How to determine how long you will live by looking at your hand. How to determine the life line on your hand? General examination of hands

Are you planning your life expectancy? How many years do you want to live? As God willing, listen to the cuckoo as much as you can or as much as you want. Or maybe you haven’t thought about this question at all?

There is no need to dismiss the question and it is better to turn to statistics. And according to statistics, 50% of mortality depends on unfavorable living conditions and bad habits. That is, 50% of your life expectancy depends on yourself. And this factor can be influenced!

Share with your friends! The concept that besides the many handles, horns and hand lines in the palms of the hands, signs that can change events human life or even fate, are also important in palmistry. By the way, these signs of different shapes are far from every person. However, palmistry gives them a special role. They are and can be either a permanent mark on the hand or a temporary warning, a warning about the dangers of danger,” said the famous palmistry specialist Viktor Dolya. According to him, one of the most mysterious is the sign of the cross, surrounded by occult secrets.

Life expectancy.

Think about it: if you give up just three bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and overeating, and add two good ones: exercise and control your blood pressure, the threat of death from seven of the ten leading causes of death is significantly reduced.

By the way, ancient palmists gave the names of the planets in the palms of the mountains. According to the famous palmist, the star sign on the hand represents events that do not depend on the free will and efforts of a person. Typically, this sign is found in the palm of a handful. But you may often see the star sign and the palm of your hand. A star sign on a line always means a huge, unpleasant and sad event that can end in a person’s life. Meanwhile, famous person, celebrity, depending on the location of this sign, can mean a forced death or a tragic death.

Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cerebral stroke, trauma, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis). The conclusion suggests itself: With the help of simple preventive measures, you can prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases. The longevity point will also help you prolong your life.

I bring to your attention a test questionnaire compiled by the American scientist R. Schultz, based on numerous studies and statistical data. Determine your life expectancy! It's not too late to make changes! The test takes into account the influence of habits, lifestyle and some biological features.

Meanwhile, if the star is on the mount of the Moon, it indicates that the person is a hypocrite, immanent, seeking treachery and betrayal. It is better to avoid people with a sign in this place. Because this sign will bring misfortune. In addition, there is a danger of drowning, the palmist warned. A star on the mount of Mars means murder, fire danger, fire, injury. The star sign at the bottom of Venus Hill warns of the suffering and misery that some women may bring.

This sign on Mount Apollo indicates unjust enrichment. If the star matches the palm of your hand, it means a strong, great talented celebrity. And if you find a star on the Mount of Jupiter, this is probably the best and most successful sign. This shows that this person will receive great recognition and will have power in their hands. This is the realization of ambitions happy love, unexpected rise. “Jupiter is generally considered a good sign because it is the pinnacle of the ideal,” said the palmist.

Let's start counting life expectancy!

  1. Other things being equal:
  2. You are a man. Expected number of years 64.
  3. You are a woman. Expected number of years 72.
  4. The expected number of years is based on statistics on average life expectancy.
  5. If you are between 50 and 60 years old, add 10.
  6. If you are over 60 years old, add 2.

Let's go...

A star on the hills of Mercury indicates the eloquence of a person. This sign is inseparable from the great achievements of science and business. However, this mark on the outside of the hand indicates fraud and dishonesty. This is basically a bad and warning sign, except in rare cases when it is in the right form. That is, when its intersecting lines are of the same length. If the cross is on the trademark of Jupiter, it is good sign, indicating successful and happy marriage. True, only it must be bright.

General examination of hands

This mark becomes special if it is located on the Mount of Saturn. This is catastrophic mysticism that jeopardizes the fate of this person. Even any line descending from the Mount of Saturn warns that a difficult time or an accident awaits. The crusade sign on Mercury indicates that this is a dishonest person who seeks to steal and deceive. The more asymmetrical and curved the lines of this mark, the more their features become more pronounced.

1. Two or more of your grandparents lived to be 80 years or more.

Add 5.

2. If any of your parents, grandparents, sister or brother died of myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke before the age of 50 years.

Subtract 4.

3. If any of them died from these diseases before the age of 60 years.

Subtract 2.

4. If any of your grandparents or parents had diabetes, thyroid disorder, cancer, asthma or chronic bronchitis.

Life expectancy

The sign of the Cross on the marriage line warns that the marriage will be cancelled. Thus, the cross on the Mount of Venus means the only, decisive love of life. And the cross on the throne of Jupiter means that this couple will love each other to robbers. On the Hill of Mars, the cross indicates that the person is daring, likes to argue and does not avoid domestic violence. In addition, such people often go to extremes or behave unreasonably. A sign in this place may also indicate events associated with psychological and material violence.

Subtract 3.

5. You are in a successful marriage.

Add 4 years.

6.You are over 25 years old and unmarried.

Subtract a year for every 10 years.

7. If each member of your family pays less than a living wage, and this worries you every day.

Subtract 2.

8. If for most of your life your dependents accounted for more than 50% of your monthly income.

In addition, the sign of the cross shows the operations that were performed on that person. Although man has consciously and consciously decided upon them, his instinct of self-preservation reminds us that the body will be forced to be cut off. A cross on the mount of the Moon indicates that the person is habitually deceitful and deceitful and may become so involved in those things that he does not fall into the trap of spending money from others. Two lines on the Mount of the Moon forming an angle with each other represent the sign of the steward. If it is between the Heart and Head lines and the center of the palm, the sign in this place is called the mystic cross.

Subtract 3.

9. For every 4.5 kg of your excess weight.

Subtract 1.

10. For every 2.5 cm by which the waist circumference exceeds the chest circumference

Subtract 2.

11. You are over forty years old and not overweight

Add 3.

12. Your physical training is regular, for example 3 times a week.

Add 3.

13. Training is not just a regulation ardent, but also stubborn. For example, long-distance running or daily exercise.

He claims that the person is actively interested in the occult sciences. It often happens that a person does not believe in hidden talents. It is also worth noting that when the crosses on the palm are clear and precise, and the hands are proportional, this is considered a good sign in palmistry.

This mark, found only on the palms of the lines, indicates that a difficult time awaits you. life period. Meanwhile, if the islands are on the line of luck, they indicate oppression that the person is immoral regarding marital divorce. It is also often a difficult financial situation. Moreover, this man has a deceptive plan, a plan of retribution. In general, the sign of the islands means obstacles, barriers, masonry. This sign on the heart line shows that the person has problems with the circulatory system, heart disease, large and bright islands, simply on the life line, means that the person's life will be at risk. This also indicates that there will be no shortage of diseases in the future, and there is a particularly negative sign in this area.

Add 5.

14. You have a sedentary job.

Subtract 3.

15. You are active at work.

Add 3.

16. You are not a drinker. You can drink once a week or don’t drink alcohol at all.

Add 2.

17. You drink more than 2 times a week.

Subtract 8-10.

18. You first encountered alcohol in adulthood.

Subtract 1.

And on the line of success of small islands, this means difficulty and loss of good social or official duties, said the famous palmist. According to him, the mercury tract is a deterioration in health, liver disease. A sign on the head of the head may indicate a psychological, emotional outburst and depression.

First, a square on the hand indicates enormous energy in the place where it is located. Essentially, this sign is favorable: protection, removal of obstacles and mitigation negative situations in life. However, if this mark is close to the life line, on the Mount of Venus, or even tapping the life line, it shows that the person's freedom or free will is limited or otherwise constrained.

19. You smoke more than 2 packs of cigarettes a day.

Subtract 8.

20. You smoke 1-2 packs a day.

Subtract 4.

21. Less than 1 pack per day.

Subtract 2.

22. You regularly smoke a pipe or cigars.

Subtract 2.

23. You are practical and prudent.

Add 2.

24. You are often irritable and tense.

Subtract 2.

25. You consider yourself happy man and are generally satisfied with life.

Any limitation on free will can be expressed as a square. It doesn't matter whether it's military service or a serious illness that puts a person to bed. Therefore, only by taking into account other signs of the hand can one accurately determine the meaning of this sign, said a palmist. This is a sign of unexpected, sudden impacts, events associated with the influence of planets. The point on the heart line is an unexpected and sudden mourning, mournful. The point on the Saturn Cobra is an event that shocked a person with its unexpectedness. In this case it is very bad sign for a sensitive person.

Add 1-5.

26. You often worry, feel unhappy and feel guilty.

Subtract 1-5.

27. You have an unfinished high school diploma development.

Subtract 2.

28. You have a higher education.

Add 3.

29. Most of you spent your life in the countryside.

Add 4.

30. You have lived in the city most of your life.

White dots are not a good sign, but are relatively empty. Points on the head of the head can provide minor nerves or brain diseases. This could also be a sign of an unexpected discovery, the source said. He believes that points on the heart line are a sign of victories and achievements in the field of love. Life line points predict injury or illness, but they seem random. This occurs depending on certain circumstances, and not due to a weakened state of health. Meanwhile, dark dots indicate a major disaster.

Subtract 2.

31. You sleep more than 9 hours a day.

Subtract 5.

32. If the temperature in your home does not exceed 20*.

Add 2.

33. You regularly undergo medical examinations.

Add 3.

34. You get sick often e.

Subtract 2.

TOTAL?...Maybe you too will become one of the famous centenarians?

The life line is considered the main sign in the palm. It can be used to judge your energy reserves and quality of life. Hand researchers are still arguing about the ability to determine the number of years measured out to a person using the life line. For example, employees at the University of Washington completely refuted this possibility by examining more than 50 palms. Researchers from the British Royal Society of Medicine provided contrasting results after examining the hands of the deceased of 37 women and 63 men. To check the conclusions of scientists, it is necessary to correctly determine the position of the life line on the hand.

And if a point on the life line, depending on where it is located, can also find out the approximate date. You can often find small, seemingly imperceptible dots, but you also need to see them on the line to stretch the skin of your hand. The meaning of the "Circle" sign.

This is a rather rare sign on the hand. The ratchet on the palm resembles a halo. This sign indicates fame and success in the field where the person works. However, if the wheel is on the life ring or the head of the line, which means serious eye disease or even eye loss, and two wheels for both eyes leads to blindness. As you can see, the sign is slightly in the wrong place, and immediately everything turned upside down. Don't forget that the effect of any mark on a person, in most cases, depends on the type of hand and where the mark is.

To correctly determine the life line on your hand, you need to carefully examine your palm. Usually the line begins at the edge, in the space between the thumb and forefinger. It can have either a pronounced color or not be very noticeable.

The life line can begin in several places. For example, right below index finger or, conversely, not reaching the head line (which divides the palm in half). The place where the line begins speaks about the qualities that its owner is endowed with. From the edge of the palm, the life line descends to the wrist. Its circumference can pass either in the middle of the palm or very close to thumb. Sometimes the life line is accompanied by a parallel line - evidence of available support in the person of a “guardian angel”. It also blocks breaks and unfavorable signs on the main line. It is quite difficult to confuse these two life guides. The support line is much less pronounced and ends, as a rule, long before the wrist.

They can be reflected in events in different ways,” said the palmist specialist. This is a good sign that its owner is very talented and talented. They are also inclined towards science, mental work, and seek knowledge. But, unfortunately, this rule is not without exception. This mark is as simple as a wheel that can become unsuccessful or even dangerous if it doesn't fit the way you need it to. The Jupiter mount triangle sign shows that the person has great diplomatic abilities, but his head is full of almost unfulfilled ideas. A triangle on the mount of Saturn indicates that the person is an expert in occult science, which is basically black magic.

The life line at the wrist can take the form of a “fork” or “trident”. The first option speaks of the plurality of interests of its owner. The second warns of a lack of vitality.

Correctly identifying and reading the life line is very important for accurately understanding the information it carries. Literally every line, dot, and crossbar has a meaning. All unfavorable signs should be interpreted as a weakening of the body, and not as specific troubles.

And it also indicates his ability or inclination towards spiritualism, magnetism, hypnosis. On the other hand, the triangle takes on a completely different meaning. For example, on the Mount of Apollo this sign signifies special abilities and talents. Michelangelo, Leonard da Vinci, had a triangular sign in this place. On the Mount of Mars - the skillful ability to foresee and calculate everything in advance, as well as excellent military capabilities. According to him, if this sign of Venus is on the hill, then it is likely that you have won the lottery or other game.

And if the triangle is only on the life line, the person may suffer physically. Most likely, it burns strongly in a fire. In other cases, a triangular sign can also mean a defect from deduction. This hand mark resembles small figures, usually quadrangular, consisting of horizontal and vertical lines, reminiscent of a grill. Most often, this sign symbolizes extremes, hobbies and obstacles. A grill on the Mount of Venus means a great desire to satisfy your sexual needs, excessive sexual relations, even perversion with little honor by a person.

Ascending lines (they extend upward from the life line to the fingers) fill your energy channel with new strength. They symbolize new achievements and successes. Lines directed downwards towards the wrist are not so favorable. They seek to take away vitality person and are aimed at weakening him.