How to correctly draw a wish map according to Feng Shui. What is an individual feng shui card

Physicist Niels Bohr hung a horseshoe above the door of his house. Seeing the horseshoe, one of Bohr’s guests asked in surprise: “Do you, such a great scientist, really believe that a horseshoe brings happiness?” “No,” Bohr replied, “of course I don’t believe it. But, they say, it brings happiness even to those who don’t believe in it.”

Earlier, in the “Magic” section, we touched on the topic of attracting money with the help of knowledge. Let's strengthen and reinforce, so to speak - today's article is entirely devoted to money issue and entirely from a Feng Shui point of view. Accordingly, the article Money, Cards and Feng Shui is intended to describe simple steps that will increase the likelihood of increasing the amount of money in your home (pocket). By the way, soon, so the money will be very useful :)

Money, cards and feng shui - this combination suggests not playing cards(which is bad according to Feng Shui), but already known to us from the article Making dreams come true: a treasure map, a treasure map. The basic tips for attracting money according to Feng Shui are not related to a treasure map, but the principle of creating a map remains the same for all manipulations.

If you put your small mark on a large one before you buy something banknote(100 dollars, 100 euros, 5000 rubles), then you attract an extraordinary money luck. In addition, this bill will definitely come back to you.

Take care of coins minted in a leap year and keep them as a talisman. Leap year (by the way, New Year will be a leap year🙂) - one that is divisible by 4 without a remainder. 4 is the number of wealth and money, therefore such coins are called “seed coins” and bring financial luck, attracting wealth. Leap years- 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008. Carry them in your pockets and purses.

It is considered great luck if someone rich and influential gives you a bill from their wallet or pocket. Never waste it, it's your lucky money. You can even frame this bill and hang it in your home or office in the money sector

There should always be money in your pockets, at least one coin. Make this a rule because seed coins are like magnets to attract financial luck into your life. The best thing is to put 3 coins in your pocket because the number 3 gives growth energy and will make your money grow.


  1. Sleep with your head facing west. This part of the world is associated in Feng Shui with fame and prosperity
  2. Keep a small pot of money somewhere in the western part of your apartment (preferably with coins)
  3. Make sure that the taps in your home do not leak - your money flows away along with the dripping water.

Now let's talk about the deeper patterns of Feng Shui and money.

If the rooms in which a person lives and works are “set up” correctly from the point of view of Feng Shui, this can significantly contribute to the fact that he will be healthy and prosperous in all other areas. To attract wealth into your life, you can independently use some of the methods that ancient Eastern teachings offer.

The main idea of ​​Feng Shui is that space is divided into zones that are responsible for different areas of life. By activating these zones in a certain way (with the help of paintings, flowers, mirrors), you can direct the energy of life to the area where it is needed.

Therefore, when attracting money using Feng Shui, you need to activate the wealth zone of your home (or office). Strictly speaking, it is the West that is responsible for the ability to manage the benefits that have been received. Here you can place financial plans, raw gems, rainbows. On the other hand, by superimposing the Ba Gua diagram on the plan of your apartment or house, you will be able to see which of the rooms in your living space are located in the southeast, which is responsible for material prosperity.

There are many ways to activate zones. To begin, use a compass to determine the necessary sector of your apartment or room where you intend to create a Feng Shui corner to attract wealth into your life. Wealth and money in the teachings of Feng Shui are symbolized by water. Therefore, it is advisable to place an aquarium with goldfish in this sector. It is desirable that there are 9 fish, of which 8 are gold and one is black. Do not place fish that are unknown to you into the aquarium. Some of them are prone to fights or are capable of eating their neighbors, which will not improve the feng shui of your home.

If it is not possible to place an aquarium, place a picture depicting water and goldfish in the desired sector. In addition, a turtle is an excellent talisman for attracting wealth into your life. Of course, you don’t have to buy a live turtle for this; you can put up a figurine. It is desirable that it be made from natural materials.

By the way, the concept of “wealth” in the Feng Shui system has more broad meaning than the one we are used to putting into this word. IN Ancient China wealth was understood not only as the material wealth of people, but also as the intellectual, spiritual, cultural, communicative and everything else that could be of value to their lives.

Feng Shui works with energies. Properly calculated and activated energy will provide an opportunity to earn a decent amount of money. The question is what potential does a person have for quickly receiving money? "Money" energy is present in most apartments.

However, the circulation of ANY energy will be significantly hampered if the space in your home is cluttered. Respectively, good advice How to attract money from a Feng Shui point of view is to clean your room. And primarily in the northern, southeastern, western and central sectors.

Before you tackle the actual south-eastern part of your home, it’s a good idea to get yourself a few bundles of old chinese coins, which should be carried in your wallet, taped to folders with important financial documents, fax machines and computers that can bring important financial information.

An important rule of Feng Shui: Home is a reflection of your inner space. If you want to attract something new, you should first cleanse the house.

Where do you keep your money (besides the bank, of course)? Like many, in the wardrobe or under the mattress? Don't do this! Those who keep money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator, do the right thing. Better places to attract money than the area front door and you simply can’t find a kitchen! Therefore, it is worthwhile, after carefully scrubbing the floor, to place small denomination coins under the doormat with the eagle facing up. Put them in the refrigerator, in the pantry with jars of food, “so as not to starve.” Just be sure to make sure that the money does not become moldy, otherwise its effect will weaken. Replace coins regularly with new ones.

An important step in activating the southeast wealth zone in particular and the entire home in general is to only keep things in the house that we use regularly! Walls, floors, furniture and other objects in the house contain the energy of previously occurring events. Negative or repeated events “settle” in the room and affect its occupants. Debris from things is an obstacle to the flow of favorable energy, and after cleaning negative energy quickly disappears not only from our home, but also from life.

And finally - about the design of the south-eastern section of the house. The interior of this sector should be dominated by all shades of green and blue. It is preferable to place wooden furniture here and, in general, to make sure that there is as much natural as possible in this place - for example, fresh flowers, indoor plants, paintings with flowers, forest, meadow, trees, shrubs, parks, etc. The only thing that should not have a place here is the image of a deserted area devoid of vegetation. Any image of a mill helps to attract money to the house.

So, the main principle of Feng Shui regarding money is to remove clutter and keep the house really clean.

Including throwing out EVERYTHING that is not used.

One of the tools used in energy balancing of the surrounding space is individual card feng shui. It allows you to understand what external influences useful for a particular person and which ones are not.

With the help of an individual map, a harmonious living environment is created for a person, be it a home, an office, a place of recreation or entertainment, which with its energy will fuel all aspects of an individual’s life. Having the information provided by an individual card, a person will be able to navigate the choice of profession, the method of healthy eating, and organize the surrounding space in such a way that the Three Lucks constantly accompany him.

How to make an individual feng shui map?

Download (downloads: 2299). This is a very simple utility that does not require prior installation on your computer. Just download and run it right away. Next, at the top of the menu, click on the first button “Making maps”, then select the time period in which you were born, and follow the first or second arrow on the right with a number (the first column is for men, the second is for women). That's all, a window with your card will open.

If feng shui is just one of the ways to quickly achieve success for you, an individual card is a completely acceptable option. It can show you the right direction without careful additional processing of personal data.

For those who are eager to comprehend the teachings and arrange all aspects of their lives in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, they need to rely on the data of personal analysis, using chinese calendars, calculations of dates and four pillars of fate. But let's return again to our map.

What can you find out with the help of an individual card?

With the help of the map, the personality type is established, favorable and unfavorable circumstances for a person are recognized. For example, this is what a map looks like, which can be built by downloading the determinant from the library:

These cards were presented for a male who was born on January 14, 1988. The presented card recorded the personality type (in in this case- Eastern), equals 4 ( Gua number shows the best direction in space for this person and corresponds to his birth star). This map provides information about which sectors are responsible for certain areas of life, and also shows favorable and unfavorable directions, and predicts possible troubles. It also shows good and bad colors and numbers.

Be this map compiled for a woman, even born on the same day and year, it would be completely different (a woman has Gua number 2 of the same year of birth). So, in addition to the date of birth, the gender of the person is also important. The exact time and place of birth are examined and taken into account in the personality analysis. For a personal card they have no meaning.

Having an individual feng shui map, a person is quite capable of starting to transform his personal space, choosing the best place to place important pieces of furniture, establishing which colors will actively attract good luck, and so on.

Thus, an individual map provides all the basic information necessary to harmonize the living environment and attract positive chi energy.

Video on how to make a treasure map:

Feng Shui wish card

The wish map, or as it is also called, the treasure map, is a unique and very effective tool for fulfilling your most cherished desires. You just need to place images on the Wish Map that represent the fulfillment of your dreams, and very soon you will see that your wishes begin to come true. How does it work?

Why do wishes begin to come true, as if by magic? It's very simple - by creating a Desire Map, we direct our thoughts in the right direction, we don't just dream, we dream with intention. When we look at a map and visualize our desires, our subconscious absorbs this information and immediately starts the mechanism for achieving our goal. As a result, our most cherished desires begin to come true one after another. Don't believe me? And you check...

The wish card is a sheet on which you visualize your dreams, desires, goals, positive attitude for the future and your plans. This is to put it simply and clearly. However, this is not just a piece of paper with pictures from magazines, a wish map is a kind of tool with which you improve your life, systematize your thoughts and desires, and thanks to a clear design and plan, you achieve your goals much faster and easier.

After all, in the process of drawing up a map, you will think carefully before you name your most cherished dreams and desires, which means that they will truly turn out to be the most important in your life. In the process of these thoughts, you make plans for the future, thereby setting yourself up for the best and positive things that will certainly happen to you in the future, this is evidenced by your statements written on the desire map.

Well, magazine clippings are an excellent way to visualize and fulfill desires, because, as you know, people most of receives information from the outside using the eyes, so all clippings serve as an excellent way to program oneself. And for your wish map to work reliably, you need to adhere to some rules when creating it. When to make a wish map? The time to create a wish card must coincide with the new moon according to lunar calendar, because we usually attribute all our grandiose plans to the beginning of some new cycle, calendar or life. What basis should I choose for my wish map?

Most often, whatman paper is used to draw up a wish map, but many people find it inconvenient to work with such a large sheet. You can take any sheet of paper, but it is thick enough so that the paper does not sag from the glue. You can choose any background for the card; if it is a color other than white, then be sure to choose a color that is pleasant to you. Let's start drawing up a wish map. Once the basis has been chosen, you can start drawing up a wish map.

Before you start cutting, gluing or writing something, you need to think carefully about your desires. Choosing desires for a wish map At first, this process will be very difficult, you must clearly define for yourself those desires that you really want to fulfill in the future, the power of thought and your own wish map will contribute to this.

Write down all your desires on a piece of paper in an affirmative form, without using the particle not, for example: My family and I are healthy, I am slim and look good, my man is a decent, successful and sensitive person, my house is cozy, spacious and bright. My life is filled with love and mutual understanding. My work brings me pleasure and a stable income, etc. How to choose images for a wish card?

When you have decided on your desires, start visualizing them, armed with scissors and magazines. Cut out all the pictures that are similar to your desires and dreams, cut out affirmative sentences and words from which you will compose affirmations on the map. You can take a camera with you and take a photo of yourself against the backdrop of your dreams, or use graphic programs to create collages of you sitting in your dream car, etc.

The main thing is to perform all these actions with joy and good mood. Drawing up a wish map When you have prepared everything necessary materials, you can begin to compile the entire map. The base was divided into 9 equal parts, each of which characterizes the cardinal direction. North - career, northeast - knowledge, learning, east - family, southeast - wealth, money, south - fame, reputation, southwest - marriage, love, west - children, creativity, northwest - travel, friends, center – health, harmony.

In the center of the card, place your best photo, the one you captured well and the one you like the most. Around your photo, distribute your dreams and desires into zones, use glue to stick pictures, photographs, clippings, make affirmative sentences from the cut-out words and glue them to the images.

Where to hang the wish card? When the wish card is ready, you need to find a place for it so that you can review it regularly and read all your wishes for yourself. However, it should be hidden from prying eyes, or from people who do not agree and do not support your dreams. The best place for a wish card would be your bedroom, personal closet (place on inside doors), drawer desk etc. The wish card cannot be placed in the toilet or closet.

If guests come to you, then it’s better to hide the wish card, after all, it’s your personal space, your thoughts, plans and dreams, which are best kept away from prying eyes. When will the wish be fulfilled? Each person has his own time frame for the fulfillment of his personal desires, it depends on the desire, and on the Fate of the person, etc. For some, the wish comes true quickly, for others it may not come true at all. The longest period for the fulfillment of a wish among the compilers of such cards was no more than 5 years.

If a desire is not fulfilled for a long time, then you need to let it go, perhaps this is not the desire that you need at a given period of time, switch. If the wish has come true, then the picture with its image can be peeled off from the card; the same must be done with unfulfilled wishes, or if the wish has lost its relevance. Continue to work on your desires, do not leave the map, periodically update it with new desires, ideas and dreams, let it always work for you, and you will understand for yourself what self-hypnosis is and how it works for your benefit.

The Card of Desires is best done on a full moon or on a waxing moon to give the Card symbols the right energy.

Before you start working on the Desire Map, tune in to a positive mood (for example, turn on your favorite music). And remember that by creating a Wish Card, you are not only making a small work of art, but also literally creating your future - that’s why it’s so important to be in good mood and give free rein to your dreams.

And now from the question of how to make a wish card, let’s move on to specific actions.

While listening to music that you like, slowly find and cut out pictures that match and embody your desires.
Determine exactly when your desires should come true.
Place your best photo in the center of the Wish Card, and glue the dream pictures you cut out around it. If you haven't found a suitable picture for your desire, you can draw it, or simply write what exactly you want to achieve.
Come up with a title for each picture (it’s good if your dreams relate to various areas life – love, work, health, leisure, family, children, home and others).
Make your own Map by Bagua grid– to do this, simply divide the sheet into nine sectors of any shape.
A few words about the selection of pictures and how to sign them.

You can write captions for each wish, but do not use “NOT” particles. For example, instead of the words “I DO NOT quarrel with my husband,” write “My husband and I live together.”

In the “Health” sector, you can depict your beautiful body, but again you need to be attentive to the words when signing pictures. So, instead of “I have lost weight”, write “I am slim, I weigh 65 kilograms”, since the words “thin”, “lose weight” and the like contain the root “thin”, which is not good.

In the “Wealth” sector, it is appropriate to place an image of a banknote with a considerable number of zeros after the one and the inscription: “There are 1,000,000 rubles in my bank account.”

In the “Career” sector, you can paste a picture of a successful company and write: “I am the head of company N” and write the amount of your future salary, the range of your responsibilities at this job, and so on.

Place an image in the “Family” sector ideal family– in such a family everyone treats each other with understanding, is healthy and happy. This could be yours too family photo at some of the most joyful and bright moments of life.

In the “Marriage” sector you should place pictures that represent happy family relationships spouses. In their captions, use words such as “love”, “loyalty”, “support”. For example: “I have a reliable, responsible husband who knows how to achieve his goals. He loves me and our children, he leads healthy image life and faithful to the family."

Genuine pleasure from the process and creative scope will make the result of your work the most effective!

When creating your Map of Desires, note that the cardinal directions on the collage must have the correct relationship with each other, that is, North - below or above, South - above or below, East - left or right, West - right or left.

Your Desire Card should be the embodiment of positivity - the image of anything gloomy, alarming, or aggressive is not acceptable. Only beauty, abundance, bright colors, love and health!

Treat everything you depict on the Map as a miracle. There is nothing in life that goes without saying. Your children, family, health, love, prosperity and much more are a daily miracle that will definitely increase with the help of the Desire Card.

It is correct to hang the Desire Card where you sleep, so that when you fall asleep and wake up, you can contemplate your dreams.

And yet, the map of desires is still an auxiliary mechanism. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Therefore, you need to take steps towards each of your desires.