Pisces horoscope compatibility with others. Pisces zodiac sign is good love compatibility. General characteristics of the sign

Pisces are very different from other representatives of the zodiac circle in their originality of thinking and way of life. They are very original in their ideas, although they can harbor them within themselves without trying to share them with anyone. One person can combine two Pisces at once - living and dead. The behavior of Pisces in a specific period of time depends on which of them begins to dominate. Pisces love to look after others and devote themselves to caring for loved ones, but they are deeply worried when they begin to openly take advantage of them.

Compatibility Capricorn and Pisces

Capricorn and Pisces. Earth water. Sweet fish is a great combination for Capricorn, although there may be doubts at first. Pisces is a dreamer and can appear fragile, but sometimes subtle integrity can be confused with weakness. Aggregate strengths help compensate for their individual shortcomings, and together they form a solid and satisfying team.

In fact, there are many ambitious Pisces. It's just that, as a rule, Pisces prefer to be a supporter instead of playing the main role in the show. In exchange for the protection of the cold and hard world that Capricorn offers, Pisces will be happy to create a world of fantasy and imagination for Capricorn to escape.

Pisces try to avoid direct influence on themselves, although they really need support and understanding. There must be someone in their life who can turn their emotions in the right direction, preventing them from panicking or being nervous for no reason. Pisces prefer to live in a very illusory, fictional world, because they are too worried about the harsh reality. Sometimes they try to replace with their fantasies real life, and then they are very close to mistakes and self-deception. They are very easy to deceive, because Pisces tend to idealize both people and relationships with them. Pisces can become suspicious and withdrawn if they have repeatedly encountered deception in their lives. They really need feelings in order not to break away from reality, to feel the joy of life and have goals, to be fueled by energy and to give their feelings to their loved one.

Pisces - Virgo

After a long day of work, there's nothing like Neptune's magic to help Capricorn forget about the worries of the day. The union of Capricorn, an Earth sign, with Pisces, a Water sign, shows that the two have the potential to do very well in terms of securing a comfortable future material. Water needs the Earth to provide structure, while the Earth needs water to be fruitful and reproduce. Creation and cultivation come very naturally to both of you. Since Capricorn is ruled by decisive Saturn and Pisces is ruled by happy Jupiter, it would be strange for them to accumulate wealth, although there is no guarantee.

The Pisces woman will be drawn to her full reflection - the Pisces man, but this union has little chance of becoming long and happy. Mutual understanding and harmony can be achieved in the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Cancer or Scorpio man, who will treat the mysterious life of their chosen one with understanding, because they themselves are such. The Taurus man will give the Pisces woman the self-confidence she needs, but she will get bored with him very quickly, and the relationship will become a burden for both. If the couple does not find compromises, it will be very difficult for them to live together. The Gemini man will frighten his chosen one with his constant variability. Instability of relationships. Pisces themselves tend to change, but not as rapidly as this partner. Scorpio's desire to lead in the relationship can make the Pisces woman sympathetic and grateful to him, although in order for harmony to become stable, these two will have to agree on the boundaries of their personal territories. The Pisces woman can create very trusting and strong relationships with a Capricorn man, but at the same time, each of them must compromise, giving up some independence, in the name of the relationship. An Aquarius man can become a wonderful friend and interlocutor for a Pisces woman, but she will not find in her partner the sensuality that she always secretly dreams of.

However, don't expect anything to be easy. Both tend to hide their feelings, so it is important to keep open lines of communication. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, you will have to set aside time every day to connect. When Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune come together, dreams can come true, but only for old ones. Hard work and dedication to others and shared goals will ultimately bring great rewards.

This combination usually works well and only fails when there are important conflicts between the cards of both. As long as they communicate openly, clearly and regularly, it should be a long-lasting and very satisfying relationship. Tips to make it work.

The Pisces man always enjoys the attention of women as a very wise interlocutor and a sensual person. He knows how to give a compliment, win over his interlocutor - and can win almost any heart. The Pisces man approaches the choice of a life partner thoroughly, but sometimes the representative of this zodiac constellation follows the lead of his momentary emotions, often making cruel mistakes. Relationships with an Aries or Taurus woman promise to be very difficult for both, although with the correct prioritization of each, they can achieve harmonious coexistence as a couple. The Gemini or Libra woman will seem too frivolous and fickle to Pisces, although serious passion can simmer between them. An Aquarius woman can become true friend for the Pisces man, however, it will not satisfy his carnal desires. Capricorn woman will be able to make up good couple Pisces man, because he will not rush around and get nervous over trifles, being an example of calm and self-confidence. A Scorpio or Cancer woman will be a faithful companion to a Pisces man, these zodiac signs are the most compatible of all possible options. The Sagittarius woman will help Pisces gain self-confidence. The relationship of this couple promises to be difficult, but they have a very good prospect with equal dialogue between the partners, without any hint of a desire to lead one over the other.

While it may be a mostly smooth road, in a loving union between Pisces and Capricorn, there may be some friction in the behavior of both, either because Capricorn is too practical and methodical, or because Pisces' choices are based purely on emotions. However, nothing that can't be overcome with a little patience.

Compatibility between Pisces and Taurus is very good, but especially in terms of communication and social activity. Taurus and Pisces have a caring attitude, a carefree personality and a friendly disposition. Both love to maintain harmony in their relationship. Pisces will show tenderness, kindness and support; and this will greatly attract Taurus. On the other hand, Pisces will be attracted to Taurus's stability, strength, and reliability, and will enjoy having a partner you can trust.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs

Pisces man compatibility


Pisces woman + Aries man
Relationship type:
Care and tenderness
Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 90%

Taurus will be drawn to the Pisces energy and can learn important karmic life lessons about believing in what cannot be seen. Pisces will also learn new things to Taurus, such as courage, in order to balance his spiritual life with the practical meaning of his daily existence. Both signs may have a difficult time at first, but if they persist, both will be enriched by these lessons.

However, there are some important differences that can cause difficulties in a relationship. Tauro believes in a simple life, with little interest, a simple approach and a practical sense, but instead lives in an imaginary world, and their likes and dislikes are very inaccurate. Unlike Taurus, he does not have clear preferences. Pisces are less balanced and tend to be emotional and instinctive. Pisces tries to get deeper into things, while Taurus is generally content with the routine of their existence.

This union is unlikely, but if an Aries and a Pisces woman nevertheless met and fell in love with each other, then their relationship may not last a year or two. True, the active, assertive Aries may not be satisfied with the impracticality of Pisces and her inability to run a house perfectly, but in her he finds all the charm of the fragile femininity that he secretly dreamed of. Aries is very flattered by the fact that the Pisces woman needs his courageous care and guardianship, and he is able to accomplish many feats for her sake.
Pisces, on the other hand, is absolutely indifferent to Aries’s career aspirations, but is able to fully appreciate the fact that he is the real head of the family, who knows how to make decisions. In other words, the marriage of an Aries and a Pisces woman can happily last a lifetime. Especially if Aries, tired of the chaos in the apartment, hires a housekeeper to help Pisces.

However, Taurus's practicality complements Piska's stubbornness very well, and the latter will be delighted by the former's passion and constant attention. On a sexual level, their relationship can be very interesting as the spirituality of Rhys meets the rational and sensual Taurus. Taurus will also be comfortable with Pisces' sensitivity and frankness. Both will complement each other perfectly and their relationship will be like a wine that improves with time.

Most compatible Pisces for these relationships are those born between February 19 and 28 and March 11 and 20; and most compatible Taurus are those born between April 20 and May 10. Leo will attract sexy but vulnerable Pisces. Pisces is also attracted to Leo, realizing that Leo has a warm heart and an inner strength that can be there for him when scary nights lurk. Their compatibility and complementarity can be very great.

Pisces woman + Taurus man
Relationship type:
The power of a sleeping volcano
Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 80%

For Taurus, this union often turns out to be fatal. A strong, persistent Taurus is able to find in the fragile, helpless Pisces woman his ideal, which he would like to take care of all his life. Pisces are sometimes also in the grip of love attraction, harboring both passion and tender feelings for Taurus, but it is precisely through the fault of secretive Pisces that in these relationships, ambiguities, misunderstandings and all sorts of other “nonsense” can arise more than once or twice, causing Taurus to suffer.
However, this does not mean that Fate does not want them to be together. The Pisces woman is secretive and independent, but she is not going to live her life alone. In Taurus, she sees a real man who can shield her from all storms and adversities, and even provide for her well. In other words, their marriage may turn out to be quite strong, especially if Taurus, who loves cleanliness and comfort, hires a housewife for these purposes. True, from the outside it may seem that Taurus does much more for Pisces than she does for him. But if they are happy, then does it really matter?

Pisces - Capricorn

Since Leo is a Fire Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign, the sexual environment can also become very erotic. Leo will certainly take notice, and Pisces will feel special for being chosen as King Beast. Pisces, the Sign of the Whirlpool, enjoys the regency of lucky Jupiter and figurative Neptune. This expansive characteristic gives Pisces a love of photography, glamor and fantasy, although it can also produce incurable daredevils.

Since Leo is only too happy to be in the center of the chandelier, admiration will lead them to a mutually beneficial exchange of energies, at least for a while. Pisces are very smart and smug in bed, which is exciting at first, but the very exotic behavior can become a little unpleasant for Leo if he takes it too far. Leo is truly extravagant and loves to dominate. His roar will shock Pisces, but when he adopts a submissive posture, Leo's inclination may soon become a growl and attack the jugular.

Pisces woman + Gemini man
Relationship type:
Refusal of stamps
Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

This union is very rare: the Gemini man and the Pisces woman live almost in parallel worlds. However, if they did happen to meet and pay attention to each other, their relationship may turn out to be quite strong. True, Pisces, as a rule, is not in the mood to clean up the house and do housework from morning to evening, but Gemini does not require this from her - he will happily have lunch somewhere on the run, in a cafe or at work. In Pisces, he is touched by her fragility and defenselessness. She is ready to turn a blind eye to all his weaknesses, and in return he infects her with his energy and enthusiasm.
This can also be an excellent business alliance: Gemini is able to help Pisces put it on a commercial basis creative talents, becoming her agent or impresario. The only thing that often becomes a stumbling block in their marriage is Gemini’s reluctance to fulfill the functions of the head of the family: making decisions, taking on organizational issues. Both the serene Pisces woman and the optional Gemini man are practically incapable of this, so the best option for them is to live with their parents. Or learn responsibility yourself.

Pisces are idealistic, even mystical, and both create intrigue in the other through the allure of difference. However, Leo must be careful not to overwhelm this strange and cautious creature, as Leo's active, extroverted nature does not fit too well with the Knight Dreamers' introspection. Pisces can also be quite deceitful, even dishonest at times, which does not go well with a proud and positive character Leo.

Leo may have become tired of the constant need to demonstrate and confirm Pisces' love. After all, who is the central figure in the relationship? They will need to accomplish more than they are used to. The ideal would be to find some common reason to focus on their energies, as one relationship may not be enough for Leo, although the sensitivity and keen understanding of relationships that Pisces combines well with Leo's generous spirit. This will require very strong Lunar compatibility, among other things, over time.

Pisces woman + Cancer man
Relationship type:
Keepers of secrets
Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 80%

Although at first glance sensitive Cancer and the dreamy Pisces woman are very suitable for each other, in reality everything is not so simple. Yes, they feel comfortable and good together, it’s not boring to talk about anything and it’s also not boring to be silent together. However, silence is not always a sign of consent, and over time it can develop into the habit of silence, concealment, and avoidance.
It just so happens that this is precisely the catch for this union: both Cancer and the Pisces woman would rather hide their discontent than openly “blow off steam.” Over time, this can lead to chronic problems, making them family relationships not too durable. To save them, they need to remember that in their case there is no point in hushing up problems. It’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk, make some noise, or even break dishes to the delight of your neighbors, than to grudgingly agree with your partner, but in your heart remain your own.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces

For the love between Pisces and Leo to work, they will have to remember what united them in the beginning. Leo will have to be more sympathetic to Pisces' feelings, and he will have to respect Leo's desire to rule the jungle. Compatibility between Pisces and Aquarius is not very high, and for the relationship to be strong, there must be a strong foundation of love and understanding and a lot of interest on both sides. However, compatibility for friendship relationships is greater.

It's possible that Aquarius simply cannot give the level of surrender and caring that Pisces needs in a relationship. On the other hand, trust can be an issue, especially at the beginning of a relationship when both signs want to share secrets of their past with each other.

Pisces woman + Leo man
Relationship type:
Unity of opposites
Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 90%

They are so different that it would be strange even if they just met, and simply incredible if they wanted to be together. And yet, the incredible union of a practical, active Leo and a dreamy Pisces woman, once it does arise, often turns out to be surprisingly strong. After all, dissimilarity is not only the cause of misunderstanding, sometimes it turns into its own reverse side, giving partners the opportunity to find in each other what they so lack in themselves.
In this union, Leo finds in the Pisces woman an object for love and care, she is ready to accept the maximalist Leo for who he is, and with pleasure give the family reins of government into his confident hands.
The only stumbling block in their family, as a rule, is everyday life. The Pisces woman turns out to be far from the ideal of the hostess that Leo cherished in his pre-wedding dreams. It is useless to hope to re-educate Pisces, so Leo must either come to terms with this or hire a housewife so that their marriage does not crack over time.

Both Aquarius and Pisces have a very positive and constructive attitude towards life and usually do not judge people who will help them in their relationships. Pisces is a dreamer who uses intuition to make decisions, while Aquarius tends to be much more practical, and through analysis and logic can foresee situations and decisions, even from third parties.

These two signs usually suggest the times they live in, and both usually have a way of being very different from the other signs. Pisces is very compassionate, and although Aquarius is able to distance himself from the problems and difficulties of others in order to take action, Pisces influences him greatly and can be blocked.

Pisces woman + Virgo man
Relationship type:
Unusual Attraction
Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

Pisces woman + Virgo man
Relationship type:
Unusual Attraction
Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

This union is very close to ideal: it often turns out to be both long and lasting. The fragile, not very practical Pisces woman loves to be taken care of, and in a responsible, hardworking Virgo man she finds just such a person.
When Virgo finds his ideal in a Pisces woman, he is ready to do everything for her - both love her and take care of her. Often he works for two and even takes on most household chores, leaving Pisces to engage in art, go to exhibitions and theaters. Pisces, in return, accepts Virgo with all its advantages and disadvantages. She, like no one else, is able to appreciate both his spiritual qualities and his practicality (which she so lacks), and is ready to sincerely admire him for many years.

While Aquarius is interested in global ideas and global actions, Pisces is much more concerned with emotional expression and personal fulfillment. On a positive note, Pisces is one of the few zodiac signs that includes Aquarius, while Aquarius is attracted to the mystical side of Pisces. This is important, especially at the beginning of a relationship. The influence Venus has on Pisces makes the close relationship between these two signs very satisfying, since both of them love to experience new sensations.

Pisces is the most flexible sign and your ability to be intuitive will be fundamental as this combination will be successful in the long run. In this sense, he will have to learn to trust Aquarius and not feel rejected when Aquarius does actions alone or in the company of others. While Aquarius needs some freedom to feel comfortable in a relationship, Pisces enjoys their partner's presence so much that it's hard not to consider Aquarius' way of being a reject.

Pisces woman + Libra man
Relationship type:
Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 80%

The expression that someone else’s soul is darkness is very true in relation to this union. Indeed, it is difficult to say that the changeable Libra man and the dreamy Pisces woman are going to behave sincerely towards each other and do not intend to hide anything. On the contrary, their sense of independence and inner freedom can be fully preserved even after many years of marriage.
However, despite the numerous “skeletons in the closet” hidden from each other, they can be very comfortable and good together. The Pisces woman, as a rule, does not nag Libra over trifles, and he, in turn, is able to share with her all her creative hobbies. Exemplary order rarely reigns in their home, but Libra and Pisces are able to accept their partner as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages.

However, the longer they spend together, the more likely they are to have a long-term relationship. These are the last two signs of the zodiac and, as such, represent the accumulated experience of all the signs that come before them. Sometimes when Aquarius and Pisces get together, their relationship is underground at first for some cultural or family reason.

Cancer and Pisces compatibility

Pisces and Cancer have a lot in common, especially in terms of emotional compatibility. Both signs instinctively understand each other and sense the other's needs. They are both affectionate and supportive of their partner. Cancer, in turn, will help the Rovers focus on more specific things, such as family.

Pisces woman + Scorpio man
Relationship type:
Achievable ideal
Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 90%

This union can rightfully be called mystical: in it, the energy of the partners flows into each other, making them feel an inextricable, deep connection with each other. And this despite the fact that their characters are almost complete opposite! On the part of Scorpio there is pressure, temperament and inspiration, while the Pisces woman has a living imagination capable of accepting all this, and the calming serenity so necessary for Scorpio. This union does not occur often and from the outside it may look very unusual, but both Pisces and Scorpio, as a rule, feel truly happy in it.

One of the dangers of this similarity is that they can easily and simply change their mind and direction. For a relationship to flourish and grow stronger, both signs must strive to avoid over-sentimentality and give their lives a shared direction.

The sexual relationship between Cancer and Pisces is usually excellent, given that both feel a strong attraction to each other, understand sexual needs others and do everything possible to satisfy them. Many Pisces seem to live in their own world and tend to be dreamers and make impractical decisions in life. In this sense, Cancer has two options: irritate to the point of giving up on the relationship, or try carefully to get his partner to put his feet back on the ground to lead a productive and rewarding life.

Pisces woman + Sagittarius man
Relationship type:
Inhabitants of different planets
Compatibility in love: 70%
Marriage compatibility: 30%

In this union of two so different and at the same time so independent people, Fate usually plays the main role. Sagittarius is sincere and cheerful, the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive, and in these difficult relationships the most different variants developments of events. Either partners discover in each other the qualities they lack, and this cements their strange union, or (as happens more often) the dissimilarity of characters, on the contrary, prevents them from being together.
The ideal for Pisces is a strong, responsible man who will take care of her. Ideal woman in the eyes of Sagittarius, she should be as cheerful and easy-going as he himself. In other words, each of them is unlikely to be able to meet the expectations of the other.
That is why it is possible to maintain these relationships only if the partners become less critical and more tolerant of each other. There are already too many things that separate them.

Pisces woman + Capricorn man
Relationship type:
Two halves
Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

This union, although rare, is quite possible and has prospects. Despite all the differences between Capricorn and the Pisces woman, they have some deep similarities that can help them find a common language.
IN life together stubborn, courageous Capricorn and fragile Pisces woman are quite capable of smoothing out the shortcomings and “roughness” of each other’s characters, thereby emphasizing their merits. But the most important thing is that they feel very good and comfortable together, because love in such a union is not only passion, but also tenderness, affection, and friendship.

Pisces woman + Aquarius man
Relationship type:
A life full of bright colors
Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 60%

This is a very bright, emotional union, because both Aquarius and the Pisces woman are extraordinary creative personalities with rich inner world. In their relationships, as a rule, there are all shades of feelings - from love and tenderness to jealousy and painful experiences. Of course, such a mixture of emotions adds spice to the relationship, but over time it can also become their “pitfall.” In their life together there are often conflicts, which are most often started by the expansive Aquarius. If Aquarius and Pisces value their union, they need to be patient and understanding.

Pisces woman + Pisces man
Relationship type:
The way to yourself
Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 60%

In this union, Pisces, as a rule, find their “soul mate”, and so what if this half is also independent, dreamy, sensitive and not too practical? Simply, the relationship between two Pisces serenely floating with the flow will be as unique and individual as they themselves.
Both in everyday life and in their obligations to each other, Pisces are unlikely to become an example for others ideal family– there can be too many omissions, fantasies and secrets between them. Even after living side by side all their lives, Pisces often remain a mystery to each other. And yet, despite everything, together they are able to feel the true kinship of close souls and the need for each other. The rest usually doesn’t matter to them.