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Formation of competent oral and written speech of primary schoolchildren.

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, a speaker of a given language must be fluent in it, that is, have a speech culture. Possession of a word - an instrument of communication, thinking - is the fundamental principle of a child's intellect. Thinking cannot develop without language material. The elementary school period is one of the most important steps in mastering speech.

Children learn their native language through speech activity, through speech perception and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for the speech activity of children.

The weakest link in the general system of teaching the native language is the work on the development of coherent speech of students.

The topic of this work is relevant, since today many students experience great difficulties in composing oral answers to questions and in writing essays.

The problem that this work solves is some shortcomings in the generally accepted system for increasing the level of coherent speech of students. It is necessary to create conditions that allow children in a calm atmosphere to analyze the information received during their course, mentally build a coherent story and correctly express it on paper.


Formation of a system of intellectual and special knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

Development of oral and written speech of students;

Development of mental processes;

Development of the personality of a younger student;

Development of communication skills;

Fostering initiative, independence and enterprise.

Main tasks:

1. Timely identification of the level of development of students' speech.

2 ... Application of the system of creative tasks for the development of children's speech.

3. Analysis of the influence of creative works in the Russian language on the level of oral and written speech of students.

The purpose of the speech development exercises conducted according to this program is to contribute to a more solid and conscious assimilation of what has been learned in the lesson, to promote the development of children's speech, to improve their linguistic analysis skills, to increase the level of language development of schoolchildren, to foster a cognitive interest in their native language, to solve intellectual problems. development of younger students.

All classes should contribute to solving the problems of ensuring the correct assimilation by children of a sufficient lexical stock, grammatical forms, syntactic structures; creating speech situations that stimulate motivation for the development of students' speech; the formation of speech interests and needs of primary schoolchildren.

Speech development is a large and complex area of ​​native language methodology. Difficult because it concerns such a phenomenon as human speech, and because it does not directly correlate with any one linguistic course, as well as with school subjects - Russian language and reading, which primarily serve the tasks of developing students' speech. There is an extensive methodological literature on the development of speech.

A person all his life improves his speech, masters the wealth of the language. Each age stage brings something new to his speech development. The most important steps in mastering speech occur in childhood.

If we turn to the process of teaching speech at school age, we will see that the main task is for the child to master oral and written speech. A child who comes to school already knows his native language, but at school he acquires knowledge of the literary language. What is the correct way to look at the process of learning to read and write, which is done by the child himself? It can be considered that this process of establishing skills related to reading and writing, that is, the establishment of associations between letter and sound in writing and reading, is a developmental process.

The general rule for all children in different countries is that a child at the age of 9, having learned to read and write, lags far behind in terms of the development of written language, that is, understanding the text and the ability to write a text.

Written speech presents great difficulties for schoolchildren and reduces his mental activity to a lower level, not because it contains the same difficulties that were in oral speech, but due to other circumstances:

Written speech is more abstract than oral speech. This is speech without intonation.

Written speech is also abstract in the sense that it ends without an interlocutor.

We are not dealing with speech in the literal sense, but with the symbolization of sound symbols, that is, with a double abstraction. In written speech, we ourselves must create the situation, the motives of speech, then we must act more arbitrarily than in oral speech. In written speech, the child must be aware of the very process of expressing thoughts in words. The process of translating inner speech into written speech is unusually difficult, because inner speech is speech for oneself, and written speech is maximally built for another, who must understand me.

A connected speech is a speech that is aimed at satisfying the needs of an utterance, conveys a complete topic / i.e. represents a single whole /, is organized according to the laws of logic and grammar, has independence, completeness and is divided into more or less significant parts, interconnected. Units of coherent speech can be considered a story, article, novel, monograph, report, report, etc., and in a school setting, a student's detailed oral answer to a question posed by a teacher, a written composition or presentation. In some cases - a proposal. Speech development is an educational cognitive activity of students, organized and guided by a teacher, based on reading, studying grammar and aimed at improving skills, skills, design and expression of their thoughts and feelings.

Exercises in coherent speech: storytelling, retellings, essays, etc. - represent the highest degree in a complex scheme of speech exercises, they combine all the skills - both in the field of vocabulary, and at the level of sentences, and in the logic and composition of the text, and the ability to accumulate material, and graphic and spelling skills.

F.L. Kostenko developed a system of tasks aimed at developing students' written language. It consists of several series:

Dividing a continuous text into separate sentences.

Composing a coherent text from deformed sentences.

Drawing up a story from these sentences.

Consolidated dictation.

Written answers to questions.

6. Figurative words and expressions in our speech:

a / the role of adjectives for accurate, expressive speech;

b / the role of verbs in our speech;

c / words close and opposite in meaning;

r / words that are the same in meaning and spelling, but different in meaning;

d / comparison.

7. Drawing up a story according to this plan.

8. Presentation according to an independent plan.

9. Drawing up an abbreviated story according to his plan.

10. Drawing up a story at its beginning.

11. Drawing up a story at its end.

12. Replacement of the narrator's face in the text.

13. Story with elements of description.

14. Selective writing out of the text on the assignment.

15. Essay based on exemplary samples.

After analyzing the content of the task system, we came to the conclusion: the composition is the result of all the work on the development of speech.

There are different types of essays. “According to the topic / content / all the compositions conducted in the Russian language lessons can be divided into two large groups: compositions on linguistic / grammatical, lexical, etc. / topics, for example,“ The most interesting / for me / the topic of the program ”and essays on themes from life, on the so-called free themes. "

According to the source of the material, essays are distinguished on the basis of life experience, reading, paintings, films, television films, radio and television broadcasts, a theatrical performance, etc. In this case, of course, the essay can use both one and several sources in obtaining material. Sources of another psychological series include memory / compositions, which are based on past experience, prevailing ideas, previously acquired knowledge, etc. /; perception / composition based on observations, that is, based on specially organized perception /; imagination / compositions from imagination, when on the basis of existing experience such representations are created, images with which the young author has never met in his life - "School in the future" , which in most cases is due to a specific "narrow" character.

According to the complexity of the additional language task, essays with lexical, grammatical / morphological, syntactic / stylistic, etc. are distinguished. assignments and essays on key words and phrases.

In the modern methodology for the development of speech, the basic skills of students are determined, which are formed in the process of preparing and conducting essays:

A circle of skills related to the topic and its disclosure.

The range of skills associated with the accumulation and preparation of material for writing.

The range of skills associated with planning your essay, its composition, construction.

The range of skills related to the language preparation of the future essay.

The circle of skills associated with the construction of the text itself and its writing *

Improving Writing: Testing and Directing.

In order for a speech development lesson to achieve its goals, it is necessary to start work by choosing a topic for an essay. It is very important to use what the children see in the life around them, their impressions and observations, their games and interests. At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child to write not about fictitious objects and events, but about what he has seen more than once, that he knows well. Therefore, themes for essays should not be of a general, broad character. They should be based on the life experiences of the children. When the topic for the essay is determined by the teacher / possibly with the active participation of the students themselves /, then it is necessary to select material for the essays. Sources for children's essays can be different: a read story, a picture, a movie, live observations and impressions of students, their memories. The development of observation in children should go on constantly, and not only in the process of preparing for essays on certain topics. To do this, the teacher observes the weather and natural phenomena with the students, the change of seasons and the change of day and night, etc.

What does it mean to prepare for an observation essay? This means, first of all, to revive in memory your knowledge of an object, phenomenon, event, to reproduce your immediate impressions of what you saw, heard, and did. If these impressions are not enough, they should be reinforced, repeated observations, replenishing knowledge about objects and phenomena. Preparing for the essay, the student needs to develop in his ideas, thoughts, feelings, make clear those of them that have lost their vivacity in consciousness, remember individual details, events that will become the main subject of the image in the essay. It is bad if children write an essay based on observations not about what they saw themselves, but about what they read from this or that story, article or poem. Children should be taught so that they more clearly, more accurately depict those events, objects and phenomena that they observed, and, if possible, in their own words.

M.S. Soloveichik believes that the creation of speech situations and the conduct of all work, taking into account the peculiarities of the speech style and the intended type of speech, are the first two conditions for improving the teaching of essays. The third condition, which makes it possible to bring school essays closer to real speech practice and thereby improve work on it, identifying the need for this work for Everyday life... The above methodologist identified the following stages of preparing and conducting written coherent statements:

Preliminary preparation,

Creation of a speech situation.

Organization of observations and direct preparation;

Writing work.


Analysis of written works.

Preliminary preparation, the purpose of which is to create a base for subsequent work. It, as a rule, is dispersed in time, it is carried out in the lessons not only of the Russian language, but also of reading, the world around, labor, drawing. The accumulation of the necessary knowledge, impressions is organized, training in the use of language means, etc. is conducted, and students at this stage may not even know that the teacher is preparing them for creative work. Creation of a speech situation and direct preparation. This stage is heterogeneous in nature. This includes ensuring the necessary emotional mood, awakening interest in work, the desire to actively participate in it, and organizing observations / on a special excursion /, and discussing the tasks and conditions of the situation that are important to take into account, the main idea of ​​the text, requirements for linguistic means, etc. ...

Writing an essay. At this stage, it is very important that schoolchildren are focused on solving speech problems, so that they are not shackled by the disease to make a spelling error. Used in practice, the installation: "Use only those words, the spelling of which you know, do not write large sentences" - not only is not useful, but also simply harmful. It deprives the prepared work of meaning and hinders the development of children in terms of speech. The advice does not help either: “If you don’t know, raise your hand, I will help”. While the child sits in anticipation of the teacher, he loses thought and creativity. Giving the child the right to skip dubious letters when writing his own text / at the same time, instead of a letter, he can put a dot or a letter fraction / a / o /, and a question mark on the margins, allows the student to emancipate and make the essay a truly creative work. The exercise of self-control, that is, the verification of the written, is combined with the goals. Listening to a friend, try to assess: whether he said everything necessary, whether he proved his thoughts, whether he presented them consistently, whether he formulated them correctly. It is necessary to prevent unethical actions of children. For a self-test to be successful, the student must know, first, the purpose and content of the test, that is, why andwhat exactly he controls, secondly, the sequence of those operations that should be performed, thirdly, ways of making corrections.

b / decide whether all the thoughts are well formulated / whether the sentences are correctly constructed, whether the words are correctly and accurately chosen, whether there are no annoying repetitions /.

c / define the text in terms of spelling and punctuation literacy.

Editing techniques can be as follows: if you wish to eliminate a sentence or part of the text, enclose them insquare brackets; if necessary, add an icon to the text in the appropriate place, then repeat it after all the work and write the missing one; in case of violation of the sequence of sentences or fragments of text - use numbers; if necessary, replace one word with another - cross out the unnecessary, inscribing a more successful one over it; when replacing or rearranging an entire sentence, place a new sentence after the entire text, marking the one that is replaced by some conventional sign, for example, an asterisk. It is clear that the prerequisites for the amendment are accuracy.

The student essay review is different from the daily written review. The teacher pays attention both to spelling and punctuation errors, and to various kinds of logical and stylistic flaws of students. At the same time, the teacher notes for himself the good sides in the students' work.

In the essays of primary school students, we meet shortcomings:

Concerning the content of the essay / inconsistency of the content of the work with its topic, as reflected in the title of the essay.

Violation in the field of the composition of the composition / compositional flaws.

Wrong connection between separate parts of the whole story, lack of such a connection.

Unsuccessful construction of individual sentences, unsuccessful connection between individual sentences, or the absence of such a connection.

Wrong connection between in separate words in a sentence, bad or incorrect word order in a sentence.

Lexical flaws: unsuccessful or incorrect use of words and expressions.

All shortcomings are taken into account in the assessment. When correcting spelling errors, perhaps the teacher puts out the spelling number in the fields, corresponding to the memo for working on mistakes. Analysis, together with the student, of already written essays after they have been checked by the teacher is also a means of teaching coherent speech. The work on mistakes should be done in the next lesson of the Russian language. It should start with reading the most successful works and analyzing them. The following are examples unsuccessfully selected words, phrases, sentences/without the instructions of the authors /, errors are clarified and jointly eliminated. The class assesses whether the students have really learned to compose. After the collective analysis, the children begin independent work. The task of the teacher at this stage is to provide individual assistance... As a result, an assessment of the level of speech development of the whole class should be sounded, the successes of those who really deserve them are emphasized. The next lesson provides an analysis of how to fix bugs, stand out the most successful works. Thus, we have shown that composition is the result of the development of written language.

One of the main tasks of teaching Russian in primary school is the formation of spelling literacy. The importance of this task is due to the fact that spelling literacy is part of the language culture, ensures the accuracy of expression of thought and mutual understanding in written communication.

Already during the literacy period, we decide this task, using spelling tales in order to form spelling vigilance and conducting word-building exercises.

To form the usual ideas about the spelling, spelling tales are used taking into account psychological characteristics students.

Developing spelling vigilance means teaching children to see spelling. The ability to notice spelling when writing is an initial skill that motivates the need for rules, and develops the ability to highlight when writing those cases when the writer is in danger of making a mistake.

To highlight a spelling, you need to know its identifying signs:

for spelling unstressed vowelsoh-a, e-i-i ; position in an unstressed syllable;

For spelling paired voiced and voiceless consonants - lettersg-k, z-s, w-w, w-f, d-t, b-p ; position at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants. The assimilation of the identification signs of spelling is facilitated by spelling tales about sounds and letters.

Here are examples of spelling tales in Russian lessons. Already when reading and writing the first words with vowelsoh : pines - pine, wasps - wasp, countries - countryyou can invite children to compare the pronunciation and spelling of vowels in unstressed syllables, then tell the tale of unstressed vowelsoh: "Once upon a time the vowels o and a walked through the forest, picking berries. Suddenly they are so quarreled that the birds scattered, the animals scattered and hid, the trees are drooping After all, a quarrel does not paint anyone. Why did the vowels fall out? When vowels oh stand without stress, wants to take place both one and the other. ANDstupid: came to the rescueAssistant Accent. Cost him a magic wandhit the vowel like sheflock can be heard clearly, and there is no doubt about herwriting could no longer be. Aboutthis was learned by the children who walked by. Theymade friends with the wizardAccent and always called his help when v words have unstressed vowelsO or a ... Since then, these children write competently.».

When reading and writing words with vowelse -and : rivers - river, forest - forests, you can remind children of the tale of vowelsoh , and inform that the vowelse-i they also quarrel if they are in an unstressed syllable. The wizard hurries to reconcile them - Stress. Children turn to this fairy tale constantly, explaining the spelling of the words saw, sharp, cook, earth, etc. Children have a good habit: to think about writing vowelso-a, e-and I in an unstressed syllable.

Similar work is carried out with paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word. In the lesson, when studying [d], [d "] and letters Dd, the game" The letter is lost "is played (b or in the words dy, zu). After repeating the paired consonantsb-p, d-t, z-s the teacher tells a tale about voiced and voiceless consonants: « Lived - there were paired voiced and voiceless consonants. We lived together. But once, when composing words, voiced consonants ended up at the end of words. And a quarrel began between them, because the voiced consonants lost their sonority and began to be heard as deaf. The vowels heard this quarrel, they came to the rescue, reconciled the paired consonants. As soon as the vowels stand near the consonants, the consonants began to be heard clearly, and there was no longer any doubt about their writing. Remember kids! To correctly write paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words, you need to call vowels for help»

During the period of teaching literacy in the lesson on the topic "Sound [h"], letters H, h "after the characteristics of the sound [h"], the teacher tells a tale about the letter h:

« Once the letters went into the forest for mushrooms. When they returned, the letter I boasted: "I picked up the most mushrooms, I, I, I, I have the best mushrooms, I, I, I." The letters got angry: “We lived so amicably, no one was arrogant with us. And the letters decided to punish the letter I. Letters and she was sent to the end of the alphabet. Then the letter H came out and said that she would never stand next to the arrogant I and Yu, but would be friends only with A and U. Remember, children, we write the syllable CHA with the letter A, we write the syllable CHU with the letter U.»

Spelling tales arouse interest in the phenomena under study, and learning with enthusiasm is always successful. And in educational terms, spelling tales are valuable: they teach to be friends, to help each other in difficult times.

Spelling tales help to teach children not only to see spelling, to determine their type, but also to perform spelling actions, i.e.That is, to select test words so that the sound in a weak position is replaced by a sound in a strong position and then to determine which letter this sound is designated by.

Thus, the tasks of teaching literacy and writing in grade 1 are analytical-synthetic work on the syllable and word, the development of phonemic hearing and the ability to replace phonemes with the corresponding letters. In the 2nd grade, we continue this work, increasing it in volume and reducing it in time, since the children have already developed certain skills and abilities.

Exercises for developing spelling vigilance according to the degree of complexity and independence, depending on what attention is paid to, can be arranged in a certain sequence.


(at the heart of the letter is pronunciation in syllables)

Students pronounce the word by syllable, write down the first letter of the syllable, then pronounce the vowel and write it down, for example: "For - I write z with a vowel a", etc.

The result of a letter with the pronunciation of syllables is a competent letter, excluding such common mistakes for omission and replacement of letters. As a rule, such works are written beautifully, accurately, without corrections. Children develop a uniform writing pace, they develop positive emotions for a difficult occupation - writing, they cultivate diligence, work culture, strong-willed qualities, a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.


Cheating is based on pronunciation by syllable. This type of cheating involves a lot of independent work of students. They do not hear the word from the teacher, but find it in the book and read it themselves. To prevent students from wasting time looking for a word in the textbook, they use a strip of paper, which they place along the line copied from the activity.

In the process of cheating, children develop visual and auditory memory, attention, comparison (correlation of the number of letters in a notebook and in a book), independence, self-control, and positive emotions are brought up.


This type of dictation is also based on pronunciation by syllable. Students not only pronounce the proposed words and sentences, but justify the spelling with rules, the selection of test words. It is very important here that everyone works simultaneously with the commentator, not lagging behind and not running ahead. Only under this condition are errors prevented. First, strong students comment, and gradually all the rest are included.

This type of writing develops attention to the word, its meaning, intelligence, speech, phonemic hearing, thinking.

Dictation letter with preliminary preparation.

Writing develops visual memory, speech, thinking, ideas, phonemic hearing, attention, interest. Collectivism, organization, self-control, honesty, objective self-esteem are brought up in children.


First, the word is dictated as they are written. To develop attention and phonemic hearing, the teacher conducts the game "Echo". The teacher reads the word, the children repeat it in syllables in chorus and whisper, but so that the teacher hears. If someone copied it incorrectly (distorted the ending of a word, or an unstressed vowel in the root, or a paired consonant), then it is proposed to repeat this word all over again, then to one student (the one who was mistaken). Children correct the mistake and then write the word down syllables.

Thus, attention to the word increases, auditory memory, intuitive writing develops. There are no errors like "on trees" instead of - on trees 1.


This type of writing develops memory, thinking, speech, attention. Diligence, accuracy, discipline, and self-control are brought up.

For writing from memory, excerpts from poems from 4 to 5-6 lines are suitable.

1 class.

Glory to the bread on the table!

My native country is wide.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

4). Stands in the teremok field.

5). A beetle sat on the flower. The beetle has six legs.

2nd grade

The fun shines

A month over the village.

White snow sparkles

With a blue light. (N. Nikitin)

2) Through the wavy mists

The moon is making its way.

To the sad glades

She sheds a sad light ... (A. Pushkin)

3) The squirrel sings songs,

And gnaws at all the nuts

And the nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden

The kernels are pure emerald ... (A. Pushkin)

Letter combinations (zhi-shi, cha-schu, chu-schu, chk-chn, thu, schn)

Life is given for good deeds.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

I saw a rook - welcome the spring.

Business is time - fun is an hour.

Designation by letters of consonant sounds paired in deafness-voicedness at the end of a word and before a consonant sound.

Write the word names of animals. Each word must end with a consonant sound paired in deafness-voicedness.

Write three words in which all consonants are voiced (vase, fence, lemon), or deaf (cat cabinet, cuckoo)

Head on a leg

There are peas in the head.

Honor and work live side by side.

Partridges for the night

Snow plunged into the blue. (T. Belozerov)

Separating soft sign.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Learning is the path to skill.

February is strong with a blizzard, and March is a drop.

The bird is strong with its wings, and the human is with friendship.

Capital letter in proper names.

Makar gave Roman caramels, and Roman Makar - a pencil. (proverb)

Designation by letters of unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

2nd grade

March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

There is a fox hole in the forest under a pine tree. A fox with foxes lives in a hole.

Roses are blooming in the garden.

The sea water is salty.

Grade 3.

Leaves flew from maple,

Maple shivers from the cold.

On the path by the balcony

The golden carpet lies. (E. Avdeenko)

Snow flies and sparkles

In the golden glow of the day

Like covers in peace

All valleys and fields. (S. Drozhzhin)


A grain in a spikelet - do not sleep in the chill.

Look at the tree by its fruit, and the man by its deeds.


The horse runs, the earth trembles. (thunder)

The green belt is lost in the grass. (lizard)

4th grade

Wonderful morning in the February forest

Where in life will you see such beauty!

In diamond capes, birches have subsided,

Frost covered them in crystal frost. (D. Giryaev)

The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare.

The water is foggy and damp.

The wheel behind the blue mountains

The quiet sun went down. (S. Yesenin)

First, the children are asked to explain the spelling of the highlighted letters. Then write an excerpt of a poem from memory and test yourself.


This is the most difficult type of writing, requiring attention, the ability to disperse it both on the composition of sentences, and on the recording of your sentences (each word is dictated by syllables), and on the logic of presentation.

The easiest creative work is to make sentences based on key words.

Grade 2.

Make sentences using these words.

A warm day, a small hillock, the first snowdrop, was, came, stood, appeared, blossomed, woke up, thawed, showed itself.

Grade 3.

Replace the name of the adjective with the antonym in each phrase.

Heavy load, wide path, bitter berry, dense forest, stale bread.

4th grade

Make up several sentences for one of the following topics:

"Good deeds make a person beautiful"

"The whole day is like a crystal ..." (F. Tyutchev)

Children are very fond of writing creative dictations. Next in complexity are presentation and composition.

So, the various techniques listed above, clarity, game moments, systematic work, intersubject connections help to develop the spelling vigilance of students.

My task was to check whether the effectiveness of the work on the formation of spelling literacy will increase if spelling tales and some of the techniques listed above are used in the learning process.

Testing works and their analysis showed that the systematic work on spelling, begun during the period of literacy training, using spelling tales and the constant highlighting of spelling, brings results.

The team of students showed themselves to be efficient, and in grade 2, work on the development of spelling vigilance will be aimed at fairly well-mastered spelling.

Generalized way of memorizing:

Read the first row of letters from the blackboard, and write them down from memory (so with each row):

e, o, s

uh, uh, uh

n, b, r, v, w

z, d, p, k, f, f

l, s, w, t, x, h, u

Read a phrase or sentence from the whiteboard and write it down from memory.

Write down the vocabulary words from memory that we went through three days ago, a week ago.

what is common in the spelling of words: worker, coat, boots, breakfast, factory, car, tram? (All words have an unstressed vowel a, and it is not testable

this is a common spelling feature.)

you can compose a story from these words:

“The worker puts on his coat, boots, takes breakfast with him and drives his car to work, to the factory. And we go by tram and hum a song:

Tram - tara - ra,


Everywhere we write the letter a.

Reception of strengthening the spelling:

To "strengthen" the spelling means to brighten up that place in the word that is difficult to remember and easily forgotten. "Strengthening" requires the creative activity of students. Stages of work on "strengthening":

"Worker", "metro" - another word is hidden in the word, - "tomato" - we memorize the letter of vowel soundsO and and ;

Inside the vegetable are two seeds named Pom and Dor:

  • Highlighting difficult spelling.

    How to brighten up the spelling?

    Finding a way.

    Collectively choosing the best way.

    Individual method of memorization for each student.

- "Chocolate" I the word has a sweet shock and a cola drink.

- "Brightening" by making puzzles: "around"O, "Forty" 40a, "again" O5, "Neighborhood" O ness etc.

Conducting visual dictations .

The text for the dictation is written on the board in advance. Take one or three sentences. In the course of work, the recording is closed, but not erased, because you will need it for self-test or cross-check.

Algorithm for conducting visual dictation:

  • given in advance for visual memorization;

    students close their eyes and present sentences visually or are analyzing sentences together with the teacher;

    the task is given to "brighten" a difficult spelling;

    sentences are written in a notebook;

    checking the written.

Auditory dictations .

Algorithm for conducting auditory dictation:

    1. a task is given to memorize a sentence with first time,

      students repeat it to themselves;

      write it down in a notebook;

      checking written under the guidance of a teacher.

Find the Bug game

A sentence or text is written on the board and there are specially made mistakes in the learned rules. For instance:Kostya Chaikin lived in the direvny Dubrovka. He went fishing with his brother Zhora .

Game "Remember and choose".

This material is presented from the words of the teacher (auditory perception), or from the blackboard (visual perception).

Before completing the exercise, the teacher sets the following tasks:

      1. Select objects for memorization, set by the teacher. For instance: remember only those words in which there are combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, schu:shouted, pulled, circled, looked for, stocking, played, ran, pike, wore, tire, etc.

When repeating the material studied, I offer students a series of cards. Each card contains three tasks. For example, in the third grade I offer cards for work at the end of the fourth quarter.

Series No. 1. Card No. 1.

        1. Disassemble by the composition of the word

        1. Insert missing letters, prove spelling spelling

(...) chat (...) close

(...) to_ver (...) book_book

(...) sn_giri (...) cold_

(...) s_dovnik (...) charge

        1. Parse the sentence, underline the subject and predicate. Write down the phrases.

Series No. 2. Card No. 1.

          1. Write out the words in three columns for these diagrams.

Wind, mountain, flight, earth, cold, transition, sea, rain, entrance.

          1. Write out the words in three columns and underline the spelling: in the first column - words with an unstressed vowel; in the second - words with consonants paired in voicing-voicelessness; in the third - words with unpronounceable consonants.

End, ravine, participant, turnip, adorable, sitting, dragged away, rainy, a little bit.

          1. Parse the sentence, underline the main members of the sentence, write parts of speech over each word.

Hung yellow autumn golden flags .

Series N 3. Card number 1.

            1. Pick and write down two words for the diagrams.

              Pick and write down the words in two columns (3-4 words each): in the first column 8 words with an unstressed vowel; in the second - words with consonants paired in voicing-voicelessness.

              Make a proposal for the questions. Write it down. Underline the main terms of the proposal.

(What?) (Who?) (How?) (What did?)


Balashov T.Yu. "Preparing third graders for essay-description" g. "Primary school" No. 2, 1996 pp. 17-18.

Vygotsky L.S. "Pedagogical psychology" M. Pedagogy 1991 p. 436.

3. Kostenko F.D. Didactic material on the development of re chi Grade 3 "M. Education 1980 p.22.

Kustareva V.A. et al. "Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school" M. Pedagogy 19.74 357 .-.362.

Kustareva VA, Rozhdestvensky NS .. "The system of written exercises in coherent speech"Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR 1963 p. I 0-20.

Ozhegov S.I. " Dictionary Russian language "М АЗЪ. 1993 p.744.

Rybnikova M.A. "Essays on the methodology literary reading"M. Education 1985 p. 237.

Sokolova T.N. "School of speech development" M. Rostkniga 2007 p.3

Soloveichik M.S. "Primer" "Association of the 21st century" JSC "Moscow textbooks" 2009

Soloveichik M.S. "Russian language" Explanatory note. Program. Planning

Soloveichik M.S. "Russian language in primary school." "Methodology for the development of speech in primary schoolchildren" M.Linka-Press 1994 p.71-93.

Soloveichik M.S. “Russian language in primary school. Theory and practice of teaching "M. Education 1993 p.284.

Soloveichik M.S. "To the secrets of our language" Guidelines... Smolensk; Association 21st century 2007

K.D. Ushinsky "Native Word" Selected pedagogical works M. 1974 vol. 2 p. 286.

Memo for self-checking the composition.

Memo 1.

Is the content of the text relevant to the topic?

Is the main thing missed, is the main

Is it not? in the text of unnecessary facts, sentences, words?

Is the text logical? Do I need to rearrange something?

Are the parts of the text and the members of the sentences well connected? Are parts of the text highlighted with a red line?

Are those words selected to cover the topic? Are they well built

Is the whole composition interesting and clear to the listener?

Memo 2.

Check if you missed a letter?

Did you spell the unstressed vowels correctly?

Check words with voiced and voiceless consonants.

Good Speech Rules

In the lesson, you cannot talk when you want. Silence is very important: it helps you learn to think. Silence in the lesson must be protected. And you also need to respect the one who speaks, not to interfere with him.

You need to speak loudly enough in class so that you can be heard well - otherwise why engage in communication?

It is customary to look at the one who speaks, as if supporting him, helping him with a kind glance, a nod of the head.

When correcting or supplementing the answer, you need to try to do it politely, without offending your classmate, without interfering with his decision-making.

Polite people talk about not present"He, she", "he, she", but they call it by name: Tanya, Petya, Tanya's, Petya's ... You can even address the student directly:"Petya, you didn't say ...", "Tanya, you're wrong ..."

Remember to use the words “please,” “thank you,” “sorry,” or “sorry, please,” etc.

Most of these rules of speech behavior will be discovered in this lesson. It is clear that their implementation will require a long time, your patience and painstaking work.

Address the interlocutor by first name or first name and patronymic.

When talking, look not to the side, but at the one with whom you are talking.

Do not interrupt, but if you really need to contact, then first

Don't talk when you chew.

Do not shout, do not wave your hands.

Speech is classified according to a significant number of characteristics. At least four classification features can be distinguished, which allow us to talk about different types speeches

according to the form of information exchange (using sounds or written signs), speech is divided into oral and written

according to the number of participants in communication, it is subdivided into monological, dialogical and polylogical

on functioning in a particular area of ​​communication

the following functional

speech styles: scientific, official

business, journalistic, colloquial

by the presence of the content

The following functional and semantic types of speech are distinguished: description, narration and reasoning

First of all, we will focus on the characteristics of oral and written speech. Oral and written types of speech are "linked by thousands of transitions into each other." This is due to the fact that both oral and written speech are based on internal speech, with the help of which human thought is formed.

In addition, spoken language can be recorded on paper or by technical means, while any written text can be read aloud. There are even special genres of written speech specifically designed to be pronounced aloud: drama and oratory. And in works of fiction, one can often find dialogues and monologues of characters that are inherent in spontaneous oral speech.

Despite the commonality of oral and written speech, there are differences between them. As noted in the encyclopedia "Russian language" ed. Fedot Petrovich Filin, the differences between oral and written speech are as follows:

- oral speech - speech sounding, spoken. It is the primary form of the existence of language, a form opposed to written speech. In the conditions of modern scientific and technological progress, oral speech not only outstrips written in terms of the possibilities of actual dissemination, but also acquires such an important advantage as the instantaneous transmission of information;

- written speech - this is speech depicted on paper (parchment, birch bark, stone, linen, etc.) using graphic signs intended to indicate the sounds of speech. Written speech is a secondary, later in the time of its emergence, form of the existence of language, opposed to oral speech.

A number of psychological and situational differences stand out between oral and written speech:

    in oral speech, the speaker and the listener see each other, which allows, depending on the reaction of the interlocutor, to change the content of the conversation. In written speech, this possibility is not available: the writer can only mentally imagine a potential reader;

    oral speech is designed for auditory perception, written - on the visual. Literal reproduction of spoken language, as a rule,

it is possible only with the help of special technical devices, while in written speech, the reader has the opportunity to repeatedly re-read what has been written, as well as the writer himself - to repeatedly improve what has been written;

3) written speech makes communication accurate, fixed. It connects the communication of people of the past, present and future, acts as the basis for business communication and scientific activity, while oral speech is often characterized by inaccuracy, incompleteness, and the transmission of general meaning.

Thus, there are both similarities and differences in speech and writing. The similarities are based on the fact that the basis of both types of speech is the literary language, and the differences lie in the means of its expression.

Competent speech is a pledge life success... After all, they are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to convey thoughts correctly and write competently. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, to build sentences correctly is always perceived more positively. The interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign to a person a completely different, higher level of life competence.

Have you ever lost or did not get a job due to a large number writing errors or needing to clearly explain why you are the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you are not performing in front of an audience, the ability to speak beautifully and understandably is appreciated by everyone. So how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading quality fiction is hardly a waste of time. V modern world we are very large stream information, mainly we listen to news or read them on the Internet. But the web, entertainment reading and business literature cannot replace good books by recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively cost correct, beautiful sentences, develops a sense of language. Reading fiction, scientific articles in special editions, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make speech more lively, imaginative, read poetry. Highlight the rhythm, metaphor, and speech patterns that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you have heard or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if it becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a certain science. Use them all and your vocabulary will start to grow rapidly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in a conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all knowledge of the language before the age of seven. A child's literate speech develops with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary, and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Take an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak on a dictaphone or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Rate your speech. Competent speech is always clean of all unnecessary things. How accurately have you conveyed your message to others? Was she understandable? Could it have been shorter, clearer, clearer? Are you pauses in the wrong places? Are you building your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch out for accents. Wrong accents (ringing, jalusi and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) betray an illiterate and illiterate person. There are two ways out: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you write

Written a letter, a message to a friend, a management report, or a feature sketch? Whatever it is - review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is a great speech training. If you practice "cleaning" your writing, you will see results very soon. Plus, spoken language will change significantly too!

When you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with a "fresh" eye. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Are there any mistakes in it? How accurately is the thought expressed? Do you understand everything as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech are always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that have no meaning. Often they occupy a third of the text, from which your thought definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it aloud (be sure to do this if preparing the speech you will be giving).

Develop your voice

For communication, not only grammatical and lexically literate speech is important. Correct communication also includes proficiency in the voice. If you have applied all the techniques outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice devoid of any intonation, it will be unpleasant and not very interesting to listen to you.

It's worth developing your voice. Exercise, listen to the speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with a little effort, the results will delight you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Literate speech is not given from birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to the development of your speech, reading will become your good habit - a more interesting and successful life is guaranteed to you.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Brevity, clarity, literacy - the basics of correct and beautiful speech

People have forgotten how to speak correctly and beautifully (for a number of reasons, starting with the general decline of culture in the 90s of the last century). This needs to be learned again. At least because such speech not only positively characterizes a person, but also helps him to communicate with other people, to achieve success in work and personal life. Imagine this situation. You are communicating with a person who uses vulgar, slang words. Would you like to continue the conversation with him? Of course not.

Not all people are gifted with oratory. However, with desire and diligence, almost everyone can learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Moreover, the Russian language is extremely rich. It makes it possible to describe any object with the utmost clarity and imagery, to characterize any person, to express an attitude to this or that event, natural phenomenon, work of art, etc. With the help of its features, you can emphasize the slightest nuances, shade one or another detail, a character trait. In this respect, few languages ​​can compare with Russian.

It is not at all necessary that such a description or expression be verbose. After all, a speech that is too long, even a beautiful and imaginative one, tires the listeners, and sometimes can cause irritation. As a result, the expected effect of the spoken words will not be achieved.

Therefore, you should remember that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. We must quickly move to the main point question, without delaying the introduction, without being distracted by extraneous details. Then you will be listened to attentively, and your arguments will have the due effect.

Of course, you don't have to go to the opposite extreme, following the example of the ancient Spartans, famous for their brevity. She is also good in moderation

It is necessary to speak clearly and convincingly. Whatever it is about, the speaker's words should be clear to any person, even those who do not have a high level of intelligence. The whole effect of speech will disappear if the listeners keep trying to understand: "What does he mean?" Therefore, you should not use specific terms that are familiar only to a narrow circle of specialists, for example. It is also necessary, if possible, to refrain from too frequent use of foreign words. Indeed, in most cases, they can be replaced with Russian counterparts.

And, of course, you need to speak correctly. A very unpleasant impression is made by a person who makes mistakes in stress or misuses words. For example, the whole effect of a convincing and beautiful speech can be spoiled by the word “lay down”, said instead of the word “lay”. Likewise, the head of a company who makes mistakes in stress when pronouncing the words "contract", "kilometer" is unlikely to arouse respect and trust among business partners.

Make it a rule: as little jargon as possible. They are quite acceptable when communicating in a narrow circle or in in social networks but not in a public speech.

Moreover, try in every possible way to avoid rude, vulgar expressions (not to mention obscene ones). They do not characterize the person who uses them in the best way.

An example of beautiful correct speech - Russian classical literature

To learn to speak correctly, figuratively and beautifully, you need to read as many classical works as possible. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, Leskov ... This is far from full list masters of the artistic word, who were fluent in Russian and left us an invaluable creative heritage... In their works, you will find countless examples of truly beautiful speech. Although some words are outdated these days, and some phrases may seem ponderous, unnatural, Russian classics will help you learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Read the works of these masters and after a while you yourself will notice that your vocabulary has become enriched, and you want to speak, imitating their heroes.

Attend performances based on the works of masters of classical literature, or watch them on TV. It will also help you learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

You can also read the explanatory Russian dictionary and write down your favorite words. But remember that some of them may not be familiar to your audience, so try not to use them when dealing with opponents.

Greetings, Dear friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, Russia is one of the most literate countries in the world, since almost all of its citizens can read and write, I very often come across such words as "cute", "birthday" or "birthday", etc. ...

Do you agree that well-written articles are more enjoyable to read than text teeming with errors? It seems that everyone had lessons in Russian literature and language at school, but most of them seem to have either lost their acquired skills or did not listen to the teacher at all. So how do you refresh your memory? How to "raise" literacy for a great, powerful adult? After all, literate people achieve success faster!

Let's first take a sober look at the situation at what level of our literacy. Not happy? Let's start enriching knowledge.

What and how to read?

One of the ways to become a Russian language guru, which we are constantly advised to do, is to read more. On the one hand, it is correct: when you read a lot, more words you remember and know how they are written. However, not all literature is equally useful. The best option for useful reading is the classics. A lot of interesting works were not included in the school curriculum, some we read in an abbreviated "demo" version, while others have forgotten, so pleasant emotions are guaranteed. For example, from textbooks, the only thing that I remember is "The Master and Margarita".

There is such a technique as spelling reading. Its principle is that children are taught to read as it is written, and not as it is customary to say. Particular attention is paid to long and complex words that are pronounced syllables. In this case, auditory memory is connected to visual memory. This is how we quickly memorize how words are spelled. Then, using the "like-dislike" method, you can intuitively determine how an unfamiliar word is spelled.

Reading you will get a feel for the style, see the collocation of words, and expand your vocabulary. What if not reading contributes to this ?!

Desk book? Dictionary!

Improving literacy is not a matter of one day or even several months. If you decide to thoroughly improve literacy, then the dictionary of the Russian language should become your reference book. At the slightest uncertainty about the correctness of the spelling, you must refer to it. Met an unfamiliar word? Also open the dictionary, learn the meaning and how to write. Another good way replenish your vocabulary.

Do not be afraid of voluminous volumes filling the room. After all, electronic versions of all dictionaries are freely available on the Internet. Here, dic.academic.ru.

Have modern people there is also an opportunity to improve literacy online using special resources. For example, there is such a useful service - Gramota.ru, with explanations, rules, reference materials. We go to the site, type a dubious word in a line, press Enter - and the correct answer is before our eyes. Conveniently! And this is not the only site of this kind.

Pay attention to resources such as:

  • Total Dictation is a complete online school, all free;
  • "True Words"- courses in native speech for children of primary and high school, linguistic games, online olympiads. The service is paid, but there is an opportunity to try the free option;
  • "I can write"- Russian language lessons, paid, free courses, webinars, textbooks, tests;
  • "Education in Russian"- free interactive textbooks, online platforms for learning Russian as a foreign language;
  • "Write more lively"- a free course that will help rid your texts of verbal rubbish;
  • "Textologia.ru" Is an online magazine about the Russian language and literature.

We play and improve literacy

Literacy can be learned easily and playfully. Do you like doing crosswords? Wonderful! This means that you learn new words and remember how they are spelled. Word puzzles, tests, anagrams, charades, rebuses also perfectly develop our intellectual abilities.

If on their own do not get good results, take literacy courses. With the help of specialists, things will go much faster. These courses are also available online.

There are also services that help improve literacy, for example, Tutoronline.ru... Leave a request and study with a tutor in Russian or literature on Skype.

Compliance with the requirements of the Russian language is mandatory by default in any area. So, we remember or learn the rules. In the case when the work is checked before sending, why not ask him to report every violation of language norms? Learned the rule - increased literacy. If you act like this all the time, you will be able to compete with the examiner.

But not everyone has a proofreader. Then your salvation is the textbooks. Don't be lazy, open them more often, read the rules yourself!

Today is a dictation

In my opinion, it is The best way improve literacy as soon as possible. Even assistants are not needed: there are enough interactive dictations for inserting missing punctuation marks and spelling on the Internet. The benefits are twofold: interesting and informative.


Write daily, so you will increase your literacy level in the near future, develop the skill of recognizing mistakes at the level of intuition. Constantly, a lot, interesting! Not everyone can boast of innate literacy; you have to work hard to get such a useful advantage. The more we write, the fewer mistakes we make. Tested in practice!

There is also a way to improve your language skills like calligraphic writing. Calligraphic handwriting develops concentration, helps to fix a phrase in memory and even to remember a rule! Write slowly - this method also works when typing on a computer. Think, not rush at full speed.

Interestingly, the original misspelling is etched into memory. A persistent misspelled writing skill emerges. To get rid of it, you have to spell the word correctly at least a hundred times. After about a hundred repetitions, at one time I stopped writing "Hello" - I constantly skipped the letter "v" at the skill level.

You know, even without being super literate, you can make good money. The higher your knowledge of the language, the higher the earnings.


Do you know the expression "here the comma asks for"? The logic of the presentation and the rhythm of the sentence suggest that a punctuation mark is needed here. To get a feel for this rhythm, listen to audiobooks, pay attention to the phrases you pronounce. So you will learn how to determine in which places the "comma asks".

Out of the ordinary situations

Unfortunately, or fortunately, Russian is actually very flexible. If key word the customer found an error, do not rush to fix it. It is quite possible that this is a special requirement, that is, it should be so. The reason is simple. Search queries are typing with errors most of Internet users. When the number of misspelled queries increases noticeably, some webmasters use similar words as keywords.

Some statistics

As statistics show, the Russian language consists of about 500,000 words. But in our daily life we ​​only use about 3000.

According to textologia.ru, a schoolchild's vocabulary is 2000 - 5000 words, an adult speaks 5000 - 8000 thousand, an adult who has received higher education has about 10,000 in stock, and 50,000 are available to the erudite.

So, to summarize how you can quickly improve your literacy rate:

  1. Read a lot, especially classical literature.
  2. Check the dictionary frequently, both in volumes and on the Internet.
  3. Let online resources like Gramota.ru become your friends.
  4. Solve crosswords, charades, puzzles.
  5. If you cannot achieve results on your own, work with a tutor.
  6. Take literacy courses.
  7. Write.
  8. Listen to audiobooks!

Until then. Pavel Yamb was with you. Be literate, write comments on this article without errors :)

P.s. What words did you have problems with?

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