Jose Silva. Jose Silva's method can change your outlook on life

POSITIONS DURING SEXUAL INTERACT (sex), the relative position of the partners’ bodies during sexual intercourse.

There are many options for postures, the choice of which is largely determined by physiological and psychological characteristics partners. One position during sex can be comfortable for a couple in which the man is taller than the partner, while another can satisfy a couple of the same height. The position that is optimal for a woman with a narrow and long vagina is less suitable for a woman whose vagina is short and wide. The choice of sex position is determined by the size of the penis, structural features of a woman’s pelvis or a man’s hips, age, physique of partners, etc.

In addition, changing positions during sexual intercourse (coitus) plays a very noticeable role in overcoming sexual satiety and monotony of sexual life. The choice of position may be related to the type of relationship between partners and the satisfaction of psychological needs: one position is valued by a man who responds best to visual stimuli, the other is chosen by those who strive to unite their bodies.

Ovid in his “Song” teaches gentle girls: “I’m almost embarrassed to say about the most intimate; however, Venus kindly says: “What is Shame? This is exactly my profession.” Everything should be familiar to you, choose the positions that suit you. Not every body position is suitable for every body shape. If your beautiful face adorns you, then lie down on your back. Let me look at you from behind if you like your back. Atalanta wrapped her hips around Milanion's shoulders: if they are slender enough, wrap them around your beloved as well. Sit astride a man if you are small; Andromache did not want to sit astride her Hector because she was tall to the sky. Kneel in bed, tilt the back of your head slightly back; This is how we readily consider a woman's strong thighs.

If your hips are still young and your breasts are also flawless, let the man stand, and you yourself then lie diagonally on the bed... But if childbirth has left folds on your stomach, sit astride in the Parthian fashion: turn your back to him.

There are a thousand types of pleasure: the easiest and most comfortable way is if she lies on the right, half leaning on her side...

The girl feels pleasure from the very depths of her insides; both, relaxed and happy, should feel it at the same time!”

In many ways positions in sexual intercourse (sex) conditioned by established traditions, the nature of the people’s way of life, their ideas about morality, aesthetics, etc.

For example, the “man on top” position, which is common for Europeans, is considered simply obscene by some peoples of Africa and Asia and preference is given to the “woman on top sitting” position. In some countries, the classic position during sex reflects the dominant position of the man and the submissive position of the woman, while other positions indicate gender equality. Extensive information on this issue is contained in treatises on the history of erotic art, and the frequency of depiction of a particular position gives an indirect idea of ​​the prevalence of a particular type of relationship between the sexes. However, not a single book can provide the ideal position of the bodies for each couple during sexual intercourse. She can only give some examples, leaving partners the right to choose the most comfortable and pleasant positions.

When choosing a position for sex, you should take into account the characteristics of your partner, his desires and needs, and be guided by considerations that should harmoniously correlate, first of all, not with your own “I”, but with the capabilities of your partner (see. Sexy harmony). IN married couples the initiator of changes in sexual relations is usually a man. Some women generally resist this, considering their husband’s attempts to change the position for sex as a manifestation of his depravity. Therefore, in matters of changing or choosing an unusual position, the consent of both partners is necessary. Any position during sexual intercourse that gives them pleasure and enjoyment and does not traumatize them morally will be normal for them. From the variety of positions during sexual intercourse, six main ones can be distinguished, which have many options (in some publications there are more than 100 of them).

Basic positions during sexual intercourse (sex)

“Man on top” - position during sexual intercourse (sex)

In this position, the man during sexual intercourse is on top of the woman lying on her back. This position allows you to maintain a fast rhythm of friction and continue mutual caresses with your hands, exchange kisses and see each other’s faces. In this position, a man can support himself by leaning on his palms or elbows, support his partner with his hands on her hips from below, hug her around the waist or hold her by the shoulders.

Other variations of this position during intercourse differ in that the woman holds her legs: she can close them, cross them over the man's body (at his waist, below his hips, etc.) or spread them. In this position, other options are possible: the woman can spread her legs wide apart (comfortable for a woman with a relatively deep vagina and a man with a medium-sized penis), the man holds her legs on his shoulders (the option is preferable for deep penetration with a small penis).

This position, most common in Europe, Russia, and the USA, is called the “conjugal position”: the woman lies on her back, legs spread, bent at the hip and knee joints, the man is on top, facing her, his legs are between her thighs. The Polynesians, when they first saw such a position among European missionaries, called it “missionary.” Ancient Chinese erotological treatises consider this position not only the most important, but also absolutely natural. The previously quoted manual, “The Master Who Penetrated the Mysterious Darkness,” states: “Men and woman must move in accordance with their cosmic direction. A man should hit from above, and a woman should receive from below.” This position allows a man to vary the depth of insertion of the penis into the vagina and the rhythm of friction. However, it is inconvenient if the man is overweight, since he crushes the woman with the weight of his body.

Ideal for " marital position If the bed is hard, it is advisable to place a small pillow under the woman’s buttocks. The position has many options, one of the most effective is that the woman should raise her legs high, wrap them around the man’s torso and place them on his shoulders. Here are several options for the “marital position” given in the Chinese treatise “The Teacher Who Penetrated the Mysterious Darkness.”

« Silkworms tied tightly. The woman, lying supine, with both arms raised up, hugs the man's throat, and crosses her feet behind his back. The man hugs the back of the woman’s neck with both hands, kneels between her thighs and inserts the jade stalk (penis).”
« Dragons twisted into a loop. The woman, lying supine, bends her legs. The man, kneeling between her thighs, pushes the woman’s legs forward with his left hand, bringing them to her breasts, and right hand inserts the jade stalk into the jade gate (vagina).”
« Swallows connect hearts. Having encouraged the woman to lie down and spread her legs, the man sits on her, bends over on her stomach and puts both hands around her throat. The woman hugs the man around the waist with both hands. And the jade stem is inserted into the cinnabar hollow (gender slit).”
« Kingfishers, male and female, copulate. Having encouraged the woman to lie down and grab her legs with her hands, the man sits on his knees, tucking his leg like northern barbarians - hu, spreads his legs and settles between the woman’s thighs. He hugs her waist with both hands and guides the jade stem into the strings of the zither (labia minora).”
« Sea gulls soaring. The man, standing at the edge of the bed, lifts the woman’s legs so that they are suspended, and inserts a jade stem into the middle of the hereditary palace (vagina).”
« Wild horse racing. After inducing the woman to lie down, the man lifts both her legs, places them on his right shoulder and inserts the jade stem deeply into the middle of the jade gate.”
« The horse rushes at full speed. After inducing the woman to lie down, the man squats down, grabs the back of her neck with his left hand, lifts her legs with his right hand, and then inserts the jade stem into the hereditary palace (vagina).”
« The horse kicks its hoof. Having encouraged the woman to lie down, the man lifts one of her legs and places it on his shoulder, and allows the other leg to cling to him and deeply inserts the jade stem into the cinnabar hollow (genital slit), which gives great pleasure.”

“Woman on top” - position during sexual intercourse (sex)

This position during sexual intercourse has two main options: the woman lies on the man or sits on him in the same way as when riding a horse. The “woman on top” position allows her to express herself more actively; she can choose for herself the method of greatest sexual arousal and the desired rhythm of friction.

In many cases, women who had not previously experienced orgasm achieved it for the first time in this position. The woman-on-top position also has some advantages for men, especially those who are older or not particularly energetic. In the position where a woman lies on a man, her stomach and breasts are in close contact with her partner. The position ensures the activity of the woman, who can freely move her pelvis and irritate the clitoris with friction. It is often used in cases where activity is contraindicated for a man. More popular position in sexual intercourse, in which a woman sits on a man. In this case, the insertion of the penis is deep, all walls of the vagina can be stimulated. This position provides strong arousal, since a variety of stimulation of partners is possible, including visual stimulation.

The Chinese treatise “The Teacher Who Penetrated the Mysterious Darkness” gives several versions of this position.
« Butterflies tumbling in the air. The man lies supine with his legs spread. The woman sits on the man facing him and rests both feet on the bed. At the same time, helping herself with her hands, she energetically rushes forward towards the yang sting, penetrating into the middle of the jade gate.”
« Rolling over flying mallards. The man lies supine with his legs spread. A woman sits on a man with her back to him. She rests her feet on the bed, bows her head and, taking the man’s jade stalk in her hands, leads him into the jade gate.”

"On the side"- position during sexual intercourse (sex)

Partners lie in this position during sex on their sides facing each other, the woman’s legs can be spread apart and crossed with the man’s legs, can be straightened or tightly closed. The position requires less effort, both partners can be active and mutually affectionate. This position during intercourse can be recommended for a woman who is in the early stages of pregnancy, as it reduces pressure on the abdomen, but is unacceptable for a couple who prefers a fast rhythm of frictions.

Many of us spend our workday sitting at a desk. And we sit a lot at home: on the sofa, at the kitchen table, in a cozy chair... Your favorite pose gives you away with your head (with your arms and legs).

News sedentary lifestyle is harmful to life (you definitely need to stand or walk for 10–20 minutes every hour!), but there is something else that few people think about: by the way a person sits, you can judge what kind of person he is.

Do you often sit cross-legged? Or leg by leg? Or maybe you like to sit on the floor?

Although you may not realize it, your sitting posture says everything about your mood and personality. Some poses convey aggression, others show that a person is shy or feels uncomfortable.
Find out what your posture says about you!

1. In Turkish

The Turkish pose signals that you feel free.
If your knees point out to the sides, it means that you are physically open to new ideas.
People who often sit cross-legged are characterized by emotional flexibility.

2. With a straight back

Confident people sit with their backs straight.
They are strong and reliable, and people often turn to them for help or comfort.
They keep everything under control, but do not forget to enjoy the little things.

3. Reclining

If a person leans back and leans on his hands, this means that he is analyzing the situation.
Thus, he seems to be looking at her from the outside. He wants to take part in what is happening, but he is careful.
This is how sensitive people sit, attentive to other people’s emotions and experiences.

4. Crossed Ankles

This is how sophisticated, elegant, but at the same time open people sit.
This is a relaxed posture, indicating that the person feels comfortable.
This pose instills confidence in those around you.

5. With your hands on the armrests

If a person sits motionless with his hands on the armrests, this means that he is sensitive and always monitors what is happening around him.
This pose is physically and emotionally calming and gives a feeling of security.
This is how reliable people sit, on whom friends and relatives rely.

6. With crossed arms

This pose signals strength and self-confidence.
It gives a feeling of security: arms crossed on the chest act as a shield.
This is how thoughtful and serious people sit.

7. Sideways

Attentive, naturally affectionate people often sit with their knees pointing to the side. This is also a pose for light flirting! If a person's knees and chest are directed towards the interlocutor, this indicates interest.

8. With your hands between your legs

Hands squeezed between the legs signal embarrassment, as well as attempts to remain calm and collected. This is how insecure people sit, sensitive to other people’s emotions. Such people are gentle and responsive.

9. On my knees

This is a very difficult pose that shows self-confidence.
This is how parents usually sit when playing with their children.
This position is loved by born leaders who can easily solve any problems.

10. Right in the middle

A person who sits exactly in the middle of a bench or sofa is very confident. Such people take their place immediately, without hesitation. They are sociable and make friends easily.

11. Swinging Crossed Legs

A person sitting cross-legged and swinging his leg is organized and punctual. He always keeps his promises and remains calm. Such people are pedantic, so you can always rely on them.

12. With hands on knees

People who sit with their hands on their knees are calm, peaceful and kind. They are hardly very popular, but they always give good advice and can support. They are reliable, polite and always ready to listen.

13. With hands clasped on knees

Emotional people often sit with their fingers tightly clasped in their laps. They love life passionately, and therefore others are always drawn to them. Most of all, they love to inspire and make others laugh.

People spend a lot of time sitting. In most cases, the choice of position occurs on an unconscious level. But, as we know, the unconscious often reveals our character. And if one pose indicates aggressive vibrations, then another demonstrates to others that you feel insecure. Check out the opinions of psychologists.

Crossed legs

If you like to sit cross-legged, it indicates that you feel carefree (don't believe those who say this position is closed). When you bend your knees slightly to the side, you show the world your creativity and openness to new ideas. This position also indicates your emotional flexibility.

Good posture

When a person sits straight with perfect posture, it shows confidence. Such a person is characterized as strong and reliable. However, nothing prevents a person with perfect posture from enjoying the little joys of life.

Back laid back

If, while sitting on a chair, you throw your back back and rest on your hands, this indicates your analytical mindset. This makes it easier to observe the situation without intruding into it. You like to accept things as they come and will think twice before getting involved in an argument. Also, you should not take away the attention and participation that you show towards other people.

Crossed Ankles

This pose reveals a graceful and elegant nature. At the same time, someone who likes to sit with their ankles crossed can be described as an open and grounded person. Psychologists find this leg position to be relatively relaxed. This means that at this moment you feel comfortable. It's likely that your almost royal confidence can rub off on others.

Hands on the armrests

If a person sits motionless on a chair and leans on the armrests, this indicates his excessive sensitivity. He always tries to be aware of his immediate surroundings and tries to be stable both physically and emotionally. This position also indicates comfort, stability and security.

Crossed arms

Arms crossed on the chest give away strong personality, which, however, requires additional protection from exposure outside world. People who frequently cross their arms are thoughtful, serious, and analytical.

Legs laid to the side

This position reveals subtle, caring and romantic natures. Women sit like this when they want to flirt a little. If your knees are pointed towards a potential romantic partner, this symbolizes openness and availability.

Hands folded on hips

Shy and thoughtful individuals are accustomed to holding their hands on their hips. This position also indicates an innate modesty and sensitivity to the needs of other people. This person is distinguished by compassion and extraordinary tenderness.

Sitting on my knees

It is not easy to sit on your knees; your legs quickly become numb and tired. If you choose this position, it characterizes you as a helpful person who strives to resolve any conflict peacefully. Some people spend a lot of time in this position without being forced to. For example, this makes it easier for parents and grandparents to play with young children. Kids grow up, but the habit remains. This position requires you to react quickly, which, however, you demonstrate.

In the center of the bench

When you sit in the center of the bench, you exude absolute confidence in yourself and your abilities. The characteristic of being a “timid person” is definitely not about you. And if restless people take a long time to choose a seat at a social event, you never think twice before choosing where to sit. You do it on a whim.

Frequent changes of positions

When a person often changes position, can shake and swing his legs, this does not mean he is fussy. He is organized and delivers on his promises in a timely manner. Even in moments of general chaos, he will not lose the ability to reason logically. This position also indicates extraordinary psychological flexibility and the ability to guess the behavior of friends.

Hands crossed on knees

This position is characteristic of calm and kind individuals. They probably cannot be called socially active, but they can become excellent conversationalists and true friends. When they engage in conversation, others respect their opinions.

Hands clasped

If you often clasp your hands and place them on your knees, you are a passionate and emotional person. In life, it is difficult for you to keep your passion within certain limits. Because of this strangers they don't often trust you. However, you have a talent for making your friends laugh and feel good.

Seiza (正座)— literally means “ correct sitting"; . It is a traditional way of sitting on the floor (sometimes using pillows or special chairs).

In addition to its utilitarian meaning, the pose often has a ceremonial meaning, which largely depends on the social status, age and gender of the person sitting.

In seiza they sit as follows: shins rest on the floor, feet and back sides toes turned upward; hips rest on internal sides shins, buttocks - on the heels; the big toes either touch each other or slightly overlap each other ( thumb right foot over the big toe of the left).

Women keep their knees together, men usually spread them slightly apart for stability, in accordance with their height and weight. The hands, fingers slightly turned towards each other, rest on top of the thighs with palms down. The elbows are slightly moved away from the body. The back should be straight, but without unnatural rigidity.

There are systematic traditional ways of entering and exiting a sitting pose, depending on the situation and type of clothing.

Sometimes used for sitting special zabuton pillows (座布団).

Sitting in a cross-legged position is considered informal and inappropriate in some situations. However, sometimes it is allowed to sit like this, especially for those for whom. For example, older people or Europeans. But even in such cases, the cross-legged position is considered indecent for women.

Sometimes chairs are provided for elderly or injured people, even when others present are entitled to. Europeans are advised to at least try sit in seiza, especially in formal situations.

People unfamiliar with the technique will likely find that sitting in this position for one to two minutes causes poor circulation in the legs, accompanied by an unpleasant tingling and burning sensation, and then complete numbness in the legs. However, physical discomfort decreases with experience as blood circulation improves. Experienced practitioners can sit in this pose for forty minutes or more with a minimum of discomfort.

Seiza- an integral and obligatory part of a number of traditional Japanese arts, such as meditation, some. Besides, seiza - traditional sitting position during (書道 shodō) and , although with the proliferation of Western-style furniture these days, this posture is not always required.

Many theaters have special areas for traditional productions, such as /Kabuki (歌舞伎). auditorium, Where the audience sits in seiza.

Also sold special folding chairs for seiza, small enough to carry in your bag. Such a chair is located between the legs in order to rest the buttocks on it while sitting in. Chairs create the appearance of sitting in seiza pose and at the same time remove the load from the heels and feet.

While taking a pose seiza moving with the feet and knees shikkō (執行, shikkō suru (執行する) - crawling on your knees) is considered more polite than standing up and walking normally. To perform shikkō correctly, the heels must be brought together and the body must move as one unit. Such movements require the development of the hips, which is considered important for aikidō (合気道).

Instructions for seiza pose if your knee hurts:

They say that seiza pose very good for weight loss and for correcting posture.

The opinions of experts vary: some say that seiza is useful, while others think the opposite. Due to constant sitting in seiza pose The leg bone becomes deformed and a clubfoot appears, which cannot be corrected. In older people, disease and even fragmentation of the knee caps are observed.

Even the most beautiful swimsuit will not emphasize the dignity of your figure if you do not know how to take spectacular poses while sitting. As soon as you hunch over a little, unflattering folds appear on your stomach, even if there is no trace of excess weight. You already know how to pose beautifully while standing, now I’ll tell you how to charm in a photo while sitting in a chair or on the floor.

Convey the mood

Emotions are expressed not only on the face. Your body is an ideal tool for conveying mood (I talked about this in the article Discover your talent as an actor). The pose depends on what exactly you want to reflect.

Intense attention: sitting on the floor, bend one leg under you and place the other in front of you, as in photo 1. Rest your hands on your legs to create the feeling of a compressed spring, ready to fire at any moment.

"Broken Doll": close your knees and turn them inward, as in photo 2. Take your feet far apart, transfer your weight to your hands.

Naturalness and inner freedom: sit on the floor cross-legged. Do not lean on your hands. Or sit on the sofa with one leg tucked under you and lean relaxed to one side, as in photo 3.

Finesse: sit so that the curves of your arms and legs follow their shape.

Soul wide open: lean forward.

Vulnerability: Bend your knees and clasp them with both hands.

Seduction: sit on a wide support, lean back and lean on it with one hand. Place the second one behind your head. Move your hips away from the camera. On the contrary, turn the body towards the camera.

Vamp: sitting sideways to the camera, turn your body, clasp your knees with one hand and lean on the other, as in photo 4. Look straight into the camera with a heavy gaze.

Lolita: straighten up and bend one leg at the knee, lower the other one down. Wrap your hand around your knee.

Self-irony: squat down.

Manage your attention

Strongly bent legs in sitting poses form an arrow, directing the viewer's attention to what the photographer needs. This method is perfect for interacting with other objects in the frame.

Closed hands serve the same purpose. For example, as in photo 5. Brushes folded above the head and creating a “window” draw attention to the face. The girl herself looks thoughtful, her graceful position speaks of self-absorption.

Sitting Postures: Fighting Disadvantages

Poor sitting postures turn you from a beauty into a monster. Follow the advice from the article Posing Techniques and this one, and the prospect of becoming a monster will not threaten you.

What we have: frame metal support at hip level.

What not to do: face the camera; leaning on your hands, transfer your body weight to them in the style of “oh, how tired I am” (as in photo 6).

What we do: turn sideways to the camera, lean on your hips on a support, holding on to it for balance. Raise one leg on the toe (as in photo 7).

What we get: beautiful shape of the legs and a light figure, as if floating in the air - you cannot achieve this effect while sitting on an ordinary chair.

What we have: armchair.

What not to do: sit directly in front of the camera and relax freely in a chair a la “jellyfish” - such sitting positions are good only for “new Russians”.

What we do: We sit down diagonally from the camera, pressing our legs one to the other. Straighten your back, turn your shoulders towards the camera. Do not press your chin to your neck.

What we get: a slender figure, legs from the ears and the absence of a double chin.

What we have: floor.

What not to do: sit down with your legs spread wide and holding your shins with your hands. This sitting position will make you look like a chump.

What we do: We sit sideways (three-quarters) to the camera, bring our knees together and spread our feet. We bend the leg closer to the camera more (as in photo 8). We lean on our hands placed back.

What we get: beautiful and flexible legs, flirty image.

The next article will tell you how to properly pose while lying down.