Pisces for August, advises showing as much tolerance as possible in order to neutralize the negative impact of the Moon. Otherwise, quarrels and various conflicts cannot be avoided. Last Tuesday and Thursday, favorable Jupiter promises Pisces the peak of success and good luck in this period.

This article contains all the necessary knowledge about what awaits you in August. The horoscope is completely free for review and do not forget about other horoscopes that are available in the thematic section of this site.

Horoscope for August for the zodiac sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

In August, the Aries zodiac sign will awaken nostalgia for the past. Aries will meet a person who played a significant role in his destiny and changed his worldview. However, the awakened feelings will not find a response - time has been lost and it is more expensive for oneself to stir up the past.

The August horoscope for Taurus does not predict new acquaintances, and communication with old friends will not always be pleasant. Taurus will be forced to balance in order to maintain a balance of power. During this period of the year, a grandiose event may happen to Taurus, but the representative of the sign will be able to understand this after several years of life, when it will be too late to change anything.

In August, Gemini will find themselves at a crossroads - they will need to do several things at once, until they choose what is most important. at the moment. Single Geminis will not have the chance to make a girlfriend in August.

For Cancers, the last month of summer promises troubles in arranging their homes. Household problems will consume all the free time of this zodiac sign. Lonely Cancers will have a meeting with someone who intrigues them, but the emerging attachment will quickly pass and turn into disappointment.

For Virgos, the end of summer will be a month of summing up results. This sign will be blessed by the stars. Praise and compliments will flow in his direction in an uninterrupted stream. If success manages to turn Virgo’s head, then this can be taken advantage of by a person whose acquaintance it is advisable to avoid.

Libra's life in August will be balanced and calm. Libra should not expect sensational events this month, so you can relax and have a good rest, gaining strength for the upcoming milestone in your life.

Horoscope August Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

In August, according to the horoscope, many Leos will have to think about the continuation or ending of their career and change their occupation. In this regard, significant effort will be required, close to exhaustion. However, this rhythm of life will not last long, but it will turn out to be quite fruitful - lions will be able to achieve in a month what others have been achieving for years.

Scorpio's horoscope in August depends on his choice. Those who prefer to sit at the computer or TV and remain inactive will be left with nothing, and those who develop vigorous activity will receive from fate the reward they deserve. Everything is simple, like in old fairy tales.

The sign of Sagittarius in August will take on the role of a fighter for justice. Protecting the interests of his acquaintances and colleagues will take a lot of his time and nerves. At the same time, personal life will be forgotten for a while and fade into the background. But in vain, in the heat of struggle, Sagittarius can miss his happiness, not noticing the one who could make him happy.

The August horoscope for Capricorns can be described in two words – inactivity and laziness. The desire to do nothing will prevail over Capricorns, and, usually agile and purposeful, representatives of this zodiac sign will stop caring about their daily bread and career, taking the position of an outside observer.

Aquarians will also get tired of the surrounding bustle. This zodiac sign in August, more than ever during the year, will want to be alone with itself, even for a short period of time. However, Aquarius is unlikely to be able to be in splendid isolation, but he can hear a lot of complaints about his lack of communication.

In August, Pisces will fully feel their importance and professionalism. However, their career will no longer occupy them and they will most likely devote the end of summer to relaxation with their family or a romantic trip with the chosen one of their heart.

Horoscope for August woman and man from Tamara Globa and Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina

The August horoscope, according to leading astrologers - Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina and Tamara Globa, will be most favorable for such zodiac signs as Virgo and Pisces. Moreover, among the representatives of the Virgo sign, men will be more successful, and among the representatives of the Pisces sign, women will be more successful.

For Cancers, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius, August will not bring any significant events.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio will regret the missed opportunities of their August life.

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August is the last month of summer, and at this time of year no one wants to waste a minute of time, because it is so important to enjoy the last days of summer before the cool and rainy autumn. In August 2018, the stars will help representatives of some zodiac signs have a great rest, work productively, and even improve their personal lives, while for others, alas, fate will not be very favorable in the last month of summer.

The Aries horoscope for August 2018 warns: at the beginning of the last month of summer, there may be pressure on you from colleagues and business partners, as well as manipulation on their part. Therefore, it is important for you to stick to the plan in your work and commercial projects and not take impulsive actions - rash decisions will definitely not benefit your business.

In personal and family life August will be a favorable period for Aries, all things will go smoothly, and plans will come true. The end of the month will be especially successful for this zodiac sign; the main thing is to believe in your own capabilities and listen to loved ones.

In general, thanks to the favorable influence of Saturn, the end of summer will bring success to Taurus both in business and in their personal lives.

But Pavel Globa warns representatives of this sign that in the period from August 5 to 9 they should think twice before making large purchases, and also not make unplanned expenses.

At the end of the month, it is important for Taurus to treat loved ones with special attention and try to compromise when making decisions. important issues And conflict situations. Otherwise, due to the influence of the Moon, even a small misunderstanding can turn into a protracted conflict and cooling of relations.


For Gemini, alas, August 2018 does not promise either great success or unexpected gifts from fate.

Due to the influence of Saturn, progress in all areas of life of representatives of this air sign will slow down, so they should make an effort not to lose what they have previously achieved.

The astrologer advises Gemini to moderate their ambitions at the end of summer, approach any issues with restraint and be guided by logic and common sense.

In the last month of summer, fate may present unpleasant surprises to Cancers both in work and in relationships with loved ones. However, if you manage to remain impartial, restrained and thorough, then controversial situations will be resolved in your favor.

In financial and commercial matters, the horoscope recommends Cancers to be as disciplined as possible and not to run away from responsibility, otherwise losses and damages are possible.

The end of the month for this zodiac sign will be much more successful than the beginning. After the 20th, when the influence of Jupiter will prevail, Cancers will have a favorable period at work.

But for Leo, the influence of Saturn in August 2018 on fate will be more than positive. They should be confident in themselves and clearly move towards their goals. Neither unforeseen situations nor surrounding people will interfere with the implementation of plans. Therefore, by the end of the month, Leos can well count on receiving results from previously started projects. Also, the horoscope according to the zodiac signs predicts that the end of summer for Leo will be an excellent time to launch long-term commercial projects.

A positive attitude, a friendly attitude towards others and confident implementation of your plans - this is what will be the key to success for Leo at the end of summer. The only thing that the horoscope warns against for those born under the sign of Leo in the last month of summer is from quarrels with relatives and from neglecting the feelings of others.

According to the horoscope for August 2018, it is important for Virgos this month to remain careful and not be led by their selfish desires. At the end of summer, representatives of this zodiac sign risk wishful thinking and being captured by their own illusions, which will cost them dearly in the future. Therefore, Virgos need to be critical of the surrounding reality and in any controversial situations be guided by the arguments of logic and reason.

At the end of the month, it is important for Virgos to control their spending and not make impulsive purchases. Also at this time it is better not to take on debt obligations.

For Libra, as for other signs of the air element, the end of summer 2018 will not be the most favorable time of year. In the middle of the month, things can happen in their lives serious changes, which will not have the best effect on the current state of affairs. Therefore, it is important for Libra to be careful and prudent, and when making any decision, be guided by the saying “measure twice and cut once.”

The implementation of long-term plans in the last month of summer may be suspended, and problems and misunderstandings will continually throw you off track. But Libra should not give up - soon the black streak will be replaced by a white one, and everything will work out.


Fate will be most favorable to Scorpios in August 2018. At the end of summer they will reap the generous fruits of their labors.

Previously started commercial and investment projects will show excellent results, and in relations with others everything will work out in the best way.

In the first half of the month, due to the influence of Neptune in the projects and affairs of Sagittarius, unforeseen difficulties and downtime are quite possible.

Therefore, those born under this sign need to exercise caution and caution and always have a backup plan of action.

At the end of August, Sagittarius should also not count on luck in business. Therefore, astrologers recommend that in the last month of summer they do not start important projects, but pay more attention to their health and communication with loved ones.

People born under the sign of Capricorn do not need to be afraid of unexpected blows of fate this month.

Fortune will be on their side, and in general the end of summer will pass calmly and will please them with the successful completion of previously started work.

For Aquarius, the last month of summer 2018 will be difficult period both in commercial matters, and in work, and in personal relationships.

At the beginning of the month, Neptune can give them new creative ideas and bold plans, but already in mid-August, due to the influence of Saturn, business will stagnate, and unexpected obstacles will arise in new projects.

Despite the emerging obstacles and difficulties, Aquarius cannot give up and must literally fight fate.

Otherwise, they will face complete stagnation in all areas of life, which can lead to big losses.

For Pisces, the monthly horoscope promises success in their career and business.

They have every chance to realize the most daring and ambitious plans, as well as receive a promotion or a significant increase in salary.

However, success will not come on its own - for this, Pisces should purposefully move towards the goal, armed with patience and making every possible effort to realize their plans.

For Aries, the time of total renewal is coming. Representatives of the sign must outline new goals for themselves and carefully plan their actions. Aries should devote this month to preparing to conquer the next peaks. Soon Mars will complete its retrograde course, and will help the sign with their achievement. Therefore, instead of the usual routine of everyday life, you should look for a grandiose perspective. Moreover, Jupiter will provide all possible support. And sociable Aries will also be lucky, since the Moon has good aspects. That is, in August 2018 you can safely count on romantic acquaintances.


The powerful support of Jupiter in the first ten days of the month will allow Taurus to achieve their goal in one leap. Everything that previously seemed difficult and impossible will suddenly be resolved in the most unpredictable way. However, you should not relax completely. The insidious Neptune is capable of misleading a person. To avoid dangerous illusions, Taurus are advised to calculate everything and not trust people right away. However, the intuition of the earth sign has always been excellent: just one handshake is enough for Taurus to scan the essence of a person.


But Gemini shouldn’t rush too much. Their lucky time will come in the second half of the month. As August draws to a close, Jupiter and Mercury will give a significant gift to the summer sign. The planet closest to the Sun will end its retrograde course, and Jupiter will open the way to happiness for Gemini. You should definitely take advantage of this chance! If you need to go on a business trip, then you shouldn’t hesitate: it promises a fateful meeting with something beautiful.


No matter how much Cancer would like to avoid trouble, Saturn will still flash on their horizon. Its most negative influence will be from August 16 to 26. During this period, Cancers should hide as much as possible and stop complicating their lives. Planning anything is simply dangerous. Better spend the last ones summer days somewhere with family. Close people will calm and protect the most vulnerable sign of the Zodiac. Therefore - patience, and again patience.


August for Leo is clearly divided into two halves: if the first part of the month should be devoted to methodical planning, then the second to completing projects. This is due to the location of Jupiter, which will be most favorable in the second half of August. Every planned action will bring success to Leos. But this takes time: you should take at least a few days off from your working days. Optimal solution there will be a vacation.


In order not to overstrain yourself from the exorbitant burden of affairs, Virgos should clearly divide the month into active and not so active periods. For example, you can count on the support of Jupiter from August 5 to August 12. This is the best time for decisive action. In general, Pluto will constantly tempt representatives of the sign with tempting opportunities. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate your strength. You should not do anything on August 13th - this is a dangerous day for any undertakings.


Libras can start living for real. The thirst for bright adventures will be completely quenched in August. The surprisingly favorable arrangement of the stars will revive the spirit of entrepreneurship in each representative of the sign. Improved business communications and relationships with loved ones will mark spiritual growth Libra. They will be able to find a compromise where it seems to not exist. Brilliant diplomats realize their ambitious ambitions with the support of Jupiter. The patronage of the planet of happiness will be especially strong in the second half of the month.


For Scorpio to take the winning path, he needs to reconsider his relationships with others. Some acquaintances openly slow down the development of the sign. It is better to get rid of their company once and for all. Mars' exit from the retrograde loop will mark a favorable end to summer. The only exception will be a couple of weekends at the very end of August: Jupiter will have a tense aspect with the Sun. It's better to spend this time somewhere away from people.


For Sagittarius, the best time will come to invest in their own education. All funds should be directed to advanced training courses and creative master classes. To prevent ambitious plans from emptying your wallet, it is recommended to clearly define your goals. Help with the right choice Jupiter must: a major planet will suggest a promising direction. Fire sign It’s extremely important to take advantage of this chance, because there won’t be another like it this summer.


For Capricorn to achieve success in a particular area, he needs to acquire the support of influential acquaintances. The best period for networking should be August. The location of the Moon relative to Jupiter will bring all communications to a higher level. With such support, you can quickly move towards any goals you set. Obstacles can arise only at the very beginning of the month. But correct calculations will help overcome them.


Aquarians need to maintain a positive frame of mind. Ambitious plans planned for the second half of August may unexpectedly fail: Jupiter will be in opposition to Uranus. Therefore, all issues need to be resolved as quickly as possible. You should also get rid of obsessive thoughts. Dreams of intimacy must be reinforced real actions. You should not trust those people who prefer games to real love.


Flexible Pisces need to be careful in business sphere life. The negative influence of the Moon can provoke conflicts with partners and colleagues. Remain tolerant of other people's weaknesses and carefully disguise yours. Most favorable days August should be Martian Tuesdays. Luck will reach its peak at the very end of the month. Don't miss out.

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