Scorpio horoscope for March 6th. Health and leisure

Whether Scorpio wants it or not, March 2017 will be full of inconsistencies and inconsistencies with his expectations. The most difficult thing will be to decide on important matters, those that depend on your most serious view. You don't really want to make decisions right now, but you will have to do it sooner or later.

Do not take seriously what will be offered to you until mid-March, and do not believe all the people who offer easy ways to solve things.

Be yourself, don't play around and try to appear better. There are living people around you who have known you for a long time and know your true face. You will only upset them with your behavior.

Have you planned a vacation and it doesn't work out? Yes, and now you shouldn’t plan anything at all, solve pressing matters, and those worries that arise, don’t get ahead of yourself, don’t invent windmills.

There are people whom you offended on purpose or accidentally. It's time to make peace with them, apologize and admit your guilt, as you will really need them. These can be both colleagues and friends. You have mutual friends who will be happy to help you with this.

Don't believe in yourself, and everything seems frivolous, artificial and unattainable to you? Understand and admit that you are now more laziness than insecurity. Everything works out, just a little differently than you plan. But it works. Think only about the result itself, and not about the path to achievement.

Health and leisure

You are in excellent physical shape, but it is worth remembering emotional health, which now needs stabilization. Without harmony of physical and mental balance, you do not feel the fullness of life, you have a constant feeling that you are late, missing out on important and significant things.

Stop and look around, because in fact everything is fine, you just need to rest. You need to adjust your daily routine, solve the issue of work and sleep. One should not exist at the expense of the other, and you already feel that insomnia is becoming your constant companion.

If you have an Internet addiction, it's time to admit it and contact a specialist, since this is the same problem as alcoholism and smoking. The habit of virtual communication is becoming more and more addictive. Scorpios are very prone to this disease, since by their nature they are somewhat secretive, and they tend to communicate under a fictitious avatar. If this concerns you, don’t waste time and get off the Internet and into real life.

Colds can affect those who neglect prevention, and now is not too late to start taking vitamins.

Do not go on vacation for a trip more than a couple of hours away; it is better to stay in your time zone and with your usual climate, as this can affect you completely unexpectedly, and you will find yourself in even greater dissonance than you were before.

Finance and shopping

The financial horoscope for Scorpio for March 2017 is unexpectedly more pleasant for him than all other points, since you will not have the same opportunities for increasing capital as in March this year.

Review your deposits, calculate all possible options and change the conditions. You can safely take out a loan, mortgage, buy securities, since this is the very time when you are expected to receive an influx of money in any way.

Do not skimp on paying for the work of professionals who work with documents, these are lawyers, realtors, brokers, since you are unlikely to be able to assess all the risks on your own.

Spend only on the essentials, because in March you will have the opportunity to purchase that thing that you have dreamed of for a long time, and you must have the funds for this.

Purchasing real estate as an investment is one of the best operations which you can do now. This will give you tangible independence from the situation on the currency market, and will allow you to be confident in the near future.

Don’t skimp on your health and recreation, namely active recreation with your children.

If your child wants to play sports, do not refuse him, and do not skimp on purchasing equipment.

Career and business

March is a very productive month for Scorpio. But you shouldn't make too many plans. There is a high probability that everything you plan will fail. Be calm about some failures, and then you will notice that this month has brought you many achievements. Even if not in the area in which you originally wanted.

Perhaps this month will radically change your plans for the whole year. And despite the fact that you planned to spend a year searching for yourself, in some kind of creative anabiosis, you may well be given the idea of ​​​​a change of job, of a place that previously seemed unattainable to you.

Love and family

Scorpio is in a rather uncertain moment in relationships right now. Those who have a couple have thoughts of separation. Although at another moment they are ready to move mountains for the sake of their loved one. You don't understand what's going on inside you. It is better not to make hasty decisions, as the change in mood will be very unexpected, and every time your opinion changes, you will regret the actions you took.

The love horoscope for March 2017 should see Scorpio as a pendulum, the movement and amplitude of which depends on your desire. As soon as you start moving in some direction and begin to achieve exactly this, the pendulum will gain unprecedented speed and scope.

For those who are in search of their soul mate, it is also not worth taking hasty conclusions, now you are in love, and every attention in your direction is perceived by you as a declaration of love. But this month will not be able to give you that person who will make you truly happy. If you are satisfied with a relationship for a while, perhaps even without feelings, then this month is the most suitable. The main thing is not to expect anything special from him.

Scorpio Man

Horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio - the man is not ready to admit some defeat of his beliefs. He has no time to prove to others that everything is fine with him, but, nevertheless, he does it and wastes even more time.

Around you now there are only the most good friends And faithful women, but you want an illusory romance, full of vivid impressions and an explosion of emotions. You should know one thing - such an event will bring a lot of joy, but will bring many expenses, and after such an event you will be left with an empty heart.

Family men should be careful, because heartbreakers are now hovering around you with the intention of not getting into your heart; they are waiting for access to your wallet and time, which would be more logical to spend on family and children.

A scandal with management can only be avoided in one way - to do the work efficiently and on time, otherwise your reputation will be significantly tarnished.

Scorpio Woman

You are in that difficult state when you cannot agree with yourself, but it would be worth doing. Until you come to an agreement within, you will not have an agreement with others.

Your loved ones want to help you, but you don’t allow it, because you are afraid that they will consider you weak, but your husband or friend will gladly take on part of the worries if you trust him.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio - a woman puts it aside skeptically and continues to delve into herself, increasingly introducing herself into a state of anxiety.

In fact, everything is fine with you, and the work you do is not so bad, and you can cope with it, you just imagine its solution differently, and you are unnecessarily projecting working relationships onto yourself personally.

Single women will soon make their choice, especially since at the end of March there will be plenty of chances to choose. Just try to turn off your mercantile interest, otherwise you will lose what is true that you can gain by extending your hand to it and agreeing to more modest conditions.

Horoscope for March 2019 for Scorpios.

Scorpios it seems that bringing peace to the soul is its own course, and success in the service is its own. March 2019 will make you change your mind. Improve yourself and you will succeed. If people criticize you at work, don't close your ears. You now need a shake-up, and only an outsider's eye can find the cause of the problem. Seek support from your loved ones.

Favorable days of March 2019 for Scorpios - 1, 10, 11, 15, 24, 25 .
Unfavorable days for Scorpios in March 2019- 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27.

Career and finances of Scorpios in March 2019
IN professional field Scorpios in March 2019 You should prepare for the fact that in order to complete the work on which you have spent a lot of time, you will need to learn and improve your skills. Astrologers recommend not to be lazy, to absorb useful information, this will help to realize your plans. Don’t make exorbitant plans; all ideas must be realistic, and they must be implemented step by step in order to achieve the goal.
The March 2019 horoscope for Scorpios does not exclude the possibility of conflicts with employees. Here it is recommended to moderate your belligerence and take criticism calmly - if there is some truth in the words of the criticizing person, then you need to work on yourself.
ABOUT financial situation in March 2019, Scorpios don’t have to worry, money will be found.

Personal life of Scorpios in March 2019
Personal life in March 2019 promises Scorpios success with the opposite sex. Pay attention to those who show sympathy, perhaps the relationship will develop into something more serious than simple flirting. But family Scorpios should reconsider their attitude towards their partner. Try to be less irritable and more tactful.

Scorpio health in March 2019
In March 2019, Scorpios are likely to develop colds. In this case, you should not self-medicate - it is better to consult a specialist. Some representatives of the constellation Scorpio may be affected by sexual health problems, therefore, do not neglect protective measures. You should also be wary of the development of occupational diseases.

Scorpios will often have to fulfill not only their professional duties, but also work for their colleagues - warns the horoscope for March 2019. For this reason, Scorpio will be very irritable, full negative emotions, which, however, will not come out and will settle somewhere in the depths of the soul of the representatives of the sign.


Don't despair and get angry. The stars guarantee that your integrity, efficiency and ability to smooth conflict situations will be noticed and noted by management. At the very least, you will receive a bonus or cash bonus. IN best case scenario Soon the ambitious Scorpio will take a step up the career ladder.

And starting from the second ten days of March, a period begins in the life of representatives of the sign when the stars show their excellent disposition towards them. Everything will go well, problems will be solved, and luck itself will fall into the hands of Scorpio. But all this abundance of honey is not without a fly in the ointment. In March, Scorpios do not have to count on anyone's help. “If you want something done well, do it yourself!” - say the stars. You now have plenty of strength and opportunity to accomplish everything you plan on your own. Scorpio is a champion, in March he is in excellent not only physical, but also psycho-emotional shape.


The stars advise family Scorpios to carefully avoid petty squabbles, backbiting and unproductive conversations. Fortune is literally carrying you in her arms now; you shouldn’t waste March on empty little things. If in March 2019 you get involved in an argument or squabble with your significant other, then you will get bogged down in them deeply and for a long time, and this now, when you can do so many good things, will not be productive.

It will sometimes seem to outside observers that Scorpios’ material problems are being resolved even without the latter’s participation. Of course, this is not at all true, the reason for this is the long tongue and the desire to boast from the representatives of the sign themselves. In March, you will have to hold your tongue and not talk about family income or harmony in your personal life, especially among a group of unfamiliar people, so as not to arouse feelings of envy in them. Envious people can make life difficult family Scorpios, remember that happiness loves silence!

Many family Scorpios face unplanned expenses. They might break household appliances or a car. Don’t panic, the stars are in your favor, and very soon financial balance will be restored without much effort on your part.

Scorpio Woman

Scorpio women in March 2019 will achieve good results only if they know in the smallest detail what they want. To make this happen, try to visualize your dreams and goals. That's exactly what it's not like in a complicated way you will achieve what you want, in turn, the stars will provide you with everything possible for this. They recommend that you be vigilant in the second half of the month; there is a high probability of becoming a victim of a gigolo or a rogue. Don’t rush headlong into new arms, decide not only with your heart, but also with your head!

Starting from last decade In March, those around you will begin to feel the iron grip of businesswomen born under the sign of Scorpio. They will be decisive and uncompromising. It's time to put false modesty aside, now women in business can take the shortest route to success!

Scorpio Man

In March, the thoughts of Scorpio men flow freely, representatives of the sign solve everything quickly and easily. At the beginning of spring, they will not need to litter their memory with a stream of information. March is the optimal time not only for work. In spring, everything beautiful wakes up and the craving for it. Many Scorpios will have a new hobby in something where they can show their creative abilities. Among Scorpios there are a lot of people known throughout the world thanks to their talent (Roosevelt, Picasso, Maradona, Pele), why don’t you join their ranks?!

In March, the horoscope advises Scorpios not to ignore the problems of their relatives, especially the first and second line of kinship. They need your help, and you, with your noble nature, will not allow yourself to refuse.

Scorpio child

In March 2019, small and not so Scorpios also bask in the warm palms of Fortune. They gain knowledge effortlessly and life experience without mental trauma. Be involved in ensuring that your child receives as many sensations and emotions as possible. Do not ignore the aspect of tactile sensations; kiss and hug your child as often and sincerely as possible, this will give him confidence in own strength and will make you feel more protected from the outside world.

Under the influence of the energy of the Sun, life in March will become calmer and more measured. The need to rush somewhere, to live on the run will disappear. The changeable Scorpio will be very comfortable in such conditions. Although representatives of this sign are unlikely to overcome their tendency to conflict.

An unwillingness to restrain oneself can backfire on Scorpio. According to the horoscope, relationships between people will play a huge role in March. It is important to be able to show tact, compromise and not force your opinion on anyone. Alas, don’t feed self-confident Scorpios bread, let them argue and criticize someone. So in March 2019, only those who truly care about you will remain next to you. Maybe this is good?

The lack of communication can be compensated by visiting social events: all kinds of exhibitions and presentations. March will focus on art. Women's creativity will be especially popular. If you have a desire, create it yourself. If you lack talent, enjoy the fruits of other people's abilities. In any case, you will have great fun.

In business matters, Scorpio will have to decide how to behave in a given situation. A dual character forces you to do spontaneous things, but at the same time calls for responsibility and consistency. In March, it is better to choose one path: either you draw up a clear action plan and follow it exactly, or you follow your temperament and act according to your emotions.

This month Scorpios will also encounter internal contradictions. Meditation will help you calm down and understand yourself. However, we should not forget about sports. Jogging in the fresh air is wonderfully refreshing for the mind.

Love Horoscope for March 2019 Scorpio man and Scorpio woman

March is not the time for fleeting romances and flirting on the side. This is the period when it is most important to achieve maximum intimacy with your existing partner. Learn to at least sometimes keep your mouth shut, not manipulate your loved one, and avoid quarrels.

Feelings and romanticism will come to the fore, so don’t be shy to confess your love to your partner, hug him more often and pamper him with little surprises. Joint film screenings, photo shoots and visits to cultural places will also be beneficial.

It is possible that many couples will decide to formalize their relationship. And then the wedding will take place very soon. If this important decision will not be accepted in March, the trip to the registry office will be postponed for many months or will not happen at all.

The love horoscope for March promises Scorpio a powerful surge of sexual energy. Your soulmate will have nothing to reproach you with in bed. Recently divorced representatives of the sign will plunge into the world of passions, but these will be mostly “one-time” relationships. Unfortunately, quit serious relationship will not be released this month.

Only those who start with friendship have a chance of a successful acquaintance. Any attempts to get even a little closer will lead to distance and loss of trust. If you like someone, stick to an exclusively friendly framework in the first two decades, and start showing signs of attention at the end of the month.

Horoscope for March 2019 Scorpio woman

The Scorpio woman risks temporarily trying on the role of a man: starting to earn more than her husband, solving all problems on her own. You have enough strength and patience, but is it worth suppressing your femininity like that?! Don’t take too much on yourself, learn to look weak, otherwise there is a chance that you will have to pull the burden alone for a very long time.

Married women will need to practice controlling their emotions. Do not throw out accumulated negativity on your children and husband. In general, smile more and praise your household members, and then they will be happy to help you around the house. When communicating with children, adhere to the principles of trust and sincerity.

In March, a Scorpio woman definitely needs to take care of her appearance: hair, skin, style. This is not only useful, but also pleasant. Don’t forget about your figure: develop flexibility and flexibility, do stretching exercises. This will add grace to your gait and health to your body.

In order not to take it out on friends and relatives, look for a way to reboot, a source of positive energy. This could be training in a fitness center, Latin American dancing, speed puzzle competitions, and so on. Whatever makes you happy.

Horoscope for March 2019 Scorpio man

The Scorpio man will be expected to travel in March 2019. The horoscope believes that you cannot refuse them, even if you really need to stay at home. Even when a trip seems like a chore, it actually opens up great opportunities for you: to meet the right people, earn a bonus, get a plus in the eyes of management, improve relationships with partners or relatives. And some free Scorpios on a business trip will be able to meet their future love.

It is advisable for a Scorpio family man to communicate a lot with his wife every day, even when he is away. After all, that's why they exist mobile phone and the Internet, so that we feel close, even while on long distance from each other. Call your loved one, take an interest in her problems, support her, and just wish her good morning And Good night. Anyone who neglects this advice will seriously spoil the atmosphere in the family.

There will be little work, but it will have to be done with full responsibility. Be attentive, persistent and do not let outsiders influence your opinion. If necessary good advice, - contact an old friend.

At the first signs of overwork, it is advisable for a Scorpio man to take a short break. Turn off your phone, grab some friends and go outdoors: hunting, fishing or hiking. Unity with nature will give you a feeling of freedom and peace of mind.

Horoscope for Scorpio for March 2019 – work and business

March is favorable for creativity and unusual solutions. However, in the work sphere, it is better for Scorpio to give up looking for new techniques. What is reliable is what has been tested over the years. Use your experience and build on your existing knowledge. The month is favorable for improving skills, but without practice, new information is ineffective. Therefore, it makes sense to try yourself in new tasks and take on greater responsibility.

The main obstacle to the development and career growth will, again, have a difficult character. You will need the support of others and the affection of your superiors, try not to push them away from you. Restrain yourself, do not get involved in arguments, remain silent more often when you want to say something unpleasant or provocative. This is especially true for businessmen.

By the way, about businessmen: the horoscope advises them to become more efficient. If you delay signing papers and making decisions, the train will leave without you. It’s true, it’s too much to rush into such important issues not worth it.

Scorpio subordinates will want to be better than others. Transit Mars will make them doubt themselves, but at the same time desperately compete with their colleagues. Be more confident in your own abilities and firmly pursue your goal, but do not belittle your office neighbors. From March 21, the psychological situation will become less tense.

Financially, the greatest success will be achieved by Scorpios who look far ahead. Long-term investments will bring large dividends.

In March 2019, Scorpios will experience disappointment and dissatisfaction with life. They belatedly realize the perseverance and self-confidence that will begin to come to life in them during this period. This will provoke a bad mood.

In the first ten days, representatives of this zodiac sign will feel a lack of love, which a new hobby will help fill. An entertaining hobby can soon turn into a stable income. To do this, you will have to take risks and start believing in yourself. The middle of the month promises a deterioration in relationships with others, which will make them vulnerable to new problems.

Scorpio woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be depressed and upset by the events taking place around them. They will feel like the whole world is against them. Those who can pull themselves together and withstand difficulties will achieve their goals.

These women will survive difficult period V love relationships. But fate compensates for failures on the personal front financial success. Large cash receipts are not expected. However, these ladies will be satisfied with their well-being.

Scorpio man. Representatives of this zodiac sign will not be bored this month. They will have new ideas, the implementation of which will depend on their determination and rational approach to the situation. Relatives will help with this if these men allow them to delve into the details of their lives.

Scorpios will face difficulties in their personal lives in March. Married men can meet with ex-lover, who will try with all her might to bring them back. This will lead to a depressed mood and fear of losing the love of your life. Those of them who continue to be faithful to their spouse will preserve the family.

Love horoscope

March 2019 will create obstacles to establishing your personal life. The main ones will be despair and former love affairs.

Lonely Scorpios will not meet the love of their life. They will plunge into memories of a past failed romance.

Unfree men and women will struggle with the indifference of a loved one or with the temptation to become inflamed with feelings for a former partner.

Business horoscope

In March business sphere Scorpios will open new perspectives for them.

Those who are looking for work will be lucky. They will get a chance to find employment abroad. The horoscope advises to leave fears behind and do important step, despite the reassurances of friends.

Employees will have the opportunity to try themselves in new field activities that will expand the range of their responsibilities. This will not bring a sharp increase in wages, but the merits will not go unnoticed. The bosses will reward them later.

Managers will have to think carefully about every decision to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation. Meetings with partners will not bring the expected results.

Financial horoscope

In March 2019, Scorpios will not feel a shortage of money and will be able to afford spending on entertainment and creative hobbies. The projects they start during this period will add to their budget at the end of the summer. Refrain from frivolous expenses, especially if they require raising funds from creditors. This risks ending up in debt for a long time.

Health horoscope

Scorpios' health will be unstable. There will be a risk of nervous disorders and depression, which will manifest themselves against the background life situations, which they will fall into. This is fraught with a deterioration in overall health and the development of systemic diseases.

The horoscope advises not to self-medicate and, at the slightest suspicion of the onset of an illness, consult a doctor. Dose the load on the body, put your sleep and wakefulness in order. This good time for vitamin therapy that will help cope with the spring blues.

Don't sit idly by
Act for your happiness and don’t be afraid to change your life for the better.